• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Nan Gau Fort] Virtus Chronica – Act I: Gula ⚝一番でっかいの豚

Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Femboy Femboy

Ralph wouldn’t miss the clicking of heels that seemed to be trailing behind them. He had noticed it earlier with his heightened hearing, but didn’t think too much about it. If it was still following them till now, then it made it all the more suspicious. Was it an ally, or an enemy? He wasn’t the only one who had noticed it, as Aya mentioned that she would be the one to go and the rest could carry on. Ralph wondered if Aya would be fine on her own, especially if it was an enemy. "If you need any help, just shout. I will be able to hear it." He suggested to her.

They would then meet up with a man with blond hair, whom Garoujin referred to as commander. He reiterated their purpose here today, although Ralph had no idea how the hell he was going to help out in taking down a massive creature with just him and his lowly axe. The beast girl just so happened to ask what Ralph had on his mind, although he did have another question too. “Hmm, if he's devouring everything, can't we just feed him some poison and call it a day?”
Time: 8:40
Weather: Cold and Windy, Snowfall
Location: The Beast's Republic (Kuridan), Nan'Gau Fort, Nan'Gau Northern Courtyard

  • Universal Goals:
    • Ensure the Safety and Protection of Nan'Gau
    • Survive.
    • ???
    Character Goals:
    • Become wealthy, renowned and respected.
    • Achieve greater power.
    • Rank Up in the [Adventurer's Guild]
    • Possibly scope out a place to live; to belong.
    • Get used to his wolf body.
    • Sniff out any lore or secrets of this world that may lead him home.
    • Overcome his fear of shedding blood.
    • Garner greater strength.
    • Get out of Nan'Gau
    • Collect the First of Seven.
    Language Keys:

    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • <"Beastial">
    Please keep in mind: I will be partially using the [Advanced Combat Rules], meaning that although the rules will be in place, intuitive uses of narrative WILL help your effectiveness, so I encourage smartly using abilities and skills. ^^ You may use any amount of abilities/skills out of combat as within the limits of cooldowns. Cooldowns apply whether or not out of combat. You may use skills on their own outside abilities.

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Just an Ordinary Girl
Aya B Grade.png"Oh?" Aya looked down at Hideki who seemingly was coming along with her, "So you're coming along too? Well, I doubt she'd mind... Hm?" The kitsune herself noticed the distant and heavy pounding of something slowly colliding unto the ground. She noticed the wolf's twitching ear and looked in the general direction of the sound's origin it came from, somewhere North. "You hear it too don't you?" She'd comment, following the wolf as he sniffed out that sweet scent. However, something else was distantly in the air and Aya covered her nose with her sleeve in response. "...Sulphur?" The kitsune murmured. It was far from a good thing for such to be in the air, however, it got less noticeable the further south they went...

Soon, Hideki would be led to an alley between an unlit, quiet house and an awfully rowdy building—lo and behold, the person they'd find pressing her back against the wooden beam was the familiarly excessively lace-adorned girl, holding the equally familiar and disgusting looking "doll." The kitsune sighed, "I knew it," She'd say as the girl's eyes stared from Hideki to Aya, as if to say, "Why is he here" "Its just a wolf, an unnaturally large one, but still a wolf." "I mean, sure! But is it okay with you?" Sariel looked down at the doll in his arms. It didn't answer, but its thinning eye was definitely upon Hideki, slightly twitching.

sariel.png"Why do you even hide it in the first place?" Aya inquired, crossing her arms. "Listen tails, everyone knows that all great heroes have secret identities. Second, it's way fun and lastly and most importantly; P-tan says it'll be harder for him to grant my wish the more people who know... or something." The kitsune raised her eyebrow, "What wish?" "Uhm... It's a secret, doi." With Sariel's snarky reply, Aya only rolled her eyes, "Whatever, it doesn't matter. Something big's oncoming so you better get ready and—" A massive crash echoed in the distance interrupting Aya as she turned to look, a loud growl bursting in the air. Something fell. It came from the North. (Aya, Hideki and Sariel are 60 feet away from the rest of the group.)

The man would nod at Griffin, "That's good. If you run out of any arrows we always have a supply of quivers near the ballistae." He'd inform, pointing toward a far side of the wall where the ballistas sit dormant. He looked to Au-gh'ulyqkh, acknowledging her concerns before turn to the rest of the group, "As described by the surviving chief, a swine with three long-necked heads as large as four houses..." He sighed,

Rextalen.png"No, we haven't that. I sent in a request for reinforcement but they are yet to arrive. The town's wall will give us ample time to prepare—the artillery will ready and bombard the beast with arrows, whilst the infantry will attack the beast's legs to hopefully render it immobile—" He then gestured to the rest of the awfully small party, "You lot will be tasked with dealing with its heads, find and take advantage of any weak points it may have," The commander explained before heaving a sigh, "I'm praying both the Hime-Sama and that a certain... angel; will grace us with their presences." He'd comment.

Garoujin.pngThe man stared at Ralph unamused, before seeming to think for a moment. "That would be plausible, however, we do not have a large supply of anything poisonous ready. During this season, most kinds of poisons would be expensive, rare and difficult to grow." The commander would inform, "However, it does pose an—" There was a sudden thud crashing outside of the walls. The men guarding the gate began to quickly run over, "What is it—" "Commander!!" A familiarly dog-eared man approached, "c- Commander," He huffed, upon reaching the party. A few other guards were following behind him,

"Garoujin, what is it?" "It is... <It's here! I can hear it, it's outside, it smells horrible and I can—>" Garoujin babbled and barked in his native tongue before a crash collided with the looming stone walls. It was a single thud which opened the crumbling hole in the wall as a disgusting growl echoed in the wind.

Battle Between Virtue and Sin
"Men! Ready the ballistas now!" He'd shout as the guards who arrived quickly ran over to the ballistae by the wall, "Garoujin, you're with the Adventurers," "Uh... uhm Yes—" The man then looked to Griffin, "Use those wings and see if you can find any visible weak spots, careful for the ballista arrows!" He'd say, before running with the other men to the ballistae.

It was a large beast which impended through the fall walls. Indeed, it was a swine with three heads on a stretching neck and it was slow. It didn't need to be fast—The thing's necks were long enough, and its maw was...? Its head scarcely resembled a pig, they seemed like they were decomposing and four slits lined each head... Then the slits opened, like a rose of wet sinew flaps barbed with thousands of red-stained yellow spines as it cried out its disgusting roar. The heads snapped and caught and crunched and swallowed the wall's descending debris. A rotting smell singed the air.

Well, only the middle and left head swallowed the falling debris, the right head held it momentarily in its gaping hole of teeth, bending back its squelching neck as it snapped towards the group of Au-gh'ulyqkh Garoujin, Griffin and Ralph hurling the piece of wall at them. "m- MOVE!!" Garoujin yelled as he dashed out of the way. [E-Grade Attack]

From this post onward, you have THREE actions. Please read up on the Advanced Combat Rules and act accordingly. (Actions: Movement (up to 30ft per 1 use of movement without [Fast]), Attack, Defend) Using an ability counts as using an action. Talking does not count as an action unless more than 100 words have been said in one instance. Please list all of your actions at the end of your post.
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LOCATION: Faynorae Faynorae Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy Scarletti Scarletti

  • Attacked by a devouring swine...fun

    As the wolf would follow, Aya Griffin looked at the commander as he spoke to him. They had Ballistae? He didn't realize this world had made it to that point, which proved how much he lacked in its knowledge. Now he didn't know how to run a ballista, but at least they had it. Hopefully, it would increase their chances when it came down to it, the description of the creature was interesting though. When he mentioned the arrows, Griffin nodded.

    "Good to know!"

    He could use that if he ran out, but the description of the creature was an interesting one...a three-headed swine? As in a three-headed pig? As large as four houses...that thing could compete with the bug queen in size! Was it just him or did his tasks just gradually get more major and major? Well, not that he could complain about it, Griffin didn't want to if he even had the chance. He didn't even have the chance to go through with his order. As it was followed by the beast chucking a piece of the wall at him and the others, when that happened it was blatant his first instinct was to dodge--But he only had so little to use. When he noticed something on the toy turkey only having time to skim it he knew he couldn't use it at the moment. Though it didn't mean he could dodge it, all he could really do was run. If he gets injured, he gets injured. He hoped he didn't. But nothing else could stop that outcome, so he ran with [Fast E]

    Action 2: attempt to run with [Fast [E]
    Skills used:
    Fast [E][feature-lion feat]
    Effectiveness calculations:
    Fast E grade + 2 effectiveness + Speed D +3 effectiveness

    Over all effectiveness= 5

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Hearing the commander’s description of the swine monster, Ralph wondered if it was really something he could help defeat. A slash of his axe could cleave a man into 2, but against something as big as 4 large houses? It would just make a mere scratch on something that big! Next, the commander seemed unamused by Ralph’s earlier suggestion. Ralph shrugged in response. At least he tried, but he was always more of a musclehead than he was a thinker.

Following that, there was a loud commotion as it turned out that the monster had breached the walls! Ralph took a moment staring at the grotesque beast right before his eyes, with his mouth wide agape. It was like an eldritch horror brought to life! Before he could even utter a single word, the beast hurled a giant wall fragment at them. Ralph wasn’t the speediest among the group, so he chose to stand his ground. Raising his axe high up, he’d swing it at the fragment. “This better work!”

  1. Heavy attack - Super strength F, Appraisal E - Ralph swings his axe with 200 lbs of force, while appraising the target - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Titles: Beast, Mundane
Point Booster: Attentive Student F

Character Sheet
Au-Gh waited on the answer she received on what was to end up attacking the defence in what would end up being not too long, unsure if there even would be a significant weakpoint that they would be prepared for and hoping that things would just end up turning out reasonably well. Hopefully one of these two that the Commander was wishing would show would at the least turn up to give them the upper hand if it was to be believed, since Aya had shared a similar tale of such people defending the 'cursed town' as Sariel had insisted.

With their given foe having been revealed after its initial strike at the wall, she could see Ralph risking to block the attack outright with a heavy enough hit but deciding expecting so much on a whim wasn't a worthwhile risk to take when there was already three heads total to contend with. Trying her best to make sure that the wall piece that was being used as a weapon was avoided, Au-Gh attempted to give returning fire if avoiding said attack was to go well.

1. Attempt to avoid the debris.
2. Fire back with
  • Ignition Flame - Magic (F), Fire Affinity (F), Continuing Affinity (F), Magic Range (F) - Fire a ball of flame from the mouth to accurately fire a fiery projectile at a target, as well as to leave the target or zone of impact in flames - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

The buildings that lined the alleyway shook ominously, with the crash and harrowing growl of the beast. Hideki braced his stance, glaring the strange one open eye down. The twerp had called it "P-Tan" right? Little good that did him to know. If it didn't want people to know about it, he wasn't really a threat. No one could understand a blasted thing he said. The wolf snorted before he finally broke eye contact with the suspicious creature. His tail swished low from side to side in agitation, ears flat against his head. He couldn't see whatever had made that noise, but he was starting to worry about that other kid with the wings. This world was a horrible one, to put all these young people in danger regularly. He couldn't wait to get out of it. He unconsciously let out a low whine, staring off in the direction that Griffin Ralph and Ugh had gone. He stayed near Sariel and Aya, desperately thinking of some kind of excuse as to why they shouldn't try to fight this creature that just came smashing through.
  • Actions:
    1. Staring Contest with P-Tan
    2. look off in the direction of the group.
Time: 8:40
Weather: Cold and Windy, Snowfall
Location: The Beast's Republic (Kuridan), Nan'Gau Fort, Nan'Gau Northern Courtyard

  • Universal Goals:
    • Ensure the Safety and Protection of Nan'Gau
    • Survive.
    • ???
    Character Goals:
    • Become wealthy, renowned and respected.
    • Achieve greater power.
    • Rank Up in the [Adventurer's Guild]
    • Possibly scope out a place to live; to belong.
    • Get used to his wolf body.
    • Sniff out any lore or secrets of this world that may lead him home.
    • Overcome his fear of shedding blood.
    • Garner greater strength.
    • Get out of Nan'Gau
    • Collect the First of Seven.
    Language Keys:

    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • <"Beastial">
    Please keep in mind: I will be partially using the [Advanced Combat Rules], meaning that although the rules will be in place, intuitive uses of narrative WILL help your effectiveness, so I encourage smartly using abilities and skills. ^^ You may use any amount of abilities/skills out of combat as within the limits of cooldowns. Cooldowns apply whether or not out of combat. You may use skills on their own outside abilities.

The rowdy building beside the quartet grew quiet, light even seeming to turn off. Hideki and Aya could make note of the worrisome murmurs and whispers from inside. Although, more worrisome was the thing Hideki dared stare back at, you were never to stare back at a... Things fell silent and the rush of the moment began to crawl. The slit which revealed the thing's eyes began to open wider and wider and wider and wider, did it have eyelids anymore? Its smile grew, stretching across the patches of off-coloured fluff, stretching longer and wider as though a knife was raggedly being pulled through its cheeks. Its head twitched, cracking like a shattered bone. The two closed eyelids slowly lifted open... to stare back, but, there was only black. As though all light had been absorbed into the holes of its eyes.

Aya B Grade.pngThen—a snowflake brushed into one of the wolf's eyes, forcing him to blink. Once his vision was clear again, he'd see nought but a simple "doll" with a cute large red eye blankly staring forward. It was a very quaint doll. "Don't stare at it." Aya advised staring at the child, "It doesn't stare at you." She'd murmur. Bearing witness to how the black wolf acts, she had concluded it had some sort of sentience; enough to understand what she was saying.

Aya turned to the direction they came in, "We need to go, they may need all the help we can muster," She turned her head, looking back to the young blonde, "Less speed, more haste Sariel. Transform now, and catch up to us." The kitsune readied herself, placing her hand on the hilt of her katana as she looked at the wolf. "Tough up, we've got battles to fight, uh... Wolf?" She looked ahead, "We need a better name for you..." Aya added, her face contorting to a wry smile, as she bolted ahead...

Go go! Tenshi no Amai!
  • "Less speed more haste?" The girl rolled his eyes with a sigh, "Ain't that kinda redundant?" Once she saw Aya ready herself to run off, Sariel stared and scratched his head. "Well, guess it's more fun that runnin' round doing nothin' in the cold!" Sariel stated, before letting go of the "doll" which, to no surprise, was not a doll at all as it began to flap its feathered wings. "Two people. keukeukeu ho—two furred freaks—" "Whaddya mean two folks? One's Aya and another's a really big wolf..." Sariel stretched his arms, shaking them momentarily. "Hehehe" The creature giggled, fluttering around Sariel.

    Love And Friendship Conquers All

    "Hurry it up, P-Tan!" Sariel would say, as the creature's laughter seemed to grow all the more ear-searing, Sariel placed this body hand upon the glittering brooch over his ribbon, unpinning it and tightly clutching it in his hand. The brooch sparkled, as the snowflakes around the child seemed to melt into the air.

    [A1]"Didiriko ☆ Ditiriko..." He sang, while flutteringly waving his right hand in a circular motion, with the brooch tightly clutched in it. Then, bleeding through the crevices between the girl's fingers was a dazzlingly dark incandescent crimson light which shone like a radiant hot metal. He then lifted his right hand high into the air. "Ririka ☆ Rou!" He loudly shouted out. There was a sparkling within the child's right hand,

    WIP.pngThe sparkling would burst, as energy burned and thrashed through the little hand clutching unto the piece of jewelry as twirling ribbons of blood red gleam glitzed in twirling noughts around the sparkling body. The dancing lights were happy and full of glee as the ribbons of light plunged into the child's torso, scraping and scratching the inside as the sound of stiff cracks echoed in the air. It ripped out through the back, like needles and thread through fabric, before again striking through various joints, ripping and tearing, breaking and cracking, stretching and ripping and reforming and remaking the body.

    It had become pale and cold, golden hair had been pulled into long threads of a translucent pearls and blue eyes became glass which reflected the red insides. Then blossomed appendages of feathery lightness, like flowers bursting into blossom. Then, to tidy it all up, the ribbons in blood-red twirled around and covered the torso and limbs of the body, tightly wringing around it as it shined in dazzling white, radiance subsided to reveal the fluttering white dress, sparkling with lace; gloves, hosiery and a pair of heels—all tied together with glittering pink ribbons.

    The single eye upon the demon's head seemed to glow, as it stay near to the show of dazzling and glittering lights. Such transformations were scarcely gentle, bodies weren't built for being reshapped with magic—however, fortunately, as a... of joy, all the pain Sariel would feel was masked with an abundance of exuberant ecstasy.


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Battle Between Virtue and Sin
Griffin's use of [Fast E] was excessively enough to avoid being pummeled by a rock, Au-gh'Ulyqkh was not as fortunate for her abysmal swiftness gave her seldom time to escape the hurled wall at her—luckily, Ralph had her covered. For his reckless flaunt of strength shattered the boulder as he swung at it, not only that, the pieces of rocks flew back its origin, the mass pig.

The first and middle head easily just swallowed the stone shrapnel, however, the leftest head was too dim and got hit by the countered attack, as pieces of stone embedded into its decaying skin. "G- Goodjob!" Garoujin praised, he was few paces away now. Suddenly, the leftest swine's head would shriek in pain.

Au-Gh'Ulyqkh's burst of flame proved quite smart, the flames burned on the decaying flesh of the pig quite well, as it landed upon the creature's knee. As it burned, the creature screamed. Loudly, loud enough for those with [Heighthened Senses: Hearing] to become temporarily deafened. "Augh!" Garoujin covered his ears, seeming in pain as he'd be brought to his knees. He didn't take pain well.

For until the next round, the characters; Ralph, Garoujin, Unamed NPC Soldier Beasts 1~30 are temporarily deafened. For this round, you must expend [1 Action] in order to make out what other characters have said, or to avoid being attacked without the chance of defending.

"Fire!" The commander shouted, as a volley of arrows arched in the air and planted themselves into the side of the pig demon. it cried out a shrill shiek as its heads violently flung themselves around. The mouths opened, as the creature turned to where the arrows came from and began to run toward the soldiers. "Tsk—scatter! Get away from the walls now!" He'd command, waving his arm and beckoning the men, as they began to move—however, others were still a bit dazed by monster's earlier.

"Hey!" Aya arrived, and called out to the party as she quickly unsheathed her katana. "What's going on—" Her eyes fell upon the massive charging three-headed swine, "What is that?!" She'd question. Not entirely expecting an answer. She squinted, putting a hand over her forehead to shield her eyes from the snow. She seemed to be focusing.
INTERACTION: Faynorae Faynorae Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy Scarletti Scarletti

  • Attacked by a devouring swine...fun

    Griffin was surprised he'd been able to get away from the rocks. But now wasn't the time to focus on that surprising feat. He had no time to rest. This thing was huge and, regardless, if it was worse, then the bug queen was to be determined. What he did know was that he couldn't freeze in fear like he did at the bug nest...it proved a moment of weakness. With that, he began flapping and started to fly up in the air as fast as he could at the moment with [flight [F]]. He had a monster's weakness to find after all. He would also try to get a little closer to it. He also attempted to use [Gust Cloak [F] ] to cover up any noise he could have made from the stupidly large pig, though it was debatable about how effective that would actually be. Hoping to be close enough, he used [appraisal [E] on the huge rotting swine. He wasn't going to aim unless it worked and that he could discover a good weakness.

    Action 1: attempt to fly with [Flight [F] and
    Action 2: use [gust cloak [F] ]
    Action 3: use [appraisel [E] on the pig

    Skills used:
    Flight [F] [feature: Eagle wings]
    Gust Cloak- Undetected[F] , Affinty Wind [F],-Grade F- 0 post cool down-
    Griffin makes himself undetectable with the use of wind gusts making temporarily undetectable by sound, -1 post duration
    Appraisel [E]

    Cool downs:
    Fast [E] 1/1

    Effectiveness calculations:
    Flight[F] + 1 effectiveness + precision C + 4 effectiveness + Gust cloak [F] + 1 effectiveness + apprasiel [E] + 2 effectiveness

    Over all effectiveness= 8

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Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae

Ralph heaved a sigh of relief as his axe managed to cleave the massive rock into 2. Thank god he did too, for the beast girl near him was just mere moments away from being crushed alongside him! It seemed like she was a mage as she followed up by casting a fire spell of her own, scorching the giant beast. However, Mr Piggy didn’t take it too nicely as it let out a wail so loud, Ralph could have sworn something popped within his ears!

“Gah!” He cried, cupping his ears with his hands, but the damage had already been done. In that case, he just had to make do without his hearing. He’d notice the monster going after the soldiers at the walls, though there were still some that were too dazed to move. He had no time to lose, he had to at least try and save some of them!

Sprinting into the fray, he’d grab 2 dazed soldiers within his arms, hoisting them up to his shoulders, before turning to run for his very life.

  1. Go up to 2 dazed soldiers
  2. Carry them with [Strength]
  3. Run away
[Strength] - Super strength F - Ralph carries the soldiers with 200 lbs of force - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Titles: Beast, Mundane
Point Booster: Attentive Student F

Character Sheet

Faynorae Faynorae DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Scarletti Scarletti

Au-Gh was surprised by how effective their initial efforts had been, considering Griffin was more than capable of avoiding attacks and Ralph was strong enough to contend with the beast. Having not entirely expected to pull enough weight to help, she wasn't entirely ready for the pig creature to seem so pained by her fire. The only downside to it being so effective was the horrific shriek that was audibly dragged out, reflexively reaching to cover her ears lucky that she didn't have it as bad as those with better hearing. Amidst the horrible noise, she heard Garoujin's voice sound like it was saying her name as she defensively yelled back in protest.

"Well I didn't know it was going to do that! Don't blame me for that!" she argued back at him over the idea of being criticised for igniting the beast, mishearing amongst the noise and slight ringing within her own ears. As Au-Gh fell fearful over the idea that the beast was to strike at the wall, she chose to follow the visible example of the other adventurers present and turn tail to run and stay away from potential impact. Hearing and seeing Aya having shown up, Au-Gh responded since she was someone who still actually had hearing.
"Mad bacon hydra is not happy, please help" Au-Gh requested of the kitsune woman as she was trying to retreat to a safe distance.

As she was doing so, Au-Gh rose a questionable thought as the brief moment resonated in her mind. The creature was flammable, and if it had a roar this powerful then there had to be organs or such inside to even do so. The snowing may eventually douse any flames she could place on the outside, but if the creature was ignited within any of the maws then surely it would go up in flames from the inside out. A ridiculous idea that seemed too hard to pull off on her own, supposing she would wait for everyone to stop scrambling for their lives before suggesting it. Maybe even with the large amount of archers, she may be able to ignite their arrows if her idea was to be trusted.
"If I may, I do have AN idea to suggest!" Au-Gh yelled out for anyone who might be interested in her scheme, since it didn't seem like there was any other real plan going on. Meanwhile alongside her little retreat, she fired another smaller shot just to keep assisting in the conflict.

1. Run away.
2. Yell to those present.
3. Fire a lil Popcorn Spark.
Popcorn Spark - Magic (F), Fire Affinity (F), Magic Range (F) - Fire a flame projectile from the mouth to accurately strike a target from range (without lighting them on fire, just in case) - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Hideki ran after Aya as quickly as his clumsy new body allowed him to. He did his best to ignore the bone cracking noises he thought he'd heard for a split second as they were leaving the twerp alone. That damned doll was creepy. Poor kid probably had some crazy curse of their own. 'This world really sucks!' He cried in his inner monologue. His paws beat against the snow and his long clumsy lopes brought him closer and closer to the others. Thankfully he wasn't quite close enough yet when the ear shattering scream of the beast pierced the winter air. Hideki winced, his ears plastered back against his head. He wasn't even right there with the others and that scream was enough to set his bones on edge. He could see the charging beast and the soldiers that were dazed from the scream. The cat boy managed to save two of the guards, but there were still too many in the line of getting trampled. He wasn't a hero, but just imagining seeing the trampled remains of those guards had his limbs moving on their own accord. 'You can't freeze up when you agreed to fight, no matter what.'

His body moved, and he started to gallop in the direction of the three headed beast, moving to position himself behind it, to pull a classic wolf move hunting tactic. Not that his little body would do much, but his hope was he could latch onto a hind leg and cause the swine to veer off, away from the guards.

1. Run up behind the beast.
2. PREPARE (not jumping yet) to Launch himself at the pigs hind legs.
Time: 8:40
Weather: Cold and Windy, Snowfall
Location: The Beast's Republic (Kuridan), Nan'Gau Fort, Nan'Gau Northern Courtyard

  • Universal Goals:
    • Ensure the Safety and Protection of Nan'Gau
    • Survive.
    • ???
    Character Goals:
    • Become wealthy, renowned and respected.
    • Achieve greater power.
    • Rank Up in the [Adventurer's Guild]
    • Possibly scope out a place to live; to belong.
    • Get used to his wolf body.
    • Sniff out any lore or secrets of this world that may lead him home.
    • Overcome his fear of shedding blood.
    • Garner greater strength.
    • Get out of Nan'Gau
    • Collect the First of Seven.
    Language Keys:

    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • <"Beastial">
    Please keep in mind: I will be partially using the [Advanced Combat Rules], meaning that although the rules will be in place, intuitive uses of narrative WILL help your effectiveness, so I encourage smartly using abilities and skills. ^^ You may use any amount of abilities/skills out of combat as within the limits of cooldowns. Cooldowns apply whether or not out of combat. You may use skills on their own outside abilities.

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Battle Between Virtue and Sin
Aya winced, her ears perking up as she realized the massive swine's charge, following in the steps of Ralph, the kistune dashed to soldiers, utilizing her speed and strength to hook two of them in her arms and out of the way. the commander noticed both Ralph and Aya's efforts and did his best to help a few others out of the way.

As Griffin flew into the air, the first head of the beast luckily noticed him not due to his [Gust Cloak]—It would've, as he'd noticed the multiple bulging black eyes running along the pig's spine, they twitched around, searching and seeing but they didn't see Griffin. His appraisal would reveal the creature's nature as... a [Beast]; as in like those that reside within Nan-gau. One head, the middle head, was [Lazy.] The left head, was [Lazier] and also [Decomposing]—however, the right head was [Smart] and [Decomposing]. However, one thing they all had in common was [Potentiam Gula]. Besides the boils on its spine, Griffin wouldn't see any weaknesses from this angle.

"Love Me Chain!"​

The sweetness of caramelized sugar filled the air as a long pink chain of heart links spun through the snowflakes before clipping onto and pulling the swine's forelegs and keeping it in a bind for the moment. A maiden—white as the freshly falling snow melting around her—fluttered near Griffin with an odd grin on her face. Pink ribbons, glitzed in the wind as she spun her toy-like staff behind her. "Way tah start the fightin' without me! Ain't—" A southern accent left her mouth as her transparent eyes fell upon Griffin beside her. She winced, jumping back in the air.

"Oi— H- hey kid... Mortal! What are you doin' up here... haha." She nervously spoke, her pitch higher, her tone loftier and trying to mask her prior accent. A familiarly strange creature hovered in view beside her. "Hehehe~ It's a freak." The creature chimed in an awfully cheery tone, "Animal. Inorganic. Not right, not human. Not you..." "Ignore him~" The white one interrupted the pastel one with her overbearingly sweet tone.

It was at this point that all the soldiers, Ralph and Garoko included could hear again. Something shined in a bright orange more deep than the setting sun upon the dimming sky somewhere along underneath the creature's neck, the chains crackled before shattering into shards of sparkling pink before melting into the air and the swine charged into the wall. Luckily, many of the soldiers would avoid being stomped as they began running. The pig's middle bursted into the wall, creating a hole, the other two heads... Opened their large maws and plunged at the floor... Crashing and clutching onto the few soldiers who weren't fast enough.

First, muffled screams then—Crunch. Crackle. Then it swallowed.​

The white maiden stared with widening eyes, seemingly taken aback as the creature beside her snickered. "Care not. Care not. Little angel," It whispered as if singing a lullaby to a scared child who cannot fall asleep. The burning continued on its knee, as the two heads wailed in pain, although not as loudly—Au-Gh'Ulyqkh's spark would ignite on its fore-elbow.

Garoujin stood stunned, clutching tightly onto the handle of the spear as he stared at the beast who just devoured his fellow soldiers—his friends. He hadn't witnessed this in person before—The commander ran up to Au-Gh'Ulyqkh, his face disturbed as he'd huffed, "Suggest it then," His worried eyes looked over to Garoujin, "And do so quickly." a few of his soldiers followed behind him as a few other officers were rallying the slower soldiers behind the giant.

INTERACTION: Faynorae Faynorae Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy Scarletti Scarletti

  • Attacked by a devouring swine...fun

    Griffin kept flying with [Flight [F] ] his eagle wings flapping to keep him in the air. As he observed the giant swine. He hadn't found a weakness like he had hoped he would. He'd likely need to get closer in order to do so. Then again he felt like he'd also need to do that to be able to shoot the thing, although Griffin didn't get any weaknesses, but the titles caught in his vision seemed to spark an idea in his mind, even though he didn't know what a '[Potentiam Gula]' was and didn't take the time to think more on the fact. What caught his attention were the titles of: '[Lazy.]', '[Lazier]' and '[Smart]' that corresponded to each of the three heads. He had an idea. He shouted at his teammates below as loudly as he could. Hoping to be loud enough.


    He didn't know where he would get with that. Maybe he was hoping that removing any intellect this thing had would work in their favor. But it didn't mean the swine still wouldn't be smart. Maybe a part of him believed it to work similarly to that of a control system. Suddenly, he heard someone shout.

    "Love Me Chain!"

    A smell of caramel emanated from a chain that had heart shapes that had sprung out and binded the stupidly large pig. He turned his head towards the person who had casted that smell. She was a girl with striking white hair and red eyes. Her reaction to him was interesting...regardless, he answered her inquiry about him being up in the air.

    "Helping find a weakness on this thing."

    Griffin had stated to whom he believed to be a stranger. But what caught his attention...was the creature. He couldn't tell if the thing was talking to him or the swine, but he wasn't going to react in order to preserve any notion he was a beast. For all he knows, it could be talking about the giant rotting pig. Regardless, he still didn't like it. And didn't know how to react to Dulcifer or the creature before him. He had a job to do, and he was going to do it. He told them.

    "Try to target the right head if you can... Miss..."

    Then he left. Griffin flew closer to the pig and tried to be careful. He couldn't use his gust cloak this time. Once he was in a position where he thought he would be close enough, he pulled back his arrow against it's rest. Nocking the bow and aimed it towards one of the eyes on the right head and with [Fighting style [E]- Wind Archer] released the arrow flying...hoping it'd stick itself in the pigs head.

    Action 1: continue flying with [flight [F] get closer to the right head.
    Action 2: aim his bow and arrow at one of the eyes on the right head.
    Action 3: shoot with [Fighting style [E]- Wind Archer]

    Skills used:
    Flight [F] [feature: Eagle wings]
    Fighting style [E]- Wind Archer- E - Selective + range- allows Giffin to shot regular arrows at selected targets with precision that are within range

    Cool downs:
    Appraisal [E] 1/1

    Effectiveness calculations:
    Flight[F] + 1 effectiveness + precision C + 4 effectiveness + Fighting style [E]- Wind Archer + 2 effectiveness

    Over all effectiveness= 7


Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae

As his hearing started to return, Ralph would catch Griffin’s advice to target the right head first. Did he have some sort of detection ability? Ralph wondered to himself. Even then, it would prove difficult for him to do anything to the heads when he was flightless and had no range whatsoever. What was he supposed to do even? Start climbing the swine like it was some obstacle course? “Yeah yeah, just go for the head why not.” He mumbled under his breath.

Just then, a sweet scent wafted through the air causing Ralph to wrinkle his nose. An orange light lit up the sky, and it took a while for him to realize that it wasn’t the sun. It was a magical girl dressed in a pink costume! Ralph rubbed his eyes. Was he seeing things? But Griffin was talking to her too so it must be real! “First we have a giant piggy monster, and now this? I give up…” He shrugged his shoulders in defeat.

Finally deciding to make his move, Ralph ran towards the front legs of the beast, swinging his axe at it to try and get it’s attention. With the wolf attacking it's hind legs and Ralph attacking the front, maybe they could make it topple or something.

  1. Dilly dally
  2. Run to the beast
  3. Swing axe at the beast with [Strength]
[Strength] - Super strength F, Appraisal E - Ralph swings his axe with 200 lbs of force - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Titles: Beast, Mundane
Point Booster: Attentive Student F

Character Sheet

The appearance of another whom had joined them, albeit surprisingly flashy-seeming for what was a pretty serious thing. With the fact that those who had chosen to fight alongside the defense were atleast able to make an attempt to stand against the beast, she might as well do the same. Although, the expression of the Commander wasn't an entirely comforting sight especially with the fact that the one who seemed deemed to be leader was now looking to her for ideas and guidance. More hesitant on the plan now that expectations were weighed upon her, Au-Gh began to point out her observations.

"This creature is flammable, and shouldn't be hollow. It must have organs to break down whatever it's eating, especially since it has such a roar. It might be quite noisy, but I doubt the glutton has a back-up plan for if any fire ignites inside of him. If he's basically a big corpse, he should ignite just as well on the inside as the outside. That. and breaking whatever it has for a stomach would also probably not feel so nice for it. If I can fire into one of its mouths, or even any ignited projectile, it might just pave the way to breaking him down from the inside out" Au-Gh says as she hesitates, unsure if it was a good plan at all by this point and if they should just rely on the rest of their party and the newcomer instead.

"It's possible to attempt, especially if any arrows we may have are ignitable, then it gives a pretty good shot. I mean, as gross as it would be, he hasn't tooted yet, and he's a big corpse. On the inside, the pig might just be a big gas-bag if we're lucky, is it worth trying? I doubt it'd be easy to get a clean enough shot, so perhaps numbers in enflamed projectiles would help".

1. Explain le idea.

The wolf was sprinting, full force at the beast, when he heard the angels cry and was distracted. He Nearly skidded to a halt as he looked up at the flying magical girl. But managed to keep his momentum with a clumsy save. 'Is that sweet scent familiar? Lucky kid, he gets to fight next to an angel, while we're all stuck down in the mud.' The beast breaking out of its chains and crashing into the building, brought him back to the battle. Griffin had said to attack the head, but he couldn't reach that high. This tactic would have to suffice for now. He'd gained some ground and closed the distance while the beast had been bound. He saw the red cat moving in for a strike, and fastened his pace. But now that he had, and he was close enough to smell the cloying rotten scent; it occurred to him he would have to bite this thing. But it was too late to think. HIs body moved and he launched at its hind leg to sink his teeth into the rotting flesh.
1. Look at the Angel
2. Get back on track.
3. Launch and sink teeth into hind legs. [Natural Weapons: Teeth] F
Mentions Faynorae Faynorae DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Scarletti Scarletti Femboy Femboy
Time: 8:42
Weather: Cold and Windy, Snowfall
Location: The Beast's Republic (Kuridan), Nan'Gau Fort, Nan'Gau Northern Courtyard

  • Universal Goals:
    • Ensure the Safety and Protection of Nan'Gau
    • Survive.
    • ???
    Character Goals:
    • Become wealthy, renowned and respected.
    • Achieve greater power.
    • Rank Up in the [Adventurer's Guild]
    • Possibly scope out a place to live; to belong.
    • Get used to his wolf body.
    • Sniff out any lore or secrets of this world that may lead him home.
    • Overcome his fear of shedding blood.
    • Garner greater strength.
    • Get out of Nan'Gau
    • Collect the First of Seven.
    Language Keys:

    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • <"Beastial">
    Please keep in mind: I will be partially using the [Advanced Combat Rules], meaning that although the rules will be in place, intuitive uses of narrative WILL help your effectiveness, so I encourage smartly using abilities and skills. ^^ You may use any amount of abilities/skills out of combat as within the limits of cooldowns. Cooldowns apply whether or not out of combat. You may use skills on their own outside abilities.

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Battle Between Virtue and Sin
The commander listened well, thoughts running around in his head whilst Au-gh'Ulyqkh explained, however, a visible wince contorted his face when she mentioned the creature tooting. He didn't have time to reprimand her for it, "Thank you," He'd start, "The men here and I will gather and light torches, we'll lunge that into the thing's maw," he then pointed to Au-gh'Ulyqkh, "once the others dispatch its movement, call one of the winged ones to fly you close to it and bait open one of its mouths." He'd said.

"Got it? Good—" He turned to Garoujin and the few soldiers behind him, "We're grabbing the torches, hurry now." All the other soldiers would begin to move, running south. Garoujin, however, still seemed a bit too stunned. With a sigh, the commander grabbed the wolfman's wrist, "Snap out of it! Come on." "Hah?!" With that, the commander ran pulling along Garoujin—leaving the rest of it to Au-gh'Ulyqkh.

"Now!" One of the nonentity officers shouted, as all at once the soldiers would charge at the beast's legs with their spears at the same time as both Ralph and Hideki made their moves. Ralph's use of [Strength] ripped off one of the pig's front legs, uncleanly cutting off a piece of its leg from its knee, the piece of leg laying a few meters beside Ralph. Hideki struggled only subtly sinking his teeth into the beast's hind leg—this part of the beast was fortunately not yet decaying and only tasted like sulfurous raw pork, which wasn't any better—the infantrybeasts slashed at the two legs which Hideki and Ralph didn't target.

The thing screamed out in pain as its legs gave out and collapsed, its body lowering. Ralph would've noticed the momentary dark shine of an orange feather embedded at the base of the middle head's neck. However, more pressing matters would urge him as the left head of the pig twisted down, curling and snapping as its maw approached and opened toward him and the men around him.

Meanwhile, in the air, "Well! Found anything other than those bulging eyes?" The white-winged one pointed with her staff. When the beast suddenly was inhibited due to Ralph, Hideki and the infantry's attacks, the white maiden smirked. "Right, the right head? Gots it!" The girl smiled. "Stay outta the way, kiddo!" The girl shouted out as she spun her staff in front of her. The pastel thing began to snicker, Griffin could swear he'd seen it somewhere before...

As Griffin's arrow planted into the eye, the eye began to expand as the beast again shrieked in pain, the eye would burst open like a bubble of flesh and green, exposing a hole in its neck—a dark hole of sharp spine-like teeth, a small body stuck pierced through the torso in one of its teeth, debris and dirt and other mutilated bits coalescing in blotches of red as the flesh around the ripped boil began sinking into the slit. The right head curled toward Griffin.

However, the eyes on the beasts' spine caught something bright and red. The white maiden was chanting as she spun her staff, "Oh, heart a bloody-ruby radiant; O' fire in nature, o' love in spirit..." The right head turned toward the "angel." Before the maiden manifested a sigil of incandescent red, burning black briefly before shining white, "With noble passion, sweet-souled star o' beauty; Sweep through the dawn colossal, swift aslant the garden's perimeter; bless nonentity with every light sacred, spice with glee the sweet soul of purity, bring an end to fecund sin—" The head lunged toward her as she twirled to violent smash her staff into the circle as she shouted, "With love and with justice, drive out all that is errant!"
Salboros_Sigil (3).jpg
(Requires [Religion] D or [Arcana] D to recognise.)​

Flooding out from the shattered circle was a wave of sparkling pink light, overpowering the sulfurous air briefly with the sweet scent of strawberry tarts and parfaits, this confectionary laser of magical light was filled with the utmost pure and lovely energy of "F*CKING DIE YOU UGLY PORK SH'T". Of course, this recoiled the head which threatened to devour the maiden, yet; it also completely devoured all that melting sugary magic quite heartily. "HAH?!" The white maiden loudly gasped, as her pastel pet began laughing uncontrollably. "Tha- My... wh- WHAT?!" She yelled out, as that same sparkling pink energy shined through the hole where the creature's eye had bursted. Then, in the right head's gaping maw, the sparkling laser of shining pink spat back in scorn toward the white maiden, who suffered the attack's full force, being knocked prone to the floor and smashing into the wall by Au-gh'Ulyqkh. Griffin would then notice as the pink shine inside of the opening would fade, as the right head twisted toward him, the middle head snapped up, also curling toward Griffin.

The pastel creature fluttered down, having avoided the attack just barely. It tilted its head, staring at the maiden who was burned in patches of red and tattered by the magical blast, "Little angel, wake up~ Wake up~ Wake up and retrieve, retrieve it! Little angel," It spoke in unworried snickers as Aya ran over, "Sa... Dulcifer!" The kitsune crouched beside the white body, shaking her roughly, "Ughhh..." The supposed 'Dulcifer' groaned, "You alright?! Tsk, look at you!" "I... I'm not dead... So I'm fin- Ahck!" She shrieked in protest as she attempted to get up. Hoarsely coughing up red into her torn glove. "Ugh... That's just... Uhggh..." She whined, leaning against the wall. Aya clicked her tongue, "Do we have a medic?!" She called out.

LOCATION: Faynorae Faynorae Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy Scarletti Scarletti

  • Attacked by a devouring swine...fun

    Griffin was in the worst spot, he was sure, but at least his arrow had hit the thing. And it caused a surprising reaction. However, now caught in between the right and middle heads, he had to figure out a solution. Unfortunately, Griffin didn't have much to go off of either. But considering the proximity, he wondered if he could use appraisal to get more than he did prior. Taking the chance, he used [Appraisal [E] before anything could happen. After absorbing whatever information he could get, he stopped flying...he didn't have much to help him out there. Which was why he stopped flapping his eagle wings and used [Gust Cloak [F] ]. Griffin began to silently free fall. Well, that was his attempt. If he made it a distance away and out of that predicament, he'd use [Flight [F]: eagle wings] again to stop himself from hitting the ground. There may not have been much in terms of attacking, but in that situation there was only so much he could do.

    Action 1: use [Appraisal E] to gather more information
    Action 2: free fall with [Gust cloak F]
    Action 3: use [Flight F:eagle wings] to catch himself

    Skills used:
    Appraisel [E]
    Gust cloak [F]
    Flight [F] [feature: Eagle wings]

    Cool downs:
    [Fighting style [E]- Wind Archer] 1/1

    Effectiveness calculations:
    Flight[F] + 1 effectiveness + precision C + 4 effectiveness + Gust Cloak [F] + 1 effectiveness + appraisal [E] + 2 effectiveness

    Over all effectiveness= 8


Upon seeing his axe slice a piece of leg off the beast’s knees, Ralph gagged. Even though he had charged in so courageously earlier, he still couldn’t get used to slashing monsters up. "Damn it..." He muttered under his breath.

As the beast started toppling down before them, the neko noticed an orange feather shining at the bottom of the middle head’s neck. It seemed like an odd detail, like how did the feather even get there? And was this one of those items that were secretly the source of the monster’s power? The left head would give him no time for anymore random thoughts however, as it started to approach them with its maw wide open!

“Oh gods!” Ralph yelled, before realizing something. This was it! The opportunity they were waiting for. “Fire! Throw the torches! Beast lady! Fireball! Quick!” Ralph blabbered on as he turned to run away from the beast. He was not prepared to be gobbled up today!

Titles: Beast, Mundane
Point Booster: Attentive Student F

Character Sheet

It seemed the Commander was so quickly to trusting her idea, hesitant on whatever follow-up he had meant by baiting it hserlf as if he thought she was some sort of grand warrior.
"Uh, sure, whatever works as long as everyone gets the idea" Au-Gh blankly agreed as she just awaited for whatever moment they were looking for, deciding that it would probably be the best idea to join alongside those who would most likely be attracting immediate attention of the creature's head due to combat presence. Working alongside what was their 'air support' would probably prove much more difficult to target, so Au-Gh went to make their way to join alongside the others on the ground in hopes there was a clear shot.

She was able to hear Ralph's immediate calling for something fire-related since he was next to be targetted, holding her tongue on answering first and aiming for a hopefully effective shot first as she tried her best to aim and fire her shot from as close as she was able to get during the time, having been trying to move to the best place for an accurate shot that was needed. Since it was crippled, getting a little closer shouldn't prove too problematic especially since it would mean she would have all the clearer shots in the world.

1. Try to run closer/into better position.
2. Use Natural Climber to help get closer/in position. Natural Climber - Climbing (F), Special Movement [Quadrupedal] (F), Prehensile Tail Feature - Climbs around, making full use of their natural capabilities while doing so. Climbing on all fours is to support stability and grip - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
3. Fire an Ignition Flame, aiming at the mouth of the head targetting Ralph. Ignition Flame - Magic (E), Fire Affinity (F), Continuing Affinity (F), Magic Range (F) - Fire a ball of flame from the mouth to accurately fire a fiery projectile at a target, as well as to leave the target or zone of impact in flames - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown​

The momentum of the boars stride, sent him flying forward when it crashed down on its missing limb. The large black wolf rolled along the ground for a few feet. A yelp of pain escaped him, and he whined as he picked himself up slowly. He wasn't used to the pain of a fight. He didn't like it. not one bit. Even so, The angel had taken quite the fall. How could he wimp out now. That's when he saw Griffin free falling, and Ralph just about to get snapped up. He shook his head, and his body lurched forward. With a leap he jumped onto the leg of the felled beast. Now that it had fallen to a knee so to speak, he was hoping to scrabble up the leg and back. In his mind he saw a way to reach the head that Griffin had said to attack. Just how smart that way was, it was a little too late to think about.

1. Get thrown
2. leap on the leg of the falling pig
3. Attempt to run/leap onto the back.
Time: 8:45
Weather: Cold and Windy, Snowfall
Location: The Beast's Republic (Kuridan), Nan'Gau Fort, Nan'Gau Northern Courtyard

  • Universal Goals:
    • Ensure the Safety and Protection of Nan'Gau
    • Survive.
    • ???
    Character Goals:
    • Become wealthy, renowned and respected.
    • Achieve greater power.
    • Rank Up in the [Adventurer's Guild]
    • Possibly scope out a place to live; to belong.
    • Get used to his wolf body.
    • Sniff out any lore or secrets of this world that may lead him home.
    • Overcome his fear of shedding blood.
    • Garner greater strength.
    • Get out of Nan'Gau
    • Collect the First of Seven.
    Language Keys:

    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • <"Beastial">
    Please keep in mind: I will be partially using the [Advanced Combat Rules], meaning that although the rules will be in place, intuitive uses of narrative WILL help your effectiveness, so I encourage smartly using abilities and skills. ^^ You may use any amount of abilities/skills out of combat as within the limits of cooldowns. Cooldowns apply whether or not out of combat. You may use skills on their own outside abilities.

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Battle Between Virtue and Sin
Griffin's attempt at appraising the creature further would yield nothing more than what he already gathered, only that with all of a sudden, a growing achieving hunger plagued his stomach. It felt empty. Emptier... and emptier. Meat, it craved something alive... The thing before him suddenly seemed appetizing, irresistibly so.

Gluttonous Craving
Griffin ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ) feels as though he hasn't eaten in 15 days. Everything seems consumable, whether raw or rotten, wood or stone, anything would do as long as it filled your stomach. [Precision] & [Intelligence] based Skills and Abilities require the use of another action to better repress your urge to feed. [Strength] is treated as though it were +1 letter grade higher. Duration: ???

The middle head snapped upon the thin air, clueless to as how Griffin simply disappeared, although the smarter right head seemed to notice how he was suddenly gone, stopping in its lunge. Fortunately for Griffin, his [Gust-Cloak] would keep him out of the creature's attention for now.

The left head crackled forward toward Ralph as he ran, noticing him particularly due to his red hair and loud voice. The other soldiers scattered in various other directions away from the head, yet it stayed slinking on Ralph's path toward Au-gh'Ulyqkh. It was surprising how long it could stretch toward them—Yet it recoiled once the flame from the beastwoman landing within its abloom maw... At first nothing much happened...

It withdrew, its mouth still open as it screamed, shouting in agonies pain as an eye-searing bright blue puffed out of its maw in a burst of slow flame. It stretched its neck erect, as the blue flames burned through its rotten skin, a putrid smell filtering the air as the eye along its neck would pop. It black or red substances melted from its skin, burning blue as its head fell limp onto the floor. The other heads began to scream. Louder and louder and louder and louder. Until that loud noise rang in everyone's ear like a high-pitched white.

For ???, everyone within the vicinity of the Ichiban no Buta is temporarily deafened. Whilst this is in effect, you must expend [1 Action] to make out what other characters have said or to avoid being attacked without the chance of defending.

Creatures with [Heighthened Sense] Hearing will be [Incapitated] for the duration of this round, meaning that they are incapable of using Movement based actions.

Aya fell with a grunt, covering her both ears as a red stained her hands. Snow melted around the limp burning head of the monster. That creature, the flying pastel one, it laughed a laugh that was a blessing not to hear, for it was too unlovely. Not like the ringing of silver bells of a starry-haired prince and not like the clinking of the swaying wind chimes or the whistling birdsong of summer's bullfinch. It was hideous, and it was better unheard.

"The feather! The feather, the feather Little angel! The feather!" It so excitedly smiled, the slit of its mouth reaching strangely further than its cheeks as it fluttered closer to the white maiden. She covered her ears too. Oh, how she longed to just yell for everything to just shut up for the moment. She gripped her sweet-scented staff, twirled in her hand and planted her heels firmly on the snow-crested ground. Her breaths weren't steady, and she looked as though she were about to fall over, but she didn't. Not yet.

With a bit of struggle, Hideki would be able to climb onto the coarse rump of the pigs. He'd be able to notice the large black boils, its eyes, lining across its and necks; and how they shifted toward him. A yell unheard echoed in the distance;

The maiden spun her staff, as that same sigil appeared before her again. She spoke the words nought could hear and violently smashed her staff into the sigil, causing it to shatter as that same pink chain flew out toward the pigs' necks. Just as the final few links flew out, the maiden grabbed it, hooking it 'round her pale wrist as she flew with it to the pig's head, her creature following swiftly behind her. Her heels planted into the middle neck, as the chain magically wrapped around both necks tightly. The pig's violently flailed with their heads together.

Despite not being able to hear anything, most would have been able to see the burning left head, but Hideki would be able to feel as the pig's "skin" grew hotter and hotter beneath his paws. Snow danced fervent in the heavy gusts of wind, snowflakes melting around the pigs' burning youngest head. Pink ribbons were trembling violently on the white maiden, as though about to snap off and fly away into the wind, after the blast she sustained, they weren't pristinely roseate in its silken sheen but rather dull and burnt and well, shabby.

Noises whistled in the winds and went unheard, the cries of people, the cries of the swine, and the wailing of the wind. People, you people, were like splotches of vivid colour scattered on a pale canvas of white, orange shined like the sunset somewhere, red darted through thousands of icy fractals and trickled from where one hears, blues rushed in panicked frenzies, fell and crackled, greys broke into ugly cracks as debris scattered on the white, black struggled to stay afloat in the sea of pallidity and the single shade of lavender unnaturally made merry as though centre on a party's dancefloor.

Those with a good nose would smell a variety of scents, the smell of the cold, the smell of iron and blood, the smell of dirty stone and dust, the smell of caramelised sweetness and strawberry shortcake with a hint of vanilla, the smell of rotting, burning and eggs, and the smell of burning charred coal. Oh, and disregarding the angel's sweet-smelling spells, the floral scents of spices and sweetness, alike a clove; did too accompany the air.
Last edited:

LOCATION: Faynorae Faynorae Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy Scarletti Scarletti

  • Attacked by a devouring swine...fun

    Everything happened so quickly, so painfully quickly. Next thing he knew, he felt starved, ravished by a sense of famine. It made the battle hard for him to focus on. On the one hand, he didn't get eaten, but on the other one, everything suddenly seemed edible. Which was strange, since 'waking up' in this world he hasn't had much of an appetite. He ate when he needed to... However, this was something different all together. A sense of hunger that clouded Griffin's mind like a plague. However, he had to remember what he was there to do, he had people to protect, but even that reminder was hardly helping him resist these urges to eat everything, even the rotten creature that stood in front of him. That realization made him realize he wasn't fit for battle at the moment. For the sake of everyone else, he probably needed to leave, so he attempted to fly away with [Flight[F]Feature- Eagle wings]. He kept his mind on his reasons. He tried to resist the overwhelming hunger so much so that the deafening effects from being near the pig demon were the least of his concerns. Using [Gust Cloak [F] to keep him from making a sound, he attempted to hide but not far away from battle, so he could jump back in should the others need him. He vaguly registered the odd mixture of smells coming from the battle scene, the same with the fact that the pig had lost one of his hands.

    Action 1: attempt to fly away with [Flight F] in a temporary retreat
    Action 2:attempt to resist the effects of [Gluttonous Craving]
    Action 3: hide with [Gust cloak [F]

    Skills used:
    Flight [F] [feature: Eagle wings]
    Gust cloak [F]
    Appraisal [E] 1/1

    Effectiveness calculations:
    Flight[F] + 1 effectiveness + precision C + 4 effectiveness + Gust cloak [F] + 1 effectiveness

    Over all effectiveness= 6


Hidekis entire body tensed, as the screeching wail of the beast was emitted. His ears were plastered against his head. However, his proximity to the beasts' head seemed to be the worst place to be. He staggered, unable to place one foot Infront of the other properly at all. Bringing one paw up to scratch miserably at his ears, he began to teeter and falter, the heat of the boar's skin beneath his pads a might bit uncomfortable. The heat, and the noise, mixed in with the myriad of scents was making him dizzy and nauseous. He very nearly toppled over, having to lash out and sink his teeth into the hide of the beast, to gain some sort of purchase. He did not like fighting at all.

Mentions: Faynorae Faynorae

Ralph fell backwards onto his butt, a mere second away from getting snapped up by the giant monstrosity, before the flame from the beast lady whizzed past his head and into the mouth of the monster, causing it to retreat a little. He clutched at his chest, panting heavily as he was almost gobbled up. “I’m… alive.” Confidence surged in him as he realized that. "Hah! How'd ya like that? Stupid pig!"

However, what happened next was not exactly pleasant either, as the damned monster started screaming once again! Oh, what a gift it was to be exceptionally good at hearing things! Now he could hear its scream even more clearly! As if it was pure music to his ears! Speaking of ears, there seemed to be some thick red liquid flowing from Ralph’s ears. Surely it wasn’t blood. The neko then snapped back to reality, clamping his hands to his ears and biting his lip tightly as he held back a scream of his own.

That was not all. He felt weak. Too weak to move. At the very least, he’d hold up his axe in front of him, as if it would suffice to scare off the monster. Hopefully his newfound friends could draw its attention away from him!

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