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Fandom Naruto: A Shinobi's Life Characters

Hikaru Hajime
Age: 13

Gender: Male

5' 6''

Personality: Hikaru is an outgoing, carefree guy. The most he wants in life is to be surrounded by a good group of friends. He has the desire to make those around him happy and never let anyone down. With a drive to always better himself he tries his best when it comes to learning to be a ninja. He wants to skills to impress and protect those around him. To be looked up to as a great person is all he wants in life.

History: Born in a small family without much name value, not much was ever expected of him. His parents were both Chunin, while being kind people, they went on without much renown. When he was young he'd like to spy on the older kids practicing jutsu. He built up a desire to become a great ninja known by all in order to bring respect to his family name. He would "play ninja" with the other local kids until he was finally old enough to enroll into the academy. He would play with toy swords and eventually became the best "swordsman" among his play group. Right before joining the academy his father gifted Hikaru an expensive, well crafted katana which Hikaru named Kibo (Hope).


  • Driven
  • Outgoing
  • Skilled in Kenjutsu and Taijutsu from spending all his time playing ninja with play swords.
  • Proficient In Basics
  • Team Player


  • Emotional
  • Can Be Ostentatious
  • Impatient
  • No Kekkei Genkai
  • Cocky


Rank E
All Academy Jutsu
Rank D
Rank C
Rank B
Rank A
Rank S
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Name: Rozu Uzumaki, being named Rozu by her parents, which translated to Rose.
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference: Bicurious
Alias: The Rose hidden in the Leaves

Personality: Rozu is a go to-happy girl who is always caught with a grin slapped on to her face, with elation being a key ingredient in her everyday life. Those who have met her have relished the experience, explaining it to almost being as if they were meeting a child. She's sweet, cute, loving, and innocent. Some people have gone as far as to say she sort of reminds them of a younger sister. Rozu is open and honest, finding it hard to fit into social ques and norms, not understanding stereotypes, sarcasm, or even blatant rudeness. This adds to her innocence factor, but people have exclaimed it to be exclusively more ignorance than it is innocence. Due to how she is, she has trouble fitting in. It's so bad that sometimes she has trouble connecting with others, even being unabe to act formally at formal events.
Rozu is an Optimist, never liking to see the worst in people, and only wanting to see their happiness. She is the face of positivism, finding it ultimately hard to get her anything but. She's a straight up lover, only wanting to fight seriously it's an absolute must. She finds violence as an unnecessary thing that just takes everything out of context. Due to this, you can find that in most fights, especially sparring with allies, she will hold back most of her strength as to not hurt the ones she's grown to care and love. She loves to spar and fight, to get stronger, to protect something. But meaningless violence? No, she hates it. She's sensitive, combining with her unknowing of societal norms, creates a blubbering disaster full of slight anxiety, mumbles, and whispers. While having no trouble talking with others, the problem starts when she actually has to start making friends. Bonds are not something she's good at making, or, in a sense keeping. To her, it's weird, and awkward, and gives her this feeling of anxiousness in her stomach, due to the constant thought that one day she could lose them due to the monster within her.
You can find that Ray get's upset easily, well, that is when she knows she has something to be upset about. She get's flustered and red in the face, her movements rigid, her voice gone as you've caught her speechless. This can be also be told true for her receiving compliments, the blush on her face so clear and evident, Her Aunt Sakura herself fearing that one of these days Rozu would fall for someone just because they commend her for something that catches their eye. It's easy to sway her to your side, as she isn't too hard to win over. Hell, all you have to do is give the girl a cookie, and she'll be eating out of your hand. Cookies being one of her weaknesses, as she has an overwhelming craving for them. Even when Raven takes over, she finds it hard to resist the call of the cookie, it's smells and tasty figure beckoning her to take a bite out of it's warm body. Taunting her, torturing her until the want takes over and she falls deep.
Though Rozu is pacifistic in nature, not liking to use violence, if someone were to hurt her friends or family, there is no mercy. She would deliver judgement on whoever dared to hurt them, through any means necessary. When things get serious, when someones life is in danger, when she is needed, her personality will shift. To others, this would seem as if she had another personality, well, other than Raven. But, no, it is just her, showing that she isn't messing around any longer. Her cute and innocent smile will be replaced with a cold glare and a snare, with all emotion erased from her body. She's merciless, ruthless, and holds nothing back until she's sure that the person in question is safe. Some have said that it's like she's a beast, a wolf in sheeps clothing, as they weren't able to believe that so much power is kept behind someone so small.
Rozu has a very strong and curious mind, that if were to put to good use, could make her an extremely powerful asset. She's smart, creative, adaptive, able to change in a moments notice to fit a situation better. Her creative mind is seen evident by the fact that the blueprints and idea for the Rose of the Abyss were all created by her and her alone. Of course, the material itself was helped gained by Sakura, but she made the blueprints and the main idea for it. She has the mind of a leader, though, the mind-set of a follower. If she were to just gain the confidence, she could lead an army in a losing battle and come out victorious with sets of complex moves and strategies, but she can't. She doesn't like the spotlight, and not to mention the inferiority complex. All she needs is a little push.

But, there is a dark side to Rozu. A very, very, very dark side. She has Dissociative Identity Disorder, D.I.D. A disorder characterized by two or more distinct personal identities in one person. With Rozu, her other personality is the monster known as Raven. Raven is the exact opposite of Rozu, in almost every way. She's confident, strong willed, and not afraid to speak her mind. Raven is an individual who needs no one else, and is just fine on her own. This might be a good thing, if she wasn't so mad.
Raven is, well, mad. She's practically insane. She's a cunning mastermind with a witty personality and harsh backdraw. She's the type to torture someone while fighting and call it "Fair sportsmanship". She's a crazy, seductive, and manipulative person who would go to any lengths to get what she wants, or more truthfully, what Rozu wants. You see, Raven doesn't see herself as an enemy, another personality, something that Rozu is afraid of. No, she sees herself as Rozu's friend, her ally, the only person she can trust. Everyone else be damned, because Raven is the only friend Rozu has, that is, in her mind. No matter how terrifying, how crazy, or how senile the things that Raven does are, truthfully, even Sakura has stated it, she does everything for Rozu. Raven is everything that Rozu wants to be, but isn't. Raven does all the things that Rozu herself thinks about, but never has the guts to say, or do. Raven sees herself as an ally, no, a savior.
Though Raven isn't invincible, she still has her weaknesses. And most, are the mental ones Rozu has. She can't hurt the ones that Rozu herself has grown a close bond to. She may be able to hit them, hurt them, but she can't inflict the same damage upon them that she would be able to towards a stranger. And those who hold a very special place in her heart, such as say, a lover, or her God-Mother Sakura, she won't be able to hurt at all, and does almost whatever they say. But, there are periods where she gains a great amount of willpower, and overcomes this, shown when she fought and crippled Sakura Uchiha.
History: Unknown, for now

  • Speed: Rozu has always been fast, preferring speed over all else. Though she is very powerful strength, when it comes to her speed, she's practically unrivaled.
  • Scythe: Though most Shinobi use more common fighting styles, swords, kunai, bow and arrow,, etc. She uses a large crimson Sickle to fight, of which weighs a very large amount. Shocking people as to just how she can wield such a weapon so easily, and then surprises them even more by just how physically strong she is to be able to wield said weapon so easily. She is also quite skilled in Bojutsu.
  • High Adaptability: Rozu is highly adaptable, able to change how she moves, but her entire fighting style in the middle of battle if need be. To fit whoever she is fighting. She also is able to use her Adaptability during training, catching on to techniques in days that would take normal people months to master.
  • High Chakra Reserves: The Members of the Uzumaki clan are renown for their willpower and high reserves of Chakra. Rozu is absolutely no exception. She has a multitude of both Chakra, Willpower, and life energy. Able to fight much longer than what most people are capable of.
  • Genjutsu Affinity: Being half Uchiha, she has an aptitude for Genjutsu, higher than most. As well as a drawing to Fire, Lightning, and Wind Nature Transformations.


  • Trust: Being as kind and naive as she is, at first thought, she will like you with all her might, or at least try too. This leads to her having given her trust to people who don't deserve it, of which leads to them breaking her trust with ease.
  • Friendship: While she has no problem giving people her trust and really making friends, it's sustaining strong bonds and relationships that mess her up.
  • Combat: Though she's a strong fighter, when it comes to combat, she finds it hard to use her full power unless need be. Though, this may be able to be perceived as a good thing.
  • Inexperience: No matter how strong she is, it doesn't do much unless she has the skill to back it up. And she just simply doesn't have enough experience behind her belt.
  • Cookies: As stated before, cookies are her greatest weakness. Even Raven herself has trouble not breaking her will down due to the sound of the crumbling cookies.


Clan: Rozu is a half breed, with her father dawning the name of the Uzumaki, and her mother that of the Uchiha. It's said that however, between her and Raven, the initial abilities of each of her clan counterparts are shared between them. Rozu representing her Uzumaki side, and Raven her Uchiha side. From her clans, she's inherited quite a few things. From her fathers side, she inherited the immense chakra, will power, and life force of the Uzumaki. Meaning that she ages slower, for one, heals faster, and holds much more energy than those around her. But not only that, she's inherited the clans Fuinjutsu, and the Adamantine Sealing Chains, certain chains covered in gold chakra, made entirely of chakra. They are almost impossible to break, and she can summon them from any part of her body, make as many chains as she wishes, and even manipulate properties of said chain. Though it does put stress on her body. From her Uchiha side, as one could be able to see, she has the Sharingan Dojutsu. Of which she has yet to awaken.

- Basic Academy Ninjutsu, Substitution, Clone Jutsu, Transformation, etc. etc.
Body Flicker Technique: Body of the Rose - This is a technique she uses many times, mostly in combat. It's apart of her own fighting style, combining the uses of the Body Flicker Technique and the Substitution technique to create this jutsu. In this jutsu, right before an attack hits her, she uses the substitution Jutsu to leave a mountain of Scarlet Rose Petals in her wake, while using the Body Flicker Technique to move at an extremely fast speed, appearing at another location to attack once more. She does this many time in battle, using it as her scapegoat every time, saving her ass at the last moment. She later learns to change the properties of her roses, allowing her to install them with Chakra for a multitude of affects.
Rose Void: Rose Hurricane - A specific Taejutsu move. She moves at an extremely fast pace, kicking her opponent in the air. Before they can react, she appears behind them and changes her Scythe into it's Assault form, shooting a blast of chakra down at them, forcing them downward. From there, she comes back down in a spinning fashion, spinning violently and slicing her Scythe in the air. Wind rushes and forms around her, enhancing the cutting power as Roses emit from her body. She drives her opponent to the ground, hitting them constantly as she does. Massive amounts of wind and petals are released. Later on the technique is edited slightly, including the changing of Rose properties, etc. etc.
Abyssal Selene - Coursing Chakra from her body into her Scythe, the Scythes material, being chakra absorbent, takes in that chakra and changes the form of the blade. It becomes concentrated with high amounts of chakra, taking the form of a crescent moon of Chakra. This Crescent moon is very powerful, able to cut through practically anything, and with the amount of force it exerts, it's more than enough to over power most foes. At the beginning, she can't really use this technique, only an imperfect version, but still holding power.

code by pasta
Bores Yuki



Ice Demon Zero



Yuki Clan

Team Two

    Bores is a calm guy, normally laid back and bored. He constantly releases a "cool guy" attitude wherever he goes, no pun intended, of which naturally makes people loose around him. Though, this is less of him being extremely calm, and more of his tendency too be too lazy to care. He can be seen many times lounging around Konoha, or sleeping, sitting down doing nothing, etc. etc. He's gotten put on the spot countless times about this in his Academy and Genin days, and even, if so especially his Chunin days. Though he seems to put more energy into everything he does as a Jounin.

    But when it comes down to it, when it comes down to him being serious, and when lives are at stake, he will do everything in his power to protect those he cares about, and those in need. When the time calls for it he will stop at nothing to be of use. He's cautious and careful approaching problems very carefully, as to not make more damage than the problem itself caused. He's also very loyal to his comrades and village, making him an amazing person to have as an ally.

    Though sometimes he is harsh and rude, he is truly kind and warming when it comes to his true intentions. Regardless of what he does, it can be stated in fact that there is always a reason for what he does, they may not always seem like the right way, or the best way to go along with it, but he has the best intentions in his mind, as to help as many people as he possible can. This has labeled him somewhat of a "loos cannon", along with many other factors. He's hard to control, hard to keep in line, and tends to react upon instinct and emotion most of the time. What makes it even worse is, he keeps in mind that analytical skill of his, making him not only hard to predict, but hard to prove what he's done really wrong. This has angered many people on many occasions. People have described him as hard to work with, arrogant, annoying, bias, etc. etc.

    He's a Gentleman, in all true mannerisms. He shows this constantly, to ladies mostly, but is kind to guys as well. Due to how he unconsciously makes rooms cold as he enters them, he would give his jacket to someone who finds themselves shivering. When on a mission, and attacked, if there is someone who needs more medical attention than him, he will make sure they get attended too first. Though he's stubborn, annoying, and practically impossible to work with, stated by others to be the most inconsistent bastard they'd ever had the displeasure to work alongside, he makes up for it with his natural kindness and need to help others.

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Bores Yuki



Ice Demon Zero



Yuki Clan

Team Two

    Bores is a calm guy, normally laid back and bored. He constantly releases a "cool guy" attitude wherever he goes, no pun intended, of which naturally makes people loose around him. Though, this is less of him being extremely calm, and more of his tendency too be too lazy to care. He can be seen many times lounging around Konoha, or sleeping, sitting down doing nothing, etc. etc. He's gotten put on the spot countless times about this in his Academy and Genin days, and even, if so especially his Chunin days. Though he seems to put more energy into everything he does as a Jounin.

    But when it comes down to it, when it comes down to him being serious, and when lives are at stake, he will do everything in his power to protect those he cares about, and those in need. When the time calls for it he will stop at nothing to be of use. He's cautious and careful approaching problems very carefully, as to not make more damage than the problem itself caused. He's also very loyal to his comrades and village, making him an amazing person to have as an ally.

    Though sometimes he is harsh and rude, he is truly kind and warming when it comes to his true intentions. Regardless of what he does, it can be stated in fact that there is always a reason for what he does, they may not always seem like the right way, or the best way to go along with it, but he has the best intentions in his mind, as to help as many people as he possible can. This has labeled him somewhat of a "loos cannon", along with many other factors. He's hard to control, hard to keep in line, and tends to react upon instinct and emotion most of the time. What makes it even worse is, he keeps in mind that analytical skill of his, making him not only hard to predict, but hard to prove what he's done really wrong. This has angered many people on many occasions. People have described him as hard to work with, arrogant, annoying, bias, etc. etc.

    He's a Gentleman, in all true mannerisms. He shows this constantly, to ladies mostly, but is kind to guys as well. Due to how he unconsciously makes rooms cold as he enters them, he would give his jacket to someone who finds themselves shivering. When on a mission, and attacked, if there is someone who needs more medical attention than him, he will make sure they get attended too first. Though he's stubborn, annoying, and practically impossible to work with, stated by others to be the most inconsistent bastard they'd ever had the displeasure to work alongside, he makes up for it with his natural kindness and need to help others.

Isn't anyone Mobil friendly any more -_-

Basic Information
Name: Morie Hogosha
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 5'5"
Current rank: Jonin
  • Genin promotion: Twelve years old
  • Chunin promotion: Thirteen years old
  • Jonin promotion: Sixteen years old
Team: Team 3; Izumi Kōsetsu, Kaden Kiriryu, Ikari Kazuki, Hiraku Hajime, Osamaru Bloodmoon
Kekkei Genkai: None
Chakra nature: Wind, Water, Lightning, Fire

Morie was born prematurely to Kazuki and Kotori Hogosha. Due to being premature, she was a small and fragile infant, which also affected her height, and made her shorter than almost everyone her age. This also led to her being very weak as a child — she struggled to keep up in the academy when she was young, and it was something that was very frustrating for Morie. It became so infuriating to watch her peers flourish and herself lag behind at the bottom of the class that Morie began training every day, pushing herself to her limits. While her mother, Kotori, worried about Morie, who had always been so weak and seemingly fragile, her father Kazuki encouraged it, and would often help his daughter train and strengthen herself. After years of hard work and countless hours of training, Morie found herself graduating to genin at the top of her class, and within a year, she made it to chunin when the exams came around. She continued to grow as a shinobi for many years, making jonin rank at sixteen.
Years passed without much incident. Morie was nineteen, living on her own, and doing exceptionally well on any missions she was sent on. However, it wasn't long until her father fell ill, and within months, he passed away. It took quite a toll on Morie and her mother, and she moved back home to keep an eye on her mother and take care of her. Morie continued to work throughout the tragedy of losing her father, using missions as a distraction from everything else and never properly dealing with the loss of Kazuki. Within a year's time, things had seemingly improved; Kotori, though she still missed her husband, appeared to be doing quite well, and while Morie still lived at home, work was going well, money wasn't an issue, and she had found a love interest of her own, Satō Hatsumi, a shinobi residing in the Sand Village. The two had met each other while Morie was escorting a messenger back to Sunagakure who carried high profile information. After running into each other a few more times on various missions and even working together a handful of times, the two went out on a date, which then led to a second and third date, and soon enough they were a couple. It seemed as though Morie was finally in a good place.
After returning to Konoha from a mission that took several weeks to carry out, Morie received the tragic news from the Hokage that her mother had claimed her own life — it seemed as though she wasn't coping with the loss of her husband as well as Morie had believed. The Hokage hadn't informed her sooner due to the fact that the mission Morie was on required no one know where she and her teammates were — it was a high profile mission. This was a breaking point for Morie. After not truly dealing with the loss of her father, and now having to bury her mother, all within a year, she had no where to turn to. She broke things off with Satō, saying she needed time to herself and whatnot. He said he understood and that he'd be there for her, but after that, they never spoke again.
Morie took a break from missions for a while; the Hokage offered her a month off, which she graciously took, and Morie used that time to reflect on herself. She trained a lot to help keep her mind off everything — it was bittersweet, as her training sessions brought memories of the days she spent running herself ragged while her father cheered her on, training alongside her. She traveled to a few different villages during her time off, meeting different people and such. By the end of the month, she felt better — not whole, but better. She was able to return to missions, preforming better than before, but there was still always something a little off about her, though it was to be expected. After several more years of missions, the Hokage offered Morie a chance to help train the future of the village — become a sensei for genin fresh out of the academy.

Morie is a playful girl who lacks a long attention span, and she can come off as a bit of a ditz, though it's more naivety than anything else. She knows there's a time and place for fun, so while she tries her best to stay serious, she is fun loving at her core. Morie is not afraid to sacrifice her own safety to protect the people close to her. She is kind to others, but is easily provoked and capable of holding a grudge for a long time. When it comes down to it, Morie is compassionate, determined, and courageous, willing to sacrifice herself and combat those she knows to be superior to her to defend her team. Morie does not back down from a fight, others noting that she inherited her father's contempt for losing. She is very supportive, another trait she got from her father, and will consistently cheer people on, pushing them harder and further to help them improve. However, she's also a worry wart like her mother, and, while she may not verbalize it, she will be concerned about those she's close too. The loss of her mother also instilled a great worry about people's mental health, resulting in her asking how people are feeling constantly.

  • Her size and strength — she's a petite woman, reaching only 5'5" and 130 pounds, so people often under estimate her abilities, but she's very strong
  • Healing — she spent many years studying medicine and is a particularly skilled medic, though it isn't her specialty, but it comes in handy
  • Taijutsu — Morie's above average in taijustu, but it isn't her preferred method of fighting
  • Ninjutsu — this is her specialty, with four different chakra natures she is most comfortable with, and is her preferred method of fighting
  • Genjutsu — Morie is slightly above average in genjutsu, but it isn't her preferred method of fighting
  • Sensor Type — she is capable of detecting the presence of others, and she's so skilled she can detect how many ninja are in the surrounding area just by touching an index finger to the ground, but she can still sense other ninja without doing a thing

  • She's a first-time sensei — Team Three will be her first team
  • Overly protective — she is like an over bearing mother and will go to great lengths to protect her students, which can put her in danger
  • Temper — she has a short fuse, and it can be very easy to piss her off
  • Doubt — Morie tends to second guess herself
  • Ditzy — she can be forgetful and a bit clumsy

  • Wind
    • Wind Style: Air Thrust Jutsu
    • Wind Release: Cyclone
    • Wind Release: Devastation
  • Water
    • Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu
    • Water Release: Sphere Blast Jutsu
    • Water Release: Tidal Wave
  • Lightning
    • Lightning Release: Thunder Blade
    • Lightning Release: Shock Wave
    • Lightning Release: Indignation
    • Lightning Release: Volt Arrow
  • Fire
    • Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique
    • Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
    • Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique

  • Nehan Shoja no Jutsu (Temple of Nirvana Technique)
    • Type: A-rank, Supplementary, All ranges
    • Nehan Shōja no Jutsu is a Genjutsu that allows the caster to place a large body of people into a unconscious state. The target can avoid the spell by forming and using the dispel skill.
  • Kokuangyo no jutsu (Bringer-of-darkness technique)
    • Type: A-rank, Supplementary, Short to mid-range (0-10m)
    • This jutsu creates an area of complete darkness around the victim, enabling the user to attack without being seen.
  • Kori shinchu no jutsu (Sly mind affect technique)
    • Type: C-rank, supplementary, mid- to long-range (5+m)
    • Kori Shinchu no Jutsu is a Genjutsu which causes the target to travel around in circles. If the ninja is unable to detect the illusion very quickly, they can become exhausted mentally and physically because they are unable to reach their desired target by traveling along the same path over and over.

Name: knight bloodmoon
Age: 21 ( (real age 777 ) )
Gender: male
Height: 5-7
Kekigenki: blood, Star eyes
Personality: Knight is quiet and hates his brother. Knight can be caring but does not show it. He loves to write and gets angred easily. He is over confident and refuse to engage in battle.love if he thinks your weak.

History: knight is one of the few blood moon immortals. Knight was at the beginning of the formation of the bloodmoon clan. Knight was one of the first to get a mythical partner. Knight is from the first family but he is not fully human. Knight is born from the stars because of this he is considered a founder of the bloodmoon clan and a few others that have become written down in hisrory because none are left. He has been in a coma for 500 years after he sealed several bloodmoon immortals in stone.

Strengths: knight excels in his clans jutsu.hé has a high elemental charkra in fire and water jutsu
Weaknesses: earth type jutsu bring him down. Since he has water and fire jutsu they are weak

Name : Draco
size: 7 feet 5 inches
About: Draco is immortal. Hé can be killed however he must be staged by the sorwd knight carry's or by one of many sorwds the blood moon clan once owned.

Name: Blood fire flower
Description: in battle when an openet hits the user and draws blood. Thé user can create a flower of blood after the flower appears the user then mixes fire with the blood and sends it speeding towards the oppent. Thé jutsu can only be used once before passing out.

Water/fire dragon

Great fire ball jutsu

Name: blood dragon
Nature: blood
Description: this is à kekkie genkai That's gives the user the ability to shift his blood to that of à wolf. Giving them not only the instincts of their partner's but their senses as well. Which in turn enhances the user's.

Name: storm of the blood
Nature: blood
Description: this is also connected to the blood moon clan. It was only used if Death would kill the user already. A whirlwind of the user's own blood as well as the enemy's is launched at the enemy. This whirlwind traps them while cutting them up. The jutsu cam be learned by outsiders such as the inuzka clan.

Name:dragon howl
Nature:sound/ ginjustu
Description: a loud howl it causes knock out and puts an openent to sleep

Name: dragon merge
Description: not much us known on this

Name: blood sight
Description: the user shifts Blood to their eyes to see objects blood.

Name: Secret technique: Blood clone/blood clone explosion
Description: the user need only one pint of blood to activate this jutsu. With that he can create two clones made out of blood. The more pints of blood the more clones. Also the more blood the stronger the clones. In turn the user could also die of blood loss if over used.

Name: fire flash
Rank: c
Nature: fire/genjutsu
Description: the user uses a green colored fire that does not burn but blinds an openent

Name: star eyes
Rank: unknown
Nature: kegenki
Description: like the bakugan star eyes can see 180 degrees. They are also like the sharingun except only copy kekigenkis. They have only one weakness after copying a kekigenki the user will be at A stand still for learning the jutsu
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