Mythology/Gods style RP?


Senior Member
Hey there all.

So, I was thinking that maybe I might be able to start a RP, and the characters could be based after mythological creatures or ancient deities? I actually got this idea a while back but never thought it could work, but I decided to let everyone else have their opinion.

Let me know if you would be interested in this. I still have to develop a plot but all characters will be based off mythology and ancient deities. Maybe there will be some crisis they have to avert or something. I'll most likely go with that seeing as it makes sense to me.

Anyway, let me know what you think! :tongue:
Ahh, this sounds cool! I've always loved the Greco/Roman tradition of myths. Would you want to base your roleplay off of something like the Percy Jackson series or actually roleplay with deities/creatures?
Ah someone replied! Thank you!

*cough* Yeah something like Percy Jackson, but any pantheon is cool :)

I'll let people RP whatever they like, as long as it links back to the theme. Just let me know what you intend to RP :D
Ah you're welcome :3

do you have any ideas for the plot that needs to be developed?
As I briefly mentioned in the first post, I was thinking of some horrific event that is going to occur and (of course) only a small group of deities and creatures can stop it.

I need to further develop it... ^^" heh
As long as it doesn't strictly follow the books I would love to do this! I've only watched the first movie of the series so as we can see my expertise lays a bit more in the actual mythos hehe :oops:
I won't be following the books/movies really. It's just similar to Percy Jackon. I've only seen the first movie as well ^^"
I love Mythology too. Loved Ancient History in highschool. 
Sooo... Anyone wanna add to the plot? Like a certain scene or whatever?
Well, what mythos would it be based on? Or would it be a hodge-podge of cross-cultural-crossover-cosmologies?
Most folks would prefer Graeco-Roman Classical mythology, methinks, since it's the most well-known to general audiences. *shrugs* 
Personally, I wouldn't mind doing something Egyptian or Mesopotamian.
Oh that could be fun. I forbid anyone RP'ing Hermes and entering the sprints xD  
I really like the Egyptian mythos. It's interesting. I'm into Japanese mythos myself :)
Cernunnos? The Celtic god about which literally nothing is known other than one or two carvings with his name written on it?
Nothing is apparent at all. xD

"Cernunnos is the conventional name given in Celtic studies to depictions of the "horned god" of Celtic polytheism. The name itself is only attested once, on the 1st-century Pillar of the Boatmen, but depictions of a horned or antlered figure, often seated cross-legged and often associated with animals and holding or wearing torcs, are known from other instances.

Nothing is known about the god from literary sources, and details about his name, his cult or his significance in Celtic religion are unknown. Speculative interpretations identify him as a god of nature or fertility."

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