Narnia Retold


New Member
What if there was other people helping out the Pevensie children and there was another girl pulled in with them? What if her and Peter were destined to be together, but the fought? Takes place modern day but during the first book.

Characters needed:


The White Witch:

Peter Pevensie:Xx-Katherine-xX

Susan Pevensie: Lissy

Edmund Pevensie:

Lucy Pevensie: Xx-Katherine-xX


Professor Kirke:

Mr. Beaver:




Father Christmas:

Amelia Pond(Peters destiny): Nymphadora48
Here's about Amelia:

Species: Human(shes the only other human)

Apperence: She has Medium Black hair with magenta streaks and bright blue eyes. She isn't too tall but average at 5'4". Her Skin is pale but no too so and she has a slight up turned nose with light freckles across it.

Personality: She can be a little cold, but it's just a cover. She is very protective of her friends and kick-ass. She doesn't let people in right away because she has a past, but once your in your in for life. She is told by Aslan she is destined to marry Peter and rule with them but is against it very much hating peter till she starts to fall. Bio:She comes from a foster home in America. She was being sent by foster care to a boarding school in England when she got transported to Narnia with Peter, Edmund, Susan, and Lucy. She has been abused by her past foster parents and is very self sufficient.

Equipment: A pocket knife, a sword like peters, a magic staff, and a handgun.

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Name: Peter Pevensie ** Lucy Pevensie

Age: 16 ** 12

Gender: Male ** Female

Appearance: From the movie

Personality: Meet them

Equiptment: A sword ** A flask of healing juice and a dagger
Name: Susan Pevensie

Age: 15

Appearance: From the movie

Personality: How could you not know?

Equipment: Bow and arrows, quiver holding the arrows,
Yea we might as well start

--- Merged Double Post ---

Amelia ran as her case worker chased her she had everything she owned on her in her huge military backpack and dufflebag. Ducking into a ally she suddenly felt a rumble then when it stopped she was in a snowy clearing standing next to a lamp post when she heard voices coming so she grabbed out her pocked knife from her knee high leather boots when she saw four kids and a beaver. "Who are you?"
Peter stood in front of the mansion that was now to be his home. He went inside and followed the house lady. She explained the rules as they walked and led them to their rooms. He laid on his bed and sighed.

Lucy sighed as she sat on the bed. She wasn't tired, but she hadn't wanted to leave Mama. At that she looked at Peter and Susan "I want to go home." she said.
Susan sighed and went to hug her little sister. "Well, you know you can't. I'm sorry, but Mum said this is for the best, and I trust her.." She said. She thought of herself as, by far, the most responsible, but she wasn't the oldest. That was Peter. She smiled at her siblings "It's only temporary, don't worry. It'll feel like nothing." Or at least that's what she thought. She hoped she was right.
Lucy sighed and nodded "Why couldn't Mama come with us, though?" she asked quietly.

Peter nodded "It's all for the best. And the war will be over in no time and we'll go home." he said.
Sounds good to me.... :)

Lucy led her older siblings through the wardrobe and stepped into the wintery land of Narnia. She shivered and grabbed one of the heavy coats from the wardrobe.

Peter reluctantly followed his little sister and grabbed a coat as he stepped out. He pulled it on and as Lucy turned he threw a large snowball at the back of her head. He laughed and she shrieked and combed the snow from her hair with her fingers.
Amelia wondered around the mysterious forest one moment she was running down a dark ally in NYC now she is in a land of snow. As she pondered what was going on she heard people talking pulling out her pocket knife she jumped out screaming "Who are you? Where am I???"
Lucy hid behind Peter as the older girl came out. Peter walked slowly towards her "It's okay. Put the knife dOwn." He placed a hand on her shoulder "I'm Peter and these are my siblings Lucy, Susqn, and Edmund. Lucy, mind telling our guest where we are?" Lucy nodded "You're in Narnia. How you came to be here? I do not know."
Peter sighed and shrugged. He gave Lucy a questioning look. She smiled wider "Narnia is a land of all magical creatures. Witches, Talking Animals, Mermaids, Fauns."

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