Galaxy Elf Extraordinaire

Hello! I'm not going to make this fancy as this is just a simple interest check, but I've been playing Mystic Messenger all week and considering starting an MM RP if there are enough people interested. The RP would have a similar or same storyline as the game, with the exception that we would all be playing original characters.
I am looking for about 5 to 7 people (5 to 6 of which will already be a part of the association and 1 to 2 who will be new through "Unknown.") I am still not quite sure if I want most of this RP to take place over a chat messenger (like discord) to emulate the feel of the game itself, or if it will be entirely on RPNation. I am also not sure if most people who would be interested would prefer realistic faceclaims (I generally prefer these) or anime, so please answer my poll questions above~
I prefer all characters be between in ages of 21 and 30 (or older if you wish) and everyone in the RP to be 18+. This RP will still be taking place in Korea. More information will be provided if people are interested. Thanks!
Available Character Slots:

Role: The Rich One
Type: The Serial Dater
Truth: The Closet Case

Role: The Florist
Type: Humorous and adventurous
Truth: Secretly carries an intense dark side

Role: The cold one
Type: Cool and unemotional
Truth: the sweetest, plushy-loving cinnamon roll ever!

Role: The Celebrity
Type: Cocky, Flirty, Prideful
Truth: Sensitive, Caring, Self Conscious

Role: The hacker
Type: Calm, badass, experienced
Truth: Clingy, soft, nerdy


Role: The Student
Type: Sarcastic, Blunt, and Vocal
Truth: Extremely envious of the people around him and those who succeed. (Inferiority Complex)

Role: The Flirter
Type: Sweet, Caring, Child-like almost
Truth: Doesn't want a relationship, confused about alot of things and rely on people heavily
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