• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings Nᴇᴄʀᴏsɪs : Sᴛᴀᴛᴇ ᴏғ Fᴇᴀʀ | Characters


Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. Nation Building



1. You do not have to be a military character. However, it is suggested that your character has some sort of influence in the camp.

2. No Mary Sues/Gary Sues, usual stuff.

3. You can't be immune, or have special knowledge of the outbreak, etc.

4. Be realistic when it comes to age, if your character has a particular rank or profession that requires experience/schooling.

5. Keep in mind that this is set in 2003. Apocalypse started in April, and it is now July.

6. One character at a time, but maybe this can be negotiated if you have something you're itching to do.

7. Visual references not required.

In-Character Thread

Character Sheet





UNIT (if applicable):




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Ionut 'Jon' Albescu



Dentist (pre-outbreak), Impromptu Military Doctor

**UNIT (if applicable):**

Well over 6 foot tall, Ionut has strawberry blonde/ almost brown hair with a growing bald spot on the back of his head, a long face and nose but warm, endearing eyes and an almost flawless smile.

While not a soldier, Ionut has a quiet courage and childlike naivety that allows him to endure the horrors of the outbreak without losing his humanity. Deeply caring about those around him, Ionut uses humor and positivity to comfort others, and diffuse tensions between the refugees and the military.

Born in a small Romanian village, Ionut grew up with modest ambitions of helping others. After finishing dental school, he moved to the United States to provide for his elderly parents back home, sending money to support them. By 2003, he was settled in a quiet practice in Maine, having built a steady but unremarkable life.

When the infection hit the U.S., chaos quickly engulfed Maine. Ionut fled with other survivors, eventually finding shelter in the Saco Safe Zone, one of the few early havens for refugees. Despite his fear, he immediately began contributing as a dentist, endearing himself with both refugees and military personnel.
Following the death of the zone's doctor, Ionut was hastily thrust into the role.
As a medical provider in the Saco Safe Zone, Ionut juggles treating the sick and injured, managing dwindling medical supplies, and mediating disputes between refugees and the increasingly authoritarian military overseers.
His approachable nature and sincerity make him a beloved figure among the refugees, but it also puts him at odds with military officers who view him as too idealistic at times.

- Expert in dental procedures and pain management.
- Basic field medicine and wound care, developed under duress.
- Strong interpersonal and negotiation skills.

- Physically untrained for combat, making him vulnerable in dangerous situations.
- Naïve in trusting authority figures, which could lead to betrayal or exploitation.

- Refugees: Respected and cherished, often seen as a pillar of the community.
- Military Personnel: While some admire his dedication, others dismiss him as a soft-hearted civilian meddling in military affairs.

- To help the people of the Saco Safe Zone, as best he can.
- To one day reconnect with his parents in Romania, though he fears they may not have survived.
NAME: Ellis Mills.

SEX: Male.

AGE: 24.

OCCUPATION: Pilot, commissioned officer of lieutenant junior grade.

UNIT: Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 84 “Red Wolves”.

APPEARANCE: A black-haired and brown-eyed man of stocky build and average height, Ellis tries to cut his hair regularly but has started to grow out patchy facial hair.

PERSONALITY: Ellis is cool and measured, matter-of-fact and possessed with a strong sense of duty to protect and provide what he can to his people without raising a fuss.

HISTORY: Growing up in rural Maine, his love of aviation was sparked by working on and flying a beaten-up crop duster plane for the local farming community. Originally going to college to earn a degree in organic chemistry to work in the fertilizer industry, Ellis was inspired to enlist in the navy after a chance encounter with a recruiter.

Sent to Naval Air Station Norfolk, Ellis earned his wings after studying the flight simulators and countless flight hours to become a member of the Red Wolves. Deployed as part of a mini-detachment to Ft. Belvior for his first assignment, he participated in the extensive military exercises held there and helped load medical supplies into the navy helicopter that responded to the Sep. 11th Attack on the Pentagon, a defining moment of his career. Receiving a promotion, within a matter of two years he was set to serve aboard the USS Nashville until the vessel was excluded from it’s role in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Stationed in Naval Air Station Brunswick instead during the early weeks of the Necrotic Filovirus pandemic, he moved materiel and VIPs across the northeast until the base’s perimeter got overrun by a horde of infected and he received orders midflight to evacuate Captain Kaden Holloway of the New York Air National Guard to the Saco Safe Zone and report to Major Johnathon Hodges.

Ever since, he’s been listening to the radio, snapping up as many work duties as he’s been allowed, and wringing his hands at the detoriating situation around him. Ellis and his crew are relative outsiders despite Captain Holloway’s praises, being the latest and perhaps last ‘reinforcements’ to the SSZ, but make up their lack of comraderie with the ad-hoc force they’re now a part of with their friendly interactions with the refugees since they’ve never had to enforce the worst of the quarantine.


NAME: Joseph Delacroix

SEX: Male

AGE: 36

OCCUPATION: Owner of the (now presumably defunct) Delacroix Logging Company

APPEARANCE: A big burly man with, green eyes, shaggy brown hair, and a full beard. Often seen walking about in his signature (and increasing ratty) Flannel and Jeans.

PERSONALITY: Delacroix is independent minded and used to being his own boss. He is generally opinionated and eager to speak his mind. He was somewhat subdued by the terror of the outbreak, but the months of indecision by the military leadership has brought him back with a vengeance.

HISTORY: Born in Portland (Maine), Delacroix began working as a lumberjack in northern Maine after he graduated from high school to “Earn an honest living, and get away from all the rich pricks from Massachusetts.”. Five years later he started Delacroix Logging because he was “...sick and tired of working for jackasses who don’t know their head from their ass”. Achieving modest prosperity, Delacroix married his wife, Kathryn, and had three children (John, Kelly, and Robert). They were all visiting Joseph’s uncle Charles in Saco when the outbreak hit but managed to make it into the QZ. In the subsequent months Joseph has become something of a leader amongst the refugees thanks to his outspokenness, brash style, and his criticism of the indecisiveness of the military.

-Thanks to years of being an outdoorsman, Joseph is physically fit and a decent shot
-Something of a natural leader of men, refined by his years running a business
-Joseph says what he means and means what he says, making him a poor liar
-Joseph calls it like he sees it, a trait that is admirable to many, but tends to make enemies out of the people he calls out.
-Refugees: Those that are sick of waiting to starve on the Islands see him as their champion.
-Military: They and what supporters they have amongst the refugees tend to see Joseph Delacroix as a demagogue trying to undermine the chain of command.
-Keep his family, and to a lesser extent the other refugees safe and fed.
-To this end he wants to ensure someone “with balls” oversees the QZ and that the refugees get a say in decision making.
Character Sheet

NAME: Hadley Irving Jones

SEX: Male

AGE: 41

OCCUPATION: CDC Epidemiologist/Scientist

APPEARANCE: A middle aged black man, with a short receding afro, and slim build. He wears large square glasses, and formal attire (if not in a hazardous environment suit).

PERSONALITY: Hadley is an outgoing eccentric, loving sophisticated company and conversation. He’s accepting of things that are strange to him, and likes learning new things every day.

HISTORY: Hadley Jones grew up in New York, New York to upstanding civil servants. He had an interest in tiny things, from tiny toys to bugs. He would go to college for microbiology, and eventually land a job working for the CDC studying epidemics.

Hadley was among the many scientists deployed across the country to research the zombie virus. However, the virus quickly overwhelmed the government, and Hadley was scooped up during the evacuations of VIPs and key personnel across the country. Hadley was evacuated by LTJG. Ellis MIlls during his evacuation flights, and was brought to the Saco Safe Zone. Although Hadley's original mission was to continue studying the virus, the deterioration of the scientific community has led him to being one of the few on-site doctors still operating equipment.

Hadley has become deeply cynical. Watching people be torn apart in New York, and having a bird’s eye view of the world’s collapse has made a once optimistic man deeply pessimistic.

CDC Logo 1992 to 2024.png
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NAME: Anthony Rennox

SEX: Male

AGE: 22

OCCUPATION: Corporal, Marines

APPEARANCE: 5'9" tall man with an atheletic build, sandy blonde hair, amber eyes, and wears military attire appropriate to the occasion.

PERSONALITY: Largely single-minded, Anthony prefers to keep himself focused on the mission, and on his objectives. These days, however, he cannot help but let his mind wander back to his childhood and to all his community once taught him. Alongside praying again, he contemplates the possibility of these being the end times, and how they may be survived.

HISTORY: Anthony was born in August 1980, within the secluded Salvation Heights community, a settlement of religious zealots that preached revelations considered blasphamous anywhere else. Anthony remained with the community only in his young childhood, and yet his memories of the place are vivid. The community believed in the inevitability of the apocolypse, teaching that the rapture is a myth and that all mankind would endure the horrors of armageddon, with only those strong enough to overcome hell itself able to find salvation. As such, the community stockpiled weapons, supplies, and taught their people the arts of war, including their children. Believing Salvation Heights to be a nest of terrorism and insurgency, the US government came down hard on the community, ensuring its residents were prosecuted under the new terror laws. Anthony, being only a child of seven years at the time, was taken into the care system, and was soon adopted by a couple in Maine.

Anthony's adopted parents were at first alarmed to find that their new son knew things no small child should, and yet they recognised that Anthony seemed to possess an aptitude for marshal and survival skills. Rather than attempt to crush these interests, as most parents might, they decided instead to find a means to focus Anthony's energies more constructively, and so they enrolled him in the US Cadets as soon as he was old enough to join. Needless to say, Anthony loved it there, finding the single-mindedness and marshal nature of the cadets strangely comforting, and he exceled in all his activities, paving the way for his future in the US marines.

After bootcamp, Anthony would be sent to Afghanistan, were he would serve over the next four years, rising through the ranks to become Corporal. Anthony gained the expertise that can only come from live-fire experience, becoming a skilled fireteam leader and marksman, leading men through numerous operations while coordinating with other armed forces to tackle enemy positions both mobile and entrenched. Through his service, Anthony applied and was approved for Ranger School, demonstrating his exceptionalism by completing and graduating from the course.

He just so happened to be on leave, visiting his parents in Maine, when the outbreak ravaged the United States. As the situation in the country quickly deteriorated, Anthony helped his parents find shelter in the newly erected Saco Safe Zone, where he remained to guard his parents and assist with the defence on the home front. Given how far the world had fallen in just a few mere weeks, Anthony cannot help but wonder if this is the apocolypse that his community once predicted.


Anthony is an gifted soldier, though he is of little use besides destroying the enemy. While he is not on patrol or out on an expedition, he takes civilian volunteers and attempts to train them to defend themselves and the camp, which is no small task given most people are understandably petrified of the walking undead. Still, he does all he can to try to make soldiers out of them.
NAME: Elaine Theriault

SEX: Femme

AGE: 28

OCCUPATION: Fire Fighter - Engineer

UNIT: Not Applicable.

APPEARANCE: Standing at a moderate 168cm [5'6") Elaine is of indigenous descent, with raven black hair to her back, often braided back to keep it from getting as much in her face. More often than not, she is seen wearing her bunker pants, deep blue Fire department shirt which bears her surname on the back, and a set of black lineman boots. In the cold or in the field scavenging, it's not common to see her wear both her bunker coat (Which also has her last name at the tail), and helmet with mask.

PERSONALITY: Elaine is often described as rather aloof, preferring to remain in the back of the room, watching quietly as things proceed, ever careful to see how things transpire. However, that aloof demeanour changes the moment a vehicle is involved, or someone is in danger. Always willing to come to the aid of another, it's akin to an instinct for Elaine to rush towards danger, to save what lives she can.

HISTORY: Born along the Passamaquoddy bay in Eastern Maine, Elaine spent most of her early life in a small town off the coastal waters, taking up many hobbies as a child, running through her life like nothing was to go bad. And thankfully nothing did, as she lived without a single care for a while, before coming fascinated with Firefighters, and soon dreamed to become one.
Years of study, of training, and work pushed her to becoming a Firefighter, yet something yearned more, as she felt like her calling was not done yet, as she wanted to learn more, to know how the systems she used worked, how the truck operated, and more importantly, how to keep everything working. She wanted to be an Engineer, working on keeping the systems that saved lives operating, without the need of another mechanic. Eventually she was transferred further south, to replace another whom had retired recently.

+ Seasoned Mechanic and Operator of cars, trucks, and boats. "Pops used to have a fishing boat. I know my way around them."
+ Trained Rescue Swimmer
+ Trained Medic (Paramedic knowledge)
+ Knows the local area exceedingly well.
+ Physically fit and strong
- No major combat training.
- Bleeding heart (She cares TOO much sometimes.)
- Stubborn
- Poor Liar
- Distaste for most Guns.
Often carries Bunker Gear with her, alongside a toolbox of what she needs. In the field during any expedition it's not uncommon for her to carry a fire ax and flare gun. Under her visor it is also common for her to wear a half-mask respirator, with a small microphone inside for ease of radio communications.
Character Sheet

NAME: William Flynn

SEX: Male

AGE: 31

OCCUPATION: Mechanical Engineer at the Saco General Dynamics Plant, 1Lt. of the Maine National Guard

UNIT (if applicable): 133rd Engineer Battalion

APPEARANCE: Standing at 5'9", William is a bit on the lean and lanky side compared to your typical army recruit. With a clean haircut, shave and a collared shirt, no one would bat an eye if they were told he was an engineer. Now with his BDUs, unkempt hair, and bags under his eyes, he looks like any other over worked and stressed officer in the Council except for his somewhat uncanny ability to have a friendly smile on his face no matter the circumstances.

PERSONALITY: Ever meet a person who seems to be constantly smiling and happy about life no matter what life throws at them? William is one of those types of people. Confident and friendly, William almost seems fatherly to everyone he meets as he may not always have an answer to problems, but is reassuring and certain that no matter a situation they will be able to figure something out.

HISTORY: William moved to the area first when he was hired to work for General Dynamics several years ago. He had joined the National Guard as a way to pay for school and graduate in engineering in Boston. Life was quiet and simple for William. He thoroughly enjoyed his work at General Dynamics and took his National Guard duties seriously. Though, when rumors were starting to spread in his unit that they would be activated soon and sent to the Middle East, he began to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Of course, he couldn't have predicted the virus to suddenly spread like wildfire and change the world forever.

Name: Roger Noones

Sex: Male

Occupation: Rifleman, NCO

Unit: 2nd Platoon

Appearance: Roger Noones is an average-looking man in his mid-to-late twenties. He keeps up with PT standards, so he's pretty in-shape, with broad shoulders and a gaunt, clean-cut look to him. He's five foot ten, around two-hundred pounds, with black, combed over hair and dark brown eyes. Overall, his looks aren't very stand-outish.

Personality: Roger is affable to those he can trust and charitable to the civilians and other soldiers within the safezone, but he holds a deep mistrust for anyone outside. He holds disdain for looters and generally survivors who live outside of the Saco Safe Zone, thinking that if anything, they will be the downfall of the community - the infected they could handle, they had plenty of bullets and guns to shoot with, but with how many survivors there were outside the walls, Roger thinks it's better they're dealt with than allowed to organize and eventually attack the zone. People call him paranoid, but he swears that one day, that's gonna be a serious problem. Besides that, though, Roger is pretty friendly with everyone, but he gets pissed off about his command and about how some of the grunts act sometimes. He's not super bright, but he's practical, and a damn fine soldier - loyal to the last, unless you're an outsider.

History - Roger was born and raised in western Massachusetts, in a rural area. His daddy was a truck driver and mother was a bartender. He lived in the same small town all his life, unti his dad took a job in Maine hauling lumber. When he turned eighteen, he'd graduated high school but didn't really have any prospects for his future - no scholarship, no passion. On the advice of his father, he joined the Maine Army National Guard, after the G.I. bill and the discipline it would instill in him. Two years into his contract, shit hit the fan.

Now, he lives for the sake of Saco. There's nothing else in life that motivates or distracts him - no job to get, no college to go to, no parents to prove himself to - just people to defend. He feels he has found his calling here at the Saco Safe Zone. More than any other man in the unit, he believes, he would die for the welfare of the community. It's his only purpose.
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1739658211907.pngNAME: Hatsuki "Hattie" Sato

SEX: Female (she/they)

AGE: 14


UNIT (if applicable): N/A

APPEARANCE: Hattie is 5'1" in height with a slim but athletic physique. Her skin is pale as she spent much of her childhood indoors and tended to burn when she did actually go in the sun. She has dark brown hair, though it appears black when not in direct sunlight. Her eyes are a similar colour. She has scars on her feet from blisters that didn't heal well, and on her knees from skinning them as a kid.

PERSONALITY: Young children are often known for asking many questions. Hattie never grew out of that phase. There's rarely any malice behind her questions, she just likes to learn things. She becomes bored quite easily, looking for stimulation wherever she can find it. Bed rest and Hattie do not mix. Reading and Hattie don't particularly mix, either. She prefers hands-on hobbies, such as dance and music. She's pretty good at piano, she's no child prodigy, but she looks impressive to non-piano-players. She can be a tad grumpy at times, being a teenager and all, though learned to hide her negative feelings while at home to avoid causing her parents stress. Thus, when she's upset, she tends to disappear to deal with those emotions on her own.

HISTORY: Though her parents were born in Japan, they immigrated to the US before she was born, meeting in their shared city of Salem. They made their life there, though they weren't without struggles. Her parents were educated, though struggled to get well paying jobs. They tried to give everything they could do their two children, Haruto, a boy, and Hatsuki, a girl. Haruto was intelligent, he enjoyed reading, computers, videogames... Hatsuki was musical, she liked to sing, dance, and learned to play piano from a young age. They gave everything they had to make their children happy.

When the outbreak began, the Sato family were taken in by a small safe zone based in Salem Highschool, a satellite camp of Marblehead Safe Zone. It was unfortunately less comfortable than Saco, though there were less people to keep alive. The younger members did have jobs, though they were kept out of danger. Hattie and Haruto mostly worked in storage, sorting things under the supervision of an adult to ensure nothing was stolen. One early morning, the safe zone became overrun by infected. In an attempt to escape, a crowd rush occurred. Hatsuki fell and was trampled, losing sight of her family. Regaining consciousness a few minutes later, most of the crowd had passed over her. Though she could hear them in the distance, she could no longer see them. Armed with only a hockey stick, she travelled North on foot.

She arrived in the Saco River Safe Zone via the South Bridge before it fell, conveniently, just by the medbay.

- Physical Fitness: Hattie was part of multiple sports clubs at school, though her favourite was dance. She is agile and has the strength and stamina of a dancer.
- Size: Hattie is short, slim and agile. She can fit through small spaces, such as vents.
- Determined: Though it could also be interpreted as stubbornness, once Hattie has an idea, she does her best to see it through.

- Weapons Training: Hattie has little to no experience with weaponry, particularly guns. She has been defending herself with a hockey stick.
- Stubborn: She rarely takes no for an answer. She wants to be useful, thus she spends much of her time trying to do jobs and hoping she doesn't get told to leave.
- Emotionally Unavailable: A young teen arriving to a safe zone alone suggests a sad backstory. However, no one is exactly sure, as Hattie hasn't spoken about it.

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NAME: Lily Josephine Carter

SEX: female

AGE: 27

OCCUPATION: lab assistant

APPEARANCE: fc: Ella Purnell (Fallout)

She stands at 5’5” and is thin but fit from morning jogs. Her hair is shoulder length and dark brown in colour, but she usually pulls it back and out of her face. Her eyes are green and she has freckles all over her face and body. She has one tattoo on the back of her neck of a koi fish.

PERSONALITY: Before the Apocalypse Lily was an ambitious and intelligent young woman with a sharp wit and a relentless drive to succeed. She had always been fascinated by medicine, dedicating herself fully to her studies in med school. She was analytical, practical, and a bit of a perfectionist, often holding herself to impossibly high standards. Though she had a sarcastic sense of humor and could be blunt at times, she was ultimately kind-hearted and deeply loyal to those she cared about.

Socially, Lily wasn’t the most outgoing person, but she had a small, tight-knit group of friends who appreciated her no-nonsense attitude and dry humor. She found comfort in routine and structure, preferring a world where logic ruled over chaos. While she enjoyed solving problems and learning new things, she struggled with emotional vulnerability and often bottled up her stress rather than expressing it.

After the Apocalypse, the structured world Lily once relied on was gone and in its place was a brutal, unpredictable reality. At first she struggled, grieving the loss of her future, her family, and the stability she had always counted on. But her resilience kept her from breaking. She threw herself into her work as a lab technician on the military base, using her medical knowledge to contribute in any way she could.

Over time, Lily became colder and more detached. She stopped expecting the world to make sense and instead focused on survival. The sharp wit she once used to joke with her friends became a defensive mechanism, a way to keep others at a distance. She learned to suppress her emotions even more than before, fearing that caring too much would only lead to more pain.

Despite this hardened exterior, deep down, Lily still carried a quiet sense of hope. She refused to let go of the idea that things could get better, even if she no longer voiced it out loud.


Before the Apocalypse:

Lily was born in 1976 in Colorado Springs, the middle child of an Air Force engineer and a dedicated nurse. Growing up near military bases, she was raised with discipline and a strong work ethic. Her father instilled in her a respect for structure and logic, while her mother’s career in medicine sparked her early interest in the field.

Academically gifted but socially reserved, Lily excelled in science and math but found it difficult to form deep connections outside of her family. She was sarcastic and blunt, traits that some found off-putting, but those who got close to her appreciated her loyalty and dry humor. Instead of partying or dating much, she buried herself in books, always chasing the next challenge.

Determined to make something of herself, Lily pursued medical school at the University of Colorado. She originally aimed to become a doctor but found herself more drawn to research and lab work than direct patient care. She switched focus to medical laboratory science, enjoying the precision and logic of diagnostics. By 2003, at 27 years old, she was finishing her final training and had just secured a job as a lab technician at a cancer research facility in Portland.

The Start of the Apocalypse:

When everything collapsed, it happened fast. The first reports came in as scattered cases of a mysterious infection—violent behavior, rapid neurological decline, and an almost supernatural level of aggression. Within days, cities were overrun, the government issued emergency orders, and military bases went into lockdown. Lily was touring the lab when it all started going down. Luckily, they were evacuated fairly quickly.

Unluckily, she didn’t get to say goodbye to her family. The power grid failed in most areas, cutting off communication, and rumors spread that Colorado Springs had been hit hard. She still doesn’t know if her parents and siblings are alive. That uncertainty eats away at her, but she keeps it buried under work.

One Month Into the Apocalypse:

Now, a month in, Lily is one of the medical personnel at the base. Lily stays there, not because she’s particularly loyal to the military, but because she knows she’s useful... sort of.

She has changed in subtle but significant ways. Where she once found comfort in logic and structure, she now operates in survival mode. She still works in the lab, analyzing whatever samples come in, trying to understand the infection—if there’s any way to slow it, treat it, or at the very least, predict its progression. But she knows deep down that the chances of a cure are slim.

Emotionally, she’s shut down. She keeps people at arm’s length, afraid to form attachments in a world where people die fast. Her sarcasm has turned sharper, more defensive, and she’s colder than she used to be. But despite everything, she keeps going.


Skills & Strengths:

• Medical Knowledge: Even though she isn’t a full doctor, her expertise in diagnostics, lab work, and emergency care makes her invaluable. She can identify infections, test blood samples, and provide basic medical aid.

• Sharp Memory: She retains details well—formulas, procedures, even overheard conversations. This helps her navigate crisis situations where resources are scarce.

• Logical Under Pressure: While others panic, Lily compartmentalizes. She focuses on solutions, not emotions, which helps her stay alive.

• Resourceful: Growing up in a military family, she learned some survival basics. While she’s not a soldier, she knows how to handle a gun (barely) and has a methodical approach to rationing supplies.

Weaknesses & Flaws:

• Emotionally Closed-Off: She refuses to get attached, which can make her seem cold or unapproachable. This keeps her from forming alliances that could help her survive long-term.

• Physically Average: She’s not a fighter. She can run, hide, and shoot if needed, but she’s not winning any hand-to-hand combat situations.

• Overworks Herself: She believes the more she works, the less she has to think about the world falling apart. She skips meals, sleeps too little, and burns herself out.

• Trust Issues: She doesn’t blindly follow military orders, but she also doesn’t trust civilians easily. She assumes most people will act selfishly when desperate.

Personal Details & Quirks:

• Caffeine Addiction: Before the world ended, she ran on coffee. Now, she’s constantly looking for caffeine substitutes to stay alert.

• Handwriting Obsession: She always kept neat, precise notes in her lab work. Now, she still records findings in a small notebook, as if clinging to the old world’s order.

• Low-Key Fear of the Dark: She never admitted it before, but total darkness unsettles her, especially now with infected lurking. She always keeps a flashlight close.

• Rare Soft Side: Occasionally, her old self slips through—like when she secretly checks on soldiers she claims to not care about or when she shares rations with someone having a bad day.

Relationships & Reputation on Base:

• The Soldiers: Some respect her, some find her cold and distant. A few resent that she gets extra protection due to her skills.

• Commanding Officers: They see her as an asset but expect obedience, which she struggles with. She pushes back when she thinks orders are reckless.

• Other Survivors: Most civilians on base don’t know her well. She avoids unnecessary socializing, but when they need medical help, she’s there.

• Possible Rivalries?: Maybe another medic or scientist disagrees with her methods. Maybe a soldier sees her as a liability. Potential for conflict.

What Keeps Her Going?

• Guilt: She couldn’t save her family, but maybe she can save someone.

• Stubbornness: She refuses to accept that humanity is done for.

• Curiosity: If there’s a way to understand the infection, she wants to find it.
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NAME: John Raymond Delilio, Nicknames of Ray, Raymond, or Codfish


AGE: 36

OCCUPATION: Navy Welder out of the Portsmouth Naval Yard

UNIT (if applicable):

APPEARANCE: Raymond is tall and lanky, approximately 6'2 in height, with the arms of an orangutan and the fingers of a man who can hardly stand to sit still. He often slouches, making him look shorter than he really is. He has as much muscle as one could expect from a man of his skillset and stature, with a clumsy way of moving around. But give him a tool, and it'll flow through in his hands like water downriver. He an inconsequential face, with dull brown eyes often hidden by the image of his rounded glasses, and long, filthy, graying blond hair. He has a bushy mustache, as filthy as all the rest of him.

Raymond is rarely in uniform, and doesn't enjoy the fatigues, only donning them where absolutely necessary. Most commonly he wears simple, civilian clothes. Button up shirts with plain colors, and blue jeans, with brown boots to match. He has a broken silver watch around his wrist, a gift from someone or other, and usually keeps a sheath for a utility knife attached to his belt.

PERSONALITY: Raymond is a quiet soul, preferring to keep to himself and do the work he's meant to do. He's nervous when he talks, anxious when interacting with people he doesn't know, and sometimes people he does know, and prefers to be left to his own devices. He holds certain items he owns in high regard, to an almost ceremonious or religious degree. Most especially is his broken watch, his utility knife, and the Renault 5 which has served him for the last decade. Even though it's long run out of gas, he still maintains it and cleans it every day, paying more attention to it than his own personal appearance.

HISTORY: Raymond joined the military as a young man in his early twenties, and found his calling as a welder. His dad taught him the basics of stick welding as a boy, but the army allowed him to branch out into MIG and TIG, among other things. He served in the Gulf War, and simply stuck around in the service since his return. He works on repairing and maintaining and building the ships built in Portsmouth Naval Yard. He was vin Saco on leave to visit family when things went to hell, and with no desire to brave a return not knowing what might be waiting for him, has elected to stick around doing odd jobs. He was given the nickname of Codfish by others in Portsmouth for how slippery he is to nail into a conversation.

NAME: Rachel Bellerose

SEX: Female

AGE: 34

OCCUPATION: Sniper, S3 Officer

UNIT (if applicable): 133 1LT


PERSONALITY: Tactical, calculating, and highly disciplined. While she maintains a cool and collected exterior, she has a strong sense of loyalty to those she trusts. She’s not afraid to make hard decisions but carries the weight of past losses.

Rachel is disciplined and straightforward when it comes to her job—she holds herself and others to high standards, especially when the safety of her team is at stake. Her military training makes her quick to make decisions, and she expects others to follow orders with the same efficiency. However, outside of her professional responsibilities, she’s approachable and friendly. She makes an effort to connect with those under her command, always showing respect for their abilities and experiences.

She’s a good listener and tends to make her team feel valued, even in the harshest circumstances. Alex’s leadership is built on trust and mutual respect, and while she may be strict about strategy and security, she never forgets to be relatable, ensuring her team knows they are supported. She has a natural ability to ease tensions with a quick smile or a few well-timed words, but she’s never afraid to get serious when the situation demands it.

Her balance of strictness in her military duties and warmth in her personal interactions makes her both an effective leader and a well-liked figure in the group.

As a former Air Force MP marksman she ended her tour a year before the outbreak. Soon she was quickly hired by the FBI due to her marksman skills and her education in criminology. As the outbreak began, she was assigned to the nearest safe zone which is Saco River as part of the advisors deployed for safe zones security. She also has experience as a S3 TOC officer as well allowing her to be in influential roles when snipers are not needed. This role is the liaison for ground troops and the rest of the Tactical Operations Command or the highest command. Soon, she was slowly integrated into the 133 engineer battalion as ops officer and sometimes as detachable marksman or other roles needed to fulfill as she always like to help out.

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Character Sheet

NAME: Charles "Charlie" Tellier

SEX: Male

AGE: 23


UNIT (if applicable): Maine ARNG, 126th Aviation Regt.

APPEARANCE: Charlie is a pretty short man averaging at around 5'7" with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He's quite slim, only weighing about 137 lbs last time he checked. He'd like to grow a mustache but has the curse of eternal baby face. his facial features have the funny feature of making him almost always look amused in some form. Which pairs nicely with his personality. He's often seen wearing his flight suit and a pair of aviators.
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PERSONALITY: Charles has always been quite the lighthearted fellow. He enjoys cracking jokes and having a laugh, very much still a very young guy. Whether it’s teasing his friends with playful banter or finding humor in life’s little absurdities. Ever the optimist, he always tries to find the best in every situation. To the detriment of a few of his friends.. To them, it sometimes feels as though he brushes off important matters too easily, not fully acknowledging the gravity of certain situations. While Charles means no harm, his relentless optimism can occasionally come across as dismissive, even when that’s far from his intention. However, under his confident exterior he is deeply anxious about the current situation going on in the world. He's especially worried for his family back home. Though he rarely lets his concerns show, those who know him best can see the moments when his smile fades just a little too quickly or when his laughter sounds a bit more forced than usual.

HISTORY: Charles was born on June 12th, 1979, to a Canadien family who moved to bangor in Maine just before he was born. He grew up as most kids in his area did, lower-middle class and happy. He was the youngest of his parents' three children, surrounded by two older sisters, and joined the Maine Army National Guard shortly after September 11th, 2001. Inspired by his father, who was a US Army helicopter pilot for the 1st Cavalry Division in the Gulf War, he pursued the same MOS as his father and became the pilot for a UH-1H. When Operation Iraqi Freedom began, Charles was ecstatic. He was expecting something akin to Desert Storm; the coalition rolls in and crushes the Iraqis in a few weeks. He always did want to follow in his fathers footsteps and what was better than blowing up Iraqis? Unfortunately for him, his unit wasn't deployed to Iraq and he instead had to sit back in Maine. Much to his disdain.
The initial days of the outbreak were.. chaotic to say the least. He himself barely remembers them, he stayed at his post and did the orders he was assigned to. Eventually he and his air crew were tasked with flying in medical supplies to Saco Island..

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Character Sheet

NAME: Simon L. MacMillian

SEX: Male

AGE: 36


UNIT (if applicable): N/A

APPEARANCE: Blonde Hair, 5'11ft, slim, Green Eyes, pretty much the physic of a dad who likes to do crossfit, but also enjoys a beer with his friends on the weekend.

PERSONALITY: He is a very kind man, and although he is someone who has a lot of knowledge and experience, he always tries to be humble and open to new approaches and ideas to problems. He manages to stay focused in very challenging situations, being a man of focus, resilience, and faith.

Born in New Braunfels, Texas, on March 28, 1967, Simon MacFarland is the son of Vietnam War veterans, his father an Air Cavalry officer and his mother a flight doctor. He had a normal childhood, hearing stories from his father about Vietnam, and how few men could do what many were not even capable of thinking.

He then began to think about what to do with his life, which made him lose some focus on his studies, making him almost fail high school, because he was so focused on the future, and forgot about the present. He would then take this as a lesson for the rest of his life. With that, Simon decided to call his parents to the dinner table, so they could talk. He explained to his father and mother what he wanted to do with his life, which was to join the Army, and be part of the Rangers and be part of the elite cadre of the American Armed Forces, and to do that, he needed his parents to give him permission to join the Army at 17. His parents were a little reluctant to do this, as they thought Simon had a very different view of reality, but they still allowed him to join the Army, thus beginning his journey in the Military. After basic training, Simon attempted to join the newly formed 3rd Ranger Battalion.

At first, Simon felt completely exhausted and unable to undergo this training program, which in his mind was one of the hardest things he had ever done in his life. Meanwhile, Simon's personal life was a disaster. He was constantly going on dates with girls he didn't even know, as he was trying to distract himself from the constant kissing his parents were doing, since, during the time Simon was in basic training, his father had cheated on his mother with a prostitute, and they were going through divorce proceedings. All of this was on Simon's mind as he went through RASP I, the 8-week training process for soldiers to officially become Rangers.

Time passed, and Simon had become a Sergeant in the Third Battalion. He was happy where he was, and after a couple years, he was promoted to Sergeant First Class (E-7). He served in Rangers until 2001, when he was shot in the leg and received shrapnel in his right arm and right leg, forcing him to be medically discharged. He then spent a year on rest, until he decided that he could no longer stand around like a cripple, and should return to being an Operator.

He spent months re-conditioning himself for combat, and interviewed to become a contractor for the infamous and notorious Academi, better known at the time as "Blackwater". He did a 2-month deployment to Iraq in 2002, where he worked with multiple government officials, and also saw combat a few times while assisting coalition troops in Iraq. After that, he returned home in early 2003 and decided to take a vacation with his wife, whom he met in the 90s.

They then traveled to Maine, more specifically to Old Orchard Beach, and spent a few days enjoying the place, until the outbreak began. Chaos took hold in Saco, and, by a stroke of bad luck, Simon's wife ended up being shot in the crossfire by rebels, which left him extremely enraged, and now, Simon seeks revenge for the blood spilled, and is willing to sacrifice anything and anyone for it.

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