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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open)

since the first time we had our fits knowing it wasnt done xD

It's in the additional IC tab. Don't post any characters, since it'll be in the main thread, but ye owo it's there for ye
*drowns in codes*

Want me to post my character so you can what I did?
I must say though, im all about very detailed characters so i like this

But the codes @^@
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]I must say though, im all about very detailed characters so i like this
But the codes @^@

Hehe mine has more
Federoff said:
I'm not sure a d&d style (even if it's only half) would work if we don't use die
Idk how Morg wants it done, but as we continue, we'll improve and shit. It's his idea, not mine.
*tilts head* Yeah, I'm gonna need some context for the attributes and the points system. I play D&D avidly, but I dunno how this works.



Personal Details
Full Name: Wylloh (No Surname)

Nickname: Wyll

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Hybrid - Half-Human, Half-Reptile

Aspect: Lady Valaria - Aspect of Nature and Life

Birthmark: This mark is located along Wyll's right side, as portrayed in the picture below.


Element: Nature

Class: Archer/Alchemist

Religious Alignment: Worshiper of Life/Nature



Sunny Days

Practicing Archery


Close Combat


Harming Nature

Personality: Wylloh is quite a relaxed female who doesn't anger easily. She's usually the peacemaker of any altercation she witnesses or is a part of. She prefers to be kind, open-minded, and accepting, since that is what she needed as a young child but never experienced. Her determination to help others is what makes her so easy to approach, and her career/class also requires social interaction. When she's talking to people, she avoids being rude and doesn't interrupt often, unless she's excited (usually over plants or potions). She expects others to treat her the way they wish to be treated, but has often been told she is 'too nice.'

However, Wyll is fully capable of being the opposite of nice. She has a way of turning off her emotions, allowing her to make harsh decisions or to be brutally honest. She doesn't do this often, but she will if the situation calls for it and when her emotions are too clouded to make a final decision. She behaves similarly when she is alone - she's quiet and reserved, often thinking to herself and avoiding thinking about her emotions. Sitting outside and working with nature makes her happy, and she can often be found lounging in trees.

History: Wylloh was born in the continent of Landfall, more specifically in a small village called Dorothen (location will be explained later). Before she was born, her parents lived in a human town known as Riverfell (location will also be explained later). Riverfell was a beautiful place before the humans gained control of it, but now it harbors criminals, is polluted, and has lost all of its natural value. Wyll's parents were not criminals or corrupt like the rest of Riverfell's population, but everyone else did not approve of their cross-species relationship. Many people wanted to kill Wyll's parents because of their oncoming child, so the two of them had to flee to the small village, Dorothen.

The village of Dorothen is inhabited by druids of all kinds, who value life as a whole. Despite their serene natures, the druids of Dorothen did not show emotion and taught everyone to keep their emotions hidden from the world to protect themselves, since emotions often lead to bad decisions. Wyll grew up believing the same things they did, but honestly wanted someone she could express her feelings to. After her parents had her, they left her in Dorothen to lead the criminals of Riverfell away from their daughter, and that was the last she had heard from them.

In the druid city, Wyll learned how to identify different plants and use them for different mixtures and potions, learning about their capabilities and how to avoid harming herself with the dangerous plants. She also learned how to protect herself from afar, and was also taught how to harness her powers once the druids realized she was special. Over time she became a skilled Archer and Alchemist, but she wanted to explore outside the forest city's border. Once she turned 18, the hybrid left Dorothen after being blessed by the druid leader (there were no tears, since everyone keeps their emotions hidden), and Wyll left to explore the continent of Landfall.
Hair Color(s): Mixture of Light/Dark Blue-Green Shades

Eye Color(s): Light Blue-Green

Skin Color(s): Light Tan

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 142 lbs.

Scars: A scar in the shape of a thick line along the top of her thigh from an arrow wound she received when she was young, and a longer scar in the shape of a line across her abdomen.

Tattoos: A colored tree located in between her shoulder blades, image below.


Other: She has scales the same color as her hair and eyes along the small of her back, and her cold-blood is a dark green color.

Physical/Social/Mental Attributes:







Magical Abilities:

Health Regeneration * * *

Any wounds she obtains heal at a faster rate than normal humans' wounds do. If they're small cuts, they will heal completely within a minute, and if they're larger, it takes longer.

Camouflage * * *

She can blend in with her surroundings in a nature-filled environment (such as jungles or forests), but cannot hide out in the open or in the water (especially not in deserts, although she loves the heat).

Plant Manipulation *

Since she is only a beginner with this power, she can only help plants grow, especially after she takes a cutting from the plants to use for her alchemy.

Infrared Vision * * *

She can see other heat signatures when using this ability. She doesn't have one herself, since she's cold-blooded, which helps her focus on others' heat signatures.

Armour: Her armour is fashioned from nature (some of her plant manipulation helped), leather, and cloth - archers have light armour. She wears a hood and cowl when she's hunting, but when she's in cities or socializing, the hood and cowl come down to her neck and back, keeping her warm. Her armour covers the symbol that marks her as an Aspect Champion, as well as the scales that show she's a hybrid. People think she's human, due to her appearance, despite her strange hair and eye color. She also carries a satchel that holds her vials and ingredients.



Weapon(s): Her bow and arrows are green in color and designed to look like they're made with scales. She can poison tip them with her concoctions and they can blend in with her surroundings when she is using her Camouflage ability.



Advanced Smell

Can Read Lips

Can Jump High/Good Climber


Requires Heat

Bad Sense of Hearing

Not Strong


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okay so, correct me if I am wrong ana, but here is how I believe it is like.

You will choose Skills/Powers for your characters and divide up the 10 points between them, each point per ability determines how strong that ability will be, 1 being the weakest and 5 being the strongest. Since there are 10, it looks like you could theoretically have 10 weak abilities to start off with, but it would be wise to have a combination of strong and weak powers
Federoff said:
okay so, correct me if I am wrong ana, but here is how I believe it is like.
You will choose Skills/Powers for your characters and divide up the 10 points between them, each point per ability determines how strong that ability will be, 1 being the weakest and 5 being the strongest. Since there are 10, it looks like you could theoretically have 10 weak abilities to start off with, but it would be wise to have a combination of strong and weak powers
Yis that's right
I just realized I shared my character o-o' who may be shitty ;-;
How very forward of you ._.

I don't believe in beating around the bush. Let's try to be friends now?
Anaxileah said:
I just realized I shared my character o-o' who may be shitty ;-;
Why is it shitty? If it has everything you want, then its perfect
In that case I'm gonna need some tips for my magical abilities, seeing as his only real magical ability is production and control of hell fire.

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