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Fandom Naruto: Invasion of Self



Caught in a storm
It was a peaceful summer day. Kids were hanging out in the academy lunchroom eating lunch. The lunch was free for academy students although they were free to bring their own. People tended to hang out in groups. Everyone was mainly excited that a big test was over. Today was going to be a short day so after lunch everyone would be free from the binds of the academy for the day. People were already making plans to hang out together after school.

Lunae Lunaekyo

Today's special was spicy curry with vegetables. Although it wasn't really something Lunae was particularly fond of. Spicy food was something she really wasn't into. Still she was excited to be able to leave school so early, having to keep up an air of popularity got tiring at times. While she was definitely a popular student unlike most girls she didn't really fawn over every Uchiha that walked by. Sure she flirted here and there but it was really a facade as she had no interest in falling in love, what she wanted however was complete social positioning with the school hierarchy. Still it was a nice summer day, maybe she could head out alone and go on a picnic by herself.

Kazutokona Kujiki

Meanwhile the jounin and chunin were doing their own things. Some hanged out and discussed their lives or missions they had been on. There was news that the legendary Jounin Kazutokona Kujiki would be returning with news about villages that went silent. Kona had been quite revered throughout the Shinobi World as Kona of The Black Feathers. As if on cue Kazutokona could be seen entering the village gateway. The Anbu Jonin breathed a sigh of relief as she finally was back inside the walls of Konoha. Hopefully she could pass onto the news to Hokage and the rest of Anbu and take a rest, maybe get some alcohol and pass out inside her apartment. She had been hearing news that it wouldn't be too long before she might end up having to take on a team of Genin. Kona had never really lead a team of Genin but she knew of her own time as one.

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Anaee Anaee Top11 Top11 Timv9 Timv9 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford

Finally the test was over!

Tsuyumi sat alone on one of the seat surrounding a random unoccupied table. In front of her was today menu the vegetable curry which she already cleanse from the presence of all kind of tomato and a pack of taro-flavored milk which she bought from nearby candy shop. The milk was a reward for herself for surviving the test! She was never good with written test like that but fortunately some of her friends in the orphanage were willing to help her study.

She was thinking that she should give them something as a gift, something that didn't require money to obtain... like flower? Dried flower as bookmark?? That sounds good enough!! Tsuyumi enthusiastly nodded at herself before she start digging into her lunch ravenously.
da ting.pngCrunch -- "Ahm!" -- another uncooked grain of rice jammed itself between a couple back teeth. Glaring at a pitted bed of white rice that the other members of his lunch, a few pieces of fruit and leftover pork, Fudo cradled his jaw and hunted for the errant grain with his tongue. Quickly, the criminal was wedged out and he promptly bit down, ignoring the pain to destroy the hard grain between his molars. Glaring at nothing while he braced the back of his head with both of his arms and leaned back in his chair, his elbows pointed out and up toward the sky. With a deep sigh, he came to the conclusion that today, perhaps having the academy's food would be for the best. His stomach gurgled plaintively in agreement and he growled quietly back from deep in his throat before smacking the table maybe a little bit too hard with both of his hands and pushing himself out of the seat, the chair sliding back with a woody rattle. Fortunately, the lunchroom, full of his peers, was rowdy enough with the din of post-test nerves to mask his clumsy irritation. Carefully, he made his way between them all and their seats, sometimes shrinking away from chopsticks hurled like kunai or an enthusiastic eater. There were a few kids there in line already to receive their food and he was one of the last ones, so he stood glumly with one hand on his hip and the other massaging the front of his jaw to banish the remaining twinges of pain. Biting down on that rice hurt more than most of the punches to the face he's taken. By the time he reached the line of stragglers waiting for their academy lunch, his glare softened into a simmering glower.

Compared to his peers, his clothing seemed strange. His jacket was loose and had a large collar which pointed outward rather than up. On the left breast was a gently embroidered insiginia of of "Miyami Apparrel," and some trailing designs pertaining to the shop's logo. His wrists bore thin cloth bands, reminiscent perhaps of sweatbands, though they were far too thin to be for the same purpose. His shorts seemed normal enough, although perhaps a little too well-taken-care of, but his shoes were the strangest part. The same leathery rubber sole a the rest of his peers albeit in an unusual white, but rather than the same material clinging around his ankles and feet, strips of tastefully patterned fabric wrapped over the top and no such fastenings clung to his ankles. This and the absence of the ubiquitous shinobi-pouch should make him appear a little strange, if he had not been acquainted with all of the people in the room for at least a few years. The number of academy students after a certain age can only decrease, after all.
Kyofu Fuki

Many students were using lunch and the fact the day would end early as a way to destress. They did just finish a pretty big test so tensions are high for the young ninja. Except one of the few exceptions to this was Kyofu who was busy with more important things. She took a bite of her extra spicy curry, looking to be deep in thought as if really savoring the taste of the curry. "Hmmm yep that confirms it.....I don't like spicy food." The burning sensation in Kyofu's mouth was made her look around herself in utter confusion. How could her some of her peers be able to shovel the Fire Style: Flaming Curry Jutsu. A shame really Kyofu was actually pretty hungry, but not hungry enough to suffer through burning her mouth on the frankly way too spicy curry.

That was when the boy ahead of her stood up from his seat. Very aggressively as well from the look on his face he looked angry. Yet Kyofu could recognize the look of pain in his face. He too was dissatisfied with his meal, she could understand and it was nice knowing someone else didn't enjoy spicy curry. Though she quickly realized that the boy wasn't in fact even eating spicy curry, but instead his plate held on it rice untainted by the spicy sauce and spices every other meal had been coated in. It was an a complete mystery now to Kyofu why the boy looked upset. She grabbed her tray and stood up following the boy to see where he was heading. Bringing her tray with her out of a reflex and the fact her still hungry mind had food on the brain. Kyofu walked with little in the way of focus, she didn't acknowledge the many amounts of chopsticks being thrown and food being flung. With no fear of being dirtied or impaled by a chopstick she simply walked straight ahead. Objects nearly missing her as she continues her forward momentum. She stood in line right behind him not bothering to just look past him to see what the line was for. Stopping just a few steps from the boy using her tip toes to peer past him to realize they were back over in the line to retrieve food.

Kyofu looked down at the food being handed out, and now saw the red sauce covered curry the boy's face lit up in joy for. She tilted her head confused, did he not like the normal meal he had? The sadness of finding out she didn't have a comrade who also held hate for spicy things in there heart. That sadness quickly vanished and replaced by joy when she realized what that meant. "Hey, hey." She got ready to tug on his sleeve to get the boy's attention. Should he turn to face her he'd take note or her long brown hair, green eyes and almost vacant stare that made it clear not alot went on behind those eyes. "You wanna trade." She held up her tray of food it was the same meal the boy would be given by staff. The only exception being a extremely tiny bit of the curry had been eaten. Kyofu's soft face combined with her vacant eyes made her appear almost bored. Her words also lacked any real energy to them and instead seemed to fall from her mouth rather than be spoken. She wore a extremely simple outfit consisting of a baggy jacket the sleeves coming a bit too far up her hands hiding them from view. Shorts that came just above her knees and some shoes that a leaf design on the top of them.

Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy
Fudo peered listlessly about in the room, at the old wood and faded paint on the walls. Dull smells of food rose from the little wooden bar to his right. It seemed more like a street stall taken from the sidewalk and jammed into the ground on the side of the room where the kitchen, through an open door, teemed with the sound of running water and scrubbing dishes. Voices wafted through -- he felt someone behind him and his head snapped to the side to find a girl's fingers around his sleeve. His eyes latched intensely onto a girl who he recognized as Kyofu and their dull black glittering dimmed a bit. Unwanted contact did not seem to further irritate him. He did, however, turn abruptly, in effect pulling his sleeve from between her fingers to regard her with a dull expression. They were just about eye-to-eye. Fudo is not impressive in size, if anything a little smaller than average, though by no means impractically so. His build is also rather slight; their instructor often warned him about how his willowy frame might make it difficult for him to compete in taijutsu as time goes on. He received passing scores in efficacy and high scores in technique. It was with the same precise lightness that he shifted his weight onto his left foot and cleared his throat to speak.

"You don't want my lunch. The rice is rock-hard," he replied tersely. He felt the line move forward behind him, leaving still seven or so students waiting to be served. He took a step back with the line. It was only then that his gaze flitted over the food she presented. The rice had a strange color, not quite white, but the curry wasn't moving or talking so it would suffice. His stomach gurgled quietly but he did not seem to acknowledge it. The scene was comical, a couple of droopy kids and their dull eyes roaming idly around each other like unconcerned felines. Fudo had a certain stillness about him, his posture was stiff and his face was relaxed. With the entire room moving chaotically around them, their quietude could have been distracting.
Kyofu Fuki

Now that she was actually looking at his face she recognized the boy as Fudo. They weren't friends but she had seen him around. Not to mention he was no slouch when it came to practice. He might of been seen as amazing by most but Kyofu liked his fighting style. It reminded her of a leaf dancing in the wind, it seemed that her comparison even extended to his personality. He gave her a very matter or fact answer to her question, one that was a bit disappointing to hear. "Ah I don't like food that's rock hard." She responded in a dry tone.

As the line moved by reflex Kyofu moved with it. She looked down at the flaming curry she was still holding. "Well my mother says not to waste food. So you can have it." She held the tray of food towards Fudo wanting him to take it from her. Her dislike of the spicy curry coved rice made even more clear by how far she kept her face from the food. Not wanting to even get a single whiff of the spices. "Besides I'm not that hungry." As if to correct her itself Kyofu's stomach let our a low rumble barely heard due to the many other noisy children.

Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy
Fudo bilnked when she stated she does not indeed dislike poorly cooked food, his eyebrows wrinkling a little. The expression passed and he cleared his throat. After a moment of silence, eventually he produced, "I would prefer to eat a meal of my own. Perhaps you should try to eat if even if you don't enjoy it, " in a dispassionate manner. He began to turn again, as though the conversation were meant to be over. It is a sight to behold hungry kids in a line to get food. The line came abreast of many of the meals sitting ready to be taken with only five or so feet of countertop to display them. All 60 inches of countertop was being stared down by them collectively unless they were otherwise occupied, by social engagement or something interesting happening elsewhere in the room. He took another step forward. Though it was faint in his memory, he could remember having a different kind of food as a child. Though it did not bother him particularly at that time, the taste of unseasoned oats is as vivid in his memory as the wind or warmth from the sun. He imagined then what it would be like to be caught lost in the wilderness somewhere, on a mission or some other business, without a reliable source of food or water. With grim amusement he tried to imagine the taste of a grub but quickly dismissed the exercise as useless. It was then that he glanced back at her while he turned, curious in spite of himself about her response.

Tomazi sat with his hands interlocked behind his head leaning back in his chair that rested against the wall,scanning the cafeteria he looked around at all the other students. Majority of them rampant over the half day while a few were visibly stressed over the test they had just taken, Tomazi never had any trouble with test taking being a rather good student he soaked up most things that were said during class. Skimming over the faces there was a few he was quite familiar with like Fudo an even better student than tomazi, then there was Kyofu next to him he always found her interesting due to how well she personified her clan within her personality, then there was Lunae the clan heir of the lunaekyo clan, and Tsuyumi sitting alone devouring her lunch.

Sitting there he kind of just wanted time to pass as the occasional student would stop by the table, only a handful would sit and stay though this was commonly known as the uchiha table considering Tomazi, Neji and his other cousins would usually sit at this table. Tomazi wasn’t eating today not that he wasn’t hungry but today was the day zitami was due back and had promised that he would take him to the yakiniku restaurant and said to invite friends which he never does but for bailing on Tomazi last time he’s going to try and put a dent in Zitami’s wallet. Looking over at Lunae he attempted to get her attention and beckon her over.


Zitami made his way through the entrance of the village towards the academy, he had to meet with the hokages advisor and hand over the debriefing papers over the mission he had just finished. It felt good returning to the Leaf after traveling helping the smaller allied villages, Zitami was one of the younger Jounin but despite his age he had gained a bit of a reputation for how efficient he is at what he does. Waving and speaking to village members who recognized and welcomed him back, he couldn't afford to stop he needed to complete this mission by delivering the debriefing papers so he would be free in time to pick his brother up as soon he’s dismissed from the academy for the day dead set on not letting Tomazi down twice. Building up chakra in his feet he took a powerful leap barely landing on top of the apartment building left to him This should give me a quicker route!” he said racing rooftop to rooftop heading towards the academy.

Making it to the academy nostalgic memories of the days when he was a student here as well , the sound of his childhood friends' laughter most of them no longer in the land of the living. Shaking his head he focused up and pushed through the academy doors located on the administrative wing. Approaching the hokages receptionist desk he handed over the scrolls and waited for his dismissal that came only a few moments after handing over the scrolls.” Now I’ll just wait for Tomazi, I hope he’s made some friends, I’ve even offered to buy them lunch, just to get him to become more social.” He said letting out a sigh as he walked out of the academy to wait for the students to be released. Outside he scaled the academy and sat with a view above the main entrance.
Lunae Lunaekyo
Lunae noticed someone in the back of her vision trying to get her attention. To which she turned around. She was greeted to Tomazi Uchiha. She didn't personally know Tomazi however he always seemed like a typically Uchiha to which most girls tended to obsess over. Lunaekyo didn't understand it to be honest but she usually just let things play out.

"Oh. Hi Tomazi. Can I help you?" Lunae said eating her Curry. Her thoughts laid elsewhere. Soon enough she would have to likely head back to the Lunaekyo clan grounds and probably go back to being a pefect heiress again. Everyone expected Lunae to act perfectly within her clan and she was often seen as cold yet carefree. However in the academy she tended to do things to further her popularity within the school. She was often mischevious and flirtatious yet didn't feel like trying to do much today.

Lunaekyo wondered when everyone would become genin. She had heard about some of the Jounin in Konoha. She knew that Tomazi was the youngest son of the head of the uchiha clan so they were both in a similar position in life. She had heard that he also had an older brother and that he was a jounin. Another jonin that constantly reached Lunae's ears was Kazutokona, the most well known jonin in Konoha.
Gorou Kobayashi

Piles of paper stacked high on the desk, while a hulking 7'5 muscular figure was bending his back scribbling scores on each of it. That was how Gorou usually spent his time after a big test like this. After working through a quarter of all the papers he decided to take some break. The man picked up a bottle of sake and a small cup before heading upstair to enjoy some view.

"Ohh, Zitami! Is that you?" Spotting the newly returned shinobi from afar, Gorou waved at him joyfully. He performed a powerful leap and landed next to Zitami.

"You're waiting for your brother, right. They should be out soon. Oh, and he got good grades like usual." Gorou gave Zitami a friendly light slap on his back before he poured himself some sake and drank from the cup. The big man might not be the most famous shinobi around, especially considering his unusual fighting style, but he's quite famous in academy as the 'friendly gorilla teacher' and knows almost every family members related to his students.

"While you wait, do you want some of this? I made it myself and it taste like wet socks. Ahahaha." Gorou offered Zitami the sake in the bottle.

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“ Hey my brothers due back from a mission today and he promised me that he’ll take me and any of my friends out for yakiniku, interested in coming, I’m trying to get the majority of the class to come? “ he said, making his way over to her table and sitting down with a slight but welcoming grin on his face. Being the heir to a clan was something they shared in common but from different clans things must’ve been similar but completely different at the same time.

“ I don’t want to impose but it would be awesome if you’d decided to come, eat, and just be yourself.” He said knowing one thing for certain they shared, was the weight of their clan’s expectations weighing down their own personalities to a degree. Tomazi has never got to truly know Lunae but that was due to the lack of interactions, but what he did know was that she was quite the popular one amongst the academy.

Outside of the two cousins of his Lunae was another Kekkai genkai user belonging to the lunaekyo clan. Tomazi unlike the Uchiha clan there weren’t many shinobi hailing from her clan but from what Zitami told him their ice release is quite formidable when weaponized. With the exam nearing to decide who all would graduate to become genin he couldn’t help the slight urge to root for the heiress.
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse


Seeing a big man waving at him Zitami quickly made him out to be Gorou his brother's current Sensei, but before he could wave back he saw the man take a powerful leap and land emitting a gust of wind. Standing, he gave the shinobi a proper greeting.” Hello Gorou, glad to hear that Tomazi is staying atop of his class work, that makes me feel better about taking him along with however many students of yours he intends to invite for yakiniku later. “ he said as he looked down and observed the bottle he had in his hand.

“ Homebrewed you say? I guess one cup wouldn’t hurt, besides the string of missions I’ve just returned from I can’t think of a better way to unwind” he said looking over to the academy his mind wandering to the days when he was a student.” Hows our future looking, any bright and promising prospects? I’ve heard word that Kona may be taking on a team of Genin and despite my age I may be leading one aswell, if that’s what’s desired of me.“ he said a bit uncomfortable with the idea of children following him around all the time. Although he wouldn’t w on the dangerous missions he’s used to he could use this opportunity to mold the future of the leafs shinobi.

“ Speaking of our future, how are your twins doing, they’re in the acedemy this year correct?” He said remembering Tomazi speaking of them.

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
It seemed Tomazi wanted her to join him and a bunch of other Academy Students for a meal paid by his older brother.
"I mean we're eating lunch right now though. Not sure I'm really gonna be hungry for more. Maybe he could buy everyone dinner." She said shrugging.
Lunae didn't really mind it but she wasn't really hungry anymore. That being said she didn't really have any plans and anything that could get her to avoid being near the Lunaekyo Clan grounds after school was welcome enough.
"I'd be down to come though. I haven't really got anything to do after school." Lunae said.

With the Academy day over everyone was free to leave. Some were going to be picked up by their family and some just walked home. Some had plans of visiting certain locations.

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Anaee Anaee Top11 Top11 Timv9 Timv9 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
In spite of his apparent proficiency with school, Fudo jealously possessed the seat nearest to the door of the classroom. He openly stared at the clock for the last few minutes of the day. Once the clock read leaving time, his books were already in his bag, and on the instructor's word, he stood up and was the first person out the door. Brushing past waiting parents and other students released from different classrooms at a determined pace, he pushed open the doors and didn't slow until the gate of the academy was behind him. The wall of warm, moist air washed over him then filled him and he took a deep breath of it, a little dissatisfied that he would be destined to pool sweat under his clothes. Already feeling his garments heat up uncomfortably in the broad sunlight showering and baking everything, he turned toward the village where the streets of packed dust shimmered with bright yellow heat, the cradling wall of rock rising up behind it, and advanced at a leisurely pace, though with purpose.

Further trampling the packed dust, throngs of people longed for the breeze, standing in thin shade and fanning themselves in their loose garments while laughing weakly at a joke, or with their eyes turned away from the sun, hunched over before a cart stacked low with goods, some shuffled uncomfortably under a wide straw hat with a cloth sack around their shoulders, or they flinched from their summertime stupor, from a bright pale form dressed in strange clothing which darted impatiently within inches of their hips against the struggling flow of traffic. The distant rattling chorus of cidadas mingled with wooden trundling and piteous sighing drew Fudo's thin pale face into a frown. What irritating noise. Looking like a dressing kabuki actor, with his cheeks all red and his face dour, and the corners of his hairline beaded with sweat, he leaned through the crowd with diminuitive ease to make his way toward the library. He had not yet the shamelessness to dart from roof to roof, not until he could really soar. Perhaps this trip to the library would assist him with such things.

(this is pretty much filler for my turn, no need to play any NPCs SomebodyElse SomebodyElse )
Gorou Kobayashi

"Here you go, buddy." The man handed Zitami the rest of the sake after he poured another one for himself. He gulped his share in a single gulp.

"My kids are going to enter academy this year. While I would love to see their growth firsthand. I don't want them to end up being too reliant on me here, and I'm not sure if I can resist to not dote on them if I end up as their teacher. Which is why also applied to become a genin mentor!" Gorou flashed asmile at Ziitame and gave him a thumb up. "If you're going to accept the position, then we would become colleagues. Let's help each other to ensure the bright future of our village."

Just as Gorou finished his words, the bell rung and students started to flow out of the academy.

"Ah, time for me to get back to work. Good luck with your brother, Zitami." Gorou nodded at the young ninja before he performed another leap and entered the teacher's room to finish his work.

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Kyofu Fuki

Kyofu was beginning to suspect she must of angered some kind of deity or perhaps she had been trapped inside a genjutsu, her mother made as some sort of training exercise. These two options were all that made sense. how else could one explain the flamming curry she had to force down in order to not waste food? Now she wasn't just hot on the inside she was hot on the outside due to the sun beaming down at her. Kyofu couldn't muster the strength to lift her head from her desk. Instead she dragged herself from said desk and began to walk. Well more like shuffle as she never really picked up her feet she just moved one foot forward. Not being able to muster the strength to lift her foot even a inch off the ground.

When she reached outside her torture only got worse. Being in the direct sunlight meant there was nothing to keep her safe from the scorching rays. Kyofu's only hope was to get home and shovel shaved ice into her mouth. The thought of the cool sensation of shaved ice almost seemed to cool her off. Only for someone walking by to mention how hot today is immediately reminding Kyofu.

This didn't stop her though she continued to push forward she could do it she would make it to her house and eat that shaved ice if it was the last thing she- Why was the ground suddenly in front of her? Kyofu fell forward her foot snagging on a overgrown root from a nearby tree. Kyofu who very easily could catch herself didn't want to waste the energy and thus simply turned her body so as not to land on her face. Instead landing on her back conveniently in the shade. The tree that had tripped now providing her protection from the sun's deadly lazer.

Kyofu stared at the leaves of the tree as they began to sway from the gentle breeze that blew in providing just a bit of relief to all suffering the heat. Kyofu let out a sigh immediately she was so relaxed in her current position she didn't feel like moving anymore. She could always head home later it wasn't like she'd be missing much. No doubt her father would send her straight to the meditation room where she'd have to stay for two hours. Kyofu was ever so grateful to her mother who convinced her father to make it two as he wished to keep her there for four hours.

Though Kyofu couldn't complain after all it wasn't like she had any plans with friends. Not that she didn't want any friends it was more that she never really found the energy to make friends. There were definitely some people in class she'd be friends with if given the chance. For now she was content just enjoying the shade.
Hearing the bell go off Tomazi made a b-line towards the door, he was anxious to be released into the free world outside of the academy doors. Making it outside he get the sun beam down onto his brow then the sudden waves of heat followed, looking around he seen no sign of his brother. “ Practical “ he said to himself before looked around for a shady spot to wait for Zitami before he headed back to the the uchiha district.

Scanning around he see an a single nice sized oak Tree with someone laying underneath it, pacing towards it he was relieved to see it was one of his classmates, Kyofu. “ Beat already?”He said plopping his book bag down before taking a seat and leaning against the tree. Keeping an eye out for Lunae, and Zitami was a bit difficult with the growing crowd of people full of parents, students, sensei's and normal villagers who were passing by. Kyofu was another clan heir of the Fuki clan, Tomazi didn’t know much about the Clan, but he knew that there were strong Genjutsu users out of the clan.

“He Kyofu are you busy today? I understand if you gotta get home I know being an Heir /Heiress blows sometimes, my brother promised to take me and a few friends out for yakiniku today, they serve sweets Daifuki, and Mochi while the meal cooks.” He said thinking about the sweet pastries. “Lunae said she might be able to come as well, if I can catch up with Fudo I’ll invite him too but he’s usually locking himself in the library after class.” He said pointing at the boy making his way there already.
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It was the day of graduation. Everyone had been sitting in class waiting for their senseis to be arrive and take them. Some had some hunches there was more to the situation than what it seemed however they all had been presented with headbands signaling they were ninja of the hidden leaf village. Everyone had sat in the classroom in their respective seats. Many were chattering about their current situation. Drama could be seen as people were talking about their preferred teammates and those who they didn't want to end up as teammates with. Everyone awaited as the Teacher would enter the classroom and announce their teammates.

Soon enough the teacher entered the classroom holding a stack of papers, likely the teams in which everyone would be dispersed into. The teacher of their class had the classroom's attention, waiting for everyone to quiet down before speaking.

"As you know today you are considered fully fledged ninja. You are now of the rank of Genin, the lowest rank of ninja. Ordinarily we would split everyone into teams of three however due to a special situation, one of the teams will be a team of four. Once this issue is resolved we will consider rebalancing the teams if we deem it appropriate."

The teacher continued to rattle off teams until it got to the final two teams.

"Team 9 will consist of Neji Uchiha, Fudo Kato, and Tsuyumi Amagumori. For the final team, Team 10 will consist of Kyofu Fuki, Lunae Lunaekyo, Tomizi Uchiha and Shin Uchiha. Are there any questions?"

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy Anaee Anaee Top11 Top11 Timv9 Timv9 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford bastion bastion
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Many students were engaging in petty speculating while Fudo sat patiently with a sharp look on his face, waiting for the announcements. His eyes were thin and his face seemed a bit flushed. At first he stared at the door. With his eyes nearly shut, a misty darkness settled over the scene. The waves of rising and falling chatter rolled over him; on his mind it felt like a massage from a jute rug. His arms were crossed as usual, but his hands were gripped so tightly around each other that he might have been hugging himself. Before he knew it, his jaw was clenched and his shoulders were trembling just a little. Annoying. With a shaking inhale, he held his breath and deftly identified the offending muscles while leaning back into his chair, commanding them to relax. His jaw clenched tighter until a grinding sensation in his teeth and minor ache in his head dissuaded him from the exertion. From his right, a lazy voice jolted him out of his lonely stupor. A kid with a round jaw, dark tanned skin and messy black hair asked him amiably, "so who're you hoping to get?"

A sword's hilt poked over his shoulder. If Fudo were honest, he had no idea who this person was. He was plain enough that he arrogantly reasoned it didn't matter anyway. His dark eyes roamed the classmate for a moment before he sighed deeply and sank into his chair a little. The damn hokage themself. These are the people he needs to trust his life with and they decided to make a whole ceremony out of hit. He bit his lower lip and a feeling of lightness entered his chest, trembling for just an instant in trepidation at the outcome. The hokage, a team of jonin, a whole brigade would be great as a team. A bunch of experienced, cold-blooded killers who didn't require him, so he could be there for support and safely learn along the way. Mildly ashamed at his cowardly wish, he pouted a little in his chair and sighed out loud. His dim eyes roamed the room. An Uchiha would be nice. The class got a bunch of them this year, and Fudo doesn't really believe all those nasty rumors of inbreeding. Anyone from another distinguished clan would be sufficient. Their superior training would guarantee someone who can carry their weight at least. The thought didn't cross his mind once that he himself would be the weakest link.

His head swiveled back to the kid and he gave a sardonic smile, no teeth, narrowed eyes, and stated dutifully, "it's silly to think that way. The instructors will handle our teams for us. They know what I need better than I do, they've done this dozens of times."

"Heh, whatever you say," the kid laughed roughly and placed his hands behind his head to lean back.

Fudo leveled a glare at him, searching the guy's serene face. He placed one arm on the desk and after a moment let out a moody "tche," right as the instructor walked in and he tossed himself into the back of his chair, running a hand through his hair to try to steel himself for the coming onslaught of nerves. The more people the instructor called, the more nervous he got. There were a few times that if the instructor called his name out third on the list of students he would've cried. A cold fear settled in his chest, both for himself and for the people who got tossed onto a team with the lazy idiots in the class. As it turned out, they would throw him into a few of the last teams, drawing out his anguish as much as possible. He balled his hands into fists so tightly that the nails bit into his palms. He bit down on his lower lip, his eyes glittering with anticipation. So far, none of the Uchiha were called. There was another clan, the Lunaeyeko, known for their Genjutsu, that would be incredibly useful. The Uzumaki would be fantastic, although he read that their current size is diminished from what they once were. Once he got lost in his analysis, he nearly missed the "Team nine!"

He snapped back into reality once he heard the instructor call "Fudo," and he panicked for a moment before he remembered the guy calling Neji Uchiha out before him, and Amagumori after. The panic left him all at once and he melted into his chair. It took considerable willpower to not sigh loudly in relief. Those two were not slouches and from what he saw, they seemed loyal. A pang of guilt pricked him in his chest. Something bashful inside of him thought, "are you really analyzing your teammates in terms of their possible loyalty to you?" A concerned expression crossed his face and he reached up to rub his fingers along his chin and blink it away. With his hand on his chin, his eyes roamed the room and picked out Neji Uchiha and Amagumori. Not bad at all.
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Lunae sat in the classroom. Being able to pass the exam was atleast enough to appease her father currently. She wondered what kind of people she would be placed onto teams with. She didn't really have any misgivings about who she particularly wanted to be on a team with as long as they didn't end up dying on some mission.

When the teacher finally called out the teams she was suprised enough to hear that she was placed on the odd team out having four members instead of three. She already knew Tomizi from his encounter with her on that one short school day and there was another Uchiha she had never met before. That only left the remaining female member Kyofu Fuki. From what she had seen Kyofu always seemed somewhat aimless and she didn't pay attention much to what people were saying.
Kona had heard about team 10. Today was the day she was supposed to pickup the troublemakers that were supposed to graduate the ninja academy.
She didnt particularly have high hopes for the Genin although if they managed to pass their test then she was atleast willing to take them on as genin.

She walked to the academy for quite some time before arriving. She already knew which classroom to go to. She had been briefed ahead of time. Personally she would've preferred more time after her last mission although the invading forces had been growing in remote areas abit more lately.

Upon arriving to the class she entered the doorway.
"I am here for Kyofu Fuki, Tomizi Uchiha, Shin Uchiha and Lunae Lunaekyo. We are to head to training grounds 13 if everyone is ready."
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Gorou Kobayashi

"Hello, good morning!" Entering the classroom with such jolly and thunderous voice was a large man wearing a rather elaborate hiking attire. Complete with a large backpack, a sturdy-looking fishing pole and a pair of sunglasses on his eyes. "Oh, Kona. Nice to see you here. I almost thought you would decline the offer. Ahahaha. Good luck for you, good luck for us." Gorou gave his fellow jonnin a playful salute before shifting his attention to the genins in the class and for a brief moment, he looked quite serious.

"Tsuyumi Amagumori, Fudo kato and Neji Uchiha. You all come with me. Let's all do something fun for today. Like hiking, and maybe wrestle one or two bears!"
Fudo's eyebrows knit together when the large man entered the room yelling. A little wince jostled his form and he squinted discontentedly at the loud presence. What was he, some kind of jungle man? Found in children's storybooks about silly heroes and villains, and events that never happened? That was certainly a ninja, the headband was present, and he was an adult, so he must be a jonin. The color drained out of Fudo's face. It didn't make much of a difference. He felt a little lightheaded when the large, burly, boisterous man called out his name. His face began tingling and he pressed a hand to the side of it. He never even thought ahead to which jonin he would get. He didn't do very much research on any of them. As though a zombie, with a blank look on his face, he wobbled out of his seat and began swaying unsteadily down the isle.

"They gave me..." he thought defeatedly, "Gorou the Gorilla... I wanted to do more than hit people," he lamented inwardly. He might have looked a little ill trudging down the center isle, barely breathing, imagining himself in a few years, twice as wide, laughing like a fool and yelling about wrestling bears. Had he been partial to crying in the first place, he might have. By the time he reached Gorou, it seemed he was in a complete daze, his posture a little bent. He let out a a quiet wheeze next to the huge man.
Listening to Kona speak Tomazi stood to his feet and gave his sense a nod before standing up and running out of the room, in hope of being the first one to the training grounds. Making it outside he darted off not even able to remember his teammates names

completely distracted by the fact Kona would now be his sensei, she was one of the most accomplished Kunoichi in the village. Zitami always would say he could see her becoming the Lage in the late future due to her efforts as a shinobi, and that’s who influenced him to be apart of the anbu. It would be fun having Zitami as a Master and Kona as a Sensei, but a part of him was nervous considering he hadn’t interacted with her much so he had no personal experience with the outside of the tales of her reputation. Approaching the training grounds he attempted to clear his mind, and get ready for whatever training they’ll be going through.

“Finally. “ Tomazi said making it to the training grounds letting out a deep breath a bit gassed from the mad dash.
Lunae was suprised to see someone so famous up close. She walked quietly with Kona and the others, Tomazi dashing up ahead to reach the training grounds before everyone else.
Lunae wasn't sure what she expected to think about Kazutokona of The Black Feathers. She seemed abit scary and hard to read but also abit of a drunk. Lunaekyo had heard many things about Kona from stories about her as a genin in the third shinobi war to her time as a member of Anbu and a Jonin.

They made their way to training grounds 13. Zitama had already seen to have made it, he appeared out of breathe. What exactly happened now.

"Alright listen up dorks. You get one chance to introduce yourselves before we move onto the real test to see if you are allowed to be genin." Kona said taking a swig from a container of sake.
"Seeing as i'm the sensei here I will go first. My name is Kazutokona Kujiki. I am a jonin and a member of the Anbu. I don't want to hear whining or begging from anyone and if any of you show that you are not capable of being genin you will be swiftly sent back to the academy." She said.

Stretching her arms she motioned to the group.
"Who is next?"

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