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Multiple Settings Help make this time travelling super academy real. Please.


Least Insane Trans Woman
Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
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I need help. I've been obsessed with this idea for nearly a year now and it took actual literal therapy to get me to try and ask. I REALLY REALLY want to do a specific superpower academy roleplay, where I can play as myself. There's one major problem. I can't write it. Not as in I physically cannot. I'm keeping myself from trying. Why? I don't enjoy it. When I try, and I've tried a lot (not here), I burn out really quick. Then all that effort is wasted, along with other people's time. I don't want to keep repeating my mistakes, so I'd like someone else to be in charge for once. I can help. I think. I've never really helped anyone before. Of course, new to the site as well. Functionally, as in never actually roleplayed here.

Now, why do I want to play myself? Well, that's the entire reason I want to do this RP in particular. Last year, sometime in may, I had a dream where I was back in school. For context, I graduated several years ago. I hated school. Despised it. Chose to not go to college because I was so tired of being forced into classes I had no interest in. In the dream, I was back in school but not my school. I was in some nebulous Hogwarts-looking academy. Importantly, since it was a dream, I had power. I used it to fuck around with the shit I hated back then, like ceremonies and competitions. It was fun and I woke up pretty pleased. As I thought about it lying in bed, I realized that was actually a really cool concept to explore. Me, being back in school, but now I have powers to even the score. So, knowing the idea was still just some power fantasy and light personal exploration I went to AI chatbots to go find some similar premise to play with. I found a scenario where it asked me to choose between a hero school or a villain school. I decided to seriously entertain the choice, as I didn't really have a preference. I spent the entire day going back and forth with that, and what started as a power fantasy turned into a examination of myself. I eventually determined I'd pick the villain school, despite my better judgement or safety. I preferred the aesthetic, it was more freeform than strict, and most importantly it allowed me to abuse my newfound power. Then the chatbot ran out of memory, just as I stepped out of the first room.

I was desperate to continue, but I knew that no AI would be able to keep that going for long. I'd be writing in circles. I needed real people with novel characters. But I'm playing an adult self-insert in a academy rp. Worse still I wanted to explore the concept of a villain school. There couldn't be two schools in a real rp. Not unless you had a ton of players and excellent direction. I didn't want to limit the characters I'd see to one school, and I thought it'd be neat to have friends drift apart as one is corrupted. Plus, I knew I couldn't run it. My old places were dead too. No friends to help out. So I sat on it, and brainstormed. After a month or two I decided to fuse the two schools into one, and the villains would be treacherous staff who single out chosen candidates. Cool, but why is there a superpower academy when superpowers just appeared? Why adults like me? Superpowers are dangerous, and governments don't like having untrained and undocumented supers running around. Participation and graduation is mandatory. Unless you want life in prison. Adults can get superpowers at any time, either through circumstance or delayed onset. It took a while to figure out why the school exists, but I eventually came up with this: the entire place is a time-traveling school from the future. The headmaster/principal believes students should be brought up in a more positive environment than the original timeline, which is desolate. They've traveled back to have some peace and safety, and decided to give the first generation and the new timeline a second chance to make things right.

I know what you're thinking. Actually I don't, but I'm going to address this anyway. No, I'm not here for power fantasy or constant praise for myself. If I wanted that I'd stick with chatbots. I want to explore myself in ways I can't by any means in reality. I want to be challenged and experience conflict. I want to see what superpowers would really do to the average person's mental state moment to moment. My mental state too. I want characters equally as important as mine to interact with and bounce off of. I want a character who actually represents me for once instead of some vague similarities if you squint. Most of all, I want a good story. Winning everything or being the center of attention does not fit these criteria.

So, here's the basic... premise? ...I've come up with so far. Is that correct? It feels incorrect.
Sometime in August, a big event happens that gives .0001% of the global population superpowers. These are the first gen of supers. A couple hours later, the academy arrives in the present from the past, and starts getting to work finding and enrolling the first gens recorded in their history. Players can make students from the future late gens, or a first gen student. All freshman only. Powers start really weak grow rapidly in a month or two and then plateau out for awhile. Max power level is planetary, max for students is city, max for freshman is multi-building. Obviously, adults are allowed to enroll, and first gen skews adult. The Academy travels across the globe, and can travel between the two timelines as well. It's fucking huge, and has a few thousand students on campus at all times.

As stated, villains have infiltrated the staff and are looking out for students that catch their eye. Candidates are never directly informed what's happening. Instead, they'll find themselves switched to specific classes with "special" lessons and getting extracurricular "counseling" and training from "caring" mentors. Candidates are groomed to become more cruel, selfish, ruthless, insane, and terrifying. They are not trained for loyalty to any specific cause.

Students are split into programs based on their future goals. Powers are trained somewhat uniformly inter-program, specialized training is handled by personal coaches or the student themselves. There's an exception for particularly unique or dangerous powers. Powers are allowed to be used on campus as long as they aren't used to harass or harm another student. There's combat sports that allow an exception to the harm rule.

Post length needs to be at least a paragraph. Not too comedic or absurd or lighthearted in tone, I wants the drama. But not too much drama. Balanced tone leaning dramatic.

Beyond that, you can do whatever you want. Again, I'm willing to work with you for worldbuilding or anything else. Just, don't expect me to help out much with narration. Or writing NPCs. I suck ass with both and they burn me out.

God, I'm so anxious. I know it's unusual and a lot. Please work. Please work. Please work. I need this.

Okay, I don't literally need this. But I really wannit.
Hey, this seems really interesting and has so many ways it could go. I'd be up to join. I already have a possible idea after just reading your post that I jotted down.
could i play a wholesome prankster who is horrifically wounded in battle and becomes an antihero with super-drugs? I am going through my list of characters.
if it's open still, I'd love to join. I've already gotten some ideas from reading your premise :]
Hey, this seems really interesting and has so many ways it could go. I'd be up to join. I already have a possible idea after just reading your post that I jotted down.
if it's open still, I'd love to join. I've already gotten some ideas from reading your premise :]
Cool. To be clear, are you saying you'll help run it or that you'd just like to join if it gets made? I'm so scared of misinterpreting.

could i play a wholesome prankster who is horrifically wounded in battle and becomes an antihero with super-drugs? I am going through my list of characters.
As in that's where they go or do you mean that's where they are at the start?
Cool. To be clear, are you saying you'll help run it or that you'd just like to join if it gets made? I'm so scared of misinterpreting.

As in that's where they go or do you mean that's where they are at the start?
I'd be willing to join! I'm not the best at running RPs but I'd be happy to join in!
Cool. To be clear, are you saying you'll help run it or that you'd just like to join if it gets made? I'm so scared of misinterpreting.

As in that's where they go or do you mean that's where they are at the start?
that's where it goes
that's where it goes
Alright, that sounds great. Kate's going to be going to be a trans woman thawing out and healing from two decades of neglect, only for her dormant narcissism to surface and take control now that she can assert herself. Aiming for ending up as a superterrorist. Of course, that could change, but I don't think she can be fixed.
Alright, that sounds great. Kate's going to be going to be a trans woman thawing out and healing from two decades of neglect, only for her dormant narcissism to surface and take control now that she can assert herself. Aiming for ending up as a superterrorist. Of course, that could change, but I don't think she can be fixed.
huh- whos kate?
Cool. To be clear, are you saying you'll help run it or that you'd just like to join if it gets made? I'm so scared of misinterpreting.

As in that's where they go or do you mean that's where they are at the start?
Honestly a bit of both. I didn't know the limits to what roles a character could take, so I had come up with a staff member that acts like an overarching villain for a bit. He represents always being afraid of making the wrong decision when making choices, trapping yourself in a cycle of anxiety and fear under the guise of "I just want to make the right decision for everyone", but never doing anything. He represents blinding yourself in this obsession of fear, self-pity, and self-loathing, and how when you don't realize the your own faults that birth the problem and reach out for help, you unintentionally harm those close to you. "When hesitating for fear of making the wrong choice, you in turn, choose the only wrong choice. Not making a choice at all."

He acts like a sort of pseudo-villain, as in he doesn't inherently have any malignant intentions, just wanting to be a normal teacher, but as he delves further into the spiral of countless possibilities, he loses himself and becomes the very thing he wanted to protect everyone from. But even as a rampaging force of destruction, he still isn't the only thing set out to ruin the peace the supers have built. In actuality, there's some villain(s) who secretly knew this was going to happen, and counted on it, meaning that even in all his attempts to protect the people he loved, he himself was manipulated.

I have everything written down and we could go over it in PMs or something.
Honestly a bit of both. I didn't know the limits to what roles a character could take, so I had come up with a staff member that acts like an overarching villain for a bit. He represents always being afraid of making the wrong decision when making choices, trapping yourself in a cycle of anxiety and fear under the guise of "I just want to make the right decision for everyone", but never doing anything. He represents blinding yourself in this obsession of fear, self-pity, and self-loathing, and how when you don't realize the your own faults that birth the problem and reach out for help, you unintentionally harm those close to you. "When hesitating for fear of making the wrong choice, you in turn, choose the only wrong choice. Not making a choice at all."

He acts like a sort of pseudo-villain, as in he doesn't inherently have any malignant intentions, just wanting to be a normal teacher, but as he delves further into the spiral of countless possibilities, he loses himself and becomes the very thing he wanted to protect everyone from. But even as a rampaging force of destruction, he still isn't the only thing set out to ruin the peace the supers have built. In actuality, there's some villain(s) who secretly knew this was going to happen, and counted on it, meaning that even in all his attempts to protect the people he loved, he himself was manipulated.

I have everything written down and we could go over it in PMs or something.
Sounds interesting. I only really had some placeholder ideas myself. For example, I thought the principal/headmaster would be overly optimistic, naive, and maybe a little eccentric. That's why they thought the whole time travel thing was a good idea and why they don't quite notice how people are exploiting the students.

The primary villain inside the school would be a very charismatic person. Super friendly, never directly hurts anyone. They could convince anyone of anything, and you'd better believe they love to convince students to be just a little more selfish. Ambitious. Insensitive. Assertive. Rebellious. Over and over, until their targets are convinced it's okay to start killing criminals, or stealing some food to save money. And no one ever suspects them, because they're too smart to say anything like that where it could be overheard. They'll act shocked and appalled, as if they never taught them that. Claim they meant something else, and the student took their "advice" too far. Sometimes, they might even expose the student themselves to keep them from turning around. Why? That part I couldn't quite figure out. I guess they just enjoy the schadenfreude, and everything else feels numb to them.

Beyond that, I had a list of powers that'd get a lot of use from school staff. I also had an idea for at least two villains beyond school grounds. One for the present and one for the future. Outside of that basically nothing. Would not be able to write any of them well or for very long. I'm not sure going to PMs over one staff member is going to be enough. I don't want you to like, pour your heart out if nothing happens.
Sounds interesting. I only really had some placeholder ideas myself. For example, I thought the principal/headmaster would be overly optimistic, naive, and maybe a little eccentric. That's why they thought the whole time travel thing was a good idea and why they don't quite notice how people are exploiting the students.

The primary villain inside the school would be a very charismatic person. Super friendly, never directly hurts anyone. They could convince anyone of anything, and you'd better believe they love to convince students to be just a little more selfish. Ambitious. Insensitive. Assertive. Rebellious. Over and over, until their targets are convinced it's okay to start killing criminals, or stealing some food to save money. And no one ever suspects them, because they're too smart to say anything like that where it could be overheard. They'll act shocked and appalled, as if they never taught them that. Claim they meant something else, and the student took their "advice" too far. Sometimes, they might even expose the student themselves to keep them from turning around. Why? That part I couldn't quite figure out. I guess they just enjoy the schadenfreude, and everything else feels numb to them.

Beyond that, I had a list of powers that'd get a lot of use from school staff. I also had an idea for at least two villains beyond school grounds. One for the present and one for the future. Outside of that basically nothing. Would not be able to write any of them well or for very long. I'm not sure going to PMs over one staff member is going to be enough. I don't want you to like, pour your heart out if nothing happens.
The main thing is that I just kind of wrote a lot and didn't want to clog up the replies with a massive block of text.
Sounds interesting. I only really had some placeholder ideas myself. For example, I thought the principal/headmaster would be overly optimistic, naive, and maybe a little eccentric. That's why they thought the whole time travel thing was a good idea and why they don't quite notice how people are exploiting the students.

The primary villain inside the school would be a very charismatic person. Super friendly, never directly hurts anyone. They could convince anyone of anything, and you'd better believe they love to convince students to be just a little more selfish. Ambitious. Insensitive. Assertive. Rebellious. Over and over, until their targets are convinced it's okay to start killing criminals, or stealing some food to save money. And no one ever suspects them, because they're too smart to say anything like that where it could be overheard. They'll act shocked and appalled, as if they never taught them that. Claim they meant something else, and the student took their "advice" too far. Sometimes, they might even expose the student themselves to keep them from turning around. Why? That part I couldn't quite figure out. I guess they just enjoy the schadenfreude, and everything else feels numb to them.

Beyond that, I had a list of powers that'd get a lot of use from school staff. I also had an idea for at least two villains beyond school grounds. One for the present and one for the future. Outside of that basically nothing. Would not be able to write any of them well or for very long. I'm not sure going to PMs over one staff member is going to be enough. I don't want you to like, pour your heart out if nothing happens.
my boi needs no convincing to kill
I can't guarantee I'll be any good but I can try my hand at that maybe. I will understand if you want someone with more experience on that front though.
Alright, cook. Give me an example of what you'd write for narration/NPCs and we'll see if I like it. I can prompt you if you need it. Pay attention to how you feel while writing, that matters a lot more then writing quality/length/moderation ability. If it feels more like a class project than having fun, you probably won't enjoy running it.
I could try to run- I've run a few- but I'm cursed and all my Rp's have died
I misunderstood some things so there's gonna be a new OOC thread a bit later. Till the mods delete the thread I can't stop anyone from posting apps in the current thread but you may want to wait.
I misunderstood some things so there's gonna be a new OOC thread a bit later. Till the mods delete the thread I can't stop anyone from posting apps in the current thread but you may want to wait.
"a bit later" We're still working on it, but it seems Reborn Relic Reborn Relic is busy right now. They've been pretty inactive for the past few days. Just leaving this here so you know we are still working on this, and that it's taking longer than originally expected.

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