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Fandom naruto «« reset ooc

Anytime is good with me, I'm off and on busy, and don't plan on being overly missing until December (way far off).
Exactly same problem here. I'm pretty active on RPN but just now I got the notifications!

Discord, yes please. As for start of June, I am finishing my exams on the 13th-14th if you could take that under consideration, please.

discord is easier since I still get notifications. I dunno what's up with rpn recently but I got none from any of our naruto rp threads. :c
I'm still here. Just working a lot this weekend as people go on vacation.
And so the beginning of June is upon us! I apparently haven't even started my finals but I'll still have time!
Moving on, I have the intro to Arc 1 all written out, and if everyone just wants to skip to that part I'll post it sometime soon. Right now it'd be a good idea to figure out who is still on board so we can sort out that problem we had regarding inactive members on teams and etcetera. But yes, hello everyone!
Alrighty, glad to see the lot of you are still around! I'm not sure when would be a good time to pick things back up but I'm thinking sometime Tomorrow or Monday? When would be a good/alright time for everyone?

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