• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Natural Selection [Reboot]

I obviously don't check the OOC enough. 43 pages? Oh my.

Edit: Actually 44
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Hi everyone,

Just needed to let ya'll know that I'm going on a cruise this Friday and that I'll return Monday~

Some of you will see this message twice >.>
SachiGrl said:
Hi everyone,
Just needed to let ya'll know that I'm going on a cruise this Friday and that I'll return Monday~

Some of you will see this message twice >.>
Alright girl
[QUOTE="Irina Peltavaskiy]ugh, wish i had joined the party sooner >.< Stupid notifications. Hnnngh

There's a spot in the Apprentices if you want to join. Make sure you've read the rules.

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