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Fandom Naruto: The Awakened Darkness Character Index


Pillow Queen of Doom ~ Valen's BooBear <3
Here is the long awaited CS for everyone! Do make sure to reserve and begin working on your character sheets for approval. When you're done please reach out to myself or Valen Valen for given approval on your character

Team: Will be assigned by GM's upon completion of character.

Health Ailments:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:

Personality: ( Positive and Negative listed separately.)

(Fill in and reviwew with GM's)
Weapon Speciality:
( If you have one.)
Views on Situation: (The current peace, The Hidden Leaf, Your Team/Leader)
Favorite Song:
[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=flex][div class=left][div class=faceclaim]
[/div][div class=under][div class=header]Kotomi Nara[/div]
Nickname: Lady Nara , Miss Nara , Crimson Dragon
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Position: Chuunin
Team: TBD

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[div class=textarea][div class=header2]Appearance

[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]Kotomi since her birth had been deemed to have her mother's natural beauty. It was once said, the moment her eyes truly found their coloring that they stopped the Lord Hokage in that single moment of holding her. Her hues were as captivating as the sea itself, he claimed to only gain the acknowledged smile of his wife to such. Her hues are tinted with various blue tones that seem to shift under different lighting depending on which angle you catch her gaze. Her hair coloring is a mix between the standard Nara coloring met by the Chinoike Clan's lighter variations. When wet, it holds darker in coloring but when dry it is a light brown coloring. It holds about waist length on her body unlike when she was a child and often kept it cut short and maintained to remain out of the way. In height, she comes in at just around 5'6 and in body build has grown into a more athletic and curvaceous form fit of that of a woman. It is not hard to tell that she filled into all the places she was once lacking in her tomboy'ish days as a young Gennin. In body weight, she roughly weighs in at around 145-150 but a lady never truly divulges her weight or measurements, you know? Apart from that, she does have two familiar silver ball earrings to each ear as a customary tradition to her clan. She does have several various piercings to her ears as well but that is about it. Tattoo wise, she does have the Nara Emblem hidden to the upper part of her spine instead of traditionally wearing it on her clothes.[/div]
[div class=header2]Personality[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]When it comes to her personality, it is one that has drastically grown over the years and matured. In her younger years as a Gennin, she was known to be feisty and headstrong in all that she came to do. It was noted, that she held a fierceness to succeed no matter what it took. Whether it meant long hours of training or pushing herself to study harder she would. Even as a child to the Hokage, she held the fierce nature her mother carried in life that she devoted to being the finest shinobi. Yet, a period in her life came in which she needed to learn better control over the prowess that came with her rare eyes. At that, the Hokage enlisted the aid of another whom held great strength in their eye based ability and had her go away to further her own training. Now, with nearly two years coming to pass a new her has come to be. Kotomi holds herself with a fierce happiness in life that she maintains with mature grace. She still has a stubborn streak in her but often maintains it for the sake of not appearing difficult. Kotomi is quite witty and intelligent and bares the mark of her ancestors before her in being great strategists. Her trust can be hard to gain but once you have that, it can be nearly impossible to lose. It can also be said, that she has her mother's gentle heart hidden away. She fears if she shows her gentleness to often that it could be abused or used in the wrong way. Just as her mother's was which left her life to be untimely stolen from the world. When she smiles though, it is infectious due to how genuine they are and can leave any soul to simply smile in turn to her as well. She is a dedicated ninja and a true warrior only wishing to improve her craft with the truest of dedication.[/div]
[div class=header2]Inner Workings[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]Duis semper ante nec fermentum lobortis. Vestibulum non accumsan libero, at interdum eros. Donec vulputate non est sit amet condimentum. In id lectus sit amet eros gravida accumsan vulputate vitae justo. Ut vel diam accumsan, dictum nibh et, dictum mi. Praesent quis molestie eros. Proin ultricies turpis ac lorem rutrum iaculis ut aliquam massa. Mauris blandit libero nisi, at pellentesque ex commodo et. Fusce laoreet neque et dui hendrerit, molestie fermentum risus interdum. Etiam at enim tellus. Pellentesque accumsan dolor semper magna scelerisque, sit amet lacinia odio elementum. Sed eu lectus eget lectus feugiat ultrices. Fusce odio mauris, ullamcorper sed eros vel, mattis ullamcorper ex. Sed eros elit, aliquet quis nisi id, iaculis maximus ipsum. Vestibulum vestibulum sit amet augue sit amet porta.[/div]
[div class=header2]Jutsu & Abilities[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]
The Ketsuryūgan - (Literally meaning: Blood Dragon Eye), is a dōjutsu, which appears in certain individuals of the Chinoike clan. The Ketsuryūgan is recognised by its reddish colour, giving a special appearance for the users of this dōjutsu, characterised as holders of "eyes as red as blood". Its power earned it comparison to the Three Great Dōjutsu.

The Ketsuryūgan confers genjutsu casting abilities, either by making physical skin contact with the target or meeting each other's gaze. Upon which, they can hypnotise the victim in a variety of ways, or even delve deep into their minds to extract information. The Ketsuryūgan also gave the users the ability to manipulate iron, or more accurately, any liquid with a high iron concentration. As such, fitting with its moniker, the Ketsuryūgan can manipulate the blood within a living target, whether if be themselves or another being. To be another being, it takes being at the highest level of elevation to do so.

Ability Listing:

Ketsuryugan - By establishing direct skin or eye contact with a target, the user can lock them within a genjutsu for one of various purposes. They can brainwash them into mindless drones with a set order to follow, or trap them into a dream-like state. For more defensive means, this technique can create a powerful barrier against mind reading, protecting information from being acquired. In the novel, it also allows the user to place genjutsu guards upon their mind and see through the target's memories. There are various other methods to be used in this ability and not all have been truly achieved.

Shadow Sewing Technique - This is a ninjutsu from among the Nara clan's secret techniques that uses materialized shadows to attack and bind, instead of merely immobilizing and controlling like the Shadow Imitation Technique. The user changes the shape of their shadow into several sharp needles and controls each separately. They can then attack several targets simultaneously and at the same time snatch away their ability to move by sewing them stuck with the shadow threads. Because it is a physical attack, it is impossible to capture someone without harming them, but on the other hand, since the speed of invocation and the time of duration are excellent, it can be used when urgent restraint is required.This technique is usually used to go through the target and capture them, but depending on the opponent, it can also be used as an attack to bring them down. This special characteristic finds its greatest effect when used as logistical support. After this technique hits someone, it can then be directly transformed back into the Shadow Imitation Technique

Black Spider Lily - A specialty ability associated to the Nara Clan members and bloodline. After trapping a target with the Shadow Sewing Technique, the user can then manipulate the shadow to bring them closer to themselves. This technique can be used to draw multiple enemies into the range of the user.

Ultimate Ability - Blood Dragon Ascension - This is a technique that involves the ability of manipulating the user's own blood, exclusive of the members of the Chinoike Clan. More specifically the iron that flows within their veins. Through this ability, the user forms a dragon of " blood " with eight heads similar to the "Yamata no Orochi", which all have the ability to regenerate. In addition to the regeneration, the heads of the dragon also have the capacity to release steam after biting a target. Steam that is heated to elevated temperatures that can severely burn or incapacitate the target. This ability though heavily drains the chakra and the user's stamina and often will only be used as a last resort tactic. This is due to it combining with both the Chakra in a more physical form and the users own blood.

[div class=header2]Nara Clan[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]Duis semper ante nec fermentum lobortis. Vestibulum non accumsan libero, at interdum eros. Donec vulputate non est sit amet condimentum. In id lectus sit amet eros gravida accumsan vulputate vitae justo. Ut vel diam accumsan, dictum nibh et, dictum mi. Praesent quis molestie eros. Proin ultricies turpis ac lorem rutrum iaculis ut aliquam massa. Mauris blandit libero nisi, at pellentesque ex commodo et. Fusce laoreet neque et dui hendrerit, molestie fermentum risus interdum. Etiam at enim tellus. Pellentesque accumsan dolor semper magna scelerisque, sit amet lacinia odio elementum. Sed eu lectus eget lectus feugiat ultrices. Fusce odio mauris, ullamcorper sed eros vel, mattis ullamcorper ex. Sed eros elit, aliquet quis nisi id, iaculis maximus ipsum. Vestibulum vestibulum sit amet augue sit amet porta.[/div]
[div class=header2]History[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]Duis semper ante nec fermentum lobortis. Vestibulum non accumsan libero, at interdum eros. Donec vulputate non est sit amet condimentum. In id lectus sit amet eros gravida accumsan vulputate vitae justo. Ut vel diam accumsan, dictum nibh et, dictum mi. Praesent quis molestie eros. Proin ultricies turpis ac lorem rutrum iaculis ut aliquam massa. Mauris blandit libero nisi, at pellentesque ex commodo et. Fusce laoreet neque et dui hendrerit, molestie fermentum risus interdum. Etiam at enim tellus. Pellentesque accumsan dolor semper magna scelerisque, sit amet lacinia odio elementum. Sed eu lectus eget lectus feugiat ultrices. Fusce odio mauris, ullamcorper sed eros vel, mattis ullamcorper ex. Sed eros elit, aliquet quis nisi id, iaculis maximus ipsum. Vestibulum vestibulum sit amet augue sit amet porta.[/div]
[div class=header2]Bonus Information[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]Vestibulum gravida, ligula quis eleifend scelerisque, diam arcu euismod nisl, sit amet dignissim neque felis in nulla. Pellentesque vitae malesuada eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed elementum consequat molestie. Donec sed massa eget urna eleifend condimentum. Cras erat nisl, rutrum eget felis a, volutpat ultrices ligula. Vestibulum sed felis mattis, facilisis felis nec, pellentesque dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus sed sem non ante ultricies lacinia ut vitae arcu. Duis nec orci ipsum. Aliquam congue, erat nec hendrerit ornare, nisi ipsum ornare enim, non condimentum quam purus non turpis. Suspendisse nisl est, fermentum a tincidunt non, molestie at lectus. Aenean ac elit in nulla fermentum feugiat. Phasellus pellentesque risus ut scelerisque maximus.[/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code by @Fyuri[/div]
[class=fyuriwrapper] max-width:900px; margin:auto; font-size:15px; [/class] [class=flex] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; [/class] [class=left] min-width: 300px; max-width:350px; overflow:hidden; background:#000; [/class] [class=faceclaim] -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 78%, 0% 100%); clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 78%, 0% 100%); overflow:hidden; line-height:0; [/class] [class=under] color:#fff; padding:5px; box-sizing:border-box; [/class] [class=header] position:relative; display:inline-block; font-family:'Noto Sans', Verdana; font-size:30px; text-transform:uppercase; [/class] [class=textarea] padding:0px 5px 0px 5px; box-sizing:border-box; [/class] [class=header2] display:inline-block; font-family:'Squada One', Verdana; font-size:40px; text-transform:uppercase; line-height:30px; letter-spacing:1px; [/class] [class=txtbox] display:inline-block; vertical-align: top; position:relative; border-left:2px solid black; padding:0px 0px 0px 5px; margin:5px 0px 0px 10px; [/class] [class=dot] position:absolute; top:-5px; left:-5px; width:10px; height:10px; background:black; border-radius:50%; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:900px; margin:auto; opacity:0.5; font-size:10px; [/class]
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[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=flex][div class=left][div class=faceclaim]
[/div][div class=under][div class=header]Matsuda Uchiha[/div]
Nickname: Matsu, Sato's Son

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Position: Newly Appointed Chunnin

Team: TBD

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[div class=textarea][div class=header2]Appearance

[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]When it comes to the stylization choices he chooses in regard to his own attire. He has found himself to be someone who finds it to be wiser to keep to practical and durable clothing options. This often includes longer styles of pants and shirts and various vests and light jackets to easily store minor weaponry within. Along with said choices in clothes, the color variations often remain along the lines of more neutral colors. That being said, colors such as greys, blacks, darker greens and blues are commonly found to be his color choice. This is not to say that he isn't willing to try other colors or clothing options. He simply likes to keep it practical for the sake of his missions and or daily tasks in the village.

Physically, he stands 6'0 tall with a lightly toned athletic frame. Representing the striking union of Uchiha and Hyuga with dark raven black hair and violet tinted white eyes not unlike those of the Hyuga clan.[/div]
[div class=header2]Personality[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]Matsuda was always a more calm soul which was complimented by his kind heart and intelligent mind. Disciplined and obedient to his family in his younger years. However, much would change after the infamous incident within his childhood home. Turning his calm nature more solemn with sorrow that nearly remains constant in his gaze. His talkative sociable tendencies all but cast aside with his outgoing kind behavior. But while many of his traits soured due to what occured, His mind only sharpened with a powerful determination and focus that even the hardships as a near village outcast does not disrupt. Generally those who approach him now are always faced with an observant and curious but already cynical side from the ninja. But beyond all of that, many will not find another as fiercely loyal and protective as Matsuda when it comes to his squad members or other members of the leaf.[/div]
[div class=header2]Inner Workings[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]Likes: Art, Meditating, learning from challenge
Dislikes: Being seen as simply the son of a murderer, His father above all things, The fact most from both clans of his bloodline refuse him due to the incident, being pestered,
Strengths: Potent talent and skill with Byakugan and his taijutsu, patient, highly observant, calculating, strategic, agile, incredibly fast, highly focused, naturally talented with genjutsu, Dueling / Single Combat
Weaknesses: Conflicted enough to not use the Sharingan in most cases, self isolated, prone to unstable anger when it comes to his father, currently lacks potent powerful jutsu
Talents: Shurikan, Kunai throwing, Hand to Hand Combat, Art, Swordplay,[/div]
[div class=header2]Jutsu & Abilities[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]Byakugan (Both Eyes) - Having awakened the Byakugan in the aftermath of the death of his family, Matsuda is very practiced with the Byakugan. Noted to use this ability at the start of nearly any encounter or battle to discern what information he can of his opponents elemental affinity, strength in ones chakra and other possible predictions based on the information he can gather. He still has yet however to develop the ability to look through one's mind or memories.
Sharingan (Right Eye, Newly awakened) - Having only awakened access to his Sharingan a short few months ago after facing his father briefly, Matsuda is still very early in his ability with the ability. He refrains from even attempting to use it in most cases. But still understanding the powerful asset it is, he has accepted discreet teachings from Ren Nezokawa. So currently he only has the ability to possible discern lower rank genjutsu, the ability to mimic more basic jutsu, predict more obvious movements and attack patterns (Better the more he knows or encounters the individual or their attacks), and has been developing genjutsu of his own with prolonged eye contact. Currently only able to make opponents lose their focus, suffer dizziness or uncertainty, or possibly even fall into a trance.
Lightning Release Chakra Mode - Matsuda throughout his trials even under instructors and that of Ren has failed to properly produce a chidori, so instead of focusing a lightning release into a powerful attack he has instead begun to try to use the release to enhance his taijutsu and martial strikes alongside his own speed and agility. However he is early in this sort of training and can only do moderate lightning based ninjutsu and light empowerment to his physical traits needing time to still hone this ability to what he desires. He also uses these abilities alongside his Gentle Fist techniques in order to further disrupt ones chakra pathways and nervous system to a more potent degree.
Gentle Fist - The ability to utilize the knowledge of chakra pinpoints within the pathways of chakra in ones body to deal more damage with less forceful impact while also effecting the flow of ones chakra either by turning paths off, weakening them, or accelerating them to make them unstable or ineffective. Even though this style minimizes the uses of power in one's attacks, Matsuda still alongside his growing ability with lightning release still possesses impressive strength when needed.
[div class=header2]Hyuga & Uchiha Clan[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]As the history of both clans are well known as both in one time or another, Matsuda's stance between them is slightly complicated. His mother, one of the Hyuga branch families paired with his father of the recovering Uchiha Clan. While the public view of both clans about the violent incident that occurred is not fully disclosed there is a noticeable tension between the two clans especially in their interactions with Matsuda himself. The only noticable efforts of those trying to reach out to Matsuda come from his grandfather on the Hyuga side, and his grandmother, Sarada Uchiha. [/div]
[div class=header2]History[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]Matsuda grew up in a modest household under his parents, Sato Uchiha, the son of the Ninth Hokage, and Hikari Hyuga alongside his elder brother Akio Uchiha. Even being part of the lineage of one of the past hokages, The two decided to live nothing more than a simple comfortable life. The two had been notable shinobi with great talent with their perspective dojutsu before the two fell into a relationship not too long ago might not have been allowed to exist. Matsuda had little to complain about with the loving family he held dear even if his father was a bit more absent than desired due to his many missions and other exploits. But it was not until one week his father seemed...different. Off. Burdened. Then without warning, Matsuda awoke to a violent exchange in the main living space of his home one night, stepping out quietly and uncertainly to see his brother bloodied and dying and a sight he would never forget, Akio's eyes were absent from his skull and even through all of that Akio whispered for Matsuda to run and get away. Run! With that he was able to look up just as his mother was caught in his father's grasp. A fighting spirit in her gaze mixed with a great sorrow and betrayal fighting to her very last breath before she to was silenced. From there Matsuda had backed up into the wall paralyzed with fear and a burning memory that would never leave him before he would meet his father's gaze and immediately fall deep into a terrifying nightmare, only to awaken hours later in one of the Hidden Leaf Medical buildings.
That was seven years ago. For many months, he would refuse to even speak even to his closest friends, including Kotomi and Ren who even after he would push away greatly to an extent. After his initial grief he was seen much differently, both in how his personality shifted as well as many of the village viewed him and the situation. It would soon be a common occurrence to hear whispers from those he passed or from other genin and future ninjas. "Tainted Boy. Bad Blood." Soon making it difficult for him to even trust in the family he had left from either clan. Since then he has a simple private dwelling. Beyond that his training had never ceased and after the first and only other encounter with his father he found his right eye had awakened with his sharingan from his intense ignited hatred. Now he continues to hone in on his abilities and prepared for the Chunin exam as well as start his path to find and eliminate Sato Uchiha. [/div]
[div class=header2]Bonus Information[/div]
[div class=txtbox][div class=dot][/div]Despises being called Sato's son or being spoken to as an Uchiha. Alongside the various colorful names different members within the Hidden Leaf have given to him.

Is still experimenting with the potential of using both the Byakugan and the Sharingan simultaneously

Fears: Sato Uchiha, The fact both clans potentially despise Him as a byproduct of the what occurred, The Sharingan and it's bloody history, That he may never survive the sorrow he still secretly is plagued by.
Secrets: Secretly is an artist in his spare time. Is Terrified of visiting his family home or either his mother's and brother's grave[/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code by @Fyuri[/div]
[class=fyuriwrapper] max-width:900px; margin:auto; font-size:15px; [/class] [class=flex] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; [/class] [class=left] min-width: 300px; max-width:350px; overflow:hidden; background:#000; [/class] [class=faceclaim] -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 78%, 0% 100%); clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 78%, 0% 100%); overflow:hidden; line-height:0; [/class] [class=under] color:#fff; padding:5px; box-sizing:border-box; [/class] [class=header] position:relative; display:inline-block; font-family:'Noto Sans', Verdana; font-size:30px; text-transform:uppercase; [/class] [class=textarea] padding:0px 5px 0px 5px; box-sizing:border-box; [/class] [class=header2] display:inline-block; font-family:'Squada One', Verdana; font-size:40px; text-transform:uppercase; line-height:30px; letter-spacing:1px; [/class] [class=txtbox] display:inline-block; vertical-align: top; position:relative; border-left:2px solid black; padding:0px 0px 0px 5px; margin:5px 0px 0px 10px; [/class] [class=dot] position:absolute; top:-5px; left:-5px; width:10px; height:10px; background:black; border-radius:50%; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:900px; margin:auto; opacity:0.5; font-size:10px; [/class]
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Name: Lunae Lunaekyo
Nickname: Odd girl, Flirtatious Weirdo, Uncaring Troublemaker
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Who needs to be sexual first when you get them to fall in love with you. #beststrat

Shinoa (1).jpg
Health Ailments: None
Hair Color: Lavender
Eye Color: Amber
Height: 5'1
Weight: 100 LBs
Piercings: None
Tattoos: Lunaekyo Clan Crest on lower left breast.
Scars: None

Personality: ( Positive and Negative listed separately.)
+ Flirtatious
+ Intelligent
+ Creative
- Odd
- Insulting
- Manipulative
- Quirky
Lunae grew up as the daughter of the head of Lunaekyo Clan, a somewhat recent clan devoted to buisness and politics. Due to being a relatively recently formed clan, the Lunaekyo tend to be professional and often will go to lengths to improve the power of their clan, matchmaking their descendants to those they deem would provide strong heirs. Or making buisness agreements with other powerful clans or individuals. Lunae was unfortunate in her childhood due to her father desiring to have a son, her parents unable to have kids beyond her.
Due to this most of her childhood was somewhat abusive, constantly being drilled on mannerisms and training to become a strong future head of the clan, despite the elders disapproval of her seemingly uncaring attitude.

Much of her childhood was shrouded and well protected from the reality of the world ironically, despite constantly being forced through rigorous training and teaching.
Much of her training focused around leading the clan rather than combat or practical skills. Due to her upbringing she has grown to be somewhat odd.
At a later point of her childhood she was assaulted in a corner in her clan's grounds, to which one of the ninja of her clan had come to her rescue, a jounin woman, who fought off the assailants.
Lunae witnessed the woman effortlessly take down 4 men with ease and had decided she wanted to become a ninja too. Much to the anger of her father, he however agreed but said if she had failed to suceed on her own she would have to agree to lead the clan. Soon enough she had enrolled in the ninja academy and had even excelled enough to pass and become a genin.
She has since decided to participate in the chunin exams

Likes: Lunae likes to tease and insult people, loves to practice graceful styles with her scythe and likes flowers
Dislikes: Annoying boys, lazy people, spicy food
Weaknesses: Lunae exhibits poor leadership qualities and tends to annoy boys.
Strengths: Lunae is intelligent, a great strategist and has a diverse supportive arsenal while can still fight herself.
Talents: Scythe, Dancing, Reading fast.
Fears: Spiders
Secrets: None, besides the mysteries of her mind.


Lunae has all of the required skills to become a genin such as The Clone Technique, use of shuriken and Body Replacement Jutsu

Lunae has the Kekkei Genkai of Ice Release, something that is considered rare within the Lunaekyo Clan. With time this may become a much more powerful elemental release with the potential of new jutsus

Frost Flower Jutsu, a flower formed of ice appears on the ground, freezing anything inside the radius of the flower which is about 3 meters in diameter.

Frost Breath Jutsu, using chakra formed around the mouth, Lunae is able to shoot frost outwards, this jutsu is very much similar to The Uchiha Fireball jutsu.

Lunae also practices use of a scythe as a primary weapon, which she has gotten quite adept with and employs a few techniques related to the scythe.

Scythe Spinning Breeze: Lunae can rapidly twirl her staff to create gusts of wind, capable of blowing away enemies, this is similar to Temari's fan from the anime.

Scythe Balance: Due to scythe being much longer than lunae herself, she can stab it into the ground and stand on the hilt.

Lunae knows the Basic Healing Jutsu

Weapon Speciality:
Views on Situation: It's not well known what Lunae truly thinks about most things. She often makes fun of people and situations.
Favorite Song: N/A
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  • WIP
    Name: Takeshi Gushiken
    Nickname: Shogun, Young Sword
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Team: Anu Hichoke - Team 6

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Name: Ren Nezokawa
Nickname: N/A
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual
Team: Will be assigned by GM's upon completion of character.

Health Ailments: None
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Height: 5'11
Weight: 140 lbs.
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Scars: None

Positive: Calm, laid-back, loyal
Negative: Cynical, self-conscious, overly introspective
History: Born into the Nezokawa clan, Ren never expected to be anything special. His family wasn't even in line to run the clan, and his parents were pretty average. That was until he was twelve years old, and he unlocked the legendary Sharingan. The clan had thought this gift had been lost in the bloodline for generations, and now, it was back. Suddenly, Ren was put on a pedestal. He was given the best training, the best tutors, and the best treatment. He was groomed to be the new leader of the clan, in hopes he'd give his children the Sharingan, and hopefully keep it going. It was all...too much for Ren. The pressure slowly pushed down on him, and over time, he became more and more cynical with the state of his life, his once bright and cheery personality eroding in place of a more calm, relaxed one. While he retained his dry since of humor, he lost much of his optimism, and has become extremely critical of himself in everything he does, often overplanning and overthinking simple things. He easily passed his Chunin Exams, and is on his way to inheriting leadership of the Nezokawa clan.
Likes: Spring, food, reading
Dislikes: Summer, loud noises, people who take themselves too seriously
Weaknesses: Is way too hard on himself, and can often get lost in his own thoughts
Strengths: Incredibly intelligent, and loyal to those he trusts
Talents: Lightning Release and Kenjutsu, along with a few Fire Style Jutsu
Fears: Failing himself
Secrets: N/A
Other: N/A

Lightning Release: Chidori

Lightning Release: Lightning Strike
Ren fills his body with Lightning Release chakra, leaps into the air, and then slams onto the ground, creating a massive shockwave. Costs an immense amount of Chakra

Fire Style: Great Fire Ball Jutsu

Shadow Clone Jutsu

Sharingan (Third Stage)

Weapon Speciality:
Kusanagi blade passed down through the Nezokawa bloodline
Views on Situation: N/A
Favorite Song:
Asami Nara
Ami, Akuma, Vampire

Health Ailments:

Rare fainting spells

Hair Color:
Fiery Red
Eye Color:
Golden Hazel
Earlobes and right Helix
On her right forearm she has a full sleeve of all the tailed beasts together
Asami has several scars but keeps them hidden with a Camouflage Jutsu the Hokage taught her when she asked

Positives: Cheerful, Thoughtful, Determined, Kind, Intelligent, Creative, Protective
Negatives: Stubborn, Shy, Independent, Cunning, Ruthless Side, Secretive

Asami was born not out of love but out of a need for soldiers, experiments, and servants. This was because her small village only sought power by any means necessary and her parents were blindly loyal to their village. From her first memory Asami's childhood was one of utter misery. Not only was she treated more as a tool than an actual human being but she was pushed to be a stronger, better, meaner, deadly Shinobi around every corner and if she failed she was punished. Asami learned from a very young age there was no mercy for the weak in her world. So she did as she was told because she really didn't know there was any other way to live. By 5 years old some of the more cruel villagers decided she would make a good candidate for their Jutsu experiments since she showed a lot of strength and potential. Here she thought her life had been bad before.... The day the "Doctors" took her away she learned what true hell was. Eventually between the experiments and brutal training Asami found she had a unique Kekkei Genkai never discovered before, the ability to control blood. The village took full advantage of this by molding her into the ultimate weapon, a killer.

By age 8 Asami had already taken a life and in her mind, her future would be nothing but death and bloodshed. So when Jinto Village, her village, was suddenly attacked by a foreign enemy she had never encountered before Asami was bewildered. She would soon find out later that her village had been assassinating Leaf Shinobi as well as raiding their trains and caravans for supplies, leaving none alive. This is why The Leaf took it upon themselves to retaliate and attack the Jinto Village before they became even more powerful. Now The Leaf, unlike the Jinto, were not merciless and they left the citizens that surrendered alive as well as the children. This included Asami even though she was fighting one of their own when she was eventually knocked unconscious.

She awoke to an unfamiliar room, in an unfamiliar village, with unfamiliar people surrounding her. At first she tried to escape but that didn't last long, she was quickly overpowered and restrained. Once she had calmed down a bit a man came into her room. She could tell he was powerful just by the way he moved but his demeanor held no hostility, in fact he actually smiled at her. This was the current Hokage she learned and he explained what exactly her village had done without her knowledge and why she was there now. The Hokage wanted to give her a second chance at a life she deserved, a life with happiness and love rather than pain and hopelessness. Asami was way too jaded at this point to believe a word the old man said but she knew she really didn't have a choice in the matter. It was either cooperate, imprisonment, or death. Plus she held no real loyalty to the Jinto, all they had given her was misery and she was frankly glad someone put a stop to them.

So when the Hokage offered to adopt her into his family she was surprised but cautiously accepted. Once she was released from the hospital she was taken to what was supposed to be her new home where she met the Hokage's wife and their daughter, Kotomi. It was rocky at the start that was for sure, the easygoing life filled with laughter, love, and kindness that the Nara family possessed was completely foreign to Asami. She didn't trust anyone, she kept to herself, she hated being touched without permission, and when it came to training/sparring she held nothing back and more than once put another child in the hospital because of it. This only isolated her more from the village as they began to fear her more and more, the other kids refusing to train with her. Yet despite all this Kotomi never shunned her, never showed her any hatred or fear like she saw in the eyes of all the others, she even continued to train with Asami when everyone else refused to. Asami was stubborn and reluctant but eventually between the love of her new parents and Kotomi's persistence she learned what it was like to have a true life, a life with happiness. Kotomi is the only person other than her adoptive mom that Asami has truly opened up to over her years at The Leaf Village.

They became so close that if someone didn't know better they would call them true blood-sisters. When their mother passed it hit Asami hard but Kotomi even harder since it was her birth mother. Luckily the sisters still had their kind father and each other to get through their grief. Over time Asami learned to properly train and spar with others as well as work with a team. But when Kotomi had to leave with no chance for Asami to see her until her return, the redhead took it the hardest. Her initial instinct was to recede back into herself and isolate herself from everyone she had made ties with. Thankfully her team refused to let her go back to that dark place and they grew closer over the years of Kotomi's absence, her team being a few of the only people not afraid of her Kekkei Genkai. Shortly after Kotomi left for her secret training Asami took the Chuunin exams at the age of 14 and was one of the youngest to pass, same as Kotomi when she took it a year prior.

Icecream - Flowers - Music - Rain - Reading - Animals - Dancing
Cruelty - Spicy food - Being used - Rude people
Doesn't do well in Hot weather
Fire Nature
Physical Strength
Difficulty Trusting others
Her ruthless side

Keeping Composure
Wet Weather
Earth/Water Nature
Medical Knowledge
Pin-Point Accuracy

Stealth Combat
Chakra Control

That she will always be Feared and Alone
Killing someone by Accident
Losing/failing anyone

Its common knowledge that she's adopted after being found in enemy lands. What is not common knowledge is what happened when she was with the enemy for 8 years and she refuses to talk about it
She tries to keep her Anemia a secret


Water Release: Water Clone
Water Release: Hiding in Mist

Blood Release: A Kekkei Genkai combination of Water and Iron nature.

Blood Release: Berserk
The ability to manipulate blood to increase the flow allowing herself to push passed her physical limits to become faster/stronger for a time.

Weakness: Doing this quickly exhausts her so she cannot maintain it long. Also continuing to do it even after exhaustion will cause physical harm to herself.

Blood Release: Coagulate
Can decrease the bloodflow in her own body to restrict it enough to stop the bleeding of a wound.

Weakness: Has to maintain a constant flow of chakra to the wounded site.

Blood Release: Death's Touch
She can decrease the bloodflow of any body part she touches on an opponent causing that limb to weaken considerably but still be usable.

Weakness: Requires physical touch to trigger and an immense amount of focus to maintain the jutsu leaving her in semi-weakened state herself. Can only control up to 3 body parts at a time currently.

Blood Release: Bite of the Akuma
If her opponent has an open wound whether by her or someone else she can take advantage of it by touching the area where the wound is located giving her a direct line to her opponents veins. In doing so she increases her control of their blood enough that she can decrease the flow so that limb will go numb and be immobile until she releases the jutsu.

Weakness: Same as Death's Touch except it requires more chakra and her opponent to have an open wound. Can only control up to 2 body parts at a time currently.

Weapon Speciality:
Senbon Needles
Views on Situation:
Despite her not being a true Konoha in blood, she's fiercely loyal and protective of her village. She loves the way The Leaf Village is run and the kind (if not always to her) citizens in it.
Ami enjoys the peace that now resides in the village as well as with a fair amount of the other villages. But she does have a terrible impending doom feeling in her gut that's telling her this peace won't last much longer.
She truly values her teammates and Leader. So much so she would do anything to protect them and they are the closest people to earn her trust next to her family.

Favorite Song:

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"Hey jackass, how about you fight me instead."
Yuko Kitsunaka
Big sister or nee-san.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Team: Will be assigned by GM's upon completion of character.

Health Ailments:
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 133 lbs.
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Scars: None


  • Positive: Sisterly, protective, and loyal.
  • Negative: Hot-headed, not much of a strategist, and boorish.
Yuko is a rough-and-tough tomboy. She likes being one of the guys and isn't very lady-like. She's skeptical of religion and personally respects Naruto and Kurama for what they did during the ninja war instead of putting them on a pedestal like some of the elders in her clan. She has a fiery personality and doesn't usually back down from a fight, but she's as loyal as they come. As a kunoichi she is more of an instinctual fighter and is more straight-forward with her strategies; if she can't solve a problem she'll plow right through it, but this doesn't mean that she's an idiot. Her straight forward nature also carries over in the more social side of her personality. It isn't too hard imagining what she's thinking. Despite her rough exterior, she's a very caring individual and tries to help those close to her or anyone in need. When helping someone, particularly those that are around her age or younger, she comes across as a protective older sister and has been known to encourage the nickname "big sister."

The Kitsunaka Clan has a long history of idolizing Kurama, The Nine-Tails, and lived out in the wilderness. After the last ninja war, word spread around about Naruto and his exploits. Eventually the news founds its way into the Kitsunaka Clan's village and they decided to try to move into the Hidden Leaf village after they found out that the hokage had Kurama sealed inside of him. Naruto welcomed the clan and after they moved in, they built a shrine to Kurama. The Kitsunaka Clan has been maintaining the shrine for generations.

Yuko was born during the time of peace and her parents tried to raise her to be a lady-like shrine maiden, but the lady-like part never fully stuck. As a member of the Hidden Leaf village, Yuko also went to ninja school and has learned the basic ninjutsu style of her clan. She has grown into a fiery kunoichi, but still has a lot to learn. She brawled her way through the Chunin exam, barely passing the puzzles, and mainly got through due to her willingness to work with a team and her battle tenacity.

  • Going on missions
  • The people of the Hidden Leaf
  • Soda
  • Being bored
  • Being manhandled
  • Missing out on the action
  • Weak against Water Release
  • Can't do much to ranged fighters if they keep their distance.
  • Tight, enclosed spaces.
  • Strong against Wind Release
  • Good close-combat fighter
  • Physically strong kunoichi
  • Dancing
  • Tea pouring
  • Brawling
Fears: N/A
Secrets: N/A
Around town she tends to wear her shrine maiden uniform (on the back is a red, nine-tailed fox clan crest) or some other tomboy-looking outfit. When on ninja missions she wears black shorts, a black zip-up sleeveless shirt with a red clan crest on the back, ninja sandals, a Hidden Leaf forehead protector, a ninja tool pouch, and lightweight metal arm and hand protectors.

The Kitsunaka Clan includes members that can use Fire Release ninjutsu or Lightning Release ninjutsu. There are also accounts of the two releases being used simultaneously in what the clan calls Foxfire Release, but this style only survives in written form during this current time of peace. The Kitsunaka Clan also has a unique technique that allows them to solidify their chakra and manifest it in the shape of fox ears, tails, and claws. The amount of tails at one time can range from 1 to 9, but more tails means more chakra being spent to make them and more limbs to pay attention to in combat. The clan uses a claw-like taijutsu style that has a "four-legged" mobility style.

  • Kitsunaka Fire Release: Yuko can manifest the basic style of her clan's Fire Release ninjutsu, flaming fox ears, claws, and two tails. She can make her fox tails explode, but she has to form a new tail (or tails) afterward.
  • Kitsunaka Taijutsu: Yuko can run around on all fours and use her claws in hand-to-hand combat. She can also use her solidified chakra tails to block attacks or smack her opponent.

Weapon Speciality:
Chakra claws

Views on Situation:
Yuko likes the people of the Hidden Leaf Village, but finds the peace to be boring compared to the stories of Naruto's time. Having not seen a war, she doesn't fully understand what it looks like; if one happened, at least it would make something exciting happen.

Favorite Song:

  • A more advanced version of the clan technique allows the user to be completely shrouded in chakra of their nature type, making something that resembles the full body of a fox.
  • The Lightning Release style allows for slightly faster movement and users can shoot their tails like lightning bolts or send electricity through weapons that are touched.
  • Foxfire Release mixes both techniques together.
  • Something similar to the Rasengan but a flame, electricity, and/or mixed version.
  • "Fox Breath": A chakra cone attack that originates from the user's mouth.
Valen Valen Destiny_Dreamer Destiny_Dreamer
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Name: Raizo Kogen
Nickname: Rai
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: N/A
Team: Will be assigned by GM's upon completion of character.


Health Ailments: N/A
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Bright blue
Height: 5''10
Weight: 200lbs
Piercings: None
Tattoos: One on his forehead.
Scars: Small scars, riddled on different places of his body. None too serious.


(+) Calm and collected, intuitive, and a very smart tactician. Rarely ever lets a situation that is against his odds get to him, always has a back-up plan for every step. Natural born leader. Will fight to uphold the honor of his friends, and to protect the place he has called his home. Willing to go against the grain to get the results needed, any sacrifice of his peers is a result he desires to avoid.

(-) Extremely lazy, hard to motivate, difficult to work with if someone else is a leader-figure. Only reason he may step down is when he is aware he has no expertise in a particular field. Somewhat brutal in his honesty to others.

Born in Sunagakure, Raizo's placement in Konahagakure might seem odd at first, though Raizo feels no different than anyone else, since being raised in Konahagakure, he sees it as his home as compared to Suna. Raizo found an affinity in Magnet Release around the time of his graduation from the Academy, and though it has been difficult trying to control it and learn from it, his parents have continued support for their son and aid him in his training with his Iron Sand manipulation.

+ Training with his Iron Sand (and in general)
+ Walks at night
+ Rain weather
+ Being right, and by being so, annoying others because of it.
+Anything with pork and rice.
- Being wrong
- Having to over-exhert himself and enact back-up plans.
-Pictures of himself.
- Anyone that tries to learn the extent of his Iron Sand manipulation. (Scientists of Konohagakure, trying to poke and prod at his background as born from Suna)

Teamwork with other leader-like chunin, usually butts heads with them.
His laziness
Water/Fire release.

Jutsu related/Iron Sand Weaknesses:
Iron Sand Manipulation is a hard feat to understand and control, as such, large amounts of chakra is used in order to fight with it. Raizo can only use Iron Sand for a short amount of time (ex. 3 posts.) And will have to recharge his chakra after having expended his abilities for a longer time. (ex. 5 posts) This plays into Rai's calculative style of fighting and leadership.
His biggest weakness is range, long distance fighting uses up more chakra and skill, and he needs complete control and stability to use it for long range fighting. He is mainly a close to mid range fighter.

Powerful ninjutsu and taijutsu user.
master tactician
extremely intelligent

Talents: Shogi player.

Fears: None that stand out, mainly his loss of friends would provoke him.
Secrets: N/A
Other: N/A

Magnet Release: Black Iron Armament - A close range jutsu, Raizo will engulf his hands in Iron Sand. Boosting attack power and defense. At the end of an attack, Raizo can deal extra damage by allowing the iron sand explode against his opponents, dealing blunt damage.

Iron Sand Black Puppet Parade - Using Iron Sand, Raizo can create a puppet formed from the Iron Sand, and allow it to fight alongside Raizo.

Magnet Release: Black Iron Lances - Raizo creates 6 lances of Iron Sand, that levitate around him because of their magnetic charge. Used as his ultimate offense, and used a lot when he is getting serious.

Magnet Release: Iron Sand Assault - Raizo throws out taijutsu entirely, favoring his Iron Sand completely and becoming an all around attacker from close, mid and long range. Sacrifices Defense entirely.

Magnet Release: Iron Sand Guardian - Raizo protects himself from attacks with an immensely hardened, giant figurine of Iron Sand. Raizo hopes to chain into the ability of this defense oriented jutsu.

Heavenly Peircing Iron Spear - Raizo's ultimate attack (for now) Transforming his Iron Sand into a large drill-like spear, Raizo throws the Spear at great speeds that can impact the flow of wind.

Weapon Speciality: Iron Sand
Views on Situation: Peace - he doesn't have much of a thought about it, he seeks to grow stronger for the eventual future to uphold peace.
Favorite Song:
Nirvana Splitting Iron Spear - Raizo's ultimate attack evolved, this is the most devastating move he has. Strong enough to pierce through the ground and cause a miniature earthquake within the vicinity while drowning his opponents in heavy iron sand. Only achieveable in his transformation.

Iron Sand Seraphic Awakening - Raizo's arms and legs are shielded in Iron Sand, forming gauntlets and leggings. iron Sand also adorns his shoulder blades like angelic wings, this is Raizo's ultimate use of Iron Sand, giving him perfect control of Sand for up to two minutes.
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Hayato Aikawa
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Mostly Hetero
Team: Will be assigned by GM's upon completion of character.
Rank: Genin


Health Ailments:
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170 lb
Piercings: One in each ear
Tattoos: Saving up for one
Scars: None yet


Hayato became a shinobi to carry on the family tradition and to connect to his origins. Keeping the culture and traditions of his homeland alive are important to him, and he works hard at it. His parents have tried hard to integrate fully into Konoha, and mildly disapprove of what they consider foolishness and looking backward. He enjoys cooking meals from his homeland too, although he is sometimes shy about sharing them with others in case they don't like them. While Hayato is generally an easy-going person, he is a sucker for a competition or a dare and there is no inner voice that kicks in telling him that it's a bad idea. This makes him somewhat easy to manipulate. Hayato likes animals and keeps fish as a hobby. He used to have a pet bird as a kid but ended up releasing it into the wild when he became a shinobi, as he knew he would have no time to look after it. He tends to say what he thinks, which makes him honest, but also a little tactless. He relies on instincts rather than methodical planning, which he believes has served him reasonably well so far.


Hayato's family moved to Konoha from Taki about twenty years ago, looking for opportunities for work. As a large city, Konoha was a far better prospect than the impoverished and rural Taki. The village had survived on the reputation of its shinobi. Peacetime had made their value drop, and the village became poorer as a result. Neither of Hayato's parents are shinobi. It was his grandmother, who used to be a shinobi of Takigakure, who trained him in his clan ninjutsu and encouraged him to join the ninja academy. His grandmother remembers the post war years well when shinobi were still trained for the possibilities of further conflict. Hayato has lived in Konoha for his whole life, and never visited his ancestral home. He grew up mostly under the wing of his grandmother when both parents were working, and attended the ninja academy until graduation. While his parents would prefer that he stayed in education and pursued a more normal profession, his grandmother backed him in his intention to become a ninja.

Likes: Cooking, eating, trying new food; finding out about history and traditions (as long as it doesn't involve reading books); enjoying nature; ninjutsu lessons with granny; his fish.
Dislikes: Being asked to lie, having to do things quickly, being stuck indoors.
Weaknesses: Academic learning is a bit of a black spot for him, and he hates doing tests or writing essays. He thinks he may be dyslexic but hasn't told anyone.
Strengths: He is physically strong, excelling in taijutsu from practising in increased gravity. He is a friendly and outgoing person.
Talents: Ninjutsu and cooking. He has a way with old people.
Fears: Despite liking most animals he is afraid of dogs after being chased around by them as a child.
Secrets: He really likes going to museums.

Way of the Ninja

Gravity Release (Earth + Wind, kekkei genkai)
Gravity Release: Butterfly Effect, Gravity Release: Feet of Clay (Rank D): The user can adjust the pull of gravity on their own body, making themselves lighter or heavier. The intensity of jutsu and the length it can be sustained depends on the user's chakra levels and control.
Gravity Release: Chained Butterfly Effect, Gravity Release: Chained Feet of Clay (Rank C): The user can adjust the pull of gravity on their own body, plus anything/one that they are physically connected to up to a total mass of 200kg. The intensity of change in gravity and the length of time it can be sustained is dependent on the user's chakra levels and control.
Gravity Release: Elsyian Field (Rank C): The user can create a small field with an altered level of gravity using barrier seal tags, which can then be activated remotely within line of sight. Expanding the area of the field beyond a base area of 3m2 requires a considerable amount of chakra. Basic knowledge of fuuinjutsu is required.

Sealing Techniques/Fuuinjutsu
Enclosing Technique (Funyuu no Jutsu)
Unsealing Technique (Kaifuu no Jutsu)

Wind Release/Fuuton
Wind Release: Breakthrough (Fuuton: Toppa) The user creates a large gust of wind that blows away obstacles and/or opponents in the vicinity. Strength of the wind created is dependant on user's skill. Hayato uses this technique with his Otessen.
Wind Release: Wind Cutter (Fuuton: Kazekiri no Jutsu) Using a ninja tool such as a fan, the user creates a blade of wind capable of slicing through targets.

Hayato also knows basic techniques required to pass the Academy graduation exam.

Weapon Speciality
Otessen (giant war fan). He keeps this sealed in a scroll when it is not in use.

Views on Situation: Hayato can't really imagine the realities of war, so peace is fine with him. He likes Konoha and the people there but always feels a little like an outsider.
Favorite Song:
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  • IMG_20191026_204453_4.jpgName: Kouki Haruno
    Nickname: Kou
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Gay
    Position: Genin
    Team: Will be assigned by GM's upon completion of character.


Name: Sajin Uzumaki
Nickname: Fire-Breather Sajin.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: N/A
Team: Will be assigned by GM's upon completion of character.

"Bad days aren't so bad after you look them in the eye and smile! CHESSTOOO!!!"

Health Ailments: N/A
Hair Color: Fire-Red
Eye Color: Light green-blue
Height: 5''11
Weight: 220lbs
Piercings: None
Scars: burns across his body, considering he cannot control the volatile nature of his fire release. Though they don't seem to hurt him when burns are acquired.


(+) Stubborn to a T. You say stay down, he'll get right back up. Sajin has no idea what "give up" means. This does get him in serious trouble though, when his input isn't needed. But he'll still stand up for what he believes in.

(-) His stubborn, hard-headed personality gets him into serious trouble. He's very bold, and most times is unaware if he says something that aggravates his peers. Somewhat of a loose cannon you would say.

Sajin's backstory isn't a lengthy one, and it isn't that big either. Born in Konohagakure, Sajin lead a practically normal life. Only as he began to train in the Academy did Sajin's troubles come to light, and the plight of his family took shape. Sajin has incredible strength in fire release, but controls so little of it that it is akin to a coke bottle being shaken up with mentos inside. Making most of his abilities go wild. Sajin wasn't even out of the Academy by the time he had accidentally burned down the estate his family lived in, and by a result inadvertently killed his family because of it. Figuring out you can control fire is not always a good idea when unsupervised, as well as it being the middle of the night.
Sajin doesn't look back on that night with fond memories, and blames himself heavily for the loss of his family when he's alone. The largest smile soon enough becomes the most painful when the night blankets Konoha.

+ Ice-cream. A specific kind, in particular. (Kingdom Hearts Fans rise up)
+ Training, big training nut.
+ Late night strolls, particularly to get some ramen or just for fun.
+ Hot baths, spas, and hot springs. Favorite place to be.

- Causing too much enviornmental damage with his fire release.
- people noticing the burns strewn about his body. It makes him insecure, and he usually distracts them from it thereafter.
- Seeing orphanes all alone, much like he is. He comforts them whenever possible.
- Not a morning person. Do not disturb while charging his batteries for the day.

Water Release
Listening to others (Head-strong)
Chakra control is all over the place. (He can control it, but its more likely to hurt people around him than anything else)

High amounts of chakra
Increased longevity (due to being a Uzumaki)
Taijutsu and Ninjutsu is top notch.

Eating five ice cream bars at once.

Fears: Having to look back on the day he unlocked his fire release, and the fact he killed his family on accident because of it.
Secrets: He thinks you're beautiful and should have a nice day.
Other: Whenever Sajin is "fired up" He will shout out "CHESTO!!!" alongside a small stream of fire spewing from his mouth. Sajin also has sharp chompers.

Jutsu/Abilities: Sajin's dual nature is an oddity, as he has no actual control over his wind release. Instead, it has mutated alongside his fire release to boost its power in a catastrophic way. His flames appear darker in nature, such as a deeper shade of red rather than orange like normal fire.

Fire Style: Jet Jaguar - Sajin's Fire chakra envelopes his feet entirely, flames spewing out much like a jet. Accompanied by a series of kicks. This jutsu is also used for traversal/agility and manuverability. Considering his feet literally become jetpacks.

Fire Style: Great Demon Fireball - A sort of evolution of the ordinary Fireball/Great Fireball jutsu, can also be replaced by a flamethrower variant.

Fire Style: Burning Star - Sajin's second independantly designed jutsu, this Jutsu takes properties from the rasengan, and forms a sphere of fire in Sajin's hands, although it is possible to be used at close-range, Sajin instead prefers to throw the sphere of immense flames at his opponent. Usually causes a large spray of flames to cover a small area upon impact.

Burning Soul: Oni Form (1-3) -
Level 1 - Sajin took inspiration from Sage Mode, and with this advanced jutsu his physical attributes are buffed. Sajin acquires small, ember-like horns atop his forehead.
Level 2 (LOCKED) ((Will gain at a later date)) - Sajin becomes more demonic in looks, His fangs portruding out, his hair becoming more shaggy and spiked. The ember-like horns become more pronounced, and instead of embers, become more like small flame wisps. Sajin acquires claws on both his fingers and toes. His chakra flow is boosted, and becomes more volatile. His body is enveloped by a small field of heat.
Level 3 (LOCKED) ((Will gain at a later date))- Sajin enters his true form, in this mode his body undergoes no different changes, but the chakra flow becomes so great that now Sajin is enveloped in a torrent of flames rather than a shield of heat. Wisping around his body like wildfire. His horns have become full-fledged, and are now at least 4 inches long. His physical attributes are at max, allowing him to fight with no handicap.

Fire Style: Burning Knuckle - Sajin envelopes his arm in flame chakra, and dashes towards his opponent for a clean punch, spreading flames all around his opponent to be burned.

Weapon Speciality: Basic ninja tools.
Views on Situation: Sajin is looking for his place in Konohagakure, even now he wonders where he can fit in. But that won't stop him from smiling, and it certainly won't stop him from trying his best to find his place in the Hidden Leaf Village.
Favorite Song:
Extra: N/A

Hisui Inuzuka
Sui, Kemono (Beast)

Health Ailments:

Hair Color:
Platinum Blonde
Eye Color:
Two small red tattoos on his cheekbones to identify him as an Inuzuka.
A tribal tattoo on his right bicep of a tiger.

He has a few on his arms and hands from training but the most noticeable is a thin scar that starts at his right temple and trails to the center of his hairline which is partly why he keeps his hair longer, to cover it up.


Positives: Carefree, Loyal, Goofy, Energetic, Witty, Kind, Charismatic, Creative
Negatives: Hard-Headed, Stick-Foot-In-Mouth Syndrome, Overprotective, Reckless, Impatient


Meat/Fruit - Animals - Swimming - Going on Runs with Mizuki - Sleeping Outdoors - Video/Board/Card Games - Cooking
People that dont like animals - Tofu - Being cooped up - Hurting others - Silence
Reluctance to inflict serious Damage
Evenly Balanced in Strength and Speed but not Excelling in either
Too Trusting
Chakra Control

Massive Chakra Pool
High Endurance

Skilled with Kusarigama
Animal Communication/Taming
Empathic (has a keen sense for how others are feeling)
Enhanced Senses
Thinks outside of the box

Accidentally hurting a Friendly
Losing his loved ones, including his Animals
Losing his Senses


His Ninneko (ninja-cat) Mizuki "Tsuki" is his partner and best friend, their inseparable and are in perfect sync especially in combat
Tsuki Angry
Tsuki Happy/Content


Summoning Jutsu: Ninken (ninja-dogs), Gryphon
Beast Human Clone

Multi-Beast Human Clone:
Can turn all his Ninken into his clone so you can't tell them apart
Contract Seal
Four Legs Jutsu

Flaming Swallow Kusarigama: By imbuing his chakra into the chains and sickles of his Kusarigama he can coat them in an Emerald Green flame to burn either objects or enemies upon contact
Beast Infinity: By melding a small amount of his chakra with that of any animal/beast he can communicate with them the same as a human. Requires physical contact.

Weapon Speciality:
Skilled with Kusarigama
Views on Situation: (The current peace, The Hidden Leaf, Your Team/Leader)
Favorite Song:

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Futaba ichibaki.png
Name: Futuba Ichibaki

NIckname :Baki

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


Health Ailments: N\A

Hair Color:Red

Eye Color: Platinum Gold

Height: 6'3

Height: 87Kg

Pearcings: Ears

Tattoos: N\A

Pozitives:Tricky,Goofy,Serious in battle,Brave,Self Sacrificing,,Charismatic,
Negatives:Pervy.Goes overboard,Doesent care about his own self being,Reckless.

Likes:Animals,Meat,Ramen,Pretty much all food,

Disikes: Evil,Bugs,People who only care about themselves,Water.

Weaknesses:Water ,Impatiance ,Sacrifices his body for the thrill of battle,Taijutsu

Strengths: Huge Mana Pool,,Mana Control,Has endurance speed and power evenly balanced,

Talents:Master of swordsmanship especially with the katana,Fire Dragon and Serpent jutsuSummoning,Enhanced hearing smell and sight.

Fears:Being all alone,


Summoning:Plethera of summons such as serpents salamanders and toads,

Fire Sage Justsu:Wrath of Jiraiya:Engulfs his blade in a huge fire(this also boosts his attack and movement spee but decreases his physical endurance)

Fire Sage Jutsu:Salamanders Claw(this covers his blade in fire again and allows him to shoot fire slashes at the enemy however he can only shoot out 6)

Fire Sage Jutsu:Earths Revenge (this is a trap counter skill that activates whenever he blocks a hit with his sword after contact there will be a huge explosion which will send the enemy flying)
Also normal fire style jutsu.

Weapon speciality:Japanese Katana

Views on Situation:

Favourite song:N/A
View attachment 662215
Name: Futuba Ichibaki

NIckname :Baki

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


Health Ailments: N\A

Hair Color:Red

Eye Color: Platinum Gold

Height: 6'3

Height: 87Kg

Pearcings: Ears

Tattoos: N\A

Pozitives:Tricky,Goofy,Serious in battle,Brave,Self Sacrificing,,Charismatic,
Negatives:Pervy.Goes overboard,Doesent care about his own self being,Reckless.

Likes:Animals,Meat,Ramen,Pretty much all food,

Disikes: Evil,Bugs,People who only care about themselves,Water.

Weaknesses:Water ,Impatiance ,Sacrifices his body for the thrill of battle,Taijutsu

Strengths: Huge Mana Pool,,Mana Control,Has endurance speed and power evenly balanced,

Talents:Master of swordsmanship especially with the katana,Fire Dragon and Serpent jutsuSummoning,Enhanced hearing smell and sight.

Fears:Being all alone,


Summoning:Plethera of summons such as serpents salamanders and toads,

Fire Sage Justsu:Wrath of Jiraiya:Engulfs his blade in a huge fire(this also boosts his attack and movement spee but decreases his physical endurance)

Fire Sage Jutsu:Salamanders Claw(this covers his blade in fire again and allows him to shoot fire slashes at the enemy however he can only shoot out 6)

Fire Sage Jutsu:Earths Revenge (this is a trap counter skill that activates whenever he blocks a hit with his sword after contact there will be a huge explosion which will send the enemy flying)
Also normal fire style jutsu.

Weapon speciality:Japanese Katana

Views on Situation:

Favourite song:N/A
the emojis are supposed to p btw i just forgot the spacing

[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]
"hold your ground"
Name: Rinne Harikawa
Nickname: Rock
Age: 16 Years Old
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Team: TBA

Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height | Weight: 176cm
Wight: 70kg
Tattoos | Piercings: N/A

Rinne is a very caring and responsible Shinobi. He is patient and understanding, but can become rather terrifying when truly angry - which is a rarity. He is optimistic in most situations, bringing out the bright side from even the dimmest of problems and tends to look towards a beautiful future where everyone gets along. Despite that he is not a big dreamer. His sense of foresight applies only to those in his village which becomes a heavy burden to bare. He is respected among his pupils and seen as a future leader despite his young age. Rinne is very mature and independent, conducts himself with utmost vigilance, but remains a child at heart. He loves easy and falls for the wrong women at times, but comes back stronger than before - growing as a man. Rinne cares a lot about his team and his comrades and trains everyday in order to protect them - gaining a physique to match his devotion. His goal is to become a strong Shinobi like his father and continue to care for all like his mother.

Strengths: Brute Strength | Earth Nature | Leadership
Weaknesses: Lightning Nature | Speed | Love
Likes: Weightlifting | Cake | Silence
Dislikes: Disobedience | Loud Noises | Deep Waters
Talents: Fast Eater
Fears: Loss | Underwater Creatures | Overwhelming Heights
Secrets: Is in love with...

Born in the shadow of a great Shinobi, Rinne was raised to mirror his father's legacy. Meeting his end before the birth of his son, Rinne's father went out as a hero in the Land of Earth after sacrificing himself in the Great War. He was a physical specimen, a giant of a man that towered over his fellow ninja. He embodied the meaning of manhood - displaying all the strengths of a man, but the tenderness of a kindhearted human being. He always bore a smile on his face in the face of adversity and looked towards tomorrow without doubts. With his mother's guidance and the stories that bind him, Rinne has been able to keep his father's legacy alive through his own actions. From the ninja academy to currently becoming a Chunin, Rinne continues to exhibit the makings of a great Shinobi. Despite being born to a man of the Earth and a woman of Fire, Rinne hopes to make both his homes proud. He's trained his body like his father despite their difference in stature (Rinne seemingly got his height from his mother) and continues to grow in intellect through the stories of his predecessors. His ninja way is that of his fathers, to hold his ground and never waiver, he is the foundation of the rock and the spark of the flame.


⛰ .Earth Release: Earth Mausoleum Dumpling
⛰ .Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
⛰ .Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique
⛰ .Earth Release: Hardening Technique
⛰ .Earth Release: Moving Earth Core
⛰ .Earth Release: Fissure
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scrolls, hover over photo
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