[Mysterious Cities of Jade] Chapter 4: A Wyld Hunt appears!

Shinji, Elegy:

Elegy's own considerable knowledge of death pieces together a hypothesis. The whispers of dead titans fill in the gaps, crystallising her suspicions into clear certainty.

The old road pertaining to most of these occurrences was originally built to be geomantically auspicious, a prayer to the Incarnae, of a sort. When the city was half-dragged into the underworld, that geomancy was lost, and damage and time took their toll. But if this street were repaired by some... undead public works project, for want of a better term... Then the significance of the road could be rekindled, albeit warped and twisted by the necrotic essence of the underworld. If the street had been reclaimed, it would be highly inauspicious, more like a prayer to Oblivion, if such a thing could exist. It's very possible that proximity to the road would empower the arts of the dead, perhaps even necromancy.

The locations of the congregations, as Mosuu calls them, are likewise geomantically significant. There are clearly a few organised to distract the living- Mosuu has been diligent enough to note down several congregations where the ghosts howled and shrieked and beat the ground at the salt lines- but the silent ones, most of them are located in very inauspicious... Oh. Oh dear. Perhaps it was the Neverborn whispering something they shouldn't have, or an inspired leap of metaphysical logic, but you're sure there's only one outcome to this activity, and that is to weaken barriers between life and death, so that someone, some powerful necromancer (but you know they're not in short supply, particularly in this region), could enact a ritual to turn any of the city within the confines of this old road into a shadowland. That would rip the heart out of Chiaroscuro, including the Tri-khan's palace and Grandmother Bright's Plaza district. The heart of trade in a thousand mile radius would stop beating. The cascade of events would be vast, and almost uniformly unpleasant.



He launches without warning into a flurry of kicks, the flowing folds of his robes leaving almost no warning as to precisely where the next will come from.

EDIT: You know what? Let's improv this, seeing ads I fucked up the dice roll for a flurry. Contested Dex+MA roll instead. He's rather skilled: Dex 5, MA 4 (fancy legwork+3) And channelling his valour. That's 15 dice.]/spoiler]
Amaya matches the old master tit for tat, quickly adjusting to his onslaught. She meets his first kick with a ballerina like spin, attempting to impact her foot against the man's leg in order to throw him off balance and drain the force from his blow. Her heels clunk down against the wooden floor as she comes out of her spin, and she slides herself backwards, giving her enough room to try to swipe aside the man's second kick with an open palm.

Her motion continues, contorting her upper body so that she twists around and presents her side to the man. Her back bends and her other hand comes down to meet the third kick, two fingers extended to disrupt the man's motion and force his kick down and off target. Finally, she tries to counter the forth kick by swinging her own foot upwards to meet his own, which would exactly counter the force of the blow and break the man's form, leaving him open to counterattack.

Amaya's Unarmed DV is 7 + #stunt dice she gets. If the willpower expenditure counts for all of the kicks, Amaya will spend 1 wp to up her DV by 1 for the flurry.

[2,9,7,7,6,4,2,8,5,6,5,7,10,10,4] -> 9 Successes +1 Success = 10 Successes
The monk staggers a step, his defences opened, but he recovers. As you move to strike he whips up a hand to parry, the momentum carrying him seamlessly into another form, and he drops, spinning, a leg sweeping out to knock Amaya's off the ground, carrying through on the spin and turning into a sidekick to the chest. He relentlessly pushes forward, each step punctuated by his free leg keeping you at a distance, blocking strikes, throwing your balance, occasionally striking hard enough to force a step back, whereupon he'll take another step and begin again.

Same again, 15 dice pool. He is clearly a proponent of starting with the hard lessons to make sure nobody's wasting their time.

Blimey, 11 successes. Not too shabby. He's on 20 at the end of this round. If we both go over 30 next round, whoever got the most successes will be winner.
Amaya doesn't even try to stop the monk's assault, instead she decides to move along with it, using her opponent's power against him. She lets his sweep swing her off the ground, but she uses the motion to slam her hands against the floor and push outwards, intent on surprising the man with an oddly angled kick coming from below. Falling back down, Amaya holds herself parallel to the ground for the tiniest of moments and then swings around as the monk comes to take advantage of her fallen posture. Her entire body moves in a rapid arc that uses her full weight to deflect the monk's blows. She spins on her fingertips like a top, and at the end of her spin she is standing once again.

Now it is Amaya's turn on the offensive. She steps forward into his assault, but neatly avoids his oncoming strikes. First she leaps into the air over his kick, curling her legs up to her chest, and secondly she bends her neck to the side, neatly avoiding his punch. Amaya extends her legs out with powerful force, launching her feet towards the man's stomach. If everything goes as planned she will knock him backwards, and she will use his resistance to fling herself into a back flip away from him. This will leave him crumpled on the floor, and she will neatly settle down, ready to renew her attack.

Spending a point of willpower. Assumed a two die stunt on this roll, making it a 1 die won't affect the outcome.

[10,7,8,8,10,2,1,4,1,5,2,4,7,7,4] -> 9 Successes + 1 Success = 10 Successes
"Oh, simple enough," says Elegy, pleasantly. "Someone is trying to transform the better part of the city into a massive shadowland!" She traces out the geomantics of the situation involved with her fingers, aiding her partners' understanding. The Neverborn's whisper and hiss in her ear as they do so; it's half her moving and half them. A chill falls over her. How arrogant to think this revolved around her; they did not want retribution against her, the legions of the dead titans wanted to plunge the world into transcendent darkness -- business as usual.

"Which leaves the pressing question: who do we inform?"

Ooh, both at 20, it's all to play for now!

It does indeed knock him backwards with an audible "oof!". He manages to tumble into the fall, smoothly regaining his feet, although his breathing is heavier and there's a bead of sweat running down his face. He launches himself back at you; a short sprint, a leap, and three airbourne kicks in quick succession followed by a downwards elbow that should knock you down, if it connects.

And once more, 15 dice

9 successes, bringing him to 29. If you get 30 this round, you win!
The monk's recovery is unexpected, causing Amaya to pull back from her own attack at the last moment in order to reassess the situation. Unlike her opponent, her breathing is as steady as ever, and her face is completely lacking in the sheen of sweat. This amount of exertion is nothing to her, in fact, it she seems even more vigorous at the end of the bout than at the beginning, reacting with sharpening reflexes and pushing forth with movements ever stronger than the last.

Amaya makes forward as if to meet the monk's aerial assault, but at the last moment she lets her entire body drop. As she falls her legs split and slide across the wood so that they rest parallel to the floor in one unbroken line, the ease of the motion displaying Amaya's incredible flexibility. Still, her head is in reach of the monk's elbow, and so she throws her hands up in a cup in order to catch the blow in her palms. She intends to use her great strength to wrench the man out of the air, slamming him down to her level, and then to use her superior experience at this level to deliver the decisive blow.

Actually, he was at 19. Now the score is 28 to 27, so whoever gets more on the next round wins it then? Spending another willpower point for an additional success.

[1,5,3,7,8,3,2,2,9,9,1,4,10,3,6] -> 6 Successes + 1 Success

Mosuu whispers a prayer to the gods. He burps and excuses himself, his lunch clearly no longer sitting well with him. "This... This is bad. Uh, the city council are supposed to handle this sort of thing. The Tri-khan and his family won't even see a non-Noble. I've been trying to see the council about this for months, but they kept fobbing me off with excuses, said there wasn't enough evidence. I thought it might just be my paranoia, but there must be someone on the council who already knows, and wants to keep it secret."

He runs a hand through his greying hair, thinking. "What can we do, besides try to go to the council with this again? We could maybe tell the Immaculate Monks? Their Dragon-Blooded members are off hunting some Anathema or other, I don't know when they'll be back. If they'll be back... "

The monk lands heavily, not expecting this move. He manages to roll to his feet and begin an all-out attack, determined to hold his own against this stranger. Feet, fists, elbows, knees, he is almost a blur of motion.

Oh, my mistake, 28 to 27 it is. Either way, I think this round will decide it. It's been very close so far, an excellent fight for both participants

Edit: Ooh, just 4 this time. Good chance the fight is yours.
Amaya doesn't give up, scissoring her legs forward in order to knock the monk off of his feet again, taking him down as soon as he stands up. Her body sinuously divests itself from the floor, swinging her back onto her feet in a snakelike motion reminiscent of a swaying cobra. Amaya places her foot under the monk's left leg and kicks it upward. The moment it rises into the air she falls back down to the ground, but this time on top of the monk. Her left forearm finds itself wedged under the monk's chin, and his left leg is held suspended by her right arm. Being grappled in this manner is not particularly painful, but it is nearly impossible to counterattack from, and so the fight is all but over.

Yeah. She won by quite a big margin. Spending another willpower on this, not that it matters :P

[1,10,8,10,5,3,10,9,5,8,8,5,2,8,1] -> 11 Successes + 1 Success = 12 Successes

So a total of 32 to 40.
Amaya giggles as she releases the monk. "I am no sifu; I've never taught anyone before." Amaya rises to her feet and claps her hands together, bowing deeply to the monk in the traditional way in which bouts are closed. "Thank you so very much for sparring with me! I have not had an opponent so skilled as you in years, not since the last time I tried myself against my own sifu. You are surely one of the best masters the order has!"
That confuses him. He tries to hide it by bowing low. "I... Thank you. I merely try to emulate the Dragons as best I can. Please, I must know, who taught you? There are few masters that skilled in this half of Creation, and you certainly did not learn from my sifu."

The kids had mostly stopped their own training to witness the display between their master and you. One or two are trying to go through the motions of some of your moves, with little luck.
Elegy gives a sidelong glance at Shinji, a how do you keep finding situations like this? before turning back to the map. "I know enough bureaucracy to say that, so long as one councilman wants to keep the subject off the floor, it will stay off the floor. We may have to go over their heads. Hrm..."


"...We may have a contact who might be able to get us this knowledge to someone important." Best someone inform Ayo and the others, as well.
Amaya scratches her head, her face red with embarrassment. "My great-aunt taught me almost everything I know. I've trained with her since I was very young, ever since I showed a strong aptitude and willingness to learn. She trained me even after it was apparent that I wouldn't... um, I mean when I didn't...." Amaya flounders for a few moments, finding it hard to actually say out loud the biggest disappointed in her life.

She claps her mouth shut for a few moments before moving on. "Well, anyway, she is named Master Soraya. Most Enlightened Master Soraya." Amaya looks down at her feet, suddenly finding them to be very interesting.

Master Soroya, known as Mnemon Callia before she was inducted into the second coil, is a well respected elder of House Mnemon and a fourth coil monk of the order. By her experience she should be a fifth coil, but she is known for seeking esoteric disciplines of martial arts outside the immaculate styles, and that has always stood as a mark on her otherwise unblemished record. Attention from a dragonblood of that stature is rare for a mortal, even if they are a relative, and it easily explains just how Amaya got so good at what she does.
The monk tries not to smile. It's harder than fighting you was. "Ah, I see. That would explain some of your... Unorthodox techniques. Nevertheless, you have demonstrated skill superior to my own, and I shall learn from it, and so for today at least, you are sifu to me."

He bows again. "I take it, my students, that you decided my sparring with our guest here was far more interesting than your own training? I hope you have learned from it: No single technique is invincible. The martial arts are not ruled by the strong or the quick alone, for there is always someone stronger, someone faster. But by those who can adapt, those who can compensate for a weakness by inventing a solution on the fly, those are the true masters. Resume your training as before, but think upon what I have said, and what you have seen."
Amaya scratches her head, looking away from the monk as she chuckles softly. "Well, thank you very much for your time! I hope I didn't disrupt your student's studies too much; though maybe it'll inspire them to try harder." She smiles at the old man and bows. "Have a pleasant morning." If not stopped, Amaya intends to gather up her belongings and head back to the ship. The skip is back in her step, and she has completely forgotten that she wiped all of Creation's memory of her.
Shinji cocks a brow at her look. "What? These things happen. I just happen to stumble into them. It's not the first time I've pondered a manner of curse set by Fate on my brow. Anyway. We'll do what we can, Mosuu."
Shinji, Elegy:

"If you know someone who might be able to go above the city council, then by all means, try them. This has been planned for years and the route along the Old road is pretty much finished, I can't imagine it will be long before the final move is made. Months, at most. If you need me to do anything, just ask, I've kept notes on all my research into the subject..."
"Come along, then!" says Elegy. "Pack up your notes and explain the problem. We are going to pay a visit to Ragara Palan, a former client of ours. A good man, I promise you. Explain the issue to him and I promise you, attention will shine down on this issue. Chop chop, pack up quickly, now!"
Elegy, Shinji:

"I... Thank you! This could save... No, no time to prattle, I'll need notes, maps, records, blank parchment..."

Mosuu flits around the cramped office like a moth surrounded by a thousand candles. He grabs a book here, a sheaf of notes there, his two Chiaroscuro maps, and seemingly half the contents of the room before pausing, going "Hmm, that's probably too much" and dumping most of it before turning back and announcing "Right! Please, lead on!"

Chiaroscuro's bounty is the most likely spot to find Palan, and so you are happy to find his aide Fox eating a meal in the lower floor. He splutters in mild terror at your approach, spraying a rather nice looking lunch of lightly fried beef and rice flavoured with tobacco, amongst various spices. He eyes Mosuu Rakai suspiciously.

"What do you want? I, uh, I mean, hello. Are you here to see Ragara Palan? Because he's in a meeting right now with several clients and really cannot be disturbed for another half hour at least..."


Perception+Awareness roll, if'n you please
Shinji takes the seat directly across from him, carefully sweeping away spat out food. He let's the old Mnemonic charm wash over his expression. Cupped the little man in the palm of his senses. "We can wait, Fox. The matter is rather important and I wager a man like Palan wouldn't mind hearing what we've got to say. I'd wager that, at least." Shinji's grin is wolfish. "Eat, man, we're not here to steal your food!"
"Yes, yes." Somehow Elegy's look is just as wolfish -- mixed with the light in her dark eyes she becomes rather terrifying. "Very urgent. But no, take your time. We'll wait, so will the city. It'll still be here... right?"

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