Naruto: Brave New World

(@MemoriesUnknown Accepted! But just a side of my characters name is Makoto, so would you prefer if I changed his name, or would you like to change your name? I don't mind if you want my character's name to be changed.)
Name: Jin Hoshiko

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Village Nationality: From Konoha, now nukenin

Physical Appearance:

Hoshiko is 5'8" and his body type is ectomorphic with light skin. He has toned muscle, but isn't bulky. Often he has some form of smirk or grin on his heart-shaped and hairless face. His eyes are a light grey and easily visible as his short hair doesn't get in their way. The fluffy and a bit wavy hair is naturally strawberry blond, however, since he was a genin it's been dyed salmon (after experimenting with other garish colors for a short time).

The ANBU tattoo is on his left shoulder, as it is for every other member. He has several piercings- a nape piercing, a triple forward helix on both ears, and spider bites on the left of his lip. The ear piercings are a dark green, and the rest are silver.

He has some scarring on his arms and body from his time fighting in the war.


Before ANBU he wore the normal gear given to chunin and jonin, but it was often decorated with brightly colored things such as rings, belts, his shoes, and scarves. His casual clothing was usually a terrible hodgepodge of loud colors.

Of course, when he joined ANBU he began to wear the uniform. Often he wore the optional black cloak over it. Hoshiko was not allowed to add other things to it, but kept wearing rings and pierced his ears. His white porcelain mask has large spade-shaped ears; a wide, slightly open, grinning snout; square-ish nose; and red markings under the almond shaped eye holes.

After he left the village he kept his ANBU gear since it was the only thing that still fit, and got the rest of his piercings. He generally keeps the cloak on and doesn't wear his mask. When staying somewhere for awhile, for casual clothes he wears a yellow tank-top, red open sandals, and loose grey shorts.


Rank: Ex-ANBU, before ANBU was given the rank of special jonin. When he became a nukenin was given the S-rank status.

Chakra Affiliation: Water and yin release (most skilled genjutsu users have yin release).

Clan: N/A

Kekkei Genkai: N/A

Jutsu Style: Highly skilled in genjutsu, skilled in ninjutsu, and proficient in taijutsu

Subjutsu: Occasionally uses needles (senbon) in battle, and is competent with the short sword most ANBU carry. Has a summoning contract with yellow-breasted bowerbirds.



Hoshiko is completely self-centered. Everything he does for other people isn't done for the other person themselves, but rather for what he'll get out of it whether it be entertainment, a favor in return, an improvement in reputation, etc.

The closest thing he has to loyalty is when he and someone/thing else mutually benefit each other, or when he feels possessive (and therefore, protective) of his friends.

Hoshiko's a very easy-going albeit theatrical person, and tends to be non-judgmental of other people or their actions. In fact, unless something affects him or someone he's possessive of, he couldn't care less.

He lives for entertainment, and when he was young instigated fights and antagonized peers for the thrill of it. Most of the stuff that comes out of his mouth is complete nonsense, and at the best half-truths. Making up lies, stories, and ridiculous explanations for humor was a hobby he also started at a very young age, and he's gotten better and better at it. His acting skills improved alongside too, and when it's not purposely out-there Hoshiko excels at lying and keeping poker-faces.

Hoshiko is distracted easily, and tends to daydream. It used to be a problem, and he'd have trouble paying attention to boring things but he's gotten a lot better at staying alert, though he has gained the skill of being able to not run into things while totally spaced out.

In all, Hoshiko Jin is an eccentric amoral ass.

Back Story:

Hoshiko's father Osaeru is a well-known author of fictional novels, and his mother Sayomi is a skilled medical kunoichi. Together they make lots of money, and as a result Hoshiko grew up in a large house without need and without want of much. However, Sayomi was often out working and Osaeru was constantly busy writing or meeting with his editor. Hoshiko was their first and only child, and spent a lot of his childhood alone.

He decided he wanted to be a shinobi, and started attending as soon as he was allowed to. In the academy he found learning to be a shinobi to be enjoyable and did very well, and was in the top ten of his class in terms of skill, and was the best at genjutsu. During his time there he made a group of acquaintances and even less friends, was well-known for his weird tales and garish style of clothing, and learned to keep his desire to fight under control to keep out of trouble.

Despite almost being kicked out once for unruly behavior Hoshiko graduated at the age of eleven, and passed the chunin exams at the age of fourteen. When he turned sixteen, he was made a special jonin before the war started, and when it did start Hoshiko and his mother were sent to defend the Land of Fire and take care of the wounded, respectively.

Hoshiko thought he would finally be able to let out the aggression he had suppressed since the last portion of his academy days. In a war, attacking ruthlessly and even killing was less questionable. Expected, even. However, he was away from the front lines and placed on a 4-man team with two sensory ninja, tasked with tracking down any enemy that made it too far or snuck in and taking them out. Eventually Hoshiko's love of fighting turned into a more grotesque obsession and he got into the habit of, when fighting groups of two or more enemies, taking on one of them and using genjutsu to make it appear to his teammates that he killed them swiftly and cleanly when in reality he would incapacitate them and return later to torture them to death. Which wasn't a great idea on a team with sensory ninja. One night the leader of the unit woke up simply because he had to go to the bathroom, and sensed his chakra far away with a more unfamiliar one, and Hoshiko was discovered in the act. The jonin was disturbed, and had him sent back to Konoha to be assigned somewhere else.

Lucky for him the person that was supposed to be dealing with him had more important things to do and a small mistake by a member of the ANBU's interrogation unit got themselves killed by a prisoner. With a war going on there were many more enemies full of valuable information than normal, and with his illusionary skills and knack for sticking senbon under fingernails, he was tasked with replacing the dead member until someone more suited could come.

Despite being fairly disliked by other members Hoshiko ended up being great at his new job, and kept it for three and a half years before more experienced interrogators came and replaced him and a few others. He wanted to stay in the anbu, but ended up on the front lines where he'd wished he'd been in the beginning. For the next three years he fought there, before being called on again as last resort to replace the fallen, and spent the last year of the war capturing enemy shinobi.

When the war was finally over the person who was supposed to deal with him didn't want to deal with being reprimanded for doing his job improperly those 7 years earlier, since the Leaf could now spare it he was to be demoted to chunin rank and kicked out of the ANBU due to being "unstable" as described by the leader on his first team in the war.

A fellow member of the ANBU was sent to inform him of this, and deciding that any normal job would be way too dull, Hoshiko immediately went on his merry way out the village gates, looking for something more interesting to do and was declared a nukenin by Konoha shortly after.

He evaded being recognized by anyone with a bingo book by staying in smaller villages and generally away from the Five Great, and by disguising himself with genjutsu, and has been gone from Konoha for about a year.

He's heard a couple rumors about a certain legendary group, and has decided that they sound like a lot of fun and to attempt to pursue them, so far without much luck.

Gear: ANBU gear; senbon; standard shuriken, kunai, and paper-bombs; some medical supplies like bandages, antiseptic, and needles and thread; a couple smoke pellets.

Other: N/A
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Name: Riyoshi Nihoma

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Village Nationality: Kumogakure

Physical Appearance:


*Standing at a nice five foot eight, Riyoshi weighs a solid 190 pounds. Riyoshi’s eye color is a light brown while his hair is medium brown and always tied up in a ponytail. His physique is a more muscular tone and it comes in handy when it comes to fighting. He uses the strong fist style to injure his opponents. He has only gotten wounded twice in his lifetime and this had resulted in the only two scars that he has. The first one at the age of eight during a weapons practice. The second one was just after his 21st birthday. He was drunk on his birthday and ended up getting a bit too rowdy and received a scar across his back from his left shoulder to the bottom of his ribcage on his right side.

Clothing: His clothing consists of mid shin cloth pants, cloth tee shirt that is sleeveless on his left side. He wears a medium tint black hooded cloak. He wears no insignia depicting what village he is from and wears none of the flak jackets of the villages either. The only thing that would let you know that he is from the lightning village is his attitude and the large tattoo of the kumogakure village logo on his back.


Rank: Jounin

Chakra Affiliation: Lightning, Earth, Magnet release.

Clan: Nihoma

Kekkei Genkai: Magnet Release: Cobalt

Jutsu Style: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu. He is not very good at Genjutsu.

Subjutsu: Very skilled with the katana that he always has upon his being. He is really good at summoning jutsu and uses them for bringing in his weapons, or bringing in objects to utilize his jutsus to their full potential.


Personality: Riyoshi is a slightly interesting man. His thought process is very different than other shinobi. He does not tend to think while he is in battle. He goes more off of reflex then thought, well, that is he has never found an opponent to make him think. Since his early years, Riyoshi has been forced to repress his emotions. The only one that tends to come easily, and in abundance, is anger. It does take a bit for Riyoshi to get angry, but when he does, he overflows with rage like a waterfall. When he gets angry, he tends to lose control of his abilities, and they end up getting a bit sloppy. This is when his emotions fluctuate out of control. Since he experiences anger first, his reasoning tries to kick in next, but it screws his head up and he loses all sorts of control. Throughout all his years, he has become more or less a robot when it comes to emotions towards the other shinobi. He does respect other shinobi, that is until they end up screwing it up.

Backstory: It all started when he was born, his father seen a weak and feeble baby. Ever since that day, his old man has been on his case developing and conditioning Riyoshi into the perfect warrior. At the age of eight, Riyoshi was in midst of his combat training when his father interrupted and cast a very powerful genjutsu upon his son. This jutsu would place Riyoshi in a coma for the next two years. This Genjutsu would in fact be the exact reason to why he hates genjutsu users, for it hindered his own skill. It was the longest time of his life being trapped inside of this genjutsu. After awakening from the genjutsu, he soon found that his father was taken as a commander of the kumogakure army. At this time, Riyoshi was placed into the ninja academy. He was not able to see his father for the next twelve years, till his graduation from chuunin to jounin. When he seen his father, it was not the reunion that he had hoped for. His father had returned from the battlefield along with all of the injured. His father was fatally wounded in the war and was buried when his body returned to the village. Riyoshi was angry and sad at the fact that he was not able to show his father the progress that he had made in his absence. Over the next thirteen years, Riyoshi trained with anger in heart, anger towards the opposing villages. His jutsus started to evolve on a whole new level as his kekkei genkai began to fully develop. He began to fully master his magnet style. At the age of 30, Riyoshi’s magnet style attracted a certain metal, Cobalt.

Gear: standard gear, katana on his side.

Other: When he uses his magnet release, he gains a two inch thick black stripe across his eyes from ear to ear.

@Gilzar , i finally made my character sheet. I am sorry that i took so long to make it. I hope that it is up to par with what you want.
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@backlash Everything seems to check out fine but, would you be willing to extend the detail of his personality a bit more?

Name: Lee Aburame

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Village Nationality: Hidden Leaf

Physical Appearance: Lee stands at 5'9 and has a lean but muscular build with little body fat. He weighs about 160 lbs. He has no scars except for the back f his neck where the Sacred Beetle entered his body. He wears a black cloak with his hood always up, but when he removes his hood a handsome man appears and his beady black eyes reflect the sunlight. He wears his hood over his eyes all of the time. He has slight armoring on his cloak as shown in the picture. He wears his Hidden Leaf headband on his shoulder guard, it is implanted on it.

Clothing: Accidently put that in the Physical appearance.


Rank: Jonin

Chakra Affiliation: Earth and Wind.

Clan: Aburame clan.

Kekkei Genkai: Aburame clan Kekkei Genkai.

Jutsu Style: Master of Ninjutsu. He is pretty good at taijutsu, just enough to get by. Genjutsu is a no go since his eyes are not really his eyes.

Subjutsu: He is an expert sensory ninja since he has his bugs and he is fairly good at tracking.


Personality: Since his childhood, Lee has been a calm, collected, and solitary person, who is quite mysterious. Lee is portrayed as being somewhere between stoic and matter-of-fact, rarely ever smiling or showing emotion at all. He is almost always serious but when someone says a really good joke, he might cough to hide his laughter. He is incredibly wise and when he does speak, it is usually important and meaningful. Chomei always tries to make Lee be in a happier mood. He prefers to be alone with himself in nature with insects and Chomei. Lee doesn't care about what other people say and especially if they say something rude, he will put them back in their place. He can be aggressive at times but he manages to keep his cool as long as someone doesn't absolutely push him past his limits. He usually punches people in the face to make them shut up.

Backstory: Lee had always been the same as he is now. Ever since Chomei, the Seven Tails, was sealed inside of him, he had been a very reserved kid. Whenever Chomei tries to make Lee in a better mood, Lee just brushes him off and says nothing. Although their personalities conflict, he and Chomei have developed a very special relationship and are in sync with each other, making a deadly combination. Lee had always been a very strong ninjutsu shinobi but he had showed to be decent at taijutsu and he wasn't able to use genjutsu at all. He passed his academy days with flying colors and became a jonin at an age just a few years younger than the average age of a jonin. He never really had trouble being a jinchuriki, people were too scared to mess with him and he mostly made them sit down when they did make fun of him, and he loved being a jinchuriki because even if he was alone, he always had Chomei and his insects, he happened to love being the jinchuriki of the insect tailed-beast for obvious reasons. He became the jinchuriki of the seven tails because clan sealed it inside of him for unknown reasons to Lee. Lee had never seen what was wrong with the picture of him being a jinchuriki but he realized when he became a jonin and started to teach some genin that were jinchurikis, that the kids were made fun of and isolated so he usually tries to be nice to the bullied.

Gear: Standard shinobro gear.

Other: He resembles Shino a lot personality wise.

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Name: Aimeka Uchiha

Nickname: Aime(Amy)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5‘ 2“

Weight 114 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black


Aime sports a standard blue, sleeveless jacket with a white hood and Uchiha insignia on the back. She has a half chest black tank top with one long sleeve that covers down to her wrist on her left arm. It has a small Uchiha insignia on her chest. The rest of her body down to her waist as well as her right forearm is wrapped in bandages.

Regardless of weather, she weathers khaki colored shorts. Her boots are the same blue and black as her top but are rugged and made for all terrain. To finish off her look, she has a pink waist band that holds her ninja headband and a pink ribbon in her hair with a sweet little bow off to the left. Aime keeps a small satchel on the back of her waist that holds a few accessories.

For her gear she carries some basic medical supplies, some wire a demon wind shuriken(folded) and like 4 kunai.

  • Rank:

    Low-Chuunin, Konoha


    Fire, Earth

    Primary Style:


    Secondary Style:

    Reverse Summoning & Medical


    Aime is a kind soul. She tries to help anyone she can and will often place herself in danger just to help others. Cheeky and up beat, she is not afraid to speak her mind and unfortunately will often do what she thinks is best, regardless of what the team decides. She doesnt like being told what to do, but as long as asked, will always do what is asked. Besides those, shes pretty much an average ninja. Most don’t pay much attention to her since she doesn't even have her full sharingan yet, but she doesn't let that bother her. She does her missions and she does them well.

    Kekkei Genkei


    Sharingan is the blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha Clan. The Uchiha are said to be descendants of the Hyuuga, with the Byakugan changing into the Sharingan over time. This doujutsu (eye skill) gives one the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and then defeat it. As such, the clan member can view a technique being performed and almost instantly memorize the movements required to be able to complete it, including the needed chakra moldings and seals used. However the clan member cannot copy techniques that are unique to another bloodline and the clan member must have a body capable of meeting the chakra and physical requirements to do the jutsu. This rarely stops the clan member though, as such stressful situations often push their limits farther and allow them to harness their full potential.

    Two tomoe will also allow the ninja to pierce Genjutsu and see the surrounding reality for what it really is. It can also allow the member to pierce another’s body and see their chakra. While the eye is not refined enough to see the tenketsu and chakra circulatory system like the Byakugan, it can view the movement and flow of chakra. This can help them tell if a person is trapped in a Genjutsu, or if an attacker is a real threat or merely a bunshin.

    Specialty Jutsu:

    Besides all the standard Jutsu available to a low leveled Chuunin, There are a few specialty ones that Aime can use against her foes. Order, top to bottom, strongest to weakest. Besides her trump card, she only uses generic Fire and very basic earth elements

    Rank B (Trump Card) - Reverse Summoning: Much like Minato’s Yellow Flash technique the user can case a small script onto a person or an object. Using a one handed seal to activate, the object is then instantly switched spots with. The user can exchange objects in this manner as many times as their chakra allows but it is extremely taxing on the user. The larger the objects being switched the larger the amount of chakra used. Also this is a very basic jutsu in form and without planning will often fail if used more than once as the opponent will easily predict it.

    Medical Jutsu

    Having practiced in her free time, she is capable of minor surgeries, (like sealing a wound, internal bleeding.)


    Aimeka’s life is pretty average to be honest. She spends most of her days completing requests as they come in. This is all inturn because both her parents are retired. Her father never made it farther than chuunin and her mother was more interested in becoming a beautician. The ensuing peace has brought in good profits for her family.

    However Aime set her sights higher. Reading much from her clan's history, she wishes to be a great Uchiha like those of generation's past.

    This started her thirst for techniques of the forgotten. At the age of only 7 she found one of many ruins in and around Konoha have relics of a time lost after the great invasion. One of which was a technique only usable by select Hokage; Shunshin no Jutsu. However, even after reading this nearly forgotten scroll 1000 times and practicing for what felt like months, it just would not work. It was not until after she finally graduated to Genin, and much more practice that she finally made the spell work... kind of.

    The scroll reads, as one concentrates chakra, uses the said seal, that upon activation, the user will be transported, instantaneously, to that location. She however, only managed to teleport a stone, the size of a small marble to her instead. most would of been disappointed, she thought this was a break through though. Her hopes had started to fade, but this rejuvenated her will to continue. With much practice her skill at using the technique gained ground but not in the way she had hoped.

    Soon the chuunin exams were upon her and after swiftly going into the second round she came to a wall. Her opponent was a more experienced, and older 3rd year testee. She knew she stood no chance without some careful planning. And she had never fully used her technique in battle so it was a high risk situation all around.

    Overpowered and out gunned, she chucked her last kunai as her opponent launched his strongest attack looking to kill her. At the last minute, after setting up her attack, she attempted her jutsu. With the speed of an eye blink, She and her opponent swapped locations and his strongest technique ended up KO’ing himself. However, she forgot about her kunai and it stabbed her in the butt, to which she also promptly passed out from over using her chakra.

    Later on she found she had lost, as she actually lost consciousness before her opponent which saddened her, but for showing battle prowess, and actually using tactics she was promoted to Chuunin. It’s been nearly a year since then, she still does low level missions and has been warned never to use her technique as it could result in death if she were to pass out in a life or death situation but she still practices. She can teleport much smaller object with ease, but her trump card also remains as a last resort.

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Tsukiko Hanashi






Tsukiko has pale silvery navy hair that she keeps tied up in a high pony tail with a moon charm. She has light pale purple eyes and a fair complexion. She wears a white and pale silvery blue dress fighting kimono with a fishnet tank top underneath and navy shorts underneath the loose skirt. She has a navy obi that keeps her outfit tight against her body as well as holds her weapons pouch and also supports her two wakizashi blades that rest at the base of her spine. On her feet she wears navy color thigh high stockings and sandals that lace up to her ankles. On her arms she has the same colored gloves that stop near her shoulder, with arm guards on her forearms the same color of her dress. She wears her hite-ate loosely around her neck in the same navy color as her gloves and stockings.

Village Nationality




Chakra Affiliation

Wind and Water



Kekkei Genkai

Ice Release

Jutsu Style



Tsukiko isn't the best at Taijutsu, so she tends to use Genjutsu to create a distraction and sneak in from behind and attack


Tsukiko has always been a quiet and more reserved child, mainly because of her background, which her mother never bothered to hide from her. She's honest and blunt, not taking into account that she could hurt someone when in reality, she's trying to help. She has rare moments of kindness, where she doesn't ignore someone or something. It doesn't happen often and to very few people, if it happens at all. She's a loyal shinobi and teammate and possibly even friend, if she knows them well enough. Because of the fact that she doesn't bother getting close to many people, Tsukiko doesn't really like to work with others, preferring to stick to her own strategy.

This wish to stay on her own, while starts with her background, mainly comes from the fact that when she was younger and the Rokubi was sealed inside her. While before she was made into the Rokubi jinchuuriki, Tsukiko had a few friends even with her reserved nature, they all fled upon learning what she had become. After that moment she might as well have shut herself down, immersing herself in her quiet nature, making herself come off as cold and harsh, which at times she can be.


Tsukiko was the product of a wealthy clansman and a poor civilian. He was just using her and her mother actually fell in love. The man used her love to his advantage and made her promises of how one day he'd forsake his clans rules and take her into his arms and on the same day, they'd be wed. This never happened. Her parents would meet two to three times a week in different hotels scattered across Kiri. It was on one of these nights, that Tsukiko was conceived. Upon finding out she was pregnant, her mother ran to find her partner, unable to contain her joy at the thought of them having a child. After hearing what should have been joyous news, the man reacted harshly, hitting the woman across the face, sending her into the dirt, yelling obscenities about how it as her fault that a bastard child would be born to the great Hanashi clan. In great shock, her mother could only cry, her heart now broken, realizing the man she loved had only used her. He had then walked off, leaving the woman crying in the dirt. That was the last time they ever saw each other.

There was a full moon the night she was born, thus earning her the name, Tsukiko. Child of the moon, her mother used to call her occasionally when she was young. Tsukiko was given no last name, leaving it up to her when she was older if she wanted to take her mothers name or not. Her mother never lied to her about where she came from and how she came into existence. She only wanted honesty with her child, and hoped to teach Tsukiko that she should be honest with those she meets.

She was six years old when her mother came in and told the already quiet child everything. That was the same day Tsukiko ran off, hiding herself in the mist, right outside the village. Staying there for many hours, the young girl soon fell unconscious and was left to the mercy of the shinobi who found her. She was lucky to be left alive. Unluckily that was the night she became the Rokubi jinchuuriki. The Rokubi was sealed inside of her as she was unconscious and she was then brought home to her mother by the same man. He explained what had happened to her daughter and she became distressed, blaming herself.

Upon waking, Tsukiko heard the man leave before her mother came to her crying. The little girl gently pat her mother on the head and told her she wanted to be named Tsukiko Hanashi. Shocked, her mother agreed, willing to do anything to please her daughter, though she didn't understand why she wanted this. She then stated that she wanted to show her father he was wrong. She wasn't a bastard, she was a member of the Hanashi clan and deserved his respect, not his dismissal. Agreeing, her mother made it official and Tsukiko was soon registered in the Academy, surrounded by those who hated her for what she'd become.

Word of what she'd become had escaped her small home and what little friends she'd had fled, leaving her to suffer on her own. She became even more reserved, throwing her all into learning how to be a shinobi. She worked hard day and night, trying to better her skills. She would accomplish her goal, where she would show her father how good she was. She did all of this alone, with only her mother and the Rokubi to support her. Saiken was one of the few beings in the world that she actually got along with, even if it was forcefully put inside her.

It wasn't until she was made a genin at the age of 12 that Tsukiko first met her father. After passing her exam and gaining her hite-ate, the young girl took a trip to the Hanashi clan compound. Upon arriving, she received many looks, seeing as the jinchuuriki claimed to be a Hanashi. She entered the area unannounced and demanded she see the man, and she quickly got her wish. Turned out when he was with her mother, he was the heir to the clan. Now, her father was the head of the Hanashi clan with a perfect housewife and two kids. It brought her some pleasure to destroy his perfect image.

At first sight, they were both quiet until Tsukiko stepped towards him and punched him square in the jaw. Even though in the Academy, her taijutsu wasn't very good, didn't mean she couldn't pack a bit of a punch. She didn't stay long after that. Looking around at everyone gathered in the room, she turned her attention back to the man on the floor holding his jaw.
"This man is my father." she stated bluntly. "He used my mother and hit her when she told him she was pregnant." she bowed to his wife and the two kids hiding behind her and apologized for the inconvenience. They hadn't done anything to her, only her father had. She then stood and left, planning on never returning. With Saiken cheering her on as she left, her mother was different. She didn't agree with what Tsukiko had done, and had no problem showing her disapproval.

As she was put on her genin squad and started to learn about her Kekkei Genkai, Saiken revealed that he could give her some of his chakra, but only when he wanted and thought it was necessary. He didn't want to overwhelm her. Slightly upset, but understanding, Tsukiko went back to trying to learn how to use her Ice Release, wanting to be ready for whenever her sensei signed her squad up for the Chuunin Exams.

When she was fourteen she was signed up for the Chuunin Exams that her mother suddenly fell ill and passed away, leaving Tsukiko all alone, with only the Saiken for company. Something inside her snapped that day, and the already reserved child separated herself completely from others, not bothering if she was being hurtful with them. They already disliked her for housing the Rokubi, even if he never meant any harm. So she threw herself into training once again, preparing for the Exams.

Tsukiko's team was doing well in the exam until the second test. While they still passed, they almost didn't make it. They'd just fought a team and gotten the item they required and were exhausted when another team struck. They were weak, hoping that they could just steal from an already tired team. Tsukiko was already tired, having used more of her chakra than normal had been on the verge of passing out from over exertion when Saiken used the Chakra Transfer Jutsu, allowing the jinchuuriki to continue to fight, making sure that the girl did not die. While he didn't intend harm, the Rokubi would not let his host perish.

After surviving the event, Tsukiko and her team finished the exam, with only Tsukiko becoming a chuunin from her squad. The newly made chuunin returned home as did her teammates, and has been training and going on random missions as assigned to her until she was recently sent to Konoha.


  • Name: Rurikakesu Jakunen

    Gender: Female

    Age: 14

    Rank: Genin

    Village Nationality: Konoha

    • Jakunen is rather short, standing at a height of five-foot. Her skin is fair and smooth, and tends to burn instead of tan. Her black hair is long, falling to her mid-back when not in a bun, and with small hips and a flatter chest is one of the most feminine things about her. The bangs are cut shorter, but tend to fall in front of her pale green eyes.

      From a bad habit of protecting her vital spots with her forearms, they have some scars on them.

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Ren Torisei





Village Nationality



Ren has long straight silver hair that reaches down to her lower back. She has dark bright blue eyes and creamy white skin. She is normally seen wearing her dark green kimono with a dark red obi and the same dark green colored footwear. She wears her hite-ate on her obi, having the cloth wrapped around the red, proudly displaying the Kumo insignia. Along with her hite-ate hidden in her obi she has two pouches containing kunai, shuriken and other shinobi tools. Hidden in her long sleeves, she hides two senbon needles that she uses as a last resort. Across her back in an 'X' fashion, she wears her two fans.

Her Fans - They are reinforced with hard metal, making them deadly enough to cut her opponent if they're within distance.



Chakra Affiliation

Wind and Lightning

Jutsu Style



While she is skilled in taijutsu, with her weapons being two large fans, she prefers to use ninjutsu to attack from a bit of distance


Ren, although born to the head of a wealthy family, has a very nice, calm, and concerned nature. She holds no grudge against anyone she meets, be from where they come from or if they've done something to her. The only time she'll hold a grudge is if someone harms someone close to her. Her family, friends, etc. She knows that there are people who need money and think that by trying to take her they can get it. Much to her family's displeasure she doesn't mind. She renders them immobile to get away and leaves them alone, never looking back.

Ren, despite being bright and cheerful, doesn't have many friends, knowing many would try to be her friend for any money she might give them. The only real friends she has are her team mates, knowing they don't really want anything of her. She always tries her hardest, wanting to be the best she can be on her own strength, not with her parents' power or money. She wants her own reputation.

She doesn't normally get mad, but she does have a slight temper. She gets annoyed most of the time, mainly by dealing with annoying suitors and family members trying to force her to do something she doesn't agree with. She prefers to spend most of her time training and spending time with her team rather than at home, dealing with her parents who complain about her risking her life when she's the Torisei heir. Ren knows her parents are proud of her, but they worry to much, especially with the elders breathing down their necks about forcibly pulling her out of her ninja career.


Born to Souta and Aoi Torisei, Ren is an only child, making her the heir to the clan. She has always had a sheltered life, much to her disdain. As a child Ren was often known for her disappearing acts. She disliked being confined and hated that her parents had to listen to the Elder's demands. Being an exceedingly old clan, having been in the village for many, many, many years, the Elder's were completely stuck in the old ways of arranged marriages. They continued to push at Souta and Aoi, who tried their best to run interference. Because of this, Ren was often locked in her room whenever the Elder's decided to have a meeting while introducing a new suitor for Ren, even though she was young.

Ren, when she was seven, had been able to convince her parents to enroll her in the Academy. Souta, unable to deny Ren anything when all she asked for was to play outside, he went behind the Elder's backs and did as his daughter wished. The reason the young girl had the sudden desire to train to become a kunoichi was because one day when she'd snuck out of her room, she was exploring a random area of the compound and found an outdoor training hall and a nearby weapons room. Upon entering the weapons room, Ren was entranced at seeing the tools her father and those of her clan used. Wandering the rows of shelves, she stopped short upon seeing two pale yellow fans. Struck with awe, she'd found a way to climb up some shelves and reached out, touching the deadly weapons. Running to her father, she'd made her decision.

While her mother was hesitant, Aoi relented, knowing there was nothing she could do to change her daughter's mind, feeling similar to her husband. All Ren ever really asked for was to go outside. Knowing that her daughter hated being inside the large empty home with nothing to do than meet strange, creepy, old men, she sent her daughter off with well wishes.

The Elders did not feel the same. They were extremely angered and demanded that she be removed from the kunoichi program, but were put in their place at Souta's reminder of who he was. Souta Torisei was the head of the Torisei clan. Not the Elders. Slightly shamed, they relented, praying that as the girl grew older she would lose interest or her parents would have enough, thinking that maybe they were only indulging her. But no. Ren Torisei was on her way to becoming an official Kumo kunoichi, and nothing could make her happier.

Lessons at the Academy were fun, and she got to meet new people, although no one was really her friend. She had some great acquaintances, but most children were too intimidated by her family name. Ren excelled in ninjutsu and was fairly good at taijutsu, but she could never get the hang of kunai throwing. She was almost held back because of it. What kind of genin couldn't even throw a kunai? While the two fans that had inspired her to become a shinobi were her main weapon, having gotten her father's approval, she didn't yet know how to properly wield them, her father's training being incredibly slow. Even though she had a weapon already, no matter her status, the girl was very close to not graduating at twelve.

A chance meeting had helped her. The Elder's had invited another suitor over to her home, and she was locked away, waiting to be called upon, with a guard at her door. Confused at why the branch family was so frightened of her, she ignored the man completely, and promptly changed out of the fancy kimono and into her regular one, before sneaking out the window. She made her way back inside and snuck to the weapons room, grabbed her fans and was on her way to train when someone knocked on the door.

Curious and hearing no one nearby, she opened the door, meeting Satoru, who later became her fiance. After helping her learn to throw a kunai, Ren was extremely grateful and never lets him forget the fact that she's where she is because of him.

When Satoru was drafted into the war, Ren was busy ignoring commands to drop her shinobi career and working to get promoted from genin to chuunin. It was her goal. Seeing as because of her status, the kunoichi could never be drafted. So she found another way to try and help. Working as hard as she could, the genin accomplished as many missions as she could, hoping to rise in the ranks. Her sights were set on becoming a chuunin. While she knew with the war going on, things would be different regarding any possible promotion, she still reached for it.

While she knew Satoru didn't love her, Ren didn't let it bother her. To be completely honest, she didn't even know if she loved him. She liked him, sure. She knew he was fake with her for most of their time spent together, but she learned to recognize when he really enjoyed spending some time with her. So yes, she liked him. He was always kind to her, and did support her in her endeavors, and she in turn supported him, not caring about his background. He was genuine and other than his feelings towards her, didn't lie to her.

It was during Satoru's absence that Ren experienced one of the most traumatic experiences of her life. She and her team had been sent out on a mission, and it should have been simple and gone without a hitch. The intel her team had received was wrong and they were ambushed on their way out. Her sensei was targeted instantly and was unable to react before he was knocked out. While her team did their best, fighting off and knocking five of the ten men surrounding them, her two teammates went down after taking out another man with them.

It was Ren against the last three men and she was tired and quickly running out of chakra. It was when she felt it. While her father had started some basic training of activating her kekkai genkai, she had gotten nowhere. Now, she could activate it, but at a cost. It hurt. It was agonizing. Dropping, she screamed, attempting to grab at her eyes. Crying tears of blood, she slowly stood, her Mōkin having finally activated. With beady black eyes seemingly possessed, the young girl of fourteen attacked. Unable to move because of kekkai genkai's ability, with her speed enhanced, Ren wielded both fans with a vengeance, disposing of her opponents swiftly.

With nothing left to do, her kekkai genkai faded, and Ren dropped unconscious. She woke four days later in the hospital, with her sleeping mother by her side. She was taken off active duty and confined to her home, and left to deal with more demands from the Elder's that she be forced to quit. She ignored them all, even ignoring her parents, locking herself in her room. She remembered what had happened, just barely, and knew that while she had activated her kekkei genkai, it was not normal. She did not activate the Mōkin: Sensei kōgeki. She was certain of it. She had activated Mōkin: Nijikōgeki. The Second Strike. But she was confused....How had she done it? And why....why did it hurt so much?

Upon being placed back onto the active duty roster, Ren was promoted to chuunin. She remained in the village for three more months, training in secret, hoping to figure out why her kekkai genkai had activated the way it did. All it resulted in was agonizing pain. While she could started to activate it, it would only go straight to the Second Strike. Never the first. But activating it in the first place cost a great deal. There was so much pain and bloody tears, stream down her face. She couldn't handle it.

While she tried to figure out what happened, she never mentioned anything to her father, and while she entertained the thought of it, it wasn't to be. She was drafted into the program of sending shinobi to Konoha where she would meet up with Satoru.


[Name ; ]


[Origin ; ]


[Kekkai Genkai ; ]


Mōkin: Sensei kōgeki (Bird of Prey: First Strike) - The users eyes turn fierce, brown with a black undertone, and beady, like a bids. It entrances the users opponent(s) and renders them immobile with fear, giving the user a chance to strike quickly.

Mōkin: Nijikōgeki (Bird of Prey: Second Strike) - The users eyes become completely black, looking slightly possessed and beady. It strikes fear in the users opponents and enhances the users speed when running and attacking.

[summons ; ]

Falcons, Hawks, and Eagles

(A member summons one of the three birds and that will always be their Summons)

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@Infinities Lover

I am so sorry I didn't notice these sooner (Stupid notifications) anyway though, I loved both character sheets and both are accepted!

The Newly Revised Akatsuki Section of the International Bingo Book

Name: Mitsorugi Akiyama

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Village Nationality: Formerly served Konoha

Physical Appearance: Mitsorugi carries a very experienced and wise view. He stands at 6'1, medium build. There are many scars, preferably burns scattered across his torso, and he has a few blade wounds across his cheeks as exposed by recent photos. He has tanned skin from years of exposure to the sun, complimented by hazel colored eyes. His hair is roughly shoulder-length, and he has a rough beard growing with a few scars jutting across it, both of which are a dark brown color.

Clothing: Mitsorugi sightings now always relate to him wearing the black, red clouded robe of the Akatsuki. Underneath there is visible shinobi mail, and a pair of dark blue konoha jonin pants are visible under the robe, along with wooden sandals underneath.


Rank: S-Rank Missing-Nin

Chakra Affiliation: Fire, Earth, Possible Sage Affiliation.

Clan: None

Jutsu Style
: Heavily focused in Ninjutsu, balanced enough in Taijutsu to defend oneself from oncoming close range attacks. Little experience in Genjutsu.

Subjutsu: Mitsurgi is well balanced out shinobi. Because of his experience in the ANBU, Mitsorugi is very experienced in stealth, sensory, and most of all medical ninjutsu. It's rumored that Mitsorugi may possibly have his hands on sage ninjutsu, though these are just rumors circulating about.


Personality: Mitsorugi has had an unstable personality that dates back to his early adolescence. He shows numerous signs of intelligence that soars above average intellect, and his cunning ability to use it should be noted as well. Cunning enough to find his way out of the most unwinnable situations, and smart enough to manipulate all around him by establishing dominance, Mitsorugi is the ideal shinobi at heart. Furthermore his bravery and confidence back up this intelligence to create a truly unique individual, that stands up for his beliefs even until the bitter end of his days. Many events have showed Mitsorugi to be a passionate individual that has many strange and odd philosophical views. In fact, at one point, many revered Mitsorugi as a hero because of this, even talks of him being Kage after Soruto Uzumaki.

There is a darker side to this shinobi that few see however. Many of his fellow ANBU always observe of his dwindling mental health. Under stress Mitsorugi gets frustrated and irritated easily, and while under pressure his decisions may be smart but they are still rash and sometimes cruel and selfish in intentions. If put on topic, Mitsorugi rants often about philosophical beliefs, and about how he believes the world could achieve piece. Former comrades note that he, at some points deep into the war, was able to carry on very disturbing conversations with himself when he believed he was alone. These conversations showed a deep paranoia about his comrades being spies for other nations.

Apart from all of this, Mitsorugi always has a deep understanding of what's going on around him. Despite his situation, many report that he prefers having lengthy conversation before engaging his targets unless the situation calls for silence. This reveals his rather odd humor, Mitsorugi can be seen grinning even in the deepest midst of combat. Going along with this is his understanding on how the hidden villages operate which always puts him two steps ahead of his enemies.

Backstory: For security reasons, much of Mitsorugi's life has been blacklisted. What hasn't been blacklisted though is his later years. Mitsorugi is one of the finest Shinobi the village of Konoha had ever produced, with a cunning never seen before. It was because of this that he rose through the ranks quickly, climbing in less than a year from a genin to a chunin, then in three years becoming a Jonin. After the rank of Jonin Mitsorugi truly flourished in his skill set, completing even S-Rank assignments. It wasn't long before he caught the eye of the ANBU Black-Ops, and went under their strict training regiment. To them, Mitsorugi showed talent to be the perfect hitman, who would go behind enemy lines and take out valued targets before fleeing, basically hit-and-run ops. The assumption would be correct, Mitsorugi passed through all of their training with flying colors, even the most strict of superiors were impressed. He was put into the top teams, and was nearly transferred into the elites of Konoha's ROOT section of ANBU. However, then the war broke out.

When the war broke out, Konoha's ANBU were given the toughest assignments. Their job was mainly search and destroy missions, seeking out any enemy that made their way into the land of Fire, and killing them off one by one. Body count was the most important aspect. There would be the occasional sabotage missions, but mainly it was search and destroy. Mitsorugi's squad was assigned search and destroy missions outside of Konoha, targeting key camps filled with intelligence and higher-rank enemy shinobi. Most of the time they were outnumbered, and the odds would not be in their favor. This was what most ANBU of the time went up against however, and the average ANBU saw roughly 30 of these missions each year. This was probably the contributing factor to MItsorugi's deteriorating mental health, after one assignment that went terribly wrong Mitsorugi began to act paranoid of his comrades around him. Many report hearing him carry out lengthy conversations with himself, and many became frightened of him as all of them involved the suspicion that his remaining comrades were spies.

Mitsorugi's mental health became such an issue that he would barrel out of control during future missions, refusing to follow orders from his superiors under suspicion that they were spies and instead fighting the war his own way, which involved extremely cruel tactics toward the enemy. Soon his comrades would issue a court martial on him while out in the field about to carry out their riskiest mission to date. But the opportunity wouldn't come. Roughly two years ago, five combined Squadrons of ANBU, including Mitsorugi's squad were intercepted behind enemy lines and took refuge in an underground mine, somewhere classified behind enemy lines. Mitsorugi himself radioed Hokage Sotaru Uzumaki for help, but he would receive the news through the extremely crowded signal of his radio that there would be no help. The exact recorded transmission read: "Due to your location at this time, we cannot give you the assistance at this time. Hokage Sotaru sends his reguards, die with honor.", after this nothing was heard from the ANBU squads again. They were all killed, or so it was believed. However

Gear: Standard Shinobi Gear

Other: Peace


Name: Yamamoto Kurosawa (Note: I have to give credit to my favorite movie Apocalypse Now, which served as the main inspiration for this character.)

Gender: Male

Age: 42

Village Nationality: Formerly Served the Sand

Physical Appearance: Yamamoto stands at roughly six feet, with a larger toned build. He has fair skin, and dark green eyes. His most striking characteristic is his baldness, and his round face, and large forehead that travels down to his eyes. To be fair, he looks his age. Across his body he has very lttle scarring minus a few on his back, none of which are visible. There are various marks of age across his face, including several wrinkles, lines running down his eyes, bags under his eyes as well, and fat beginning to bundle under his face. Yet despite this he still remains in fit condition, able to lift much greater than his own body weight.

Clothing: Yamamoto wears the standard Jonin pants for a hidden Sand Shinobi, however most of his other gear is hidden by his most notable feature, his Akatsuki robe bearing the red clouds. His robe is completely closed, making Yamamoto's clothing underneath his robes a mystery aside from his pants and shoes, which are just toeless shoes.


Rank: S-Rank Missing-Nin

Chakra Affiliation: Unkown

Clan: Kurosawa clan, an extremely small clan inside of the Hidden Sand that is renowned for their kekkei genkai, what they call 'beast mastery'. Most never see it, and the details of the jutsu remain unknown to even the elders of Sunagakure. This is because their ability is passed down orally through generations, due to the Kurosawa clan not wanting their sacred technique ending up in the wrong hands.

Kekkei Genkai: 'Beast Mastery'. Not what one would originally think by the name either, this is a very different type of beast mastery. the Kurosawa clan mark a very large seal on their backs, and then seal in horrifying beasts of all shapes and sizes to do their bidding. Upon activation, they can force the beast in or out of the seal, and use Chakra to manipulate its mind for use as a weapon. This isn't a jutsu for the light of heart though, the beast takes a heavy toll on the user's body and chakra levels, requiring extremely strong individuals to be able to wield such massive beats. Also, as long as the beast lives, they cannot use other ninjutsu aside from those used through the beast, as the Chakra reserves are used for the soul purpose of controlling and housing the beast. There is also the risk of running out of chakra and the beast turning on the user.

In Yamamoto's case he wields a large black seal on his back that houses a creature he calls Shi. Shi is an extremely long, serpent like dragon with thick black scales and a very frightening appearence. For starters, it has three glowing white eyes, with extremely sharp teeth that curve into a jagged smile that makes it look insane. It's body constantly curves and wraps around the space it occupies, as it is much too large for most areas its in. There are no wings on this beast surpiringly, and instead it seems to manipulate gravity as it floats through the air at various speeds.

Jutsu Style: Extremely focused in Ninjutsu, lacking in all other fields.

Subjutsu: Yamamoto is a master of his odd kekkei genkai. Shai seems to be multi-talented as a beast, but its skills are unknown.


Personality: Yamamoto carries a very mysterious personality. He speaks with a very deep tone, and he speaks only when necessary. With Yamamoto there is no 'small talk', the only time he speaks is when it is necessary when talking about goals or the plan, or when going on his many philosophical rants or poetry sessions. Most often times he is hard to understand, unless speaking about plans or orders, due to his many philosophical rants he intertwines with normal speaking. It's not that he has a speech impediment or anything, it's just that the topic is either very unclear, or the phrase just doesn't make sense. Literally, he has been known to just completely ignore individuals when greeted, but then turn them around and scream something insane into their face. Typical philosophy. Don't take him for an idiot though because he is not, rather he is just a very spiritual man who is in link with his inner self.

To go further in depth, Yamamoto is just as, if not more intelligent than Mitsorugi. Ever since he was a child, Yamamoto was a brilliant strategist, plotting out even the most complicated of tasks with ease. This is what allowed him to climb the ranks of Sunagakure so quickly, and put him in command of a vast amount of forces. He had a unique philosophy when it came to Shinobi in the war: Quality over Quantity. In his mind, the most dedicated men who are willing to do what is absolutely necessary will always win, while the force that is not willing will loose inevitably in the end. This is what he contributes mostly to the outcome of the war, most of the men and woman were not willing to do whatever was necessary to gain the ground. That's exactly what Yamamoto is willing to do, anything that is necessary, regardless of the action no matter how cruel or evil it is. Some may see it as a flaw, others as a gift. In his mind Yamamoto has no moral compass, as Morality is simply a barrier that must be stripped down.

His intelligence is complimented by his calmness. Unlike Mitsorugi, Yamamoto is always seemingly calm, never changing expression, never showing joy, never showing anger. Just the same look, the look that makes him look slightly annoyed yet intrigued of his surroundings. Even when everything goes wrong, he never gets frustrated, he just simply lets out a sigh, then re-evaluates his situation.

Backstory: (Warning: This Backstory contains material some may find offensive. You've been warned.)

Most of his life has been black listed for security purposes. The only detail that can be gone into is his later years, which were his darkest years. To put it simple, Yamamoto was an extremely gifted shinobi. This gift put him in charge of an entire battalion of Shinobi when the war broke out. He was assigned with many goals, but all of them followed one simple goal: get your forces into the land of Earth. The path would not be an easy one which is why Yamamoto out of all of the other superior officers of the Sunagakure army would be chosen. All of his men had a deep respect for him, some even made pledges with their lives to him, just to show their extreme dedication. None of the other superiors understood it, and Yamamoto himself couldn't explain it. Yet he intended upon showing the Kazekage that he could win this war, and gain the wanted ground against Iwagakure, who was focusing all of their efforts against Konoha and Kumogakure. With his small fighting force, Yamamoto led his men to the most indirect, unforeseen route that his enemy would not see coming.

His forces, despite being just a single battalion, launched an extremely successful invasion of the farthest tip of the land of Earth, encountering very little resistance entering the country. Immediately he dug his forces in by taking control of several small villages, and fortifying them. Upon occupation, these villagers would undergo extremely cruel treatment unless they complied with his orders, which included intel on both the surrounding area and any family that had a shinobi in it. Those who did not comply would be punished. Punishment included torture, dismemberment of limbs, and on some occasions brutal beatings. Throughout the years of the war Yamamoto's forces would occupy these villages, wait for Iwagakure's forces to strike, fend them off, then counter attack. Each battle was extremely succesful for Yamamoto, and he never lost a single battle. It seemed that every minute his forces occupied the northern villages of the land of Earth, the stronger they became.

Furthermore his forces gained a reputation across all lands, a sinister reputation that struck hearts into every enemy shinobi. After counter-attacking any opposing force, Yamamoto would always launch what he called 'a hidden offense' which usually meant brutal gorilla tactics that diminished enemy forces, and the capturing and raiding of enemy Earth shinobi. All enemies were treated cruelly, and rape, mutilation, and other cruel means were all tragically apart of his strategy to strike fear into the land of Earth. Yamamoto never sat behind a desk, or up in some tent during all of this, including the fighting. He was always up in the front lines, going through everything his men had to, witch gained him their respect in hindsight.

Eventually his forces, which consisted of just a single battalion, along with all the other invading Sunagakure forces couldn't be held off with one hand anymore. Iwagakure was forced to pull its troops out of the land of Fire and Lightning, and fight a full-scale war in their own homeland against Sunagakure. All Sunagakure lines would be pushed back except for Yamamoto's forces, who fought each battle as if it were their last, putting everything they had on the table. The only time when it seemed he would loose was in the final year of the war, but the war would end before either side would be able to strike the other down. Yamamoto, for a short time, would be revered as a hero to the Sunagakure people until the treaties of the war would shine light on his cruel war crimes he willingly allowed his men to do.

After the discovery, Sunagakure elders were infuriated, calling for the immediate demotion/banishing of Yamamoto from the shinobi ranks. They would never get their chance to, in letters he left behind to his wife and son it was revealed that he was more infuriated with Sunagakure than they were at him. In his mind they were all cowards for accepting the bitter terms of the treaty, and if he had complete control over the Hidden Sand's forces, he could have completely wiped out Iwagakure from the face of this land. Before the letters were discovered Yamamoto had already left the village, but it was later discovered that he killed each village elder before departing. Upon departure it is believed that he came into contact with the Akatsuki's leader Mitsorugi, then joined the ranks of the Akatsuki.

Gear: Yamamoto carries a variety of scrolls and books on him, yet few actual shinobi gear.

Other: Order


Name: Unknown, goes under the Alias of Red.

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Village Nationality: Believed to have served the Hidden Sound, though the Sound denies any relationship with Red.

Physical Appearance: Red has an extremely odd, and intimidating appearence. He stands at a towering 7 feet tall, with a large muscular build. His entire body seems to be composed of dull, shine-less silver metal. Not a single inch of his body isn't covered with it. His face seems to be partially composed of a different metal, as his facial portion is made of a reflective version of the metal, than extends to the top of his hairless head. To go into more detail, there is not a single hair on his body. Facial wise, he has a square jaw, large mouth, and pure red eyes, no spec of white within them. His entire body seems to have been exposed to an extremely violent life though, as the metal he has is covered in scratch marks and burn marks.

Clothing: Red wears the typical Akatsuki robe, with light green combat pants and large combat boots visible from underneath it. He wears a black glove on his left hand, and a blood red glove on his right. To conceal the shiny, reflective part of his skin which lies on his face, Red wraps a black garb around his face, revealing just a bit of metal and his eyes, covering his face enough to remain concealed and stealthy. Wrapped around his robes is a sheathe belt, which holds a gigantic executioner's blade behind his back.


Rank: S-Rank Missing-Nin

Chakra Affiliation: No apparent affiliation.

Clan: It is unknown if Red belongs to any clan or not, as no clan matches the description of his apparent power.

Jutsu Style: Due to his special power being unknown of belonging to a clan or not, it will be listed here along with his style. Red's odd metal does what you'd think metal skin does. It protects him, like a giant shield wrapped around his body. Nothing has pierced through it, it has been noted that several jutsu styles do have enough effect to take him down, as it seems the metal does have weakness to elements. However nearly all physical attacks, unless of high skill, seem to have little to no effect on the tank like Shinobi. There are more downsides to this armor, as it seems he can't get any Chakra to escape the thick coat of metal, making it impossible for him to use any form of ninjutsu or genjutsu. However this also provides him an advantage as he can't have chakra leached out of him.

This forces Red to take up only Taijutsu, but he seems to be fine with it. The metal compliments the style heavily, each physical attack has devastating consequences. Also, unlike popular belief Red is not some slow tank, he is very fast and has tons of momentum. Best not to be in his way when he's charging.

Subjutsu: Red is a master swordsmen. On his back, he wields a gigantic executioner's blade that he very much can use as an extension of his arm, this huge hunk of black obsidian colored steel can obliterate anything that could unfortunately end up in it's path.


Personality: A truly dreadful personality, Red's personality could be characterized by his apparent anger to the world. Red is much smarter than he looks, not the dumb brute that many make him out to be. He is however, as Yamamoto describes him; blind, not physically, but metaphorically. Under that thick coat of skin he carries around, Red has an enormous amount of rage. Some people have implosive anger, other's have explosive anger. Red currently has explosive anger, there is no cap on his rage. Whenever he is angry he lets out an enormous amount of rage, and often times destroys trees if not buildings in order to properly vent. He wasn't always this angry, but so much anger fills him that he can no longer contain anymore.

Red does not hate the world, he claims he does, but it's not a hate, just more of an anger as stated previously. Due to his life events Red sees it upon himself to take revenge upon the world around him for being so cold and cruel to one another. It shows a hidden part of him, that Red is a deeply passionate and caring individual. When he cares about something he protects it, and when he believes in something he stands up for it. Another thing that can always be shown is a natural curiosity of everything around him. This brute has been known to carry a journal around, in which he describes and even sketches out the scenes of nature around him, contradicting his appearance. It seems that if it wasn't for his relation to the Akatsuki he may just seem like a functioning member to society. This all is shrouded by his anger. His anger has made him a very cold individual, who shows very little compassion for the well being of others. There is always some remorse, but it's shrouded by his rage, which often times makes him forget about any sorrow.

When Red is enraged, he cares about little, as if he was lost in reality. No matter how much pain he's in, if he's angry he'll always come at his enemies like a fully steamed freight train. A storm of fowl language, and yelling is to be expected. Sometimes he can be calmed down enough to talk, but that's rare. The best thing to do when he becomes enraged is to just stand aside and let him vent, he has no room inside of him to store it up, as Yamamoto has said many times. If you're his're best to run and hope he's not in a bad mood.

Backstory: A full investigation of this man's past is underway, however, any direct documents of relation to him have been burned. It will take a few years before his past is uncovered.

Gear: Red carries with him an extremely large, 7.1 foot long executioner's blade, made of a fine black carbon steel. It's extremely heavy, yet Red seems to be able to wield it with excellence. He is however, unable to manipulate chakra through it.

Other: Revenge


Name: Goes by the title of Akuma

Gender: Male (Believed to be)

Age: Unknown

Village Nationality: Unknown

Physical Appearance: Unknown, the only physical characteristic that is visible is his eyes, which are Hyuga eyes.

Clothing: Akuma seems inhumane, sometimes machine in nature. The most visible characteristic of Akuma is his mask. His mask covers his entire face, and it's a golden-copper colored mask that does not conform to facial characteristics, meaning there is no nose on it or anything. Instead, it's a plane of metal that conforms over the face, it curves with the entire shape of the face minus the nose, which it just barely bulges over. There are no nose holes, the only way air gets into the mask is through six small diagonal slots, lined up in vertical rows of three over where the mouth would be. The eyeholes are strange as well, there are holes for the eyes but they are covered in a glass-like material, surrounded by a black small adjustable canopy lining. Underneath of these eyeholes is Akuma's only human characteristic, his Hyuga eyes. This is the only way to tell his emotions through his eyes, which are cold and unforgiving in their gaze. This mask is extremely tough and durable, and even the glass portion over the eyes is extremely tough as well.

The rest of Akuma's entire body is covered by a black cloth that conforms to his skin, wrapping around every toe, and every finger. Not even a single particle of hair is visible. Then his entire body is cloaked by the typical Akatsuki robe. Underneath the robe he has visible golden copper light plates around his forearms. Then, he wears loose black pants underneath the Akatsuki robe that is extremely easy to bend and flex around in, and he wears light shinobi boots that cover the toes that are black. Strapped across his body is the sheathe for a dai-katana (Two handed katana) on his back.


Rank: S-Rank, can't be classified as missing nin because it's unknown if he ever was a nin.

Chakra Affiliation: Unknown

Clan: Hyuga

Kekkei Genkai: Byakugon

Jutsu Style: Extremely experienced in both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, along with his Byakugon. Judging by his actions at the summit anyway, seeing how he was responsible for maiming each of the standing Kage.

Subjutsu: Akuma, from the reports, is a master of stealth, and sensory due to his byakugon. Going along with this is his mastery of weaponry, according to rumors Akuma can pick up any weapon and use it as if it were his own. Oddly enough, he has absolutely no chakra signature nor life signature, making him with his current skill set impossible to track. Furthermore, he seems to be an expert of infiltration as was seen with his actions at the Kage summit. It is also not known if he can be put under genjutsu, as all efforts to put him under have failed. The only way of fighting Akuma seems to be never letting him escape eyesight, otherwise he seemingly vanishes into nothingness. This section is very small due to the lack of information on this individual, but more will be added in when we get more reports about him.


Personality: There is little known about Akuma's personality just like everything else about him. What is known is that he barely ever speaks, and when he does he seems to be always exhaling and inhaling steam through his mouth holes. He says extremely little, and only what counts probably. Furthermore, his actions show absolutely zero remorse or concern for the well-being of others. The actions of his have also shown an extreme amount of intelligence. One has to be smarter than the average bear to go undetected disguised inside of the Kage summit, the most protected meeting in all of the land. The only way of telling emotion through him is through his eyes, which are as cold and unforgiving as his appearance, which looks to be like that of a machine. This section will have to be updated along with the rest of this entire page as more encounters are experienced with Akuma.

Backstory: Akuma is by far the most peculiar Akatsuki yet. No one knows how old Akuma is, nor of what he was. In fact, Akuma used to be just a legend, a Sasquatch of the shinobi world. The Hyuga clan stay especially superstitious of him, seeming to have a knowledge of him yet they won't ever speak. Sightings of Akuma have varied throughout the years, and reports of him 'observing' Konoha or the missions from Konoha shinobi have been reported throughout the past century. Most people never believed in Akuma, as there have been no photos, no conversations, and most importantly no files. Judging from reports he seems to take interest in the village of Konoha, as the only times he's ever been sighted is to supposedly make his presence known before vanishing into thin air. There wouldn't even be a page of this individual if it were not for his reported involvement in the slaying of the Kage.

Gear: Akuma mainly carries on his back a Dai-Katana, with a white hilt and red linings on it. He also carries around many sorts of shinobi gear, and three scrolls of which the contents are unknown.

Other: ???

Note: I know about his personality, backstory, abilities, and all that, as this is my favorite villain. You will all find out about him in due time!


Name: Ishimaru Naga

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Village Nationality: Formerly served the Hidden Star Village

Physical Appearance: Ishimaru has a very rebellious yet handsome appearance. He stands at 5'10, and has fair skin. Across his body is an assortment of tattoos, mainly just words of random ranting such as 'PERFECT' written on the right side of his chest (Obviously in Japanese). He has short blonde hair that he has intentionally spiked up, and slight facial hair growing above his mouth and under his chin, the same same color as his hair. There is no signs of scarring off of his body, as if he were completely untouched his entire life.

Clothing: Ishimaru's clothing looks just as rebellious as his clothing. He wears the obvious Akatsuki robe, but he only has it enclosed halfway up. Underneath is a short sleeved grey Shirt, and for pants he wears baggy red cargo pants that are visible, and he wears wooden sandals on his feet. The oddness doesn't end there though, he has three metal piercings climbing up his right ear, and he wears red tinted round glasses across his eyes.


Rank: S-Rank Missing Nin

Chakra Affiliation: Fire, Water

Clan: None

Kekkei Genkai: None

Jutsu Style: Ishimaru is very in depth with his skills in Taijutsu, and is very experienced in Ninjutsu.

Subjutsu: Ishimaru is mostly dangerous for his experience in both puppets, seals, and with explosives. Some call him mult-talented, able to cover the weakness of most puppeteers by being experienced in Taijutsu, and his wide assortment of knowledge with explosives challenges that of the Bulldog of Konoha, as Ishimaru is often called the 'Mad Bomber'


Personality: A personality more unstable than that of Mitsorugi. Ishimaru can't be summed up with just the word insane, it goes much farther than that. The most apparent feature of Ishimaru how much of a rebel he is, always refusing to enter the norm. To him, to enter the mainstream would mean to die. He never follows standard protocol, always asks the question of 'Why?', and does things very differently than the typical shinobi, which probably explains his odd style. This was shown when he trained for years with taijutsu because he didn't want to be exposed up close like most puppeteers are.

Like all Akatsuki members, Ishimaru is intelligent, and not some dumb brute. It's outshined though by his mental instability though. He doesn't see things that aren't there, but rather he has violent mood-swings and an odd sense of humor along with just a general lack of affection for anyone but himself. In his eyes, only he is 'perfect', everyone else has their imperfections and must be fixed. He will often use the word 'perfect' when describing himself to others. This shows how much of a narcissist he is, always putting himself above others, combined with his selfishness you have a very big ass of a man. However, there's more to make him unpleasent. Ishimaru is extremely greedy, often times literally taking more than he can carry from loot from his various pillages.

This list could go on and on. Ishimaru hates ugly people, annoying people, children, poor people, stupid people, patient people, wise-guys, people smarter than him, the only thing he cares about are people who can either get him lots of money or get him places in the world, which probably explains why he's in the Akatsuki. His biggest pet peeve though, is his brothers. Even mentioning anything related to his brothers or any of his family members for that matter will make him infuriated with anger. If you think he's unbearable now, he's worse when angry. When angered Ishimaru will do anything in his power to break down his opponent mentally or physically, but his mood can just suddenly change to laughter. Ishimaru has an extremely annoying laugh, and during his rampant mood swings he laughs often. Fun fact though, Ishimaru is a speed reader and can read at rapid speed with 99% accuracy!

Backstory: Much of his early life has been blacklisted for security reasons. What can be said though is that Ishimaru first hit the radar of the Bingo Book roughly five years ago, after the murder of his two brothers and maiming of his father. The details can't be gone into for security reasons, but a strange ritual of some sorts was reported, followed by the deaths of his two brothers. Before the murder, Ishimaru was a skilled Shinobi of the Hidden Star, which somewhat participated in the war but barely. Ishimaru always showed signs of going AWOL, mainly due to his greed. Most often he would scam his squad mates out of their wages just so he could fill his pockets, which he would never spend. In fact, it's believed that he might have killed one of his squad mates to get more pay, while blaming the death on the target so he could get away with the murder.

His two brothers and him, according to eye witness reports, were never on good terms. According to what many claim, Ishimaru's fascination with puppets set him apart from his two brothers who were naturally gifted Shinobi that studied and practiced normal shinobi styles. Others claim that Ishimaru's father would go out of his way to make Ishimaru know that he was an outcast, and suffered neglect on the part of his father. Sometimes he even showed up at the academy with bruises on his face. Many contribute this factor with his mental health and greed, always wanting things for himself that he probably never had before. Still, it gave him no reason to do what he did.

After the murder, Ishimaru abandoned all ties with his village and fled into the wilderness, and he was able to evade ANBU forces due to a knowledge of their operations most likely from him reading his father's journal. Sightings of Ishimaru traced him north, and many prisoners also claim that he'd work with underground organizations with big schemes then scam them all into getting caught so he could get all the reward for himself. It's believed he pulled this on at least three different underground crime families before catching the attention of the Akatsuki, which was a match made in heaven. Ishimaru was appointed treasurer of the Akatsuki, and he probably makes lots of money in his position as he has not left the post to this day.

Gear: Ishimaru carries two puppets on him, named Executioner and Sadness, and a wide variety of explosives.

Other: Greed

Note: These characters are meant to be very powerful just like the Akatsuki were in the series. There is supposed to be an obvious power difference between them in the characters, otherwise things would get pretty bland otherwise. I know how to keep things fair with the Akatsuki, just trust me here.
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Name: Yoshiro Yakushi.

Gender: Male

Age: Sixteen

Village Nationality: Kohona.

Physical Appearance: Yoshiro has a bright emerald green right eye and a dark cobalt left eye, he let his hair grow mostly out of his lack of money to pay for a haircut and his inability to cut it himself, it reaches to just below his shoulder blades along with a fair amount of hair he kept styled to hide his right eye. He has scars about his body from different things, a majority coming from his time on the streets, a few coming from a darker time in his past when he was very unstable. The most noticeable of all his scars in a small scar he gave himself of the sound village insignia on his right shoulder. Being created to be the perfect ninja Kabuto made Yoshiro look as innocent as he could while giving him the ability to make him look like anything he needs too with some practise. His eyes big, his lips soft and small, his cheek bones and jaw soft and not angled.

Clothing: As a landless, lawless rouge Yoshiro mostly wore a robe he fashioned himself of his "father's" old snake robe. By this time most people forgot the old purple, and bright yellow eyes that was wore by Kabuto in his first few moments of the war, as now its just an easy way to stay hidden. Below the robe he wears an old flak jacket he obtained in the mist village, missing the under shirt he wears fishnets bellows his jacket to the wrist of each arm. He wears a simple pair of black pants as well.


Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Primary- Water Release. Secondary- Wind Release.

Clan: Yakushi.

Kekkei Genkai: Hozuki Clan's Hydrification Technique. (Due to experiments. Some other may arise as he grows stronger.)

Jutsu Style: Ninjutsu is his strongest with minor talent in genjutsu, and little to no talent in taijutsu.

Known Jutsus: (Wasn't sure if you counted the blob technique as an affinity technique due to it being his Kekkei Genkai if so ignore the water bullet.)

-Drowning Water Blob Technique (Only useable when the orb of water is in contact with Yoshiro)

-Hiding in the Mist Technique (Very small scale)

-Water Gun Technique. (Maximum usage once a day, unless he has a large water reservoir to draw on)

Subjutsu: Small experience with medical ninjutsu.


Personality: Yoshiro grew up an orphan, this lead to him being extremely shy and introverted. He spends most of his time alone, staying away from everybody else just thinking and looking around playing with his hair. All the time he spends alone give others weird vibes about him and most people judge him, these vibes tend to be mysterious and sometimes considered creepy.

Once Yoshiro makes a friend he's very very protective and extremely friendly, breaking into his protective shell is very difficult but if someone puts the effort into doing so and becoming his friend he's insanely protective willing to give his life to his friends because he grew up without any. Having went through all his childhood and basically all his memory's being filled with torture by his own father left him with some deep emotional wounds which can be easily exploited by people who know of his past or who are willing to hurt anybody to further their own selfish causes.

Backstory: Kabuto died 150 years ago, his experiments never ended. People discovered his labs and his workings, more and more people had begun doing research into everything Kabuto had done. One notable person who found his way deep into his old labs was Aiko Hayashi. She was a curious yet very caring woman, she only began with small experiments. Little things like reanimation of small animals, and some other 'simple' kinjutsu. The last experiment she tried was the technique Edo Tensei, she failed miserably. Even with all his notes and knowing exactly how to do it she failed, her mistake was the assumption of chakra consumption. No where in his notes did Kabuto mention the need of chakra, Aiko assumed it was needed and she forced incredible amounts into the technique, this lead too incredible fallout. The resultant explosion destroyed the entire lab, only one thing survived. A huge cylindrical test tube that contained a dark blue liquid and a small form floating towards the center. This startled Aiko, how could this one thing survive her mistake. She took the tube back to her house, this was the one time she was pleased about being a 25 year old woman living by herself in a small apartment, the tube was impossible to hide and difficult to move. She had to move it in the middle of the night, all the moving and shaking of it made the small dark form in the center move and for the first time she saw what was inside, the soft small face of a child.

The first few weeks of the child's life, Aiko had no idea about and when she finally got him out of the tube he knew nothing, he couldn't talk he couldn't walk he was like a baby born in a 12 year old body. Raising him was simple, he picked up reading, writing, talking, and walking. He was a genius, he quickly picked up on ninjutsu he had immense chakra levels for someone of his age and build. He was a clear born ninja. The boy asked her once "What's my name?" she had no answer. And yet one name wouldn't leave her mind Yoshiro, from the words righteous and son. She trained Yoshiro as best as she could, she wasn't even a proper ninja, shed only really learned what she knew from Kabuto's notes, meaning she trained the boy very similar to how Kabuto would've. After a year of being together words spread across the nations of "Kabuto's return". The Kage and the Feudal lords sent nothing less than an army to destroy every word every written by Kabuto, they were sent first to the sound village where they destroyed every last lab and every last piece of paper touched by him; Next they split the army up to five major groups, each consisting of ninjas from all the nations. They were then tasked with destroying the labs he had that weren't in the sound village, they heard whispers of the woman and her tube that she had taken from his lab. They sent 5 assassin's; each bearing the insignia of their nation, one from all five major nations and together they struck down the only thing that Yoshiro ever knew. Her last words to him were, "Run my child, and know ill always love you..." She than cast him from the house with nothing but the clothes she could give him, that's when they burst through their doors and struck her down each wielding a blade the five cuts ending her fast.

Fleeing Kohona fast he went about the coastline until her found a boat, he hid apon it and waited the ride was long, dark and he was quiet hungry but he had to manage. When the boat stop he fled again until he couldn't walk any longer, he stumbled into an inn. The keeper wasn't friendly but he didn't kick him out, he made him work for his keep. He was feed and slept and he keep the one thing his mother left him, a scroll that she had filled with all of Kabuto's workings. He would read it late at night by nothing but candle light, as he learned more and more he'd began hearing rumors in the inn about Kohona, the village of the union. A place where all ninjas were welcome with open arms, no matter what nation they were from. This time knowing his destination he sent about finding his way home, it didn't take long to find a friendly sailor or was already heading towards the land of fire, taking advantage of this he found his way back home.

Returning to the location of his home was the hardest thing to do, he had no idea where it was and yet he went back directly too it. He could the doors boarded up and abandoned, he slipped inside and went around reliving his only memories with the only mother he had known. He lived on the streets of Kohona for a few months before he went someone had found him and brought him before the Hokage, not knowing where he was from or his family name, he simply said his name was Yoshiro. The Hokage pitied the orphan boy and gave him a place to live with a few other children under the care of a nanny, she wasn't loving she did only what she had too, she reminded Yoshiro of the man from the mist village. He was soon entered into the academy, he wasn't very talkative he sat alone and listened he wouldn't participate whenever their teacher asked, he just listened. While he entered at a pretty old age compared to most of his class mates his small build allowed him to look much like the others. While doing some researching about the country he had fled too he discovered the man who had taken him in was a member of the Hozuki clan, that must've been why the man was so warm to the boy as he resembled another of his clan with startling similarities.

Gear: He keeps two scrolls on him at all time. One containing a summoning seal to summon a small snake, the other sealed with the kanji 家族 (Kazoko or Family). Other than the two simple scrolls he tends to not carry around any other special gear.


Yoshiro has surprisingly large chakra reserves for reasons unknown too him.
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@Tj Pomroy It was a very creative CS, but I'd prefer if we changed a few things, because some things are rubbing me the wrong way. If I offend I apologize, so here I go.

The main thing that's rubbing me the wrong way is the backstory. You see, your character has an extremely direct relationship to Kabuto...some may argue that he is Kabuto. If you want to be a direct descendant of Kabuto that's fine, but just make it so a few generations have passed so your character isn't over 100 years old and isn't basically a a clone of Kabuto. This being said, I'm all for the odd experiment that doesn't remember his childhood much but let's try and get some deeper story in that! Also, when and if you do adjust your backstory, could you please extend it out to a at least two good paragraphs?

Abilities wise, I have just a few complaints, nothing more. The only thing that irked me the wrong way was the mentioning of a slight understanding of sage mode. For a genin, I'd prefer if he didn't as of right now. Sage mode is something that can be gained later in the roleplay, and if you want your character to get it, we can certainly discuss some arcs for the future. Other than that I have just one more thing to say and it's nothing you need to change, just take note of. With an ability such as the Hydration technique, genin level students will have little grasp of it, and when they start to it will consume a large amount of chakra.

That's really all I can think of as of right now. Sorry if I seem demanding, but there's just a criteria I like to follow. You seem very eager to join the roleplay, and I appreciate that. Just spend a good time adjusting these things and lengthening the character sheet and I'm sure this next one will be fine!
Uzumaki Gorou


Name: Uzumaki "Talon" Gorou

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Hair Color: Blonde-Orange

Eye Color: Red-Brown, flecks of green

Talon stands 5'7" (170~cm) with a mere 145lb (66~kg) on a relatively lanky frame. His blond hair is tinged a slight red, giving it fiery orange highlights. His eyes, however, differ greatly from most Uzumaki due to the genetic favor of J?go's Clan; his eyes are a very light brown merged with a defining hue of red and spiraled with specks of a light green. Talon notably wears a dirt brown leather jacket with several notable modifications. The sleeves of the jacket from the elbow down are cut into six sections with elastic between each one of them to allow for a significant amount of stretching before it would tear. In addition to that, the top two sections are connected with a steel plate, acting as an arm guard (this notably makes the top two sections the only ones incapable of stretching to their fullest extent. The bottom of the jacket has been elongated in the back, similar to a tailcoat, while it is shortened in the front; this allows for easy access to all belt-equipped items. Aside from his jacket, he wears a variety of shirts underneath it and a black variation of the standard shinobi pants equipped with molded steel plates acting as shin guards. Within his several equipment pouches, two on each thigh and four total on his belt, are a total of eight kunai, eight shuriken, several yards of steel wire, a dozen explosive tags, four smoke bombs, a combat radio, fire starting kit and a box set of ten food pills for longer missions. Lastly, underneath the specially tailored tailcoat of his jacket, is a Tant? made of the rare metal that allows for chakra infusion.

  • Rank:





    Uzumaki, J?go's Clan

    Personality Talon is the fifth child of seven from his parents and the third of them to become a shinobi. Being in the younger set of his siblings, Talon was somewhat pampered. For a few years, he remained the youngest until his younger brother was born, but even then, he retained a lot of freedom his older siblings didn't have. Of his siblings, he is only one of two that possess the Kekkai Genkai of J?go's Clan, and in fact takes great pride in it. His older brother, unlike him, chose to have their mother seal his dormant powers away permanently so he could live a normal life. Talon believed that to be a waste, and looked up to his sisters that went on to become shinobi. Despite the fact both became medic-nin, he still viewed them as role models; they are both excellent, intelligent shinobi capable of high-level jutsu involving healing while the other not only heals but specializes in communications as a sensor-nin. Talon decided to follow in their footsteps, despite his father urging him not to and telling him of the danger associated with his Kekkei Genkai if he lost control of it.

    With so many conflicting factors growing up, Talon and his motivations were hard to pin down. While his father, whom chose a family life and urged Talon and his brother to do the same, disapproved of his choice, his mother offered an alternative. His mother, Uzumai Tatsuki, was not only a medic-nin herself, but a master of F?injutsu, and she used a series of seals tattooed onto Talon's back to restrict his Kekkei Genkai. Because of the support from his mother and the role models of his sisters, Talon has a great respect for almost all kunoichi. While he wasn't as brilliant as his sisters, nor as capable at molding chakra nor quite as academically inclined, he still poured his heart into becoming a Shinobi. Despite Talon's relatively 'late start' as a genin, he is one of the most motivated there are.

    Talon is not without wit, and is capable of coming up with tactical decisions on the fly. However, he is also easily frustrated and prone to rushing in headfirst. Often, he has to fail once if not several times before weighing his options. He has yet to temper himself and sometimes takes for granted his age and relative power advantage over his fellow genin, which has led him into trouble in situations he hadn't thought through. To reach his peak, Talon has to calm himself and understand his surroundings and situation, which he has difficulty doing due to primarily youthful concentration issues and possibly the J?go's Clan genes. Regardless, he has a disdain for cowardice and despises retreat. It takes a lot for him to admit he is wrong and even more for him to fix his mistakes.

    History Talon is a descendant of J?go himself. While J?go did stay with Orochimaru, he also had children later in life. One of his children was 'rescued' by Sasuke Uchiha far further down the road and left to Konohagakure. While this proved no problem at first, a generation later showed that the children of that child had the same rage-issues and Kekkei Genkai mutations as J?go. This resulted in the Uzumaki finding a way to seal the nature chakra within the individual, allowing them to live a normal life. The seals have proven to need maintenance, so the Uzumaki have developed a special relationship to the growing descendants of the original refugee of J?go in that they maintain the seals and often even use the complex nature of the seals to test and evaluate their own F?injutsu practitioners.

    With this type of relationship in place, it wasn't too terribly long before one of the descendants of J?go and an Uzumaki kunoichi sparked a romance, and from that, Talon and his siblings were born. His first two siblings, both girls, showed no signs of J?go's Clan's Kekkei Genkai, but the brother born after the first two most certainly did. Their mother was capable of handling that, and his father convinced him to simply lead a normal life. Another sister came before him, and still only two of them followed in their mother's footsteps. Talon, unlike his brother, found the Kekkei Genkai fascinating and wanted to become a shinobi like his mother. Of course, the fits of rage were a problem, but with her sealing them early, he understood them from a young age. With his sisters as role models, he knew his family could do great things. Unlike his older brother, Talon wanted to become a shinobi.

    Despite his father's utter disapproval, his mother inquired with the village elders if it would be allowed, and their approval rested on Talon not only being able to control his Kekkei Genkai with seals, but direct supervision and the necessity that he be capable of doing every single thing that a normal genin of his level could do. Now, this took time. Three extra years, in fact. Talon had to learn to control the nature chakra within him and unlock a single seal his mother created before he could even learn to mold chakra for simple jutsu such as a regular Clone Technique. But, he did. Every day, Talon would practice. Each week, he tirelessly swam against the current to learn to control his nature chakra through the seals on his back until he could release his eighth seal and control the jutsu it unleashed without complication. When he made his first leap with nature chakra and mastered his eighth seal to such a degree it could be permanently removed, he gained the potential to mold his regular chakra, albeit a limited portion of it, and finally could begin practicing real Genin-level jutsu.

    It took three years of this training, primarily with his mother, but Talon was in fact capable of passing the academy. Not only that, his training and Kekkei Genkai made him significantly above average for a Genin, likely bordering a fledgling Chuunin. However, this set back was part of the compromise of him becoming a shinobi at all, and he was willing to work with it. In fact, Talon has only completely released one seal and can only temporarily unlock the next after it, thus he is only capable of using two techniques associated with nature chakra. But, these accomplishments were enough to make him a certified Genin. It will still take intense training and possibly experience in real combat before he can release even more seals and maintain control, and until he does, he lacks the ability to use an elemental release. Despite his unique abilities as a shinobi, he shares one trait in common with one of his sisters; he is a capable sensor-nin. As a matter of fact, he can allow his seals to completely suppress his own chakra, and have little-to-no interference in sensing the chakra around him. While he has poor control over chakra, he has proven to be capable of perceiving it easily.

    Talon only recently gained his nickname during his time in the academy. His signature ability, Sage Seal 8th Trigram: Talonblade, has earned him his moniker and in fact made him one of the most interesting genin of his generation. Due to his relative lack of chakra control for the moment and his limited jutsu pool, Talon has focused on taijutsu and developed a style using his signature ability. When formally reviewed, his genjutsu capabilities are all but non-existent, although he has a natural resistance to them if his nature chakra is unlocked, and his ninjutsu skills are average at best. However, his Talonblade technique has led to a special merger of kenjutsu techniques, taijutsu techniques and ninjutsu techniques that make him one of the few Genin sporting a nintaijutsu that even utilizes elements of swordplay. Just now a recent graduate, Talon hopes to achieve what his sisters did in becoming Jounin.


- Talon notably is closer to a Chuunin in strength than a Genin, but this is due to the limitations imposed on him due to the dangerous nature of his Kekkei Genkai.

- Genjutsu resistant does not equate to genjutsu immune. While low-level genjutsu won't work on him, he lacks the raw natural chakra to resist genjutsu used by moderate-to-high level Chuunin or Jounin.

- Talon will not be considered a true Sage until he masters Sage Seal 1st Trigram.

- Note that there is ambiguity in just how many generations it has been since the first refugee of J?go's Clan entered Konohagakure. This is intentional to fit the 150 year gap and allow for the time frame to fit logically within continuity and allow access to cousins or even siblings of the character.

- Note that both of his older sisters are Jounin-level kunoichi and medic-nin; one specializes as a sensor-nin and communications support while the other learned F?injutsu and can even utilize Adamantine Sealing Chains, following closer in the footsteps of their mother.

- Talon is left-handed, was born May 13th, is blood-type O and loves smoked salmon.

- Talon is notably a perv, known for being caught peeping on girls at the Hot Springs, most often by his sister Yukiko whom works there. Talon, of course, prefers to think of himself as a romantic. (He may not know the definition of the word)


is the theme song I've chosen for Talon.
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@The Architect accepted! Loved it, thank you for putting so much effort in!
Name: Okan (Literally meaning ‘Chill’) Uzumaki

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Village Nationality: Konohagakure

Physical Appearance:




Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Fire & Water

Clan: Uzumaki Clan - The members of the Uzumaki clan possessed an incredibly strong life force which can both endure and survive most grievous injuries plus incredible longevity. The clan members are also blessed with great recuperative powers, able to quickly recover from extreme exhaustion and mend most injuries in short periods of time. As seen with Karin, she can further enhance her healing powers, by biting herself and consuming some of her own chakra she can heal most injuries, and can heal others by letting another person bite her. Their longevity can be seen in part through Mito, who lived from long before the founding of Konoha, to well into the term of the Third Hokage's reign. The clan's life force was the reason Kushina survived the extraction of her tailed beast, despite additionally just giving birth only moments before, though she was left severely weakened. Naruto was also able to survive the extraction of a tailed beast (albeit he was rendered unconscious and in a critical state). Two Uzumaki members have shown to possess a strong and special form of chakra, allowing them to manifest Adamantine Sealing Chains from their body which they can manipulate to their will in battle. Whether or not this is an ability attainable by all Uzumaki is currently unknown.

Kekkei Genkai: None

Jutsu Style: Primarily Taijutsu, Secondary Ninjutsu

Subjutsu: Tactical Footwork & Versatile Taijutsu style

Personality: Okan is basically what his names says he is, ‘Chill’ Okan doesn’t believe in ego’s nor does he believe in useless conflict often be revered as very mature for his age at times despite his time to time goofiness Okan is very charismatic although he prefers to be alone most of the time he normally finds himself surrounded by people and very easy to get along with not really having many judgements giving everyone a chance to prove themselves to him before he dubs them ‘trash’ or ‘treasure’ Okan can also be seen as cruel at times, often referring to his friends as treasures instead of friends and often calls out his favourite quote “It takes a mere second for treasure to become trash” often being mistaken to referring to his friends saying that they are only a means to an end the truth of this quote in Okan’s eyes is evolution as the world will always spin around either you go with it or get left in the black.

In combat situations Okan is often valued due to his ‘lack of fear’ Okan often appears to be calm during tight situations and can think of strategies even when in a fight in order to give him the advantage he needs to overcome the situation also coming off as reckless at times Okan isn’t a man with a death wish never really going into a situation he believes he doesn’t stand a chance in, some often mistake this for fear but to Okan it’s intellect, why rush to your death when you can become so much more from living right? In terms of who he likes Okan normally get’s along with really depends on the person's ego often not getting along with those with a large ego he also can be seen trying to ‘tease’ or put down those with a large ego rather than the ones with less of an ego. Okan has one pet hate and that is hot tempered brats disliking most people despite his lack to show it. Okan is often realistic about things and can often be seen as negative, he likes to think of the worst situation and a way to work around it in order to assure success even if the situation isn’t nearly as bad as he had thought it was he likes to call this train of thought ‘Thinking ahead’.


When Okan was born he was born into a beautiful family of three, being the only child he was often spoiled with love and by the time he was of age Okan was put into the Ninja academy, during his academy years Okan was seen as a ‘prodigy’ and always liked to show off his skills to his classmates and got an ‘above average’ on most test, He couldn’t remember who spread the rumor that he was some ‘prodigy child’ but oddly enough the rumor spread and he was quickly labeled as it despite whether or not he liked it Okan could be called ‘popular’ in Konohagakure he was friendly to mostly everyone and often tried leading the others to do the same. After finishing the Academy Okan came out with an above average score overall coming having one of the highest scores in his time. Now Okan seeks to put his skills to the test and see whether or not this talk about him being a ‘prodigy’ was true or not.

Gear: Standard Gear (Also that blade seen in the clothing area)

Other: None for now (Might add to this depending on what happens I guess)

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