Necessary Evil [Inactive]

Rob watched as Sniper gave his orders to everyone in the group. "This guy means business," he thought. He knew what Sniper wanted, a fire perimeter, something to protect them. While he didn't like being told what to do, he felt that Sniper was a smart villain. Rob pulled his scepter from behind him and prepared his incarnation.

"Fayer, youl reaz net suoz fremoge," he chanted. The scepter had the head of a lion atop a sturdy golden rod. The eyes of the lion began glowing read, and out of his mouth a fire, so beautiful, blazed out. It flew past Sniper and behind the aliens running towards them, rising 50 feet tall, preventing further forces from joining the rampaging hoard. "Trapped now, eh alien scum?" Rob shouted.

Once the fire wall was established, Rob, holding his scepter forward, was ready to join Sniper and burn some alien brain.
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Blake decided to go on and follow Sniper. Hmmm... I should help Sniper... but I don't wield anything at the moment. She looked around, wondering what she could use. Her eyes caught a street sign. Not the best weapon against aliens, but I guess this would do for now. 'Sides, it's not like I have a choice. "U-uhm, could you wait for me!?", she called out to her current partner, but she didn't bother to see whether he stopped or not. She went to where the street sign was and ripped it off the ground. Swinging it like a bat, she tested her newly acquired "weapon". Ugh, too light. Can this even kill? Blake decided that her question will be answered soon enough when she saw more aliens approaching. She ran after Sniper, following him.
Jaguar grabbed her ears as Cry squealed before giving the girl an annoyed look. "Don't do that again. I have cat ears. It's two times worse for me." She quickly turned her attention to Sniper as he was barking orders. Stop the shipment huh?" she thought with a smirk. Might as well take some for myself while I'm at it. Turning to her assigned partner, she jumped onto the piece of shrapnel without Val's help and landed cat-like on her hands and feet. She rubbed her claw tips together to sharpen them. "Let's teach these aliens it's not nice to steal my loot."
"Sounds like a plan," Val agreed, her sickening grin widening. With a flick of the wrist and no warning to Jaguar, the shrapnel rocketed forward and they went soaring eastward at a breakneck speed.
Brandon sensed both Rob and Cry join beside him. He turned his head to see Cry and quickly turned to look at Rob before bringing his widely opened eyes back to Cry. 'What is she holding? Will that even hurt?' He glanced at her with questioning eyes. Placing his SLP back in his coat, his right hand tugged onto his half empty M60. He had a plan to help Cry's lack of weapon. Giving an acknowledging nod to Rob, he began shooting at the aliens. He kept an eye on Cry as she stood in the battlefield with her weapon. '47 shots and this magazine will be done.' Brandon didn't need to concentrate to take out targets on such a close range. He remembered about his W2000 in the case, which he had left behind. There was no use of a sniper rifle in a close-range battle. "Cry!" he exclaimed as he blocked her path with his left hand holding his MP5. In an affirmative tone, he spoke "There is a rifle in my case. It's heavy and will be a better weapon than that." He didn't look at her when he spoke as he kept his eyes on the aliens.
Jaguar dug her glove claws into the piece of shrapnel to keep her from flying off. Her surprised expression quickly changed back to her roguish smirk. If I were an alien where would I pick up the loot? She asked herself. She looked up at the sky and noticed a large ship that was smaller than the aliens' motherships. Must be a cargo ship. "I think we're getting close."

(OOC: It's getting late where I live, don't advance the plot too much without me.)
Val nodded in agreement to that. The size of the ship suggested that it was important, which also meant that it would be well protected. Which meant flying in would be a little trickier than anticipated. Val shifted her stance and her look became determined.

"Hold tight," She stated. True to assumption, soon after the ship began shooting at them.
Rob acknowledged Sniper's nod with a nod of his own. Following Sniper he held his scepter, chanted the incarnation, and burned some aliens while Sniper shot them. When he saw Cry carry a sign with her, he couldn't help but chuckle, even with aliens bearing down on them.

"At least Sniper has a weapon for her," he thought.

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"Oh, s***!! It's outside the fire barrier!!" exclaimed Brandon upon feeling the heat from Rob's barrier against his skin. He'll have to stick with the previous plan in getting her a weapon. '23 shots left.' A few of the bullets passed through two aliens, earning Brandon extra kills. He peered through the alien hoard to see if Sasuke and Heks had made it behind the aliens yet. Brandon quickly emptied the magazine and dropped it onto the ground. "Use this. Just make sure you don't damage the barrel." He had another magazine and thought he could use it later. Although empty, the machine gun was still quite heavy. He wondered if the petite girl could handle it. He shifted weapons and now held his MP5 in his right hand as he held out the M60 to Cry. '184 shots left.' he thought as he fired his MP5 at the aliens. He noticed Rob had done a good job and burnt down a lot of the aliens.
Blake took the weapon Sniper offered. She was never really good with guns. Feh, I can work with this. All I need to do is pull the trigger, right?, she thought. I'm keeping this, though. Then she kicked the street sign a bit to the side. She tried to shoot at some aliens, missing a bit since she's untrained. Hope Snipey won't get mad at me for wasting some bullets. He is the one who talks to me the most... Hearing footsteps from behind, she looked back to see whether they were coming from allies or enemies.

Definitely enemies., she thought as she saw another group of aliens heading for them. She tried to warn Sniper, but her call turned into a scream when she felt sharp pain on her shoulder. IT SHOT ME! THAT DAMNED THING SHOT ME! Glaring at the approaching group, she yelled at it, "YOU'RE DEAD, YOU EXTRATERRESTRIAL GIT!" She picked up the street sign and hurled it at her shooter. With her strength, it collided with the alien's skull with a satisfying crack, killing it instantly.
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Brandon quickly retorted, turning around and fired at the rest of the aliens that had managed to sneak behind them. He mentally punched himself for not being cautious. He noticed blood flowing from Cry's shoulder. Brandon quickly retrieved his M60 and loaded it with a new magazine. He fired at the approaching hoard, emptying the 100 bullets in the newly loaded magazine. Although every bullet successfully killed an alien, it wasn't enough. There were too many of them and there were just '54 shots' left.

"Rob. Cover us. Give us an opening in the barrier." he commanded as he saw that Rob was busy burning the aliens charging at them. "I need to get her to safety." Brandon didn't know why he was even doing it but he felt it was necessary. Dropping the heavy machine gun to the ground, he turned back to Cry. "Let's go!" he exclaimed as he stood in front of her with his MP5 held high. He changed the magazine of the gun as well. Running a quick hand into his jacket, he felt only two more .45 ACP magazines for his SLP40. 'It's all my fault. We should have fled when we had the chance.' He cursed himself as he eyed around for any alive aliens, wearing a prominent frown on his face. He had faith in Rob and didn't bother to turn back to look at any approaching hindrances. He saw Cry from the corner of his eye. He thought about Cry's famous sonic scream.
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Rob continued shooting brilliant fire, burning every alien he could see. Suddenly, he heard Cry scream "It shot me! That damned thing shot me!

Rob was about to turn, but another alien jumped him while he was distracted.

When he heard Sniper call his name, he finished off the alien and turned around. Seeing Cry on the ground and Sniper next to her, Rob quickly chanted the incarnation. A ring of fire quickly formed around Cry and Sniper. Rob walked closer towards the two, ready to follow them with his ring of fire.

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Daemon looked out from his perch in the back of the unmanned C-130 he'd 'borrowed' via 'asking politely' from a crew a number of miles off shore on one of the more advanced aircraft carriers. Had to hand it to the Americans, if they have one thing down, it is good military equipment. Even if they were a bit spineless versus an angry looking beast that shrugs off anything smaller than a 5.56.

"Thank NATO for their 'humane treatment' crap." he chuckled to himself in a grating, rumbling voice.

As he grew nearer to where he planned on making his departure he took note of two alien dog fighters making a point to line up their shots behind the C-130, and directly in front of him. Cocking a fearsome looking half smirk, Daemon raised his right claw up, holding only his index and middle fingers out, back of the claw facing them.

"Hello lads, I wouldnae guess you're here for a bite tae eat?" Daemon commented idly before launching himself off the back ramp just as they opened fire.

Having ripped a sheet of metal off the inside of the plane just as he lept out, Daemon took a second or two to fold it just right before latching his feet-claws into it. Now he had a skyboard, and this is where he expected things to get fun.

Angling the impromptu board the beast he could, Daemon flew from the sky, using his board to angle and manoeuvre himself towards a roof. Just as he began preparation to disembark his board and leap onto the roof, one of the fighters got off a lucky shot that struck the board and sent Daemon hurtling off sideways right through a skyscraper window.

Smashing through glass, desks, chairs and walls, the beast finally came to a proper stop at the feet of a group of aliens that had seemed to have been holding a meeting. Rising from the floor, Daemon shook his head roughly and took in the view.

There were four aliens before him, and the window on the other side of the building, which told him he'd taken a bit of a tumble. All four aliens started reaching slowly for their weaponry, and Daemon put on a large smile and planted his claws on his hips with a shrug.

"Sorry about that lads, seems I've come off the lift on the wrong floor..."

When this garnered no response, Daemon suddenly lashed out his his right leg, viciously kicking and propelling the nearest alien out through the window into the empty air. He then stepped forward and grabbed the next two, throwing them out after the first one. Finally he snatched up the last one as it tried to flee and started making his way to the window, holding the struggling alien securely.

"Ho no son, you're with me. Daemon, express elevator service, ground floor please."

Stepping straight out into the nothingness, Daemon ignored the faint whistling of wind in his ears and held the now violently struggling alien all the tighter. Then, as quickly as his descent began, it halted with a cement shattering crash that drew all attention to him. Looking around, Daemon took note of the small group of humans and a number of aliens. Namely, though, he noticed a nasty blighter up on the corner of a roof with a sniper rifle.

Despite all the eyes on him, Daemon held out his still breathing 'friend' with his left arm and slapped it lightly on the cheek to bring the alien back to consciousness and smiling at him.

"Hey, hey, that's right, wake up. There we go. See, you're still alive. Great, right? Good, now go give your mate a big happy hug, cause you survived a fall from a skyscraper!"

With that Daemon hurled the unwitting projectile at the sniper on the roof, who has less than a second to react before the pair went tumbling to their deaths off the side of the building. Satisfied, Daemon decided to address his audience.

"Right then, either some of you lot are friendly humans, and others are nasty aliens, or your all nasty aliens, and you lot," Daemon gestured towards the humans on the street, "Are hideously deformed aliens that disgust any gentlealien that happens to walk by with your wretched deformities."

In response one of the aliens shot Daemon in the head.
Brandon's vision was blocked by a blazing fire which now surrounded them. He quickly realized that it was Rob's work and began to walk, standing closely beside Cry. As they made it out of the perimeter, Brandon looked at Rob. "Thanks. That was really helpful." he said.

"Look. I'm going to get her to a hospital or something. You go help Jaguar and Muse. Tell the others that we'll be waiting at Brooklyn Bridge." Turning back to the direction of the perimeter with the reinforcements, he added. "I'm sure Heks and Sasuke can handle the rest of them." They had managed to kill about half of the alien hoard.

Turning to Cry he whispered, "Do you want my help?" He knew that most of the heroes were proud people and, he didn't intend to damage Cry's pride by making her feel helpless and like a liability. He had already damaged enough of her pride by talking to her like she was a young, lost girl earlier.

His quick eye caught a C-130 and a weird figure jump out of the plane.

(OOC: @Thesmashbro and @Kyd Jhesus . Sorry if you guys felt left out. Please join in with your valuable inputs.)
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Heks sat aside and watch her 'team' work. Fight the monster, the aliens. She put up her skin barrier and protected her self. She didn't want to get hurt. Heks was just a normal 27 year old black woman without her magic. If she was to ever be without it, She would be practically naked.

She grimaced as the sniper gave her orders, She shook her head and looked at Sasuke. "I'm not going to be attacking those incoming troops until they attack me. Ninja, Show me your abilities. How strong is a powerless human as yourself.
When he was sure that Sniper and Cry were safe, Robbie extinguished his fire. He then quickly scanned for the nearest vehicle. It was a Ford Crown Vic taxi. How special, driving through NYC in a taxi. As he was about to get into the car, he heard a plane engine above. Looking up, Robbie thought "maybe someone else wants to join the fun."

Robbie honked the horn as he drove past Cry and Sniper, as a way of saying good luck to them. Robbie continued driving towards the East River. When he reached the FDR highway, he heard shots firing. Robbie quickly punched the gas, driving as fast as he could toward the shots, hoping that Muse and Jaguar were not among the many dead.
"Do you want my help?", she heard Sniper ask. "No thanks, I can manage.", Blake said, starting to walk. She scowled at the stinging pain on her shoulder. Yes, it hurt, but she can bear with it... she had to get that "bullet" out, though. She said "bullet", because she didn't really know what the aliens called it. 'Sides, it didn't seem or feel anything like metal. Her eyes widened at the thought of having alien material in her shoulder. "Sniper! You know, I still have that bullet thingy in my shoulder! Maybe if we examine this we could add to the info we have on the alien creatures?", she told him, pausing her little walk. She moved as if to dig out the material from her shoulder, vaguely hearing the sound of a horn as a car drove by.
Brandon's face fell when Cry rejected his help but he concluded that she probably needed her space and he wasn't one to interfere. He felt responsible for her getting hurt. Brandon looked back in the direction of the alien hoard wondering if he should go back. 'With such less ammo. I don't think so.' His eyes then traveled to the skyscraper on which the weird creature that jumped from the plane had crashed in. It looked different from the usual aliens which made Brandon curious. As he began to tread toward his case with the rifle to leave towards the building, he heard Cry's voice calling out to him. He immediately turned on his toes and caught every word that escaped her mouth. 'That's actually not such a bad idea.' he thought as he strolled towards her. She moved her hand towards her shoulder to remove the slug. In the corner of his eye he saw Vulcan leave in a car, heading toward Jaguar and Muse. "Are you sure you should be doing that? We can go to a hospital or something." said Brandon. He knew she was strong enough to handle the pain but he wasn't comfortable with her removing it herself. Besides, she would need stitches.
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'Well, I s'pose the lot of them being nasty in general could have happened as well.' Daemon thought to himself, remembering the general attitude of the street punks he'd sent scurrying off after killing the aliens.

Having realised that the ground wasn't the best place for reconnaissance, Daemon made his way up the side of a building. All was going well until one of the dog fighters started hovering about him. Before it could open fire, Daemon leapt onto the front of it and began tearing at the cockpit components as the alien fumbled with the rigging holding it in the seat as the vehicle began to spin out of control and fall towards the ground.

Some sort of warning began getting repeated over and over as Daemon rode the vehicle towards the ground, making sure to hold the alien in it's seat and smiling 'cheerfully'.

"You know what, son? I'll bet I know what that warning is saying." Daemon stated proudly, "Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks, bollocks..."

Daemon repeated the line in time with the warning until the craft slammed into the street and slid a few metres. Once it stopped, Daemon hopped off backwards and gave a joking salute to the dead-on-impact alien pilot.

"Cheerio, mate."

Daemon turned and realised he was at one end of a street, and there was a car heading the opposite way and a man and a young girl in the street.

"Oh look, more people..."

(Ooc: The post in which Daemon meets Sniper and Cry. Threaten, smile, shoot him in the face and watch as he laughs it off. I acknowledge his differences and understand why a character would react however they do.[unless they called him a puppy and hugged, that'd be just plain stupid since he is an unknown.])
"If that's the case, you are not going to attack anyone at all." Sasuke said to Heks before vanishing. He sneaked up on the alien at the back of the formation and reappeared right before forcing his hand over the alien's mouth, activating his knockout gloves. The alien went down silently since its mouth was covered by Sasuke's hand. He then proceed to vanish again and repeat the process to each of the aliens at the rear of the formation.
"Bring up a shrapnel shield!" Jaguar ordered as the alien ship started to shoot at Val and herself. As the alien projectiles landed too close for comfort, Jaguar noted what looked like the alien's loading area in the street. She estimated another 200 yards or so remained between them and the aliens. A smirk formed on Jaguar's face, she had just cooked up a crazy plan. "Get ready to jump when I tell ya. We'll let this shrapnel board take out a couple aliens once we're close enough." 150 yards, 100 yards, 50 yards.... "Jump!" Jaguar didn't let the sound of her words linger in the air for long before she jumped off the back of the shrapnel board. She tucked and rolled once she hit the ground and ended her landing on all fours. She quickly started to turn her head to locate Val.
Kay had been watching the group of villains battle it out with the aliens for quite a while feeling no rhyme or reason for why she should help them.

Massacrade didn't help people unless it was to her own advantage and then she kills them afterwards.

But now she was curious and got closer throwing a dagger at alien's head carelessly. These were her humans to torture, not theirs.

She stood perched on a balcony above where the Jaguar was watching her with a rare interest.
Val followed suit after Jaguar, leaping off and tucking into a backflip, slowing her decent with psychokinesis. She nodded to Jaguar, signaling that she was ready to move forward. Her eyes darted over the battle field in front of them. These aliens seemed to some semblance of order and she noted it was like watching worker ants building their hill.

"We need to take out the order!" She called to Jaguar, already reaching out with her mind to survey inside the ship.
Robbie rushed up the FDR towards the port. When he saw Jaguar hit the ground on her hands and feet, he swerved the taxi to avoid hitting her, bailing from the driver's seat. Robbie rolled on the ground for a few seconds, catching a quick glimpse of the yellow taxi driving over the barrier and into the river.

When he finally stopped, Robbie stood, brushed the dirt off of him, and ran towards Jaguar. Shortly after, Muse rolled up next to her. When he caught up to them, he decided to provide some of his own guidance. The best bet to take out this cargo ship was to split and flank them on three sides.

"If we steal a boat, we can sail quietly towards the ship, undetected. Jaguar can jump up the stern, Muse can climb up from the side, and I can climb up the bow. With Jaguar's cat-like stealth, Muse's dangerous psychokinesis, and my firepower, we should cripple them where it hurts. If we attack them all at once unnoticed, they'll be defenseless," he told Muse and Jaguar when he caught up to them.

He remained quiet and waited for a response.
"Well, that would certainly take out the order," Muse agreed. She pressed her pointer finger to her lips and narrowed her eyes, thinking. "However... I have a feeling that wouldn't work. The boats here are quite easy to spot, and these aliens have very good sight so if we were to steal a ship we'd be shot down immediately.

"We need a more discreet entrance. Perhaps that could work, if someone were to provide a distraction," Val explained, lowering her hand from her mouth. She looked between Vulcan and Jaguar. "All things considered, Vulcan or I would be best for that. I'm willing to call the attention to myself so you can get inside and sink the ship."
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