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Fantasy Mythical Academy CS

Name: Rayuno Lighnkill
Gender: Male
Age(18+): 212
Species: Raijū
Rank: A
Role: Student
Sexuality: Demisexual (Bisexual)
Pessimist - They tend to see the worst aspects of things, and are quick to find flaws in something.
Stoic - They usually keep a blank face and will rarely show any form of emotions on their face.
Logical - They are highly logical and objective, they don't usually let their feelings get in the way of their decisions too often and are quite logical when it comes to things.
Analytical - They will analyze anything that they take note of, from research data to the behavior of the people around them. This gives them a knack for spotting unexpected patterns and connections that other might overlook.
Lazy - They are very lazy and hate doing more work than necessary and will usually do the bare minimum unless others are relying on him.
Intelligent - They are actually quite intelligent, being able answer questions despite barely paying attention most of the time, though they will also pretend to not be paying attention too in order to lure teachers to call on them when they are in all actuality ready, this makes it so that they will be less likely to call on him against when he is actually not paying attention.
Blunt - They can be pretty blunt with their words, preferring to get straight to the point.
Insensitive - At times, they may underestimate the importance of such irrational values as emotion, compassion and etiquette as a result, they may inadvertently come across as insensitive or unkind.
Prone to self doubt - They are quite prone to self doubt, they can quite easily be dissuaded by someone's overconfidence , they will still be more hesitant if their confidence is either shattered or their adversaries overshadows theirs even if they have the clear advantage they will likely end up being way more cautious than they are usually, until their confidence grows back up.
Has trouble expressing feelings - They are not really good when it comes to expressing their feelings and will quite easily stumble across words or just not say anything at all, instead they will likely just leave a few clues to their emotional state for others to figure out.
Loyal - Rayuno is very hard to get close with, but once someone does break through his social barriers and gets close enough to them, they will tend to be quite a loyal friend to them and is willing to go along with just about anything they want even if it puts them in harms way. Their loyalty usually goes to the person they have the best relationship with and they will likely do anything they ask of them.
Protective - Rayuno tends to be quite protective over those he cares about, and will be quite hostile to those that try to harm the people he likes, though he isn't overbearing and will leave them alone if they think their friend is able to handle it on their own well enough.
Affectionate - Although they don't show it, they do harbor affection for those they are close to and will allow them to get away with a lot more things than he would allow others to get away with when it comes to them.
Curious - They tend to be curious about new things and will actually show interest in things or interesting concepts that they don't know about or they find quite interesting.
-Notes they hate Canines, and creatures associated with them, and will likely be more hostile when it comes to them.
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Name: Aribelle Lillian
Gender: Female
Age(18+): 20
Species: Kelpie
Rank: C
Role(student/teacher/staff): Student
Sexuality: Asexual Pan-romantic
Personality: Paranoid and jumpy. Ari has trouble calming her nerves around anyone; especially monsters of a higher rank, or who have loud voices. Despite her skittish personality, she is always trying to push herself out of her comfort zone and be a better person.

Name: Celeste Carranza
Gender: Female
Age: 200 ( Looks like 20 )
Species: Angel
Rank: S
Role: Teacher-Philosophy
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Celeste is a cheerful lady, who loves to help people. Loves to brighten up people's day, and usually has a big smile on her face. They like to teach philosophy to their students, since it is fun to learn about that. In fact, Celeste likes to make awesome videos for her class, because she knows that it will get their attention.
Celeste is also one of the lord of the angels's kids, but they don't like to bring that part up. She likes to make cupcakes or bring candy for her students as a reward for their excellent grade. The students with a bad grade do get something, but it isn't candy or a cupcake. They get a painted rock that glitter all over it, and each one of them is different.
She does get upset when someone isn't trying their best in her class, and will cry when someone screams at her.
Damien Lykos




Looks to be around 23-24

6' 3”






Damien tends to be a literal "lone wolf". Most of the time he enjoys his solitude and prefers to work through problems in his own way, leading others to view him as aloof and uncaring. Damien utterly despises the rank system on account of his parents effectively forcing him to take classes relating to pharmaceutics in order for him to "follow the family business", while he himself prefers to work as a miner, something his family views as "commoner work" and "unfit for a proud wolf like him". If someone wishes to befriend Damien, they must be aware that he must be the one to start (and possibly end) said friendship, since that would make him feel most comfortable. Deep down, he has insecurities that he will not share unless he is absolutely willing to.
arwen willow.
name : Arwen Willow.
nicknames : Some of the younger dryads refer to her as Ari.
gender : Female
age : 19.
species : Dryad
rank : A
role : Student
sexuality : Bisexual.
height : 5'2.
weight : 135 pounds of mostly muscle.
hair : She has curly ombre hair. It is about shoulder length.
eyes : Green, with brown and blue hues.
body modifications : Ear piercings.
notable features : Her eyes are rather striking.
- positive traits :
: Arwen sticks to her morals no matter what. She does what she believes is right and holds everyone to the same standard.
protective : Arwen loves fiercely and protects those she cares about. As a trained warrior, she does her best to always physically defend those around her when she is unable to do so with words.
independent : She has learned to only depend on herself. She is the only one she can trust and she does just fine on her own, thank you.
- negative traits :
: Arwen doesn't understand the point in softening her words. She says it as she sees it, which often can come across as rude.
judgmental : The difference between right and wrong is clear to Arwen. Anyone who strays from that deserves to be judged, in her opinion.
emotional : Arwen was raised to embrace her emotions. However, this can occasionally be too much and they overwhelm her. Also, love ya girl, but not everyone wants to hear about your problems.
history : Arwen was raised in a dryad society, in a group similar to what you would see for druids. She has very little experience outside of there, where she was raised to be the perfect soldier, so she is able to properly protect her tree. She left her community for the first time in order to attend this academy. So basically, she has no clue what is happening.
coded by incandescent
name : Arwen Willow.
nicknames : Some of the younger dryads refer to her as Ari.
gender : Female
age : 19.
species : Dryad
rank : A
role : Student
sexuality : Bisexual.

height : 5'2.
weight : 135 pounds of mostly muscle.
hair : She has curly ombre hair. It is about shoulder length.
eyes : Green, with brown and blue hues.
body modifications : Ear piercings.
notable features : Her eyes are rather striking.

- positive traits :
: Arwen sticks to her morals no matter what. She does what she believes is right and holds everyone to the same standard.
protective : Arwen loves fiercely and protects those she cares about. As a trained warrior, she does her best to always physically defend those around her when she is unable to do so with words.
independent : She has learned to only depend on herself. She is the only one she can trust and she does just fine on her own, thank you.
- negative traits :
: Arwen doesn't understand the point in softening her words. She says it as she sees it, which often can come across as rude.
judgmental : The difference between right and wrong is clear to Arwen. Anyone who strays from that deserves to be judged, in her opinion.
emotional : Arwen was raised to embrace her emotions. However, this can occasionally be too much and they overwhelm her. Also, love ya girl, but not everyone wants to hear about your problems.

history : Arwen was raised in a dryad society, in a group similar to what you would see for druids. She has very little experience outside of there, where she was raised to be the perfect soldier, so she is able to properly protect her tree. She left her community for the first time in order to attend this academy. So basically, she has no clue what is happening.
gavriella cohen.

name : Gavriella Yael Cohen.
nicknames : Gav, Gavi, and Ella.
gender : Female.
age : 20.
species : Golem.
rank : C.
role : Student.
sexuality : Heterosexual.
height : 5'6.
weight : 155 pounds.
hair : Naturally black, dyed with purple and white bits.
eyes : Purple.
body modifications : None.
notable features : Her hair and her rather imposing figure.
- positive traits :
: Gavi knows where everything in her life is, at all times and that doesn't just apply to her objects. Everything she does is meticulously planned out to ensure its sucess.
intelligent : Gavriella has spent most of her time alone and has a curious nature, so it's obvious that her best friend during her childhood was her books. She would spend hours reading and this habit has continued into her adulthood. If you ask her a question about a subject she will probably know, or spend hours researching so she can give you a detailed response.
perceptive : Though this doesn't occur with people, Gavriella has read enough detective books to be able to read a room easily. That is, the actual room. she has a knack for finding weird facts or "clues" during the oddest of times
- negative traits :
: Partially due to her past and partially due to her inexperience, Gav often has trouble figuring out why people get sad. Many things considered to be taboo topics to others are typical to her, which just adds to her awkwardness.
awkward : Gavriella knows quite a bit, but not about people. She tends to stumble over her words or get herself into situations where she is embarrassed easily. This includes, but is not limited to, accidentally saying something offensive, flirty, or tripping and falling onto someone's lap. I totally was not talking from personal experience with the last one.
stuck up : Having the little real world experience that she does, Gavriella really has no understanding of people or empathy. She tries her best, but she is a stickler for the rules and never has rebelled in her life. Therefore, often she appears to be rather narrowminded or stuck up.
history : Gavriella was abandoned at birth, left to be an orphan by unloving parents. It was obvious to the children that some were treated better than others. So, Gavi believed she was less then. She stayed away from other children and spent all of her time reading or working out, in an effort to have some control over her own life. Now having aged out of the system, she has finally begun to value her own life and it's worth. And she won't be giving that up anytime soon.
coded by incandescent
name : Gavriella Yael Cohen.
nicknames : Gav, Gavi, and Ella.
gender : Female.
age : 20.
species : Golem.
rank : C.
role : Student.
sexuality : Heterosexual

weight : 155 pounds.
hair : Naturally black, dyed with purple and white bits.
eyes : Purple.
body modifications : None.
notable features : Her hair and her rather imposing figure.

- positive traits :
: Gavi knows where everything in her life is, at all times and that doesn't just apply to her objects. Everything she does is meticulously planned out to ensure its sucess.
intelligent : Gavriella has spent most of her time alone and has a curious nature, so it's obvious that her best friend during her childhood was her books. She would spend hours reading and this habit has continued into her adulthood. If you ask her a question about a subject she will probably know, or spend hours researching so she can give you a detailed response.
perceptive : Though this doesn't occur with people, Gavriella has read enough detective books to be able to read a room easily. That is, the actual room. she has a knack for finding weird facts or "clues" during the oddest of times
- negative traits :
: Partially due to her past and partially due to her inexperience, Gav often has trouble figuring out why people get sad. Many things considered to be taboo topics to others are typical to her, which just adds to her awkwardness.
awkward : Gavriella knows quite a bit, but not about people. She tends to stumble over her words or get herself into situations where she is embarrassed easily. This includes, but is not limited to, accidentally saying something offensive, flirty, or tripping and falling onto someone's lap. I totally was not talking from personal experience with the last one.
stuck up : Having the little real world experience that she does, Gavriella really has no understanding of people or empathy. She tries her best, but she is a stickler for the rules and never has rebelled in her life. Therefore, often she appears to be rather narrowminded or stuck up.
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Name: Alaska
Species: Android/Griffin
Age: 3 months ( appears to be 18)
Gender: Female
Rank: A
Role: Student
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Alaska is almost always preparing for the future. She takes every opportunity she gets to gather information, create traps and manipulate people into doing what she wants. She isn't evil but often goes to extreme lengths to make sure she has what she needs or in the very least knows how to get it. Alaska keeps a record of information from everyone she has ever met detailing almost everything about them from their average time to read a book to a carefully laid cross section of every organ in their body. Due to her nature she is quite secretive of what she really is doing most of the time, if deciding to work with people at all either telling them the bare minimum of information or not telling them anything at all. On the surface Alaska can seem cold, calculating and a bit evil at times but in reality if you get to know her is quite a nice warm person despite being a bit shy. If Alaska truly trusts you she can help you with many problems often creating highly elaborate plans to solve even the smallest of things. In Alaska’s mind nothing in life is fair, and you should take everything you get and use it to your gain.
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Name: Lilith
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Creature type: Goblin (C Rank)

Personality: Lilith massively dislikes A and S ranks this stems from having her family and herself serve an S rank creature. Because of this history she has quite the stick up her butt as she takes herself incredibly seriously and refuses to loosen up. If someone does manage to get past her serious exterior they'll find she is quite sassy little thing and incredibly confident in her own abilities. When it comes talking with A ranks and above she can get quite snarky, even more so with S ranks. However there is one race she actively despises, vampires she will actively try to mess and sabotage everything about them. She struggles around loud noises, much preferring to read and study mainly to further her main goal of becoming quite literally a queen of a kingdom

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