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Fandom Naruto: Shinobu no taitō


Elder Member


1. Please read the overview since all the information you need is there.

2. If you have any questions send me a pm or ask in ooc. I would be happy to help.

3. KG users please pm before you put up your cs.

4. Don't forget to read the rules ;)

5. There are no Jinchuuriki

Character Sheet

[font=Times New Roman][b]Name:
Nickname: (optional)
Age appearance:


[Tab=Personal Information]
[b][font=Times New Roman]Date of Birth:


Current village:

Personality:( One to two paragraphs four to five sentences)


History: (Given that this is a detailed rp I would like to ask for at least two-three paragraphs at least with four to five sentences each. If you can and want to write more then by all means go ahead.)[/font][/b]


[Tab=Clan Information]
[b][font=Times New Roman]Clan/Bloodline:

Clan History: (one or more paragraphs)

Clan Emblem: (optional)[/font][/b]


[Tab=Shinobi Information]
[b][font=Times New Roman]Rank:

Chakra Nature:

Fighting Style:(About a paragraph explanation of who your character fights. Ex. Is he or she a close range or long range fighter. Do they think of their fight an react for plan out there moves ahead of time. If you need more help with this pm me, and I would be happy to help you.)[/font][/b]

[b][font=Times New Roman]Weapons/Items: (ex. Kunai, paper bombs, etc)[/font][/b]


[font=Times New Roman][b]Name of weapon:(optional/Used for special items)[/b]

[b]Appearance:(optional/Used for special items)[/b]

[b]Description/History:(optional/Used for special items)[/b][/font]


{slide=Cannon Jutsu}[b][font=Times New Roman]A rank:
B rank:
C rank:
D rank:[/font][/b]

[center]{slide=Custom Jutsu}Name:
Type of Jutsu:
Chakra Nature:



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Name: Chikafusa Ninomiya

Nickname: The Dark Wolf

Appearance: A man hardly mistaken for another.... Chikafusa is marked by his Snow White long shoulder length hair with bangs styled to his left side of his face that are adorned with iron rings near the bottom of the braids. While his grayish-blue eyes appear like stone with a sharpness and cold in their gaze yet a beauty and uniqueness in them remain despite the dull and plainness of color. A full and thick goatee groomed and well kept rounds his lips and mouth while the remainder of his face is clean shaven, the goatee dark brown in color and contrast to his white hair, few could match the features his face composes to go along with his slim rounded and chizzled looks. While his figure is muscular and slightly lean and garbed in a personal variant of the Kirigakure ranked shinobi uniform and common ware, Starting with a mesh shirt worn underneath it all and visible at the neckline, while a mid-length sleeve shirt in black is worn overtop nearing the respective black lower arm sleeves with gray pinstripes seen on each arm with only the middle of the arm and elbow area visible, ending his upper torso with his black version of the Kiri style flak jacket. The lower torso starting at the waist is complete with his black pants with gray pinstripes with his Kusarigama seen equipped at his waist on his right side, while wearing black shinobi knee high armored sandals.

Age: 26

Age appearance: Mid twenties to early thirties

Height: 6'2

Weight: 185

Gender: Male

  • Date of Birth: 12th of November

    Birthplace: Kirigakure; The Hidden Mist

    Current village: Village Hidden in the Mist

    Personality: The sound of his tone and appearing eyes and face suggest a cold, stoic, emotionless man and his manner combined with it could suggest a ruthless, cunning and bound by duty and bathed in the flames of war and blood type of man. While in truth it may hold yet it's only one side of him, he is more complex and has two sides just as any coin but with his own meaning to the term 'two face'. Being formerly Anbu and raised on the streets of Kirigakure with no family or clan history to speak of, he knows only one way.... A harsh and necassary way, survival. He knows the necessity of certain attributes and actions being Anbu requires, while knowing the cold and harsh reality of relying upon yourself for survival when no other would aid you, even if your a young orphan and living on the streets. The era of the blood mist was no easier of a reality either for him..... Only adding to his persona and realistic view of life and it's reality that may be cold and unforgiving at times.

    But despite his upbringing and career as a shinobi while in the Anbu. Chikafusa is capable of emotion and knowing the strength found in kindness, compassion and mercy while also love. He's respectful and kind in his own way with a protective and go the lengths of the world and back side for those he has come to care for in his life. He's knowledgeable and intelligent but not supreme in his level of I.Q such as he has his strengths and weaknesses of what he does and doesn't have knowledge of and others where it varies in how much he knows and doesn't know.

    He also possessses a ambitious side to him, desiring to one day become one of the seven swordsman of the mist. While confident and knowing of his limits, Chikafusa is also superstitious, believing strongly in signs and when ones day/night or fight is in the cards or isn't while unwanting to displease the gods with acts or timing that goes against the signs and their warning or blessing of their favor or non favor. Taking and heeding caution and watchful for such things as fits his superstitious nature and beliefs.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    History: A orphan with no known clan or history to speak of, Chikafusa grew up on the streets poor and cold..... Everyday was a fight for survival yet held hope. When he came of age and was accepted he joined the academy and began his studies and training to become a shinobi and make something of himself... To overcome the odds and beat his past deep into the depths of its existence. Though he did start off slow and confidence was shaken with his goals fading from view and beyond hope... He eventually found his way and stood firm, growing, learning and evolving into a capable and smart young lad with potential to accomplish his goals.

    By the age of eleven he graduated from the academy and became a genin, where he was then placed within a team of his own and it was there he first learned of what it was like to have friends and comrades..... To have those caring and supportive around him and in his life. Here and in this setting and point of his life, he grew even further and started to excel in his training and studies. He went on missions, took exams and succeeded along with his team and mentor.

    A few years later at the age of fourteen Chikafusa was promoted to chunin and rised further in skill and being. He was entrusted with this rank and despite the times and his own struggles, he proved worthy and ready of and for it. He continued going on missions and did a stint as a proctor in his later years as a chunin up until his adulthood age of nineteen.

    By this time and a few days passed his birthday of the nineteenth year, Chikafusa Ninomiya had garnered enough attention and showing skillful to the point of being offered a place within the Anbu. It was this time where he truly began his career, where he was truly tested and his skills learned from growing up the way he had would come into play. The knowledge and ability of survival and the cold reality of life often left unseen and to those it concerns, Chikafusa would utilize those traits and witness as well as learn what the Anbu are truly capable of and required to do and act when called upon or needed for actions necassary to prevent or protect ones village and way of life.

    He spent years within the Anbu and became known as the 'The Dark Wolf'. A deadly and swift figure of note that glimmers beneath the darkness of night and under the moons light.... Racing and seemingly dancing through the air and trees bringing fear and uncertainty..... Sounds from all around and anywhere or none at all before striking down his foes leaving their last sight before their life was ended.... Being that of the moonlight which often reflected from the blade of his Kusarigama and the white hair and black attire that blended into the night sky.

    By the age of twenty five he was recruited to become a jonin.... Tokubetsu jonin to be exact. He agreed and had done so with the only change in his appearance being the absence of his black wolf Anbu mask which remains now in his possession and hanging from his belt and by his Kusarigama.

    A year has passed and while Mei Terumi looks to change the mist village from the blood mist era, a change he supports and looks to aid in Achieving has now been asked to oversee his own squad for better or for worse and guide them along their journey in becoming shinobi themselves.

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Name: Alina Kleihel

Nickname: Lin, Allie

Age: 12

Age appearance: 13

Height: 4'8

Weight: 76

Gender: Female

  • Date of Birth: January 27th

    Birthplace: Yu no Kuni

    Current village: Kirigakure

    Personality: Alina is a very focused and serious girl. Having grown up in a foreign village with her family lost, she sought to get strong to show herself worthy of the mist as well as wanting to one day seek revenge. The anger that had fueled the younger girl had fortunately weakened with time, becoming a much more focused girl, although her temper does occasionally flare up when pressed enough. She is rather mature for her age, having forgone many bits of her childhood towards working to become a skilled shinobi.

    While she comes off rather cold, Alina deep inside has a sense of lonliness. She isolates herself feeling as if she doesn't belong, believing the only way to find companionship is through providing herself. She hold a great deal of care about others even if she doesn't vocally state it. She occasionally has nightmares or suffers moments of great stress, lingering from her memories as a younger child and the slaughter of her village still lingering in her mind despite her best efforts to forget them.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    History: Alina was born the second child of Burkhart and Kasumi
    Kleihel. Her older brother Eckart was three years older then herself. She was born gifted with Crystal Release, something gained her a great deal of attention after the clan had only two members possessing the talent at the time. Alina was a rather cheerful girl, often very light hearted about the fact she possessed such a talent. She would often use it as a way at mocking her older brother and causing some trouble.

    As tradition, she was immediately brought up at the age of three to learn a little from the youngest of the users of the village before her, Alphonse Kleihel. The then three year old was often given small lessons being taught bits and pieces to help shape her in learning the art of Crystal release. Alina wasn't quite as receptive at learning, spending much of her time goofing around over learning. Despite her attempts at 'toying' with Alphonse, she still learned much of the basic aspects of her inheritance while her mentor was more then happy to slowly ease and teach the happy girl. There would be plenty of time for her to learn it all... or at least there should of been.

    The rumblings of the war had been a lingering danger for the clan. While they had no allegiance pledged, they weren't immune to their own members being targeted or attacked. It escalated as more chaos grew as more cases appeared of clan members being attacked and even killed. It had been something Alina had all but ignored until the day her own village was attacked directly. A large group of Iwagakure ninja had discovered their small village. Seeing them as traitors in the past, they attacked as a way of getting back at a 'traitor' and remove any potential threat to their campaign.

    Alina had managed to escape with her mother. The girl had been left shaken and mute witnessing the death of her own brother and others she had come to know. Her injured mother managed with her father's aid to slip out on a small boat having luck on their side not being caught. Kasumi struggled through her wound making her way towards Kirigakure. Having family members as part of the first caste she sought to get safety for herself and her daughter, hoping they could have enough pull to give them refuge.

    It had been nearly two weeks before they arrived. Unfortunately, Kasumi had become extremely ill, ultimately perishing from an infection from her wound. Alina was entrusted to a family friend within the family Yuzuki, an older woman who had lost her own son in the war. Alina had managed to regain her voice over time with her Yuzuki's aid. Even with such a movement though, Alina still was often seen shaking in her bed at night having horrible nightmares.

    Alina had become a much more quiet and cold individual. With her urging to Yuzuki, she joined the academy as a way of seeking to become stronger. She felt strength would allow her to overcome those who slaughtered her clan and find herself a sense of companionship. Despite wanting to find a conneciton, Alina had troubles connecting with others. Her once outgoing and friendly self had dried up as she took a much more serious approach to things. It left her alone rather then gaining friends she wanted.

    Alina passed through the academy with ease. The girl's focus on her studies allowed her to excel in her classes. She seeks now to really begin her training as a ninja. The girl's mind still remains fragmented, still haunted by her past and a loss of connection with the world.

Name: Amet Tahel

Nickname: N/A


Age: 14

Age appearance: 15

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 180

Gender: Male

  • Date of Birth: June 6th

    Birthplace: Land of Iron

    Current village:

    Personality: Amet is a quiet person, preferring to practice on his own. Not many people approach him because of his connection to the samurai, but if one were to talk to him, they'd find him a kind, yet distant young man. He deeply cares about the nature around him, as well as the balance of life. He never kills without reason, and while he seems to prefer to avoid it, he won't hesitate when the moment arises.

    When not training, he is very inquisitive about the land around him, searching through books and scrolls to learn more about the world.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    History: Amet was born in the Land of Iron, among the samurai. While the samurai did the fighting, the daimyo created assassins to work behind the scenes. Samurai were all well and good, but they weren't the most subtle of people.

    These Assassins worked completely loyally to their Lord. They lived and died on command.

    Amet himself was one of these Assassins. He was born in a special village within the Land of Iron, one specifically designed for raising Assassins.
    Here, those with talent were kept and trained in martial arts and body strengthening techniques. Amet started his training at the age of five and was found to be particularly good at using knives.

    All Assassins are strong, physically and mentally, but Amet was special, he was from a dying bloodline. He was known as an Umbra Bellator, a Shadow Walker. Even at a young age, his ability with stealth matched those of his seniors.

    When Amet turned ten, he'd already killed his first target and would go on to kill anyone at a simple order. But his life as an Assassin wasn't meant to be. He was purchased by someone with a large amount of coin. Before he knew it, he being transported south, through the Land of Iron and Land of Wolves. Due to his special cargo status, it was safer to travel the long way, than by sea, though this took much more time.

    From what he was able to pick up by eaves dropping, he was being sold to a place known as the Bloody Mist. But during the years that it took for him to travel there, the political power of the village had shifted to a new person, one bent on changing the name of the village.

    He arrived in the village of Kirigakure when he was twelve. However, there was something odd about him, at least in comparison to the Ninja of the village. He couldn't mold chakra and did not even know the basics of chakra manipulation.

    Despite this, when tested, his assassination techniques were next to none, placing him at the strength of a low to mid level Chuunin. However, while his ability for stealth and killing were nearly perfect, him not being able to mold chakra puts him at a much lower ranking than Jounin.

    The only reason he was allowed to go through the Academy and pass was because of the Mizukage's good will, though his late start certainly made him one of the oldest in the academy.

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Nickname: N/A


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Age appearance:14




  • Date of Birth: August 24

    Birthplace: Kirigakure

    Current village: Kirigakure

    Personality: On the outside she seems to be a calm and nice person, often helping those in need or usually without asking for any sort of refund. However this is all a sham it could be said she acts only learn about other and find out ways to undermine them, she has a flakey mindset when it comes down to loyalty. For instance, she will work toward a goal with other, however if things don't go the way she wants she'll be quick to backstab another member of her team.It would be said she has a slightly sadistic nature in the way, acting in a cunning manner to gain the faith of other and use them as pawn or meat shields if it comes to that. In the sense of physical and verbal meat shields usually able to miss the direct attention to other, when she really the cause of the trouble. She doesn't even mind playing the puppet master in this sense,hiding in a group and letting a figurehead take the lead while she pulling the strings.

    Sexuality: Asexual

    History: Born in the gruesome settings of the Kirigakure, during the post the heyday of the bloody mist this quickly forced her to become self-reliant.She would join the Kirigakure ninja academy at the age of 5-year-old, at her father urging, to say the least, they were some real slave drivers.Nothing to really call a childhood it was focused between training with kenjutsu and chakra flow, her father was aiming for her to become one of the legendary swordsmen of the Kirigakure.Though to be honest Reito excelled because of their urging and pushing, she learns the hard lesson that failure wouldn't be accepted not even by those who brought her in the world.With all the things happening around Reito, it forced her to grow up quickly.

    Her family blood roots start deep in the kirigakure caste system, being among some of the founding and influencing families.Though she was born as an illegitimate child of her father and a maid at his family resident her mother was executed, by the order of her father furious wife not to long after Reito was born.Though she was angry at what happen she wasn't totally as she kept Reito under their roof, Reito becomes the fourth child in her new generation.Her father and step-mother turned out to be a Hunter-nin for the Kirigakure tho her father was often away from the home, leaving Reito at the mercy of her siblings and stepmother. Sending her off to sleep in the shed, to do chores while the rest of the family trained or relaxed. Her step-mother caught her watching them training this woman a survivor of the bloody mist had the idea, indulging in Reito open desire to join.

    Reito became the dumbie for her sibling, usually fighting 1 vs 3 or with inferior training gear. Such as a rotted wooden sword or a blunt kunai, it was quickly turning into a mini bloody mist contest every day. After every day at the academy her stepmother and her sibling herself would begin bouts in their large family compound, Her stepmother at least had the idea for all her children to have them to gain high ranks among the ninja world. From becoming seven swordsmen members or perhaps Anbu to carry the family pride onward. Reito was just to be a stepping stone if she didn't keep up, this was when Reito mentally caves and she begun her silent war vs her "family".

    It started simple enough without much harm, adding extra salt or making a curry extra spicy.She soon began to read about toxins such as mushrooms, deadly fish organs that belong to puffers.She would begin to dabble in play with this tonics, first on compound pets like rat hunting cats offering the cats milk mixed toxic berries. Though at first the felines wouldn't drink all of it sensing something off hissing a fleeing. Only to be found a day or later foaming at the mouth. In a sense, this gave Reito a rush at being able to display a sick type of power over animals of the compound. Most creature that suffer from Reito poisoning never died but got ill, it was that the girl simply wasn't good at it yet, however her father soon found out about it, he was impressed but also horrified at his daughter developments.

    Through the urging of her father she was enrolled into the Kiri ninja an academy, being a bit older than the standard Genin she was able to race through the academy and became a genin in a short time.She lives apart from her family now due to her father realistic fears of the young child acting out, a poisoning her estranged family. She lives at a youth hostel inside the Kiri, her father sending her money to live on, outside and away from the main family.



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Name: Byakuyagani [??, White Willow], Kohaku [??, Amber]

Nickname: Ko, Haku



Age: 12

Age appearance: 13-14

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 104 Lbs.

Gender: Male

  • Date of Birth: 18 of December

    Birthplace: Kirigakure, The Village Hidden in the Mist

    Current village: Kirigakure

    Personality: Kohaku is a rather calm and demure young man. Having come from a long line of samurai, he strives to do his best in the world of Shinobi. He is rather traditionalist, believing that the history and practice of one's family should be adhered to and due to this hypocritical view, he has difficulty coping with the deceitful life of a ninja that he has chosen when he had been raised with the teachings of Bushido. He is determined and stubborn, having decided to practice both Kenjutsu and Tessenjutsu [Literally, Iron Fan Technique] to carry on his family's tradition as well as create and have a career as a shinobi.

    Kohaku may come off as aloof at times, but he is very stressed and at times can come undone. His aggressive streak is very much like his father's and coupled with the vipers tongue her inherited from his mother, he has a tendency to 'explode' toward the last person who angered him. Despite this, he is careful with those he deems 'precious' to him, trying to refrain from snapping at them often.

    Sexuality: Pansexual - Is attracted to personality rather than physicality.

    History: Kohaku is the second born, first son and heir to the Byakuyagani clan. His father being Kaede Byakuyagani, the head of rather prestigious clan of Samurai from Iron Country and his mother, Akane also a samurai, whom was known for her use of Iron Fan's as her weapon of choice. Due to a massive decline in Samurai as well his parent's need to find a suitable lord whom would use their skills wisely, the husband and wife duo left the land of iron and traveled the nations. It wasn't until the discovered Terumi, Mei and the Mist's Rebellion did they finally stop. Hearing her wish to end the Village's unrest as well as the reputation as the "Bloody Mist", the two warrior swore their fealty with an oath of blood.

    When Kohaku was born, it was discovered that his chakra coils were just slightly more developed than a civilian baby. This meant that he had a greater chance to become a ninja, upon hearing the news, Keade was surprised. There was no member of the Byakuyagani Clan whom had ever had a chance to become a shinobi, at least not any greater than that of a civilian. Wanting his child to have the best chance he could, decided that when Kohaku was old enough to enter the academy he would give him the opportunity to choose his path. Words could never describe the pride he felt when his only son had decided to become a ninja but ensure that the family legacy would live on.

    With his older sister Aoi focusing primarily of her Kenjutsu, Kohaku had decided to specialize in the art of the Iron Fan and it's techniques.

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Name: Toshiyuki ( alert and happy) Arai

Nickname: The Filth Golem/ Tosh

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-5_22-54-44.png.014691f913fefb37c31a2dc80ded1c1e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96850" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-5_22-54-44.png.014691f913fefb37c31a2dc80ded1c1e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 13

Age appearance: Teenager 13-15

Height: 5'1

Weight: 99 lbs

Gender: Male

  • Date of Birth: 5th December

    Birthplace: Kirigakure, The Village Hidden in the Mist

    Current village: Kirigakure, T
    he Village Hidden in the Mist

    Personality: Toshiyuki is a very impulsive and lively person who always tries to live in the moment and never let life pass him by. He is reckless and rebellious which leads him normally to a life of fighting and petty crime without believing his actions have any long-term effect. This can lead him to get into a lot of trouble and discourse with the higher ups. This negative relationship with the high-ranking members of the village has lead him to gain a certain respect and defensive attitude towards people of the lower classes particularly orphans.

    However, his reckless nature is greatly complimented by his ability to think on his feet meaning that he can survive and strive his misdoing with ease. As well, even though his main priorities in life are all about having fun, he has been known to protect young disenfranchised children from bullies and to be furiously loyal to those he considers friends or allies.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    History: (Given that this is a detailed rp I would like to ask for at least two-three paragraphs at least with four to five sentences each. If you can and want to write more then by all means go ahead.) Toshiyuki was born to two wealthy merchants, Hideki and Chinami Murakami as their first and only child. During the birth procedure, his mother contracted a virus which eventually lead to her untimely death only a week after Toshiyuki's birth. In a fit of rage towards the newly born, his former father left him on the doorstep of an orphanage with a letter that disowned him from the Stevenson family, his father never returned.

    At the age of six, Toshiyuki began to run with the local gang as a apprentice-bruiser (due to his rather large stature for a child) known as The Tops and was given a mentor by the name of Isamu Arai. During this period of time, Toshiyuki began to see Isamu as a pseudo-father filling the role that was left empty, they became so close that Toshiyuki eventually took up Isamu's last name of Aria as a show of recognition that he finally had someone in which he could fully trust. Isamu taught Toshiyuki the skills necessary to survive on the streets. This training led the duo to be known as two of the most ruthless but humane thugs in the city, gaining the nicknames of 'The Golems' for their longevity in battle. However, the most important thing that Isamu gave to Toshiyuki was the ideas of freedom and happiness which Toshiyuki had never experienced before, at this point Toshiyuki decided that he would never give up his freedom and happiness even if it lead to his own death.

    During this period. Toshiyuki joined the shinobi academy, believing that would be his best chance at making a reasonable future for himself. It was found that he had a high affinity for Earth natured chakra, effectively combining it with his brawler nature. He taught himself how to use Earth techniques in a crude manner to gain the upper-hand during street combat, by creating dust to throw in the opponents eyes and shaking the ground to throw them off balance.

    Eventually at the age of 12, Toshiyuki passed his genin exams and was proclaimed a man by his dear mentor and father. Although, horror struck that same night as a former rival from Isamu's gang days stabbed him dead in an alleyway whilst he was returning home from the pub celebrating Toshiyuki's transition into a man with the other leaders of The Tops. Toshiyuki learnt the next day and the murderer was brutally murdered by the members of The Tops due to their respect for Isamu. That night, Toshyuki swore with kukri in his hand, that he would become a Jonin as well as the best damn fighter that has ever graced the presence of the world whilst not giving up his personal freedom.



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Name: Emi Mizushima

Nickname: (optional)

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_12-57-13.jpeg.0ddc6e967bd3c89ed0431bf018107796.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96985" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_12-57-13.jpeg.0ddc6e967bd3c89ed0431bf018107796.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 13

Age appearance: early teens

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 98lbs

Gender: Female

  • Date of Birth: January 21

    Birthplace: Kiri

    Current village: Kiri

    Personality: Emi tends to give off an intimidating vibe. She is quiet and doesn't like speaking to others unless it's necessary. Emi has trust issues due to things that have happened in the past but if you manage to gain her trust she starts to show a different side of her that you never thought existed. Unlike some genin she doesn't want to throw herself out into the line of fire. Emi is more on the tactical side of things. She prefers having a plan rather than just going with the flow, it's one of the reasons she was in the top percentile of her graduating class.

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    History: Emi was born on a dreadful snowy day. One that same day her parents lost what should have been her twin brother. Her father was devastated by this event, for he had always wanted a son, and as such didn't want anything to do with her. Her father made sure to take as many missions as he could to get out of the house that they shared, leaving only her mother to raise her. Growing up Emi tried her hardest to prove her worth to her father. She would practice her chakra control constantly and at the age of 11 she was able to start climbing trees by pushing chakra to her feet but even that didn't get his attention so she decided upon something else.

    Her family didn't have any special techniques. They were just your average shinobi. Emi decided she wanted to change that and began to learn how to fight with a katana and eventually apply certain jutsu to it to make it more powerful. Her mother had to beg her father to teach her how to wield the weapon and he eventually gave in only because her mother threatened to leave him if he didn't. So at the age of 11 she began her training. As the years went by her and her father started spending time with each other outside of training and Emi believed that things were getting better. Though things changed when she graduated from the academy. Her mother was pregnant and had given birth to a baby boy. It was then that her father started to completely ignore her and give her baby brother all the love she never got. This caused her to shut herself out from the world because if her father would just up and leave her like that so easily why wouldn't others as well? She spends most of her time training.



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Saru said:
Name: Chikafusa Ninomiya
Nickname: The Dark Wolf

Appearance: A man hardly mistaken for another.... Chikafusa is marked by his Snow White long shoulder length hair with bangs styled to his left side of his face that are adorned with iron rings near the bottom of the braids. While his grayish-blue eyes appear like stone with a sharpness and cold in their gaze yet a beauty and uniqueness in them remain despite the dull and plainness of color. A full and thick goatee groomed and well kept rounds his lips and mouth while the remainder of his face is clean shaven, the goatee dark brown in color and contrast to his white hair, few could match the features his face composes to go along with his slim rounded and chizzled looks. While his figure is muscular and slightly lean and garbed in a personal variant of the Kirigakure ranked shinobi uniform and common ware, Starting with a mesh shirt worn underneath it all and visible at the neckline, while a mid-length sleeve shirt in black is worn overtop nearing the respective black lower arm sleeves with gray pinstripes seen on each arm with only the middle of the arm and elbow area visible, ending his upper torso with his black version of the Kiri style flak jacket. The lower torso starting at the waist is complete with his black pants with gray pinstripes with his Kusarigama seen equipped at his waist on his right side, while wearing black shinobi knee high armored sandals.

Age: 26

Age appearance: Mid twenties to early thirties

Height: 6'2

Weight: 185

Gender: Male

  • Date of Birth: 12th of November

    Birthplace: Kirigakure; The Hidden Mist

    Current village: Village Hidden in the Mist

    Personality: The sound of his tone and appearing eyes and face suggest a cold, stoic, emotionless man and his manner combined with it could suggest a ruthless, cunning and bound by duty and bathed in the flames of war and blood type of man. While in truth it may hold yet it's only one side of him, he is more complex and has two sides just as any coin but with his own meaning to the term 'two face'. Being formerly Anbu and raised on the streets of Kirigakure with no family or clan history to speak of, he knows only one way.... A harsh and necassary way, survival. He knows the necessity of certain attributes and actions being Anbu requires, while knowing the cold and harsh reality of relying upon yourself for survival when no other would aid you, even if your a young orphan and living on the streets. The era of the blood mist was no easier of a reality either for him..... Only adding to his persona and realistic view of life and it's reality that may be cold and unforgiving at times.

    But despite his upbringing and career as a shinobi while in the Anbu. Chikafusa is capable of emotion and knowing the strength found in kindness, compassion and mercy while also love. He's respectful and kind in his own way with a protective and go the lengths of the world and back side for those he has come to care for in his life. He's knowledgeable and intelligent but not supreme in his level of I.Q such as he has his strengths and weaknesses of what he does and doesn't have knowledge of and others where it varies in how much he knows and doesn't know.

    He also possessses a ambitious side to him, desiring to one day become one of the seven swordsman of the mist. While confident and knowing of his limits, Chikafusa is also superstitious, believing strongly in signs and when ones day/night or fight is in the cards or isn't while unwanting to displease the gods with acts or timing that goes against the signs and their warning or blessing of their favor or non favor. Taking and heeding caution and watchful for such things as fits his superstitious nature and beliefs.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    History: A orphan with no known clan or history to speak of, Chikafusa grew up on the streets poor and cold..... Everyday was a fight for survival yet held hope. When he came of age and was accepted he joined the academy and began his studies and training to become a shinobi and make something of himself... To overcome the odds and beat his past deep into the depths of its existence. Though he did start off slow and confidence was shaken with his goals fading from view and beyond hope... He eventually found his way and stood firm, growing, learning and evolving into a capable and smart young lad with potential to accomplish his goals.

    By the age of eleven he graduated from the academy and became a genin, where he was then placed within a team of his own and it was there he first learned of what it was like to have friends and comrades..... To have those caring and supportive around him and in his life. Here and in this setting and point of his life, he grew even further and started to excel in his training and studies. He went on missions, took exams and succeeded along with his team and mentor.

    A few years later at the age of fourteen Chikafusa was promoted to chunin and rised further in skill and being. He was entrusted with this rank and despite the times and his own struggles, he proved worthy and ready of and for it. He continued going on missions and did a stint as a proctor in his later years as a chunin up until his adulthood age of nineteen.

    By this time and a few days passed his birthday of the nineteenth year, Chikafusa Ninomiya had garnered enough attention and showing skillful to the point of being offered a place within the Anbu. It was this time where he truly began his career, where he was truly tested and his skills learned from growing up the way he had would come into play. The knowledge and ability of survival and the cold reality of life often left unseen and to those it concerns, Chikafusa would utilize those traits and witness as well as learn what the Anbu are truly capable of and required to do and act when called upon or needed for actions necassary to prevent or protect ones village and way of life.

    He spent years within the Anbu and became known as the 'The Dark Wolf'. A deadly and swift figure of note that glimmers beneath the darkness of night and under the moons light.... Racing and seemingly dancing through the air and trees bringing fear and uncertainty..... Sounds from all around and anywhere or none at all before striking down his foes leaving their last sight before their life was ended.... Being that of the moonlight which often reflected from the blade of his Kusarigama and the white hair and black attire that blended into the night sky.

    By the age of twenty five he was recruited to become a jonin.... Tokubetsu jonin to be exact. He agreed and had done so with the only change in his appearance being the absence of his black wolf Anbu mask which remains now in his possession and hanging from his belt and by his Kusarigama.

    A year has passed and while Mei Terumi looks to change the mist village from the blood mist era, a change he supports and looks to aid in Achieving has now been asked to oversee his own squad for better or for worse and guide them along their journey in becoming shinobi themselves.

  • Accepted.
Hanarei said:

Name: Alina Kleihel

Nickname: Lin, Allie

Age: 12

Age appearance: 13

Height: 4'8

Weight: 76

Gender: Female

  • Date of Birth: January 27th

    Birthplace: Yu no Kuni

    Current village: Kirigakure

    Personality: Alina is a very focused and serious girl. Having grown up in a foreign village with her family lost, she sought to get strong to show herself worthy of the mist as well as wanting to one day seek revenge. The anger that had fueled the younger girl had fortunately weakened with time, becoming a much more focused girl, although her temper does occasionally flare up when pressed enough. She is rather mature for her age, having forgone many bits of her childhood towards working to become a skilled shinobi.

    While she comes off rather cold, Alina deep inside has a sense of lonliness. She isolates herself feeling as if she doesn't belong, believing the only way to find companionship is through providing herself. She hold a great deal of care about others even if she doesn't vocally state it. She occasionally has nightmares or suffers moments of great stress, lingering from her memories as a younger child and the slaughter of her village still lingering in her mind despite her best efforts to forget them.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    History: Alina was born the second child of Burkhart and Kasumi
    Kleihel. Her older brother Eckart was three years older then herself. She was born gifted with Crystal Release, something gained her a great deal of attention after the clan had only two members possessing the talent at the time. Alina was a rather cheerful girl, often very light hearted about the fact she possessed such a talent. She would often use it as a way at mocking her older brother and causing some trouble.

    As tradition, she was immediately brought up at the age of three to learn a little from the youngest of the users of the village before her, Alphonse Kleihel. The then three year old was often given small lessons being taught bits and pieces to help shape her in learning the art of Crystal release. Alina wasn't quite as receptive at learning, spending much of her time goofing around over learning. Despite her attempts at 'toying' with Alphonse, she still learned much of the basic aspects of her inheritance while her mentor was more then happy to slowly ease and teach the happy girl. There would be plenty of time for her to learn it all... or at least there should of been.

    The rumblings of the war had been a lingering danger for the clan. While they had no allegiance pledged, they weren't immune to their own members being targeted or attacked. It escalated as more chaos grew as more cases appeared of clan members being attacked and even killed. It had been something Alina had all but ignored until the day her own village was attacked directly. A large group of Iwagakure ninja had discovered their small village. Seeing them as traitors in the past, they attacked as a way of getting back at a 'traitor' and remove any potential threat to their campaign.

    Alina had managed to escape with her mother. The girl had been left shaken and mute witnessing the death of her own brother and others she had come to know. Her injured mother managed with her father's aid to slip out on a small boat having luck on their side not being caught. Kasumi struggled through her wound making her way towards Kirigakure. Having family members as part of the first caste she sought to get safety for herself and her daughter, hoping they could have enough pull to give them refuge.

    It had been nearly two weeks before they arrived. Unfortunately, Kasumi had become extremely ill, ultimately perishing from an infection from her wound. Alina was entrusted to a family friend within the family Yuzuki, an older woman who had lost her own son in the war. Alina had managed to regain her voice over time with her Yuzuki's aid. Even with such a movement though, Alina still was often seen shaking in her bed at night having horrible nightmares.

    Alina had become a much more quiet and cold individual. With her urging to Yuzuki, she joined the academy as a way of seeking to become stronger. She felt strength would allow her to overcome those who slaughtered her clan and find herself a sense of companionship. Despite wanting to find a conneciton, Alina had troubles connecting with others. Her once outgoing and friendly self had dried up as she took a much more serious approach to things. It left her alone rather then gaining friends she wanted.

    Alina passed through the academy with ease. The girl's focus on her studies allowed her to excel in her classes. She seeks now to really begin her training as a ninja. The girl's mind still remains fragmented, still haunted by her past and a loss of connection with the world.

Accepted. And thank you for being the only one who read the rules (*U*)
RedThroat said:
Name: Byakuyagani [??, White Willow], Kohaku [??, Amber]
Nickname: Ko, Haku



Age: 12

Age appearance: 13-14

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 104 Lbs.

Gender: Male

  • Date of Birth: 18 of December

    Birthplace: Kirigakure, The Village Hidden in the Mist

    Current village: Kirigakure

    Personality: Kohaku is a rather calm and demure young man. Having come from a long line of samurai, he strives to do his best in the world of Shinobi. He is rather traditionalist, believing that the history and practice of one's family should be adhered to and due to this hypocritical view, he has difficulty coping with the deceitful life of a ninja that he has chosen when he had been raised with the teachings of Bushido. He is determined and stubborn, having decided to practice both Kenjutsu and Tessenjutsu [Literally, Iron Fan Technique] to carry on his family's tradition as well as create and have a career as a shinobi.

    Kohaku may come off as aloof at times, but he is very stressed and at times can come undone. His aggressive streak is very much like his father's and coupled with the vipers tongue her inherited from his mother, he has a tendency to 'explode' toward the last person who angered him. Despite this, he is careful with those he deems 'precious' to him, trying to refrain from snapping at them often.

    Sexuality: Pansexual - Is attracted to personality rather than physicality.

    History: Kohaku is the second born, first son and heir to the Byakuyagani clan. His father being Kaede Byakuyagani, the head of rather prestigious clan of Samurai from Iron Country and his mother, Akane also a samurai, whom was known for her use of Iron Fan's as her weapon of choice. Due to a massive decline in Samurai as well his parent's need to find a suitable lord whom would use their skills wisely, the husband and wife duo left the land of iron and traveled the nations. It wasn't until the discovered Terumi, Mei and the Mist's Rebellion did they finally stop. Hearing her wish to end the Village's unrest as well as the reputation as the "Bloody Mist", the two warrior swore their fealty with an oath of blood.

    When Kohaku was born, it was discovered that his chakra coils were just slightly more developed than a civilian baby. This meant that he had a greater chance to become a ninja, upon hearing the news, Keade was surprised. There was no member of the Byakuyagani Clan whom had ever had a chance to become a shinobi, at least not any greater than that of a civilian. Wanting his child to have the best chance he could, decided that when Kohaku was old enough to enter the academy he would give him the opportunity to choose his path. Words could never describe the pride he felt when his only son had decided to become a ninja but ensure that the family legacy would live on.

    With his older sister Aoi focusing primarily of her Kenjutsu, Kohaku had decided to specialize in the art of the Iron Fan and it's techniques.

Razesaph said:
Name: Toshiyuki ( alert and happy) Arai
Nickname: The Filth Golem/ Tosh

Appearance: View attachment 215559

Age: 13

Age appearance: Teenager 13-15

Height: 5'1

Weight: 99 lbs

Gender: Male

  • Date of Birth: 5th December

    Birthplace: Kirigakure, The Village Hidden in the Mist

    Current village: Kirigakure, T
    he Village Hidden in the Mist

    Personality: Toshiyuki is a very impulsive and lively person who always tries to live in the moment and never let life pass him by. He is reckless and rebellious which leads him normally to a life of fighting and petty crime without believing his actions have any long-term effect. This can lead him to get into a lot of trouble and discourse with the higher ups. This negative relationship with the high-ranking members of the village has lead him to gain a certain respect and defensive attitude towards people of the lower classes particularly orphans.

    However, his reckless nature is greatly complimented by his ability to think on his feet meaning that he can survive and strive his misdoing with ease. As well, even though his main priorities in life are all about having fun, he has been known to protect young disenfranchised children from bullies and to be furiously loyal to those he considers friends or allies.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    History: (Given that this is a detailed rp I would like to ask for at least two-three paragraphs at least with four to five sentences each. If you can and want to write more then by all means go ahead.) Toshiyuki was born to two wealthy merchants, Hideki and Chinami Murakami as their first and only child. During the birth procedure, his mother contracted a virus which eventually lead to her untimely death only a week after Toshiyuki's birth. In a fit of rage towards the newly born, his former father left him on the doorstep of an orphanage with a letter that disowned him from the Stevenson family, his father never returned.

    At the age of six, Toshiyuki began to run with the local gang as a apprentice-bruiser (due to his rather large stature for a child) known as The Tops and was given a mentor by the name of Isamu Arai. During this period of time, Toshiyuki began to see Isamu as a pseudo-father filling the role that was left empty, they became so close that Toshiyuki eventually took up Isamu's last name of Aria as a show of recognition that he finally had someone in which he could fully trust. Isamu taught Toshiyuki the skills necessary to survive on the streets. This training led the duo to be known as two of the most ruthless but humane thugs in the city, gaining the nicknames of 'The Golems' for their longevity in battle. However, the most important thing that Isamu gave to Toshiyuki was the ideas of freedom and happiness which Toshiyuki had never experienced before, at this point Toshiyuki decided that he would never give up his freedom and happiness even if it lead to his own death.

    During this period. Toshiyuki joined the shinobi academy, believing that would be his best chance at making a reasonable future for himself. It was found that he had a high affinity for Earth natured chakra, effectively combining it with his brawler nature. He taught himself how to use Earth techniques in a crude manner to gain the upper-hand during street combat, by creating dust to throw in the opponents eyes and shaking the ground to throw them off balance.

    Eventually at the age of 12, Toshiyuki passed his genin exams and was proclaimed a man by his dear mentor and father. Although, horror struck that same night as a former rival from Isamu's gang days stabbed him dead in an alleyway whilst he was returning home from the pub celebrating Toshiyuki's transition into a man with the other leaders of The Tops. Toshiyuki learnt the next day and the murderer was brutally murdered by the members of The Tops due to their respect for Isamu. That night, Toshyuki swore with kukri in his hand, that he would become a Jonin as well as the best damn fighter that has ever graced the presence of the world whilst not giving up his personal freedom.

Ch3rryBlossom28 said:
Name: Emi Mizushima
Nickname: (optional)

Appearance: View attachment 215848

Age: 13

Age appearance: early teens

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 98lbs

Gender: Female

  • Date of Birth: January 21

    Birthplace: Kiri

    Current village: Kiri

    Personality: Emi tends to give off an intimidating vibe. She is quiet and doesn't like speaking to others unless it's necessary. Emi has trust issues due to things that have happened in the past but if you manage to gain her trust she starts to show a different side of her that you never thought existed. Unlike some genin she doesn't want to throw herself out into the line of fire. Emi is more on the tactical side of things. She prefers having a plan rather than just going with the flow, it's one of the reasons she was in the top percentile of her graduating class.

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    History: Emi was born on a dreadful snowy day. One that same day her parents lost what should have been her twin brother. Her father was devastated by this event, for he had always wanted a son, and as such didn't want anything to do with her. Her father made sure to take as many missions as he could to get out of the house that they shared, leaving only her mother to raise her. Growing up Emi tried her hardest to prove her worth to her father. She would practice her chakra control constantly and at the age of 11 she was able to start climbing trees by pushing chakra to her feet but even that didn't get his attention so she decided upon something else.

    Her family didn't have any special techniques. They were just your average shinobi. Emi decided she wanted to change that and began to learn how to fight with a katana and eventually apply certain jutsu to it to make it more powerful. Her mother had to beg her father to teach her how to wield the weapon and he eventually gave in only because her mother threatened to leave him if he didn't. So at the age of 11 she began her training. As the years went by her and her father started spending time with each other outside of training and Emi believed that things were getting better. Though things changed when she graduated from the academy. Her mother was pregnant and had given birth to a baby boy. It was then that her father started to completely ignore her and give her baby brother all the love she never got. This caused her to shut herself out from the world because if her father would just up and leave her like that so easily why wouldn't others as well? She spends most of her time training.


Name: Izayoi Kirigaya

Nickname: Dragon of the Mist


Age: 24

Age appearance: Early Twenties

Height: 6'0''

Weight: 180

Gender: Male

  • Date of Birth: January 16th


    Current village:

    Personality: Calm and calculating Izayoi isn't one to get frustrated or provoked easily. He keeps his cool under any situation. He isn't one to express his true feelings or emotion around others. Rather will either keep quiet. He can be blunt though, not sugar coating the things he says.

    He doesn't make a habit about talking of his past and will avoid any questions about it. Before his clan was destroyed Izayoi was more of an open book. He would let people and others get close to them, and he would express himself. However after the death of his clan, Izayoi changed. He stopped letting those around him get close to him. Hoping to keep them at a distance so he won't be hurt again by losing someone. His greatest fear is losing someone he cares about again and not being able to protect them. So he keeps others at a distance.

    Despite trying to keep his distance from others, Izayoi does look out and care for other while trying to keep himself from getting close them. He isn't very trusting of those he doesn't know. However to those he trust and does care for he will give his life to protect them. Loyalty to him is a very important characteristic, and is very loyal himself to the fifth Mizukage.


    History: WIP

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[QUOTE="Seraph Darkfire]
Name: Amet Tahel
Nickname: N/A


Age: 14

Age appearance: 15

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 180

Gender: Male

  • Date of Birth: June 6th

    Birthplace: Land of Iron

    Current village:

    Personality: Amet is a quiet person, preferring to practice on his own. Not many people approach him because of his connection to the samurai, but if one were to talk to him, they'd find him a kind, yet distant young man. He deeply cares about the nature around him, as well as the balance of life. He never kills without reason, and while he seems to prefer to avoid it, he won't hesitate when the moment arises.

    When not training, he is very inquisitive about the land around him, searching through books and scrolls to learn more about the world.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    History: Amet was born in the Land of Iron, among the samurai. While the samurai did the fighting, the daimyo created assassins to work behind the scenes. Samurai were all well and good, but they weren't the most subtle of people.

    These Assassins worked completely loyally to their Lord. They lived and died on command.

    Amet himself was one of these Assassins. He was born in a special village within the Land of Iron, one specifically designed for raising Assassins.
    Here, those with talent were kept and trained in martial arts and body strengthening techniques. Amet started his training at the age of five and was found to be particularly good at using knives.

    All Assassins are strong, physically and mentally, but Amet was special, he was from a dying bloodline. He was known as an Umbra Bellator, a Shadow Walker. Even at a young age, his ability with stealth matched those of his seniors.

    When Amet turned ten, he'd already killed his first target and would go on to kill anyone at a simple order. But his life as an Assassin wasn't meant to be. He was purchased by someone with a large amount of coin. Before he knew it, he being transported south, through the Land of Iron and Land of Wolves. Due to his special cargo status, it was safer to travel the long way, than by sea, though this took much more time.

    From what he was able to pick up by eaves dropping, he was being sold to a place known as the Bloody Mist. But during the years that it took for him to travel there, the political power of the village had shifted to a new person, one bent on changing the name of the village.

    He arrived in the village of Kirigakure when he was twelve. However, there was something odd about him, at least in comparison to the Ninja of the village. He couldn't mold chakra and did not even know the basics of chakra manipulation.

    Despite this, when tested, his assassination techniques were next to none, placing him at the strength of a low to mid level Chuunin. However, while his ability for stealth and killing were nearly perfect, him not being able to mold chakra puts him at a much lower ranking than Jounin.

    The only reason he was allowed to go through the Academy and pass was because of the Mizukage's good will, though his late start certainly made him one of the oldest in the academy.


Name: Byakuyagani (白柳), Chika (散花 Scattered Flowers)

Nickname: Chi, Ka



Age: 12

Age appearance: 12-13

Height: 4'9''

Weight: 78

Gender: Female

  • Date of Birth: November 18th


    Current village:

    Chika is a quiet and shy young lady. She's quite distant, and often plays the role of an observer, rather than directly interacting with others. Her parents have always insisted on her being polite and kind to others, something that's now stuck with her. As a ninja, she is quite inwardly driven, stubborn, and hardworking. She enjoys working with others, so long as they're decent people.She has a hard time with outwardly promoting violence, and would much rather try to solve conflicts with words. However, the life she's been pulled into is quite the opposite of that, and she's learned to grit her teeth and deal with the violence to her best ability.

    Chika can often be found staring off into space, lost in her own thoughts. Often, the best thing to do when she gets like that is to leave her be. Getting her to snap back to reality takes time, and effort. One you get to know her well enough, you'll find that she's quite loyal to those she trusts. However, she has been known to hold a grudge against people if they break that trust, and it's nearly impossible to get it back if your not willing to put in the effort.

    Undetermined at this time


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Akumi The Puppet-Slayer


Akumi Kikyo


Akumi The Puppet-Slayer

Master of the Horde

Thousand Hands of Kirigakure

Aki (By Deceased Parents)



Age Appearance






  • Date of Birth

    July 5th



    Current Village

    Kirigakure, although her actual self lives in an area relatively close to where Jiraiya trained Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan. In other words, her home itself is out in them middle of ruins


    Cold, emotionless, and rather brutal. Akumi shows absolutely zero signs of emotion, guided purely by logic and orders which she generally follows as accurately as possible. She's very perceptive a person as well, able to pick out exactly what to say to get somebody to react as needed, as well as is good at pissing people off by hitting the nail on the head. She knows just how far to go when pressing people as well, knowing when it's best to stop to get the exact results desired; thus the reason she's a teacher rather than using her skills full-time for Kiri's other important tasks.

    That's all just how she is as a ninja, actually. Akumi herself, the person when not acting as a Hunter Nin of Kirigakure, is quite different. She's the kind of person you'd see with a sad smile on her face all the time. She's very polite a person despite her cold demeanor as a ninja, a bit quiet as well although always a bit demented in her words. She'll basically slip in a few about death and the likes into her words casually when speaking, although remaining very calm and polite. The regret of hers for what she's done, easily present in her face despite any smile. The only way to see any of this though, is by talking to her face to face as humans rather than as shinobi.


    Not something ever thought of by Akumi, though either Asexual or Heterosexual.


    Twenty years ago, on July 5th, Akumi was born to the Kikyo Clan. A year later, however, Akumi wasn't with her clan. Her mother, twenty-three at the time, had abandoned the clan; taking a scroll and Akumi with her to Kirigakure. Oh a peaceful life they led, surrounded by the deadly people of the Bloody Mist Village. Peaceful, of course, meant a not-so-peaceful life of being surrounded by crazies, as well as harsh academy training for Akumi between ages five and eight; with eight being the age at which she became a Genin, through use of a puppetry technique she learned through reading a scroll passed to her by her mother; the scroll in which all the Kikyo Clan's techniques of the past resided.

    Just one year after graduating the academy, Kikyo became essentially heartless in her ways as a ninja, beginning to develop her style of sitting in the background and letting puppets play her role. By age fifteen, this strategy was fully maximized by her learning a few more techniques from the scroll, with her being quite the young person to become a Jonin as well. At this point, she was a Hunter-Nin, as well as worked directly under the Fourth Mizukage. This was quite an interesting time in Akumi's life, as the Fourth Mizukage was, from that point on, the only person who would get to see Akumi in-person; meaning that this was when she began only meeting with people through her puppets.

    Upon turning sixteen, Akumi convinced the Mizukage to allow her place a barrier up around the village, specifically her Puppet Graveyard technique in order to make her actions for protecting the village more effective. Additionally, she was assigned a handful of ninja to rotate shifts for keeping maintenance on the barrier so it wouldn't go down. This barrier was something that would be held up all the way to present time, never once going down since it was put up. Although the Fourth had recently died, the barrier's still up, and Akumi's still serving under the Mizukage today as a Hunter-Nin. The two have met face-to-face as well, once again the Mizukage the only person to meet with Akumi's real face.

    Soon after beginning work under the new Mizukage, Akumi found out that the Nento Clan may be planning to betray the village, due to its rivalry with the Kirigaya clan. The Nento clan was quite the bloodthirsty clan despite their polite demeanor around others, always searching out rivals to try and crush; even if from the same village. The Mizukage chose Akumi for the task of investigation due to Akumi having been the one to report it. Additionally, Akumi had been informed by the Mizukage that the Nento Clan was the very clan that had been the ones who'd wiped out most all the Kikyo Clan back before Akumi's birth. This wasn't something Akumi truly cared for, although she did find it an opportunity to make up for a few things she'd done earlier in life that she regretted.

    After a good handful of days spying on the Nento Clan, Akumi had finally heard a pair of members talking about plans to kill off the Kirigaya Clan. Reporting her findings immediately to the Mizukage, the Mizukage was about to do something about the situation; however, it was too late, as the Nento had already begun slaughter on the Kirigaya Clan, one 'mystery' massacre that only a small few people would ever know the truth about. The Nento would soon be slaughtered by one furious surviving Kirigaya Clan member, Izayoi Kirigaya, as well as Akumi, who was ordered to take care of the Nento Clan by the Mizukage; which resulted in the death ofm ost Nento Clan members, save a handful or two which wouldn't ever know what had happened between the Kirigaya and nento Clans, nor how the rest of the Nento Clan had died.

    The deaths of the Kirigaya and Nento clans would be left a mystery to the residents of Kirigakure, thus the events would be brought to an end due to a lacking of any knowledge on what had happened.

    Something very few know, is that six years ago, Akumi killed her parents. During a mission in which Akumi was chasing down a Missing-Nin, in the middle of the mission, Akumi had caught up to the missing-nin and found that it was actually a group of three. Among that group of three were her parents, who were abandoning Kirigakure to join up with Otogakure; something highly traitorous at the time, considering that the two had mass knowledge on many things in Kiri. At this point only knowing how to be one of Kirigakure's Hunter-Nin, she killed them as well as the initial missing-nin, with them never knowing it was her due to the use of puppets. All the way to today this is one of her many regrets, alongside things like her regret towards throwing away the only chance of any good emotion she had by abandoning her childhood to become a ninja.

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Miyake (??), Usagi (?)


Little Rabbit



Age appearance:








  • Date of Birth: April 11th

    Birthplace: Shimogakure no Sato, Village Hidden in Frost

    Current village: Kirigakure

    Personality: Usagi is a rather laid back young gal, with a good sense of humor. She is someone who is fond of humor, and can often be found trying to lighten tense situations. Those that have known her for a long time know to be wary of surprises and pranks. However, she knows when to shape up and be serious. Bearing a friendly heart, she likes to meet new people and try to make allies out of them. She loves helping her friends out when she can, and is quite loyal to the people she trusts. She's not the biggest fan of hard-work when it comes to something she doesn't approve of.

    Raised by one strongly immersed in the ninja life, Usagi understands the point of some violence well enough. She knows that it's necessary for everyone to coexist. She doesn't, however, really like the idea of war or cold blooded murder. She has a strong sense of justice, instilled by her aunt, and will often refuse to go along with anything that violates her own morals. If she gets serious enough, Usagi can be a great asset to planning and leading, and indirectly, teamwork all together.

    Sexuality: Demisexual

    History: Long before Usagi was even a possibility, two young girls struggled for survival in the land of rice, also known as the land of sound. Abandoned by their parents at a young age, those two girls had to fight for themselves to stay alive. Some people took pity on them, while others simply ignored their struggling. Eventually, they were found by a man, who told them he would help them improve. Seeing no point to refuse, they both accepted, and went into training under the man. He shaped them into well built kunoichi, and taught them new skills dealing in a new idea. The ue of sound to fight.

    By the time they realized it, the man had turned them into something they had never wanted to be. Weapons. When they finally figured it out, they were furious. Somehow, they managed to escape his clutches and flee to a land out of his reach. Shimogakure no Sato, a ninja village in the land of Frost. There, they joined the forces, traveling amongst the ranks. That was where Usuagi came into view. One of the sisters met someone she loved, dearly, and they came to be inseparable. Eventually, it was known that the woman was pregnant.

    The couple was overjoyed, as was the woman's sister. However, soon after giving birth to Usagi, the man found the sisters again. He reclaimed Usagi's mother, and fearing for his young daughters life, her father gave the girl to her aunt who fled. Nothing more is known about what happened to her mother and father.

    Usagi and her aunt traveled constantly, making their way from land to land, village to village, until her aunt decided it was time to settle somewhere. They came to stop in Kirigakure, and settled into the village. The young woman and child made a living there, though it was a bloody one for the aunt. She rejoined the ninja force, often leaving Usagi with a civilian she trusted. Eventually, Usagi was put into the academy, much to her aunt's dislike. When the reign of blood ended, however, she was overjoyed, and willing to let Usagi continue as a shinobi.

    Now, Usagi has just graduated alongside her classmates, and is beginning her journey as a full fledged ninja.

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Temple of Nirvana Technique[/URL]


Genjutsu Binding

Genjutsu Protect


Puppet Technique

Summoning Technique

Water Release: Hiding in Water Technique

Water Release: Hiding in Rain Technique

Hiding in Frost Technique

Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique

Chakra Scalpel


Hiding in Mist Technique


{slide=Custom Jutsu}


Boundless Puppeteer Seal

Type of Jutsu






Chakra Nature



A technique used by the Kikyo Clan, the seal itself requires other techniques in order to actually use, though the marks are linked together to be all ready for those other jutsu. The seals are, however, of high-quality and give off no more chakra at the mark's point than the rest of what's marked does, making finding the mark very difficult.

Designed back a good few hundred years ago, the technique was lost for many generations until found Akumi's mother in the form of ancient text. A few days after finding the technique is when the Kikyo Clan was wiped out, thus the scroll traveled to Kirigakure with the woman. Up until the birth of and growth of Akumi, the scroll was kept sealed away. When Akumi was eight, the scroll was passed on to her along with all the secrets of the Kikyo Clan within it; all sealed within Kikyo's reach, and her reach alone.


The sealing itself doesn't truly have a weakness in terms of after being made, although the creation can take a good amount of chakra from the user if they're not experienced in use of the technique. Additionally, it's very difficult to remove even for Akumi, although she can simply ignore misplaced marks for the most part as she's the only one that can use them. She has to re-do seals every year however, meaning removing and recreating them on where they reside minus her own body due to dulling.

After eleven years of practicing this technique, however, the chakra drain for Akumi has become, for the most part, minimal. Additionally, she can place it with a simple touch of her own palm; only her own palm however, not that of a puppet nor even a shadow clone.

~ Technique Notes ~

The reason the seals on her body don't dull is because they're constantly feeding off her chakra, although so little that she regains her chakra way faster than the seals eat at it. the insignificance of the drainage is to a point even something as precise as a Byakugan wouldn't be able to notice the difference between her recovery rates with seals and without seals.

The mark for the seal is the clan's symbol, and Akumi has one on each palm, plus one on her forehead that's small and hidden by her hair. One on each of her feet as well, plus one on the center of her back just in case of the other seals somehow being removed.


Master of the Walking Puppet

Type of Jutsu

Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu





Chakra Nature



Working through the boundless Puppeteer's Seal, the user can control up to three marked puppets, depending on the user's skill level. Additionally, if the user is skilled enough, they can make full use of their Jutsu through those puppets, although must perform the proper hand seals through their physical body regardless of whether or not they themselves need hand seals to produce the techniques. Additionally, to use the techniques through puppets requires them to have the marks on their palms as well.


The technique, although very effective, requires really good focus, a lot of chakra, or sometimes both. There are few weaknesses to the technique past that, though one could consider the need to make the puppets and mark them with the Boundless Puppeteer's Seal, as well as perform annual maintenance on the puppets' seals.


Barrier Art: Puppet Graveyard

Type of Jutsu

Ninjutsu, Barrier Ninjutsu





Chakra Nature



A technique developed by the Kikyo Clan for use with the Boundless Puppeteer Seal, the user is able to create a barrier which amplifies connection between the seals within the barrier greatly. The barrier itself takes a lot of chakra to put up, though once it's up, it'll hold itself for a little while before requiring maintenance, which isn't all too bad of maintenance for what it does.

Inside of the barrier, every single nonliving object can be put under the user's control; meaning puppets, ninja tools; if it's nonliving and can be moved by chakra, then it can be controlled by this barrier so long as it's marked by the Boundless Puppeteer Seal. Additionally, the barrier grants the user the ability to sense the chakra of those inside the barrier, although they would have to dedicate focus to the chakra sensing in order to do so; which would be a big reduction in the performance of puppets.


There's a huge limit to the control capabilities called the user's chakra, which is what determines how many objects one can control and for how long. This barrier is mainly used for puppets only though, meaning chakra doesn't become too much of a problem. However, the barrier isn't too difficult to leave, as it's not a physical barrier although one would definitely have to deal with the many puppets intended to be used within the barrier due to the amplified puppet controlling ability.

~ Technique Notes ~

This technique allows for the user to even control puppets that have enemy chakra strings attached to it, so long as the mark is placed on them. It is a battle of push and pull however, as the enemy can still try and force desired movement out of their own puppets given that the user wouldn't have sole focus on the puppet. However, if the barrier were to be used solely to increase control capabilities over puppets just for focus on a single target, then the user could easily overpower even a puppet master as skilled as the user themselves.

This technique was developed by the Kikyo Clan to create an easier-to-use connection between the seals on their puppets than made possible by the Master of the Walking Puppet Technique, which has a limit of three puppets at a time for even the most skilled of puppet masters.


Undying Puppet Demon

Type of Jutsu

Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu





Chakra Nature



Another technique developed by the Kikyo Clan, this technique is to be used on objects, mainly puppets, to make them able to be reconstructed automatically should any damage come to it. This technique can be used by either touch or transfer of chakra through the Boundless Puppeteer's Seal. It's possible to tell when the technique wears off if the user has the Boundless Puppeteer's Seal placed on both themselves and the object affected by the technique, and can delay the reconstruction of the object if they consciously focus on doing so.


The technique is one-use only, meaning that the destroyed object will only reform once before requiring a new seal, with the exception of minor damage being repaired by the seal such as the arm of a puppet which it would be able to heal numerous times before the technique wearing off. Additionally, placing the jutsu on something takes a good bit of chakra, and isn't able to be used on a living being.

Only two targets at a time can be applied with this technique, and only one if the user wishes for minor reconstruction to be possible to occur numerous times off the technique.

~ Technique Notes ~

Akumi can simply place this technique on a puppet by forming the hand seals and using it through the target puppet, though it takes a good bit more chakra than when she applies it on them by hand. She always prepares her puppets with this technique before combat, however, so she doesn't have to waste chakra mid-battle for the first seal as it's extremely taxing on her chakra reserves to do it more than twice during combat.


Boundless Seal Summoning

Type of Jutsu

Fuinjutsu, Space-Time Ninjutsu





Chakra Nature



This is a technique which allows the user to seal puppets within the Boundless Puppeteer's Seal, as well as summon them from that seal in a similar manner to the Enclosing and Unsealing techniques. While one could simply use Enclosing and Unsealing for this, the benefit of using this technique is that it's used through the Boundless Puppeteer's Seal, meaning that it doesn't require any additional seals to use; in other words, less chakra to create the seal, as well as more unpredictable as it's one of many techniques being used through a single mark.


The downfall to this technique is that the moment any damage comes to the seal the puppet is inside, the puppet is lost forever unless the seal can be repaired within a few seconds' time.





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