Native American, slave, or neko?...


Queen of the Nerds
I have three ideas on the t0p of my head currently and would love to see if anyone would be interested in a role-play from one of these topics:

1. Native American tribe life (set back to the original tribes and time period of course.)

2. Slave (either human slave to human master, supernatural slave to supernatural master, human slave to sn master, or sn to human master.)

3. Neko (Oh how I love those fluffy half cats!)

Comment for anyone and there just might be a role-play to follow.
Which paring would you two like to do?

1. Human slave; human master

2. Supernatural slave; human master

3. Human slave ; Supernatural master

4. Supernatural ; supernatural

Also there would be a standard of rp. Meaning at least a paragraph, good grammar, punctuation, and all that good stuff. Just a warning.

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