Mythical--be any creature you want. Will you Hide or be Free?

Hope I am not to late? May I join?

: Rename-Nakeshima-Fujimoto

View attachment 8629

Nickname: Ren or Rename

Gender: Male

Age: 22





Species: FA -Fallen Angel

Pets(with looks--optional): None

Bio: "I was the last to know..."

It was the time she left, that I eventually knew what happened. She was my first love. However I was the last to know. I would say I am okay but this was my first love gone wrong. When I was still a Angel, I was still half sane. I wanted to to be alone and be the best in Heaven. That was my dream. That dream soon shattered and whist away like nothing. That was when I meet her. The girl who was so normal, so human. Never had I thought of humans but when I saw her when I was in the human world I felt drawn to watch her. To be with her. That was when I began to spend my time with her, in human form. When I became friends with her, I began to get closer. The more closer I got the more she began to gravitate toward me

Everything went right, it felt so right. However, I was so wrong. When I finished my time from the Heavens I quickly came down to the human world. To see her, the one I would spend with all her human years. When I saw her, she looked different she seemed more sleepy and seemed to have no appetite. Why didn't I realize sooner?! I held her hand, her frail, cold, and shaking hand that barely gripped on to my hand. She smiled as usually always speaking the words, "You are so beautiful." I would always love those would but who would have thought she meant something deeper to it. When I told her I had to leave for a while, she just smiled. A smile of letting go and overwhelming love. Who would have thought I would be the last to know. The last to figure it out. When I came back the next day, I saw her sitting on the window sill as always. Had her eyes closed, not speaking a word when I came in.Looking her, taking her beauty, she was a unchanging beauty.

But I was so wrong, so wrong. When I etched closer to her, I spoke her name "Amelia". She did not move. I looked at her hesitatingly but I saw she wasn't moving, not even her chest was not rising and falling like usually. I immediately touched her, taking her hand. Shaking it, to wake her up. Calling her name over and over. But she didn't wake. Tears dribbled off my cheeks on to her hand. That moment I saw, I truly saw she changed. I just didn't see it. I was caught in my own world. Ever since I meet her, she has been changing. Getting older. The reason I didn't see it was because I didnt age. "You are so beautiful." Those words echoed in my body like it was haunting me, torturing me. She knew all along, I didnt age. That was why she always said whose words. She wanted me to realize but made so I wouldn't know as well. I held her, moving her next to me. Tears never left my stained face of never ending sadness.

"I was the last to know..."


Rename is different from people. He had a different perspective of Humans than usually people would have of their own race. Having a quiet demeanor in a place no one would see him and yet have a outgoing and adventurous attitude in public. He tends to be very warped and twisted deep inside. Having this cover of a different personality gave him to close up and be safe inside. So he would not have to think of the anyone, see anyone. He would see them as a little spec of something that was smudged for him. Wanting to keep himself busy, so doing the stupidest things, getting chased and hurt. Always avoiding the deep and emotional level that had before. He wanted to lose that part if him, to be numb and uneducated about it. Just to worry about protecting the human from being killed and doing extreme stunts to be the center of attention. He wanted to be put as a person that was perfect and playful at the same time.

Job Occupation: Bodyguard but sometimes works as a Libarian


♡ Books

♡ Fights

♡ Adventure


☠ Being restrain-Tied up

☠ Not being able to help anyone

☠ People who get to close--Try and figure him out.


☁ Being Fallen forever

☁ Not being able to be a least die or be human

☁ Nightmares


☂ Can feel pain but not something like human touch --Like if someone stab him he will feel it ,but like kissing it is like kissing through glass nothing more nothing less.

☂ His love ones, if you bring up that topic he will ignore but if you make him tell you he will break--Mentally go into a downward spiral of pain --Will lock himself up for days not talking.
Name: Kolt Veral

Nickname: Kolt

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Crush: Nerrezza

Bf/Gf: None

Spouse/Fiance: None

Kids: None

Species: Human

Pets(with looks--optional): None

Personality(optional): Upbeat, excited, hates waiting and can make a joke about most anything


He lived with his parents doing all he could to support him as they were very poor until his powers came in, he kept going to school but was mocked and called a freak, so he ran away and started doing all he could with his powers to keep living until he turned 16. He decided he's going to use his powers for good and saved his money to buy a sword and some lessons, then he went out to fight evil and those who abused powers like his, his hair turned from its normal brown to yellow blonde when a witches spell backlashed on the both of him, killing her but not him as he shielded him and he lost his left eye fighting a warlock who called a demon, he got it stitched shut to show the scar, he almost lost his right eye when a rogue wizard tried something knew and shot him, he could only partially shield himself and as his shooter lay dying from the hole he blew in his stomach he turned it into a magic focus, it glows blue when he looks for magic essences and because of this he can't see well, he can see high magical presences and normal things but only in a dark yellow and sharp blue for magic, he still wanders the wilds now looking for rogue magic users. Until he found his way to Cartocoplyse

Job Occupation(optional): Mercenary

Other(optional): He has a sword and a ring, both heavily enchanted, he uses kinectomancy, which is basicly he charged force in his ring and releases it through it or his sword. He also wears a leather band on his wrist with a rune engraved shield that can turn the shield into normal size.

Name: Nar Pilin en' templa

Nickname(if any): Flame

Gender: Male

Age: 218

Crush: N/A

Bf/Gf: N/A

Spouse/Fiance: N/A

Kids: N/A

Species: Half-Vampire, Half-Elf

Abilities: Control of fire and shadows, shape-shifter, affinity with wolves, empathy

Pets: Has a pure-bred wolf named MoonShadow who follows him almost everywhere

Personality: A withdrawn observer of the nature and life around him who avoids interfering with any conflict or issue that arises until after it is over. Cares for life that can be saved and deserve to be saved. Does not hate any race or faction but does not openly ally with either.

History: Born from an elven woman whose name he can’t recall, his father an ancient vampire that has been lost in time, Nar has been alone since his mother died giving birth. Living alone and reaching maturity at the age of 12, he has walked the world in secret and shadows, avoiding as much contact with others as possible due to being alone for so long. Has witnessed many wars and many battlefields, only appearing after they long done to check for survivors and heal those he can save while feeding on those he can’t.

Other: A great healer, has a rune bow and obsidian arrows as well as two one handed obsidian rune sabers that he duel-wields. Cape has a connection with shadows, and his armor has the ability to blend to his surroundings.

Occupation: Ranger

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Dark Host, KoltVeral, and Dark Deceptions: All is accepted! Sorry my late response, join when ready at at the random(:

Dark Deceptions: Technically, Flame would considered to be a Shapeshifter and Bender--a bender being having any combination (or one) control over the elements as a species, hope you don't mind if I would just add that to his species on my Character Sheet xP

KoltVeral: I'm glad of your history, you're the first one that mentioned going to
Cartacoplyspe : P though you spelled it slightly wrong, yet, it's okay, it's strange/long name xD
Name: Nessarose

Nickname: Nessa or Rosie

Gender: female

Age: 18

Crush: none as of yet

Bf/Gf: none as of yet

Spouse/Fiance: as above, none

Kids: NONE!

Species: I didn't see this creature listed, but may Nessa be a UNICORN?

Pets(with looks--optional): none

Personality(optional): sweet, caring, friendly, but innocent and naive about how people can be

History(optional): Nessa has been asleep for over 200 years, frozen at the age she was when she fell into that sleep, which is 18. It is a natural thing for this to happen with unicorns, almost like a coming-of-age type thing. Only one unicorn can exist in the world at a time, and when they reach the age of 18 they go into a sort of hibernation for 200 years. When they awaken, it is almost like being born again. They have no idea how the times have changed or how to act around others. That is how unicorns get to be as pure as they are. Nessa has just awoken from her 200 year slumber.

Job Occupation(optional):

Other(optional): Nessarose loves all flowers, except for roses (ironic) because she is allergic to them.

Looks: I will edit this tomorrow when I have access to my computer, I'm on my little brother's iPod right now... Lol
HanaChan13: Well, I suppose accepted, however, unicorns can't like shape-shift back and blah blah. Point is, your character is going to have to stay as an unicorn. And, well, their form of communication would be like through the mind, mind-reading, whatever--well, that's what I thought of unicorns as being.
Name: Lux

Nickname: My name is 3 letters, do I need one?

Gender: Female

Age: Eternally 17

Crush: None Yet

Bf/Gf: None Yet

Spouse/Fiance: ^ :P

Kids: None Yet

Species: Vampire, Sourcerer

Pets(with looks--optional): Zephyr (Dragon)

Personality(optional): Hahaha…no. If ya wanna know about me, meet me.

History(optional): That's for me to know and for me to know

Job Occupation(optional): Job? Making other people miserable

Other(optional): I can be nice and good, and I can be moody, mean, and sarcastic. Deal with it.

Looks: View attachment 8714 Except with red hair and bright green eyes.
I was wondering if it would be okay if I was an archangel. Meaning not fallen, but sent down with a purpose. He'd be unaccustomed to the ways people act, but he would inherently know right from wrong... sorta. Obviously, if accepted, he would fall into moral ambiguity after meeting all the others. Also, I think interaction between a fallen angel and an archangel would be cool... kinda like a redemption thing.
Gabriel Ryker: Actually, on my list, I have Sent Angel, which is exactly the same thing as an Archangel, just a crappier name version of it .-.

HanaChan13: In that case, they would be a shapeshifter of an unicorn. Meaning, a human, but can only shift into an unicorn and back.
Name: Naenis Cathero

Nickname: Nae or Hero

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Crush: N/a




Species: Shapeshifter

Pets: A blue striped and silver furred tiger named Caval, fully grown with a scar from one eye to the opposite side just under his lip.

Personality: His personality is not quite determinable. It can change instantly or stay the same for months. Side effect of shifting.

Job Occupation: Assassin for hire and runs his own steakhouse

His base look is medium length shaggy black hair and bright sky blue eyes. He is 5 ft 11 in and 179 lbs. He has a ropy muscle from actual labor and battles from his assassin job. He wears specially designed jeans and a black t shirt that go to a pocket dimension when he transforms and back on him when in his base form. He has calloused hands with many burns from his steakhouse grill. He has a happy face that makes others like him quickly. He has a bit of a smashed looking nose and has a full beard.

Other: He can transform into any animal or creature he has seen. Whether it be on tv, in a book, or in real life has no matter. He gains there abilities while in this form. He only has highly heightened senses augmented by his training to further heighten them as an assassin, same goes for his strength, when in his base state. He only uses these abilities on assassination jobs, for personal entertainments, or when he needs to defend himself although this is rare. He also transforms for small children's entertainment but he won't openly admit that. He has an affinity for redheads.
Name: Lenetta Coolwater

Nickname: Lynxx

Gender: Female

Age: Ten

Crush: Doesnt have one

Gf/Bf: Single

Mate: None

Kids: Thinks that theyre adorable but doesnt want any

Race: Human

Job: She sings on the side of the street

Personality: Kickass and resourceful

Did I forget something?








Species:Demon (Water)

Pets(with looks--optional): Cinx (winged dog), black with moon crest over eye

Personality(optional): My looks may deceive you, I am much more dangerous than I appear. I thrive on chaos, but I try to keep my urges under control. I love the beach at night and all of nature.

History(optional): I don't know how I came into the world, I was just one day aware. I knew that I was drawn to water, and once I was around it, I could do pretty much anything. Since then, I have just been trying to conquer myself, and have control over my own mind- to force the rage to subside.

Job Occupation(optional): Marine Biologist (I have a bit of an advantage with it ;) )


Looks:I will post pictures soon!
katiepurdy and hipster_kitty7220: Both are accepted, join in at random! Sorry for the late response! D: Why do people join when I DON'T check the sign-up sheet? Dx



Age:240 years old






Pets(with looks--optional):

Personality(optional): laidback, loyal and quiet at times

History(optional):Astaroth was born in the depths of the Abyss,having a demon father and a half minotaur half human mother. He inherited his mother's human appearance and his father demonic powers. During a rebellion in the kingdom that they live, both of his parents were executed due to the fact that they were labeled as "monsters". They forced him to watch their deaths and soon after they executed his parents, they turn around him to kill. He was saved by a group of noble vampire knights and took him to the castle. He was trained and became a personal guard for the 's vampire princess. After years of service, he decided to leave the castle in order to find out the truth behind his parent's execution and the apparent hate of humans towards their kind.

Job Occupation(optional):Right now, he works as a freelance mercenary from around the country


Looks: View attachment 9499
Name: Venn Svere Knightingdale

Nickname: Venn or Knight of the Sun

Gender: Male

Age: Nineteen

Crush: "Nobody at the moment."

Bf/Gf: "I really don't have one or plan on getting one."

Spouse/Fiance: "If I don't have a crush or a girlfriend, how would I even...? Just no."

Kids: "Nooope."

Specie(s): Wizard, Bender (Fire), Demon, Shadow Hunter

Power(s)/ Skill(s): Superhuman Senses (Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal Human; very skilled; Wizard inside him), Superhuman Speed (the ability to move, run, fly, react, think, and sense at speeds much faster than a normal human. Those with this ability also have accelerated brain activity which allows them to process sensory information so fast that everything seems to be moving in slow motion while the user moves at normal speed; not too skilled; Demon inside him) and his skin absorbs heat or fire so sooner or later he will have the ability to control the kinetic energy of atoms to generate, control or absorb fire. He can eat it as well too absorb its energy and heal himself (like Pyrokineses; very skilled; Bender inside him). He is a skilled swordsman and majors in hand to hand combat (Shadow Hunter inside him).

Pet(s): "I have a nine-tailed kyuubi fox named Timo." (look below for picture)

Personality: Venn is a troublemaker and sometimes can become hot-headed in battle. He is prone to starting fights and creating conflict. He will usually chill in a corner and watch what goes on instead of putting in his own two cents. At times he can be very sarcastic and whimsical, but don't let his tough exterior fool you, Venn wants to help more than anything. He is strict on himself; usually you can see him training at odd hours of the day for several hours, only because he wants to push his limits and see how far they will go. Small acts of kindness can and will be found under Venndale's surface, it may be uncommon, but its not like he's a robot. He is still capable of feeling and hurting he just tries to portray himself as a strong man who won't put up with anyone's sh*t. He may become easily bored at times.

History: Right after he was born, Venndale's parents abandoned him on the streets of a village. He was taken in by a burly man who was too drunk to think about the responsibility of caring for a child. The man, whom called himself Piér, never watched out for Venn so at a young age he was already creating mischief. He would steal toys from the local shops and the women who did laundry on Saturdays always had to worry about sheets being vandalized. When Piér was around to discipline Venn it was a strict and cruel beating, lasting up too less then a whole hour of drunken punches or going as long as two days. This went on until Ven was fifteen and even before he was officially fifteen, he was miles away from the town. For the last two years he has been keeping to the shadows and sometimes creating mischief or havoc in a local town when he gets bored.

Job Occupation: He is a free-lancer, meaning he goes and does whatever he pleases and does small, odd, jobs for money.

Other: "I love too cook and eat ramen noodles!"







Suit - To the right is the suit underneath his clothes, it is very thin. To the left is what happens when he uses his fire/ heat abilities, but only when he eats it. If he just uses one body part to play with his fire only that body part will glow that color.

Shoes - He doesn't wear shoes, he just wraps white bandages around his heels and the entire foot except for the toes.

Timo - Pet.

(Tell me if I need to change anything. :3)

DoctorWho?: Nothing needs to be changed. I think your math is a bit off your say that he left before just turning 15 and for the past two years..but you have his age set at 19 .-. If it was two years, than he would be's not that big of a deal, just thought you might wanted to be aware of it. Go ahead and post when ready and at the random though xP
[MENTION=2827]CoccoBeans[/MENTION] Crud sorry yeah I was in a rush lol and my original CS that i go off of is sort of disorganized. As long as you know what I mean I should be ok.
Name: Jargon

Nickname: Jar, only called that by his friend Tel

Gender: Male




Spouse/Fiance: Died a long time ago



Personality: Unlike most fire breathing dragons, Jargon is a peaceful one. He can and will kill to protect himself and his friend Tal. He enjoys making friends, but normally only takes to the skies at night.

History:Once he had a family, he doesn't remember how long ago it was. But a fight between two of the brothers broke up the family and he hasn't heard from the since. One year, several years ago, he found Tal alone in a cave. Since he hasn't seen any trace of another dragon.

Looks: Jargon is 7ft tall on all fours, and twice that on his hind legs. His scales are maroon red, and they shine in the sunlight. At night the scales seem to be a blood red color. he has two half foot long horns on top of his head, and his tail is as long as his body. His wings span 20ft and allow him to stay in the air for hours at a time with out getting tired.

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Name: Tal

Nickname: Tal

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Crush: Jargon

Species: Dragon(hatching)

Personality(optional): Tal is more curious than a cat. If it were not for Jargon he would stay in trouble. Tal wouldn't hurt a fly, on purpose.

History(optional): Tal was left by his family at age 3, for nearly a week of starving he sat in his cave unable to provide for himself, until one day Jargon showed up, and saved him. Ever since Tal has been trying to learn from the Dragon elder. Still many years away before Tal would no longer be a hatching but finally be an dragon that could live on his own, not like he wanted to leave Jargon.

Looks: Tal was nearly a foot high on all four legs, doubled on his hind. His scales were a light red, nearly pink color that shined in the sun. He had two stumps of horns on his head that would do nothing to help him with anything. His wings were still growing and not strong enough to do much other than allow him to glide.

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Blahman919: Accepted! Join in when you're ready. However, I do have one comment to make, the fact that I always made dragons to grow extremely fast : P As in, my one character, Erebus--he's a dragon and is even younger than Tal but already looks full-grown : P

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