Narnia Retold

"Damn I must of tripped and hit my head this is all a dream." Amelia chuckled to herself "So as long as I'm having this delusion Pretty Boy mind telling me how you and your family got here." Amelia said cocking an eyebrow and snapping her gum.
Peter chuckled at the comment "Well, the war is going on so we were sent to live in the country. Lucy found this place." he said.
"Middle east? I have no idea what you're talking about." Peter spoke with confusion in his voice. "The one in England. With America, Japan, and Germany? The World War they're calling it."
Lucy turned and grabbed the girl's arm "You can't just go out there alone. The White Witch might get you." she said and stared up at her, her eyes wide.
"Humm I can take her growing up in NYC on your....never mind I'll be fine I don't need people looking after me never have never will." Amelia said walking off when she heard a pist from the trees.
((Hmmm....just got an awesome idea))

The White Witch had watched the entire thing and now waited until the girl was far enough into the woods before she whispered 'Psst'. She watched as the girl whipped around slightly and chuckled as she stepped onto the path with the girl.
Amelia narrowed her eyes not liking the look of the woman in front of her "Who are you?" She said twirling her blade between her fingers.
The White Witch clucked her tongue "Meet the White Witch." She placed her index finger on the girl's shoulder and made a complete circle around her.
Amelia whispered to herself "White Witch where have I heard that.....LUCY!" Turning she looked the witch in the eyes. "Get away from me witch." She lunged at the witch with a knife.
The White Witch shook her head "Nevermind. I must be leaving. We'll be seeing each other soon."

Lucy, Peter, Susan, and Edmund had all decided to follow the girl. They had watched the whole conversation and Peter didn't like that witch threating a pretty girl like her. He didn't like it at all.
"Well I'm gonna find some answers coming or not?" She asked looking at the Pevensies Edmund seemed uncomfortable and Susan just stared at as if Amelia was trash.
Susan glared at the girl, she could tell that Peter liked her. But Susan would not allow her brother to get himself into something like this. Edmund just stood beside Susan and fidgeted with his hands while Lucy was being held in Peter's arms. Snow had gotten in her shoes and her feet were number than numb. Peter finally spoke "We're heading to one of Lucy's friend's house. Would you like to come with us?"
"Yea maybe he will have some answers.." Amelia said just as a large shiver went through her body pulling her tight black leather jacket closer to her
Lucy turned and led the three teenagers towards the sayters house that lie in the side of a mountain. She frowned when she saw the door open, maybe he was expecting them, she thought to herself. She tiptoed in and sure enough there was her friend "Hello," she said softly.

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