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Fandom Naruto Generations OOC {Closed}

I think I'll make the main RP today as I said before I won't rush the others if they are planning on coming but since you guys are ready I think I'll make is so you can start. Of they do show up I have my Jonin made.
Lonerfemale Lonerfemale Not to offend, but did you finish your post? It looks like you accidentally pressed 'post' before finishing.
I’ll get a CS up tomorrow. Sorry Work has been busy. Are my squad mates active that I have or no?
I’ll get a CS up tomorrow. Sorry Work has been busy. Are my squad mates active that I have or no?
Well other than me Ladyvix did send me a message but not yet they are not active. I wasn't sure if you guys were coming or not but I wanted to let you all know in case you were.
Well other than me Ladyvix did send me a message but not yet they are not active. I wasn't sure if you guys were coming or not but I wanted to let you all know in case you were.
Hmm alright. I’ll get a character up and see what happens I guess
Hi, sorry it took so long but i am going to be working on my cs now. My character Kimiko will be a devious poison specialist ninja.

Not sure if we are allowed, but does anyone want to know her beforehand like better than just talking in the academy?
Hi, sorry it took so long but i am going to be working on my cs now. My character Kimiko will be a devious poison specialist ninja.

Not sure if we are allowed, but does anyone want to know her beforehand like better than just talking in the academy?
Oh, cool I actually have some good ideas for a poison based ninja if you want me to share them with you. Also, that is fine, you can know people beforehand if you talk about it and I wouldn't mind if she and my character knee one another beforehand if that's what you want.
Oh, cool I actually have some good ideas for a poison based ninja if you want me to share them with you. Also, that is fine, you can know people beforehand if you talk about it and I wouldn't mind if she and my character knee one another beforehand if that's what you want.

Sounds like fun to me, she is going to have scorch release and mostly water element ninjustu :)

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