N00b (1x1)

Aquilla Wolfe

I need someone to GM a 1x1 pathfinder match so i can get the hang of things and get my character in order so I'm no guessing my way to who knows where.
[QUOTE="Aquilla Wolfe]I need someone to GM a 1x1 pathfinder match so i can get the hang of things and get my character in order so I'm no guessing my way to who knows where.

I don't really think you are going to get any responses to 1v1 games. While the community is extremely large, it is also focused around group games, and most users do not waste their time with these kinds of requests.

I can however recommend a few Pathfinder games that may or may not be looking for more players.
Pathfinder isn't too difficult to pick up if you have any RP experience, especially if you've ever had any d20 system experience. Roll a d20 and add your bonuses (and possibly your penalties) against a set target number (or occasionally, someone else's d20 roll) - you honestly have half the mechanics. Just learning when to apply what bonuses and what feats work best together is the rest of the system ^_^ if I find some spare time, I might offer to run a one-shot for a handful of new PF players, probably a prebuilt Adventure Path. Let me see what schedule looks like coming up, and I'll do my best to get back to you.
i know the idea and all but i wanted some experience to be more sure of myself, and if you get a game like that set up id be happy to join
I can't promise it'll move forward rapidly, but since my other games have seemed to slow WAY down, I could do a basic Adventure Path or something. I've never actually run any of the pre-con stuff for Pathfinder before, so I'd happily give it a shot. Honestly, if the players are up for it, I'm strongly considering the one-shot "We Be Goblins", and possibly the sequel, although many players don't care for pregen characters, so it might have to be something else. I'll throw together an Interest Check post and see what people would like to run, preferencing new players and with a patient timetable.

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