Naruto: Brave New World


Bear With Me Here ?
Due to this being a detailed roleplay, the following character sheet needs to be detailed and have a some solid backstory to it. Information in the sheet should make sense, be clear, and get the idea out. Use of pictures is allowed. I know this looks like a lot but please just take this one step at a time and it will go by quickly!

Character Sheet: (These need to be detailed, clear, and make sense. Effort needs to go into them as well. Please delete all parenthesis before posting.)

Name: (What's your character's name?)

Gender: (Male or Female?)

Age: (How old is he/she?)

Village Nationality: (Which hidden village do they serve?)

Physical Appearance: (What do they look like? Things such as height, build, hair, scars, etc.)

Clothing: (What does your character wear? Things such as village insignias should be included as Shinobi tend to take pride of their nationality.)


Rank: (Genin, Chunin, Jonin, etc.)

Chakra Affiliation: (Your characters chakra element(s).

Clan: (Optional, if any. If no clan then delete this section. Does your character belong to a clan/sacred bloodline?)

Kekkei Genkai: (Also optional, delete if no clan. This is a description of your clans unique bloodline ability.)

Jutsu Style: (Taijutsu, ninjutsu, genjutsu.)

Subjutsu: (This varies with experience/rank. This are side skills that can be mixed in with normal jutsu, such as being highly skilled in a weapon, sensory, medical ninjutsu, etc. Note that younger inexperienced characters may have little to none of these.)


Personality: (The big one here. This needs to be one of your strongest sections! This explains your character's personality. Make sure you clearly explain it AND include character flaws. Try not to make a flat character here now.)

Backstory: (This is the second big one. The backstory needs to be detailed and make sense. Your backstory is what has led up to your character now and has forged the way they are now. So for example, if you have a very paranoid character who trusts no one, there was probably something that caused it.)

Gear: (This section doesn't need to be as detailed. In fact, you could just put standard gear if your ninja doesn't carry around anything special with them.

Other: (Any other information that you would like to state about your charter. If nothing just simply put 'none'
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(I'm making a few Jonin characters with my characters for just the sake or organization. Also, note that I currently don't have my character sheets for my villains posted yet for story reasons.)

: Katsuro Katashi 'The Bulldog of Konoha'

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Village Nationality: Konoha (The Hidden Leaf)

Physical Appearance: Katsuro has a very rough, hard appearance. He is fair skinned with a very muscular, medium build, standing at a height of 6'2 Katsuro is a very intimidating man, with scars riddling the majority of his body from his years of service in the war. For facial characteristics Katsuro has buzzed dark blonde hair with a very short Mohawk (Or warrior stripe) and a dark blonde rough beard. His eyes, when you can see them, are light green and just above his right eye he has a kunai scar that slashes diagonally down to his nose nose, where it separates into into a separate cut a few centimeters away, ending at the other end of his nose.

Clothing: This troubled shinobi wears the cutting-edge fashion of the standard jonin outfit, but he wraps his forehead protector around his left sleeve, and he rolls up both sleeves. Katsuro also wears strange, blind-man round glasses despite not being blind, and he always visibly has a cigarette in his mouth, and always smells of a fowl odor of alcohol or cigarettes. across his lower body (Legs) he wears a small white sash on the front of it with a red circle in the center.


Rank: Jonin

Chakra Affiliation: Fire, Wind

Jutsu Style
: Katsuro uses Taijutsu with Ninjutsu, and is infamous for deviously combining them in some instances.

Subjutsu: Katsuro is an infamous demolitions expert. When in combat he constantly plants/detonates explosives to turn the field to his battle and constantly uses ninjutsu and taijutsu to throw off his opponents of what his next attack will be.


Personality: A very angered individual. He did not get the nickname 'The Bulldog of Konoha' for no reason. Katsuro has extreme temper issues, getting angered and irritated very easilyy. The fact that he is a chain smoker/alcoholic doesn't help this. To make things worse, Katsuro suffers a troubling case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and gets violent flashes about his experiences in the 5th Shinobi War. This makes him very emotionally unstable, either growing extremely sad about the events or growing extremely angry, usually it's a combination of the two. That being said though, Katsuro is no ill tempered fool. He is extremely head strong and stubborn, and still manages to occasionally show flashes of his younger self with compassion as well as a unique muffled kindness that those he's closest to only experience.

It was once said that any target he set his eyes on in the war he would never give up on destroying, much like how a bulldog never lets go when it bites something, stubborn as a bulldog. Hence the name 'The Bulldog of Konoha', a name which has gained infamy across the land.

Backstory: Katsuro's troubling personality wasn't just a product of war, it can be traced back to his childhood. Growing up, Katsuro was the son of a very wealthy noble who had made a name for the Katashi family. Much of his family's lives were all centered around politics, and some could the very creation of Katsuro was just for political means. Growing up in his childhood, Katsuro learned all of the means to be a noble, which gave him a very large ego and led him to misbehave in the later years. Often times he lashed out for attention, but his father never taught with words. Instead he disciplined with pain, making his various body guards viscously beat Katsuro to a bruised pulp with fighting sticks, much as one would discipline a misbehaving dog. To further discipline Katsuro, or at least as he claimed, Katsuro's father sent him to the Ninja Academy.

Many thought that the rich boy wouldn't be able to do it because he wouldn't have the motivation. Yet, it was in the Academy, surrounded by people his age, that Katsuro began to find himself. Going through the academy Katsuro was nothing special. Average scores, average intellect, all of the sort. After graduation however, Katsuro showed to be an exceptional genin with a work ethic unlike most despite his large ego. Slowly he clawed his way up the ranks, quickly promoted to Chunin despite some questionable temper Katsuro climbed through the ranks him and his father grew evermore distant. Arguing was constant, it became evermore present to Katsuro that his father enrolled him as a Shinobi simply to get deeper ties into the village.

Years later, at the age of 20, Katsuro would eventually would achieve the rank of Jonin for his prowess in combat along with his ability to spread his knowledge among his comrades. His joy was short lived though, a year later the war would begin and Katsuro, despite his father's objections, volunteered to go straight to the front lines. It is here that Katsuro experienced the horrors of war, and saw what one man can do to another.

Katsuro fought many battles on Konoha's front line primarily against the land of Lightning, many of these battles the odds were heavily stacked against him and there were major casualties. That was the price of being in the 1st Close-Quarters Combat Brigade of Konoha, which would literally charge straight into the enemy and fight face to face against the land of lighting. Throughout many battles Katsuro lost friends and relatives to the land of lightning, fighting them on both his home soil and foreign ground. During the war his comrades described Katsuro as one of their bravest men. In fact many reported that it was because of him with his uplifting moral and experience in highly concentrated explosives that they were able to finally push back the land of Land of Lighting during the final years of the war.

The 5th Shinobi war may have reached armistice, but it never ended for Katsuro. Throughout his bitter years of service Katsuro developed a troubling case of PTSD, which he tries to combat with smoking and alcohol. He never exchanged words with his father again, and even when he passed away Katsuro never visited the funeral. Katsuro can still be seen though at times just sitting in front of his fathers grave and just staring at it blatantly, as if he had no care left in the world. At one point Katsuro was even considered for ANBU service, yet his temper and troubled mental state made it impossible for him to function well in a unit and he was denied access. So he remained a Jonin, and while he may not be the best role model, his wisdom as a shinobi and as a leader makes him a very respected sensei.

Gear: Katsuro carries above average Shinobi gear and has many explosives carried around on him, hidden in various safe spots.

Other: None
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Name: Tetsuun Ayane

Gender: Male

Age: Thirteen

Village Nationality: Konoha (The Hidden Leaf)

Physical Appearance: Tetsuun has a rather striking appearance, which can be attributed to several different factors. Puberty was not too kind to him - or rather, the lack thereof. While his fellow academy students were graced with the magic of growth hormones, Tetsun alone was left to deal with an unimpressive height of four foot six. At a glance, he may appear even younger than his really is, but one look at the sour expression typically found curling his thin lips contends against that. His frame is built lightly with his stomach and arms just burly enough to reveal muscle. Otherwise, he is too scrawny, as suggested by the bottom of his rib cage poking out, his collarbone appearing pronounced and his scapulae becoming visible with particular movements.

The palm of his hands are somewhat rough and calloused, being one of the only blemishes on his otherwise smooth skin. His accommodating skin tone is of a pasty pallor, contrasting with his other features, with lips that chap and redden during the colder seasons, though a light spray of freckles helps to amend all of this. These freckles dot along his cheekbones and a little beyond to his nose and cheeks. Tetsuun's fine, unkempt hair is black and flows down to his ears, barring bangs that are swept aside just enough to not conceal brown irises. He has a diamond-shaped face, making his features all rather angular, and in some instances, his cheeks will appear somewhat hollow.

Clothing: His casual attire is simple, as he cares very little about his appearance outside of not wanting to stick out any more than he has to. Typically, he can be found wearing a plain heather shirt that is entirely too large, falling loosely around his shoulders and hanging about his waist, which aids in hiding his gaunt frame. He often wears windbreaker pants, accented with red shades for his otherwise grayscale clothes. For warmer weather, he will wear shorts of the same material, though they will no longer have the accents along the hem.

As for ninja attire, he wears a dark gray jacket with mesh armor underneath and the swirling fire symbol on the back, sleeves just long enough to cover his shoulders. His pants are long and black, stopping just short of the standard blue sandals. A cream pouch resides on the back of his left hip, while a holster is wound around his right leg. Tetsuun alternates between having his blue headband on his forehead and tied to his arm, just short of the sleeves, though it is more often found on his arm.


Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Lightning, Water

Jutsu Style: As Tetsuun is still starting up rather fresh as a genin, he has to rely on many basic, textbook techniques. He uses Taijutsu right off the bat more often than not, using that to gauge his enemy as he patiently smack talks an enemy and waits to counter. The boy has worked on agility more than any other aspect of his physical capabilities, as his small stature cannot take very many hits and his own aren't the most powerful. If the situation calls for it, Tetsuun is able to utilize basic academy textbook Ninjutsu techniques, such as the Rope Escape Technique. One thing he has learned that he often utilizes is the Body Flicker Technique, demonstrating a capability of manipulating his chakra relatively well. He has also begun to tap into his elemental chakra affinities, but he only knows a few basic Lightning techniques and his other affiliation is completely unknown to him.

Subjutsu: None

Teleportation Jutsu - Rather unique to Tetsuun as a genin, after a single hand sign, the user is able to put a burst of chakra into their feet to temporarily move at a high speed. To most observers, the speed is such that it looks like the user has teleported. Depending on the distance between the user and the desired destination, this can take a little or a ton of chakra. Tetsuun is limited in this regard, and is limited to moving perhaps twenty-five feet from him. This is used conservatively, for the benefit of catching people off guard and not wasting too much chakra.

Lightning Style: Earth Flash - The most advanced technique Tetsuun knows, a series of hand signs allows the user to create a wave of electricity from their hands. He is limited to a small to medium surge, looking like streams of lightning jumping around between each other and pushing out. Contact with this ranges from mild shocks to a little more intense. However, pushing beyond the mild shocks on his part is exhausting, as this technique requires him to mold the chakra into his chakra nature, then follows up with using up a vast reserve of his chakra. He can use this with relative comfort two times, but a third attempt will leave him feeling drained, and anything beyond that is impossible and will backfire.


Personality: Generally the first thing people ever learn about Tetsuun is that he is an exceedingly difficult person to get along with. He is judgmental and relies heavily on first impressions, generally shutting people out upon the assumption that they are weak-minded or excessively emotion. He is not afraid to act on these biases, shooting people disdainful looks and making derogatory comments if they attempt to speak to him. More often than not, he finds a reason to look down on others, as he possesses an ego the size of a small country, though that's not to say his opinion of people can't change with time

Tetsuun finds great pleasure in provoking people, both exploiting it as a means of a battle tactic and doing this to give him something to do, be it through blunt insults, expressing his condescending nature, or just bitter sarcasm. He is crude, possessing a colorful vocabulary that he casually throws out in many of these situations and others. He is clever and has good instincts. Though far from being at some remarkable genius-level, he is able to pick up on small details quicker than most of his peers and, if there is a need, can generally come up with some sort of plan to act accordingly. In the event that something goes wrong, or he has to deal with what he perceives as some general form of idiocy, Tetsuun will undoubtedly become annoyed. His temper is ruthless in the instance he loses it, lashing out against people he knows he can hurt or treating with a cold, fragile silence when he knows he can't. This is something he attempts to control, as shinobis are supposed to have no emotions, but his naturally hot-blooded nature often overpowers his sense of restrain.

Tetsuun is prideful and unable to turn down challenges directed towards him, so long as he finds them not too unreasonable and not too pointless. His competitive nature is blatant, in this respect. Tetsuun has a tendency to work hard to achieve a particular goal set out for him, though would rather do this where other people don't see the precise amount of effort he may have to put into this to meet the challenge. However, his inspiration is short term, and he inevitably slips back into putting minimal effort into things as a result of his assurance in his own abilities. As a result, he is prone to developing rivalries, but just as easily as these form, he will drop this relationship after beating them in the area he had fixated on.

The easiest way to get him to back off is to simply ignore him. Tetsuun is the sort who will rarely speak unless spoken to, sometimes refusing to engage in conversation even then. He is not the sort to harass continually without reason, becoming quickly discouraged if the other person reacts with sorrow as opposed to anger. He cannot recognize a lot of emotions with people, but he can at least differentiate those two. Even in the rare instance where he may feel a pang of regret for his actions, he is out of practice with apologies and is flat out terrible with them, preventing him from being able to deal with this.

Though particular aspects of his personality may make the boy come across as lazy, Tetsuun is a very reliable person. He is quick to take responsibilities when the situation calls for it, with or without being asked to do so. When he says that he will do something, he follows through with it to the best of his abilities. In situations where he is seemingly helpless, he becomes restless and abrasive, as he hates feeling vulnerable in any way. He becomes quick to snap at people and gets caught up in his frustration, creating a vicious cycle where his anger breeds more anger and prevent him from overcoming the initial problem. In spite of his nasty attitude, when it gets right down to it, Tetsuun is still just a kid. The unknown and unfamiliar intimidates him, though he loathes to admit it and will snap at anyone who suggests that this is the case, as he becomes very much on edge, as he is aware of his own vulnerability when faced with real threats.

Tetsuun can sometimes struggle with teamwork, having to rely on his allies being able to predict his own intentions, but is excellent at acting on his own. He is strongly independent and does not need or want much instruction, as he easily comes up with means of acting on his own, sometimes even going so far as to tune out orders. He is impatient when dealing with others slower than him, either repeatedly making snarky remarks about it or, after he grows weary of that not having any affect, shows his contempt through body language.

The only time he expresses manners and treats someone in a polite fashion is if they have managed to earn his respect or are one of a few people he truly cares for. Except for in the case of someone of a high status, it is very difficult to receive this decent treatment from him. However, this aspect of behavior is drastically unpolished right off the bat, and it takes a long time of him warming up to someone before they may even realize how fond he is of them. Normally, even if he wants to appeal to someone, his lack of interpersonal skills can often lead to him offending someone by accident. He is nowhere near being in touch with his own personal feelings and is uncomfortable having to deal with them, let alone recognizing them. Because of this, he can sometimes seem very hypocritical, considering his perception of himself and what he does can be somewhat skewed.

Backstory: Tetsuun was born to a small family, not anywhere near large enough to be considered a clan, lingering on the eastern edge of The Hidden Leaf Village. The household was structure after very ancient traditions, where the man of the house is expected to take care of the family and any girls are not meant to train. His father was an ambitious jonin, constantly working to impress their village's Kage in hopes of being promoted into the ANBU ranks, leaving him very little time to stay at home. His mother worked as a florist for one of the small local businesses in the village, and when she wasn't home doting over her husband, she would be tending to a beautiful garden she had sculpted in the back yard.

During her pregnancy with Tetsuun, his mother became sickly and, consequently, she was unable to keep her job as a florist and had to stay at home. While she was able to go through with it, she did not rebound immediately to full health. This gave her time to raise the boy while her husband was away on his various missions. Three years after him, Soto was born. Tetsuun eagerly took the mantle of an older brother, allowing them to form a close bond, but the addition of a younger sister brought unneeded financial stress on the already struggling family. His mother attempted to get her old job back, but with a very inflexible schedule and no one willing to look after the two rowdy kids for long, she was forced to face her future as a stay-at-home mom.

When he was five, tensions between villages had reached an all-time high. For the first time in over 150 years after since The Seventh fought in the Fourth Shinobi World War to bring peace to the nations, the world plunged right back into another bloody war. His father was swiftly enlisted to help with the war efforts. This had very little impact on their day-to-day lives, though it put their mother in an even deeper state of unease. She tried to cover this up with an air of optimism and confidence, but in some instances, her concerns seemed overwhelming and her facade slipped up. As young kids, however, caught up in their own world, they were unaware of the reason behind her strained smile.

A couple of years later, Tetsuun was permitted to enroll in the academy. This was the first time that he was regularly exposed to other kids his age. He made and broke friendships as per usual for kids that age, but as the years progressed, a clearly evident height gap began to appear. At first teasing remarks were infrequent and playful, but as they persisted, Tetsuun developed an insecurity over it. Suddenly he was countering with aggressive tongue lashings, the likes of which he had learned from his mother's own nature to deliver witty insults, the likes of which she hadn't realized her son had been gradually absorbing. This finalized his alienation from his peers, quickly growing a reputation as one of the most rotten, ill-mannered kids the academy has had to handle. The only breaks he got from this hostile socializing was when he was home with his mother and sister, which soon became a safe haven to be free from judgment.

At the age of twelve, Tetsuun was able to advance and become a genin. His new sensei, a man named Mabuchi Haga, was a huge disappointment to him, as he found out that the man was a complete pushover. Tetsuun perceived him as unhelpful, with the man's philosophies of compassion solving things, and overall let the squad get away with whatever they wanted to do. His father had taken a break from the war at that point, doubling as a means to congratulate his son and make preparations for a particularly dangerous reconnaissance mission with spies in the land of Lightning that could finally determine his future as an Anbu Black Op. During this time, the two had some of the most bonding than they ever had, as his early years of childhood only left him with fleeting memories of the man. His father introduced some more advanced ninjutsu techniques to him, opening up his first access to his chakra nature.

Not long after his father had to leave again, the war finally ended with no one nation truly emerging as the victor, though the Land of Lightning seemed to have the upper hand in the conflict. However, his father never returned from his mission. Time wore on, and it soon became apparent his mother was sick again with yet another pregnancy. Tetsuun's hope for his father ever waned significantly when the village officially declared him as missing, though they insisted they were doing everything they could to find him. He grew to realize that the financial burdens and general familial responsibilities were on him now, and though it caused the adolescent much undue stress, he met this challenge with his best efforts, taking on any missions that he could in an attempt to earn some sort of income. He mimicked his mom when her husband first left for the war, acting cheerful and loving at home, but pent up emotions made him all the more volatile around his squad.

In the most recent history, the villages finally signed an armistice. Part of the agreement was for Konohagakure to become the main hub for squads mixed with shinobis from different villages to form as an expression of trust and peace. Squads were shifted around, with Tetsuun getting a new sensei and one new teammate. This squad is still very new, but it's quickly becoming apparent his new sensei, a man who built a fearsome reputation in the war, is nothing like his old one.

Gear: Tetsuun is able to use the wire spool to ensnare opponents, sometimes attaching it to shuriken to manipulate the path of the weapons. The holster on his right leg allows for easy access to an array of kunai knives, usually holding around five. His back pouch holds the majority of his weapons, however. Tetsuun carries a wire spool that is around twenty-five meters when rolled out. About five more kunai are held here as well. The rest of the items are ten shuriken, fifteen exploding tags, two smoke bombs and one flash bomb. He doesn't resort to weapons often but shows competence in wielding them and can use them effectively at the right time.
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(@Lazygout could you expand out the backstory just a paragraph or two more, and I'm fine with you listing your second element but Genin generally only have one activated, so could you specify which one it is either upfront or in the backstory? Other than that everything checks out for your cs!)

(@Pine accepted!)

(One more CS to go...for today...)

: Kaito Sonkei

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Village Nationality: Konoha

Physical Appearance: A rather wise looking appearance, Kyto has a light medium build with fair skin. He stands at a height of exactly 6 feet tall, and has minimal scarring across his body. For facial characteristics, Kyto has long black hair that he ties into a ponytail behind his head, complimented by his black goatee and mustache combination. His eyes are a very noticeable blue color, which grants him a very trusting appearance.

Clothing: Kyto wears a rather simple outfit despite his complex position in Konoha. On his torso he wears a dark red button up shirt, with the sleeves rolled up partially up his forearm. On his lower body he wears the standard blue jonin pants with the toeless ninja shoes. All of these fine colors of course are complimented by the dark blue Konoha forehead protector he wears across his forehead.


Rank: Head Jonin, meaning that aside from the Hokage, Kyto commands most of the Jonin.

Chakra Affiliation: Lightning, Earth

Jutsu Style
: Kaito uses primarily Ninjutsu, with a bit of Taijutsu.

Subjutsu: Kaito is very experienced in chakra control, which is what makes him a fantastic lightning technique user. This also gives him a huge advantage as a medic, and allows him to sometimes manipulate his opponents body.


Personality: Kaito is an extremely hard person to read, which is probably why he was granted his various positions throughout his ninja career. Kaito has an infamous pokerface that he rarely breaks during 'business' as he calls it, always keeping the same monotone slightly annoyed looking face that he never breaks. His eyes never break blinking pattern, his tone never changes. Of course this is only during serious matters, otherwise Kaito is a pretty reserved person, he'll show some emotion but generally he likes to keep it all in. This usually rubs people the wrong way, as many consider him to be an inconsiderate selfish man.

Kaito is also very excellent at reading people. When Kaito listens to you speak he's not only hearing your words but is examining character and trying to figure out motives and emotion. Despite being able to cover his facial characteristics to hide his thoughts, Kaito has one extremely bad habit of folding his hands in front of him and leaning his face into it when listening and trying to read people. This is the most obvious sign that he's trying to read people.

With this set of skills Kaito is extremely good at picking out liars, and is not afraid of confronting them. Infact, he's not afraid of confrontation and of speaking his mind in general, which is what makes him such a great leader. As a leader, Kaito always establishes himself as the most capable leader and makes sure that everyone listens to him. Some see this as a gift, others as a flaw. To add to this, he is also very totalitarian when leading, it's his way or the highway. He also has an extremely bad habit of asking 'loaded questions' to get the information he wants out of people. Questions such as 'What do you think of me?' or 'What would you do if you were in my position?'

Backstory: A man born very much into modern politics. Kaito was not originally from Konoha, instead he was born in the land of mist, in the radical Hidden Mist to the son of a politician fighting the corruption that was consuming the mist. His life as a child was minuscule, he was never allowed to leave the premise of his home and if on the rare occasions he was able to, he had to have armed guards next to him at all time due to his fathers many political enemies. That all changed though when his father was assassinated by a rival politician when Kaito was around the age of 5.

Fearing for their safety, Kaito's mother quickly fled the mist with her son to Konoha where they would live out the rest of their days. Adjusting to Konoha wasn't easy for his mother, however Kaito saw it as a new found freedom. He spent the majority of his days walking the village, and climbing on the various rooftops throughout the village. The people weren't so kind however, Kaito and his mother were scoffed at for being foreigners in a very xenophobic Konoha and many opportunities were lost for the two of them.

Eventually Kaito enrolled into the ninja academy, where he faced much prejudice despite his natural skill in intellect and problem solving. This however all passed, and after he gained the respect of his peers throughout the years the other children came to follow as well. This respect would allow him to advance to Chunin rather quickly after graduating from the academy, and eventually get him into Konoha's black-ops infiltration unit. This unit specialized in individuals taking other identities and posing as normal citizens to keep a watchful eye on foreign powers. In Kaito's case he posed as a bard, going village to village and playing to high ranking shinobi at various parties and events. No one suspected him, he played the role perfectly. This was his job throughout the war, go into enemy camps, act like someone whose job was to boost moral, and gain intel on the enemy. His role would be vital in breaking the land of Lighning's lines and forcing them out of the land of Fire.

When the war ended Kaito finally returned home, praised for his actions. His days of spying however were long over as one of the agreements in the treaty were that all spies were to be taken out of foreign lands. However his success granted him the position of Head Jonin, which he has shown so far to be the proper choice of positions for him.

Gear: Kaito carries a lot of wire on him, but otherwise only ordinary shinobi gear.

Other: None
Name: Kai Yamaguchi "Ice Demon of the Mist" or, most commonly, "Three Tails Jinchuriki"

Gender: Male

Age: Thirteen years of age

Village Nationality: Kirigakure (Village Hidden by Mist) Located in the Land of Water- Currently living in Konoha

Physical Appearance: Kai isn't that tall, standing at an average height of five foot four. He has a slender stature and is also slightly well built, with muscle in the necessary areas but he is still slender enough to be extremely nimble when in battle. His skin complextion is fair, he isn't too dark nor too pale (Slightly more to the paler side though) His eyes are an icy blue and his hair a dirty blonde, messy and shaggy, not very well kept but not untidy.

Clothing: Kai wears the standard leaf shinobi gear, headband and all, except his clothing is in the style of a Mist shinobi. The only difference between his attire and anyone elses is that his is more robed than your standard shinobi clothing. He has his clans insignia on the back of his clothing, his clans symbol is a spiral which had a straight line going through it, white in colour. As for casual attire, he bears black slacks, black shoes with a white line going around the rim, a black undershirt and a white kimono jacket styled shirt on top of it. On the back of the jacket, there are blue lines going across it, and white mist patterns over it. He can also be seen wearing a navy blue jumper, but very rarely.


Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Primary- Water

Secondary- Wind

Clan: Yamaguchi Clan- This clan is one of the highly regarded clans in the Land of Water, famed for raising some of the finest shinobi known to the Village Hidden by Mist. The clan comes in two branches, the primary and secondary branch. The Primary branch of the Yamaguchi Clan are the ones who have the Kekkai Genkai, whereas the secondary do not.

Kekkei Genkai: Ice Release

Famed Jutsu: Ice Style: Secret Technique; Icy Breath of The Blizzard (capable of freezing anything in the jutsus path at sub-zero temperatures)

Jutsu Style: Specialises in Ninjutsu.

Subjutsu: Kai also has adequate skill in Kenjutsu- The art of swordsmanship. Being able to combine ninjutsu techniques with his kenjutsu techniques if need be. He carries around with him a katana sword, which is slung across his back diagonally


Personality: Being a Jinchuriki, and having to put up with constant abuse coming from those engulfed by fear of the "Demon" inside of him. He is a very quiet and secluded person, preferring the company of himself in a nice place somewhere calm. Unlike most Jinchuriki, who hate the beast inside of them because if the hardship they have caused them to succumb to, Kai actually has a very good relationship with Isobu, and treats him as if he is family, and gets very touchy when people refer to Isobu as a demon. Kai is known for being an incredibly kind and carefree person, always willing to do good for others and has no problem with protecting those he cares about, friends, family etc.

Despite his kind nature, Kai can also be incredibly harsh and cruel, cold-hearted and merciless. When people push his buttons. He has a short fuse and his temper is something nobody wants to see. For Kai, nothing is more serious than getting the job done, he is very proud of his heritage and will gladly argue with anyone who thinks differently of his homeland.

Kai has a passion for literature and history, and anything within the myth genre- he enjoys reading books. Although, he enjoys poetry and songs more than anthing, writing and performing these in his own time is something he does often. It keeps him calm and allows him to feel safe, instead of living in constant fear. Unfortunately, he is too shy to shoe anyone his work and gets embarrassed if people see if.

He is very intellectual and is able to device plans with ease, although only a Genin, his prowess in battle, specifically his skill with ninjutsu, has been noted. Kais carefree nature can be used against him and when this happens, it is easy to exploit his weaknesses.

Backstory: Being born into the Yamaguchi clan of the Mist, Kai has always seen the good parts in life, growing up in a rich family allowed him to be free from many hardships that the less fortunate would have to deal with. His father was a leading member of the Mists Anbu and his mother a very successful shinobi, and also head of the family, being the first woman to sit at the head of the Yamaguchi clan since the time of the First Hokage.

At the age of 5, Kai was made Jinchuriki of the Mists Tailed Beast, Isobu the Three Tails. The binding and sealing of Isobu into Kai took three days and the process was very difficult. Being a Jinchuriki, Kai was shunned by society and was always victimised by abuse, those he called friends turned on him, leaving him only with his family and clan, who treated him with the same respect as anyone else. He was always under constant supervision from the shadows, due to his overprotective father and mother being worried for his safety. He couldn't even go to the training grounds without someone from the clan to guide him. Being the son of the Clans head, he had known from a young age that one day, he would be caught up in some kind of danger. And he was right. At the age of 10 his clan was attacked by refugees from the war, they burnt buildings and violated inmocet women, killed innocents and even stole anything they could find. This was the first time Kai went into tailed beast mode. He ended up repelling the attackers, but destroying the clan in the process, as well as unintentionally taking his fathers life. When the attack was over, surviving members of the clan dispersed and left the Land of Water, making home in new villages. Kai and his mother went to Konoha with almost 50 of the surviving clan members, they made their new home outside of Konoha and live in a minuscule village, much like the Huuga or Uchiha, that consists only of members of the clan.

When they first moved to Konoha, people hated them for being enemies in the war. But now they have migrated into the community and are now one with the Village of the Leaves. With a high footing in influence as well. Kai was accepted into the academy and passed everything with flying colours, being one of the top in his class, he is only a relatively new Genin but his good will and pride always encourage him to do better, even with the dark past he has had.

Gear: Standard shinobi gear except he carries a lot of paper bombs, which he uses in his attacks by covering them in ice and hurling them at the enemy.

Other: He is the Jinchuriki of Isobu "Sanbi" the Three Tails

He has an older brother, but he has been recruited into the ANBU

Being a Jinchuriki give him immense chakra reserves.
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(@Lazygout Now just put that backstory into your original CS and delete the extra post and everything will be good!)

(@LeSoraAmari Accepted!)

Name: Shai Shinuu

"The One-Tailed Fox"

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Village Nationality: Konoha

Physical Appearance: Ginger curls envelop Shai's heart shaped face, touching just above her shoulder blades, and large eyes the color of gold and ember light up the girls delicate features. A dark, ugly scar carves the area above her left eye, though a red curl usually successfully conceals the mark from even the most observant of lookers. Her otherwise flawless skin is the color of caramel, a shade a little lighter then her eyes, and light, barely visible freckles splatter the area below her eyes and along the lower half of her nose. Unlike most ninja, Shai has a petite, slender figure that so far seems to retain no muscle and an almost laughable height of 4"7.

Clothing: Shai oftentimes is seen wearing attire of her favorite two colors - grey and lavender. She wears a striped sweater of the before-mentioned colors, atop grey shorts.


Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation:

Wind Release

Earth Release

Clan: Uzumaki Clan

Kekkei Genkai: Magnet Release

Jutsu Style: Ninjutsu; Fuuinjutsu

Subjutsu: -


Personality: Despite the connotations her name gives off, as well as her overall petite appearance, Shai Shinuu is far from a shrinking violet or a wallflower. Passionate and loud about those things she believes in, the ginger is all too stubborn in her beliefs, and couldn't ever comprehend a situation where she ended up being wrong. Often times seen cheerfully engaging someone in a fight either physically or mentally, Shai enjoys competing with others, especially if their intelligent, though losing to anyone is a rather severe blow to her pride. She's not one to mince about her words, as she means everything she says, 100% and anyone who challenges her beliefs better be ready to fight it out. Loyalty towards friends and family is one thing Shai values above all other morals, and she often showcases this belief. Overall, Shai possesses a rather cheerful character, usually seeing the best in people. Despite this optimism, Shai is far from forgiving towards those who have wronged herself or those she loves in any way. Ruthless towards enemies, Shai can quite easily kill others, rarely feeling guilt. When angered which happens very rarely, the ginger exerts a surprising amount of self control, though inside she's quite sensitive. She enjoys meeting new people, and longs to travel the world someday.

Backstory: Long before Shai's birth, an organization of ninjas under her parents rule was secretly born. They hoped to undermine the village Hokage at the times rule, and put her father in rule instead. Their plot was foiled, and both her father and mother faded out of the 4-year-olds life. Shai is unaware of her her parents real backstory as well as her background, as the village elders thought it best for the youngster to not know of her parents treachery. Only about a month after her parents disappearance, the child was selected to become the new Jinchuuriki of her village. Like most who possess such an evil spirit as Shukaku within their body, the child faced persecution that would've cracked anyone who didn't possess such mental strength as she did. She adjusted to having a beast within her body surprisingly well, and quickly attempted to befriend the creature who often referred to itself as 'ore-sama'. At first, Shai disliked the creatures for its apparent blood-lust and many threats to take over her body while she was sleeping and 'kill-them-all for her'. But she quickly accepted the demon for what it was, as it was only one willing to interact with her, the one known about the village as The Demon Child. In spite of the persecution she faced daily, along with Shukaku's encouragement to 'kill-them-all' the girl remained quite optimistic. As she reached her adolescent years, Shai found the only way to sate Shukaku's blood-lust was to train nonstop, against the ninja and civilians of her village. Her days became comprised of challenging those of about her age level to fights. Those who did accept won every fight at first, as Shai did not possess the physical strength to combat such brute force as they presented against her. These defeats both embarrassed and encouraged her to fight harder. Despite the hindrance of her slowly growing body, Shai eventually learned to adjust her fighting skill to her body, relying on her speed and small size to win battle after battle, and soon ninjutsu's using the beasts larger reserves of chakra mixed with her own. Soon, those villagers of her age begin to adjust to her presence, accepting her as one of them. But all of this unraveled the moment Shai lost control of the beast, killing many villagers and destroying half the village. No one blamed Shai harder for what happened then herself, and for the villagers safety, Shai distanced herself further from the villagers, though this time it was by choice.

Gear: Shuriken, Kunai, HyourouGan, Sand gourd, and Sand armor,

Other: Sensor-Type​
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Name: Shoyo Nakasone

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Village Nationality: Komugakure (Village Hidden by Clouds), but soon was moved to Konoha.


Physical Appearance: Shoyo, or Sho as his family and friends call him, is a slender boy, with pasty white skin and dusky blonde hair that reaches down to the just above his shoulder blades on his back and covers his ears and slightly his eyes. He also has deep-ocean blue eyes, which seem to be his most defining feature. He stands at about 5 foot 3 inches, and weighs close to 119.5 pounds. Though he is skinny, he does have some muscle on him.

Clothing: Shoyo typically wears very lightweight clothing, usually consisting off a T-shirt, cloth pants that reach only slightly past his knees, and of course, sandals made in his village. He also wears a fingerless glove on his left hand, with the symbol of Konoha on the back of it, and a serpent's head symbol on the palm of it.


Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Lightning

Clan: Nakasone Clan - The Nakasone Clan is not a very prominent clan in the Land of Lightning. They are known for their ferocious speed, able to disorientate opponents by running circles around them or darting from side to side. They also seem to incorporate animals into their jutsu, like wolves, lions, and serpents. They commonly use Lightning-style jutsu, but some use Fire- or Water-style as well.

Kekkei Genkai: The kekkei genkai of the Nakasone Clan is the Storm Release. Some of the most well known jutsu is; Lighting-Style: Orochi and Storm-Style: Rain of Savagery. A common jutsu known by the clan is Lightning-Style: Viper Strike.

Jutsu Style: Ninjutsu is Shoyo's main Jutsu style, due to the fact his genjutsu skills are close to awful, aside from the most basic ones, and his taijutsu is limited as well.

Subjutsu: Shoyo's subjutsu is taijutsu. He does not hit hard, but he knows how to use his speed to his advantage. He uses it to deliver quick strikes, and then jumping out before anyone knows what happened to them.


Personality: Shoyo is not someone known for being over dramatic. He keeps mostly to himself, refusing despite constant nagging from teachers, other student's, and his own two parents to try and make friends. He would much rather stay in the back of the glass and read a book than make conversation with others his age. This mistakes him as a very timid boy, though it's actually the opposite. Shoyo is very confident in himself, and not afraid to ask for something if he feels he needs it, or offer his opinion if he deems it necessary for him to intervene. He is very blunt in this manner of social interaction, which is one of his downsides. He also has difficulty trusting others, always having a constant worry that someone will try and hurt him and his family.

Shoyo is also quite clever, always assessing a situation before running headfirst into combat. He takes his time to study others movements before going in for a strike, though sometimes he does make the first move in order to check if a foe relies on defense as an offense. This may seem like a good thing, but it is also bad. He tends to overestimate his foes, staying more cautious than needed in a fight. Though he still acts somewhat cocky in his movements once he feels he has an idea of how to take down a enemy, he can still hold back on an essential part of his attack.

Backstory: Shoyo was born in the Village Hidden by Clouds, so he was always used to high places. He was born to his loving parents, Yataro and Nishi Nakasone, both of which who were shinobi of the village. His father was an expert in ninjutsu, while his mother was very skilled in taijutsu. His parents would allow him and his little sister, Kiriko, and older cousin, Nakamaro, to watch the two train on one of the high mountains surrounding the village. Shoyo and Nakamaro always enjoyed watching the two practice in different ways, but mostly enjoyed the skill of Shoyo's father. They enjoyed seeing the power behind his father's techniques, his flowing movements with his hand signs, and the damage it seemed to be able to cause. Meanwhile, though, his sister preferred to watch the elegant movements of their mother, and wanted to learn taijutsu more than anything. Shoyo decided then to want to learn the techniques his father used.

Shoyo continued to grow, training himself while his family looked onwards. They were impressed by the young boy's determination, and took notice of the promise he showed as one of the Nakasone clan. He would spar with his cousin, who was always bigger than him. And stronger. This caused Shoyo to lose many times, and only would triple his effort into his training. He began working on his speed, running laps around his family's home in order to build endurance as well. He used his speed as an asset against his cousin, and came close to winning many times, though ultimately would fall short by just a hair of his older cousin.

A few years passed, and Nakamaro became a genin, only increasing the gap between the two cousins. Shoyo had begun going to more of his father's training sessions, attempting to do the same hand movements and techniques Yataro did to use his Lightning-Style skills. He would keep at it at home as well, trying his best to mimic the way the hands moved. But he never got it right, always messing up somehow, or not going fast enough. He became more and more disheartened, which his father noticed. One day, while Shoyo was training alone, Yataro came out to watch him and instruct him. After about an hour of physical training, Yataro gave his son his first lesson in using his chakra. He showed Shoyo the most common technique of the Nakasone clan - Lightning-Style: Viper Strike. It took Shoyo some time, but he finally managed to get the technique down, able to do it without help of his father.

Soon, Nakamaro became a chunin when Shoyo was 12, and it was during the war that was sweeping through all the land. Shoyo's parents had been called out into action, as had the other able-bodied Nakasone clansmen. Shoyo had no one to train with except Nakamaro, who could still easily defeat his cousin. Though, Shoyo was catching up. One afternoon, when it was just the two boys home, the two sparred with more vigor than ever. It was Nakamaro's strength and experience against Shoyo's speed an determination. The two fought for more than an hour, exchanging blows and taking blows the same. In the end, though, Shoyo managed to sweep Nakamaro's feet from under him, and hold him on the ground long enough to deliver a fake death blow, which was just running a twig across the boys throat harmlessly. The two were both amazed at the outcome, but as much pleased at it as well. Shoyo was becoming better, definitely. After the fight, Nakamaro left out on a mission with his team to help out on a stealth mission in the war. The spar they had was the last time to two saw each other. Nakamaro's whole team had went missing in action, which devastated the Nakasone family, but mostly Shoyo. On that day, Shoyo decided to stay cautious, knowing that he didn't want to get lost from his family like Nakamaro was, even if it meant trusting as little people as possible.

: The only special equipment Shoyo carries with him is three shurikens attached to chains that he usually has linked to his glove. Other than that, he carries the standard paper bombs, shurikens, etc.

Other: None.
(@Tenshi Hinara Accepted!)

(@Bills352 Accepted!)

(@Azalea Accepted!)

(@Refaulted Accepted)

(And I also thank all of you for the tremendous effort on CS's. All of these characters are extremely interesting!
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(@WaffleDog Accepted!)

: Mizu Kimura AKA 'The Vessel of the 9 Tailed'

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Village Nationality: Konoha

Physical Appearance: Mizu is a fair skinned girl who stands at just average height for a girl her age and is just slightly under the average weight for her age as well. (Screw it, might as well just say it.) She has attractive characteristics on her face and has an evenly proportioned body lacking wide hips (There. Done with that). Upon first glance there are two very noticeable facial characteristics of Mizu. The first is the most obvious of the two, anyone can spot it out, the Nine Tailed Fox Markings that come in the shape of six fox whiskers across the sides of her face, 3 on each sides.

A very visible part of these whiskers is the middle left whisker, at the end of it a slight scar slashes down across it, not large but noticeable enough to cut the whisker in two. Some people see these as strange markings, others can spot out right away what it means. The second characteristic that stands out is her partial resemblance to Naruto Uzumaki...strange considering how she is not directly related to him. It's not a bad resemblance, the characteristics still look feminine and compliment her face quite well, it's mainly the stunning blue color of her eyes. The other characteristics that stand out is her naturally brown hair, long in length and tied in a ponytail behind her head. Her face though isn't too puffed out and overall she looks very thin, yet attractive.

All of this of course is complimented by her natural lean muscular build that compliments her speed and agility. Also, on her stomach she has a similar seal that was used to seal the Kyubi in Naruto.

Clothing: A rather simple outfit. Mizu wears a sleeveless purple tang top with visible shinobi mesh underneath. Above that she wears her forehead protector as a chocker loosely around her neck. On her lower body she wears army green shorts, with the normal shinobi toeless shoes. She also wears fingerless gloves on both of her hands.


Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Lightning

Jutsu Style
: Very focused in Taijutsu, and also ninjutsu.

Subjutsu: Very experienced in speed and agility, and focuses on taijutsu and ninjutsu combinations.


Personality: A rather complex individual, Mizu is a individual made up of mixed feelings and emotions that even contradict herself. Due to her situation and history, Mizu is a very scarred individual with perhaps a few mental issues. On the outside Mizu appears to be a normal girl, never too nice nor too harsh. In fact Mizu is actually an extremely stubborn and headstrong individual who has gained a sense of independence over the years. Going with this is her apparent yet non-cocky self confidence, Mizu is usually very comfortable in her various situatoins.

However, Mizu has more flaws to her. She has a tendency to get angered very easily, and she sometimes won't think before she acts. This has a tendency to get her into a lot of fights, verbally and physically. This usually rubs off on people that she's almost too confident in her abilities and that she's got an ignorant bravery too her. It is true though to some extend, Mizu is the kind of person that refuses to take disrespect from other people regardless of status...which tends to get her into trouble...a lot.

Deep down inside though Mizu is extremely venerable. Memories of her childhood still haunt her, certain sounds or sights may...give her 'flashbacks' to those moments. Some may call it PTSD, however many doubt it. Mizu has a lot of anger buried on the inside of her channeled toward both her mother and village, and she isn't really the forgiving type of individual. (Kind of a messy personality but this is the only way I could put it in words.)

Backstory: Mizu is a very well known person around the village of Konoha. She was born a bastard child from a mother who had a set of issues of her very own. To put it in simple terms, she was the result of a secret affair between a relatively young Jonin and the Hokage, who refuses to recognize her as his own daughter despite the obvious evidence. See, Mizu happened to be the ideal child for Konoha's plansk as the Hokage was a direct descendent of Naruto Uzumaki, Mizu happened to inherit the Uzumaki bloodline that is capable of holding the Nine Tails. Still rejecting any form of support for his daughter, the Hokage had his best sealers seal away the Kyubi into Mizu when she was just a baby. Her mother of course, as a shinobi, couldn't really object to such ations as she was, at the time, still very loyal to her village.

Mizu grew up like most Jinchuriki do in a state of loneliness and misery. Her mother, being a single parent, was unable to support the war effort so she remained home while all of her comrades fought for their very lives against Konoha's various enemies. Instead of taking the time to raise her daughter, she instead drank herself away to fight depression. Years all flushed away by bottles of Sake, each drink she neglected her daughter even more. In fact, the only reason about how Mizu learned proper manners and social interations was from her grandmother, who was the closest thing to a mother she ever had. Sadly though, nothing lasts forever. When she was around the age of 6 her grandmother passed away, leaving her with an irresponsible mother she despised and a village who had outcasted her.

One of the most memorable moments from her childhood was getting the scar that divided apart her middle left whisker. It all happened when she was simply wondering the market district looking for her mother when a mob of children, her age, surrounded her. In this traumatic traumatic experience Mizu was knocked on her back side and a sharp rock was thrown at her face, creating a small yet deep cut on the left side of her face, creating a gash that divided her left middle whisker marking.

After that event the signs of her neglect became too apparent to the village, and the Hokage commandeered. He assigned her rather strange uncle, who was a member of the strange ANBU group named ROOT to be her guardian and raise her. This was where her training as a shinobi began, her Uncle took her under his wing inbetween his various missions and taught her to specialize in Taijutsu and the basics of ninjutsu to combine. She learned much under her uncle, who periodically went away on 'trips', such as better manners and to be more sociable. Eventually he signed his niece up for the Academy, which she passed through with average grades, and graduated with her class years later.

Gear: Standard gear.

Other: Vessel of the Nine Tailed Fox.
Name: Hayashi Shinji

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Village Nationality: From the Hidden Frost Village, recently moved to Konoha.

Physical Appearance:

Shinji is five foot two inches. He has a mesomorphic body type, with some muscle. His skin is naturally tanned, and has freckles on his face, shoulders, and arms. Shinji's eyes are a dark brown, and he has short and straight white hair.


Being from a land with a typically cold climate and finding Konoha to be warmer in comparison, Shinji's casual attire consists of lightweight clothing. A grey-blue t-shirt, black shorts, and tan flip flops is all he needs, but he'll sometimes don a pastel blue hoodie with the symbol of the land and village of Frost on the back- a pattern of five circles. One larger in the middle, and a one above, below, and on both sides.

Shinji's current ninja attire is a white, usually unzipped vest over a light pale blue long sleeve shirt that usually has its sleeves rolled up, and slightly darker pants that stop below the knee. The "sandals" are grey-blue, closed-toe, and go up to where the pants end. The soles of the shoes are thick, adding a couple of inches to his height. The shirt has the Frost symbol on the left sleeve, and the vest has it on the back. The outfit is made out of a thick, nonabsorbent material. He has a white pouch and holster that are worn on his right hip and leg respectively.

Shinji wears his forehead protector as a headband, the metal part typically off-center on the left side of his head.


Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Primary water, secondary fire


Shinji belongs to the relatively recently established Hayashi clan, one of the only clans from the Hidden Frost Village. Many of the village's techniques involve snow or ice, and the most common chakra release is water.

The clan itself had been around for about 150 years, and the original members were a group of siblings that participated in the effort to turn the unnoticeable civilian village into one with established shinobi power.

There were three generations in the clan, and being a shinobi clan other than a few people the only ones left are children that were too inexperienced to participate in the war, and the old.

The Hayashi serve under the Daimyo and follow his orders, but the experienced members help advise him.

Kekkei Genkai: The bloodline has no unique abilities, other than holding the knowledge of how to seal the five tails.

Jutsu Style: A mixture of taijutsu and ninjutsu, but it's mainly taijutsu. He has difficulty with chakra control.

Subjutsu: None



Shinji is shy, and although he has a friendly attitude is rather quiet when meeting new people. He's passive and tends not to speak up about his opinions. He has a bad habit of bottling up his negative feelings and not doing anything about them, letting them build. Unless it comes to being asked to do something very dangerous or frightening, Shinji is the complete opposite of stubborn, to the point he's kind of a pushover and could be taken advantage of.

When confronted with frightening situations, he tends to get anxious and hesitant.

Instead of judging people based on what other people say, Shinji tries to get to know more about someone before making any judgments about them. When he makes friends with someone, he tends to be very loyal. If it's for his friends or he feels like it's the right thing to do or necessary, he'll have minimal problems with lying or breaking rules and/or tradition.

He's curious, cautious, and openminded. Shinji enjoys adventures, exploring, and experiencing new things even if it's something small. He's docile, gentle, and tries to be kind to everyone, putting other's needs before his own.

Shinji is proud of his homeland, and is on polite terms with Kokuo, but resents that his path was chosen for him before he was even born and feels that his inability to protest it and say how he feels cowardly. Lots of expectations have been put on him, and lots of pressure to do good. Shinji is self-conscious about his personal short comings.

He also feels some resentment against other villages for the destruction of his own.


During the Fourth Great Shinobi War, all of the Frost Village had to take refuge in Konoha for a lack of skilled ninja. Afterwards feelings of being powerless, wanting to be able to handle themselves in the future, embarrassment, and wanting to be relevant to the shinobi world caused the Daimyo to ignore the peaceful times and task willing young, strong, and intelligent villagers with finding books and visiting other villages to learn as much as they could about fighting and the various jutsu as they could and practicing it until they became skilled. Soon enough he had managed to find and hire a few teachers and had an academy built too, and had children learning the art of fighting.

But his biggest ambition came from stories of the five tails retreating into a forest in the Land of Lightning. While the most trustworthy volunteers trained, they were also told to research the tailed beasts, jinchuriki, and sealing techniques as discreetly as possible. Surely, if they managed to take a tailed beast for themselves they'd become a powerful village! However, becoming a skilled ninja takes years, and it was 129 years after the Great War ended and two new Daimyo successors had taken charge that they were finally ready to actually venture into their neighbor's territory and attempt it. One family that had produced impressive fighters had taken charge with this operation and had devised a sealing technique- the Hayashi clan.

When they were finally ready, the full force of the Frost Village snuck into the territory of the Land of Lightning and into the forest where Kokuo was said to have secluded himself. They managed to track him down. The entire reason for Kokuo's self-inflicted isolation was to avoid confrontations and fighting, but he did not give himself to them. He fought, having pride as a tailed beast but didn't kill. It ended up being his downfall, and he was sealed away in Shinji's father.

The battle caused a lot of commotion, but they managed to just barely avoid Lightning shinobi and returned to the land of frost, with the 5 great villages unsure at first of who had done such a thing, forgetting about the small, still hardly noticeable village in the snowy land.

Eight years later, the same year that Shinji's mother gets pregnant, his father gets extremely ill. With the death of the jinchuriki imminent, the current Daimyo orders that when the time comes Kokuo is to be sealed into Shinji with hopes that he'd be compatible because of his father. He was, but the cost of sealing the beast while she was pregnant was his mother's life.

Shinji was taken in by an aunt and uncle, and was raised being reminded of how grateful he should be to them for taking him in and being praised for his future as the village's hero/told that he had better train and he had better be great. The news had already gotten out that their village had Kokuo, gaining the village some recognition whether it was good or bad, but his fathers death was kept a secret as long as possible. After all, if the strongest ninja was gone and a defenseless jinchuriki was up for taking, who wouldn't jump at the chance? is what they thought.

Then four years after Shinji's birth the next Great War broke out and the Frost Village managed to say uninvolved until the focus was put on the Land of Lightning. With a useless jinchuriki they didn't manage to hold out for long against the armies sweeping through to get to their neighbors and looking for a place to stay- whether invited or not. It was a matter of numbers, and there were always new ninja showing up. For the last few years of the war the civilians had to take refuge in Konoha yet again, Shinji went into hiding with a few shinobi for awhile for his protection and to continue his training, and the shinobi that were left to defend their home were devastated by the end. Afterwards the other armies left the freezing land now that they weren't trying to get at the Lightning Village, and the civilians moved back to their home to try to rebuild it. After a year with not much progress and even more decline in population as a result, in exchange for help rebuilding their ravaged town, Shinji has gone to the Leaf to join a squad.

Gear: Standard gear


Shinji has a strained, but polite relationship with Kokuo. The beast certainly does not appreciate being sealed away, especially to be used for fighting purposes. He also recognizes that it's not Shinji's fault, and although they both realize this and share unhappy feelings about their predicament they still harbor some resentment towards each other. Despite their ability to somewhat sense how the other is feeling, neither one of them openly talks about this to each other, and when they do communicate it is politely. During fights Kokuo will generally take a neutral stance, neither aiding nor hindering Shinji.
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: Kustao Ossogu

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Village Nationality: The Village Hidden in the Leaf

Physical Appearance: Kutsao is a fairly tall and well built kid for his age, standing at five feet six inches. He weighs about one hundred and thirty pounds of pure muscle. He has slightly long, jet black hair, thrown about wildly, and a pale skin tone. Aside from having a constant serious look, he has a gentle face when relaxed that most women would find attractive, if they don't already think he is "hot" because he doesn't wear a shirt with his muscles being incredibly toned. Kutsao has many scars from multiple battles that happen to be fairly large on his torso, all of them are from slashes from swords, varying from large to medium sized. His eyes have dark green irises but other than that are normal with black pupils and white scleroses.

Clothing: Kutsao refuses to wear multiple articles of clothing, hence why he only wear a white torn vest with a yellow trim and tattered black pants, similar to workout pants. He owns a red strip of cloth that he ties in a belt around his waist. He carries his ninja headband of his village on his forehead beneath his long hair.


Rank: Genin. I believe that is the right one...

Chakra Affiliation: Earth although he knows only VERY basic jutsu.

Clan: Kaguya clan... Technically. He has the abilities of the Kaguya clan although it is unknown if his family is related to the clan. Not much is known of the clan except for their ferocity and lack of strategy during wars and fights.

Kekkei Genkai: Shikotsumyaku, the control of one's bones. The main capabilities of Shikotsumyaku is allowing the user to manipulate the speed of their bones' growth as well as the location of calcium deposits allowing for great versatility. This allows them to create weapons of bones that can either protrude from any part of the body, or pulled out and used like hand held weapons. The user was also able to create armour of dense bone underneath their skin. Any bone that they remove from the body immediately regenerates, as does the skin that is damaged when the bones are removed. Users can increase the density of the created bones, making them stronger than steel. This not only makes the created weapons very powerful, but also makes their bodies virtually indestructible. The bones structure can also be hollowed out completely.

Jutsu Style: He prefers taijutsu, but he may use ninjutsu but isn't very skilled with it. He can not use genjutsu whatsoever.

Subjutsu: He prefers to fight with his fists instead of using a weapon.


Personality: Kutsao is not your standard serious kid with no liking for people. He actually loves being around people and he loves having fun with people. Despite his stern look his is only serious when it comes to a life or death situation like fighting or having to eat. Speaking of which, he loves eating more than anything. It is a very fortunate thing that he likes eating healthy things like carrots and steak... Steak especially. Kutsao is a very nice and loving character who finds just about everything exciting. He always finds the good in everything and always has a good time. He is like a little kid in a candy store, but he is a teenager in the world. He is incredibly loyal and protective of his friends and when you are lucky enough to call yourself his friend, he is a damn good one. He is very attracted to women and will flirt with any girl as long as they are hot and fit. He is also a very shallow and oblivious kid when it comes to women. When it comes to fighting, Kutsao loses all sense of safety and technique. He becomes a relentless and reckless beast, fighting all of his enemies, not giving up until his duty is fulfilled. Despite these good qualities, he can tend to be over protective of his friends and he will also get very upset if he is not invited to do something like a mission. He tends to get in trouble often because of his care free attitude towards grades aside from the actual performance grade. He also tends to try and show off everything he knows which can get him in sticky situations.

Backstory: Being born into a family with no special clan or kekkei genkai was very hard on Kutsao, he wanted to be special all of his life. Until one day when he was nine (DUN DUN DUUUUH). He was playing with his little sister when a stranger from a different village showed up and started to talk to them, especially his sister. Kutsao, being the protective kid he was starting to get defensive. He started to talk to the stranger and told him to leave if he still wanted his head. The stranger started to charge at Kutsao, but Kutsao didn't know any real fighting techniques, until when the stranger reached out to grab him. Instantly, he covered his face with his hands and felt weird. He didn't hear anything after that so he looked up and saw a bunch of white and red. He looked around and saw that the white was his bones, protruding from his body and the red was the stranger's blood coming from his limp body in front of Kutsao. Kutsao stared at his hands because that is what all of the people in the movies do, in horror and he retracted his bones, now being able to control the retraction of them. He and his sister told his parents and they were terrified. They went into a library and looked up everything about bone jutsus but couldn't find anything other than a Kaguya Clan file. They read up on everything could about the clan and they figured that they were related to the clan, but only Kutsao. They asked a professional ninjutsu and taijutsu sensei to train him until he was old enough to join the academy. The sensei agreed because he was very surprised about the abilities the young Kutsao had. Kutsao went for the next couple years training with the sensei, learning an incredible amount of knowledge from him and Kutsao was a natural with taijutsu, but not so much with ninjutsu. He had never even tried genjutsu because he thinks it is for wimps to hide behind illusions. He was then sent to the academy when he was of age.

Gear: Nothing. He uses his bones for everything.
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Daichi Aburame

  • Obito.jpg





    Village Nationality


Name: Hideo

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Village Nationality: Konoha

Physical Appearance: Hideo has a very odd appearence. He stands at around 6 feet tall, with medium build, and very pale skin. Right away his most distinguishing characteristics is his medium wavy jet-black hair that's spiked off, pointing right with sideburns that run down to the length of his ears. Going along with this is the two piercings he has on both the lower and upper part of the bridge of his nose, complementing his amber colored eyes...which his right eye is heavily scarred and milky white. He also has a small piercing on his right ear, and various tattoos with various meanings scattered across his torso. He also has a large set of scars traveling up his right calf.

Clothing: Hideo dresses as dark as he looks. The most distinguished pieces of clothing he wears is the black eyepatch, accented with silver, across his right eye, and a very worn black trenchcoat. He wars a grey Konoha forehead protector on his head, and underneath his trenchcoat he wears a black Jonin long sleeved shirt, with grey shinobi pants and dark blue toeless shoes. He always has a pair of leather gloves on, and always has some sort of 'lucky' medallion of some sort on.


Rank: Jonin

Chakra Affiliation: Fire, Water.

Clan: It is unknown wether or not Hideo belongs to a clan, he's never shared that much information with the Village.

Kekkei Genkai: Unkown if any.

Jutsu Style: Hideo focuses heavily on Ninjutsu, and on Genjutsu, knowing very little taijutsu.

Subjutsu: Hideo is an expert in traps, and in sealing. He has standard skills as a sensory ninja as well, and specializes in manipulating his foes.


Personality: This personality heavily contradicts that of his appearance. Hideo is a very light hearted, kind individual who always goes out of his way to be respectful to people, as well as seems to be extraordinarily optimistic, some may call him 'high on life'. It seems that no matter what the situation, no matter how mad he may be, no matter how sad he is, even if his entire family were to be killed Hideo would somehow find something optimistic about the situation and just shrug it off. Going with this, his voice is the exact opposite of his look as well, having a very light, friendly voice (Not Justin Bieber light), along with an infamous grin that he always keeps on his face.

Hideo, despite his vague past which people know is violent due to his scars, is what would be called a 'softie'. Very easily overtaken by his emotions, and not afraid to shed a tear. Going with this is a series of...odd habits. An avid listener to Opera, a die hard fan of cheesy soap-dramas, along with...'less classy' novels. Another very apparent flaw is his over-use of sarcasm going with his odd sense of humor. It doesn't matter the situation, Hideo will make bad jokes, and he will be sarcastic.

Hideo is extremely nosy of other's business, and when interested in an individual for even the slightest reason he tries to find out everything he can about them. Very hypocritical due to how he shares nothing about his past, almost as if ashamed or something. This is probably why the main reason why the majority of the Genin spread rumors about him being some sort of black market agent, or a mad scientist, or maybe even a serial killer!

Strange considering how he is one of Konoha's most gifted teachers. Every genin to pass through his team has shown success later on, and they all speak of his passion toward his students, and his willingness to go the extra mile for them, setting the example for them to follow.

Backstory: Not very much is known about his early life. Hideo was at one time, eight years ago a Chunin in the land of Hot Water before it became a warzone between the clashing Lightning and Fire forces. The war hit the land of hot water the hardest, constant occupation by the land of Lightning ruined the economy, and constant battles ravaged the land. Hideo was found at the sight of a ship wreckage, just sitting there staring into the water surrounded by dead corpses. He wouldn't speak of what happened, it obviously caused distrust that took years to work off. Right away Hideo displayed his 'talent' of manipulation toward the Konoha shinobi, which he was shortly recruited into the ANBU as an interrogator for.

What did Hideo do as an interrogator? That's classified. All of it blacklisted, yet despite his hidden sins Makoto remains the smiling, odd individual that he is. Towards the end of the the war he was replaced by more experienced interrogators, so volunteered for the rank of Jonin, where his skills as a teacher became apparent right away. So instead of pushing him to the front lines four years before the war ended, they made him an instructor. Though the squads passing through him last only a year or two before graduating, and only two teams have passed under him his reputation among his fellow shinobi is well respected.

Gear: Hideo carries tow trench knives on him, and standard shinobi gear.

Other: Now teams will be put together!
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Name: Hana Rinha

Gender: Female

Age: 9

Village Nationality: Village Hidden by Rain

Physical Appearance:

Her most striking feature is the pair of violet eyes that light up her almost Uchiha pale skin. Long hair the color of charcoal flows freely down her back, coming to a stop at her waist. While training, she usually keeps it tied back. Her lips are usually knit in a frown that holds a deep pain odd for someone as young as herself. Her ovular face still holds a little bit of still not outgrown baby-fat, though the rest of her is slender. Noting her age, Hana has yet to reach her full height, being only 4"6.

Clothing: Commonly wears a robe of dark cream, no matter the weather with a usually purple band about her waist. Underneath the robe is a dark burgundy dress she rarely reveals. She wears the insignia of her village about her head. She commonly wears an anklet of burgundy about her left leg, containing the characters

????? (remember).


Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Wind Release

Clan: Rinha Clan

Kekkei Genkai: Rinha Clan's Kekkei Genkai

Jutsu Style: Ninjutsu,

Subjutsu: Excellent in medical ninjutsu, as her clan is known for it.


Personality: Despite her young age, Hana possesses a maturity that most don't gain until much older. She's quiet around most, though she's far from shy, and she rarely expresses emotion, for fear of others taking advantage of her. Rather blunt in her words when she is speaking, Hana also possesses a cruel streak, using her poisonous tongue against enemies. Trust, her trust particularly is hard to attain, though when it is earned, she can become quiet a loyal friend. She dislikes Konohagakure's ninja, as well as most other villages ninja's, as she privately blames them for her clans troubles. Her goals and ambitions are what motivate her, along with the hopes of those who died.

Backstory: Hana, unfortunately, is the first child to be born of the once great Rinha clan, known for their medical excellence unrivaled by any other villages. Over three years ago, another attempt to acquire the clans medical ninjutsu was tried, resulting in the deaths of many of their greatest ninjas. Because of this, the clan quietly retired into the mountains, hoping to be left alone. The phrase, 'It takes a village to raise a child' was a reality for Hana, as everyone in the small village made it their job to both teach and take care of the little girl. The majority of the village apart from her herself was old, much to old fight in any war, or bring any honor their once great village. So these once great ninja attempted to bestow upon Hana all of the knowledge they could before their death. She was the hope of the clan, she was told at a young age. Failure wasn't an option. As the village was mostly made up of the elderly, death was a crucial part of the youngsters life. She was used to seeing those around her die, when her medical ninjutsu could no longer keep them alive. When the treaty was signed, a now 10-year-old Hana, being the only one physically capable of representing her clan was sent to Konoha.

Gear: Carries around Standard Ninja Gear, along with a medical pouch full of supplies.

Other: Possesses what's known as The Mind's Eyes of the Kagura. Can transfer her chakra through her blood to heal others.
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: Satoru Hatakeda

Gender: Male

Age: Eighteen

Village Nationality: Kumogakure (The Hidden Cloud)

Physical Appearance: Satoru has a light build, defined subtly by muscles and just enough weight to keep his bones from protruding anywhere. Overall, he is very lightweight, even being around six feet tall. His skin is a light shade of ebony, making his calloused palms and nails stand out and also bring attention to his eyes, though the irises are a very plain brown. Satoru's thick hair is black, though appears to have a very slight navy tint when it gets lighter. He leaves it to simply hang, the length extending down from his chin to his ears. Oftentimes, his hair is carelessly brushed out of his face, leaving him vulnerable to his bangs falling in his face. Satoru's face is very angular, outlining sudden curve in the skull. His eyebrows and lips are thin, in addition to his nose being slight. His face is not very expressive, instead only characterized by very subtle shifts, making him appear bored most of the time.

Clothing: Casually, Satoru does not change much in appearance. More often than not, he simply wears a skimpy, loose-fitting tanktop and white or khaki shorts, typically sporting and excess number of pockets and strings. He has a tendency to go without shoes, though will wear simple black sandals when called for. As far as ninja attire goes, Satoru does not deviate much from the standard issued Kumogakure jacket. Beneath the white, one-strapped flak jacket, he wears a sleeveless, collared black shirt with a zipper down the middle. His pants are similarly black, cut just before the ankle and can be seen wearing the same sandals as he otherwise would. His black headband is tied around the single strap of his flak jacket. On his back is a strap to hold the sheath of his sword. A white pouch wraps around his waist and hangs behind him. He wears a simple golden band on his ring finger, the ring itself having a small gap keeping it from being a full circle.


Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Fire, Earth

Jutsu Style: Satoru has learned a share of relatively advanced fire techniques, though he does not utilize his ninjutsu techniques. Used even less often for the sheer amount of chakra it can end up consuming, Satoru has a summoning contract with bears, which are useful for either tracking or combat, as he is unable to summon any of the abnormally large bears. Being the Nibi jinchuuriki, Satoru has a lot of chakra at his expense. However, Matatabi's power is almost never triggered as a result of his calm demeanor and his lack of control. He is somewhat competent with regular taijutsu, but he rarely has to resort to this, making his hand-to-hand combat dangerously unpolished. He has yet to access his second chakra nature.

Subjutsu: Primarily utilizing kenjutsu techniques in combat, a large part of Satoru's fighting style derives from his use of Namiwakiru. He has learned to control his chakra well enough to utilize the blade's special quality, even being able to use his fire element to make the blasts all the more powerful.

Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu - shit

Fire Style: Hiding in Ash Jutsu - shit

Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu - shit

Summoning Jutsu - shit


Personality: Satoru has a rather negative outlook on life, expecting the worst out of situations. This is partly attributed to the unfortunate experiences he has had throughout his life. Though he thinks in such a pessimistic manner, which he is not afraid to share with others, he also very idealistic views. He has many doubts they will come to fruition, but Satoru often thinks about the way things could be better. He is a good mediator for relationships in part because of this, but more so thanks to his serene nature. Satoru can sometimes become flustered and stressed, but otherwise remains calm. The only time he will lose his temper is in the event that someone close to him is hurt or threatened severely enough, even then able to maintain an overall apathetic demeanor sometimes. He is level headed and task oriented, able to prioritize things in accordance with his selfless nature.

Satoru is very at ease with social situations. Though appearing reserved, the boy has an impulse to surround himself with people. His sense of humor is dry, taking cracks at ironic jokes whenever the opportunity presents itself. He is an attentive listener, just as content with listening to someone else's problems as well as conveying his own, though only if inquired. Satoru's attachment to people and drive to fit in with others makes him very susceptible to peer pressure. Somewhat lacking in education, Satoru is ignorant on a lot of topics and treats new information with little suspicion, making him gullible. He is somewhat of a perfectionist. This trait shows with a small impulsiveness to fix and organize certain things, provided it is simple and quick enough to, but this is more relevant to his compulsive need to hide his flaws. Satoru is thoughtful with every action he performs and every word he speaks, trying to do whatever he can to please another person. Consequently, his slow way of going about things can sometimes give the impression of him being sluggish and having absolutely no intention of doing anything, where in reality, Satoru is a hard worker.

Once a very conceited individual, Satoru lost a lot of confidence upon the Nibi being sealed inside of him. He is keen enough to notice people treating him differently, making him all the more desperate to appear perfect and serve others. He is very careful in his appearance, both physically and in the way he conveys himself. He has a lack of security and takes anything resembling an insult to him as a personal foul, causing him to shy away before actually offending him. Satoru is dependent on others to confirm things for him, as even the simplest of decisions seem difficult. Without any guidance, Satoru will often switch between ideas and doubt himself. If the situation becomes dire enough and no one else is around to take on the role of leadership, the boy will either panic or manage to revert back to his old sense of self-assurance.

Backstory: Satoru was an accidental product of a one night stand between a womanizer, his father, and a young prostitute, his mother. Naturally, his father left that same night and was never to be found again, completely unaware of the child he had left behind. In spite of it all, Satoru was treasured by his mother and was brought up with the same love that any child deserved. However, it was a life of poverty with the two of them just barely scrapping by without a real home and two meals a day. They were not up to the standards of living and the only reason why he was not taken in by an orphanage was because he had never been registered into any official documents, and thus did not exist. Satoru rarely complained though, instead regarding his mother as hard working and beautiful.

Eight years had passed like this until his mother, wrought by guilt of the poor conditions she was putting him through, abandoned her old job and tried to get a better, more stable occupation. This did not bode well with one of her old regulars. She was stalked through the streets one night, and upon arriving at her makeshift home in the alley, he attempted to attack and rape her. A young Satoru, only seeing it as an attack, was paralyzed with fear. It seemed as though the man's attempts were going to be successful, as people walked by the alley and pretended to not see, when another man showed up. Easily overpowered, the man was pried off of her, only managing to give her a few new bruises. This man, introducing himself as a member of the local Lightning Vanguard, Kumo's elite fighting force, immediately won Satoru's idolization and his mother's infatuation. After that, the man hung around to help them with their situation regularly. Satoru's mother got a stable job as a waitress, and within a couple of years, they were engaged.

At this age, now able to have a better understanding, Satoru was made aware of the truth of his upbringing. In spite of knowing that his real father was not truly responsible for leaving his mother alone with a child, he could not help but harbor a certain degree of resentment. His mother had told him that he took more after his father than his mom, who did not have the same dark skin and thick hair. Knowing this, Satoru was unsure of whether or not he ever wanted to meet his father, but always kept a lookout for a man with his dark skin and thick hair.

He was able to direct his attention away from this, however, and instead acknowledged the Lightning Vanguard as his father and tried to follow in his hero's footsteps. Satoru found some complications with signing up for the ninja academy, considering he had not existed for the past ten years, but since his living conditions had dramatically improved since the Lightning Vanguard came into his life, he was not forced into custody and was eventually accepted a year later. Satoru was not particularly bright, but his determination hastened his progress, spurred on even more by the Lightning Vanguard having to assume his duties in the war efforts and leaving to fight. Two years later, he graduated to being a genin on the same day he received news that his new father had been killed in action. This was deeply upsetting to both him and his mother, and their standard of living quickly began to revert back to the way it once was. Satoru did not allow this stunt his progress, working harder than ever now that he could take a part in their income and that he had inherited his hero's sword, Namiwakiru.

In his efforts, Satoru had managed to slow down their transition back into poverty, but he could not stop it entirely. Still heartsick over her late husband, his mother had trouble staying motivated and was fired from her job. Satoru knew that he could not be separated from her now that she could not take care of herself, but was also aware that he could not shoulder them both financially. The boy had a certain charisma that attracted people to him, so when he began to look into the village's traditions of arranged marriage among the more wealthy estates in hopes are sharing in those riches, he found some interest in him despite his status. Satoru had to skip out on the luxury of three full meals a day once more, but within a year, he had scraped up enough to make himself look presentable for one night and proposed to Ren. Unbeknownst to the boy, she knew about his situation and took pity on him, which remains a secret to this day. With the engagement, which was kept secret from his mother, Satoru was about to improve their lifestyle again. Any time he had to spend with his new fiancé was excused as missions.

Two more years passed, and with the help of his connections, the village's desperate need for more soldiers in the war effort and his progress over the years that was difficult to ignore, Satoru achieved his ultimate goal of joining the Lightning Vanguard. Thanks to this boost in military rank, he was able to bring in more income and rely less on the wealth of his fiancé. At his age of sixteen, he left to join the war, though the residual money he was bringing in improved conditions at home well enough to motivate his mother to go back to working. Things seemed stable for him for a while, as stable as they could be with the nations all warring against each other, and he reached the age of eighteen without incident.

The Nibi Jinchuuriki, a middle-aged woman fighting in the same division as Satoru at the time, received a critical wound, and it soon became apparent that no amount of medical attention could save her. Due to Kumogakure's history with Two-Tails, they knew instantly how to pick a host that would be able to wield Matatabi's power the most effectively. Being on of the best katon users immediately available to them, Satoru complied to their selection of him as the Two-Tails's new Jinchuuriki. He was pulled aside for an emergency sealing technique and was escorted back to the village, as they were uncomfortable with him fighting in the war until they knew for a fact that he would be a stable vessel.

The boy stayed with his mother, ignoring the meditation techniques the village recommended for him to bond with Matatabi. Since he was expecting to be drafted back in the war soon enough, he did not bother with informing Ren that he had returned to the village, as he had been enjoying his time off from having to pretend to be in love with her that had made him feel so fake just two years ago. Though the Nibi is not viewed with hatred, Satoru could easily pick up on people treating him differently. Previously a socialite and utterly full of himself, his confidence began to falter. People who had heard the rumors observed him with caution, avoiding anything that could possibly set him off. Satoru became self-conscious, attempting to appeal to others in any way that he could, but his efforts were in vain, even his own mother not being able to see past his new status as a weapon of the village.

Within just the span of a few months, the war had ended with the Land of Lightning in a dominating position. Before Satoru could pick up life before the war had even started again, he and his fiancé were drafted as a part of the peace agreement and sent together to help on missions in The Hidden Leaf.

Gear: Satoru carries some of the standard gear, barring any bombs. He rarely uses this, though, as all he really needs is his sword.


Namiwakiru, meaning wavecutter, is huge, just exceeding five feet from the tip of the blade to the end of the hilt with the blade being nearly two inches wide.

Weight: Namiwakiru is very heavy, requiring two hands for most people to pick up, let alone handle in combat. While this can slow a person down significantly, the extra weight packs a significant power boost. The sword is not designed to cut so much as it is to crush.

Longevity: The blade is very durable. It takes a lot of careless usage to dull this sword, many materials not able to chip it, such as rock, though it is not powerful enough to cut very far through. Namiwakiru even shows some resistance to rust.

Adaptable: The sword's uses are only as limited as it's wielder's creativity and skill, going beyond the scope of just slashing. Namiwakiru does not allow for much evasiveness but more than makes up for it with it's ability to block attacks. The curved end makes either side of the sword just as lethal, providing a point great for stabbing. Near the hilt is a crescent-shaped hole that is big enough to fit a person's neck.

Chakra Bursts: Namiwakiru does not react to chakra in the conventional way. There is no way to lengthen the blade or coat it with chakra. Instead, chakra must be exerted at the time of the end of a swung, or upon impact. Along the blade erupts a burst of chakra with power equivalent to a small series of explosions, directly proportional to the power of the wielder. The true power in this technique is brought out upon mastery of chakra nature, giving the extra attack that elemental aspect.

Other: He is easily at the level of a chuunin, even having actively participated in warfare, but his glaringly obvious lack of leadership skills keeps him from advancing to this rank. Satoru's inability to think on the spot is a crippling flaw.

Satoru, originally not bothered by the notion of a beast sealed in him, has developed a degree of resentment towards Matatabi. In return, the Two-Tails views him with distaste and avoids him. Determined to ignore each other, neither Satoru or Matatabi have attempted to exchange a single word.

SUMMON NAME | Yoshinobu

SPECIES | Black Bear


APPEARANCE | Yoshinobu does not differ greatly in appearance from many of it's subspecies. A little smaller even on the size of being a medium-sized bear, he weighs around 170 pounds, stretches fifty inches from head to tail and is thirty-two inches in shoulder height. He has a shaggy black overcoat, the only deviation from this being a tan muzzle and a silver splotch of fur on his chest.

UNIQUE ABILITIES | As a bear, his sense of smell is excellent, surpassing even the sharpest of canines in this respect, also having better eye sight. If there is any scent to be found, he can follow it for miles, even into water. Considering his size, he is scaling many things, even able to climb trees. He is one of a few bears that are capable of speaking in human tongue, making Yoshinobu valued as a scout. While not particularly fast, he has great endurance and is hard to tire. He is not meant for combat, though proves just as strong as other bears and can hold his ground, and instead shows more skill in sheer dexterity, capable of opening jars and other tasks usually unique to humans. He has also been taught to taste for food poisoning.

TECHNIQUES | Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu [Reverse Summoning Technique]


SPECIES | Grizzly Bear


APPEARANCE | Masae is considerably larger than most of her species, though not abnormally so. She is seventy-eight inches from head to tail, forty inches in shoulder height, and weighs 480 pounds. Her pelt is consistently a golden-brown and a distinct hump is on her back. She wears an iron chest plate, strapped over her shoulders and also covers her back.

UNIQUE ABILITIES | Masae has the typical skills that come equip with bears - a great sense of smell, decent eye sight, some skills in dexterity, and ability to swim. She is inclined more towards combat situations, powerful due to her size and even fast after a running start. She is also notable for being particularly adept with standing bipedal. She is capable of speaking in human tongues, though is not exactly fluent.

TECHNIQUES | Doton: Retsudo Tenshō [Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm]


SPECIES | Giant Panda


APPEARANCE | Ogai is a blend of white and black fur, the black fur marking his ears, legs, and eyes. He is abnormally large, matching even the size of kage towers.

UNIQUE ABILITIES | Ogai is enormous, therefore capable of tanking hits very well, even without taking his hardened fur into account. His senses are dull compared to most of his species and he has difficulty moving, rendering him useless outside of tanking. He is resistant to most elemental attacks, though not immune by any means.



SPECIES | Polar Bear


APPEARANCE | Jurobei, often called the king of all bears, lives up to his name. With a size even exceeding Ogai, matching the size of other titan summons, he appears obviously prominent. He is almost strictly seen standing bipedal, until moving a considerable distance is needed. The coarse fur of his pelt is an off-white, which emphasizes his black gums and the various scars that scatter across his frame, the most obvious being on his hip where some animal took a great bite out of him. He wears a cream happi and is usually seen chewing on a stalk of wheat.

UNIQUE ABILITIES | Jurobei is just as adept to water as he is to land, if not moreso. He is excellent at swimming, able to be just as fast or flexible as any fish, and has the capacity of holding his breath for extended periods of time. He also has the standard senses and dexterity, as well as a capability of speaking in human tongues. Jurobei has a great reserve of chakra, and with the few ninjutsu he can perform, proves dangerous wielding it. He is great at taking as well as delivering hits, and has a certain degree of resistance to katon.

TECHNIQUES | Kirigakure no Jutsu [Hidden Mist Technique]

Suiton: Suijinheki [Water Release: Water Encampment Wall]

Suiton: Bakusui Shoha [Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave]

[ Initial Chakra Cloak ] Wisps of blue flames resembling the ones that engulf Matatabi form and dissipate at intervals, always appearing to lick downwards. His nails grow a little and sharpen into claws and his overall stance turns more feral, being forced to hunch and becoming more inclined to running quadrupedal. Satoru gets a noticeable boost in his physical attributes, more so in flexibility and speed than strength, but still gains a noticeable boost in that. His katon techniques also benefit from this change, becoming much hotter as they take on a blue color, and cover a wider range than they otherwise would be able to. Satoru automatically enters this state when enraged or endangered, and although he is conscious during it, his only focus are his wrathful desires.

[ One Tail Chakra Cloak ] Matatabi gains more control over Satoru, no longer allowing him to stand bipedal. His pupils become slits, one taking on a yellow tint and the other a green one. The nails that formed from the initial cloak grow even more. The wisps become more visible, taking on a more saturated blue color. They become more frequent and turn into tangible flames, whether they burn or not being up to Matatabi. A tail of pure chakra appears, blue flames swirling all along it's length. His hair reacts a little to this form as well, stiffening enough to stand a little. Physical attributes gain another boost, dramatically improving reaction timing, his speed becoming difficult to keep track of, and his speed becoming more up to par with his other attributes. He can no longer perform typical jutsu, instead only able to shoot powerful fireballs from his mouth. These fireballs have very potent destructive powers, able to create small craters upon impact. Satoru loses consciousness if he stays in this state too long, giving into a savagery that makes it difficult to tell allies from enemies.

[ Two Tail Chakra Cloak ] The chakra cloak becomes more dangerous as Matatabi shuts down every sense of self that he once had. The chakra becomes burning, peeling away at his skin to aid in creating a blood cloak, drawing this from his own injuries. A visible, red lining of sinister chakra will flicker around this form. Any resemblance to the humanoid vessel is completely gone now, for all the world looking like a lesser version of his feline counterpart. A second tail has sprouted and well as short cat ears. The only variation from the blood cloak is his eyes and mouth, which glow a bright white against the black face. The most pronounced feature are the claws that form, becoming a deadly weapon in the agile close-combat approach he will begin to take. Speed and strength are increased again, though he will no longer use fire techniques. After reverting back from this form, Satoru will remain unconscious, body suffering mild to severe burns depending on how long he remains in that state.

[ Partial Transformation ] Satoru enters this state on his own initiative, not being triggered by anything other than a need to tap into this power. A thin veil of blue flames consume his body, becoming a protective cloak of chakra. His nails grow and harden considerably more than in other forms, becoming several inches long. Satoru is free to switch between bipedal and quadrupedal stances as it suits him. A tail sprouts from the back, becoming more clearly defined with black outlines and patterns like Matatabi's own. More than his speed and strength, Satoru gains a boost in his flexibility, reaction timing and katon techniques.

[ Tailed Beast Mode ] In this stage, Satoru takes on all characteristics of Matatabi and is completely under her influence if she chooses. The size and effect of the beast form is directly proportional to their relationship due to the chakra cloak that engulfs the form, both capable of being the smallest and largest of the tailed beasts. This also affects the katon techniques used, though will be the most powerful in this form regardless. This form accesses a wide array of ways to manipulate flames, as well as gains access to the Tailed Beast Ball. In all aspects, however, Satoru cannot draw upon the form's full potential in any aspect until such a bond is formed that they can completely trust each other, which the two are nowhere near as of present.
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Minako Torisei





Village Nationality



Minako wears a thin black form fitting tank top with spaghetti straps under a forest green and brown fighting kimono that she wears styled like a dress that goes down to mid-thigh, baring both her shoulders creating an off the shoulder style dress. On the back, hidden by her weapon, there's a symbol of a small falcon, representing her allegiance to the Torisei clan as well as her summons. She wears small black shorts, hidden from view to protect her modesty in case of aerial fighting. Around her middle she has a dark red obi that is tied tightly in the back in a fancy knot, which also holds her pale yellow fan in place, diagonally across her back. The obi also holds two small weapons pouches, as well as exploding tags and bombs and any other small tool she might need. She leaves her legs bare and has the standard black ninja sandals on her feet. Her hitae-ate is wrapped around her obi in a slanted position on her right side.



Chakra Affiliation

Wind and Earth

Jutsu Style



While her weapon of choice is a large fan to direct her wind attacks, Minako tends to use regular kunai and shuriken when performing Taijutsu, which she often combines with her jutsu.


Minako is a sweet and playful person who is also diligent and hardworking. She cares deeply for her friends and immediate family, as well as any genin she has the pleasure (or misfortune) to teach. She enjoys being out and around, spending time with just about anyone as long as she's not entirely cooped up at home. While she does enjoy some time alone, she hates to drown in it. This also has to do with her playful nature, almost resembling a fox, as she enjoys playing, teasing, and maybe even pranking those around her. Especially her team mates.

Minako is sweet and playful, as well as strong-willed in her beliefs, but easily swayed. Regarding important decisions, such as missions as life or death situations, it is incredibly hard to sway her decision, but it can be done. However, regarding small things like when to meet for training, where to meet, whether she'll pay for lunch, etc. she's easily swayed. She hates making people mad, and because of this, it's rare for her to become angry and stay angry. In general, Minako's a bit too happy. Most of the time, even if she becomes angry, she doesn't stay angry.

Many see Minako as someone who isn't all that serious, and while that's slightly true, where it counts, she's stone-faced. She will do what needs to be done to protect those around her. She refuses to see anyone fall in combat because she couldn't help them, not after her failure as a chuunin. She's made it her life goal to protect those she cares about and keep them happy.


Being a member of the Torisei clan, one of few high clans in the country, Minako had quite a good life. Even being a member of the branch family. From early on, the girl knew she was going to be one of the rare female members who became a shinobi. She hated the thought of just sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the men-folk to come home. She knew she wasn't meant for a simple life of fancy kimono's and child-bearing. While the Clan Elders grumbled, like they always do when a female desires the life of a shinobi, they accepted her decision reluctantly, largely because of the fact that she was of the branch family.

So happily, she entered the Academy, excelling quickly in her studies, especially in ninjutsu. When it was time for her to be placed on a genin team, she was strangely placed on a team with one other female, seeing as there was an uneven amount of kids in the class. Minako accepted it easily enough, and became fast friends with her teammate Akari and her sensei Daisuke. For a year the three continued on this way before they given another team member, a teenage boy named Keitaro. Minako and Keitaro quickly became enamored with each other, given a blessing by both Akari and Daisuke.

A few months later, Daisuke, knowing their teamwork was practically flawless, entered his team into the Chuunin Exams. The three teens were extremely happy and started preparations immediately. They passed the first stage of the Exam with flying colors, and were prepared to do the same with the second stage, but it wasn't meant to be. During the survival stage, Minako's team was surrounded by three enemy teams from the same country who teamed up and were attacking other teams, making sure they all made it through.

While they were one of the strongest genin teams from Kumogakure, they were still genin and couldn't handle the attacks of three teams at once. While they fought their hardest, Akari quickly tired out, seeing as she already had plans of becoming a medical shinobi. Minako as well was quickly becoming tired, but it was Keitaro who fell first, jumping in front of a killing blow meant for Minako. He was able to look at Minako's wide, terror filled eyes and smile gently at her as he died. Frozen in terror, it was when she heard Akari scream that she snapped.

Letting out a high pitched wail, that reminded those surrounding her of a crying hawk, the silver-haired teen attacked, activating her kekkai genkai for the first time. Using the first stage automatically and jumping right to the second, the enemy genin didn't stand a chance. Minako quickly went to chase after the ones that retreated, but a pained cry from Akari held her back. Her newfound ability deactivated itself and she collapsed to her knees, her energy sapped. She never found out what happened next, and has never bothered to find out, claiming the incident to painful to remember.

A year later, Minako and Akari were much different people when they were given a third team member to once again participate in the chuunin exams. Akari was much more reserved, and almost useless in a real fight, having spent all her time training to be a medical ninja. Minako on the other hand had fallen into a deep depression, spending all her time training and detaching herself from others, even Akari and Daisuke. Upon their second time taking the Chuunin Exams, Minako was the first genin to become chuunin and Akari barely made the cut. Soon after Minako didn't stop to rest, quickly working her way into the Jonin Exams, which she passed at age 18.

It wasn't until she had her first genin squad that she started to come out of her depression. The three children she taught, showed her how to be happy again, and by the time they were taking the Chuunin Exams themselves, Minako was more or less back to her old self, even repairing her broken relationship with Akari and Daisuke. It was when all three members of her squad became chuunin that she vowed to herself to try to always be happy and to never let another loved one fall in battle, especially when they're protecting her.


[Name ; ]


[Origin ; ]


[Kekkai Genkai ; ]


M?kin: Sensei k?geki (Bird of Prey: First Strike) - The users eyes turn fierce, brown with a black undertone, and beady, like a bids. It entrances the users opponent(s) and renders them immobile with fear, giving the user a chance to strike quickly.

M?kin: Nijik?geki (Bird of Prey: Second Strike) - The users eyes become completely black, looking slightly possessed and beady. It strikes fear in the users opponents and enhances the users speed when running and attacking.

[summons ; ]

Falcons, Hawks, and Eagles

(A member summons one of the three birds and that will always be their Summons)


Ryoichi Kunikida

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Village Nationality: The Village Hidden Among Dreams

Physical Appearance:

Ryoichi is a rather tall young man, standing at just about 6 feet tall, and weighing in at close to 146 pounds. He has pale white skin, due to his raising in a quite moody area close to the Land of Fire. He has long, spiky black hair that reaches down to his shoulders. He is a well built boy, with enough muscle on him to show he keeps his body in shape, though a bit on the slender side. He has bright blue eyes, and he has a clan tattoo on his back and all along his arms in invisible ink.


Ryoichi typically wears his ninja chain armor over a black long-sleeved shirt that he keeps the sleeves rolled up past the shoulders. Over that, he wears a blue vest with a large collar that he keeps up to protect his neck. He wears loose black pants for easier casual movements, and black fingerless gloves to keep his hands protected while in combat. He has grey ninja boots, with some blue cloth tied around them. He wraps bandages around his right leg where he straps his kunai and paper bomb pouch, and keeps his shuriken and smoke pellets in the pouch attached to his belt at his waist. He also has bandages wrapped around his upper arms and up to the palms of his hands. He also has a small tube necklace around his neck, with the tube containing a few rolled up pictures of his family and other people important to him.


Rank: Jonin

Chakra Affiliation: Fire and Earth

Clan: The Itami clan: The Itami clan is a clan usually unspoken of. It is small, and it is said that they are far ancestors of Uchiha bloodline, though this isn't true despite the the close similarities in appearance. They prefer to stay small, and usually are very humble individuals. Some members do not follow the quietness of them, though.

Kekkei Genkai:

Grand Fantasma Transformation Jutsu

Grand Fantasma Transformation is a kekkai genkai that involves the user to transform their body into a touch exoskeleton that resembles, well a skeleton. In this form, the user is unable to use any sort of ninjutsu, but is more powerful in taijutsu and juinjutsu. The exoskeleton usually resembles a deceased person important to the shinobi who uses this jutsu. The user can also only hold this form for a limited amount of time before it takes a toll on the original body. If in the form for too long, the shinobi's internal organs may start failing, resulting in death. Thus, it takes a lot of training to withstand the transformation for more than a few minutes. Ryoichi can hold his for about 4 minutes at a safe amount. At the near limit, he can go another half minute. It also takes time for the user to channel the chakra needed in order to perform this art.


Jutsu Style: Skilled mainly in taijutsu.

Subjutsu: Juinjutsu



Ryoichi is one of the few people who stray from the typical Itami. While his parents and siblings are humble and quiet, he is outgoing. He is not afraid to speak his mind, and will offer his opinion in any situation. He can say anything with no regrets to what the reaction is. He is an optimistic teen, always looking on the brighter side of things. He is hyper and energetic, always moving around like a sporadic moth.

Ryoichi, behind everything, is still depressed. He hides his feelings with a smile, and does his best to stay positive for those around him. He doesn't like looking at sadness, which only sets him into a deeper depression, and makes him lose his sense of logic. He will react purely on instinct. This can make him dangerous, because in deep depression, he can have violent bouts of rage, and hurt people unnecessarily.


Ryoichi was the second oldest born of three other siblings. His father, Oda, was born into the Itami clan, and was a nice man, though too cautious for his own good as a shinobi of the Leaf. His mother, Fumi, was part of the Hasekura clan from the Hidden Leaf. Ryoichi had one younger brother and sister, and one older sister. He was the frailest of the bunch overall, and most thought he was not going to survive. But, he did, and was considered a miracle for it. Though they may regret it later.

Oda died when Ryoichi was just turning two, so he never got to know his father. Oda had died from an accident involving a mysterious assassin, though no one ever figured out the reason Oda was targeted. The clan believed it was a way someone was trying to steal his Kekkei Genkai, and hopefully failed.

Ryoichi grew up as normal as possible with his mother and siblings, with the support from the Itami and Hasekura clan combined making it easy for them to thrive. Ryoichi always felt a hole in his heart, even at a young age, where he felt as if he was missing something important to him. Of course, that was his father. He had plenty of father figures to look up to, including his sensei in the academy, his family in the Hasekura side of the family. He mainly identified himself as Itami, though, due to he always felt his Kekkei Genkai came from that side, though it hadn't shown until he was older.

Ryoichi's sister, Echiki, was an ace student. Experienced in genjutsu, she was praised for her skill. She had a near perfect win rate when it came to challenges from other genin and chunin, only ever losing to her friend and later husband, Amane. Ryoichi always aspired to be as skilled as his sister, and swore to do the best he could in the academy. Of course, he did nowhere near as well. He barely skimmed past in his classes. He never won in a sparring with his fellow genin. But he kept trying, even though it was dim he would be a great ninja.

One day, on a mission with his teammates, Hitoshi and Tsuki, and his teacher, Tadako, they were supposed to check for a ninja who had gone rogue and was on the criminal list for the Hidden Leaf. By then, Ryoichi had been training extensively in taijutsu and juinjutsu. He was excited to be on such an important mission. Though Tadako was skeptical, she had made the exception to the three students to help her with her mission.

They soon found the ninja, who was also prepared for them. Before they even knew what was happening, the ninja, also a former jonin, attacked them with Lightning-Style jutsu. Tadako and the team of genin fought the man toe to toe, with alternating moves. Ryoichi mainly stayed up close and personal, his sword attacks keeping the man from doing any over powerful jutsu.

The fight lasted a long time, going for most of the day, until Hitoshi went in to strike, and had made a bad move. The rogue attacked Hitoshi, riddling him with shurikens. The boy genin fell to the ground, on the verge of death. Ryoichi was immobilized, unable to fathom what had happened. The rogue ninja took this moment in awe to strike at Ryoichi, who was the closest. But he never got a chance to land a hit. Ryoichi had had a revelation, and had learned his Grand Fantasma Transformation. He transformed into the exoskeleton form, and immediately killed the ninja in a fit of extreme anger. Tadako later told Ryoichi that he reminded her of his father in that form.

After the rogue was killed, Ryoichi transformed back into his normal self, since he could only handle the form for a few seconds at the time. He blacked out with one last look at Hitoshi. He was later brought to a hospital, where he was in bed for about a week due to his seemingly organ damage, though they were just tired.

After the incident with Hitoshi, Ryoichi began trying harder as a genin. He trained himself in taijutsu and juinjutsu mainly, though he did take time to work on some ninjutsu and even started researching senjutsu. He graduated as a jonin, and moved from his home to Konoha, where he serves as a new jonin. He still carries a picture of Hitoshi in his necklace, always wanting to stay happy for his deceased friend.

Gear: Ryoichi carries the standard ninja gear, aside from his shortened katana dagger he carries on him. It's his primary weapon to use in combat, since his juinjutsu skills are very powerful.



A Great Owl and a Helldog.

(If I have to nerf him or anything, I will.)
@Infinities Lover @Refaulted

Awesome characters, can't wait to see both their personalities and skills in action. Accepted for both if you!
Name: Akira Ashikaga

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Village Nationality: Hidden Mist Village

Physical Appearance:

Clothing: Akira normally wears an overly-sized tan sweater with some pure white shorts for most of the time, as he doesn't really have access to other clothes. This may change as time goes on, but for now it's all he'll be able to wear.


Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Water element first, then later Earth.

Jutsu Style: Taijutsu mainly, with some ninjutsu sprinkled in.


Personality: To be quite frank, he doesn't have one. To those who think that he does, he just copies whatever he sees and hopes for the best, which usually ends out very poorly for the kid. Being that he stayed away from society for so long, he doesn't have a lot to talk about, yet he talks anyway. He's like a motormouth, constantly spewing information that he and, most of the time, everyone else has already heard before, so he has a tendency to repeat himself. He's not a malicious or a bad kid, and he's not even a goody two-shoes or an example for heroism. Akira just kind

Backstory: Akira has no idea where he came from. Around the age of 3-4, he was abandoned by his parents for some still unknown reason and has lived on his own ever since, scavenging for food and making the best with the only clothes he's been able to successfully pilfer from people, the only thing ever truly his being a Mist Village ring, which he has yet to remove. Akira never really had the opportunity to develop a personality, due to the fact that he was so far removed from the society of the Mist Village. The only reason he ever actually went to the Ninja Academy was because he had overheard a bunch of kids talking excitedly about how they were going to learn how to be strong, so he wanted to go as well. However, due to the aforementioned lack of a personality, when it came time to attend the ninja academy, he was all over the place with how he tried fitting in with the other students, which inevitably ended in a gigantic failure. One day he would try and emulate someone's over-joyous attitude, and then the next day he'd act distant and lonely from everyone else, not exactly understanding that that wasn't how a vast majority of people people acted from a day-to-day basis. Nobody, and I mean nobody, wanted to be around or associated with someone they viewed as an “emotionally idiotic flip-flop”, and it seemed like it wouldn't have boded well with Akira, but....

To his surprise, he didn't feel a damned thing when everyone rejected him. No heartbreak, no sorrow, hell, not even a smug sense of satisfaction at all. Just...nothing. It didn't exactly worry him, since he never really even got to know the people in the first place, and it seemed as though if no one brought it up to him directly, then it wasn't a problem. Plus, it wasn't like he was gonna interact with those other students any more, so he found even more reason to just shrug it off.

After his graduation, he hastily grabbed what few belongings he had to his name and headed off from his home, thinking that he was on top of the world and that nothing would be able to stop him with his newly acquired skillset...until hunger, thirst, and fatigue hit him like a ton of bricks and caused him to have the 'pleasure' of going onward for about a month with barely any food and drinkable water. He happened to stumble across a port and they graciously fed him, allowing him entrance to the boat to the Land of Fire in exchange for working on the boat, which was probably the greatest mistake of his life. Suffering from vast physical abuse on the ride there, he was tossed off on the other side with some pretty serious injuries.

Accepting the help from the folk in the Land of Fire, he patched himself up and headed straight for the Hidden Leaf Village, with his same blank mindset in tow.

Gear: Only a single kunai and a paper bomb.

Other: None.
Name: Makato Iwasaki

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Village Nationality: Konoha (Hidden Leaf Village)

Physical Appearance: Makato has crimson, spiky red hair. On the right side of her head, her hair covers her eye in the front. The longest part in the front barely touches her shoulder and gets shorter towards the back, stopping an inch before her hairline (kinda like a backwards high-low). Her left side is shorter than her right, only reaching to her chin. She tends to keep this side pulled back behind her ear. It gets shorter to the back too and stops at the same length as the other side. Makato has bright hazel green eyes with a devious glint in them and that smirk on her face that spells trouble. She has olive skin, is around 4'11, has a well built body especially for her age, and is around 92lbs. A noticeable characteristic to note would be her calloused (and sometimes bruised) knuckles due to the extra training she puts in constantly.

Clothing: Makato wears a skin-tight, black shirt that covers her neck and stops just before her elbows and ends past her navel. To go over this, she wears a loose, forest green crop top that stops before her navel. She wears dark brown, skin-tight armbands that end at her wrist and black fingerless gloves with the leaf symbol on the right glove. Makato has loose, navy blue shorts that stop at her knees that also match her blue ninja sandals. To top it of, she wears a thick, cream belt with a pouch attached to it, carrying most of her ninja equipment. The rest of it is stored away in her blue holster on her right leg.


Rank: Genin

Chakra Affiliation: Earth- primary, Fire-secondary (learns much later)

Jutsu Style: Makato will rely mainly on her taijutsu in battle since her ninjutsu is pretty bad. She can still do it, but it takes up a lot of time and energy for her to do it right.

Subjutsu: None


Personality: Makato is a short-tempered girl who's very impulsive and sarcastic and rude at times. Overall, she can be a really unpleasant person towards you if you rub her the wrong way. She hates studying with a burning passion, and will do anything to sneak get out of class. Probably part of the reason why she's not the greatest at ninjutsu. Also, Makoto likes to think of herself as "one of the guys". She's not afraid to get down and dirty with things, and most of the time, she feels like she can associates herself with the guys more so than the girls.On the bright side maybe, she can be one-track minded when it comes to goals that she's determined to achieve, and refuses to quit until she's reached that goal. Otherwise, if she finds no point (according to her logic) to a goal or task, she’ll most likely blow it off or just not give 100% effort into it (and whine and complain and make everyone else’s life for that moment miserable).

Backstory: Makato grew up in a small village with her parents and siblings as the youngest of 5 children. Her older siblings are all boys ranging from 22-15 years, and they are all full-fledged ninja, just like her father. For as long as she could remember, her dad has always had a traditional view on what family life should be like. He believed that women should only do ‘women’s work’ like clean the house, raise the children, cook the meals, and never get their hands dirty with any of the ‘men’s work’. This is part of the reason why Makato’s dad married her mom, a seamstress. Even when Makato was younger and play-spared with her brothers, her father would frown upon it.

As a young child, Makato always looked up to her mother like most young girls in the village and wanted to become like her someday, so this rule of her father didn't bother her too much. As the years went by, however, she noticed the change in attitude between her, her father, and her brothers. Makato’s father showed favoritism towards the boys in general, especially towards the oldest, since he was always top in his class. However, he pushed off any accomplishments Makato had, or maybe he just didn’t notice. She couldn't tell the difference.

At six years old, Makato’s dad and a few other ninjas from the village left to go fight in the war. This put a strain financially on the family, but her mother’s smile never wavered in front of the children, no matter how bad things may have been at times. The common-folk in the village didn’t know too much about the events that took place during the war. Only the rumors that come and go with the travelers and the ninja that lived to tell the tale provide the village with any details. The men, whoever was left in the end, didn't come back until the end of the war, two years after they left. The ones that did come back were renowned as heroes in the village and showered with praise for “defeating those devil-spawns of men in the Land of Lightning”. But to Makato, the only people that came back were broken men that were shells of themselves, at least, that’s how her dad acted when he came back. The man that used to be friendly and light-hearted to his family was now a cold and distant man. To top it off, a couple months after her dad came back, her mom died from sickness. They all knew it was coming, with her fighting the sickness even months before her dad returning, but nobody was really prepared for the consequences. With her mom gone, Makato’s dad cracked down on her "duties as a growing woman", even pressuring her sometimes, telling her "what would your mother do if she was here? Do you think she would like how you're acting?" This kind of pressure worked for a while, but after a few years of this she finally had it. She was done with this "women's duties" and "women can only do this" nonsense. "If mother was here she'd tell me to be happy and do something I want to do, and it sure ain't any of this crap!" That was the last thing she said to her father before she ran away. She hasn’t seen her father since.

She knew one of her mom's old friends in a nearby village and begged the lady to take her in and promise not to tell her father of her whereabouts. After some consideration, the lady agreed and took Makato in. At home, the brothers immediately offered to search for Makato, but in a fit of rage, he told them to forget about her, that she wasn’t welcomed in this house anymore.

As soon as she settled into the new lifestyle, she had two new goals in mind: she wanted to prove to everyone, especially her father, that she wasn’t just some fragile girl who’s only good for cooking and cleaning. She wants to be famous like her father and all the other war heroes in the village. She wanted her name to be known throughout the Land of Fire. She enrolled into the academy and trained her butt off day-in and day-out, becoming stronger than most of the kids in the school. It all payed off in the end when she graduated and became a genin.

Makato’s already taken the first step to her goal: she’ll show them all that she could surpass them, her dad-the war hero, her brother-an ANBU black op, and anybody else that stood in her way. Hell, one day she’ll even surpass god.

Gear: Standard Ninja Gear, with some extra shuriken stars for when she’s out training

Other: none

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