The Chocobo Champion
Emerie Sairento
Team Makoto
Team Makoto
Emerie didn’t stop cutting at Shinjiro’s warning. If they wanted to stand around and brainstorm for the rest of the time limit they could do just that. By the time they came up with a plan Emerie would have at least made a sizeable dent in the amount of wires.
Emerie sliced each wire in her path, being sure not to miss any so she wouldn’t get caught up. She felt a tickling sensation sround her legs. It was probably just mud hardening or something, so Emerie just ignored it. Instead she focused on how there were so many damn wires. Who had the time to set all of this up, and why? It was obnoxious. They’d have a lot of work to do after Emerie was through, and she didn’t feel bad in the slightest. The mud stained genin didn’t understand why her teammates were so indecisive.
The young girl couldn’t help but wonder how her other classmates tests were going. Hell, she’d be gassed to death than get covered in mud. What jonin would gas their students though? Not any Emerie had heard of.
QuirkyAngel Phayne