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Fandom Mystic Messenger RP Characters



ZEN/Hyun Ryu:
Yoosung Kim:
Jaehee Kang:
Jumin Han:
707/Luciel Choi:
V/Jihyun Kim:
OC spot 1:
Allora as Gigi and Sage
OC spot 2:
OC spot 3:
OC spot 4:
OC spot 5:

  • IMG_7502.JPGFull Name: Sage Reed

    Gender: Female


    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Appearance: Photo

    Personality: Sage is a very kind yet shy girl that doesn't talk often. She is very caring, even for people who do her wrong and blames herself for most inconveniences. She is a distant girl who usually is filled with dreams and fantasies. Even with her kind personality, she can be too kind and even be a doormat, letting people push her around.

    Strengths: Singing and writing

    Weaknesses: She cannot draw, her self-esteem is trashed, she can't fight back

    Likes: Singing, writing, books, reading, drawing, animals, wildlife, flowers.

    Dislikes: Spicy food, sour food, the cold, her parents, her classmates.

    Occupation: SKY College Student

    Crush: Depends but usually Saeran or Jumin.

    Bio: As a child, she was abused by her parents. The parents were found out by the police when she was sent to school covered in bruises. She was then sent to an orphanage to receive better care. She only got bullied worse and sometimes went days without food. The bullying continues even through college.
Full Name: Alice Dorian



Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Long wavy brown hair in 2 long pigtails, (almost like the first option that you can chose for MC default skin)Blue eyes, causal red skirt and turquoise Sky University shirt.

Personality: Kind and caring, will risk her own life to protect those dear to her, even if thy don't like her back (Fun Fact: She almost risked her life from a a gun shot to save her best friend's boyfriend, to not put her friend in despair) , she is a social butterfly that likes to keep updated with the world (main reason she joined Rika's Funding Association), even tho she will do anything to help friends out, she will get a bit angry/dramatic depending on the situation, she usually tries to be in her best behavior.

Strengths: Persuasion, cooking, martial arts, and drawing

Weaknesses: Depression whenever someone mentions her dead dad, kind gullible, has OCD sometimes.

Likes: Cooking, movies, texting, sweet food, and pets like birds, dogs, and bunnies.

Dislikes: The fact that her father is dead, sour food, really spicy food, snakes and spiders, and men that over flirt (unless its Zen)

Occupation: SKY University student

Crush: Zen or Yoosung, depends sometimes

Bio: Her father died right in front of her eyes at dinner when she was 5. After that she asked her mother if she could teach her martial arts to defend who she loves and cares for. She learned cooking in a SKY University after school club. Wants to have a bakery when she has enough money and her Master's degree.

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