Natural Selection is Interfering with my Fun-filled School life.


Lizard knight Overlord
Character Form


Age (Any school age)


Appearance: (Drawn or anime pictures preferably.)


Special traits: (Quirks, talents, anything.)


Despite this being a basic Form I'd like you to make it as detailed as possible. No one line descriptions. That doesn't help anybody. Refer to my Form as reference.

(Remember, you're just normal kids for now.)
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Name: Amber Wells

Age: 17

Personality: Shy at first, easily angered and has trust issues. Swears a lot but in a playful manner.

Appearance: Rather tall, long red hair, green eyes.

Bio: She has had many health issues in the past and her mother killed herself. She is raising her younger sister because her father is a drunk and doesn't work.

Special Traits: Likes fire, can sing, play instruments, and is a quick and smart thinker.
Name: Lilith Falls

Age: 17

Personality: October is a naturally curious, stubborn and sensitive person. She always gets in trouble at school because she is off exploring somewhere alone with her inner conflicting and often confusing emotions that get in the way of everything. With little time to make any friends, none really, October can be sarcastic, snarky, smart, constantly looking for a new challenge, mopey and depressing.



Bio: October grew up in a poor, crime stricken family. Her childhood consisted of violence, abusive strangers, an usually absent father (he was always at the local pub passed out, drunk on the floor) and a selfish, sexually addicted mother with no one to save her from herself. She often turned to the pain of misery as her comfort and grew into the crowd of heavy, loud music and cutting to take the emotional pain away. She's never grown out of her 'emo' stage and often looses her calm, cool demeanour when threatened.

Special traits: Has an uncanny way of getting out of trouble, usually by coincidence. She can handle pain more than most people, and usually almost never gets sick...

Other: Loves hardcore music and art of all types.
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Name: Lufete Heiuku

Age: 16

Personality: Lufete is a rather upbeat person. Sanguine in nature. always seeing the sliver lining and the bright side of everything, Which makes him a fairly good pep-talker and a rather enjoyable person to be around.

His rather charmingly optimistic personality and sense of dry humor make him a nice person to be around, and a beacon of enjoyable companionship, not many downsides to his personality. He's human, he has moments of sadness and anger as any person does, but for the most part he's a rather enjoyably affectionate fellow.

He expresses a fair amount of Effeminate qualities in the way he treats others, he trusts more or less everyone until proven otherwise, seems to not put much thought into his words before he says them and saying whatever helpful thing comes off his head. Leading to a fair amount of situations where his humor isn't found funny and his optimism is seen as threatening instead of friendly.

Gender: Male




Growing up in the town since his childhood (As everyone else in the current generation did.) And having a Nice and enjoyable life. He was fairly well educated, had (And still has) Two loving parents of which supported him in whatever. a younger sister of the age of 8 currently and all in all a rather bright upbringing. There's not much to say to his past. His father is the cousin of the current mayor of the city and one of the rather influential family's in town, thanks to this he was able to get his hands on quite a few books imported from the outside world that are kept exclusively in the library of the mayor's house. Of which him and his family are graciously allowed to reside in.

His family. to focus on, is his loving father. Jerel Heiuku. 40. And His Mother. Lisabeth Heiuku. 35. They both are supportive and caring people of which Lufete respects and love immensely and owes quite a bit of his mannerisms to, His Sister. Rosalia Heiuku. 8, is an adorably pure and innocent child of which Lufete cares more than anything in the world for, and would go to great lengths to protect her from any danger.

Special traits: Extremely optimistic and hopeful. Protective. is fairly physically fit. Rather average in that regard. Possesses fabulous hair.

Other: Of course, I left some things out. As character development is key.
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Name: Mars Kusanagi

Age 17

Personality: Mars is a very analytical, calculating person. He is always looking at things from a logical point of view, making him seem rather blunt. Despite this, he always likes to joke around and have fun. He also likes to push himself to his limits and challenge himself in anything. He is a very level headed person and doesn't let his emotions get the better of him. He is a good person to talk to if you want an honest opinion on something, but not if you want sympathy. Some people describe him as quiet, but this is because he tries not to talk unless he has something to actually add to the conversation, and sometimes he thinks too hard on what to say and looses his chance to say it.

Gender: Male




Mars grew up in a rather average family, with a caring mother and father. His mother studied psychology and later became a psychologist, while his father became a police officer, and later a detective. Because of this, Mars learned to observe and analyse a situation rather well. When his father was home, he often let him help with some of the cases he had. Mars did have a brother 3 years older than him, but he left the house at the young age of 14 and never showed up again. From what he remembers, his brother seemed to love the company of other people and always tried to act smarter than he was. because of this, Mars never really liked him and therefore didn't miss him.

Special traits: Good at staying calm most of the time, can logically examine a situation, is average in fitness but makes up for it with his cunning mind.

Other: If bio seems a little lacking, it's because I left some things out for development later on.
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