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Fandom Naruto: world in choas.

Kira had to think quick. She raised a huge wall of sand in an attempt to have enough to absorb most of the blast. She hoped Ekichuu was at a safe distance.
"Cool!!" Rita said " raika do you wanna come along?" She asked ber knowing she heard everything they said. Raika looked at the two leopards " sure why not" she said with a smile and got out of bed.
Gus screamed "How did you survive THAT?!" his chest ripped open, spewing out a large copy of himself, acting like a shield for him. with his other hands, he made large blocks of clay from his hands, sending him plummeting faster and faster as his weight increased. His horde of C1s engulfed Dobi, becoming a large sphere, while the C4 glowed. (Since you warned me like last time, i will do the same. This attack is almost guaranteed to be murder if it works)

Gus made the clay be infused with air at the last few seconds, flying upward and onto the dome of Kira, where slammed his hand down and made a hole to her. He looked at her with his mask and said, "What do you say for cease fire? You look your working for the good of your village.. i work for Hokage." He was gambling here, he was prepared to make a barrier of explosive clay.
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Giuken Ryu

"Ah maybe I should stop toying with you two now" Dodi said he began to use one of his own made jutsu's " Dark Release: half darkness". It is a jutsu that allows the user to drain all active none human chakra so like the clay around him without chakra its just clay not explosive clay and that's what he was making it. After he did this which showed no sign of him doing anything he decided to show them what he is really about. He removed his armor which much like rock lee had hidden weights in them to make things harder for him... "Wait your working for the Hokage well then they is no need to fight" Dodi shouted as he cut his way though the clay. "I'm here on my last orders from the land of iron" Dodi said as he pulled out a letter.
Koga Tense

Koga walked back up to the door. "Sorry it seems something just came up so come now off to your mission." Koga said as he shut his door. "Right then Rita, Nix and Raika hold onto me." Koga said as he was planning to teleport them to a open area to show them the nine tails.
Rita and nix jumped on his shoulders and raika went and grabbed his arm. The three waited for koga to teleport them.
Kira's eyes had widened. Much like Gaara the first time someone penetrated his "ultimate" defense. "H-how!!?" she began to panic. What was this guy plotting? If he was with the hokage than why was he doing this!? She started to grab her head in what looked like agonizing pain. "Arrghh!!" she screamed the jewel in her chest and on Rai beginning to glow bright. Then suddenly she was on fire and growing a tail and she suddenly wore a green mask on her face. The creature roared and began to simply burn the whole place down flames everywhere it looked like a living hell. "Uggghh.... Run away NOW!!" Kimiko spoke but it was too late the beast was taking over this was no Jinchuriki, no something different entirely. But equally if not more dangerous.
Koga Tense

Koga teleported them to a open grassy area.. which was inside a cave with a very high ceiling. "This is where the Tense clan was set up If your wondering how I know this place." Koga said remembering the first time he saw this place.
(Btw nobody is on fire yet, that's why she's telling everyone to run before she kills everyone, wanted to make it clear they can still escape)
Ekichuu Aburame

Ejuchuu was watching what happened during the fight. Upon seeing her sensei change into something else entirely Ekichuu ran over to her... "Sensei whats happening to you" Ekichuu asked looking at her how can she change like that Ekichuu was wondering.
Gus said "frickin hell.." he decided play time was over, where he then made 3 shadow clones of himself. Two of them attached chakra lines to the other two, and started to regenerate their chakra, while the other two make water jutsu. The front two screamed "Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet!" Two dragons ripped forward, trying to attack the flaming Kira. The clone with the blue black pack then escaped, while the clone with the red opened his shirt, having spotted the near by Demon of the Six paths. Using his chest to birth a C3 bomb, he used his other 3 mouths to spew out C1s in large quantity. (the Other two copies have a Green, and Red back pack)
Rita and nix jumped down and start3d to look around. " hey rsika are you gonna let him go or keep holding on ti him??" Rita teased and nix snickered. Raika looked at them and then at koga and then at his arm she lets goes and doesn't say anything. Rita and nix started laughing.
( xD )

The beast was no longer Kira she had lost control of her body and IT was in control now. The last words Kimiko managed to get was "Dammit!, Ekichuu you idiot!!" and incredibly intense flames went in her direction to luckily be doused by Gus's water Dragon which had missed entirely. All he managed to do was piss it off. It roared louder, the whole leaf village could probably hear it. It's huge claws flung in his direction angrily.
Giuken Ryu

Dodi made 10 shadow clones and surrounded his opponent all getting ready to do the same jutsu Explosion Release: Landmine Fist. Well all but the real him the real him was starting to use Dark Release: Inhaling Maw since this being would have had a lot of chakra this would be very strong against it.

((New order since Ekichuu joined. Kira, Gus, Dodi then Ekichuu)) 
Ekichuu Aburame

Ekichuu had a decision she could run or fight. She choice to fight. Using the same plan as Dodi but without the clones. She sent most of her kikaichū towards her sensei in order to drain her chakra.

Koga Tense

"O come on you had to ruin the moment girls I was enjoying that" Koga said joining in the teasing. "So you want to see Kurama do you give me a moment this isn't easy" Koga said as he stated to summon Kurama.
Raika turned slightly red. She made a few sighs and summoned sora and riku. " there you are!" Sora went and pounce on nix" " riku!!" Rita pounced and licked his face. Riku chuckled and raika giggled. Riku chuckled " hey rita" rita giggled. Nix giggled " hey sora" riak looked at koga " that should keep them busy" she giggled " okie take your time"
The creature shrieked as it's chakra was drained by the two shinobi. "Rawr!! "It swiped its claws at them again in attempt to stop them.
Koga Tense

Koga let out a shriek of pain as the summoning came to a end when a lot of smoke appeared and underneath it the shadow of the nine tailed fox Kurama. Koga was heavily panting and only just being able to bring himself to stand up. "Its been a while eh Kurama" Koga said looking toward the fox. "Ah Koga how nice of you to summon me this is a treat." Kurama said looking towards all the leopards. "What did you even bring me food." Kurama asked as it licked its lips. "No that an't for you or anyone." Koga said as he fell to a knee on the floor.
Rita and nix stopped playing with their mates and looked at kurama. Sora amd riku got in front front of them and glared. Raika sighed "guys calm down he is gonna eat you..." she went over to koga " are you ok??" She asked him.
Realizing the battle was so sever, the 3 clones decided to end it. Each of them morphed their form into their Chakra, and they became the Trimons. Water, Earth, and Lightning all said their respective release...

Water: Makes a Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystal field, with 8 levels instead of 2. He then went into it, made ninjustu, every 6 seconds a Black Dragon Blizzard would fire from a random mirror.

Earth: Makes explosive clay spikes rip from his palms, and he goes into the crystals, slashing at anyone he can attack. Whenever he hit an opponent, multiple C1s birthed from the strike and then would explode again

Lightning: Makes dual lightning cutters, goes into the crystals, and attacks anyone he can. If he lands a direct hit, the target will act as if it got hit by a Chidori current, aka they can't move the area he hit for a few seconds.

Extra: The mirror is 1: resistant to Fire and 2: surrounding all 3 of my foes, so the distance between mirrors isn't that large, but enough that an explosive tag could only get one.
Koga Tense

"Yeah I'm fine it just takes a lot out of me since I also have to break the seal to do this" Koga said as he attempted to stand back up but he just ended up falling down again. "Ha this is what you've become you can't even stand on your own two feet I think I will eat the leopards and you won't be able to do anything about it."kurama said. "Dont even think about it" Koga said looking straight at kurama with a killers look in his eye. kurama grins "Now that's why I respected you that look in your eye you're a killer born and breed" kurama said. koga just nodded his head side to side in a disapprovered manner but didn't say a thing.

Giuken Ryu

Dodi made all of his shadow clones which where waiting for his signal to use landmine fist which all ten around it did. Dodi then stopped draining its chakra for a second but instead jumped up to where Fūma Kotarō was. "Attack her but take her alive she could prove most useful I'll take the Aburame girl that I saved as a bargaining chip so she will work with us." Dodi whispered to Kotaro. As he jumped next to Ekichuu Aburame and went back to draining it. 
Ekichuu Aburame

Ekichuu just continued to drain its chakra using her insects she didn't want to hurt her sensei but she sounded in pain. She never noticed that Dodi was very close by.
Raika caught koga and help him sit up. " kurama please dont eat my leopards... they just want to be friends with you..." sora and riku was in an attack stance and was glaring at kurama " would you two calm down" rita said to riku and sora " yeah he is just kidding he isn't really gonna eat us...." nix said and looked at kurama " right?" " we just wanna be friends...." rita added.
The beast was getting weaker and actually smaller the more chakra was drained from it. It was really ticked off now. It spewed more fire and what was left of the building was burn't to a crisp things fallen down and the wood feeding the flames. Just a little bit more and it would be forced to give Kimiko her body back.
Koga Tense

"Kurama I let you out for a bit to make friends and this is what you do threaten to eat them." Koga said upset that he can't just make a effort so koga somehow managed to stand up but he had a emotionless look in his eyes. He began to walk towards Kurama who seemed to be backing away from Koga when they were in touching distance all Koga did was put one hand on Kurama's face and Kurama sat down and seemed calm rather that out for blood. Koga then blinked and the emotion came back into his eyes "At least try" Koga said towards Kurama before he walked back to Raika "Thank you for your help" He said smiling before he turned to face Kurama.
Riku and sora were still in their attack stance. Rita and nix rolled their eyes " guys seriously..... your too over protective!!!" Rita and nix looked at each other and ran past sora and riku and started to run around kurama laughing and giggled. Sora and rikj sighed and walked up to him " hi I am sora" " i am riku" rita stopped " I am rita" nix pounced on rita " and I am nix, nice to meet you! " she giggled. Raika smiles at the 4 and looks at koga " no problem, they love to make new friends" she giggled a little.

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