Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback

We are so gonna trade if you do. :D

About the telekinesis, Embluss is probably fine with it to a degree. One of his favorite ways of killing someone seems to be flicking a pebble into their brain. Throwing catapults and horses around is probably going to be a no tho.
Rynnki said:
We are so gonna trade if you do. :D
About the telekinesis, Embluss is probably fine with it to a degree. One of his favorite ways of killing someone seems to be flicking a pebble into their brain. Throwing catapults and horses around is probably going to be a no tho.
xD I think maybe breaking horses legs or something would be possible. Considering. Do all living things contain magic? Because then it would probably be pretty difficult to kill them. It might take quite a bit of strength to do much damage.
I dunno, I didn't really think of that. Would only beings with magical capabilities have magic in them, or would everyone? An interesting question indeed...
I know.. I would assume the magic had to come from somewhere, and it has to go somewhere when that person or thing is killed...So I would think it would be safe to assume that the planet contains the magical essence. And it would be safe to assume that SOME animals have magic. EMBLUSS!!!!! WE NEED YOUR INPUT.
Oh yeah, I remember him talking about being able to absorb magical energy from random things, namely nature for starters. Although I don't know if maybe you could connect with their magical reserves and throw them around with that connection? My mind's going out on me.
KillerKougami said:
Well I'm not sure about the specifics yet. My warriors are able to strengthen their armor and weaponry with it, but thats really all I've decided. I would like them to have like telekinesis, but I feel as if thats cheating during battle. Are we allowed to have telekinesis emblus? 
Ankou already has it. It's her baby... I dunno if it's a magical or biological ability. If it's magical, I can try to draft a theorem for it to establish how it works. Possibly pressing Rynnki into service, as he seems to have an excellent understanding. If it's biological... Then it's outside my purview.


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Rynnki said:
Oh yeah, I remember him talking about being able to absorb magical energy from random things, namely nature for starters. Although I don't know if maybe you could connect with their magical reserves and throw them around with that connection? My mind's going out on me.
Well we cant get to crazy or we will just murder each other with our minds. I wonder if you could sync with each others energy? Like if you were riding a dragon, could you heal it with your own magical storage? 

Embluss said:
Ankou already has it. It's her baby... I dunno if it's a magical or biological ability. If it's magical, I can try to draft a theorem for it to establish how it works. Possibly pressing Rynnki into service, as he seems to have an excellent understanding. If it's biological... Then it's outside my purview.

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Was that a slight on my intelligence? ^^
I think that healing and sturf would be rather difficult to do in most cases, unless you manage to figure out a spell or thought to accelerate the cell's reproductive process, and manage not to turn them into a bloated mutant. ._.
KillerKougami said:
Well we cant get to crazy or we will just murder each other with our minds. I wonder if you could sync with each others energy? Like if you were riding a dragon, could you heal it with your own magical storage? 

Was that a slight on my intelligence? ^^
Nope, I just think he's good at this magic stuff. Which is ironic, considering his country doesn't have must magic.

Internal magical stores are the same energy used for physical exertion. They are present in all life.

Tapping stores of energy in life forms besides yourself is a different form of conduit than tapping your own energy. Those with the former usually already display the latter.

Humans aren't necessarily amagical. Culture and physique probably play a role.

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EDIT: One of the strengths of magic is performing intricate, long tasks that don't require much energy instantly and precisely. Insta-stiches, then?

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Rynnki said:
I think that healing and sturf would be rather difficult to do in most cases, unless you manage to figure out a spell or thought to accelerate the cell's reproductive process, and manage not to turn them into a bloated mutant. ._.
Well yes, but you could easily staunch bleeding if you know anything at all about the biological process. Constrict their blood vessels surrounding the wound area, trigger the enzyme that leads platelets to the wound and and increase the clotting protein level and you've created a fibrin net for the wound. I mean in theory, if you were able to do this, you could heal people as well. 

Embluss said:
EDIT: One of the strengths of magic is performing intricate, long tasks that don't require much energy instantly and precisely. Insta-stiches, then?
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Its not exactly intricate considering it takes place in your own body within seconds of a scrape. But I'm not saying you could do that without using a lot of your energy storage. I am also only suggesting that you could help in the process, not do the process for them.
KillerKougami said:
Well yes, but you could easily staunch bleeding if you know anything at all about the biological process. Constrict their blood vessels surrounding the wound area, trigger the enzyme that leads platelets to the wound and and increase the clotting protein level and you've created a fibrin net for the wound. I mean in theory, if you were able to do this, you could heal people as well.
Yes, but most of this stuff could be done with surgical equipment. Enzymes, platelets, and protein levels, no, but you'd have to already be a doctor (In most cases) to know to do that and how it works. Healing would be touchier. You'd have to be able to control the cell's reproduction so that it would both be fast enough to replace lost tissue, and to keep the cells from going crazy and producing too much of themselves. Then there's each different type of cell, bone cells, nerve cells, skin cells, the whole lot. I'm not saying it couldn't be done, just that it would need a lot of research into it and complete knowledge of the human and/or elf body.
Although, if you somehow managed to generate a copy of the person down to the cellular level before they were wounded, then somehow project that image into the subject's body, the cells could simply be told to grow and they would return to the same layout that they were before. <-- This doesn't make much sense at the moment, may eventually make sense in awhile.

EDIT: ^And why aren't these merging? > :/
Well of course all of these processes would have to be detailed out, but it would be the same for any magical use in the first place. If you are using magic on anything made up of cells, (which is in the majority) then your going to run into the problems of needing to know the cell type of the certain organism.
It really just depends on how emblus pictured the magic to be used in the first place. Only spells? Because then I'd have to figure out enchantments for strengthening any of my amour and weaponry. Or is magic on a more spiritual level that can be transferred to only other living organisms? I hope not. xD
KillerKougami said:
It really just depends on how emblus pictured the magic to be used in the first place. Only spells? Because then I'd have to figure out enchantments for strengthening any of my amour and weaponry. Or is magic on a more spiritual level that can be transferred to only other living organisms? I hope not. xD
From what I understand, it is a very broad system. I'm pretty sure it fits both of those in it, although I like to think it's more oriented towards "think and do" situations. Bleh, forget that, it fits both in.
Rynnki said:
From what I understand, it is a very broad system. I'm pretty sure it fits both of those in it, although I like to think it's more oriented towards "think and do" situations.
I would presume. But i'm guessing spells and enchantments (depending on what they are) would be more powerful than just the "think and do" type of magic. In terms of healing, I would assume that it would take the strength of many to perform a spell powerful enough to heal. I'm using "heal" as a loose term. I do not mean bring someone back from death or even heal a severed limb. I'm talking more along the lines of scrapes and gashes.

I'm not trying to make it difficult. It could just be something developed during the rp. I think most of my medicinal treatments will be made from natural herbs anyways. I think it also would be safe to assume that those with more magical capabilities would heal faster than others?
KillerKougami said:
I would presume. But i'm guessing spells and enchantments (depending on what they are) would be more powerful than just the "think and do" type of magic. In terms of healing, I would assume that it would take the strength of many to perform a spell powerful enough to heal. I'm using "heal" as a loose term. I do not mean bring someone back from death or even heal a severed limb. I'm talking more along the lines of scrapes and gashes.
I'm not trying to make it difficult. It could just be something developed during the rp. I think most of my medicinal treatments will be made from natural herbs anyways. I think it also would be safe to assume that those with more magical capabilities would heal faster than others?
Yeah, I get what you mean. Spells and enchantments are basically more prepared Foci than pointing at someone and saying "You go kablooie," and in theory would be more powerful. I don't know about healing, I just hit my people with a stick or intimidate them into healing themselves. :I
Rynnki said:
Yeah, I get what you mean. Spells and enchantments are basically more prepared Foci than pointing at someone and saying "You go kablooie," and in theory would be more powerful. I don't know about healing, I just hit my people with a stick or intimidate them into healing themselves. :I
Exactly. I think mine will be more on the forceful side as least within the army. I'm think I'll create some type of beast. Is that an option?
Rynnki said:
As long as I get one, then yes. :I
xD Well dragons and unicorns are possible. Mine is not going to be anything super powerful, more something for riding purposes and occasional gnashing of teeth.
Alright, I'd probably say that breaking a horse's leg is outside the realm of possibility for most humans (unless they maybe find a weak point or whatever). My guys have telepathy and tele-empathy, not telekinesis, but I don't see why telekinesis shouldn't be possible. Would the dragons breathe fire? And Embluss, for Last Unicorn unicorns, think how they're generally depicted in original mythology: more deer-like in build, cloven hooves, lion-like tails, tuft of fur around hooves and under the chin, pretty manes, opalescent sheens, spiraling horn, etc.

Not sure about dragons, what would they be like?

Sorry for not being on and replying most of today—I passed out twice right after getting up and they might have been seizures (I've never had this happen to me before). I've spent all day at the doctor's, got my weight and dietary habits criticized for being dozens of pounds underweight for my height (it's not my fault I'm small-boned), had three test tube thingies of blood drawn (ha, anemia and vitamin D deficiencies are still ruled out!), and when I got back had to veg out. I'm still pretty out of it, but at least all of the injuries I accrued from falling were just superficial. Anyways, now I have to go to multiple hospitals and stuff for some specialized exam stuff later this week, ugh.
Ankou said:
Alright, I'd probably say that breaking a horse's leg is outside the realm of possibility for most humans (unless they maybe find a weak point or whatever). My guys have telepathy and tele-empathy, not telekinesis, but I don't see why telekinesis shouldn't be possible. Would the dragons breathe fire? And Embluss, for Last Unicorn unicorns, think how they're generally depicted in original mythology: more deer-like in build, cloven hooves, lion-like tails, tuft of fur around hooves and under the chin, pretty manes, opalescent sheens, spiraling horn, etc.
Not sure about dragons, what would they be like?

Sorry for not being on and replying most of today—I passed out twice right after getting up and they might have been seizures (I've never had this happen to me before). I've spent all day at the doctor's, got my weight and dietary habits criticized for being dozens of pounds underweight for my height (it's not my fault I'm small-boned), had three test tube thingies of blood drawn (ha, anemia and vitamin D deficiencies are still ruled out!), and when I got back had to veg out. I'm still pretty out of it, but at least all of the injuries I accrued from falling were just superficial. Anyways, now I have to go to multiple hospitals and stuff for some specialized exam stuff later this week, ugh.
Oh goodness! I had the same thing happen awhile back, but mine stopped at the anemia test. lol. Hopefully they figure it out!

As for the dragons, I would assume they breath fire? I mean, it kind of is just a requirement of dragons. xD But I mean, they don't need to... I'll have to get back to you about it. lol.

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