Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

Nar holds Eva close, comforting her and looking in her eyes. "It is ok little star, I am here for you. Don't be upset." Nar kisses Eva on the forehead as MoonShadow rubs against her leg, trying to comfort her to. "You want to leave immediately? We could stay here a day or a night, we secluded enough that we could relax and pack properly." He grabs his traveling bag and puts his normal traveling equipment inside and some extra odds and ends. "I am ready to go tho, if you wish." Nar just wants Eva to be happy, he hates seeing her so down.
Jargon, the large red dragon, landed in a clearing near a small river, a small thud shaking the ground as he landed. He sat the smaller dragon hatching, Tal, from his back to allow him to wander around some. Jargon walked over to the river and dipped his head in to drink. After several hours of flying he was tired and ready to rest for a while, if Tal would allow it. After he had his fill he looked up to watch Tal, jumping around and sniffing at things. Jargon let out a deep chuckle and called out "Don't go too far little one!"
Jabor sat, crosslegged on a tree branch, resting as he heard a large sound booming from the side of the river, and some creatures near a house. Both annoyed him, but he chose to ignore the dragon for later, and slowly moved closer towards the group of creatures, until the jackal head could be seen staring at them, he did not speak, but he beckoned for the gang to hurry up and leave. The red skinned man with the jackal head then moved towards the two dragons, and stared at the young one, his essence, how ripe and delicious it was.... he lusted for it, he lusted to eat the small dragon whole, but the big dragon was guarding him, but the other two, they were fine too, so the jackal head rose above the tree and it's eyes stared at two different directions, one at the dragons, and one at the group of two. He slowly, but loudly spoke:

"Who disturbs Jabor of Ombos, is it you dragon? Or is it you vampyres? I seek response!"
Jargon look towards the head and puffed a bit of smoke out of his mouth. "Tal, get back over here," He called out and the smaller dragon ran back over to him. Jargon watched the Jackal head and spoke the smaller dragon, "drink up little one, we will eat soon," Jargon sat and slithered his tail into the water to let it cool off.
The jackal head turned and it fully faced the hatchling dragon.

"It is unwise to disturb a shape shifting djinn, small one, likewise the same goes towards your father," Jabor spoke as he turned into a large raven and flew towards the pair of vampyres.

"And who are you two supposed to be? Are you of name?" the raven spoke flying in circles over the pair. As the raven reached the ground he transformed back into a red skinned man with the head of a jackal.
([MENTION=3471]Komeko[/MENTION], are you talking to Evangeline and Nar? >.> Sorry, I am a bit confused...)
Eva nods at Nar, then looks at the raven that changed into a man. She raised an eyebrow and questioned, "Hello there. You know, it isn't very polite to ask someone else's name first, but I shall answer regardless." She paused a moment and looked the man over again, trying to decide whether or not to trust him. Eva was still a bit on edge from Erebus and Nerrezza, but decided to give the man the benefit of the doubt. "I am not sure what you mean by the second question, but I am Evangeline, and this is Nar. The hell hound is Dreao, and the wolf is MoonShadow. Nar is half elf, half vampire. I am a firstborn vampire, witch, and a psychic." Eva huffs out a breath then, still unsure what to think of this man, "And you are?"
Jack rides into town and goes into his shop. He turns on his old Apple Macintosh computer. he flips on the open sign and leaves the door open for the breeze. He either waits for a New contract or for someone to buy a item.
Nar lets Eva talk charge of the conversation as he does not trust the newcomer and is trying not to bare his fangs at it. MoonShadow is equally distrustful and his hackles are raised as he growls.
If you did not hear from before, I am Jabor of Ombos, a djinn of high renown in the human world, are you of name? Are you well known in this world? Even if you are secretly Nouda the Terrible, I would advise against waking me up, after being enslaved I like to rest here, preferably in peace, maybe you woke me up with your talking? That is a possibility, yes... would you like to have a riddle, if you are to answer it right, I will help you on whatever goal you're after, should you fail this riddle, I will devour the hell hound, answer the riddle if you are to place this riddle: One fine summer day two fathers and two sons went fishing at their favorite lake. They fished and talked all morning long and by noon everyone had caught one fish. As the two fathers and two sons walked back home, everyone was happy because everyone had caught one fish even though only three fish had been caught. No fish were lost. How can this have happened?" Jabor asked turning his jackal head side ways.
"Hello Jabor," Evangeline said, unfazed. "I am fairly well known, being a firstborn I have lived a very very long time. As for your riddle, you know, there could be a number of viable answers, but I believe the one that you are looking for is that there was the father, his son, and his son's son. This adds up to two fathers and two sons. Making it possible to have only three fish, though at first it seems like there should be four." She sighed, knowing she was right, and continued, "So. You are going to help us now?"
"Ah, but of course, I'll follow you, you probably won't notice, and when someone comes in," he said opening up his fingers to show red flames, "Well, the thing explodes, sound right enough to you? One condition though, if I'm asleep, unless it's for dear life don't wake me up, bad things happen, bad," he said changing forms from a moth to a roc, and everything in between.

"So, just in case I don't like your goal and eat the hell hound - you woke me up yes? perfectly liable answer to eating it..... what is your goal? Exploration? Religious Journey (thought it's probably useless), what do you want hmm?" Jabor asked in an odd way that was trying to be elegant but seriously, if he didn't like the goal, he would pounce, he wasn't all to happy to feel his essence burning, he wished he could just destroy this world, it was infuriating, the worst part happens after humans enslave you, you start to think you're cool for finding a world where nothing hurts, but after a few weeks it feels just like Earth, only there are different creatures.

He popped into the tree "Carry on, I've no reason to back down, assuming everything around you is easy enough to kill, such as more dragons, more djinn, maybe an afrit (I'll kill it with some luck) and if it's a marid, I'm going to die fighting that marid," Jabor said as a wood pecker.
Jargon stood and streatched out his wings. "Alright Tal, lets go find a nice place to sleep." He said lifting the smaller dragon with his tail and setting him on his back. "But Jar, I like it here," Tal said as Jargon began to walk. "I know, but it's too open here." Jargon said and continued to walk into the woods. Jargon didn't want to sleep in the open knowing that thing was around.
Evangeline rubbed at the small space between her eyebrows as though she had a headache, "I doubt I woke you up. Also I would appreciate it if you were to not threaten to kill the poor hellhound. You've frightened it a little." Sure enough Dreao was shrinking back from Jabor awkwardly. Evangeline rubbed his leg comfortingly and Dreao pressed against her. "Well," Eva said, still comforting the hellhound, "You must be pretty powerful, to kill djinn or an afrit. They can be a pain to kill. As for what my goal is, it is to master magic. I need to access my witch side more. My aunt was extremely powerful, and I wish to be better than her. Also, you don't seem like bad company, you can just walk beside us if you wish. As for waking you up, note taken."
She sat on a hill leaning against an old tree. It was hot out and that was just the way she liked it. Her pet dragon wrapped itself around her and the tree restinits head by her leg. She pulled out a book from her home and began to read to the dragon about the old tails of lucifur . The dragon would stare at her as she read the wind blowing her bangs reaveling a little of her left eye.
"Well then, let us go. We've no time to waste if that is your goal, if I could know your aunt's name that would also be nice," Jabor said still as a wood pecker, he seemed to be trying to peck out individual tree branches, but failing awkwardly, then in frustration he changed back into a raven.

"I, for the sake of avoiding compromise, will not walk beside you, that is unless we are in a glacier or somewhere especially cold, then the possibility is given thought," he said as the raven flew to the next tree.
I look in the contracts i recently got and decide to pick one out. The was one that had a Human hunter. his contract had a payment of 200 dollars. He stuffed it in his pocket and grabbed his crossbow. I close the shop and get in my car. i drive out to the countryside to where the person who was the target is living at. Once i get to the house, i kick down the door and shoot him with the crossbow. i light a match and drop it on his carpet. "No Witnesses." i get in my car and drive back to the shop. "It's so easy.."
Jargon continued to walk, coming up on a hill with a tree atop it. He slowly climbed the hill. "This might be a good place to stay little one, maybe we wont be disturbed by any strange creatures." Jargon said as he sat the smaller dragon down with his tail. "Can I go explore some?" Tal asked him. "Not too far little one, I don't need you in any trouble" Jargon said with a chuckle and sat in the sun feeling its warmth on his scales. He watched as Tal sniffed around the area and began to wander towards the tree.
a child was born this child was no ordinary one this child had a destiny that he had yet to know this child was a vampire (sorry if i screw things up im a new role player)

the new born was treated like any human for his teeth had not yet sprouted from his gums. his name was kirito. he was good at P.E at school because of his race but people got suspicious of him when he kicked a football into a goal and ripped the net the child was shocked and felt like a monster he started crying and the teacher came to see what the fuss was when she saw the ripped goals she just thought one of the older boys probably a bully had come in and destroyed the goals and scared the child because of the childs race he was also extremely smart for his age and knew if he told the teacher then bad things would happen so he just said a bully came through the teacher asked who and the boy said jamie felling slightly guilty after school he got picked up by his step mother she was a kind and smart woman who protected the boy with all her heart she was one of the only people who knew the boys secret not exactly that he was a vampire just his skills the boy loved her like no one else in his life
Evangeline shrugged and looked at the Raven that was Jabor, "Ok, let's go. Do you have all you need Nar?" She looked at Nar, planning to wait for him to get ready, then looked back at the Raven. "Her name was Aldrea. Aldrea Aternus. So. How will we achieve my goal. Have you any idea?" Evangeline walked to Nar's side and held his hand lightly, enjoying the contact. She felt as though her grip on reality and humanity was slowly slipping. With the seal on her weakening, she had been feeling that for a while, but it was worse than ever now that it was gone. Evangeline knew it was normal for very old vampires. More often they die because of their own insanity. Her anger towards Nerrezza didn't help the predicament either. Nerrezza had reminded her that it was in fact a slippery slope, and that not all vampires care. She reveled in what little comfort and protection Nar's hand offered her, and he made her feel grounded. He reminded her what feelings felt like, and reminded her to never lose them, or she would lose herself.
Smoke rises into the sky as he gets to the shop. The guy who paid him will come soon. He put his Crossbow back in the spot. He walks outside and watches a dragon look around in the forest. He watches and says i haven't seen a dragon in a while. he calls his house to check on his son. The phone answers and says "Hello?" Greg says. "Hey Greg hows things at the house?" i ask "Its doing fine. you see the fire? Is everything OK?" I answer "Yeah i see it, but the firemen are there. it'll be fine." "Ok, Sparky is doing OK. He Barked at a wierd guy at the house. He scared him off though." i say "Ok, ill see you later, ok?" We say bye and hang up. ill tell him about my "Other Job" in the future when hes older.
"I have what I need. We can go now" Nar starts walking, knowing Eva will start walking at the same time. MoonShadow decides to stay behind and stay in the forest. Despite this upsetting him some, Nar does not push the matter and allows MoonShadow to stay. When Eva walks up and grabs his hand, he squeezes it reassuringly and lovingly. "I feel your uncertainty little star. Care to talk to me about it? And don't even try to blow it off as nothing. I can see in your eyes that it is more than that?"

He listens to Eva's reply carefully and lets out a scoff.
Join you? What an insane idea that is! Do you really think that I could just waltz away and join you while you explore with this Jar fellow? That I could--even if I wanted too, which I don't---leave Nerrezza with her own devices??? I would think not! If you were to only just listen to me, even if I didn't say anything out loud, you certainly must of heard by thoughts; then none of this were to ever happen! We would all be here and getting along. Nerrezza would of been fine. Without meaning to or wanting to, he ended up answering back to Eva's thoughts and scoffed again, but this time, at himself. Maybe he was a bit exaggerating that they would of all gotten along, but, he knew that it would of turned out better if Evangeline would of just left her alone. He was thinking through the situation and wondered if maybe he was the one that was overreacting, but, figured, he was not. It wasn't like she saved Nerrezza's life, Eva didn't save Nerrezza, she made Nerrezza worse. True, the first volatile effects would only last a bit in Nerrezza, but there would be everlasting effects. As far as the fighting went, Nerrezza would of quite enjoyed herself, and in fact, Nerrezza would only be the one benefiting from the fight. He figured as much, there would of been a lot of damage to the surroundings, and Evangeline would be hurt as well. Nerrezza might get hurt, but Nerrezza wouldn't care, pain was joyful to her. Eventually, Erebus would be dragged into the fight as well, and would probably be the one to hurt Evangeline. His instincts to protect Nerrezza-even at the cost of his own life-would drag him into the fight, rather, Nerrezza ordering him into it. When that would have been occurring, he would of cared if he would hurt--or even slightly possible--to kill Evangeline. As it was, right now, he could care less though later he probably would regret it all. During his thoughts, Nerrezza was calming down a bit, and from his peripheral vision he saw Nerrezza stand up. Which made Erebus stand up as well. At first, he felt sorta wobbly on his feet, from his blood loss. He had almost forgotten that Nerrezza had recently drunken his blood and he had stood up too soon. He felt himself tipping backwards, out of balance, but before he fell to the ground, Nerrezza was there and behind him. With surprising strength, she picked him up, and carried him--bridal style. Well, she always could of carried him, but this time, he could feel the super strength that she didn't have before. Erebus opens his mouth to make a comment, but stops himself, seeing the look in her eyes; even though she wasn't looking at him. He figured it wouldn't be best to say that her super strength came from Evangeline.
nichole sat in a tree looking at the people below sadly. she sighed and her ears drooped. she got up and left tears streaming down her face she was all alone.

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