Mythical--be any creature you want. Will you Hide or be Free?

nimmytheladyofthelake: Accepted! Thanks for joining and thanks for calling this role play awesome. I don't think so but I truly do hope it becomes awesome and that the rest of the players think so too! Please just jump in right ahead. The link to the actual post is in the previous page.
Name: Tariella (pronounced Tar-E-ella)

Nickname: Ella -
not Tar/Tara

Gender: female

Age: 12

Crush: N/A

Bf/Gf: N/A

Spouse/Fiance: N/A

Kids: N/A

Species: Shape-shifter

Pets(with looks--optional): Hawk named Jule

Personality(optional): shy, childish, innocent, tough, rarely gets angry

History(optional): She ran away from her home when she was young and doesn't speak about it or her reasons. Since then she's been wandering from place to place only taking (AKA stealing) what she needs then returning what she can once she no longer needs it (like clothes)

Job Occupation(optional): N/A

Other(optional): N/A

Looks: She has long blonde hair that goes to the middle of her back, clear blue eyes, and is petite

Name: Jackson

Nickname: Jack

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Crush: N/A

Bf/Gf: N/A

Spouse/Fiance: N/A

Kids: N/A

Species: Demon

Pets(with looks--optional): Not really but a certain dog comes to see him at his work and basically acts as one when he is there but that's it.

Personality(optional): aggressive, easily-angered, sarcastic, etc...

History(optional): His life was great: good family, friends and girlfriend but then she committed suicide under suspicious circumstances and he never really got over it. He was the one who found her in her bedroom after she hung herself.

Job Occupation(optional): blacksmith

Other(optional): N/A

Looks: light brown hair with pitch black eyes. His hair his a little shaggy-just enough to almost fully cover his eyes. He is tan and has quite a good build because of his constant work with metal and blacksmith things...
Name: Natacha Elizabeth Azalia

Nickname: Roxy

Gender: Female

Age: Over 2000 years old (Looks 18)

Crush: None.. Yet.

Bf/Gf: None.. Yet.

Spouse/Fiance: NONE

Kids: Hell no.

Species: Vampire

Pets(with looks--optional): Slave - Young girl named Eryll. (Roxy wouldn't admit it, but she doesn't think of Eryll of a slave, but more of a friend, little sister even)

View attachment 6660

Personality(optional): Sassy, Rash, Ambitious. Often so honest that she's blunt about it, not realizing she would hurt someone's feelings. (Not saying she cares, either.)

History(optional): Will only tell of how many years she had lived, and of former slaves.

Job Occupation(optional): N/A

Other(optional): Overly confident but can be sensitive at times.

Looks: (Lol, she's eating chicken x3)

View attachment 6661
What I did was read the last three. That usually contains most of what you need in order to continue. Then, if you need something more, just read the character sheets of the people you're interacting with. If you can't figure it out with that, then just do something random and one of us will catch you.
Unbroken: Heh. Sorry. Nothing really much happened. It's been sorta randomish actually. Just each other's characters were just talking/meeting one another. What was happening was that Drunken Wishes was somewhat flirting with Layla, but then Erebus stepped in because he liked Layla (yet the people that played Drunken Wishes and Layla hasn't posted in awhile). So now that scene is just frozen there. But then Nerrezza and Serefon has been talking and Serefon is falling for Nerrezza and now both of them are going to a village to get some food.

However, the one player on here, kat-is-dead, her characters are doing nothing and she needs something to roleplay with her characters with. Her characters are Lizzy, Kat, Jake, and Zac. Basically all of them are doing nothing except Zac is trying to find this wizard that cursed him and blah blah.
sounds... random. :3 I have to wait a few days to post though, chores and HW today then short trip the rest of the weekend.
is it too late to join this or am i aloud to join?

Name:Azenelred Rethner Treekson



Age: 15

Crush: none{yet}



Kids:none and never

Species:demon and neko

Pets(with looks--optional):none

Personality(optional):you'll find out

History(optional): he tries to keep it a secret

Job Occupation(optional): none

Other(optional):has a small problem with taking things that don't belong to him and has a pet peeve about people or things being on his right side because he is blind in that eye though he tries to keep it a secret.

Looks: has white hair, black eyes, and his cat ears and tail are black. i'll try to get a picture in.

but can i join?
Hope it isnt to Late to Join :3

Name: Akarraa Jini

Nickname: "A"


Age: 17


Bf/Gf:Eh eh


Kids:No, To young

Species: Demon,Vampire

Pets; N/A

Personality: Akarraa Is extremly Shy, but loves being around close friends. When you first meet her, she may have a rough side, but despite her demon qualities she is a very sweet girl.

History(optional): N/A

Job Occupation(optional): Owns a small spice shop inn a small town.

Other(optional): N/A

Looks: A very thin,not too tall girl with Dark, straight black hair flowing down to her waist. She always wears it down,no matter what,and refuses to have it cut. Her eys are dark blue, and sparkle like an ocean wave in the sun. She usually wears a pretty casual outfit, with the eception of special ocassions, in which she wears a tight fitting white lace dress, that seems to glow on her
yistae: Of course you can still join! =D Just jump right ahead. I think, the one player, Kat-is-dead that is on Mythical, she has nobody to rp with her characters at the moment(to give you both something to do).

Sprinkles228: The same goes to you, you can just go ahead and join! =D Kat's characters need something to do/people to interact with.
Name: Johnathan Thrift

Nickname: Slim or The Guardian



Crush: A crush would involve the loving of someone. He merely wishes to protect the person he bonds to. So far, he has not bonded to anyone, but he will bond to one of your characters... Anyways, he would lay down his life for others.

Bf/Gf: None

Spouse/Fiance: None

Kids: None

Species: Eldritch/ Slender Man

Pets(with looks--optional):



Job Occupation(optional): Bounty Hunter, Bodyguard

Other(optional): He is a supernatural being, an Eldritch being. He can change his height, generate tendrils from his body, and- You know what, just look here on The Superpower wiki, Slender Man Physiology.

View attachment 6953
Slender Man: Accepted, join when ready. And I know who Slender Man is, in fact, I didn't know about him until a little bit ago when my step-sister told me about him. I laughed when I saw the character xD . Anyway, all is good, though I didn't know that there were more people like him xP.
((Name: Anthony Frank Iero

Nickname: Frankie or Tony

Gender: Male

Age: 19


Bf/Gf: nope

Spouse/Fiance:not ye

Kids: none, but he'd love his kids with all his heart

Species: Vampire/Shape Shifter

Pets(with looks--optional):

Personality(optional): Flirty, Bookworm, Hopeless Romantic


Job Occupation(optional):


Name: Kamarilan Rose (Kamarilan is pronounced Ka-mare-e-lon)

Nickname: Kama-chan

Age: 17

Crush: None

Bf/Gf: Probably never will have one

Spouse/fiance: None

Kids: None

Species: Neko

Pets: Vampire hound named Devoui

Personality: People that don't know the true her (which are very few that know her true self) think of her as sadistic and depressing, with a touch of insanity. But the true her, the her that she never shows, is kind, compassionate and caring.

History: Forgotten

Looks: View attachment 6997

Her vampire hound: View attachment 6998
Name: Brady Harris

Nickname: Neon

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Crush: No



Kids: No

Species: BE (His right hand manipulates sand and his left steals moisture from whatever he touches turning it into sand.

Pets(with looks--optional): None

Personality(optional): Develop

History(optional): Develop

Job Occupation(optional): None


Name: Aaron Marcus.

Nickname: Just Aaron.

Gender: Male.

Age: 19 years old.

Crush: Layla Fae.

Bf/Gf: None.

Spouse/Fiance: None.

Kids: None.

Species: Shapeshifter/Dragon

Pets: He has no pets.

Personality: Aaron is goofy, social, and a little bit of an idiot. He loves to have fun and hang with his friends. He's always been a bit of a goofball, always making jokes about things. He knows how to make people laugh. People love to be around him because he's so outgoing and nice to others. Also, he never gets embarrassed or nervous, always very confident.

History: His past is unknown, but he doesn't usually like to talk about it to others.

Job Occupation: Blacksmith.

Other: He has been friends with Layla since he they were very little, and knows practically everything about her.


View attachment 7033

Dragon form:

View attachment 7034

MyLeATHERPrEPRoMANCE and Momizi_Inubarashi: Both are accepted, thanks for joining! =D Please feel free to jump in at random.

Anonymous92: Is Brady Harris an additional character or are you now going to get rid of Drunken Wishes?

Lost_In_Paradise: First, I love Finding Nemo (along with Dory, though she's not my favorite character--2nd favorite, Peach is my first favorite) [sorry, couldn't help but noticing your change of signature/status, whatever it's called]. Anyway, I'm guessing that Aaron is an additional character since he knows Layla Fae and you are keeping both?

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