Naruto RP!

Naruto rolled his eyes. "The only time you act like this is when Sasuke is involved." He pointed out.
Sakura sighed, "Fine... he said..... he would kill me... Thats what's been bugging me" she said
Naruto narrowed his eyes. "What happened to him...? How could he say things like that?"
"I honestly don't know. He seemed the same at the beginning, but then he said that after i told him I didn't need his help." Sakura sighed, "Maybe he has fallen." she added
Naruto looked at her. "It'll be OK, Sakura. You'll see." He reassured her.
"Yeah. Thats what I was thinking." Sakura said as she continued to look at the floor
Naruto sighed. Why did it have to be like this? "He'll come back...And everything will be the same. And if he doesn't come back, I'll bring him back..."
Karin felt the chakra aura around Suigetsu's side changed. She retreated to have a glance on Kisame and Suigetsu's fight.

Jugo noticed Karing approaching him from back. "How is Sasuke doing?"

"Talking to his brother. He said he wants he family fight all alone!"

"It's a good thing to respect his desire!"

Karin fixed her glasses and watched Sameheda observantly. "That sword has chakra... the same as his owner. Has Suigetsu told you what's spacial about it?" She asked curiously. "Not yet." He answered calmly showing that wasn't interested in swords. "Hmm... it's not hard to guess. It probably absorbs it." Karin stated.
Sasuke charged Itachi. "D*** you!" He yelled, his chidori blade ready to attack his hated brother.

Suigetsu blocked Kisame attempts to "cut him to ribbons" as Kisame might have said. He glared at the blue man, his eyes narrowing. He was definitely, for once, not in the mood for this. He hoped he wouldn't become too dehydrated, as it would make it impossible to materialize into liquid. He was already starting to feel feverish. He noticed Karin out of the corner of his eye. Smirking, he said, "Come here to see me get killed...? Or do you actually care about me?" He chuckled.
"Ech..." Karin could get angry by any single word by Suigetsu. "Damn right, you're gona get killed by yourself! But I'm here just Sazuke wants you alive and... and also because... this Juugo may feel uneasy when you're fighting!" She said then smirked. "Well it would be fun to see how you're gonna piss your pants!" She added with and evil smirk.
Suigetsu frowned, hearing everything Karin had said. He forced himself to give his usual teasing grin. "Right, right. How stupid of me to think that you could care about anyone but yourself and Sasuke. Oh, and throwing Juugo in there was cold, too. But who cares what you think?" He focused his attention back on Kisame.
"Huuuuh?!" Karin chimed as her smirk stretched wider. "What the heck he means? I care about three of us, right Juugo san?!" Karin had found the chance to talk Suigetsu back without being teased too mcuh while he was busy with fighting. "Well, I'm sure you care about the whole team even if you put him out. We've known each other for years after all." Juugo answered. "You may be right, it's just you and Sasuke who met just before making up hebi. But I hated him in first sight!" Karin answered furiously as pointing at Suigetsu but Juugo had already had left the subject. "The blue man is going easy on Suigetsu. I wonder if he is going all out." He whispered. "That water head need to be moisturized, but it's no problem because his opponent is water type. Sooner or later he'll get a fine shower!" Karin replied but wondered what if Kisame was going to settle thing just by his sword.
Suigetsu tried to ignore Karin, but couldn't help saying, "I hate you, too, witch." His sides heaved. There was no way he could beat Kisame, and the blue man was obviously going easy on him. How long would it be before he got annoyed and decided to shred Suigetsu to pieces?
After a while of Suigetsu and Kisame picking at each other, Kisame was ready to kill the smaller male in front of him. He raised Samehada and lowered it angrily to the ground. "I should get rid of you now." He said, knowing the other male was low on chakra. There was no way he could liquify now. He hit Suigetsu square on the chest with his beloved sword and chuckled with glee.
Suigetsu gasped as Samehada collided with his chest. He landed roughly on his back and didn't get up. There was a huge gash, and blood oozed from the wound. The fight had been stupid. He knew he would lose against Kisame, and now he was going to die. He closed his eyes and attempted to stand.
"Anytime. Well we have another mission. I already recieved word from Lady Tsunade." Sakura said
"I know, you don't need to shout it out you dead fish!" Karin snapped back at Suigetsu and then the boy was blown up with a single hit. Immediately, Juugo ran forward and blocked Kisame's way to protect Suigetsu as the marks were covering his skin. "So lame!" Karin said and walked over to stand above Suigetsu, shadowing his face. "Just this time, I'm pitying you!" She held her heel in front of his mouth. "Don't push it, your teeth are too much for my sensitive skin!" She offered him her chakra for first time.

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