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Finished [Nan Gau] May Even These Wayward Wanderers Have Respite


One Thousand Club
Hello everyone; this RP is set in the world of Isekai Hell.

This Rp is a prelude to the next installment of the [Isekai Hell] May Even These Peasants Have Respite! and [Isekai Hell] May Even These Peasants have Respite! Pt. II series in the town of Nan Gau. A town has taken root outside the fort where this once used to be a military outpost. It has slowly become akin to a castle town.
Location(s): Nan Gau
Time of Day: 9:00 AM
Weather: Snow covers the ground, reflecting off the morning sun. There is a light breeze to the north however the cold wind cuts through to the bone.
Goal: To gather more information on the threat and develop Nan Gau.

New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau


Nan Gau had a very interesting year; the local clan had stopped garrisoning the fort several decades ago. However, no group had ever attacked the fort and took it. That was until a former garrison commander turned bandit helped bandits take it. The problem had been dealt with as several adventurers had retaken the fort when the local clan soldiers arrived to do the same job. For a time, the village then settled back into its normal day-to-day operations until the undead horde attacked the village. Several were killed, and the dragon attack during the event burned down several buildings. However, since then, there has been a relative time of peace, but recently, a hamlet several days ride from Nan Gau stopped sending news and merchants to sell their products. This had drawn concerns of the local clan as well as Commander Rextelan.

Eris stepped out of her room in the Silver Moon Tavern; her white robes dropped over her arm as she walked down the stairs; the jingling of chainmail could be heard with each step she took. Dressed in her black undergarments, a long black shirt, and black bloomers. There was a slight chill in the tavern. However, the two fireplaces on either side of the main room kept the place warm. She had heard about the undead that seemed to be plaguing the region, though it seemed like they made one appearance and then vanished from what she was told. However, there were rumors that a few hamlets had stopped sending food and merchants. To any sane individual, this wouldn't look good by any stretch of the imagination.

But Eris had come this far and figured she might as well stay for a couple of days and look around. One could never be too careful when it came to matters like this. However, when it came to large hordes of undead, you usually would find a necromancer at the heart of everything. But from what she was told, the whole event was strange as it didn't seem to have a necromancer nearby, nor was there a large tomb that the locals knew about. Eris let out a small sigh as the barkeep set a plate down in front of her that had some eggs, bread and bacon on it. "Say Barkeep, you wouldn't know anything about these strange undead creatures that attacked before would you?" Eris inquired before taking a bite of the bread that was on the plate.

"Well not a whole lot, I'm just glad my tavern didn't burn down, the only thing I know that was weird was the wall of snow and the fact they had light blue eyes," The human barkeep said with a shrug as he walked back to the counter. As Eris looked around there were several other people in the tavern, some looked like travelers and others adventruers, the smell of food filled the whole room as Eris looked at her quarterstaff that was leaned against the wall next to her. Coming to the conclusion that after she finished eating that she was going to have a look around the town.



Yume threw both doors open at once, letting a burst of cold air into the room. "So hungry..." she sighed aloud, as a groaning stomach declared her presence even louder than her voice. With a stride as eager as a famished body could manage, Yume approached the counter and took a deep breath, nearly drooling from the luscious food smells. Reaching into the money pouch on her backpack, she produced a few coins, holding them up so that the barkeeper could see.

"I'd like the most filling thing this can buy!" she declared. However, instead of handing over the coins right away, there was a strange pause, as if she didn't trust the barkeeper entirely. A quick look around revealed a lady nearby, enjoying what looked like a common breakfast. That'd do. Yume wandered up to the stranger, waving the coins in front of her face. She then returned to the barkeeper to dramatically hand them over with a wide flourish that would've looked excessive for a stage production.

"Would you mind remembering the payment for me?" Yume asked as she took a seat across from the lady, widening her eyes into an innocent plead. "I'm running low on money, and I really don't wanna pay twice."

Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


Martin was hardly one to wander without purpose.

If he had his way, he'd dream of having every bit of his life mapped out. But even he didn't have the capacity for that. He had long learned that plans were prone to ruin, particularly when made from insubstantial information. More was to be learned about the world, but not quite at the expense of doing so by itself. If he could knock out two birds with one stone, he would. Thus it was that a rather wealthy merchant who'd purchased some of Martin's contraptions spoke of trouble in the region of Nan Gau. The pay was offered in tandem with interesting mysteries well outside the realm of his knowledge. Many of the greatest scientific discoveries in the world were accidental. Thus he wished to keep his mind open enough that his head wouldn't fall out.

A small, squeaky cart carried him along with several other passengers into the Nan Pass. Those with sensitive hearing found their gazes flickering to the quiet "man" known as Martin. Yet with his flesh, those who were quite keen could hear machines at work within him. He breathed like a normal man, and yet every beat of his heart was accompanied by a synthetic click. His arm was made of wholly lightweight metals, seemingly titanium in particular. It did not look as though it relied as much on gears and more so it seemed on pistons.

The cart came to a stop. An announcement was made and he came to after a long slumber.

"Ah." With a single mechanical hand pressing on the cart's edge, he hopped into the snow. His eyes scanned his surroundings, taking in the architecture that seemed closely reminiscent of ancient Japan in his world -- but with much more half-beasts.

He drew his catalyst from his hip. It was short at first, about 3 feet in length. Then it extended to the length of a walking stick. He shambled about the town for a little while but quickly found a small tavern where he might rest his weary head.


A day later and he had come down once again. His boots had footsteps heavy, and he wore his visible body armor already in preparation to leave. His retracted catalyst rested at his hip, and a firearm ready to be drawn rested in a holster just beneath his armpit.

One who gazed upon his form might gauge Martin to be perhaps in his late 50s to early 60s. No conscious effort was made to hide his wrinkles and with head down, one could see his bald and yet dully colored head. He wore a long beige coat with the hoodie currently down. Metal embedded into the back of his neck.

He ordered himself a plate of fish, fruit, egg, and rice. And he'd begun to eat at a fairly leisurely pace. At the moment, there was no rush. No imperative which demanded the job be done right now. Thus he lingered at a table a while. He listened to many conversations naturally from his table yet there was one in particular that had caught his ear. There was a brief conversation between a young lady and a barkeep.

"Hello Miss. Sorry to disturb you." He begins. "However, I couldn't help but overhear that it seems you are here to investigate the undead anomaly. I share the same task. Perhaps we might work together towards a common goal." He suggested to her, before idly returning to finishing his food.

"The choice is yours ultimately. My name is Martin, by the way." If one were to gauge his manner of speaking, one person might say he sounded like a scholar, and another might think him pretentious. A glance had been given towards the other white-haired woman with very curly hair, but not much else than that. She didn't seem as relevant to the task at hand at the moment.

A set of chopsticks raised a piece of fish to his mouth, as he quietly awaited an answer.
Mentions: Tau Tau Maverick Six Maverick Six saxon saxon

A few days had passed since John completed his first adventure for the adventurer’s guild. While the boy had not been deemed an official member yet, one of the staff had recommended a new request for him to take on in the meantime to better his odds of getting accepted. The request this time was to help investigate the region of Nan Gau, as there were mysterious things going in a hamlet nearby. John was honestly pretty reluctant in getting himself into yet another dangerous adventure, but in order to better his odds at being recruited it wasn’t as if he could say no. With that, the village boy dragged his feet all the way to his next destination.

Along the way, the weather started getting colder, and colder. Hold up, there was snow here too? The poor boy was shivering by the time he made it to a nearby tavern in Nan Gau! Opening the door to the tavern, he’d shuffle his way over to the counter. “H… hot cocoa. I need hot cocoa.” He’d order from the barkeep.

That was when he’d notice a familiar figure dressed in holy robes, and another man who was trying to seek her for help in dealing with the undeads. Wait, that familiar person… wasn’t she the instructor back at the training academy?! That damned demonic priest?! John's eyes widened in horror as he leapt up from his seat.

“Hey slow down a second there, mister Martin! This woman is none other than the sadistic demonic priest who enjoys watching innocent people like me suffer. I still remember the days when I was treated like a mere experimental test subject... Anyway, if anyone is behind the undead situation, it’s gotta be her! Why don’t you just own up to your evil deeds now, you evildoer!” He pointed an accusing finger at Eris, although he was mostly just jumping to conclusions here.
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau LightningJay LightningJay Maverick Six Maverick Six


Damocles watched the girl walk over and up to the counter at the bar where he was drying off a mug. As she reached the counter he set the mug down she declared that she wanted food. To which he cocked and eyebrow for a moment as it wasn't very specific other than filling which was relative. When she pointed to what Eris was having he nodded, "Alright, go take a seat and I'll bring it out in a few moments," Damocles stated as he took the money. He watched as she walked over to the table Eris was sitting out and he looked down at the money. He bit into the coin a moment to prove it was real before he was satisfied and then walked into the back to go grab the food.

Eris looked up as she took a bite of the bacon and hear Yume's voice, to which she nodded her head at the request. In the seat to her right was the white prestess robes that she normally wore as she was still in her long sleeve black shirt and black bloomers. "Sure, I can remember though. I don't know why you are concerned. The barkeep seems to be good enough. I haven't seen any issues from what I can see, but I will remember it," Eris concluded as Damocles walked back to the front of the room and looked around before approaching Eris to which he place another place of the same food down before walking away. To which she was confused and then looked at the girl and pushed the plate over toward her. "Uh, why did he? You ordered this."

Eris took another bite of food as she waited for a response when Martin spoke to her when she asked about the undead problem. "Well, I don't have any issues with working with you, though the local garrison requested adventurers attend the fort tomorrow morning. So, I assume they will post a request to look into the matter. So I was just going to use today to get to know the town and maybe get some information," Eris explained as she moved her robes, placed them in her lap, and motioned to the empty seat. There really wasn't a point in letting the man stand he did seem to look old from what she could tell.

As John entered and ordered his hot chocolate, the barkeep nodded. Then came another familiar voice; she looked back over her finger as John started to call her demonic and accused her of using him as an experiment. To which she crossed her arms across her, for lack of better words, lack luster bosom and puffed her cheeks. "Hey! I'm not demonic nor am I the cause of this, I can't raise undead. Besides, you signed up to test the new training device, and I warned you beforehand. Besides, if I was the cause, why would I be here?" Eris argued as several people started to look at the whole situation, as a scene was starting to set itself. However, if the looks were of concern or annoyance, it couldn't be decerned at the moment.

Damocles then brought out the hot chocolate and handed it to John, "Surely the undead problem isn't her doing, it's been going on for several months now, and this is the first time I've seen her around here. Besides, why would a hero of the Fae See be causing problems in another nation?" With that, he then walked back over to the counter as a few of the people started to go back to their normal conversations, though a few on-lookers remained, though it wasn't sure if they were actually interested or if they were just there to be nosey.
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Yume nodded. "Thanks..." she answered in the suspicious way one did when they expected to retract their appreciation later. She opened her mouth to speak further, but eventually closed it again without a word.

When the barkeeper returned, Yume stared at him with a faint glimmer of hope that was soon dashed by the sight of his confusion. "Honestly, it's only been a minute..." she lamented to herself. Sighing, she stood up, ready to make a scene, only to be placated as the food was returned to its rightful owner.

"Why yes, I did. I guess one pretty girl is as good as another in the restaurant business," Yume rolled her eyes as she sat back down and stuffed her mouth full of fried egg. "Mmmnnn... I can't even be upset: I'm too happy just to have food!"

The next couple of minutes, Yume quietly munched away as she came to realize she'd chosen the most popular girl in the tavern to sit with. The accusation especially amused her, and as the demon priest defended herself, Yume joined her own pointer finger to John's. "The perp always returns to the scene of the crime~!" In her case, the silly grin revealed that her accusation was more playful than the other's.

Yume turned to tease the accuser next, "Although, for the victim of a demon priest, you do look pretty healthy, guy. I'd expect a lot more ooze and tentacles, unless you're hiding them away someplace~" She let that uncomfortable thought hang in the air for a moment as she downed a piece of bacon.

Being a believer in equal-opportunity snark, Yume naturally turned to Martin next. "So Martin, why are you after zombies, anyway? Are you looking for spare parts?"

Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau Mention: LightningJay LightningJay
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


"I see." He said to Eris' answer. Martin had been sitting, but he turned upon hearing the jingling of her chainmail to see she had been making room for him. With a shrug of his shoulders, he picked up his plate of food, got up and walked over to Eris. He gently placed the plate down and continued to eat as she spoke.

"I'm not with the guild. But I suppose I could join, particularly if it's helpful." Up until now, Martin didn't exactly have a reason to join the guild. He'd sold the armor he crashed to the world in and while not wealthy, earned enough to live off steady pay. Though he has yet to encounter something sufficiently dangerous to merit an entire party. Perhaps it was time, and he might yet gain some advantage from it.

"Seems a good idea. I was going to see about gathering any evidence I could from the town itself. Perhaps finding a sample of-" Martin found himself cut off as soon as someone as of yet interjected butted in. Leaning ever so slightly back, he caught wind of a young man claiming the one he was sitting next to was perhaps some type of demon. More accusations followed in the form of very grand claims. Yet the young man had yet to produce any evidence for such wild claims. To make matters worse, the curly haired girl was practically throwing fuel on a still small fire.

Bantering ensued between the three. Martin could not help but....place the palm of his mechanical hand on his face and rub it downward. Then he returned to eating for a brief moment. Still, amidst their bickering, the barkeep did chime in with relevant information as to whom he was talking to. He said so casually that she seemed to be a significant figure. Curious as Martin was, he knew better than to try to appraise her. He'd already made that mistake before.

But context clues, such as the fact she was sitting here without any type of guards, spoke subtly to the power she personally held. Though Martin knew that regardless of power, one's temperament was not necessarily something that followed.

Eventually, he put the chopsticks down as people began to look at the scene. There was a brief moment's contemplation among their voices as he decided on what to say and how exactly to say it.

"Ahem" Martin loudly and very conspicuously cleared his throat. With his metallic hand, he motioned to John.

"Young man. I find the claim of the lady to be something of a demon lord to be.... questionable at best." He says, his tone speaking of some measure of restraint. Patience.

"But I see that, you seek to aid in dealing with the undead, too, I see. I am unsure of if you might be adept at information gathering. However, I peg you as the type who might be good at hitting things. Perhaps you might assist in more physical matters than mental, hm?" He said to John, sparing him any direct insult to his person. Whoever he was, he didn't seem the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. But he might make for a good fighter. Or a future meat shield.

"As for you "Miss Hero of the Fae See", I see no reason to interrupt your plans. Indeed, perhaps it might be better if we split up in search of information and then reconverge later with our findings." As of right now at least, he didn't see much point in following her about.

His eyes darted between the two, a quiet hope that he'd soothed whatever was between them and re-oriented them to the task at hand.

"How does that sound?"

A question was given his way, with a slightly grating mark to boot.

"So Martin, why are you after zombies, anyway? Are you looking for spare parts?"

How original.

He let out a brief sigh before he answered.

"Someone I know who'd once conducted business here was concerned for this quaint little town. So he paid me a meager sum for a free visit. I'd be lying if I didn't find the case curious enough, however." As far as they might concerned, Martin was another face. Nobody with any weight or authority to his name. Yet with at least a bit of a personal curiosity in this matter all the same.

"Old habits die hard, it seems."
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When Eris tried arguing back, another white haired girl would chip in to accuse Eris as well. “Exactly! Quit makin excuses!” John shook his head in disapproval. He’d then receive his drink from the barkeep. “Thank you my good sir.” The boy slid a couple of rykes over the counter before cupping his hands on the warm drink. After hearing what the barkeep had to say about Eris, John opened his mouth as if trying to continue the argument, but he stopped himself. Wait a minute… This priest was an instructor at some academy, plus she was deemed a hero of the Fae Nation? Wasn’t she some big shot or something?! And all this while, he was trying to pick a fight with her… John slowly started to realize the grave he had been digging for himself all this while.

While he was trying to decide his next course of action, Martin started speaking in turn, mentioning that she was far from being a demon lord. “Hmmm, so it seems I must have been mistaken about her then.” The boy admitted to his mistakes. He wasn't gonna apologize or anything though. That was when Martin would bring up how good he could be at hitting things. Finally, someone who acknowledges his true value! A smug grin would find itself on John’s face. “Of course Mr Martin, you can leave the physical work to me anytime. Cooking, cleaning, I can do em all. And you’re right in that I’m here to help out with investigations too. My name is John, just your average villager.” He introduced himself briefly.

“Also, I agree with you whole heartedly on the matter. In that case, I shall accompany the great, almighty Hero of the Fae See, Eris, as her own personal bodyguard. For such an important figure, surely she needs to be protected at all times.” John smiled at Eris, although he was just tying to get on her good side so that she wouldn’t have him lynched for his earlier behaviour.
Call Sign: Eagle-1

Eagle-1 awoke to the cold light of dawn filtering through the frosty window of her room at the Silver Moon Tavern. The crisp air made her breath visible, each exhale a reminder of the biting cold outside. She shivered slightly, not yet accustomed to the harsh climate of Nan Gau. With practised efficiency, she dressed in her flight suit, the fabric worn and patched in places from her crash landing but still functional. Her rank insignia and the emblem of her squadron, an eagle's wings sprouting from a skull, were prominently displayed on her shoulder.

She took a moment to check the status of her gear. Her sidearm was holstered at her hip, though she knew it was purely for show at this point, broken in her crash. Her survival knife was secured in its sheath on her thigh. She reached for her HUD helmet, slipped it on and ran a quick diagnostic. The interface flickered to life, displaying a series of green checkmarks and red crosses indicating what systems were operational and sadly those that were not. Satisfied, she removed the helmet and carried it by her side.

Descending the wooden stairs of the tavern, Eagle 1's boots made a soft thud with each step. The scent of baking bread and cooking meat wafted through the air, mingling with the woodsmoke from the fireplace in the common room. The tavern was modest but well-kept, a hub of warmth and life amidst the snow-covered village. As she approached the bar, the tavern keeper gave her a nod of acknowledgement, but she focused on her objective. She leaned against the polished wooden counter, "Morning," she began, her voice carrying a tone of calm authority. "I'm looking for information on the hamlet that's gone silent. What can you tell me about the situation?"

She knew that gathering intel was crucial; her mission's success depended on understanding the local context and the threats they faced. As she waited for the tavern keeper's response, she took in the surroundings, every detail potentially holding a clue to the challenges ahead. The snow-covered streets outside, the conversations of the patrons, and the distant sound of the wind—all elements of a world she was determined to understand and navigate.

Her thoughts briefly wandered to her damaged fighter, still in the process of self-repair. The advanced technology was a lifeline, but it was not infallible. Though it was useful for getting around its weapon system remained disabled. Until it was fully operational, she needed to rely on the resources and knowledge available in this medieval world.

She was just about to return her focus to the barkeep when something caught her attention. A young man at a table not too far from her had referred to another patron as 'Hero'. Scanning the table it was clear who the man had been referring to with but a glance, but something about the woman rubbed Eagle-1 the wrong way. If she was a [Hero], where was her cape?

Calling out to the Woman Eagle-1's voice cut through the air, interrupting many a conversation as it did so. "Are you four investigating the Hamlet that's gone silent as of late?"
saxon saxon Maverick Six Maverick Six LightningJay LightningJay Tau Tau
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau LightningJay LightningJay Maverick Six Maverick Six Uasal Uasal


Eris turned to look at Yume as she stuffed her mouth with the food, "I mean, who really knows, though it's still odd that he thought it was me; he was looking right at you a few moments ago. Though I suppose it doesn't hurt, though it doesn't seem like we are the only women here and but then again humans are not really common here," Eris stated with a simple shrug, though she didn't dwell too much on that thought, as she then turned her attention back to Martin.

Eris simply nodded her head. Martin spoke about the guild: "Well, it's a good source of income. While not everything pays well, you can at least always find something there to take up and get paid for it. Plus, if you are trying to do something specific, you can get your name out there, and there is a guild in most large towns," Eris pointed out as she let her arms drop before taking another bite of the food at a slower rate than her counterpart. There was no downside to joining a guild, really, unless one did something bad, at which point it would draw attention.

As Yume joined in on the teasing, Eris glanced over as she puffed her cheeks once again, "Don't give him more ammo to use! He will think you of more way to accuse me of being demonic." She let out a small sigh as she saw the grin and then glared at John as he told her to stop making excuses; she would have argued back had Martin not cleared his throat. When both Martin and Damocles pointed out things that would prove she wasn't involved with the situation here she nodded her head repeatedly.

When John dropped the accusation Eris let out a small sigh. “You know late flattery doesn’t help you right? Let’s just move on,” Eris concluded as she motioned to the other open seat. She brought her hand to her chin as she pondered the idea of splitting up. “Splitting up group should be fine in town, though I don’t know how much the people actually know about the attack. From what I gathered many went to the fort but I imagine someone knows something,” She suggested as she finished the food that was on her plate.

Damocles looked up from the counter as Eagle 1 asked her question. He rubbed his chin and looked up above him for a moment as he tried to recall the hamlet. “The hamlet is called Nan-Li. Though it’s mainly just farming one of the food patches of grass and flat land in this whole area. Though it’s about two days ride on horse back from here. Though the garrison commander is calling for adventures to meet him at the fort tomorrow for something,” He informed her, though that was really all he knew about the situation besides that it went quiet.

Eris looked over at Eagle 1 as her voice seemed to cut through the air like a knife. “Well we are looking more into the undead threat but many are assuming they are the cause of it all. But we will be heading there tomorrow more than likely after going to the fort. Today we were just going to ask around, you are more than welcome to join us. With that settled who is going with who to get information?” Eris inquired as she looked around at the group before standing up from the table. She slide her priestess robes on as the sound of chainmail jingling was heard coming from the robes.

Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau Mention: LightningJay LightningJay Uasal Uasal
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


Just what I need, eyes on me again.

The idea of becoming a part of a guild didn't sit well with Martin. They almost seemed tantamount to mercenaries, and he'd had more than his fill on that given the circumstances of his near demise. What was more was the fact that they seemed to draw attention to themselves. For whatever reason, such was the last thing that a recluse like Martin wanted.

But what was life without a few risks? "Very well." He said, adding it as a task to his list. Eris had convinced The benefits appeared to outweighed...potential risk. Even if the chance that too much information about him spreading was indeed, very real. But some connections formed, and information gained might be worth it.

All that was for later, however. For now -- there was the task at hand. This town wasn't very large, so it likely wouldn't take too long to sweep over it all between all of them.

The Young Man he'd learned was named "John" as he declared himself. To which he nodded. His voice became praiseworthy, though one might question as to whether or not he was truly being intentional. "Wonderful. I will be sure to delegate such" He resisted the urge to say menial "Necessary tasks to you when the time comes, John." He'd remember that for later.

"At the moment, I hope to find at least a sample of these undead." He wasn't a biologist, only familiar with certain concepts. Mechanical engineering and quantum physics was far more Martin's speed, for all that meant in this world where the laws of reality were utterly different. But it seemed a meaningful way for him to put his analytical eyes to work.

Another individual had joined them, clearly here for some of the same things. This one stuck out to him as he recognized her outfit to be from an entirely different world, much like his own. From what the man could tell, she was a pilot. The Insignia was utterly unrecognizable to him, indicative of either an alternate earth or another planet altogether. He noticed many of those who hailed from other worlds appeared to be from similar sorts of modern and more stable environments than his own volatile world.

The older man finished off most the rest of his food as she was welcomed into the group and Eris made one suggestion. He rests his hands on the lap of his beige-colored pants.

"If there's no immediate danger, I'd be fine being by myself and then relaying found information for you all later. If of you wishes to accompany me, you are welcome to come."

From a belt hip, Marin pulls out his unrestricted staff of about 3 feet in length. With a simple click, it extends until it is just a little bit taller than him. Perfect for a walking or hiking aide. Gently rests it on the ground. At the tip of the staff, an orb levitates. And around it as several bits of debris -- orbiting the clockwork catalyst in a manner like the moon orbiting a planet.

"Either way, I see fit to leave soon." With a push on the staff, the older man gets up to stand upright and looks towards the exit. However, he surveys the group to see if anyone would like to come with him.
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Hearing the teasing from Yume, John responded straight to the point. “Well, it was more of an experiment testing a new device of sorts. Frankly, I don’t get how it works either. One of the mumbo jumbo magics of the world, I suppose.”

John nodded arrogantly when Martin mentioned leaving the most important of tasks to him, completely oblivious to what the man actually thought of him. Upon closer inspection, the man seemed to be some kind of cyborg or something, which John thought was pretty cool but he wouldn’t comment on it aloud. In this new world full of surprises, he had learnt to accept strange folks and cultures instead of questioning about them all the time. That was when he heard Eris saying not to flatter her.

“Huhhhh? Why would I want to flatter you? Fine then, I shall address you properly from now on, Miss Demonic Priest. John sneered at Eris. Oh well, screw not picking a fight with an ‘almighty hero’! It wasn’t as if this puny little girl could hurt him anyway! Next up a newcomer would arrive on the scene. A girl clad in highly advanced technology screaming sci-fi. She looked pretty cool too! “Welcome, I’m sure we could use any additional help we can get.” Looking at the others, he’d continue, “splitting up would definitely be more efficient here. Let's gather back st this inn after we’re done."

When asked about who’s following who, John already had his mind made up. “Well, I know I will be going along with the prime suspect/demonic priest here to ensure that she’s not up to anything funny.” Saying this, the boy eyed Eris suspiciously.



"Mm, I said pretty girls though, didn't I~?" Yume replied to Eris, casually insulting about a half-dozen people in the room. "I'd think a Fae Hero would recognize her people, though. Should I be insulted?"

Yume silently smirked at Eris, tapping her forehead...

"Or maybe I just don't feel 'magical enough' for you. What must I do to impress you, my hero~?"

Silently chuckling at the continued exchanges, Yume finished off her plate of food. Her eyes widened somewhat at Martin's answer, however. "How familiar. Your 'someone' didn't happen to wear a tall hat, did he? It wouldn't be the first time a double's been hired after me... not that I mind the help."

Standing from her chair, Yume took her place beside Martin. "Well, anyone with a staff this fancy can't be a bad guy to know," she commented, poking at the tip a few times and relishing the weird way it tugged at her hand.

Turning to the lady in a strange bodysuit, Yume shrugged, "Why don't you keep an eye on that guy for me," she pointed to John. "Keep him from stabbing my hero in the back. I might need her to save me from zombies later." With a little wave, mostly directed at Eris, Yume turned to the door and concluded, "Remember me when we get back and I'll buy you a hot chocolate."

Call Sign: Eagle-1

Eagle-1 listened intently as Damocles provided the information on the hamlet of Nan-Li. Farming, a flat patch of grass, and quiet for days—these were the clues she had to go on. Two days on horseback was a significant journey, but by air, she could likely accomplish a round trip in a day if the weather wasn't too harsh. The mention of the garrison commander's call for adventurers at the fort intrigued her; it was a potential lead and a chance to gather more critical information.

She acknowledged the others in the group with a nod, her gaze lingering on Eris, Martin, John, and Yume. Each seemed competent and driven, traits she respected and valued in her former squad mates. However, the dynamics here were different, and she needed to navigate them carefully.

Eagle-1 cleared her throat, drawing the group's attention. "You're an interesting bunch. Instead of joining you directly, I propose a trade in information. I'll scout the area around Nan-Li and gather as much observational intel as I can. In exchange, I'd like to obtain whatever information you manage to gather here in town. And that hot chocolate."

She looked around the group, gauging their reactions. "I'll return by the end of the day with my findings. This way, we can cover more ground and get a clearer picture of what we're dealing with. What do you say? Have we a deal?"

saxon saxon Tau Tau LightningJay LightningJay Maverick Six Maverick Six
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau LightningJay LightningJay Maverick Six Maverick Six Uasal Uasal


Eris couldn't help but smirk a little as Martin spoke about the tasks, she had to admit it was a little funny how quickly John had jumped on doing important tasks. Though she wasn't sure if that was going to be a good thing or a bad thing later on. "I mean someone has to do the important tasks, some of us are not front line fighters," Eris pointed out as she grabbed the cup of water and took a drink. When she looked back over at Martin, the man had extended the staff, and Eris noted the orb. Which was something she didn't expect when the staff was collapsed. She had assumed that it would just be a metal collapsible staff.

When she heard John call her a demonic priest again, she let out a sigh, "What do you mean? What do I mean? Plus just because I said don't flatter me doesn't mean you need to be rude about it. Besides, do I look like a demon? Plus why am I the prime suspect here hmmm?" There were so many accusations just getting thrown around without any real evidence. However, it seemed like the group was going to split up into a couple of smaller groups to gather information. With that she stood up from the table as Yume spoke about recognizing her people.

Eris reached up to her cheek and scratched it, "That would be the case yes, though I didn't have any fae features until after an unexpected experience and ended up meeting with the Fae See's Leader." Eris paused as the telepathy was sent her direction which caused her to jump for a moment. She hadn't expected to have messages sent directly to her mind. Not to mention Eris was trying to decide on if there had just been a claim put on her or not. Shaking the thoughts from her head at the moment it was the newest arrival that offered the next suggestion.

Eris gave Eagle-1 a confused look for a moment as she wasn't sure exactly how the woman as going to accomplish this task. However, she did look like a person who came straight out of a video game. "I mean I don't see why we wouldn't have a deal unless someone is going to decline the idea but anyhow, we should really get a move on if we are going to gather information before the announcement thing tomorrow," Eris pointed out as she started to look toward the door. "Come on John since you don't trust me lets go and see what is going on in the market. We could also probably go to the Fort and speak with the people there they might know a bit more since they were the ones fighting the undead," Eris concluded as she waited to see what the others were going to do.

So far, the best chances to gather information would be in the market, the fort, or potentially the hot springs due to the sheer amount of people that attended to that area. There were several routes placed in front of the group.

Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau LightningJay LightningJay Uasal Uasal
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


"No tall hat, I'm afraid." To what Yume referred, Martin had no idea what she was referring to.

As the young lady approached, the codger looked down at her, judging her. He watches as she sticks her finger onto his staff. "I would avoid touching that which you do not understand." He said like some professor berating a student. But Martin did not like a habit of touching strange things. He was accustomed to working with dangerous equipment, ranging from his own iconic anti-gravity technology....to gene-altering viurs and nuclear reactors made by others around him. Even if now it was ultimately harmless, this world did not seem devoid of similar hazards. It reminded the out-of-his-realm scientist all too much of one walking around pressing random buttons or touching strange substances.

Martin considered his options as they were presented. Eagle One as she'd been called considered flying over to the hamlet. It made Martin curious. Did she have an aircraft of some type? The Scientist and Engineer with him felt almost delighted. A small smile formed on his aged, wrinkled expression. With her being from another world, who knows what new technology he might yet have an opportunity to discover.

I'm too old to feel this much wonder...

It was perhaps one of the benefits of this world. There was much to discover. Not just with it but with those outside of it. This place seemed to function as something of an almost multi-versal crossroads. Just when he thought he knew one thing, another new thing would come. It almost might have been insufferable if it didn't remind him of his younger years of discovery.

But Eagle One mysterious aircraft could wait. For now, Martin was interested in trying to understand the nature of this unusual undead plague. Something which itself, also piqued his curiosity, even if it was a little outside the ballpark of his field.

Options were given for places to explore and suggestions. Martin hardly knew the town; thus, interaction with Eris was already proving fruitful. A marketplace was too busy for his own tastes and going directly to the hamlet would prove too risky for him. The decision became clear.

"I will go to the fort then. Those who've encountered the undead can inform me of their attributes. I can also perhaps search for any trace of these undead and see if I can't find out anything about their peculiar physiology. With some luck I can decipher something from it. But I wouldn't expect much on that front. At the very least, questioning might enlighten me to some tactics." He lamented not knowing more. But the slowness with which information traveled was but another feature of the world. Advanced as this world is as to be able to cure the cancer Martin had....it still lacked anything resembling the internet. At least to his knowledge.

With that said, he had grown rather weary of John and Eris' bickering. His expression grew exasperated as the two began to go at it again, but it didn't show much until he walked away. Raising his prosthetic hand, Martin would motion for Yume to follow. "Come along then, young lady. Tell me your name, while you're at it." With that, Martin left the group -- with the expectation. John and Eris' bickering would fade into the background as the door shut behind him.

Snow crunched beneath his feet as now, he was surrounded by the peaceful streets of Nan Gau. He pulled a hoodie over his bald head as he started along at a slightly below-average pace, his walking stick aiding him in keeping balance in any slippery parts of the road. This town wasn't too large, and thus, he knew where the fort was.

"So, what's your game? What do you get out of this, aside from the opportunity to churn out cheeky comments? Normally I wouldn't ask, but you are quite the nosey one." He asks Yume, his eyes forward on the snowy path.
Call Sign: Eagle-1

"Excellent," Eagle-1 replied. "I'll gather as much observational intel as I can from the skies. Let's meet back here at the tavern by the end of the day to exchange information."

She turned to the barkeeper and paid her tab before asking for more precise directions from him. With that, she stepped outside into the cold, crisp air. The snow crunched beneath her boots as she made her way toward the hidden location of her fighter jet. The sleek, futuristic craft was concealed under a camouflage net she had fashioned from local materials, blending seamlessly with the snowy landscape.

Eagle-1 removed the netting, revealing the streamlined form of her jet. She climbed into the cockpit, running a quick systems check. The familiar hum of the engines brought a sense of comfort and determination. She activated the jet's advanced navigation system, inputting the coordinates provided by the barkeeper.

"Initiating takeoff sequence," she muttered to herself. The jet's engines roared to life, and within moments, she was airborne. The village of Nan Gau shrank below her as she soared into the sky, setting a course for Nan-Li. From this vantage point, she could cover vast distances quickly and gather a bird's-eye view of the terrain and any potential threats.

As she flew, she activated the jet's surveillance systems, scanning the ground below for any signs of activity, movement, or anomalies. The landscape spread out beneath her in a patchwork of snow-covered fields and dense forests. She made mental notes of anything that seemed out of place or potentially significant.

Her mission was clear: gather as much information as possible and return with valuable intel. The advanced technology at her disposal, she believed, gave her a distinct advantage, one she intended to use to its fullest extent. As the jet cut through the sky, Eagle-1 felt a sense of purpose and focus. This was no grand democratic mission but it was at least something to do, something to give her all to. Just as she had been trained to.

"Eagle, back from the nest... just kidding..."

“Alright alright, I’m soooo sorry for hurting your feelings.” John apologized sarcastically while rolling his eyes, hoping that was enough to shut her up for now. Even he was getting tired of her bickering! She resembled a chihuahua kinda. A tiny dog who likes to pick fights all the time. Hopefully when she grew older, she’d become more mature like himself.

“Hey, shaddap! If anything, she’s the one who would stab me in the back!” John barked when Yume told the scifi lady to keep an eye on John. Great, now he had 2 little brats to teach a lesson to. Sometimes, it was tough being the mature one in the group. John shook his head while sighing deeply.

As John listened to Eagle, he raised an eyebrow curiously. From the skies? Did she have a helicopter or a plane somewhere? John did not know the answer to this question, but it sure sounded cool as hell! Wouldn’t that be first for him, seeing a plane in this new world?! All of a sudden he did not want to follow along Eris anymore. He’d much rather hop onto a badass plane!

That was when Eris would discuss their next choice of actions. “Ohhh I trust you all right. Totally trust you. In fact, I’d say we make a great team. With you supporting at the rear and me taking the front, those undead will be a piece of cake!” John clapped a fist into his palm, before a sudden realization hit him. His shoulders drooped as he continued. “Oh right, we need to collect information first… In that case, shall we pay the marketplace a visit? Since old man Martin's heading to the fort and all...”



"Interesting," Yume answered Eris with a low hum. "The leader of magical forest folk must be quite something..." She failed to hold back a chuckle as Eris jumped from her telepathy. Despite the hint, even! Good to know 'mind speak' could freak people out.

John earned himself a silent smirk in reply, though it might've just been Yume's normal face.

Yume slowly nodded at Martin. "Good for him. That hat was a crime against fashion." Her finger froze as he lectured her about poking the magical stick. "If I took that advice to heart, I'd have to leave this whole world behind." Nevertheless, she pulled back her hand, leaving the staff alone as she followed him out of the tavern.

"Name? I haven't decided yet." With another shrug, she shifted her backpack to a more comfortable position, causing a bit of jingling from inside. "Not that it would matter much, even if I did. Call me something nice~"

Her eyes shifted up to watch the giant metal bird take off into the sky. What a place, this new world was...

"Well, where there are magic necromancers, there's usually magic stuff, no?" Yume answered. "And since I find myself to be a magical person, it turns out I have a certain aptitude for magical stuff. And cheeky comments, so I guess it's a double win. So long as I can avoid getting my face chewed off by zombies, that is."

After a mere five minutes of walking, Yume was already starting to tire out. Her shoulders began to slouch, her walk becoming more crooked. "How far is this fort, do you suppose...?"

Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


For a few moments, a distraction occupied the machine-filled man's attention.

There was a sound screeching through the air which prompted Martin to look up. Finally, he could catch a glimpse of the aircraft and indeed confirm he was correct: She was a pilot. What was more was that the craft she was piloting indeed appeared almost unearthly or futuristic to the point of being perhaps more than a hundred years beyond the modern era. He could only speculate, but one thing was for sure. It was far flung from an F-35. He reached out to the thing with an open palm and flew farther and farther away.

It closed into a fist as if he could grasp the aircraft. Things were simple then. If he wanted something, he simply took it.

But he'd long learned that such approaches were what had gotten him here. Not only was he physically incapable of such feats now, but he also arguably shouldn't. Martin began to pay more attention to his surroundings. It was a brief moment that might have caught a few awkward glances if anything. He returned his attention to that which was most immediate.

The one next to him had answered his question in a roundabout manner. "What a needlessly cryptic answer. If you don't want to tell me, simply say so." He said in reply to her lack of a name. For some reason, he simply couldn't believe that she didn't have a name. She told him to give her one, to which he would think in silence. At the very least, it did give him something engaging to do as he walked. "But if you truly have no name, I will have to call you something. I'll humor you. I suppose you complimented my staff earlier. It simply doesn't feel right to lend you a true name. Thus, I will call you "stranger" for now. You can consider it nice, as I would have called you something far more derogatory otherwise." He spoke. Clarity was preferred, if one did so choose to speak.

As he listens to her answering his second question, he again finds a similar pattern in her. Though this was less cryptic and more of a distraction.

"Well, you have described to me your talents to some extent. You might be useful yet here. But you haven't told me as to why you seek to use them." Simply put, she'd yet again almost seemed to evade his question. But he'd not pry further. Instead, he was actually quite content with silence. Speaking had mostly been in some attempt to exercise his social skills, something which appeared to be a bit more necessary given his increased reliance on others in this world.


"Tired from a short walk across town, hmm? I suppose I can cross out you being a seasoned so called "adventurer" then. You look a little young to be so unfit." He said, feeling a small sense of pride in that he had at the very least, found someone who he didn't need to feel ashamed for being rather slow around.

"It's not much farther." Perhaps she was slow. But the old man himself was the farthest thing from fast in this state.
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: Tau Tau LightningJay LightningJay Maverick Six Maverick Six Uasal Uasal


Eagle-1's jet's advanced engines roared to life as it took off into the sky, snow kicking up into the air looking like a mini-blizzard. The craft more effortlessly, as a few travelers heading to Nan Gau saw it take off. "Hey Pa, what is that some flying thing from the Duchy?" The beastkin boy asked as he stopped to look at the shiny object. He had never seen something like that before. He was in shock at such a site, as the man's father looked over the craft was gone before he could see a thing.

"What are you talking about? There is nothing there, no come on we are almost there," The older Kitsune man spoke as he adjusted the straps on his pack. The individuals in question looked raggy as if they had come from a distance away and had very little money between the two of them. With that the Kitsune grabbed the boy by the shirt and started to drag him along as they continued on their way toward their final destination.

As Eagle-1 flew through the skies, the fighter's sensors activated without a hitch; however, the scanners did not pick up anything that would be classified as out of the ordinary. Though there was still a little time before she would be able to get any information on the Hamlet as she was still a little too far out. Then the strangest thing happened, her comms shifted frequency, "Hunting, warfare, explosives, tradition Morgunson: A Super Earth company! Bury bullets in the Enemy; don't waste them! Brasch tactics use them or die trying. Remember the Three S's: Service, Solidarity, Survaliance" Something that would be heard on a super destroyer.

The weather seemed clear for as far as she could see; however, some smoke was rising up in the distance.

Martin and Yume, would make their way through the town following the streets and the height of the large walls. As they approached the main gate, there were several soldiers that looked like they were about to go on patrol. "Just don't go too far out, we are still getting scattered reports of incidents happening in the wilderness. The last thing we want is to lose more guards until more can be sent to help fortify the garrison," One of the soldiers who seemed to be a leader among them, a human, who was also a rarity. The five soldiers nodded and left without much to say as they started their patrol to wherever they were going. The man who had talked to them walked back in past the gate where the sounds of people training could be heard as it soared on the wind.

If the two decided to go into the fort, they would see thirty men in the center of the courtyard training. Some were sparring, while others were practicing their striking on training dummies. There were even a few archers at the far side of the yard firing arrows into targets. Looking around some heavily armored men stood at the main entrance to the fort's main building. The man they had saw earlier was over by the archers. Another Soldier was moving around the soldiers that were practicing their forms.

To the right of them was a staircase that led up to the wall, and there was someone who looked important looking out into the courtyard. A group of soldiers stood off to the left side of the gate while discussing random events of the day. Though one of them looked to be an officer signified by the sword that he was carrying much like the man that was standing on the wall of the fort.

When John responded sarcastically by saying sorry, Eris simply rolled her eyes. She didn't know what was going to happen. Now that it was just the two of them, she wasn't sure if they were going to bicker the entire time or if they would actually be able to get anything done. As the others started to leave the tavern Eris let out a small sigh as John retorted again at Yume's comment.

When John said they would make a great team, Eris squinted her eyes as she didn't take his words as sincere in the slightest. He let out a small giggle when he mentioned her in the backline support. "I didn't become a hero because I can support, but yes we should start heading to the market, there should be some people who saw the last attack there. Hopefully, we can get some information," Eris agreed with a nod as she grabbed her staff and started to leave the tavern herself. The sound of jingling chainmail occurred as she took each step; reaching the door, she pushed it open. "Oh, and I don't know, but I think Martin would take offense if you called him an old man," She pointed out with a shrug as she continued on her way, assuming John would follow her to the market.

As the two arrived at the market, it was in full swing. Within minutes, 20-30 merchants with their stalls set up were selling their wares, which ranged from food to everyday common household items. There was an old lady selling odd trinkets in one of the first stalls and a strange-looking man in robes who was selling bread and other sorts of food at his stall. A couple of guards patrolled the area and they seemed to be looking for something in particular.

"So where should we begin?" Eris asked as she looked over her shoulder.

Mentions: saxon saxon

“Well, I’m sure I got nothing to worry about so long as you don’t go snitchin on me later.” John smirked at Eris when she mentioned how Martin wouldn’t like being called an old man.

Arriving at the market, the duo had no shortage of people to ask as it was bustling with people setting up their stores. Eris was unsure of where they should start, so John decided to take the lead. “Why that’s a good question, my dear Eris. Good thing I have just the perfect plan for situations like this!” The boy shot a smug look at Eris, before raising a finger pointing to one of the stalls. “Eenie, meenie, miney, mo. That settles it then.” His finger landed on the store with the strange-looking man in robes.

“Don’t worry, O Great Hero, you can leave it to yours truly.” He told Eris, before approaching the strange man. “Hello there my good sir, I’ll have one of those bread you got there.” Tossing a coin pouch into the air and catching it, the boy continued. “And for an extra few rykes, you wouldn't mind telling us more about the undead situation going about these parts, would you?"
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"Cryptic...?" Yume tilted her head inquisitively. She laughed a tad bit, as Martin finally offered a name, a smirk crossing her face once again. "Ooohhh? Stranger, hm? Not Pest? Nuisance? Thorn? Aren't you the polite one~" Her eyes wandered over to the gravity staff again, "I guess a man's rod truly is the quickest way to his heart~!"

Letting the awkward moment settle, Yume finally continued, "I'm technically not even a month old yet. Gimmie some time to find myself. Sheesh!" Shrugging her shoulders, Yume stared straight ahead down the road, lowering her voice to a more serious tone, "But if I had to answer right away... I'd like to do something meaningful. Something memorable. Something you'd care about your whole life. Invent something amazing, save a life, bring peace to a nation... that kind of thing." Silence followed for a few moments, before Yume's usual smirk returned to her face.

"And I suppose you're here to ask a necromancer how you can fix those wrinkles~?" Yume quipped, though she quickly regretted it. Maybe it was something in Martin's face, or his eyes, but it felt just a little too cruel... too grounded in truth. "S-sorry..." she added quickly, turning her eyes to the ground.

"Finally..." Yume exclaimed, leaning against the fort's giant wall. Just in time, she looked up to see the human leader wander back in after releasing his pack. "I bet he'd know something."

With a bold stride, Yume stepped right into the courtyard, heading around the edge to the 'archer corner.' Slipping in behind the human, she waited for him to pull back the bow, carefully picking the worst possible time to poke his shoulder and grab his attention. "Hello there! I couldn't help but overhear you've been getting reports? They wouldn't happen to be zombie related, would they? Grandpa and I happen to be expert zombie hunters, so we'd appreciate any helpful info you could give us!"

Mentions: saxon saxon Tau Tau
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


There was a crack in an almost ice cold demeanor. She had proven at least faintly amusing. His previously forward-faced eyes swiveled in their sockets to Yume.

"I guess a man's rod truly is the quickest way to his heart~!"

"Sweetheart..." He began gently yet with an almost subtle firmness. "Please save such a sequence of words for a suitor. Not for me." And that was that. She seemed almost naive saying such things like that.

A bit of prying and she'd spoken more about herself. Despite the fact that he was mostly quiet, he did listen. There was a likelihood that they might be working together in the near future. The same had gone for all those around him. The desires she stated seemed more oddly existential. There was a desire for almost what seemed to be fame there. But there appeared to be almost a more somber reason as to why than something akin to a celebrity.

"I see. Fame. Legacy. Uncommon and somewhat external, yet as good a motivator as any if you really mean it. Which, I can tell you do. We'll see if it's enough for what is ahead." Her desire to standout was strong, but he still couldn't help but wonder if she'd be ready for what lie ahead.

Her being "a month" old was concerning -- implying that the one standing near him was quite new to the world. Perhaps she was like him and came from another world. Or maybe she truly was a strange creature that managed to grow to her age in only a month. There was a story there, but he wasn't sure they'd have the time -- nor did this seem an appropriate place to ask.
"Mm. If getting rid of wrinkles was what I wanted, one who controls the dead is likely one of the last people to see for it, Stranger." In reality, however, she was not far from understanding one of Martin's truest desires.

The Fort

The pair arrived at the Fort.

Most everything that had fallen under Martin's gaze was under scrutiny. Though despite the fact that he saw listened to the men be advised and be sent off into dangerous territory, his expression did not visibly change from this revelation. His eyes wandered to the patrolling men....before going back to the Gate. He gave a succinct explanation to their nature as "good Samaritans" of sorts and indicated they were there to deal with the undead issue.

Of them, there were about two figures he could guess were of importance. One was of the man who was speaking to the men. Another was the officer with a sword standing above the gate. Just as Martin was about to open his mouth -- the mysterious "Stranger" as he'd taken to calling her. For a few seconds, he watched her bother the man.

However, the "Grandpa," as she'd taken to calling him, did not seem to be joining her. If she were to motion to him, there'd be naught but empty space.

Instead, Martin took to shambling up the stairs of the fort slowly but assuredly -- going to the man standing above the gate. Martin was oddly familiar with officer types in the military in his previous life, but his perspective may as well have been tantamount to that of a contractor.

Soon, his form would be visible to the officer. Heavy white cloak and thick clothes wrapped around his armored chest. A mechanical arm is more blatantly visible. Those with augmented senses could hear even a prosthetic heart hard at work within them. Yet as he leaned on that walking staff, he stared at the man straight in the eyes and spoke fluently.

"Good afternoon, sir. I am Martin." He motions to himself with hand over chest, speaking to the officer with a politeness he is likely accustomed to. "I wish to inquire to ask you about the situation with the undead. Particularly if you might have any remains of the undead on hand that I might take a look at." Being able to get eyes on one could be useful. A set of appraising eyes could enable him to glean some meta-knowledge of the creature.

"Other pertinent information pertains to behavior. Displays of sentience. Whether or not they simply kill or consume. Possibility of infection or otherwise conversion." He said. Martin sadly hadn't any research to go off. So he inquired about the nature of the undead in and of itself. After all, there were many types.

"I see also that you might need some assistance. With the physical part. I plan to join you tomorrow at the hamlet." He added, hoping it'd sway the officer to have looser lips with him.
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Call Sign: Eagle-1

Eagle-1's jet sliced through the sky with precision, sensors scanning diligently for any anomalies as she approached the hamlet of Nan-Li. The snow-covered landscape below stretched out in a serene patchwork, unmarred by any visible threats. However, the tranquility was abruptly interrupted when her comms system shifted frequencies, broadcasting a message that sent a jolt of adrenaline through her veins.

Eagle-1's eyes widened. The transmission was unmistakable—something that could only originate from a super destroyer. Her mind raced. If a super destroyer was in orbit, it could mean a way to return to her own world and the galactic frontlines. Frantically, she adjusted the radio controls, attempting to lock onto the frequency.

"Command, this is Eagle-1. Do you copy? I repeat, this is Eagle-1. Respond immediately," she called out, her voice steady but urgent.

Silence greeted her call. She repeated the message, adjusting frequencies, but still, no response came through. Her heart pounded as she tried again and again, cycling through all known frequencies that might connect her to the source of the broadcast. Each attempt was met with the same, frustrating silence.

Determined not to give up, Eagle-1 decided to climb to a higher altitude, hoping that the increased vantage point would improve her chances of establishing contact. She pushed the jet's engines to their limits, feeling the familiar press of G-forces as she ascended. The altimeter climbed rapidly, and the landscape below became a distant blur.

As she reached higher altitudes, the jet's engines began to sputter and struggle. Warning lights flashed on her console, and a series of alarms blared in the cockpit. "No, no, no, COME ON!" she muttered, trying to stabilize the aircraft. The altitude was too much for the already damaged engines, and they began to fail, leaving her with no choice but to descend.

Eagle-1 eased the jet back down, carefully managing the descent to avoid a catastrophic failure. The engines continued to sputter, but she managed to keep the jet under control as she leveled off at a lower altitude. The landscape below came back into clearer focus, and the smoke she had seen earlier became more discernible.

"Command, this is Eagle-1. Do you copy?" she tried once more, but the silence was still deafening. Frustration gnawed at her, but she couldn't afford to let it distract her from the mission at hand. Afterall, even if she could make contact now, she'd need to complete the mission so as to gather the intel and funds needed to make her repairs. There was no way she was letting Pelican ferry her back.

Turning her attention back to the immediate task, she set a course for the smoke rising in the distance. Whatever was causing it might hold clues to the strange transmission, or at the very least, grant her intel on what had happened here. As she flew closer, she activated the jet's surveillance systems once more, scanning for any signs of life or unusual activity below.

Her mind still buzzed with questions about the broadcast, but for now, she had to focus on the mission. Gathering intel on Nan-Li and the surrounding area was her priority, and whatever the source of the transmission, she would deal with it in due time. The hunt for answers continued, both in the skies and on the ground below.

Actions: 1/3
1. Recon
- [Flight F], [Enhanced Vision F], [Thermal Vision E], [Helming E] - A recon fly-over performed by Eagle One via 'Eagle Fighter'. - F Grade.
saxon saxon

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