Mythic Civilization Roleplay- interest check/feedback


New Member
Hello everyone! Ankou (who's out of town ATM) and I are looking to get a civilization roleplay off the ground. This is our first RP on this forum, but we've both run quite a few elsewhere. I'm hoping we're done forum-hopping now- this place seems pretty great. I'm putting up this thread to check interest and get a little feedback on some of the ideas.

For those who haven't heard of them, in a civ RP you control an entire nation, rather than a character. (The general expectation is you do try to develop some characters with depth, however. They'll be shallower than a normal RP character, simply because you have so many of them, of course). They're generally sandbox, with the aim of the game being to play the game. Building connections with other nations, developing your own lands, waging war, and exploring the world are some things to do.

This one (Name pending!) has a mythic setting. That means... Magic! There's also elves and stuff like that. Since this introduction is starting to fall apart, I'll just jump to explanations of... a lot things, actually. Some of it may change. Suggestions and questions are welcome!

RP link will be posted here when it's ready. Below is the current working version of the thread.

Table of Contents

I. A: Player List, B: Nation Relationships

II. Rules and Regs.

III. Map (WIP)

IV. Races

V. Magical Rules

VI. Bio Sheet

Ia. Player List

Nation/Current Government/Current Ruler(s)/Pg #/Creator

Ib.Nation Relationships








II. Rules and Regulations

1. Just use common sense. If you have a good amount of that then you’re already likely to do well.

2. Please possess proper grammar skills. Small slips are perfectly fine, and if you are not a native English speaker or possess a learning disability that affects this then we understand. Otherwise, write coherently, and there are limits to how much we will accept even taking into account those aforementioned exceptions.

3. Tying into the first rule, be logical with the advancement in all aspects of your civilization. Jump from slinging stones to building cannons in one post? You will be smote. Pull thousands more into your army from a population that can’t spare that many people? You will be smote.

4. We ask you use humans or an elf variant as your race. We will allow heavy modification of the elves (Think TES, except even more lenient). If you run something else by us and we really like it, we might let it happen. Ask before typing up too much to avoid wasting effort.

5. If you try to break the laws of magic, they will break you.

6. Other than that, there is really not much else to mention. Just respect your fellow roleplayers, use your heads, and have fun.

III. Map (WIP)

Red marks the Torrid Zone; an area, banding the planet, of intense heat. Inland, it is beyond inhospitable; nothing can survive the days here. On the coastal regions within the zone, as well as the various islands, life is only barely tenable. There is negligible vegetation, and water may be hard to acquire.

Green marks a large area of magical disturbance, responsible for warping the land and its inhabitants. Something gargantuan is moving its way towards the surface. Whatever creature is the source of the magical field, it will not reach the surface for tens of thousands of years or longer. Ankou’s guys live here. It is also responsible for warming the southern hemisphere beyond what is natural. There is no southern ice cap, and very few areas with cold climates in this half of the world.

Black is the landform. If you want modifications made for your nation’s territory, I’ll try to make them. The final map will be nice and pretty, too.

IV. Races

You are most likely human. Humanity first emerged in the interior of the eastern continent, north of the torrid zone. Restrained by Elvish settlements along the coasts, they lived as herdsmen and warriors upon the steppes. They have long since emerged from this region and staked out a significant portion of the globe, but in many cases retain the old affinities of their ancestors for meat and combat.

The Elves are an older and more diverse race. Before the human race was even born, they had settled the entire globe. They are a magically inclined race (In some cases, they have been warped by magic). Their origins are unclear, owing to the age of their race. Elvish lifespan is similar to human lifespan. Many Elves have lighter frames than the average human. However, as previously stated, there is a huge variety in the musculature, stature, complexion, etc. (Closest comparison in popular culture would be TES; which considers Orsimer (orcs), Falmer (twisted cave-things), Dwemer (Tall dwarves?), and all your normal kinds of elf to be elves, based on shared ancestry.)

V. Magical Rules

This is just a concise explanation of the laws of magic and existing systems for the use of magic, as easily observable by any rational being in-game. It's fairly basic, but in-game theorists may flesh it out more to describe the whys and wherefores.

The general understanding of magic states that every magical act has three components: the font, the conduit, and the focus.

The first component, the Font, is the source of all energy consumed by a magical act. Every living body is a potential source of magical energy, and various forms of energy may be transformed into magical energy (I’ll hit on this more in the last paragraph, but… This implies that the conservation of energy applies to magic).

The second component, the Conduit, is an ability, construct, or system that allows energy to flow as magic. Many casters have a natural ability to tap the stores of their own body to provide energy for spells; this ability is considered a Conduit. The ability to tap into the energy stores of surrounding life is another. Some priests and religious display Conduits of less clear origin, capable of drawing from energy sources of their own. Magically induced and mechanical-magical Conduits are possible. Build them if you wish.

The third component is the Focus. The Focus… well, focuses magical energy. It may be words, gestures, thoughts, scrolls, tattoos, mechanical devices, monoliths, buildings, or just about whatever else you want. It just has to be done in a purposeful manner to direct magical energies.

Multiples of each component can be utilized in a single magical act. For instance, if many mages were to participate in a ritual to cast a single spell, there would be many Fonts and Conduits, but one Focus. If one caster was working many spells at once, all powered from his internal store of energy, there would be a single Font, a single Conduit, and many Foci. Various other configurations are possible.

As stated before, magical energy is conserved. This means that completing an act with magic requires the same amount of energy it would to do so naturally. The advantage of magic is that it can be much more efficient than physical means (bursting a vein in the brain rather than a drawn-out swordfight, etc.) Magical acts may also occur instantaneously. The forces they unleashed are not required to begin working from the point of the caster, meaning energy is not lost to pushing, say, a projectile, over the gap between a caster and a nearby opponent. In cases where a magical act CANNOT be completed by natural means, an appropriate amount of energy is required. The conservation of energy is satisfied by a release of thermal, mechanical, or electromagnetic energies into the immediate environment.

Sorry for lying to you guys, I know that wasn't concise at all!

VI. Bio Sheet

Official Name:

Common Name:



Important Nongovernment Entities:

Notable Citizens:

Current Economy:

Historical Overview:



Capital City:

Other Notable Settlements:


Population Distribution (rural, urban, etc.):

Primary Race (name and description):

Secondary Race(s) (name and description:

Magic (anything special about your people’s magic):


No length requirement; just make it as long as it has to be to answer all the questions.

The bolded fields are required. Filling out the rest is suggested.

Once accepted, tell me where you'd like to be on the map.

We'll launch when we have enough people. "Enough" depends on how closely the nations are grouped and various other factors.
You're trying to escape from me aren't you? D: xD I'll get the thingy done as soon as possible.
Rynnki said:
You're trying to escape from me aren't you? D: xD I'll get the thingy done as soon as possible.
I'm not! I swear!

Don't worry too much, we can't start till my co-gm Ankou is ready anyway. She should be back on and kicking tomorrow.

BTW, what territory are you guys looking at? I'm after the southern 2/3 of the huge island chain closing off that gulf in the NW of the eastern continent, with various other naval possessions and colonies. Besides the island I'll probably just grab open spaces when we're all set up
Actually... I can't see the map. >-< Me computer doesn't like me right now. Even though I don't know what it looks like, I'm after a spot on a continent with a decent to large border along the sea. Although, I would be perfectly fine being landlocked if airships are allowed, I was thinking of having that be me people's magical specialty, powering airship engines and the like.

EDIT: Ah, also, what tech level would this be, and the average city state of this time's population? Just need the city state pop for calculating my own.
Rynnki said:
Actually... I can't see the map. >-< Me computer doesn't like me right now. Even though I don't know what it looks like, I'm after a spot on a continent with a decent to large border along the sea. Although, I would be perfectly fine being landlocked if airships are allowed, I was thinking of having that be me people's magical specialty, powering airship engines and the like.
EDIT: Ah, also, what tech level would this be, and the average city state of this time's population? Just need the city state pop for calculating my own.
Haven't thought about the time period much tbh... Can't believe I didn't. Classical, probably. I don't expect Ankou to have any objections to that.

As for population, try to find figures from the period. If memory serves Han china had a population of ~60 million, so that's the maximum for sure. 5-25 million is probably the ideal range, because Han China definitely wasn't balanced...

Airships are difficult. The magical system still follows the conservation of energy. You'd have to be pretty creative to work it out. I suppose you could draw energy from life below (as magical energy can be freely moved through conduits without "cost"), but that would restrict the height and make it difficult to fly over barren regions, where airships would arguably be most useful. There's probably a way, just find it!

[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]The map is of the world O_o

Sorry if that wasn't clear, but yeah. The entire known world, pole to pole. Does it seem too small? I thought it was a pretty good size.

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Hmmm... If the magical energy can move through the conduits for free and not lose energy (I'm guessing it still does, but at a level that is nearly less than negligible), we could create an energy loop by using the conduits, along with a process like mirrors in a telescope to magnify the magical energy by using Focuses of some kind as the mirrors. Some energy could be fed back into the conduit to continue the magical magnifying process while the rest feeds the engines, keeping the ship aloft. To kickstart the engines, there would probably be a system of Fonts fed by some sort of more conventional energy, maybe setting off a controlled explosion and the Fonts feed off of that energy.

Just brainstorming some stuff here, it's all really rough right now, but feel free to critique it, you know more about your system than I do. ^^ I gotta go right now though, I'll finish up tomorrow.
The way to use magic to fly a plane or something. Use a fire based magic to ignite engines and use wind magic to pull air through the wings. Multiple mages pulling it through the wings will give it lift off, or use fans in the wings and it'll take less power and you can have the mages cycle through in sets of 3 per fan, if you have 12 sets then by the time the first set runs out and comes back they'll be full of energy. Just keep the magic flowing and sooner or later it'll take less work because the plane itself will keep itself up.
Rynnki said:
Hmmm... If the magical energy can move through the conduits for free and not lose energy (I'm guessing it still does, but at a level that is nearly less than negligible), we could create an energy loop by using the conduits, along with a process like mirrors in a telescope to magnify the magical energy by using Focuses of some kind as the mirrors. Some energy could be fed back into the conduit to continue the magical magnifying process while the rest feeds the engines, keeping the ship aloft. To kickstart the engines, there would probably be a system of Fonts fed by some sort of more conventional energy, maybe setting off a controlled explosion and the Fonts feed off of that energy.
Just brainstorming some stuff here, it's all really rough right now, but feel free to critique it, you know more about your system than I do. ^^ I gotta go right now though, I'll finish up tomorrow.
A good way of thinking about this is to keep in mind that magical energy can be transformed into mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic energy, and all the rest. Things should still make sense when converted to those. Your setup, if it worked, could probably also be used to make perpetual motion machines (Actually, the airship might be a perpetual motion machine in and of itself, now that I think about it...).

Conduit was probably the wrong term to use there... my bad. I was trying to say drawing energy from nearby fonts doesn't cost energy. I'm kind of imaging magical energy, while sometimes associated with masses which themselves have locations in the space-grid, itself not really tied to space. It can be moved around freely. To use it you convert it into mechanical energy, thermal energy, electromagnetic energy, etc, using a focus.

I should also note that fonts are just stores of magical energy of any kind. All living things are fonts. Mechanical fonts are certainly possible. I meant for conduits to just be an ability or mechanism to open fonts in a controlled manner (EX, being able to mentally access your own stores and direct that energy towards a spell focus), again they can be mental/organic or, possibly, mechanical like you talked about. You'd have to develop mechanical conduits first. Having a mental conduit is like being able to open a door to a storehouse of magical energy- you can access it and let it out in a controlled manner. I'd imagine early mechanical conduits wouldn't have as fine control. Mechanical fonts would be difficult all in their own, but could certainly be done.

You'd definitely need some form of energy flowing into the system to be able to put out a propelling force, since energy is conserved (you know, the total amount in the universe never changes) (BTW, what would you use for propulsion? Magically moving the first gear of some mechanism, magically generating heat, etc). You could draw from nature like I said, have some sort of energy store on the ship, or maybe find some way to tap other sources? I mentioned in the rules priests tapping strange sources (Which may or may not actually be divine, BTW).

Maybe you could have mages on the ground maintaining some kind of link with it, feeding it energy? They'd have to be drawing energy from something themselves. You could also bring a herd of animals on board, but that'd add weight and probably be inefficient. Solar is theoretically possible...

Anyway, you definitely need an energy INPUT if you want to OUTPUT energy.

...I'm having a good bit of fun with this, but should probably leave it to you, lol.


[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]The way to use magic to fly a plane or something. Use a fire based magic to ignite engines and use wind magic to pull air through the wings. Multiple mages pulling it through the wings will give it lift off, or use fans in the wingsand it'll take less power and you can have the mages cycle through in sets of 3 per fan, if you have 12 sets then by the time the first set runs out and comes back they'll be full of energy. Just keep the magic flowing and sooner or later it'll take less work because the plane itself will keep itself up.

Energy is conserved! If you want an output, you need an input! Using magical energy is very similar to physical exertion... those mages would need to eat eventually, and every mage you add to the journey makes the ship heavier. The energy stores in a person might be enough for short journeys, but you'd need denser storage for long trips. Wind magic might actually work, though... Sustain a pocket of increased density air underneath the craft, increasing bouyancy... It'd be slow, and only support light craft, but that could work.

IMO, drawing from nature is probably the best bet until there's advanced magitech all set up. Which you can spend a while developing. This method would be good enough for crossing everything but the torrid zone, really. The barren quality of the green circle is made up for the magical field down there. Oceans have plenty of life in them, although you'd probably kill a lot of krill and algae as you went. Ooh, ecological effects!

...Down the rabbit hole I go >.>
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[QUOTE="Kiro Akira]I have an idea on a mage city, maybe I can work something out with that.

Nice! I edited my last post a second time, added a few small musings. I'm gonna call it quits for the night, might check in one last time before I actually go to sleep... Tomorrow is the day after a blizzard, and that means shovelling. Lots of shovelling >.>
Awesome! I'm about to go to sleep, so my brain is not fit for doing "thinky things", so I will develop my civilization synopsis once I wake up. If thats alright(: 
Before I start getting really delved into my characters and what their appearance's look like, is there any room for futuristic type armour? I had an idea of a main population of magical elves, with human defenders. The humans are much stronger in muscle size and agility, but possess no magic of their own~ (This wont always be true for all of the humans, some may be half elf, half human without knowing it, *wink wink*). So I'd like for the humans to have futuristic armour and weapons that can be conduits. Whether it be a suit that increases the wearer's strength, or a katana that is enforced by magic. I also thought of the idea of when the human kills something or someone with magical energy that the magic would go into the conduit, if they have one. If not, I assume it would go back to nature. Ill attach some pictures of a few of the suit styles I'd like to explore~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be91474a4_HumanwithConduits.jpg.e30cd406d31eabaab2916decaf35dfa4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be91474a4_HumanwithConduits.jpg.e30cd406d31eabaab2916decaf35dfa4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As you can see, she has a type of magical force flowing through her dress. She would be someone high ranking (in the human warrior community), having a suit conduit, as well as a katana conduit.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be914c3af_HumanWarrior.jpg.53ae1478b725d9f1bd99f7b6432df355.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be914c3af_HumanWarrior.jpg.53ae1478b725d9f1bd99f7b6432df355.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This would be your average low-grade warrior. Probably the only conduit would be her armor; and not very strong. Very dependent upon the wearer's strength.



  • Human with Conduits.jpg
    Human with Conduits.jpg
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  • Human Warrior.jpg
    Human Warrior.jpg
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Just getting this posted so I don't have to cut and paste it later when I want to reply. X( WIP

Official Name: The Kingdom of Laon (Pronounced Lah-own)

Common Name: Laon

Government: Monarchy, advised by a council made up by people overseeing different parts of everyday life (Ex: War, Economy, Foreign relations, etc)

Ruler(s): The king and queen, Selven and Ataya Lii'Arte. (Lee' AR-tee)

Important Nongovernment Entities: Civilia Enterprises- A trading company that has nearly monopolized all trading in and out of Laon, and highly pushing and financing technological and magical pursuits anywhere that would allow them to work easier and make a bigger profit.

Notable Citizens: Amalia Silveen- A full 50/50 half elf, she is the owner and head of Civilia Enterprises.

Current Economy: (I'll do a 1-10 scale for easyness, 10 being best, 5 average, 1 collapsing) 7, and slowly growing. A mix of free-market and Central economy.

Historical Overview: The country known as Laon began as a city state known as Laonaroa, a city populated with its own human-elven mix. Led by the Lii'Arte royalty, Laonaroa quickly grew through trade and immigration, until it finally sent settlers to expand its kingdom. With the settling of Solanova, Laon was born. In the present day, Laon is a trading nation, from supplies from the sea to manufactured goods, and strongly connected to the sea.

Religion(s): There is not set religion, and the people are allowed to worship freely.

Region: Southern peninsula and islands of the western continent.

Capital City: Laonaroa (Lah-own-ah-row-ah)- 1.2 million live inside this city, which is built around the King and Queen's palace and the large courtyard in front, where they appear for public events. The streets extend out in steadily larger rectangles, with smaller streets connecting them.

Other Notable Settlements: Solanova- A massive coastal city that rivals Laonaroa in size, it is the main hub for trade in Laon, and the home city of Civilia Enterprises.

Population: 18 million

Population Distribution (rural, urban, etc.): About 40% of the population live in sprawling village-like cities, basically giant agrian towns without city infrastructure that sit in the middle of vast fields, forests, and mining areas. They are basically the center of farming, mining, and foraging zones, and export raw materials to manufacturing centers in the cities. 20% live in proper metropoli, whose towers reach high into the heavens. The remaining 40% live in rural areas.

Primary Race (name and description): Laonians- Basically a 80% human 20% elf mix. They still have human builds, and have a little longer lifespans than normal humans thanks to their elven blood, averaging around 110-120 years, and received a little magic inheritance from their elven ancestors. Besides that, they're just like the average human.

Secondary Race(s): None.

Magic (anything special about your people’s magic): Magic is found in relatively low levels in Laon, although the country is interested in its mechanical potential to overlook their lack of strong magic users everywhere.

Researching: (I just put this in for ease of knowing what I'm researching. I personally plan on doing it sort of like strategy games like Civilization and Galactic Civ, in case anyone's familiar with those games) Mechanical Conduit Theory.

Other: This country may turn into a Magitechnocracy later when they become advanced enough.
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KillerKougami said:
Awesome! I'm about to go to sleep, so my brain is not fit for doing "thinky things", so I will develop my civilization synopsis once I wake up. If thats alright(: 
Before I start getting really delved into my characters and what their appearance's look like, is there any room for futuristic type armour? I had an idea of a main population of magical elves, with human defenders. The humans are much stronger in muscle size and agility, but possess no magic of their own~ (This wont always be true for all of the humans, some may be half elf, half human without knowing it, *wink wink*). So I'd like for the humans to have futuristic armour and weapons that can be conduits. Whether it be a suit that increases the wearer's strength, or a katana that is enforced by magic. I also thought of the idea of when the human kills something or someone with magical energy that the magic would go into the conduit, if they have one. If not, I assume it would go back to nature. Ill attach some pictures of a few of the suit styles I'd like to explore~
View attachment 34780

As you can see, she has a type of magical force flowing through her dress. She would be someone high ranking (in the human warrior community), having a suit conduit, as well as a katana conduit.

View attachment 34781

This would be your average low-grade warrior. Probably the only conduit would be her armor; and not very strong. Very dependent upon the wearer's strength.
Classical age (Rome, Greece, Alexander's empire, Achaemenid to Sassanid persia, Gupta India, Olmecs, mississippians, mound builders, Anasazi, Germanic tribes, etc. Roughly 1000 BCE to 500 CE), not future. But so long as the function is appropriate for the period, whatever aesthetic you want is probably doable.

Conduits are first and foremost a mental ability of natural casters. Mechanical ones may be developed in-game, but I'm averse to letting anyone start with them. Too OP. Honestly, even once they exist they should have some drawbacks. A perfect one would be a nightmare for balancing.

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EDIT: Okay, feedback on your bio. I know it's a WIP, so I'll ignore the blank sections, for the most part.

Notable Citizens: maybe the guy in charge of Civilia enterprises? BTW, the idea of a corporation wasn't around in the Classical period. I'll let it go, though.

Current Economy: Agrarian or developed? Market-based or centrally controlled?

Capital city: population and layout of it?

Population Distribution: 70% urban? Not even today's world has met that. 10-35% is more realistic, unless you're magically farming crazy amounts

Secondary race: Can you modify these guys to be an elf variant of some sort? Also, elemental magic isn't really defined in the system, and some elements probably aren't all that effective. Fire, for instance, would not be cost-affective at all. (Back of the envolope calculation; Lets say a warrior charging at you weighs a 150 kg. Treating him as if 100% water, it would take 150 dietary calories to heat his entire body by one degree. Getting to the boiling point of pure water, which is far below the combustion point, would consume 15000 calories. If you're using a humanoid as your only energy source, you need to be efficient and careful with your magical use. You're better off pinching a vein in the brain, or driving a tiny pebble through his skull at high speed. I mean, fire could work if you had something to burn on hand (natural methane, maybe?) and you were just providing the spark and blowing it out of your mouth. Definitely not spontaneously generating a whole fireball.) There's much more effective ways to kill things. You could certainly do this, but not from a human's internal energy. They'd die. Please also state the % of population they are, and give some historical background on where they come from.

Not familiar with those games, but there's many ways to develop things in these RP's. Personally, I usually have someone identify a problem or pattern, build a proof-of-concept in the next few posts, and then slowly fix problems as I go on, leading to a finished, very capable product. Do whatever you think makes sense, though. Just not "draws a plan freehand with zero experimentation, and then builds the perfect version in a few posts". We've had that before, and it's.... it's... >.>. Bad. It's bad.
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Hmm alright, fair enough. How about half-breeds? Half human-half elf? Slight magical abilities, but their strength is based in their strong frames from training? Elves will be obviously stronger in the area of magic, being full-blooded, but the majority of the population will have too light of frames to engage in physical battle. It would also be taboo in their society to engage in battle due to their religious beliefs, which I will develop further in my synopsis. I plan to have elves who do battle, but they are very high in rank, and are there to "control the half-breeds" and "guide them in battle". (This is in quotations because this wont always be true, some may actually be there to fight.) They will also be the delegates who negotiate with other countries. My hopes are too sell the services of the half-breeds to other nations if they need help in any war situation.

This is an idea for what an elvish warrior would look like:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9193f40_ElfWarrior.jpg.f47463c3c4eb9699e5584aa406f85265.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11361" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9193f40_ElfWarrior.jpg.f47463c3c4eb9699e5584aa406f85265.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Elf Warrior.jpg
    Elf Warrior.jpg
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KillerKougami said:
Hmm alright, fair enough. How about half-breeds? Half human-half elf? Slight magical abilities, but their strength is based in their strong frames from training? Elves will be obviously stronger in the area of magic, being full-blooded, but the majority of the population will have too light of frames to engage in physical battle. It would also be taboo in their society to engage in battle due to their religious beliefs, which I will develop further in my synopsis. I plan to have elves who do battle, but they are very high in rank, and are there to "control the half-breeds" and "guide them in battle". (This is in quotations because this wont always be true, some may actually be there to fight.) They will also be the delegates who negotiate with other countries. My hopes are too sell the services of the half-breeds to other nations if they need help in any war situation.
This is an idea for what an elvish warrior would look like:

View attachment 34795
That's pretty cool looking.

I'm planning on having a human supremacist nation, modeled on the Portugese Empire with some Greek, Phoenecian, and Japanese influences. No-way no-how are elves marching with my glorious soldiers!
Oh goodness! Haha well that will make it interesting then! Maybe your nation will take pity on my half-breeds. Its not exactly by choice! Okay I'm excited now. I'm going to start my synopsis and I'll post it. Hopefully you'll like it!
Heehee, that's why I'm starting with researching the theories first! > :D

Warning! REALLY long post ahead!

A good way of thinking about this is to keep in mind that magical energy can be transformed into mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic energy, and all the rest. Things should still make sense when converted to those. Your setup, if it worked, could probably also be used to make perpetual motion machines (Actually, the airship might be a perpetual motion machine in and of itself, now that I think about it...).
Perpetual motion ships of doom. > :D That wouldn't be for, like, forever though, so I won't have to worry about coming up with that for a long time (Game time anyways). According to a page I found by NASA, the main propulsion systems are (in increasing level of sophistication) propellors, turbine-jet engines, ramjets, and rockets, although in this the highest it will probably get is the magical equivalent of a jet engine. The beginning airships are probably going to be blimps powered by propellors, then actual ships powered by propellors, then magic jet engines, then possibly later perpetual motion engines, if they ever get that high tech.

Conduit was probably the wrong term to use there... my bad. I was trying to say drawing energy from nearby fonts doesn't cost energy. I'm kind of imaging magical energy, while sometimes associated with masses which themselves have locations in the space-grid, itself not really tied to space. It can be moved around freely. To use it you convert it into mechanical energy, thermal energy, electromagnetic energy, etc, using a focus.
Ok, I was sort of thinking of it like that. It's sort of like the wire connecting the source of the energy to its output, except the wire can be bent and moved in any way it wants.

I should also note that fonts are just stores of magical energy of any kind. All living things are fonts. Mechanical fonts are certainly possible. I meant for conduits to just be an ability or mechanism to open fonts in a controlled manner (EX, being able to mentally access your own stores and direct that energy towards a spell focus), again they can be mental/organic or, possibly, mechanical like you talked about. You'd have to develop mechanical conduits first. Having a mental conduit is like being able to open a door to a storehouse of magical energy- you can access it and let it out in a controlled manner. I'd imagine early mechanical conduits wouldn't have as fine control. Mechanical fonts would be difficult all in their own, but could certainly be done.
Ah, like the on/off switch and the wire. I have my work cut out for me. ^^

You'd definitely need some form of energy flowing into the system to be able to put out a propelling force, since energy is conserved (you know, the total amount in the universe never changes) (BTW, what would you use for propulsion? Magically moving the first gear of some mechanism, magically generating heat, etc). You could draw from nature like I said, have some sort of energy store on the ship, or maybe find some way to tap other sources? I mentioned in the rules priests tapping strange sources (Which may or may not actually be divine, BTW).
It's rather funny, because energy is conserved only in connection with conservation of matter. Remember Einstein's E=MC^2? That shows that energy can be converted into matter and vice versa. Meaning that one is destroyed and the other is created, although the total amount of energy and matter never changes. Some food for thought there, should be interesting if we figure it out in the rp. ^^ Anyways, for propulsion, it would basically be the same-ish techniques for propulsion we use today (propellors, engines, etc) although powered by magical sources. Perhaps using some sort of object that could store large to huge amounts of magical energy and use that to power the ship? The object could then be recharged when they reached port and go again, or something like that. Charging the object (Possibly some sort of crystal?) could probably be done in a multitude of ways. Although just imagine if the thing went critical and exploded... O.o

Anyway, you definitely need an energy INPUT if you want to OUTPUT energy.
Otherwise it would be like conventional magic that makes stuff happen "Because it's magic!" *Nods*

...I'm having a good bit of fun with this, but should probably leave it to you, lol.
So am I. ^^ I'll figure out some way to make it work all right.

IMO, drawing from nature is probably the best bet until there's advanced magitech all set up. Which you can spend a while developing. This method would be good enough for crossing everything but the torrid zone, really. The barren quality of the green circle is made up for the magical field down there. Oceans have plenty of life in them, although you'd probably kill a lot of krill and algae as you went. Ooh, ecological effects!
Not the ecological effects and the hippie protests! D: Hehehe, magic hippies. xD

Phew! Finally done...
Rynnki said:
Heehee, that's why I'm starting with researching the theories first! > :D
Warning! REALLY long post ahead!

Perpetual motion ships of doom. > :D That wouldn't be for, like, forever though, so I won't have to worry about coming up with that for a long time (Game time anyways). According to a page I found by NASA, the main propulsion systems are (in increasing level of sophistication) propellors, turbine-jet engines, ramjets, and rockets, although in this the highest it will probably get is the magical equivalent of a jet engine. The beginning airships are probably going to be blimps powered by propellors, then actual ships powered by propellors, then magic jet engines, then possibly later perpetual motion engines, if they ever get that high tech.

Ok, I was sort of thinking of it like that. It's sort of like the wire connecting the source of the energy to its output, except the wire can be bent and moved in any way it wants.

Ah, like the on/off switch and the wire. I have my work cut out for me. ^^

It's rather funny, because energy is conserved only in connection with conservation of matter. Remember Einstein's E=MC^2? That shows that energy can be converted into matter and vice versa. Meaning that one is destroyed and the other is created, although the total amount of energy and matter never changes. Some food for thought there, should be interesting if we figure it out in the rp. ^^ Anyways, for propulsion, it would basically be the same-ish techniques for propulsion we use today (propellors, engines, etc) although powered by magical sources. Perhaps using some sort of object that could store large to huge amounts of magical energy and use that to power the ship? The object could then be recharged when they reached port and go again, or something like that. Charging the object (Possibly some sort of crystal?) could probably be done in a multitude of ways. Although just imagine if the thing went critical and exploded... O.o

Otherwise it would be like conventional magic that makes stuff happen "Because it's magic!" *Nods*

So am I. ^^ I'll figure out some way to make it work all right.

Not the ecological effects and the hippie protests! D: Hehehe, magic hippies. xD

Phew! Finally done...
That was glorious.

You seem to have a good grasp of it, anyway.

And a know all about Einstein, but I figure things will be a million times easier if I just stick to Newtonian physics for now. Get beyond that and I think I'd start losing people, lol. Once they're trapped, invested in the RP, I'll bust out the crazy theory in-game and hopefully get some cool stuff working.
Embluss said:
That was glorious.
You seem to have a good grasp of it, anyway.

And a know all about Einstein, but I figure things will be a million times easier if I just stick to Newtonian physics for now. Get beyond that and I think I'd start losing people, lol. Once they're trapped, invested in the RP, I'll bust out the crazy theory in-game and hopefully get some cool stuff working.
Haha, sounds good to me!
Official Name: Ellisium (pronounced el-lee-zee-um)

Common Name: Ellis (pronounced El-iz)

Government: The government is part monarchy/aristocracy. There will be a single king and elvish queen, however there will be a group of elvish advisors who have power also. They are very structured, however, they do take the interests of the people to heart, and do not wish to dominate the lives of their elvish people. The government also consists of the small branch of elvish warriors, The Archi, (commonly known as the Arcs) who control the half-breeds.

Ruler(s): The King and Queen, Tadeusz and Iulia Euphemia. The advisors will consist of five members, Afanasiy (male), Dorothea (female), Aikaterine (female), Kazimer (male), and Miloslav (male).

Important Nongovernment Entities: Klement Forgers, a group of powerful elves who create all weapons and magical extensions for the whole country of Ellisium. They create all of the armour and do any of the body modifications for the army as well.

Notable Citizens: Constantine and Konstatin; twins who are two of the most high ranking elves in the army. Xenia, Felix, and and Nicolei make up the rest of the group of elves that control the half-breed army. Some of the notable half-breeds are Nadejda, and Sabellius. Two other important citizens would be the two owners of Klement; husband and wife, Sevastian and Valeri.

Current Economy: Using a 1-10 scale, (10 being the best, 5 being average, and 1 being collapsing) 6. Their economy would be better, but they have invested a large sum into the army and into Klement Forgers, in the hope that both of these structures will further their economy in the future. The elves in the capital tend to lavish spending on the material aspects, so a lot of their funds go to that as well.

Historical Overview: Their history is not the most beautiful, they tend to sidestep morals in order to achieve what they want. Elves occupied the land first, but over time, they realized their magic was not enough to defend themselves against any enemies. Only a very small portion of their population had the body structure to defend themselves in combat. Once the human race came along (obviously this is something we all have to decide) they noticed how muscular and fit their frames were. Being a less developed race, they were easily overpowered by the elves magic (This part of history is generally forgotten by the general public). They breed the humans to the elves, creating the half-breed warriors. Along this time is when Klement Forgers became a household name. The half-breeds were kept separate from society, being trained in the wilderness for physical combat and developing their magical abilities.

Religion(s): They believe that their magical powers were given from a divine entity called "The Vitali" (sometimes shortened to just The Vital). The general public believe that this divine power also blessed their country with the half-breeds, even though the governing know the true reason they came along. The governing still believe in The Vitali, and that this is where their magic comes from. The general populace do not believe in joining the army, they consider it only a right of the half-breeds and the small percentage of elves who control them.

Region: I would prefer the land mass that is called Russia in our times. Most of my characters are from Russian descent.

Capital City: Euphemia, named after the King and Queen.

Other Notable Settlements: The Forest of Warriors, the settlement in the wilderness where the half-breeds live and train. The forging belt, a rural band of land around the capital; the place where most of the forgers live.

Population: Around 16 million.

Population Distribution (rural, urban, etc.): 15% of the population live in the capital, these are the richest, and include the king and queen, aristocrats, and the owners of klement. 35% (the rest of the elves) live in the more rural area, and a large percentage work for Klement in the forging of armour for the army.

Primary Race (name and description): The primary race are the elves. There are different rankings of elves based off of their magical powers, and noble birth. The most powerful elves are the Archi, the elven-warriors who control the half-breeds. They are not necessarily the most powerful in magic terms, only in the concept that they posses magical and physical strength. The most powerful based solely off of magic, are the king and queen, and then the aristocrats.

Secondary Race(s) (name and description) : The secondary race are the Half-Breeds. They possess about half as much magic as an elf, on average. However, they possess great physical strength, and where elves have some physical limits, humans are almost always stronger. (This does not apply to their magic abilities, only to their physical ones.)

Magic (anything special about your people’s magic): The half-breed magic can be focused into their conduits, whether it be a sword or shield or armour. It generally only enforces their weaponry, whether that is to make the blade stronger, the armour stronger..ect. Its based upon their physical strength and magical abilities. The Archi, are very strong in magic and strength, their magic far surpassing the half-breeds. However, their physical strength is not alway a match for the most powerful half-breeds. In hand to hand combat, without magic, the elves will most likely lose. However, in magical terms, they always come out on top.

Other: This took such a long time, my brain hurts. I would love some feedback, and I am open to any correction. If you would like to see pictures of each of the characters, let me know.
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EDIT: Okay, feedback on your bio. I know it's a WIP, so I'll ignore the blank sections, for the most part.
Notable Citizens: maybe the guy in charge of Civilia enterprises? BTW, the idea of a corporation wasn't around in the Classical period. I'll let it go, though.

Current Economy: Agrarian or developed? Market-based or centrally controlled?

Capital city: population and layout of it?

Population Distribution: 70% urban? Not even today's world has met that. 10-35% is more realistic, unless you're magically farming crazy amounts

Secondary race: Can you modify these guys to be an elf variant of some sort? Also, elemental magic isn't really defined in the system, and some elements probably aren't all that effective. Fire, for instance, would not be cost-affective at all. (Back of the envolope calculation; Lets say a warrior charging at you weighs a 150 kg. Treating him as if 100% water, it would take 150 dietary calories to heat his entire body by one degree. Getting to the boiling point of pure water, which is far below the combustion point, would consume 15000 calories. If you're using a humanoid as your only energy source, you need to be efficient and careful with your magical use. You're better off pinching a vein in the brain, or driving a tiny pebble through his skull at high speed. I mean, fire could work if you had something to burn on hand (natural methane, maybe?) and you were just providing the spark and blowing it out of your mouth. Definitely not spontaneously generating a whole fireball.) There's much more effective ways to kill things. You could certainly do this, but not from a human's internal energy. They'd die. Please also state the % of population they are, and give some historical background on where they come from.

Not familiar with those games, but there's many ways to develop things in these RP's. Personally, I usually have someone identify a problem or pattern, build a proof-of-concept in the next few posts, and then slowly fix problems as I go on, leading to a finished, very capable product. Do whatever you think makes sense, though. Just not "draws a plan freehand with zero experimentation, and then builds the perfect version in a few posts". We've had that before, and it's.... it's... >.>. Bad. It's bad.
I didn't see this until just now. >.> Sorry about that. Anyhoo, on to it!

Notable citizens- check

Current economy- It's prolly a mix of central and market.

Capital City- I'll get to doing that shortly.

Population Distribution: I have it like that because only 30% of the pop live in actual cities. That village-cities are basically the average village/town, just much on the scale of a city in the size of it. The village cities cover a much larger area than the normal village, and can work more land. I can see the confusion caused by it. If you don't like it, I can change it to more normal levels.

Secondary race: ... Eh, I'll just scrap'em. I had them on a different site, just trying them out here. I'm fine with not having a second race.

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