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Fantasy NAS OOC

I've been busy. We got five new cake orders just this morning, plus the five we already had for pickup this week... X/
Cake orders? Does your family run a bakery?
Not exactly. We have an ice cream shop and we've recently started making ice cream cakes. That's about the only thing we can do right now since the province is currently in lockdown. ^^;
♡(。- ω -) That's so cool! My mother's a baker, so that's why I was so curious. You used province, are you Canadian as well?
Same! (Is this an opportunity for me to complain about the French curriculum?)

Unless you're from Quebec, of course.
Lol, only barely crossed the border into Quebec for a weekend one time to go white water rafting. XP
I went on a trip there when I was like... 8. The only thing I really avidly remember was my father cursing because somebody had cut him off, which is apparently a stereotypical thing to occur, lol. You're from Ontario? (Christ, sorry if this sounds creepy, feel free to not answer.)
Wdym by that? Sorry, I'm from Ontario as well, but I've never actually lived anywhere in Canada outside of it. (Unless you count staying in Quebec for a week during summer, as living.) I'm hoping to go to uni in the States though, 'cause I'm utterly bored here.

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