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Fantasy Mystic People


Junior Member

Full name:




Appearance (appearance all forms of your character):


Bio (optional):

Species (Witch, Demon, Human, Hunter, etc...):

Power (if your species has one, humans don't have power):

Weapon (if you have one):




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Full Name: Lilly Orentha

Nickname: Lil

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Scolipede-1.jpg.5dfec26425d0e6d118016d57d30d8dde.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117581" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Scolipede-1.jpg.5dfec26425d0e6d118016d57d30d8dde.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Some people think shes a succubus with the way she dresses and her socialism, but shes really just overly friendly.

Bio: She is a human-like creature designed to help humans against enemy species.

Species: Genetically Modified Human.

Weapons: The horns on her head.

Quirks: She doesn't have any that are notable.

Fears: Being kidnapped, being undressed at school, death.

Likes: Partying, landing a good hit with her horns (although she has only done it on training dummies,) and people admiring her (Even if its for the wrong reasons.)

Dislikes: People using her horns as a hanger of any kind, fire, and tripping.

I don't own the image, but I think it belongs to nationalpokedex on Tumblr.​



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Full name: Sasha Smith

Nickname/Alias: Sam

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Appearance (appearance all forms of your character):

Human form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9104cdf2_Sasha(RPnation).jpg.177877358f1c3e6b282ec2ca4ff66da2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117644" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9104cdf2_Sasha(RPnation).jpg.177877358f1c3e6b282ec2ca4ff66da2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Demon form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c915a181d_Sashasdemonform.jpg.63468b3deba239ee5c81387da0e639b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c915a181d_Sashasdemonform.jpg.63468b3deba239ee5c81387da0e639b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sasha is very smart (Human form and Demon form). In her demon form she is always mean, but in her human form she is nice.

Bio (optional): Sasha was adopted, so she never was really told "hey your a demon". When Sasha was human she hit 5 people with her car while texting and driving. 5 years later she was shot by one of the family members of the person she hit with a car (5 years ago). Then she died and got sent to hell where she was tortured and beaten until she decided to side with Lucifer. So now she is a full fledged demon. When she goes up to the surface (the human world). She kills every human in her way (while in demon form anyway). She recently discovered that she has a demon form and a human form. She only use's her human form when she is actually assigned a specific human you kill.

Species (Witch, Demon, Human, Hunter, etc...): Sasha is a Demon

Power (if your species has one, humans don't have power): Sasha can teleport and she can throw fire balls

Weapon (if you have one): Her pyrokinesis and her throwing knife she made out of human blood and souls of multiple victims

Quirks: When she is nervous or scared she plays with her hair

Fears: Sasha has no fears

Likes: Killing good people (killing things in general) and drawing (human form)

Dislikes: Angels, Elves, Fairy's, and humans (while in demon form)​



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Full name:

Plaematio (angels don't have last names)





Appearance (appearance all forms of your character):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c910524bc_Alaricshumanform.jpg.5dcf3e5bfa9beb074e653664ebf3d699.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c910524bc_Alaricshumanform.jpg.5dcf3e5bfa9beb074e653664ebf3d699.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ( his human form)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91056ab4_AlaricsAngelform.jpg.9b186347cd4a98f8a409eb5c99ede498.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91056ab4_AlaricsAngelform.jpg.9b186347cd4a98f8a409eb5c99ede498.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (His angel form)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Rage.jpg.c80293a0ff3121f23359e1c6b7213765.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Rage.jpg.c80293a0ff3121f23359e1c6b7213765.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (his Rage/Dark form)

Personality:(Human form) happy, fun, loyal, trustworthy, sarcastic

(Angel form) serious, focused, Buzz kill, trustworthy ,protective

(Rage form) Blood thirsty, sadistic, soul hungry

Bio (optional): Fin out in RP

Species (Witch, Demon, Human, Hunter, etc...): Archangel of Rage

Power (if your species has one, humans don't have power): Blinding light, telekinesis, pyrokenisis, summoning, flying, feather storm, soul reaping (more in RP)

Weapon (if you have one):Human form) Pocket knife

(Angel form)Holy Staff

(Rage form):twin soul stealing katanas

Quirks: tapes his fingers when anxious

Bites his finger nails when angry

Fears: Lucifer


Likes: human food



Dislikes: Humans


Dull weapons

Theme songs:

(Human form)[media]

(Angel form)[media]

(Rage form)[media]




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Full name: Skylar

Nickname/Alias: Sky

Gender: Female

Age: I know I'm going to sound really cliche when I say this, but 'unknown.' She says she's 17.

Personality: Skylar has an odd sense of peace, and believes there can be peace resolved between any two people; demon or angel. However, since she is this gullible, this has resulted in her downfall many times. She's extremely patient but stubborn herself, and can become bossy easily. she's fairly competitive, and loves to learn new things about mortals. She's secretly scared of being an immortal herself, but doesn't tell anyone because she doesn't want to uproot her family honor (and, you know, not get herself killed). She respects you, but easily misjudges people, often freezes for a bit in times of danger or surprise. She also gets bored pretty easily, but tries to pay attention.

Bio (optional): She was born into a family of other elementals, all of which were fairly competitive. When she grew up, their competitive side rubbed off onto her. Her mother and father were and are still both present, and she has a huge family. She tells no one where her home is. Her family is also related to a long line of strong wind elementals, which have achieved many great things in the past.[Will fan out more in the roleplay]

Species: Elemental (Wind)

Power: Being able to use the natural air around her as she pleases, but only to an extent and for a certain time. She can also turn into air for a very short time, and can rarely cause tornadoes or anything else of that extreme sort. She can also pass through solid objects.

Weapon: Wind...?

Quirks: She sometimes uses her powers subconsciously when emotions are running high--she also doesn't need to eat. She's also a fantastic liar. She also is usually seen staring off into space or looking bored.

Fears: She is terrified of fire and things she doesn't know about.

Likes: Skylar likes being able to do her one things I guess. She also enjoys a bit of photography, oddly enough.

Dislikes: She doesn't like people who humiliate her or are just mean in general. She also has a weird disliking of spicy things.

Full name: Fennik Kussen

Nickname/Alias: The Pyro

Gender: Male

Age: 13


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92c37bce_FennikKussenMagic.jpg.4a7a29c76194a018db4f438eede3c086.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118657" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92c37bce_FennikKussenMagic.jpg.4a7a29c76194a018db4f438eede3c086.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He is oddly calm and lazy, sometimes running out of magic energy on purpose just to fall asleep.

However, that can really change if a friend or loved one is in danger ; He turns into a ruthless killing machine and wont rest until the threat is a pile of ashes.

Species : Half Demon. (Explains the human look.)

Power :

Complete control over fire.

100% Fireproof.

Augmented Senses.

Ability to eat souls.

Weapon : The fiery flames of the depths of hell.

Quirks: Lazyness.

Fears: Death of loved ones.

Likes: Videogames, food, things a stereotypical lazy thirteen year old would like.

Dislikes: Annoying people.



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(Without the cat)

True form (obviously replaced with her appearance):


Full name:

Sawako Kuriyama (People mistake her for sadako)


Sadako | Ako




Apparently 17 but real age unknown.


Very mysterious and quiet. She isn't exactly level headed and she often stares at people up to the point where they get suspicious of her intentions. When she's very angry she turns into her 'true' form. Character traits - sadistic | quiet | soft spoken | blunt | can be friendly

Species (Witch, Demon, Human, Hunter, etc...):



People often mistake her for a harmless little girl because of her height. She is very dangerous yet most people can't see that at first glance.

Power (if your species has one, humans don't have power):

Blood manipulation - Her blood is like a very powerful acid that burns whatever it touches to the core.

Weapon (if you have one):

blood sword


great agility


being found out or shunned

bright flashing lights


the darkness


soft things




optimistic people

small talk


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(Yes, this looks weird but bare with me here please)

Full name: Leon and Eloise Kudoff

Nickname/Alias: Leo and Ellie

Gender: Male(Leon) Female(Eloise)

Age: 19

Species: Genetically Modified Human

Weapon: None really. They just like to use their fists

Personality: Elosie is a calm and collective person who loves literature and art. Leon is a lazy otaku who likes to watch movies, anime and.. well sexual things. They may not like each other sometimes, but they gotten closer than ever since they were conjoined.

Bio (optional): Elosie and Leon were formerly normal but they were taken away to a secret lab to be tested on. The scientists sewed their bodies together if they could survive and sadly, they did.

Quirks: They are unable to go to the bathroom but they are somehow not affected by this, because of this they have a huge stomach. To move around, they have to walk on fours.

Fears: Being separated, Death


Anime and Manga(Both)


Horror Flicks(Leon)



-Being called weird(Both)

-Her brother being annoying(Eloise)

-His sister being annoying(Leon)
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@Thatonechillgirl @Imagination you guys are accepted and @creamy cat we did start RPing
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[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]I don't have one?

I got rid of my other one, I just didn't like how I made him.
Full name: Willow Beauchamp

Nickname/Alias: Willow, W.B., Beauchamp, Beau

Gender: female

Age: Appears to be 20 but is centuries old

Appearance (appearance all forms of your character):


Personality:nerdy and fierce when needed, is a bit shy to new people unless she is in a bad mood, wild when you know her and are close, if you do not know her you don't know that she has cat ears because she only lets people know she has them after she knows you personally

Bio (optional): Parents are deceased and spends most of her time reading in the forest or talking to cats, decides to take a trip away from peace to check out some disturbances that recently appeared in New York, some relating to her brother's murder.

Species (Witch, Demon, Human, Hunter, etc...): witch

Power (if your species has one, humans don't have power):her ability to speak to cats and magic spells

Weapon (if you have one): Wand (and/Or) Sword

Quirks: awful at magic unless used on animals, first spell made her grow cat ears and a tail, but also allowed her to speak to felines as well as humans, magic turns her hair blue, when scared she turns into a cat, and unfortunately looses her clothes

Fears: Swimming, fire, dogs, and after death

Likes: Food, Music, animals, books, sleep, adventure, knowledge

Dislikes: People, stupidity, when people talk in abbreviations, Swimming


-with cloak(witch)-


-when battling-


-without cloak (human-ish)-


@QueenWeirdo44<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92edb493_images(4).jpg.78763896ce787e44fa80d0c7f00c464a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118757" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92edb493_images(4).jpg.78763896ce787e44fa80d0c7f00c464a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92eddaa6_images(4).jpg.cb56b39477b08b66d8c929cd236c6779.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118758" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92eddaa6_images(4).jpg.cb56b39477b08b66d8c929cd236c6779.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full name: Ezekiel Husk

Nickname/Alias: Wither

Gender: Unknown, presumed Male

Age: Bodily Age: 20 Absolute Age: Untold Millennia


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Darker-Than-Black-darker-than-black-22584126-1280-900.jpg.1f3e3dff5afc894295e63a0f932a66c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118879" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Darker-Than-Black-darker-than-black-22584126-1280-900.jpg.1f3e3dff5afc894295e63a0f932a66c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Just had to use Hei xD )

Combat Avatar:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/8bcdb3d00c82cb04a04d887608f412d3.jpg.c3fe07d95d6d827db09500676ccd672a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/8bcdb3d00c82cb04a04d887608f412d3.jpg.c3fe07d95d6d827db09500676ccd672a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: A quiet, somber individual. Has no interest in most things and will casually deflect questions, and even ignores them at times. His silence is seen as rude, though he tries to be courteous as possible.

Bio: Came into being through unknown means and now exists in the Mainworld. Rumors say he may be a

Shinigami of sorts. Origin is extremely elusive.

Species: Husk Demon


Shadow Transportation: The ability to travel through shade and shadow. He has unlimited mobility in complete darkness. Energy comsuption doesn't seem to affect Ezekiel since he uses this power freely.

Nightmare: Ezekiel has the ability to invade other's dreams and do whatever he pleases. Some say he does this to feed off of the fear generated from his victim or 'Host'. Most likely on multiple occasions he has caused visceral nightmares for Humans and lesser supernatural beings.

Weapon: Ezekiel has his own collection of Charms, Curses, and Hexes. But he has a butterfly knife and a shortsword if he ever gets into physical contact.

Hexes/ Curses (Bad JuJu): Blindness, Slowness, Paranoia, Anger, Lust (Good & Bad -w-), Weakness, Paralysis, and Decreased Motor Function (Lesser Intellect),

Charms: Strength, Power, Stamina, Willpower, Regeneration, Agility, Resistance, Ambiguity, and Stealth.

Quirks: Horrible at talking to people or making friends. Will usually bring up morbid, disgusting, and disturbing topics in conversation. He also is very forgetful of special events. He has no grasp of time so he doesn't follow through most of the time.

Fears: Light, Rapture.

Likes: Fear, Darkness, Forensics, Cadavers, and anything candy or pastry related.

Dislikes: Light, overenthusiasm, No sense of direction.



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