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Fandom Naruto (Open)


New Member
I am looking for people to do 1x1 with me. I got an OC I like using. I have developed her very well. She is universal. She can be used in Naruto timeline or in our own timeline. Where naruto doesn't exist or other characters cannon to the story. I do want to see how my character would couples up with Shino, Itachi, or other cannon characters. If your interested than awesome lets discuss our new story. :)


Being born a twin the first child came out which was a girl. They named her Migiashi, the right foot also known as the Rabbit lucky foot. The next child came out and it was a boy. Being named Higiashi, the left foot. She normally goes by Migi as it caught her attention quicker than her full name. She preferred it as it didn’t waste time.

Birth When and Where:

(This can be discussed as your character can change this to fit the story)

-On normal Cannon to the story- She is as old as Itachi but older by a couple of months. As for location she is born in the Hidden Leaf village in her clan house. As it was in a sort of ritual as one of the two was to inherit a beast that would a trial of will power and great strength.

Personality :

As she had grown most of her ninja life alone. (Seeing clan history about why she grew up alone.) She had become very quiet and usually kept to herself. Training alone was normal for her. Unless she had to be on a mission, summoned or someone needed one of her seals she hardly would see the village. At first, when someone meets her she is quiet and straight forward. Usually, they are on a mission together. As one would get to know her. They would find that she is a very gentle but nice person. One could compare her to Niji’s quietness. When someone she cares for is in danger. She would put her life half on the line. As she always has her being the last one of her clan on her mind. Her quietness is also because she is always trying to take her surroundings in. From hearing from afar. More than anyone in the village. While she is taking her surroundings in. From the people around her and the buildings surrounding her. When fighting she is stubborn and won’t back down. Usually, she knows she will come out of the fight alive. So sometimes she gets a little playful. From being an Anbu to training in the mountains she was always in the shadows.


White long hair, casually it’s down. But in a mission it is usually put up in a hair tie of some sort. So that it wouldn’t get all over the place and out of her eyes.(As seen in pic) She has blue eyes and some would characterize them as two large sapphire gems. That would fit on a ring. Her skin is very pale. But it was a normal trait for white hair people in her clan. Her make-up usually is thick eyeliner with some mascara. Her black ops outfit is normal but her mask was made by her mother. As her mother was in the black ops as well. It had black markings that looked like smoke off an incense. Ears on the top that looked like rabbits ears. Some would say that it would be small for rabbit ears. But her mother had done that to it wouldn’t be so difficult in battle. Easy for the enemy to take the mask if they were long. Her normal outfit is her short shorts. With boot sandals that zip up over her knee. She wears a black jacket that covers her crop tank that makes her seals on her stomach and arms available when she is in battle. Get tank covers just right under her breast.

Clan and its History:

The Wukong clan was originally a Mercenary clan where they were bided to the highest bidder who needed their protection to attack certain people. When it came to be one of the top 5 clans that were fought over to gain their service. They had trouble with the idea of being peaceful with Uchiha’s and other clans. When it came to giving their services. It took time to feel comfortable sending their members to become shinobi of the Hidden leaf village. But what was different then most of the clan was that it was a beast clan. Which are two different things, one being that they were given rabbit companions at a certain age that they grow up and use in missions for spying and some for battle. They are a lot like the Inuzuka clan. But their companion Ninjutsu is slightly different. The beast form is practically the only one that is the common Jutsu they share. Usually, the cooperation Ninjutsu that the clan would use is Human Beast Clone, Beast stomp, Beast cyclone, and other ninjutsu that takes advantage of the teamwork of teeth, speed, and other rabbit traits. Also by concentrating chakra to their ears they find themselves able to hear for miles further than anyone usually can hear this also goes for their sense of smell. Which helps track and find their enemy. This made it very desirable for spy missions as they were also a very quiet type of beast clan. Who needed to be able to hear from afar like information being discussed in private and plans that they needed to find out to finish their mission. Sadly the clan had died off some in a few battles. Some from the Nine tail beast attack, which included the parents of Migiashi and Higiashi. Soon after that, the rest had died on the mission. Including Higiashi, reporting back a missing ninja. Where his body was not found. But there was no way he would still be alive.

Family, Friends, and Companion:

Higiashi was born with Migiashi only by a minute. Growing up together until they were preteens. But having to go to a mission where it was missed ranked. Made him ‘lose’ his life. He was usually the one that talked more than Migiashi did. Making he was always the type of person to always step up and show his stuff. They were two twins who looked alike but had opposite personalities and gender. Higiashi had a companion who was named Mogi and had lost his life before Higi had ‘lost’ his.

Unisagi is her first companion and had always been close to Migi. Always protected by Migi as he protected her. When Migi slept Unisagi would be sitting awake to watch Migi. Making sure she wasn’t harmed. It was a beautiful match. The teamwork between the two was as smooth as Kiba.

(Left is Uni and the Right is a jutsu Uni and Migi would combine to become one)

As a ‘cousin’ Clan Kiba and his clan always cared for Migi when she needed help. But Kiba being as loud as he is. Migi usually kept her distance.

Growing up in cannon of the story. She was a good childhood friend with Itachi as she had trained and was to be on the same team as Itachi in the Anbu. But when she found Itachi had become a Rogue. She fought the idea she may have to kill him. When she was ordered to find him and kill him. She had gone to find him. But within fighting him, she could not do it. Returning back saying he had got her by a genjutsu, escaping from her. She could not tell the truth to the village. From growing up with Itachi she learns to handle Genjutsu as to become stronger and unstoppable.

Ninja Information:

Birth Village/Current Village:

The hidden leaf village, but that can change depending on roleplay.


With Itachi then put in the Anbu as her family was big in the Anbu


First Anbu then after some time she was given S-Class rank. Giving her the chance to train and find what happened to her brother. Sometimes she is asked to do Anbu missions when she is in town. Getting her S-Class rank she was also known as “The White Hare”


"Today isn't the day I die."

Chakra Element:

Earth is her first element which is normal for Wukong members. Also she has Shadow/yen (I believe) and after getting sage mode she learns senjutsu/ Natural element.


Usually, she has a wide span of weapons. Most hidden away in scrolls. She keeps her regular Kuni and stars with her. But she also keeps a certain type of sword in the seal of her chest. Only to be used if she has to.


Her Jutsu’s mainly evolved around her companion Ninjutsu. But to make sure Unisagi stays alive she relies on other jutsu’s sometimes making Uni hideaway in a scroll where she can summon him later. But she has signed a scroll to be able to summon a few different rabbits. While a good amount of her studies and training was to find other Wukong jutsu and rabbit jutsu. Finding the Rabbit sage technique. As it seemed that the last one was a couple of generations before. She had to hike to the mountains that gave a home to the den that had the information of the Rabbit sage knowledge. Including talking rabbits. That actually gave her more Jutsu’s other than Sage. She stayed there training tell she felt she was ready to return which was a couple of years. Also, she mastered seals as she messed with it on her off time. Most come to her to get help with seals. Summons are one of her main technique's


1 - 5: Horrible

6 - 8: Below average

9 - 10: Average

11 - 13: Above average

14 - 16: Talented

17 - 18: Gifted [This is Sannin level]

Strength in Jutsu

Ninjutsu [ninja techniques]: 17

Genjutsu [illusion techniques]: 11

Taijutsu [martial arts techniques]: 13

Kekkei Genkai [bloodline traits]: 17

Fuuinjutsu [sealing techniques]: 18

Strength in Missions

Intelligence:[Shikamaru is a 18] 18

Wisdom [It comes with age;Jiraiya would be at least 17]: 17

Strength [Measure of your body's muscles;Kisame would be 17-18]: 16

Agility [How well you can move, dodge, etc.]: 18

Dexterity [How well you can aim/form seals]: 18

Stamina [Chakra amount;Kisame is a 18]:18

Constitution [How well you can take a hit;Would you be a 1 hit K.O?]: 16

Charisma [How social you are;Naruto is a 18]: 8

Chakra Control [Important for medical ninja; Tsunade is a 18]: 17

Cooperation [How well you work with other people/comrades]: 9​


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I would love to roleplay with you! Would you double up or would I just play the canon character?
I am looking for people to do 1x1 with me. I got an OC I like using. I have developed her very well. She is universal. She can be used in Naruto timeline or in our own timeline. Where naruto doesn't exist or other characters cannon to the story. I do want to see how my character would couples up with Shino, Itachi, or other cannon characters. If your interested than awesome lets discuss our new story. :)
This still open?

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