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Fandom Naruto Seiten

[QUOTE="Dai tenshi]0.0
secrets don't make friends

From this point, we are eternal rivals my friend! I will see you at the Chunin exams. May the best Genin win! :)

(Baka... its not like I need your creative support or anything... >__>)
OneWayOut said:
From this point, we are eternal rivals my friend! I will see you at the Chunin exams. May the best Genin win! :)
*clears throat* You placed all the kenjutsu users on the jounin who uses kenjutsu. My students will learn how to wield their blades as masters in no time. xD

I will not lose this. I won't let my students lose this. :P
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I HAVE A COMPROMISE! I'm a genius!

No one bother me for thirty minutes, gotta do this. ---Determined as fudge---
This one will decide the fate of Team 13! Maybe even the village! Or even the RP!!!!

Who will Huntrey play as? To be decided when.... He finishes the CS's!
Doesn't matter @Huntrey you awoke me from my slumber, now the thunderous sound you will hear is my typing up my CS for this RP.

*Queues illidan*

You are not prepared.
Phantom King]Doesn't matter [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7297-huntrey/ said:
@Huntrey[/URL] you awoke me from my slumber, now the thunderous sound you will hear is my typing up my CS for this RP.
*Queues illidan*

You are not prepared.
Not you... ;0;

We are all dead.
Seraph Darkfire] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20868-onewayout/ said:
@OneWayOut[/URL] Well, he isn't really a monkey. He just has certain qualities of a monkey. So, yes, the tail is actually there and he can move it freely.
@Cloud Nagasake I'm glad you like him.
I see... well I suppose night can't really say it's not possible since Kisame was literally a shark man. I'll accept him. But I should ask, did you want to be a Jonin or Genin?
[QUOTE="Seraph Darkfire]Probably a Genin. He's never really taken any test to go up a rank. :P

Just asking cause you made him like adult age. Which is cool I just wanted to make sure.
Yeah, I figure the age would be good for him. Give him time to have a childhood as well as explore around before finally arriving at Konoha.
[QUOTE="Shadowborn Omen]....I thought I was special, just to figure out you tagged everyone from RvB...

hmmm... Now that I think about it

Izayoi = Dragon

Suzume = Eagle

Shukiko = Beetle

Caillte = Monkey

I wonder what the others would be represented by.
Huntrey said:
Oh, I know. I read the whole ordeal. But now that I've found this, I'll be watching.


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