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Fandom naruto «« reset [characters]


Invisible Text
name... Inuzuka, Emi & Sina
age(dob)... 13(October 1)
rank... Genin
team... tbd
village... Konohagakure
chakra nature... Earth
kekkei genkai... n/a
weapons... Basic Ninja Tools; shuriken, kunai, ninja wire, etc.
bijū... n/a

ability stats...
Ninjutsu - 25 of 100
Genjutsu - 0 of 100
Taijutsu - 25 of 100
Dōjutsu - 0 of 100
Fūinjutsu - 0 of 100
Senjutsu - 0 of 100
Bukijutsu - 0 of 100

physical stats...
Strength - 4 of 20
Stamina - 4 of 20
Endurance - 4 of 20
Strategy - 0 of 20
Speed - 2 of 20
Accuracy - 1 of 20
Chakra Control - 0 of 20
Emi can be quickly be described as the life of the party. She's bouncy and giggly and happy and energetic and especially loud. She bounces from group to group, happily chatting and getting to know someone before moving on to the next group. She's not rude or shallow, just happy. She enjoys life and wants to live it to the fullest. While this is a good thing, her being so positive, it also leads to her being easily distracted, which isn't that great. She doesn't mean to cause trouble, but because she's always looking around for something new, she might miss some things that might be extremely important. Deep down in her core, she shares the same beliefs that are ingrained in the ninkens her clan works with. Loyalty being the main one. Once dedicated to someone, she'll never turn her back on them and do whatever she can to help them.

Due to her Inuzuka heritage, she does look fairly wild, her long pink hair always held up in a messy ponytail with strands escaping. Add in her other wild and feral features - her eyes and markings just to list a few - and she definitely has a crazy bite to her. At first glance she can startle or even cause fear in some, but once they get over it, it's easy to realize that Emi in truth is just a big softy. She enjoys spending time with her ninken partner, Sina, and grooming her as a bonding experience as well as some of the other pups back in the compound.

Sina, on the other hand...well. She's a diva. She's a bit older than the normal ninken pups who are giving to a child to partner with, but that's due to her being so picky about who she would accept as someone worthy of working with her. She's a princess through and through, always looking her best and enjoying any and all attention given to her. She can be quite demanding which is why it can be hard to get along with her at times, but due to Emi's general happy-go-lucky attitude, the two were able to get along quite well.
Introduced to her now ninken partner at the age of four, it was an interesting experience to say the least. Emi in her early toddler years was quite unruly and was known for giving her guardians a run for their money. A few months after Emi was born, her parents had been called away on an urgent mission that ended with them being KIA. When news reached the clan, she was immediately taken to the current clan head until a suitable guardian could be found. Within the following week she was placed with one of her mother's closest friends and her husband, a couple who had unfortunately been unable to have children.

So when it was finally time for her to meet her ninken, everyone was quite worried at first. Sina was older than the normal ninken pup they'd try to have bond with a young Inuzuka, but she was soon approaching a point where she would be soon without a partner. The young ninken was quite picky about who she agreed to work with and had run away from any previous potential partners because she didn't deem them worthy enough to work with her.

So it was surprising when, at first sight, the two seemed to click. Emi began to squeal happily at such a pretty and well-groomed ninken while Sina began to preen, enjoying being complimented for looking her best. And that was all she wrote. The two were inseparable from then on. Emi and Sina did everything together. Emi taught Sina how to loosen up a little and get dirty while Sina taught Emi how to tidy up and calm down a bit. The two just meshed despite their opposite personalities. Everyone was shocked, but they quickly went with it.

They went through the Academy bouncing between different groups of people, never really staying in one spot. There were some people Sina liked that Emi didn't, and some people that Emi liked that Sina didn't. It didn't matter though. Because they never stopped moving they were able to keep each other calm and happy, while also sticking true to themselves.

When not at the Academy, Emi and Sina almost went through hell. They didn't believe in skipping clan lessons, but at times they often wished they did. Training was brutal, but it brought them closer together and made them stronger, so they endured. While they disliked training, they knew it was important, so they dealt with it, much like all their other annoyances in life.
Academy Techniques...
♥ (E) Body Replacement Technique
♥ (E) Cloak of Invisibility Technique
♥ (E) Clone Technique
♥ (E) One Thousand Years of Death
♥ (E) Rope Escape Technique
♥ (E) Transformation Technique

Clan Techniques...
♥ (D) Four Legs Technique | This technique grants animal-like accelerated fighting instinct and reflexes to the user. By enveloping their entire body in chakra and moving on all fours, they can obtain high speed movement and reflexes like that of a wild animal. Taught only to the members of the Inuzuka clan, this technique forms the basis of a Inuzuka clan member's taijutsu fighting style, and will add even more to their feral-like appearances; their canine teeth, their finger and toenails grow to claw-like length, their eyes also become more wild with their pupils becoming slits.
♥ (D) Beast Human Clone | It allows the clan's shinobi to transform their canine companion into a perfect copy of themselves. When combined with the Four Legs Technique, the user and the animal become virtually impossible to tell apart, since both act equally feral. Like any transformation, the technique can be broken by identifying and attacking the animal, thus dispelling the transformation.
♥ (D) Passing Fang | The user spins at a ferocious speed and delivers many powerful beast-like attacks when contact is made with the target. The technique can inflict extreme damage on a human target, as it can readily tear through thick tree branches and chakra reinforced earth wall; all of which with a radius thicker than the user itself.
♥ (C) Fang Passing Fang | The user and their ninken partner spin at a ferocious speed and deliver many powerful beast-like attacks when contact is made with the target. The force of this attack is strong enough to drill through stone.

Code by S n o w S n o w
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Age: 12
Birthday: 11/11
Sign: Scorpio
Favorite Food: Savory/Sweet Things
Favorite Animal: Undecided
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 99 lbs
Ninja Rank: Genin
Team: Five (with Ejiki, Rumi, & Shin)
Village of Origin: Sunagakure
Village of Residence: Konohagakure
Chakra Nature: Water (Primary), Lightning (Secondary) [TBL: Earth]
Kekkei Genkai: Healer's Eyes
Bijū: N/A
Weapons: Senbon, Shuriken, Makibishi Spikes (really wants to learn to use Chakra Blades)

Ability Stats:
Ninjutsu — 14 of 100
Genjutsu — 10 of 100
Taijutsu — 13 of 100
Doujutsu – 5 of 100
Fūinjutsu – ? of 100
Senjutsu – 0 of 100
Bukijutsu — 8 of 100

Strength — 2 of 20
Stamina — 2 of 20
Endurance – 1 of 20
Strategy — 3 of 20
Speed — 2 of 20
Accurace – 2 of 20
Chakra Control — 3 of 20

Jutsu (Custom Jutsu)
- Shadow Clone Jutsu (E)
- Transform Jutsu (E)
- Substitution Jutsu (E)
- Disguise Jutsu (E)
- Rope Escape Jutsu (E)
- Hidden Mist Jutsu (D)
- Sexy Jutsu (E)
- To Be Continued -
Currently Working On:
- Bubble Jutsu (D)
- Lightning Ball (D)
- Lightning Release:Wave of Inspiration(D)
- Water Release: Foam Scatter Waves (C)
Téa is one of the calmest, hardworking kids you would ever know. She's the middle sibling in a five-kid family, so she tended to stay in the background and was the mediator when sibling rivalry would flare up. She's kept that energy around her fellow classmates, usually the one to break up fights before they escalated into something serious. She can see that everyone does have good in them somewhere, but Téa is too smart to be taken advantage of. Téa definitely has a mean streak in there somewhere - growing up with two older brothers would do that to you - so don't underestimate her, but also don't expect to see her instigate many issues, as she likes to mull over decisions instead of acting impulsively.
The Suzuna family is known around the village for their work with herbs, especially with medicinal mixes after they moved from Sunagakure, from Kirigakure, many years ago. Members born into the Suzuna family have an easier grip on their chakra due to their healing nature and the research the clan continues to explore. Téa's grandmother is fondly referred to by the village children as "Baba Suzuna". She is known for going around and teaching some of the children which plants and flowers are edible and useful in a pinch. Téa idolizes her grandmother and wishes to help people like she does, and she's very lucky; her grandmother's skills have been passed down to Téa's mother, and now to her. Téa has had to work hard as the eldest daughter in her family, refusing to do what she wants, instead minding the shop, watching after her siblings, and cleaning up the household, but Téa wants to be more than just the old witch doctor in the village and a housewife - she wants to be THE top medical-nin! She wants to be known as a legend outside of Konohagakure for being uniquely herself - not waste away in the shadows as just another member of the Suzuna family! This has caused a slight rift between her and her mother, but Téa's grandmother wants her to follow her dream, so why not listen to the matriarch, and her own heart?
coded by: lorde

Hiro Ōtsutsumi

Age: 13
Birthday: 05/21
Sign: Taurus
Favorite Food: Sour Foods
Favorite Animal: Hawk
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lbs
Ninja Rank: Genin
Village of Origin: Sunagakure
Village of Residence: Konohagakure
Chakra Nature: Wind, Earth (TBL: Lightning)
Kekkei Genkai:
Magnet Release
Bijū: TBD
Weapons: Shuriken, Explosive Tags, Wire Strings, Flash Bombs, Iron Sand/Dust

Ability Stats:
Ninjutsu — 15 of 100
Genjutsu — 20 of 100
Taijutsu — 0 of 100
Doujutsu – 0 of 100
Fūinjutsu – 0 of 100
Senjutsu – 0 of 100
Bukijutsu — 15 of 100

Strength — 3 of 20
Stamina — 1 of 20
Endurance – 2 of 20
Strategy — 3 of 20
Speed — 2 of 20
Accurace – 2 of 20
Chakra Control — 2 of 20

- Shadow Clone Jutsu (E)
- Transform Jutsu (E)
- Substitution Jutsu (E)
- Disguise Jutsu (E)
- Rope Escape Jutsu (E)
- One Thousand Years of Death (E)
- Sexy Jutsu (E)
- Sandstorm Jutsu (D)
- Wind Style: Sandstorm Hurricane (D)
- Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu (D)
- Iron Sand Gathering Assault (D)
- Iron Sand Drizzle (D)
- To Be Continued-
Currently Working On:
- Earth Release: Hidden Mole Jutsu (C)
- Wind Style: Great Breakthrough (C)
Hiro likes to seem kind, a gentle smile always on his face. Appearing that way is nice. But as soon as he opens his mouth, you’ll see that he’s fantastic at pissing people off. For that reason, he tends not to speak, but if he’s purposefully lighting a flame under someone’s ass, it’s because he wants to fight. He really loves to fight, but Yuuta didn’t show that side of himself at their village, which meant he didn’t, either. If he did, that would change his image. Since Hiro currently lacks any hand-to-hand combat, he looks forward to sparring so he can improve his skill. Speaking of image, since Yuuta was a kind, optimistic, giving, compassionate pacifist, just remember that at the moment, Hiro is truly none of that. He hasn’t learned or connected with anyone who has caused him to stop internalizing his true feelings. Right now Hiro is trying to find himself, since he’s limited his behavior most of his life. He just needs a reason to blossom. Hiro strives for excellence, which he will soon learn, and he dreams to be a legendary Sennin someday.
Hiro moved from Sunagakure just recently, making him a fresh new face in the village. Hiro spent most of his days back in Suna attempting to be just like his big brother Yuuta. Everyone loved Yuuta. Hiro’s parents paid more attention to Yuuta, especially his mother, causing Hiro to grow frustrated with all of them. Before he had gone missing, Yuuta was a jōnin known for lending a helping hand wherever he could. Unfortunately, Hiro could never master the empathy Yuuta had, even when he offered his services. Every time someone had a problem, he’d assist, all the while berating that person in his mind. When Yuuta disappeared, Hiro was secretly relieved he wouldn’t have to strive to be like him anymore, but then he realized the mask he wore was useful. Shutting off his true self, Hiro had been a wonderful asset in Suna, but now that Yuuta is gone, his parents have tried to mold him like they did Yuuta, not realizing that it was too late to have an impact on their younger son. After he’d finish his rounds, he’d head into the nearby forest, training and honing his Magnet Release technique without the help of his parents. He didn’t need them. Finally, after a few years, Hiro asked if he could be sent to Konoha, wanting to be away from them, from the lasting legacy of Yuuta, to finish his training in peace. His mother was reluctant, but his father agreed, and for the first time in a while, he was grateful to his parents. And hey - he was already growing warm to his new home. It could only get better from here.
coded by: lorde
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White hair, a red eye, the other is usually bandaged up.
"]Name: Ongaku
Age: 12
Rank: genin
Born September 26
Origin: unknown to him..
Height: 1.39
Weight: 50kg

Team: to be said later
Ya boy Ongaku was kidnapped by rogue ninja!!
He lost a eye around age seven.
Raised in “the sound village” which was basically a underground lab had hidden somewhere. Ongakus only memories are of experimenting, training, and well... being underground. At age ten he escaped, a man had given him a guitar, Ongaku’s fear, his sorrow, his utter despair, had leaked through his music in a subconsciously cast genjutsu,
the man burst into tears and he let the boy go, led him out the cave! Took him to the surface and told him which direction to walk. Ongaku did so, eventually finding the leaf village and being interrogated for information, it all came up true, but sadly the rogue ninja had moved his work and everything from the location Ongaku had given.
He has never achieved a genjutsu as powerful as that ever before, but with a year of settling into the leaf village Ongaku has less PTSD and is usually seen in class, or busking for money without the use of genjutsu... ok maybe a tiny bit, a boy has gotta eat right?

Some time during his busking, Tafu started rhyming with him,
Ongaku likes Tafu. When Tafu was next to him and he played music, more people gave him money. Tafu even took Ongaku to get food once,
Tafu had used Ongaku as a excuse to get free takoyaki.
“He’s a orphan, feed m- him... it’s also my birthday... and his.”
That is how Ongaku learned what a birthday was. September 26th isn’t his birthday, he wouldn’t know it. But Tafu fed him that night and said it was his birthday. He will always remember that night.

Growing up underground underground with his “friends” was horrid but it made Ongaku tough in a way, he was constantly tested with instruments and different techniques of genjutsu, chakra control, and basic Taijustu was taught to him by other captives underground. Basically to stop him from playing his flute, that flute somehow made friends in a way....
especially when Ongaku needed it.

Positive emotions and such are new to him as he reached the leaf village
He is sly,
so so so quick to assume the worst of everything and everyone, has a massive wall to get over if you want to be his friend,
Ongaku knows how to be “friendly” though. Fitting in is hard for the young boy.
Strength— 1
Speed— 5
Strategy— 1
Endurance — 1
Stamina— 1
Chakra control— 5
Ninjutsu— 5
Genjutsu— 25
Taijutsu— 10
Senjutsu— 0
Fuinjutsu— 0
Bukijutsu— 10
Nature:. Wind chakra.
Flute, whatever stringed instrument they use. It’s a Shamisen!! (XD)
Kunai, katana.
Jutsu, all basic ones.
His real draw is his genjutsu, used with any instrument, he can somewhat control people and animals through their emotions with empathy.

violent sound jutsu,
With a strings instrument he can aim wind chakra at people
Think of it like this.
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⋯ If they hurt you, hurt 'em back


  • name ⨳ Ikeda Hinata
    alias ⨳ N/A

    age ⨳ 12 years old
    d.o.b ⨳ August 13th

    sex ⨳ Male
    gender ⨳ Male

⋯ If they kill you, you walk it off


face claim ⨳ Todoroki Shouto

Im with you 'till
the end of the line

♙ likes ***
⨝ Training
⨝ Quiet Places
⨝ Sunsets
⨝ Cold Weather
⨝ Books (Any)

♙ dislikes ***
⨝ People who preach about certain issues/aspects or decisions
⨝ Hot Weather (Ironic af)
⨝ Rowdy/Clingy individuals
⨝ Losing his group members
⨝ Having his personal space invaded

  • who am i?
    Hinata is not that hard to be forgotten when his colleagues first look at him. His heterochromia appearance alone is what gains attention from those around him and its not tough to say that he really isn't bothered by it. You would honestly think, "why wouldn't it? it looks so fucking cool!" but to Hinata himself-- he would rather you focus on other important matters such as... training to become an actual ninja or bothering someone else but him. His parents are to blame for his appearance anyway. So this brings us to how he is towards his peers! Its a fact that he is a very aloof individual that is often found spacing out when someone is desperately trying to get his attention or at least trying to start a conversation with him. His mind tends to wander off to how his day will go and when he'll be able to control his ice release properly. So... don't blame him if he at some point walks away okay? Other than that, he carries a very chill (ha! get it?) aura around him that makes it easy to be comfortable around. Just don't try to get too close to his right side! You'll automatically feel cold and regret sitting next to him. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!

    HOWEVER! This is one minor detail that many aren't aware of! Hinata easily gets flustered if someone were to actually invaded his personal space and will more than likely push you away before you actually get to see a solid reaction from him. He isn't used to anyone getting in his personal space due to the issue of him not being able to control his ice release. It has pushed more than he could count! so if you try, be prepared to see him turn incredibly red and stutter ~ Isn't that cute?

I. H.
♟ quirks***
⧓ Being able to use ice release with heavy limitations (He's currently training to control it)
⧓ His patience- he's got a lot of that
⧓ Is weirdly able to withstand odd temperatures (either cold or hot)

♟ fears***
⧓ Not being able to control his abilities
⧓ Death of a teammate/loved one
⧓ Making unworthy decisions that would effect those around him

height ⨳ 171cm

weight ⨳ 52kg

hair color ⨳ Half White/Half Red

eye color ⨳ Heterochromia

complexion ⨳ Fair

marks(?) ⨳ Burn mark on right eye



c o d e d b y reminiscent
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Maybe There Are No Good Guys


▾ ▾ basics ▿ ▿

name Awalin Naoaki
alias Naa-Chan

age 12
d.o.b October, 13th

sex Male
rank Genin
Chakara Earth

origin Otogakure
residence Konohagakure



c o d e d b y reminiscent
Cute is one way to describe this kid. However, I'd say hes closer to agreeable. He's never been much like his sister, never one to sit in the back gazing over the see of people observing and making note of their every move. Rather he is the kind of person to go forth and interact so as to get a personal feel of just who they are. Polite and peaceful might be another description one might slap on his chart. Like a motherly figure he has never been all that quiet, nor has he been outspoken. No hes like his sisters opposite, where she is a detonator he is a diffuser. While he is seen as a friendly being with a calming aura around him, his per-say battle mode happens to be just a smidge out of character.
As an Awalin, Naa-chan has had a rather calm childhood, growing to a fine boy nearing his teens. However a startling event spurring his move of villages left the calm and motherly boy somewhat shattered. Nothing all that strange in this setting, however, as he is not like his older sister he handles these changes in both environment and family incredibly differently.. His motherly nature still resides openly, but what is this dark shit surrounding the butterball?


Kusarigama, a sickle attached to a chain on one end, the other rests a heavy bar.
Makibishi like pointy legos. The dangerous twist on the game 'Pickup jacks' as the pointed edges of these spiky monstrosities are sharp enough to penetrate most shoes making them an unfortunate invention.

Ability Stats
Ninjutsu ⊳ 19/100
Genjutsu ⊳ 2/100
Taijutsu ⊳ 19/100
Fūinjutsu ⊳ nope
Senjutsu ⊳ nah
Dōjutsu ⊳ nu-uh
Bukijutsu ⊳10/100

Physical Stats
Strength 1/20
Stamina 3/20
Endurance 5/20
Speed 3/20
Accuracy 2/20
Chakara Control 1/20


▾ ▿ looks ▾ ▿

height 153.5 cm

weight 47 kg

e.color Grey - blue

h.color Classic blue


Madoka Omura
12 - April 13th - Girl
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Full Name: Shun (Meaning: Fast, Talented)

Age: 13 - Born: October 31st

Bloodtype: O+

Ninja Rank: Genin

Team: TBD

Clan: N/A

Village Of Origin: Sunagakure

Village of Residence: Konohagakure

Chakra Nature: Wind

Kekkei Genkai: N/A

Bijuu: N/A

Yami- (Meaning: Darkness)
Kana- (Meaning: Playing Music; Music)
Common Ninja Tools

Ability Stats! As a Genin, you only have 50 points to use, none of which can be used to bring a stat above 25 for now. 0 means they do not have any ability in that field. As time goes on, your character may be "rewarded" more ABILITY POINTS (AP)! The starting number is low because remember, these are weak little Genin that are basically fresh from the academy.

Ninjutsu — 15 of 100

Genjutsu — 2.5 of 100

Taijutsu — 15 of 100

Doujutsu – N/A

Fuinjutsu – 2.5 of 100

Senjutsu __ N/A

Bukijutsu — 15 of 100

Physical Stats! Similarly to Ability Stats, there is a point limit based on your character's rank! For Genin, they only have 15 points to use, but none of their stats can exceed 5 for now.

Strength — 1.5 of 20

Stamina — 1.5 of 20

Endurance – 3 of 20

Strategy — 1.5 of 20

Speed — 5 of 20

Accuracy– 1 of 20

Chakra Control — 1.5 of 20

Personality: Deceptive at times but a surprisingly kind and respectful individual- Shun does not ever intend to harm or insult outside of battle least not usually, yet does not speak as much as others due to his needing time to adjust and get to know a person before opening up. Furthermore he's a bit odd and with his tone often carrying the ability to switch or simultaneously sound both stoic and creepy at the same time it adds to his persona.

It's best to ignore this if you desire to befriend him or else you'll learn nothing about him, as his own recognition of this habit is unknown to him and will indeed take time to discover/correct.

However with all this said.... Battle changes him a bit, well rather a lot actually as Shun becomes more playful, dark, blood seeking, theory of life testing, experimental in other words. Unless he respects your power his habits do not change; meaning he will not hold back and he will seek absolute victory through dark, some times disturbing means. But if he respects you then his honorable side shall reveal itself and will give you time to become capable of defending yourself again... as he seeks challenge ultimately and wishes to achieve great things like the which no one has ever seen. A feat not achieved by lesser means of combat and dullness... skill must see skill, wit sharpens wit, power overcomes power and so and so forth in his mind.

Due to his upbringing he sees value where others will not, leading to him seeking to turn such things into useful tools and strong puppets or merely wanting to aid in the lesser deemed brethrens growth.

"What lays beneath isn't always so hidden nor easily determined and judged.... You'll want to remember that I assure you." ~ Shun

Biography: A born mut of the Sand.... No life from whom he derived to know, no kin of blood to love, struggles that lay ahead of him. But through struggles come triumphs and by learning jutsu brings companions for that is his way, that is the way of said ninja called "Shun" the only way he has learned.

But comes growth and power also comes responsibility, dangers and need for loyalty to ones village or else become a lone walker..... A path leading to eventual loneliness and grave seeking. Well if your luck and skill were not enough to achieve more then one might expect as villages hunt you and list of allies grow thin.

Shun grew up amongst the Sand with heat, dryness and storms like non other which exists but the desert can provide. Learning a variety of jutsu while seeking more to add to Arsenal of puppetry techniques, wind and sound based jutsu as well as the expected weapons one could expect from a aspiring Puppetmaster though his close quarters combat might surprise you.

Now residing within Konohagakure despite a remaining loyalty to the Sand. Shun looks to take part in this shinobi driven world and make his own mark.

E Rank:
Body Replacement Technique
Cloak of Invisibility Technique
Clone Technique
Rope Escape Technique
Transformation Technique

E Rank Custom:
Puppet Technique: Coffin Transfer

D Rank:
Chakra Threads

D Rank Custom:
Puppet Technique: Senbon Shower
Puppet Technique: Smoke Mist
Puppet Technique: Bell Tolls For Thee (Kana Only)
Puppet Technique: Darkness Prevails (Yami Only)
Puppet Technique: Echo Drill
Puppet Technique: Decapitating Airwave
Sand Concealment Technique

C Rank:
Puppet Technique
Sound Wave Technique

(Storing here for potential future use & such, will remove if preferred)


Can't see me

  • full

    Enma Hiashi
    ~Ninja Rank~
    ~Village of Residence~
    ~Village of Origin~

    6ft 5

Can't see me

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NOTE « Ikue will enter the rp during the chunin exam arc.

BIRTHDAY « november 17
BLOOD TYPE « A negative

HEIGHT « 148 cm
WEIGHT « 47 kg

EYE COLOR « crystalline blue
HAIR COLOR « light blue

[/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentStuff" style="display: none;"]
PERSONALITY « At first glance, Ikue appears as someone who doesn’t have all that much going for her; she’s very quiet and shy and as a whole not much is known about her. Because of that, she plans to try and give herself more of a presence and show people what she can really be like. It’ll just take a long time before you see an outgoing adventurous Ikue, but she's gradually working on it.

Ikue is known to hide out at the back whenever she’s with the group. It’s generally safe to say that she’s very shy in comparison to her peers. During announcements or things of the like, she is most likely going to be sitting at the far end, and if possible, at the back. If anything, she’s probably off doing her own thing, like playing with her hair, or thinking about the things she learned as a medical nin. In some situations, someone would have to speak directly to her to get her to utter out more than a few words if in front of many people.

Contrary to that, this little fluff seems to love being in the spotlight when it comes down to her duties as a medic. Despite being as young as she is, she has outstanding knowledge on medicines, human anatomy, and biology... This being said, she has an amazing memory as well when it comes down to it.

On a completely separate note, Ikue has this.. Vibe. It’s a vibe you won’t be able shake off, The child seems to just be overflowing with innocence no matter what she does. She won’t get any dirty jokes at all and will question why her comrades respond the way they do, and whenever she hears someone utter out a curse, she will either not understand at all or cover her ears. This being said, she herself prefers not to curse, but she actually doesn’t mind such language in music or literature.

Ikue seems to have an idealistic and optimistic outlook on life--and she does--but somewhere down below, she knows that the world is not as beautiful as everyone makes it out to be. She’s the type of person who wishes for world peace but knows it’s not possible in this time period. She wants the best for everyone but is aware of the fact that not everyone can have their way. Ignoring this, though, she will try and help everyone even when they don't need her to, in order to spare them the disappointment of things going wrong.

Ikue is also known to do what others tell her to do without protest. She’s very passive and won’t argue with anyone and if she does argue with you, you dun fucked up. If anything, however, she’s the type of person who will kinda just give you a look that should tell you to stop doing whatever you’re doing to irritate her.

BIOGRAPHY « Ikue doesn't particularly know where she came from...

Her earliest memory was of a blue-haired woman smiling down at her. She was playing, the scenery was green, and there were lots of trees everywhere.

However, most of her memories are in the sandy dunes of Sunagakure. There was no blue-haired woman, there certainly wasn't any green, and her playing was replaced with hours upon hours of studying and intellectual training. The people who were in her life for a majority of the time were a middle-aged couple, their 20-year-old daughter, and some mean old cat who was missing an eye and a part of it's ear. These people were her family.

For a large chunk of her childhood, Ikue recalled being in a small cabin amid the constant storms of harsh winds and piercing sands. Because of said storms she never really ventured too far, so her mother thought to start teaching the young girl the art of being a Kunoichi so that when her body was developed enough she could go through to the main part of the village and attend the ninja academy, being ahead of the game. And so, began the rigorous training and reading of medical books to become the best medical-nin in Sunagakure. Her life held no open time-slots for fun or relaxation, being watched over by her not-so-doting parents and a far more appreciated older sister.

Due to her lack of social exposure while growing up, the child was unacquainted with the others in her class for a long period of time. However, once the others in her class did get to know her, they found her to be a pure soul rather than someone who was uncomfortable to be around. Being kind internally and externally was not a problem for Ikue as she was often told by her elder sister that the Shinobi world needed better people and lacked enough of said better people. It reached the point of little Ikue hardly having ill thoughts towards anyone and trying to find the best in any situation.

(current) Eventually, she graduated from the academy and was placed on a three-man squad, which was being led by Miura Akira AiAi AiAi . Not too much happened during the team's time in Sunagakure, but they were aware of the Chunin exams that were coming up in a few months, and decided to prepare for that in the meantime.

FAVORITE SONG « dango daikazoku
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WEAPONS « basic items, primarily uses senbon

CHAKRA « yang?? water, fire (n/a)

KEKKEI GENKAI « shikotsumyaku, unavailable

Strength || 1
Accuracy || 1
Speed || 1
Strategy || 3
Endurance || 3
Stamina || 1
Chakra Control || 5

Ninjutsu || 25 of 100
Genjutsu || 5 of 100
Taijutsu || 5 of 100
Senjutsu || 0 of 100
Fuinjutsu || 0 of 100
Bukijutsu || 15 of 100
code by yxnie yxnie
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NOTE « Yuta will enter the rp during the chunin exam arc.

BIRTHDAY « january 10
BLOOD TYPE « AB negative

HEIGHT « 168 cm
WEIGHT « 54 kg

EYE COLOR « pale brown
HAIR COLOR « white, brown streaks

i'll fuckin do this later
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PERSONALITY « Upon first glance–or rather, every glance, one would see a young, innocent looking boy who doesn’t talk because of his "inability" to do so. His squishy cheeks and large eyes make him look more like a kid than anything else, which only adds onto the idea that he is just a child and acts like one too. However, after a while, one will begin to realize that he actually just simply doesn’t want to talk, and that he is much less infantile than what he seems to be. Afterall, he has an insane IQ of 198 at his young age. (Disregarding that though, he is still very naïve in many other aspects.)

Once you manage to see past Yuta’s appearance, you’ll be able to catch onto his lack of empathy and attentiveness in general. He’ll often be found alone, thinking about something, or wandering around aimlessly. He doesn’t seem to care about other people’s “trivial” problems and will tell people to leave him alone if he thinks they’re bothering him too much. If he’s in thought when someone is talking to him, his responses are going to be short, blunt, and sometimes mean, probably because he isn’t thinking about the conversation at all. Don’t worry, though–he isn’t as cold as he seems. Going back to the fact that Yuta is almost always in a state of thought, this means that his expression is constantly blank or out of it. No, he isn’t emotionless at all, but this might cause people to be annoyed because–well, just what the hell is he thinking about? Despite everything, he’s just as sensitive as everyone else–if not even more.

Behind the apathetic, careless and expressionless Yuta, there’s only a sincere, loyal boy who would never even begin to have the thought of betraying someone’s trust, no matter how small that trust may be, or who the person is. He is extremely forgiving and will give people a seemingly infinite number of chances–which, in the end, isn’t always such a good thing.

BIOGRAPHY « Before we get into that, we should touch a bit into his clan.

The Watanabe clan has two categories: the general line, and the main line. The clan members themselves don't have a specific compound or village that they come from and one can usually see at least one or two of them in their lifetime. The general line of the clan have varying appearances on all different hair, eye, and skin colors, but the main line is easily distinguishable by their overall lack of a colorful external appearance excluding the streaks of brown hair they all seem to have (as well as skin color depending on who marries in).

The main family is a nomadic one with no affiliation to any village in particular. The key thing about this part of the clan is that there are only six people, never more and never less (unless someone dies or something). These six people consist of: The previous generation's heir and their spouse, the current heir and their spouse, and their children–which is always one boy and one girl. This being said, the male-female ratio of the group is always 3:3. A thing to be noted about the clan is that only one of the two children can become the next heir, meaning the heir can be either male or female. These children are called 'potential heirs'.

Potential heirs are limited to one of each sex and are determined by the following factor: If they express the trademark Watanabe genes (pale hair with brown streaks, pale brown eyes, birthmark on their arm in shape of the clan's symbol). If they fail to meet the standard and/or another child of their sex that fits the criteria has already been birthed, then they will either be cast away or killed. In a similar manner, the child that does not become heir will be cast off, but into "Another Realm" instead of the normal world for what's rumored to be eternity.

Now, let us get into Yuta's story.

Due to his family's nature of discarding 'extras' whenever they're brought into the tree, Yuta and his older sister Watanabe Rei became slightly numb to the concept of death, and the thought that those who were killed were mere 'extras' in the world pretty much plagued their heads. This being said, the two siblings didn't have much interaction with other people except for the other four members of their constantly traveling clan. Other than their fairly strange traditions and constant moving around, their lives were pretty normal. Everyone acted like how family should, talking to one another and caring about the others... The thing was, this quickly changed as soon as Yuta reached the age of five.

His father, who was the head at the time, seemed to come to the solution of the dreaded 'selection'. This was the selection where one sibling would be destined to become the next heir and begin training on their Kekkei Genkai, while the other fell victim to a part of the bloodline limit and became trapped in a realm for what was assumed to be for the remainder of time. As one would expect this story to go, Yuta ended up with the short end of the stick, and was sent away to never see the light of day again.

The boy spent many years of his childhood in complete isolation, with nothing but the ever-going sound of heavy rain and occasional thunder blows that raged on outside the abandoned clan house. The house was pretty big and extremely traditional, being one that someone could find many, many years prior to current time. The place was almost made up entirely of wood that creaked with every one of Yuta's movements, and there were numerous holes in the floorboards and walls. He was well aware of the fact that in the world he was in there were no other living beings except for the infinity forest of tall gloomy trees that surrounded the area. It wasn't like he could go out and about and play with his friends or whatever either, so to keep from going without purpose the boy turned to honing his knowledge and strengthening his intellect.

Unexpectedly, at the age of eleven, Yuta had done some exploring in the empty compound and located an old scroll containing info about the Watanabe clan's Kekkei Genkai. For one part in particular, the "Another Realm" area, there was written that "The other realm has an infinite number of layers, one of which a member of the main line has possession over. Whenever a failed potential heir is sent to the other world, they are sent to their own respective layer. This means that _____ is a po___ti__l ____________________________"

(super rushed tie-up lmfao) After stumbling across that information, young Yuta worked to find a way out. If the place he had been stuck in was his own 'layer' then couldn't he drag himself out of it somehow? And so, he did–winding up at Takigakure's ninja academy to resume his studies from before the selection, and graduating at the age of twelve. Not too soon after being placed on a team he sought out the Chunin exams (so, basically he graduated after everyone else did).
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WEAPONS « basic items, w/e

CHAKRA « Wind, tbu

KEKKEI GENKAI « Isekai (異世界, different world).

Isekai allows the user to utilize space-time ninjutsu and the 'Other World/Another World' in various ways, but there is said to be three primary uses for it, all of which is extremely costly for one's chakra reserves. Whenever the KG is in use, the main part of the clan's birthmark glows.

USE 1: Allows the user to create 'rips' or 'holes' in the world and travel through them, almost like some kind of teleportation technique. Not only is the user able to go through them, but practically everything can (some things being dangerous for the caster) with the exception of most others with the kekkei genkai. The downside to this technique is that it takes up a lot of the user's chakra if not used in a manner of it being mastered, and it could very well lead to whatever entering getting cut off (including the user). The number of holes that can be made at a time varies but Yuta is currently only capable of two. //one way to imagine this is portal 2//

USE 2: Opening a direct, more secure hole for the sole purpose of going to the other world. The thing about this is that nothing can follow the user into this realm except for one other, voluntary person. The reason why USE 1 works the way it does is because it forces the unwanted (or, sudden apparent user) presence back out, but through the second hole. Since USE 2 has only one way to the realm, any unwanted presence will go right past the hole, ignoring it as if it weren't even there (so this cannot be used as some kind of physical defense). Another noteworthy thing is that it takes a very long time to open and no matter who the user is, they cannot use it in the middle of battle unless granted enough time (give or take ~7 minutes).

USE 3: A forbidden ability that no one is aware about. Yuta will not be able to use this at all over the course of the rp.

Strength || 1
Accuracy || 1
Speed || 5
Strategy || 2 (lol never said he was gonna put his IQ to use right away)
Endurance || 2
Stamina || 1
Chakra Control || 2

Ninjutsu || 20 of 100
Genjutsu || 0 of 100
Taijutsu || 15 of 100
Senjutsu || 0 of 100
Fuinjutsu || 5 of 100
Bukijutsu || 10 of 100
code by yxnie yxnie
honestly I'll prolly go back and edit but ghjk​
Nice to Meet You All!


Full Name: Aikawa Chiruka

Age: 15

I'm A Big Ninja Now!

Ninja Rank: Genin


Village of Origin: Otogakure

Village of Residence: Konohagakure

Chakra Nature: wind

Kekkei Genkai: sound manipulation



Ability Stats! As a Genin, you only have 50 points to use, none of which can be used to bring a stat above 25 for now. 0 means they do not have any ability in that field. As time goes on, your character may be "rewarded" more ABILITY POINTS (AP)! The starting number is low because remember, these are weak little Genin that are basically fresh from the academy.

Ninjutsu — 11

Genjutsu — 7

Taijutsu — 25

Doujutsu – 0.)

Fūinjutsu – 0

Senjutsu – 0

Bukijutsu — 7

Physical Stats! Similarly to Ability Stats, there is a point limit based on your character's rank! For Genin, they only have 15 points to use, but none of their stats can exceed 5 for now.
Strength — 2x of 20

Stamina — 2 of 20

Endurance – 2of 20

Strategy — 2 of 20

Speed — 3 of 20

Accurace – 2of 20

Chakra Control — 2 of 20

I Can't Tell if I Like You or Not...

Personality: Chiruka is a pretty happy girl all things considered, She's not overly bubbly or exuberant, but she does like to live in the moment and be a constant optimist always cracking jokes. speaking of, Chiruka has a pretty sarcastic sense of humor, even though its not always seen that way. She tries not to let the small things upset her, and live as if she might die tomorrow, which considering her occupation, might actually happen. Shes not very good at dealing with crying people and always seems to say the wrong thing when trying to comfort someone. she adores cute things and will often buy things that she really doesn't need. she's a hoarder and a compulsive spender. she's more straight forward and doesn't really take the time to slow down and think things through. Chiruka can be childish and petulant, but you wont really know she's angry until its too late and you've dug yourself a whole. She's often very passive aggressive and has been known to hold grudges.

Biography: Chirukas mother was a common whore. She worked at a brothel in seeder regions on Hidden Sound, where one day, a young man in i=his late teens wandered in, smooth talking and charming; probing and interrogating. By the end of the night, the young man left with new information to pass along and the woman was left satisfied of the money in her pocket. Surprise surprise, not two months down the line she was informed of the little life form growing inside of her. What was a surprise though, was the joy she felt at the prospect of being a mother. The young mother to be made preperations to quit her job at the brothel once the baby was born, maybe beg for an apprenticeship to that seemstress ... She would love this baby, and cherish and hold and-
give it away. The young mother stared at the squirming pink bundle in her arms with a perturbed expression. A shinobi child, a shinobi fathered this small little girl and suddenly she wanted nothing to do with it. SHe had turned her back on Shinobi life when she left her clan and became a whore to survive. Was she really going to give up everything she worked for, for a shinobi child? SHe hesitated, then passed the bundle back to the surprised nurse. SHe did not want it. perhaps another time.
The nurse of course found the entire situation baffling but looked on at the small babe with pity and put the child up for the orphanage. However this was where tiny Chiruka, finally caught a break. Her father, having been monitoring the situation, quickly and quietly stole her away into the night He knew what happened to orphans in sound. Chirukas mother left a clan in soundthat had the bloodline limit of manipulating sound.
her clan can create, shape and manipulate sound, a periodic disturbance of the medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves produce upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear.
User can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement.
At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. The vibrations can also affect at a molecular level.
In essence, sound is an invisible, deadly weapon and a versatile tool, but with many drawbacks. Extended use could rupture organs, shatter bones and burst ear drums. If not handled properly can cause a horribly painfu death. Chiruka herself was never taught or trained how to handle her Bloodline limit and therefore has little control over it.

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