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Fandom Naruto: Shogun of Shadows Act one: Embers among the fallen leaves.

Ago Aburame
Black market team

KageYuuki KageYuuki Ganryu Ganryu SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy


"YOU GOOFY THINGGG!!!!!" One moment Ago was standing there, the next she was squishing Minoru's face like a Shiba Inu. Squishing and pulling her cheeks like her face was dough! "AAAAH If you weren't such a cutie patootie I'd give it to yea girlie!" he frustrations out in the open, she turned away, to see the situation had already been resolved.

Just as planned.


Simply acting like she didn't plan this at all to get the others to act to instill a sense of independence and desire to serve the group. her little drones are learning already!

Except for the mouthy one, it's taking most of her willpower to not glue his mouth shut with a handful of beetle inside to eat his tongue. Actually has been used before, not by her but her uncle, who explained it when she asked for his favorite torture technique for her eleventh birthday. She was always an odd kid, by most standards. But never not focused on excellence.

She flicked the theif's head and wiped her finger off on his shoulder, letting the female beetle fly from her coat into the folds of his clothing. "As missy said, speak up or get beat till you speak. Don't got all day to mess around with yea but I'll be happy as a mantis to have my bitchy red head kid use you to get his delayed twelve year old baby rage out."
Black Market Search
As Kaen reclined at the teahouse, he'd find it plenty busy. People came and went in a steady exchange, barely allowing the workers a chance to rest. Being the first business past the city gate had its perks, allowing the smell of tea and sweets to act as a siren call to weary travelers. Customers from all walks of life could be seen, from traveling merchants looking to take a load off and brush away the dust of the road, tradesmen on their break, even the fine kimonos of the upper class could be glimpsed from inside. For such a busy place, however, not one village emblem could be seen anywhere in the tea shop or nearby.

If there were any shinobi, they certainly weren't making themselves known.

"Welcome." A waitress appeared beside Kaen, setting a cup of steaming tea and slices of chestnut youkan beside him. The pattern of iridescent black feathers stood out against her light purple kimono. "Will your friends be joining you? Our chestnut youkan is very popular this time of year." She looked out at the trio Kaen had left behind. "They're certainly an energetic bunch." The woman mused as Ago smushed Minoru's face across the road from them. "Feels like forever since we've had that spark of energy in town." She smiled at Kaen, "If you need anything else, be sure to let a member of my staff know." With that, she disappeared back into the crowd to collect orders.

"L-let me go!" The kid squirmed and thrashed in Shikane's grip to no avail. His appearance was fairly unremarkable, short cut hair and faded old clothes with a couple of poorly sewn on patches. His scowl didn't last long when he registered two of the three ladies surrounding him carried swords. "Hey, I'm sorry, alright?" The kid held his hands up, shrinking slightly in Shikane's grasp. "I don't know any 'Karasu,' I swear!" He backpedaled against Shikane as Ago loomed closer, a drop of sweat trickling down his forehead despite the autumn chill.

"I don't know any market or any Karasu! I . . . I just give everything to Big Bro and he gives me a couple ryo. That's it! Don't hurt me."

Any searches of his clothes would turn up nothing special in particular, a few more ill-gotten wallets, but nothing else. Minoru would catch a glimpse of a black band tattooed on his upper arm through a tear in his sleeve. This was far from his first time stealing, and not his first time getting caught doing so.

Ganryu Ganryu Orikanyo Orikanyo SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy

Minoru stood embarrassed as she shifted her weight side to side, and pressed her fingers together, her gaze no leaving the ground for several seconds. Kaen, predictably, had been a nuisance... ever since the forge his snide comments were digging at the samurai girl. The first about being a walking encyclopedia was STILL echoing in her head. The lost braincell one also kinda hurt. Minoru had been a fish out of water since she'd arrived to 'help'! But, there was one thing else her eyes caught. He didn't look happy.

She didn't think she'd upset him particularly. He just... didn't seem happy in general. Maybe he was just someone who needed a friend. And some therapy. She didn't know what this 'Kusa' was, but he sure seemed to hate it alot. It meant grass... was that codeword for some neferious substance? She should tell him later 'The Grass' wasn't good for him! It was dangerous!

Minoru patted her fist in her palm like she understood. Those were the moodswings! He needed an intervention and a friend!

However, Minoru attracted the worst thing she'd found yet. An alpha predator she couldn't escape, and an ambush she couldn't fend off! Her cheeks being pinched. "W-wah!!! Wub arb youb doinb?" {What are you doing?!} She flailed wildly, unable to escape as her face was stretched this way and that. "I ab a boad wabbier... I ab! I ab!" {I am a proud warrior! I am! I am!} she flailed, her sword arm bouncing up and down. In the commotion, her sword bounced just an inch out of it's sheath. The light from it sparkled, blindingly.

Minoru quickly moved, her body going from panick and confusion to pushing Ago away and slamming her sword shut. She looked doubly disgraced. The main point of her clan was no one alive was supposed to see their swords!!! She was failing even that!

She flickered away to sulk. However, goodnews came with the bad. Shikane returned with her purse. Minoru gulped, sliding it in her robes again. "It was in my ro- oh..." Shikane meant deeper, tied to her body. Minoru looked down embarrassed again. Then even worse! She'd been happy at monetary gains and let it make her forget the shame of her blade being on display! A Shimmering Blade of the Minori was no small honor to carry.

Technically, she wasn't 'honored' to carry it as much as she'd stolen it when she left, but... still. She couldn't let anything happen to her sword.

She would repent hence forth! Maybe skip a meal?

Her stomach growled. Had she already done that by accident... crapbaskets, now she was hungry.

The kid who'd stolen her purse, however, squirmed and sang. Even Minoru doubted him. But as items were disguarded, she saw the tattoo. For just a moment, her eyes flickered, before she shook her head.

Bad Minoru! Don't use your gifted superpowers. No one else here has. Other than the bug woman. And she's not a great role model! My cheeks hurt.

She sighed, and spoke up, grabbing Shikane's wrist gently. "It's fine. No harm done, he doesn't seem to know anything. You can let him go... After I have a few words with him! Then he should be free to go I believe."

She instead grabbed the little orphan by the collar, dragging him to a corner. "Now, it's wrong to steal. Honor isn't something that's found, it's something that we create by our deeds and actions. It was a mistake you made, and it's alright, we all make them, but what's important is what we do now-"

Minoru's grip tightened as her lecture waned on for nearly fifteen minutes in the back alley. This was something she could do right! Be a model for others! Her speech probably would bore her teammates to tears, let alone the orphan, but her lung capacity seemed superhuman...
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Rikiko Nonoba
Much to Rikiko’s dismay a wave determination washed over her. The words and encouragement of her teammates were no doubt the source.

Kibo’s concern reminded Rikiko that she wasn’t alone. They were a team now. Looking out for one another was apart of the job. They needed to count on one another, and how could she be counted on cowering in fear?

Riku’s bluntness managed to snap Rikiko back to her senses enough to remember that she needed to focus. A distracted ninja is a dead ninja after all, something Riku didn’t need to be reminded of it seemed.

Kohaku’s kindness meanwhile, convinced Rikiko that she was cared for, and that she had someone she cared for as well! Kohaku was a friend worth keeping, protecting. As the threads tightened around her hand, it felt as if Kohaku herself was holding it.

All signs were telling Rikiko to get her act together. Before she knew it, she had followed the threads back to their source, taking Kohaku’s hand in her own before turning towards the hole down.

“Fine, I’m convinced then. I won’t hold us back anymore!” Rikiko declared with cheesy conviction before stepping forward. She immediately missed the first stair as tumbled headfirst down into the tunnels, likely dragging Kohaku behind her. After landing in a dust covered heap, she quickly scrambled to her feet.

“I-I must have tripped on those puppet strings of yours! Watch where you’re waving those things eh?” Rikiko lied as she tried to strike a casual pose and ignore the growing lump on her head.

Focusing back up, Rikiko turned to Kibo, hoping her new scaly friend would starting leading the way and change the subject away from her mishap. She was in the tunnels now, and her mind felt sharper. The risk of death and the fear that came with it was good for clearing the clouds from her mind.

Japanime Japanime KageYuuki KageYuuki W War123
Delivery-ance - Supply Mission
KageYuuki KageYuuki - InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum - W War123 - Japanime Japanime


Another heavy impact shook the area around them. The stone passages were oddly still, only an occassional chitter of a rat in the distance, an occassional banging, bubbling test tubes but no humans talking. A sparking hiss echoed in the distance, an occasional flash of light in the dark corridor. Cut wires could be seen sticking out, and threatening to electricute the lot. The Hidden Sound was an evermoving caucophany that shifted and changed melody more rapidly than any sheet of music. It wasn't strange for them to suddenly up and move an entire sector. But it was strange for experiements to be left ongoing...


Another impact echoed in the distance, shaking the cooridor. Spider web cracks ran up the wall. Ahead, a small keyboard could be seen, one that Kibo would know the password too... but it seemed out of order. The steel door behind it seemed firmly shut and unresponsive. Voice, and yells could be heard on the other side of the door. An alarm blaring accompanied it, but was barely audible.


The cracks in the walls started to give way as the ceiling started to give way. Above Kohaku and Rikiko a large chunk of ceiling fell directly at the two nin. As it collapsed, live wires snapped inside the ceiling, coiling out and lashing at Riku and Kibo.

Further down the way they came, the entire roof had started to give way rather than sections, making retreat near impossible, but the steel door still sat unresponsive, the power to it too intermittent.
Settling into the slight plush of the seat cushion, letting his weight sink, Kaen was planning on not moving anytime soon. The steam curling off his tea, carrying with it a rich, sort of roasted aroma, the colour of the beverage itself was a deep opaque.

He took a moment to admire it, his gaze drifting lazily to the waitress as she waited for his response. Keeping his tone smooth and easy, he offered a slight smirk.

“Just me for now, but go ahead and bring a pot. Might as well have it ready in case my dear cousins over there finally wear themselves out. Though, judging by the performance they’re putting on? That might take a while.”

Kaen gave a slow nod of thanks before returning his attention to the tea. With a low whistle, he lifted the small porcelain cup, letting the heat seep into his fingers before bringing it to his lips.

The first sip hit instantly, it was bold, earthy, strong. The kind of taste that made him actually pause, his brain processing the flavour as he let it settle on his tongue. It was smooth, flowing down his throat like a cascading river. Lowering the cup slightly, Kaen licked his lips, making sure not even a single drop went to waste. He smacked them a few times, as the flavour lingered, a warm, deep lingering.

He then reached for a piece of youkan, the glossy chestnut jelly caught the light as he pinched it between his fingers. Firm but smooth, the surface cool against his skin. Taking a bite, Kaen found his teeth effortlessly sinking into the soft confection. At first he noticed the sweetness, subtle, but deep, layered with that slight nutty tone from the chestnut. The texture of the youkan was silky, melting on his tongue as it sat there a moment before swallowing.

Chasing it with another sip of tea, Kaen felt the earthy bitterness cut through the lingering sweetness. The balance made something warm, almost cerebral grow in Kaen’s soul as he let out an audible happy exhale.

This was nothing like Kusa.

There, the tea would have been a singular, pathetic leaf downed in boiled water, if you were lucky that is. More often, it was a concoction of whatever half-dried weeds the vendor found nearby, steeped long enough to taste like something foul.

The youkan? Rice flour dyed green from crushed up grass, and the only reason you knew it was supposed to be youkan instead of mochi or dango was the sign hanging above the cart. The lucky ones, those with a few extra ryo to spend back home, would spice things up with maybe a leaf or two of lemongrass if they really felt extravagant.

Kaen’s jaw tightened slightly, the corner of his mouth turning down in a slight frown. It was absurd. A random town in Konoha’s territory, the same Konoha that fell mere weeks ago, just some bustling, forgettable, little speck on the map. That speck had better food than Kusa could dream of.

He scoffed under his breath, breaking off another bite of the youkan. “Fucking Kusa, huh.”

“Welp, then again with the war this won’t last long.”

The thought rolled through Kaen’s mind as he lazily observed his so-called teammates, his fingers tapping idly against the ceramic of his teacup. His eyes wandered over the crowded street, taking in the mess that was unfolding across from him.

The human insect hotel was unsurprising, making a damn spectacle of herself, grabbing the lemming’s face, pushing and pulling it like the girl was some unfortunate pet. The lemming for her part, was flailing like a toddler, incomprehensible gibberish voicing out as Ago tugged her cheeks.

Kaen took another sip.

In the debacle, the girl’s sword nearly slipped from its sheath, the brief glint of steel held his gaze for a second longer than he intended. His eyes narrowed as he took in the sight.

That wasn’t some standard-issue village steel. The way the light caught the edge, the way the girl panicked the second it was exposed. Yeah, that was something else. Something kept. Something important. And important things had a way of turning into liabilities.

Or opportunities.

For a moment, maybe he caught Minoru’s eye, maybe not, he wasn’t really paying attention. The right corner of his lip curled into a smirk, but he said nothing. Just took another slow sip from his cup, letting the moment hang there, unspoken.

Then, a voice cut through.

"Perhaps you'd like to keep your commentary to yourself until you accomplish something useful."

Kaen exhaled through his nose, slow and unimpressed.

Cute. The Nara thought she was calling him out. Thought she had something clever to say.

Without shifting his posture, he turned his head just enough to look at her. Calm. Easy. Unbothered.

Then, with the same lazy smirk, he mouthed two words:

"Make me."

And just like that, his attention was gone.

It was about time he stopped wasting his attention on them and started paying attention to what actually mattered.

His fingers tapped idly against his cup, his posture still that same lazy, indifferent slouch, but his ears? They were working just fine.

People watching. Eavesdropping. Picking apart the little details.

Tanzaku was a loud town, but loud towns had patterns if you listened carefully. The cadence of conversation. The way certain words lingered in the air longer than others. Who wasn’t making noise when they should be. Who looked like they belonged, and who was trying too hard to act like they did.

He didn’t need to do anything. Didn’t need to ask.

All he had to do was wait for someone to slip up.

The waitress’ earlier words replayed in his head: “Feels like forever since we’ve had that spark of energy in town.”

Kaen took another sip.

Yuxuan | Camp Tsuchinoko

He wasn't entirely sure that killing all 18 was going to be a simple breeze but he didn't comment on that. What he did say was: “I agree Tachiagari, Uta has a point in how the Hidden Mist technique might come in handy for a distraction when we are leaving but it might be better as you said to avoid using it so early in case these soldiers are veterans from the last location.” Depending on the skill of those specific ninja officers, if they could perform the right Jutsu they could neutralize the Mist easily with a Wind technique “I think when we storm the place we divide our attention between the Chunin and the soldiers instead of focusing on one or the other. We have no idea what those Shinobi officers are capable of, and the foot soldiers even if they don't match us physically per say will still be trouble to some extent due to their gear and numbers.

Though Uta did bring up a decent point that Yu had been thinking about. They didn't have Intel on the patrol routes of the garrison, the times they went or numbers that moved. And even if they did have those details he doubted it would matter. The moment they started their assault they would be on a timer and needed to get out quickly.

Scouting information is our next step,” Yuxuan stated, as it clearly seemed the next approach. “If we have some space between us and them, move up while we go forward if possible.” He spoke to Tachiagari and Uta specifically. “We can regroup and plan the assault once we have more information. I plan on going with Masumi,” outlining the position he intended on taking at least. “Was there anything else?” He asked, in case there was more that needed addressing.

Mentions: n/a

Interactions: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars IG42 IG42 AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

Ago Aburame
00777-2386705701-masterpiece, best quality, high quality, 1girl, solo, , uguisu_anko, glasses...jpeg

"...Damn kid you really think I'm stupid huh..." Ago scratched her chin, feeling more and more like she was being egged onto bully these damn kids... Of course he knew who Karasu was, he was a fucking black marketeer and the kid was local. He needed a placr to pawn off shit and if a crow didn't want local shinies then bears don't shit in the woods.

"Min-min, your shoes are untied." Ago pointed down at the girl's feet before grabbing the boy's collar, looking more like a thug than any Kunoichi from the leaf... Which... I guess... Wasn't saying much.

"Oi yea lil brat don'tchyea pull that pity shit on us! Big brother ain't giving yea enough to risk yer life here boy, fences ain't shit and I know that much so don't start coverin for them now." She dropped him on his ass and spat on his chest, a service people no doubt pay for around here.

"So either get runnin or stay and wish you had. Tell your Big Brother to expect a visit." She rummaged into a pocket and... slapped his face with (whatever 20 bucks equivalent) ryo.

"Now git hoofin it brat." she looked to be rearing up for a kick... but would wait for the kid to get running... She wanted him to think quick, light a fire under his ass...

"...Karasu knows were coming anyways, no doubt..." she crossed her arms, thinking about it... She had it on her mind for awhile... Announcing he had one of THE Seven swordman's blades at all was a death srntence, much less willing to sell it. To anybody but the strongest individuals it was basically a giant display piece... And people like this don't tout their products easy....

He was either very smart, or very, very fucking stupid.

Or he thought the mist dead and gone.

Which was on the stupid side.

A ninja was only more dangerous when dead, because you never can know if it was truth or their on your trail...

Either way, Karasu knows their coming, no doubt, he'd be stupid to think otherwise, and she can only expect he is going to want to chat once he hears this pup barking.
Masumi Hyuuga
While the others weighed in on their potential plans Masumi idly fiddled with his staff drilling a small hole in the dirt with the tip. At least one of the group wasn't a taijutsu specialist. "Any chance you can use that burrowing jutsu?" He asked Tachi. "That would make approaching unseen and getting inside easier. Failing that would you be able to block the entrances when we engage? Not having to chase down any runners would be nice." Humming thoughtfully he chewed on his thumb a little as a couple of other ideas came to him. "Ah whatever, best get the proper lay of the land before anymore spitballing. Yuxuan with me, other two follow a little behind and catch up, watch for my signals."

Moving off Masumi hopped between patches of cover when the lookouts within his field of view weren't looking and using body flicker to cross larger gaps unseen, occasionally he signalled for the others to stop when eyes were on their hiding places. After a very slow advance he motioned for them to halt behind a mound of displaced earth leftover from the construction of the camp. "This is close enough, let's see what we're dealing with."

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun The Regal Rper The Regal Rper LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
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Tachiagari Kagayaku
Interactions: IG42 IG42
Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

1738634610042.png Listening to the proposals of the rest of the team revealed that they were all confident and eager to go. His mist technique had been put on the back burner for now, not a bad idea. Before he could advise a course of action though, Masumi put forth two ideas. Tachi's brows rose in surprise and a small smile curled the ends of his lips. "I was just about to suggest that very jutsu Masumi. With your eyes as a guide we can maneuver to the perfect location, grab the supplies, and get back out without trouble." There was energy in his voice now as the possibility of avoiding combat became more tangible.

"I could use Earth Release to rearrange the terrain a little, but it would be more useful at destroying than barricading doors."
Riku Arashi
Mentions: Ganryu Ganryu
Interactions: Kohaku ( KageYuuki KageYuuki ) and Rikiko ( InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum )

The walls trembled, the cracks spreading like jagged veins across stone. Dust rained down, and with it came something far worse. A cascade of live wires snapping free from the collapsing ceiling, lashing through the air like serpents of raw energy.

Riku barely had time to react. A sudden arc of blue-white lightning cracked past his face, illuminating the tunnel in a violent strobe. Instinct took over. His hand shot out, and with a sharp hiss of pain, he caught one of the flailing cables midair. Energy surged through him, burning hot under his skin, but he gritted his teeth and held firm.

The steel door ahead loomed, locked in place, its keypad blinking erratically. The entire system was dying, power flickering in and out like a candle in a storm. The voices beyond it were muffled by alarms, by the deafening roar of the collapsing tunnel behind them.

No time. No hesitation.

Riku tightened his grip on the crackling wire, feeling the raw voltage bend to his will as his chakra wrapped around it like a vice. "Tch! If this thing needs power, then I'll give it some!" He forced the current down the line, a reckless surge of energy racing toward the malfunctioning system. The keypad let out a garbled beep, the door groaning as sparks burst from its frame.

It wasn't open yet, but Riku had hopefully forced an opening. A single moment where the locks faltered.

"Now! While it's unstable! Get that damn door open!!" He snarled through gritted teeth, still holding the sparking wire as arcs of electricity danced around him.

Behind them, the tunnel was falling apart. But in front of them? Maybe a chance.
Supply depot Raid
Under the piercing gaze of the byakugan, the layout and occupants of the supply depot were laid bare. As might be expected of a military installation, the depot was arranged in a straightforward, logical manner.It was surrounded by sturdy walls of modest height, though that had been apparent even from far away. The depot itself was a large, square building, much of which was taken up by shelves and crates full of supplies, it was also capped by a modest watchtower that served as a vantage point for at least one sentry at the moment, armed with an abnormally large crossbow that could almost be more accurately described as a ballista.

A smaller, rectangular building at the rear of the dept seemed to be a barracks to judge from the many beds and sleeping people it contained. Opposite the barracks was another rectangular building that seemed to be a mess hall and kitchen and finally there was a smaller building that might be a combined working and living space for officers.

There were guards posted liberally throughout the compund. Aside from the sentry in the tower, there were four at the corners of the walls around the depot and a pair of guards at the entrance to depot itself and the officer's quarters, there was even a pair of guards staioned inside the depot building. Two more pairs of guards patrolled the grounds at a steady pace, checking in with each sentry that they passed.

IG42 IG42 LadyOfStars LadyOfStars RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun The Regal Rper The Regal Rper
Shikane Nara- Black Market Search
Shikane sighed lightly while Minoru and Ago took turns haranguing the urchin she had apprehended. If the intent had been to utterly disorient the child than the combined lecture and thuggish intimidation approach was probably going to be pretty effective, although it didn't look to have been entirely intetional. Or at all intentional even. Meanwhile Kaen was lazing about and being insufferably smug about it. Shikane contemplated walking over and pouring the rest of the pot of tea over his head, but he seemed like the kind of person who would act as though sitting around drenched in slowly cooling beverage somehow proved whatever inane point he was trying to make. Shikane knew the type well because her whole clan was full of them

It seemed like maybe this Karasu person would get along with Kaen though because he also appeared to making some kind of needlessly complicated, pointless statement with his actions since he apparently knew they were coming, or else he had some kind of needlessly complicated, pointless scheme in mind. This whole thing was starting to feel like playing shogi with her uncles to Shikane and she had never really cared much for that particular game.

That didn't mean Shikane didn't know how to play at all though.

"Alright, it sounds like we can expect someone to be along shortly then, so shall we prepare for them?" Shikane asked briskly, turning to Ago. "The Aburame have a well regarded clone technique don't they? If go hide somewhere nearby, can you cover for our absence with a clone? That way when someome arrives we can take them by surprise. Then we can hopefully question them and potentially disguise ourselves as them in order to get close to our target. Also, I need you to put one of your insects in Kaen's tea. For um. Safety reasons. In case he's kidnapped, yes,"

If there were no objections to this plan, then Shikane would gesture Ago and Minoru to a nearby store, where they could break line of sight with any onlookers so that Shikane could swap places with an insect clone and disguise herself as a nondescript pedestrian without arousing suspicion.

KageYuuki KageYuuki SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck Orikanyo Orikanyo Ganryu Ganryu
Genin - Minoru Minori - The Black Market
Orikanyo Orikanyo
SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck
AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
KageYuuki KageYuuki

Minoru quickly checked her shoes, being untied could be a serious safety concern if a fight broke out.

... she looked down at her sandals, and then a look of betrayal to Ago as she took her prisoner. Minoru had finally felt the lecture was doing good! Now the Aburame was going to ruin it with her terrible role model'ish attitude!!! She'd already proved lying to not be beneath her... And her lecture was much shorter, more intimidating.

Minoru sighed. Kaen was still just observing. Minoru scratched her nose, accidentally using her middle finger fully extended, before at least having the presence to look like it was an accident. Shikane spoke of them being ambushed, and Minoru cocked her head. Why would they be ambushed? She hadn't done anything. If anything, they were doing it wrong. These diabolical rogues only cared for coin. If it was about beating people up, she would have been on that a long time ago. Minoru bent down to the street, picking up a small pebble, and started to toss it up and down mindlessly.

Every time, she caught it, her hand sprawled, just for a fraction of a second. She kept tossing it.

Suddenly, a gold coin rolled between her fingers, the pebble gone. A moment later, a small poof of smoke in her hands, and the pebble returned to being juggled.

Minoru walked with Shikane and Ago into the store, but she had a different idea. She watched the cashier, exchanging cash, and seeing what the local currency looked like. They'd take her Ryo, that was no problem, but people were finnicky of what money looked like.

Every few tosses, the pebble's shape became more and more accurate. Minoru's stomach rumbled, and she went to buy a quick snack in the store, and a festival mask. They took her Ryo, no problem, and the change back was useful. She passed by Ago, and passed by to touch her wrist, and whisper, "Hey, 'auntie', can I get one of, uh, those?" She made a spider like motion with her fingers, making a fairly impressive shadow puppet of a beetle with the sunlight of the window. The secret of Minoru playing with her dojutsu to practice shadow puppets late at night, she would take to the grave.

Then Minoru kept walking back outside, and walking with the crowd. Why both getting ambushed? Rogues like coin. They'd be expecting someone to pay for it. It was from the Mist. Minoru smiled. Oh yeah... it was all coming together. One moment she was with the crowd, one moment, she'd walked down an alley. She looked for a dumpster, walking past it, and looking around to make sure she was in the clear before climbing it, and the roof.

Landing, she made one more series of handsigns. She hated ninja trickery, but, well, she was pretending to be a ninja. Just for a bit. Just utnil the ninja realized a samurai was needed. There'd be a day... probably.

In a puff of smoke, Minoru faded, and instead, she was replaced with the scariest person she'd ever seen from the mist. A mask over the face, the Mist's symbol over it. She looked like a hunter nin. The enemy would be expecting one. As long as she claimed to have the gold, she was sure she could deal with things 'peacefully'. Afterall, actual hunter nin could easily deal with things 'nonpeacefully', and probably quicker too. But they were scary, and that was her sword in this battle. Only a fool would go bare knuckles against a spear. Like, some, some suicidal rodent or something.

Only issue... she had no idea what a hunter nin, or ANBU, or anything was called. But Minoru was sick of waiting! She moved as quietly as she could across the rooftops, looking down in the crowd for anyone else with the black armband, looking for someone older than the kid. She didn't have a ton of chakra, after all.

She munched happily on her dango with a small 'squee', sliding it under her mask. It wasn't as good as her homeland, but was better than rations. She was glad Shikane had returned her purse. Between looking for people, she studied the change she'd gotten back.
Irezumi Uta
Location: Enemy Supply Depot

Advancing as stealthily as their skills allowed, Uta and her companions made it close enough for both visual observation and for Masumi to be able to sense, or rather, see the guards via his clans unique skill. And it all just smelled terrible to her as the Chakra seeing abilities, with their own skills gave a simple report, or at least the semblance of one. Speaking in a hushed tone, Uta paid careful attention to any signs of movement or change in the environment, there was no telling what skills the enemy had, as she repeated and coalesced what they had pieced together up till now.

"So, four men, one at each corner, two on a rotational patrol and check in, two inside the supply depot, several in the barracks, I suspect an even number at night and in the day, no exterior patrols, sloppy. Two guards at the main gate, two at the smaller tent. No one seen at what we guess is the mess hall. That will likely change as the hours pass, will be neat to see how they eat, time and numbers wise."

As far as she seen it, the job had its difficulties, a lot of them. "We could go in with stealth provided we can avoid being spotted, via the mess hall side of the camp, assault wise, hitting the barracks has problems and solutions... The Patrol and corner guards, and the man in the high tower are the real issues, same with the guys inside the depot." She exhales a bit as if dealing with a bothersome, yet boring task.

Before long she adds on; "I wonder which of all these the two officers are?" Turning to the rest she continues; "Well, ideas? I can scale the wall if we want to try stealth, how about the rest of you? Still, might be best we wait a bit longer, see what they do... Sorry, I'm just spit balling for now, whatever we do we can't take time to search or to kill them all unless we are mighty fast and careful."

Interactions: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy IG42 IG42 The Regal Rper The Regal Rper
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Masumi Hyuuga
Scratching out a rough map in the dirt as he surveyed the camp Masumi pointed first to the officer's quarters and again to one corner of the depot in response to Uta's musing. "Going by what I can see of their chakra systems the only two people who've trained to increase their capacity are here and here. One looks to be going over papers while the other is in the tower on lookout, I suspect they're the officers working different shifts." Folding his arms he continued to watch the soldiers going about their work. "While it's been made clear we shouldn't underestimate the rank and file troops eliminating the officers should be a priority. Tunnelling our way under the walls to within the depot could allow us to bypass those patrolling and strike at least the two guards inside out of sight of the others. Then we could either smuggle the supplies out from under their noses or attack from the inside there."

The Regal Rper The Regal Rper AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy LadyOfStars LadyOfStars RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun
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Kohaku Fujioka
Delivery-ance - Supply Mission​

Kahaku smiled as Rikiko's hand slid into her own and the pair descended into the dark tunnel. What few lights there were flickered, threatening to die out and plunge the four of them entirely in darkness. The newfound spark of resolve was short lived, however, when her fellow Suna nin stumbled and fell. Both kunoichi tumbled down the stone steps with yelps and a loud crash. Kohaku's puppet broke free from her pack, hitting the concrete floor with a surprising bang before lazily rolling down the hall a few feet.

"Ow..." she groaned. Everything ached as she stood and dusted off, her pride in particular.

“I-I must have tripped on those puppet strings of yours! Watch where you’re waving those things eh?”

Kohaku turned towards Rikiko at the accusation. "Huh!? My fault!?" The small genin's fists lightly beat on her teammate's shoulder. "Tama-kun's been in my bag this whole time! You tripped over your own two feet!" There wasn't any real force behind the blows. An act and reaction that would be familiar to her friend. No real anger to be found.

She huffed, pulling her puppet back over to her and letting it trail behind as they all walked further inside. Kibo had said the place could be dangerous if they weren't careful, so having her puppet at the ready could come in handy.

Kohaku also really didn't want to have to try and get it back into her pack if she didn't need to. What was essentially an iron ball was heavy and it was a relief to have the weight removed for the time being.

She really needed to pester Hikaru on how to seal things in scrolls and tags.

The entire place felt empty as they walked, weaving through tunnels and descending and climbing stairs. Even if they weren't yet in the village proper for some reason, there should still be at least someone patroling or talking or something, right? "Hey, Kibo, is it normally so . . . empty here? Or were those rats earlier guards? Like the ones back at camp! Though there haven't been any in while..." A boom in the distance shook the tunnel, raining dust and small debris on them. She brushed the dirt from her hair. "That's, uh, normal right?"

Another heavy boom, followed by the cracking of stone. The sound made her hair stand on end. A faint, muffled alarm behind the door ahead of them and undiscernible shouts. Even without an answer from Kibo, it was becoming clear that this likely wasn't the norm for the Hidden Sound. Something was happening.

There wasn't time to dwell on it as another impact landed in the distance, the crack of stone was no longer a subtle warning. The tunnel behind them collapsed entirely, blocking their way back and sending out a wave of dust. More stone dropped from above, threatening to crush her and Rikiko. Kohaku didn't have a chance to think, she reacted, diving out of the way of the rocks and dirt that threatened to entomb her. A puppet master needed to be agile and light on their feet out in the field, Kohaku was thankful her training paid off in that regard.

A snap followed by a brilliant blue arc of electricity left stars in her vision.

"Now! While it's unstable! Get that damn door open!!"

She could barely hear Riku's shout over the collapsing tunnel and crackling electricity. Struggling to blind away the stars in her vision, Kohaku threw her hands out in the direction the door had been in. The metal-clad armadillo raced forward, an iron ball rolling between Riku's feet and wedging itself between the door and wall.

The puppet creaked under the pressure but held firm for now. The door would stay open for now, but it wasn't enough for them to squeeze through. "Rikiko!" She shouted, praying her teammate was alright and could hear her. "Your sand! Force the door-!" Kohaku's voice died in her throat as another smell emerged past the dust and damp earth and sharp ozone: burning flesh.

Roaring flames that towered over her, consuming all in their path.

Her hands shook.

Ganryu Ganryu Japanime Japanime InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum

Yuxuan | Camp Tsuchinoko

Up until the map had been completely finished, Yuxuan had been silent, merely listening. It was only once Masumi had finished jotting down the details and pointing out the specific details of which officers that Uta had listed off in location and position were the specific two they needed to look out for that he spoke at last.

If we can take an underground approach as Masumi is suggesting then let's do it, Tachiagari.” Looking at the med-nin. “If we can do that it would significantly minimize the heat we would face. Splitting up might be a necessity here once we get past that wall from tunneling below though.” Eyes following the map. “If it comes to that, I'd like Uta to go with Tachiagari to take out the lookouts and Masumi, you with me so we can take out the one in the office quarters.” Articulating at least he wasn't completely underestimating the trained officers Masumi had noted as their priority targets.

The last thing I would ask is Tachiagari, you said you had a summon right? Is it possible you could use that summon to track Masumi and I if necessary?

Mentions: n/a

Interactions: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars IG42 IG42 AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun


Kasumi Sunemizuki

Kasumi's smile thinned a bit at Ren's introduction. She was familiar with his clan, however not him personally. So, it was sound to gauge each other's abilities individually. Ren could likely easily capture the messenger, but the issue was that the enemy couldn't know the intel was compromised, which meant their options were either killing the messenger and assuming his place or learning of the intel without the messenger's awareness.

She approached, bouncing her her steps towards him. Without reservation, she clung to his arm and leaned in with a cheshire grin. "Oh? Would it be preferential for either of us to ride you, then~?" She chimed in response.

Kasumi's mannerisms were somewhat odd for one of her station. In some ways, she acted in a manner befitting it, and in others, such as here, she proved more impish and playful. She wasn't standoffish nor reserved when it came to invading someone's space or physical contact. Rather, it was likely due to the fact that she was called a prodigy and how she was treated that lead to her acting on whims of amusement.

"If we can't sneak a peek at the intel without their knowledge, then someone will be riding someone," Kasumi added all too bubbly before releasing Ren's arm and taking some steps away.

Pausing with a spin back to face the both of her comrades, a black aura began to radiate and flow around the border of her person before collecting lower. The smoky essence circled her, crossing in front of her and then around her back, before it took a more solid form befitting a large wolf. The 'wolf' slowly marched along her side before pausing to sit, the same black essence that made up the creature wafting along its form.

"This is my Kekkei Genkai. My chakra can take the form of various creatures, suitable for battle and for spying," Kasumi explained with a hint of pride, her hand finding the top of the manifestations head and beginning to pat it as if it were a pet. Her eyes then briefly glanced to Ren. "And no, dear, I can't make a horse, nor could I even make it look like a normal one."

With that said, Kasumi's eyes shifted to their red-haired compatriot. "And what of you, Miss Uzumaki? Do tell us what you can do," She prodded eagerly, perhaps a bit too interested in what the Uzumaki Clan remnant could do.

Phayne Phayne Ersatra Ersatra AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
Uzamaki Tsuyu

Tsuyu watched with growing amusement as Rengetsu fumbled over his words, his cheeks turning a rather endearing shade of red as Kasumi latched onto his arm like an overly affectionate cat toying with its prey. The Uzumaki kunoichi's eyes gleamed mischievously as she crossed her arms, tapping one finger thoughtfully against her chin.

“Ohhh, I see how it is,” she mused, her lips curling into a knowing smirk. “You don’t want to be the horse, but you also can’t bear the thought of riding one of us. Hmm… which means—" she paused dramatically, leaning in slightly— "the real objective here is getting Kasumi and me to ride one another, isn’t it?"

She let the words hang in the air for a beat, then broke into a soft chuckle. "Rengetsu, I had no idea you had such bold tastes."

The corners of her lips quirked further upward as she watched for his reaction. The poor man already looked flustered—she wondered just how much further he could spiral if they kept teasing him. But alas, they did have a mission to get to, and it wouldn’t do to have their only adhesive specialist short-circuiting before they even got started.

Stepping back, Tsuyu placed a hand on her hip, turning her attention toward Kasumi as she showcased her Kekkei Genkai. The inky black wolf that emerged was striking—fluid, yet defined, almost like a living shadow. Tsuyu watched its movements with keen interest.

"Very impressive," she admitted. "That’ll definitely give us an advantage, especially if we need eyes on the target without getting too close."

Tsuyu let that compliment settle before casually gesturing to herself. "As for me? Well, I don’t have fancy pets or anything sticky, but I do have a few tricks of my own."

She brought her hands together in a slow, deliberate hand sign. However, nothing came of it. "Just kidding, I'm not all that flashy. I'm skilled in large-scale, subtle genjutsu. Not the kind that makes you see terrifying monsters or relive your worst nightmares—though that would be fun—but the kind that makes people overlook things. A sound that should be heard but isn’t, a shadow that doesn’t quite register, a door that seems unimportant… that sort of thing. Great for staying hidden in plain sight."

She let her hands drop back to her sides. "Of course, it goes without saying, I'm a Fūinjutsu specialist. I'm good with barrier techniques—hard to break, great for isolating targets, and even better for keeping certain chatty messengers from alerting the whole damn countryside. But I truly shine when it comes to ambush tactics and area denial."

Tsuyu cocked her head slightly, giving them both an appraising look. "So, we’ve got glue traps, shadow beasts, and illusions that make people forget we exist. I’d say we have plenty of ways to pull this off." She smiled slyly. "Although, I am still quite curious about who’s going to be riding who if we mess up. Rengetsu, any preferences? Or should we flip a coin?"

Phayne Phayne EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
Tachiagari Kagayaku
Location: Depot Raid
Interactions: IG42 IG42 RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun The Regal Rper The Regal Rper AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy

1739216407599.png It seemed that the team had come up with a plan that most agreed upon and with Yuxuan's suggestions everyone had a role to play. "He has an excellent sense of smell so locating you shouldn't be too difficult to achieve." Tachi to Yuxuan as he assured the shinobi of what his summoning was capable of. With the plan solidified it was time to get going and he wasn't going to be the one to hold the team back.

As he started to perform the hand signs for the jutsu Tachi briefly gave an explanation of how it worked. "This technique will turn the ground around us into a liquid, allowing us to move as if in water. So remember to keep swimming and to stay close to one another or I'll have to expend more chakra to increase the size of the pool."

When his hands locked together on the final sign the ground immediately softened beneath them and they quickly sunk into it. There were no signs of their underground movement as the jutsu allowed them to cross the open field, maneuver under the defensive wall, and with Masumi's help they headed straight to the Depot.

"3...2...1" Tachi gave a silent countdown, nodding with his head to keep count as the jutsu came to an end and the earth solidified, pushing them up to the surface. Now they just had to secure the room.
Rengetsu Amesawa
Caught in a trap before heading towards the mission area

A sudden jolt would dance across Rengetsu's spine as his body instantaneously tightened at Kasumi's unexpected action. The feeling of the dark haired Kunoichi grasping his arm suddenly was already enough to cause him to want to step backwards. However he would be given no opportunity to do so as she leaned in; a wry smile visible. Like a mouse caught in a trap, the close proximity in which she had so easily invaded his personal space had done enough to cause his muscles to tense up to the point that he was virtually rendered immobile and left to her mercy as he stood there.

"N.. no. That.. wasn't... what I meant..I.." he replied awkwardly; avoiding eye contact with the Kunoichi; all the while attempting to maintain a brave front in front of the two women. Yet their verbal assault to his innocent remark would see no rest as Tsuyu chimed in; the situation only getting worse for Rengetsu as his intentions were twisted ever more by the conniving vixens. "N.. no.. I... I di.. didn't mean... that... eith...er..." he fumbled; his cheeks a rosy red as their words casted a genjutsu on his mind. He would glance at Kasumi, back at Tsuyu and then finally at the ground and his own feet. As a man, he could not help but picture such a situation; not after they themselves had made the suggestion. Yet, to indulge in such illusions would only solidify his defeat in the matter.

Released from Kasumi's grip and ganged up upon by the two women, Rengetsu would retreat into himself, using both hands to grasp his helmet downward so as to try and hide his flustered self from the pair of them. Regardless of who ended up riding who, he doubted he would ever be able to get over the embarrassment, thus saying anything else on the matter would have done him no good, not when he was soundly defeated by the pair of them. He would just have to live with the consequences if it came to it.

Glancing at the ground as he sulked, finger in the dirt as he made circles; he would only be drawn away from his turmoil by the sound of Kasumi twirling around; his attention half heartedly drawn towards her as he begun to notice the smoky black essence take shape. As a mist nin, he had heard stories of her clans KKG, but it was only now that he would be seeing it up close. Next to her, the large form of a wolf would take shape. Alas, before a comment could escape Ren's mouth, he would be cut off by the quick wit of Kasumi; her instincts sharp.

Next was Tsuyu; Rengetsu watching as she made a show with her hand signs. Only to pull a fast one on them with her joke. Ren was already feeling like a fool; as such as her little stunt only helped to mentally jab at his fragile psyche.

"I'm already experiencing a nightmare..." he mumbled to himself softly, referring to what had just happened. That being said, as she continued to describe her skillset, it was already becoming clear to Ren that her genjutsu could be the key to their success as well as the key in regards to avoiding that potential scenario. Hope restored that their was a chance they could avoid the worst case scenario, Ren would finally stand himself upright, dusting himself off as he glanced at the pair of Kunoichi; still avoiding eye contact.

However he would quickly turn to face away from them; head slumped over and hands pocketed as Tsuyu's final remark was another verbal jab to his gut. "N..no.." he meekly replied; before jumping forward into the tree's and starting to make his way towards Misaki High Road. He needed to keep his distance from them, otherwise their constant verbal jabs and teasing would leave him unable to continue the mission,

Mentions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Ersatra Ersatra AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy

Code by Serobliss
Masumi Hyuuga
With a course of action agreed Masumi obliterated the map he had drawn with a swipe of his hand, it was almost inconceivable that someone would check the spot and find it but on the off chance it could give them away and he wasn't going to give fate any more options than it already had to screw with them. "Welp time to go then, let's try not to die today." He'd said it many times before both to himself and other but found that he meant it for himself more than he had in some time. "Lead the way Tachiagari and I'll direct you on where to go."

Holding close to Tachi as they 'swam' Masumi steered them with careful touches towards the interior of the depot building where they surfaced in a spot that was for the moment out of sight of the two guards patrolling inside. Swiftly leaping straight up Masumi attached himself to the ceiling and skulked across until he silently dropped behind one of the two guards, zeroing in on the back of the guard's neck Masumi jabbed the man with two fingers injecting a burst of chakra which pulverised his spine killing him instantly. Shoving the corpse out of sight Masumi jumped back to ceiling and made for the other guard fully expecting one of the others to have handled it.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun LadyOfStars LadyOfStars The Regal Rper The Regal Rper AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
Irezumi Uta
Location: Enemy Supply Depot

It wasn't much of a plan, but it was good enough, the idea of just tunneling into the compound had not occurred to her, and they very quickly would be putting that plan into motion. She didn't have any reason to argue against it, and while she had suggested they all decided on a leader, if they could work like this and not be at one another's throats, or trying to act over one another, then that was good enough to leave it all alone. Swimming through the ground was one hell of an experience, it's a good thing Tachi was an ally and not an enemy. Hopefully that never changed, while Uta was by no means remotely close to stupid, she would rather not devise ways to protect herself and clan from the very ground around them, anytime, anywhere, all the time. Such would drive one to paranoia.

Reaching the surface Uta was quick to seek out the patrols with what her senses allowed, the fact Masumi had beaten her to it was no surprise, more so when he seemingly got on the ceiling, dropping down and taking out one of the two patrollers without any problems. She however being the second to surface would rush off like a berserker with a wild glint to her eye, she recalled where Masumi has said where the second guard would be. With deftness to her steeps, she would catch him from behind as Uta's skills in Taijutsu and her pure physical strength would come through to shine as she brutally shoulder rammed him to the ground, quickly wrapping a hand over his mouth with her left hand, her right bicep would slide underneath the jaw of the soldier while her right hand would firmly clasp the top of his head as she kept her right knee in the soldiers back.

While the Hyuuga had carried himself with stealth and finesse in his technique, the Irezumi was much like here appearance would suggest, stealthy, yet rough and tumble as she proceeded to act like a ganger in the wrong back alley, a snap would be heard soon after as her person blocked the second guard from view. When she stood, only a limp form with a head that was bent at an awkward angle was all that was left, so far so good. No alert was sent, but she would need to back up the earth swimmer if they wanted to take out the patrolling pair and tower guards. Though, that being the case unless the plan changed.

Interactions: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy IG42 IG42 The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

Kasumi Sunemizuki

Kasumi's grin only widened as Tsuyu played along. Her eyes trailed to the poor boy hid his face with his helmet. Her hand not patting the wolf came up to cover her mouth with the tips of her fingers. "My, my~" She hummed mischievously. She couldn't help but tease them if they responded with reactions like that. The heiress was, after all, a bit of a gremlin.

Nonetheless, they were here for work, and so Kasumi turned her gaze to Tsuyu as she moved onto her specialties. Her face adopted a thoughtful expression and the hand that was covering her lips grasped her chin. "Ah, so you're more or less perfect for this," She said with a hum. With that kind of a genjutsu, perhaps they really could sneak a peek at the intel without the messenger's knowledge so long as they didn't have a resistance, but resistance against genjutsu specialists was rather uncommon.

Kasumi's eyes then shifted back to Ren as Tsuyu finished her explanation with another prod towards him, a smirk playing upon her lips. "Aw~ Come now, Ren~! Don't sulk~" She chimed, her melodic tone likely not doing much to comfort him.

She turned and followed suit, the wolf dissipating into the air and flowing back towards her person before losing visibility entirely. Kasumi leapt into the trees behind Ren. As they moved closer to the target area, Kasumi would mold her chakra once again, this time into the Talon, a large hawk or eagle-like entity that took flight above and further ahead of her. "So what's the plan? If we're to attempt this with subtlety, waiting for the messenger to reach the rest stop that was mentioned is likely our best bet."

Phayne Phayne Ersatra Ersatra AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy

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