[Nations of Men] (Nation) Spain


Rule the World... with this Rock I will

Leader - King Carlos de Fuentes I

Government – Monarch/Dictatorship (mainly a Dictatorship under the guise of a Monarchy)

Economic Tier -

Tier 3


The Spanish were set to come out of WWI completely unscathed due to King Alfonso XIII’s decision to remain neutral in the war. And it would of worked if it weren't for those meddlesome kids…. I mean a particularly spiteful Spanish General named Carlos Rios. Furious with the King for his pacifist - and therefore weak - choices, the General spent months rallying support before finally declaring war on the Spanish Monarch. The General used Alfonso’s decision to refuse attacking the Allies – in particular America in retaliation for the Spanish-America War in 1898 – as the major platform in his bid to create an army to challenge the King. The ploy worked to perfection as half the Spanish Army threw their support behind the rebellious General. With his new-found army, Rios waged a hit and run war against Alfonso XIII’s forces, focusing on capturing – rather than destroying – Alfonso’s supporters.

The Spanish Civil War lasted 4 years and ended with General Rios trapping King Alfonso and his most loyal units at Toledo. The final battle waged for weeks and both sides suffered massive casualties but in the end Carlos forces pushed through and Alfonso was killed, ending the War on 3rd January 1920.

Weeks later in Madrid, Carlos was crowned King Carlos de Fuentes I. He also used the occasion to form a small elite military unit named the Knights of Santiago, made up of the veteran survivors of the units that led the final assault on Alfonso XIII at Toledo. King Carlos now has the task of uniting his units with the remaining forces that were once loyal to King Alfonso, all the while setting his sights on Portugal and reuniting the Iberian Peninsula.

Major Cities -

Madrid (Capital),





Population -


Population Happiness -


Your population has is just starting to recover form a civil war. Many people fallow you out of loyalty, but since the drastic take over of the previous Royalty, many people fallow the New Order out of fear then anything else. As well as small groups still fighting for the old King.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_04/57a8bfb40bd5f_SpainFlag.jpg.3a48f00f64d909b4d88bae37580d5154.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23397" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_04/57a8bfb40bd5f_SpainFlag.jpg.3a48f00f64d909b4d88bae37580d5154.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Spanish Armed Forces

Spanish Army


1st Battalion

1,000 Trooper Units

500 Artillery Units

200 Tank Units

2nd Battalion

1,000 Trooper Units

500 Artillery Units

200 Tank Units

Spanish Armada


100 Frigates

60 Destroyers

40 Cruisers

20 Transport Ships

Spanish Air Force


100 Bi-Planes

50 Heavy Bi-Planes

Royal Guard


50 Spies

Must Research and Develop all special or new units.

Order of Santiago


Must Research and Develop all special or new units.

Okay, first off, no real Unique Units. Your Royal Guard, or Order of Santiago must be Researched and Developed before these organizations and or units take full effect. In till then you have the regular unit list as everyone else...

Congratulations, you are done and pimped. Please fill out all other necessary forums, and if you have any questions feel free to talk in the Discussion thread or feel free to PM me about them.

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