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Nalewen (BearClaw X SirLostBoy)

"Of course you could..." Artorius started but was rudely interrupted by a scream of indignation. "Imprison?!" came the sound of Clarissa as she barged through the woods. She had been eavesdropping in the conversation the entire time. "You're not gonna kill him now?! What will your soldiers think? They'll probably think you're a pussy or someone who lacks real gall!" she yelled at Artorius, completely ignoring the fact that the princess was there at the moment. "Think about what they did to you! What they did to my family!" She screamed at him. "But Clarissa...." Artorius started but she was relentless. "How could you consider it after all we have been through? You should know the king doesn't deserve anything less than death right?! right?!" she question him as she looked him straight in the eyes.
Aya took a step back as a woman stormed out from the woods. She was too afraid to say anything, she didn't know who this woman was apart from the fact that she also wanted revenge on the king. "E-excuse me..." She said tentatively, but after realising that she was being completely ignored she cleared her throat and spoke more confidently. "Clarissa, I assume that is your name, who are you and what is your purpose for being here?" She had worked so hard to save the life of her father and here was some random lady who wanted to change Artorius' mind.
"And you!" She turned to Aya on a dime when she heard her voice. "You are the one screwing with his head! Little pretty princess over here is being all nice and innocent! Well she's not!" She said angrily as she turned to Artorius. "How could you let HER get into your head?! Of all people?! The enemy's daughter! I can't believe it! Why did you even bring her here?! And what happens to our plans for tonight?!" She said with an almost hurt tone. "Clarissa...I'm just considering options ok?" he said softly to her. "I know you're angry...I understand your anger but I want to be smart about this. I want to save what left I have of my soul..." he said softly as he gave her a pat on the head and a hug. "Now go....there are important duties you have to attend to, and they can't be done without their commander...I'll be over in a little bit...." he said softly as he sent her on her way. She looked glum but gave Aya a look right before she left. "Don't you hurt him ok? I'll kill you if you do..." she hissed at her before leaving.
Durga stepped in front of Aya protectively, growling. "I'm not screwing with his head, I'm just helping him see past his emotions. You guys aren't the only ones affected by this war. Yes, what my father did was wrong, but if you kill him you are just repeating what he did." Aya refused to give up.

She smiled when she saw that Clarissa had actually listened to Artorius. Maybe this could work out after all, she wanted to avoid further deaths. She turned to Clarissa as she was leaving, "I promise I won't hurt him, that was never my intention. I didn't even know I was going to run into the head of the enemy army."
She just gave her a glare before disappearing behind the trees. "I apologize for. She's just very impressionable and I think my personality has rubbed off on her. She's kind of like a little sister to me." he said with a soft sigh. "She gets very protective of me and so she doesn't trust very easily either." he said softly. "Her family was caught in a raid by the King's army. They wanted resources and so raided their small farm town for them. She was about 10 when I found her....she's only 16..." he said as he sat down onto a rock.
Aya nodded sadly, to think that her father had caused so much pain and suffering... "I'm sorry for everything my father has done. I know it doesn't make it right, but I really am sorry..."
"I know you are....she just needs time that's all....I'll talk to her after all of this...she'll yell for a little while, probably cry a bit, but then she'll be fine..." he said with a light smile. "Anyways, I think you'd be fine as a ruler. we can set up a council of people you trust, I can help you. You're a young princess unaware of your father's crimes, no offense, but the people will gobble that up; you'll be popular that's just how it is..." he explained
Aya frowned, "I don't exactly have anyone I trust... The only people I trusted were my parents... I don't know anyone else well enough to even consider trusting. If I am going to do this I am going to need help... I will need you to stick by me and tell me what to do... Please?" She didn't know why, but she felt like she could trust Artorius and she felt like he was the only person who hadn't lied to her from the start, she wanted him to stay with her.
He wasn't sure what to say. He had always planned to be a part of the process but never to be her council; her adviser. He was a soldier, not a politician. But he had to admit he knew how things worked and he could help her. "Ok...I promise to be your adviser. I'll help you every step of the way...but, for now, you have to promise me you'll stay here ok? You'll stay put?" he said seriously as he gave her a hard stare before he started to pull out a big bag from behind the dragon, and pulled out pieces of armor from it as well as a chainmail suit. The armor was made of a silver that shined bright white, but also had gold designs of it all over it that resembled dragon scales and such. Even the helmet had slight dragon like qualities to it as it had horns and little bits of teeth all over it. "You may or may not want to turn around depending on how much the male body discomforts you," he said casually as he started to undress.
Aya nodded slowly, "Okay, I'll stay here. You will return though, right?" The whole situation still had her slightly confused, but she didn't have much time to think before what he had said registered in her mind when he started undressing. As more and more skin became visible, her eyes grew wide and then she quickly turned her gaze to the floor. She stared at the ground intently, her cheeks burning.

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