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Fandom Naruto: Brave New World

you gooottaa dooooo iit

its so much better to get it all done on time

Look guys...I know we have a lot of inactive players...but I've been thinking.

My guess is that they arn't posting due to a loss of interest. They probably believe that this roleplay is barely staying afloat and that's why they left.

So we need to keep moving on in otherwords. We're not going to kick them, we shall simply 'set them aside'.
I'm really sorry for not posting.

I've been struggling with internet connection for the past few days on this website, but yesterday I also had to do this essay, which I thought would be easy and should be ~four pages, but when I compared it to the last essay which is actually going to be twelve to fifteen pages...

Basically I had a really bad day, but I'm fine now.

I'll be posting today probably after polysci/many naps.
I had the scariest moment of my life today. My hand got caught in a machine that's used to flatten 7 inch steel pipes so they can be reused... I was lucky the person on the machine was calculating its total production of the day so it was off still that wouldn't have been a pretty sight.

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