• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom ་༘࿐ 𝙢𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 - characters.



bite the hand that feeds.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • .



" humans see what they
want to see. "

imagine dragons


_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

hello, hello, and welcome to the cs thread! right now, the tentative due date will be sunday, feb 25th, but that's completely subject to change based on how everyone's doing.

some general reminders for character creation:
- the hero roles are mortals, so things like abilities and godly parent wouldn't apply!
- don't be afraid to stretch your character's powerset, just make the strengths equal to the weaknesses!
- since there was no pact in this universe, big three kids exist, but since they're still rare, i'm only allowing one from each god. i got a child of zeus, so there's still a child of poseidon and child of hades open ^^
- hunters of artemis and champions of gods are also allowed! if you want to make your character mortal, though, dm me first to run your idea by me :)

i think that's all for now, but please feel free to ask in the oc thread if you have any questions!

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

here's the basic character form! feel free to add anything else you'd like or modify it, as long as you still have all the info on there!

- basics -
age. [14-19]

- appearance -
appearance description.


body type.

distinguishing features.
face claim.

- persona -
persona. [+2 paragraphs]


virtues. [+3; equal to vices]
vices. [+3; equal to virtues]


- history & etc. -
bio. [+5 paragraphs]

demigod only
godly parent.
weapon(s) & equipment.


the nexus - you've been at camp longer than some of the younger campers have been alive. you're the one everyone looks up to, the head counselor, the one who knows what they're doing. but do you, though? because oh, do you have a lot of pressure on you, and i'd hate to see you crumble. taken by yokai.

the crux - you've always been the golden child. the strongest, the smartest, the most popular. life's been easy for you, almost painfully so. but you’re hiding something, aren’t you? a secret weakness, something that could bring not only your own downfall, but the downfall of everyone around you. it's shadow lurks over you, and you wonder if this quest will be the thing that makes it all come crashing down. [the soul of achilles.] taken by aeneas.

the seeker - you've never felt fulfilled at camp, not really. sure, it's nice and all, and it's safe, but doing the same thing, over and over, years on end, just hoping you'll make it to eighteen? nah. you're the first to volunteer for quests, the last to return from patrols. sneaking out is a weekly occurrence, because damn, do you just want to see the world. well, now you'll get to- but it might not be the world you were expecting. - taken by starlight.

the trireme - you've always known you're meant for something more. maybe that's why you have this insatiable wanderlust, the need to blow this popsicle stand and find what you're really meant for. could this quest be it? or is it just another distraction? [the soul of jason.] - taken by phnx.

the canvas - you've never been much of a fighter. sure, you can hold your own, like any demigod, but your real skill lies beyond the battlefield. maybe it's at the arts-and-crafts table, or around the bonfire at night. but there's a reason you don't fight. something happened the last time you did- something that still terrifies you. but chin up, because face it, there's fighting to be done- whether you like it or not. -

the lyre - you’re always had the ability to weave words into tapestries, songs that all would stop to listen to. but what most don’t realize is that the songs you sing spell your own grief, something- or someone- you’ve lost. and quest or not, you’ll do anything to get them back. [the soul of orpheus.]

the tempest - you weren't always powerful. it's something you had to work for, train for, make sacrifices for. and make sacrifices, you have- the first and biggest still makes them see you as less. but you don't mind. you know you're worth- and whether they want to admit it or not, they do, too. taken by phnx.

the fleet - throughout your life, you've survived by being independent. underestimated, overlooked, and unvalued, you've worked had to carve out your own place in the world. though this quest is most definitely scary, and undoubtedly dangerous, you can't help but see it as an opportunity- a chance to prove yourself, and make them all eat their words. [the soul of atalanta.] - taken by uxie

the page - maybe you're stereotypically smart, like the cabin six kids. maybe your intelligence is of a different kind- the kind that lets you read people, open their hearts and minds as though they were just another book. you've always been invaluable around camp, your mind unparalleled. and now, everyone's looking to you for answers about the mist. but you don't have them. or at least, you claim you don't. - taken by pearjuice

the compass - you're smart. some might call you cunning. others likely don't have such nice names to give. but you've learned to be that way, because life has taught you that bravery was never enough. you might not be as strong or tough as the others, but nobody could match you for turn of phrase, and in the arena of the mind, you always come out on top. that's good- because if what's been going on recently is any indicator, we're going to need more than just strength to make it through this. [the soul of odysseus.]

the reputation - you've made something of a name for yourself around camp. wherever you go, stares follow- whether it be for reasons good, bad, or some combination of both. will you be forced to change amongst what's to come, or will you be determined in your resolve to prove that everyone was right about you? taken by reverice

the prize - due to the circumstances of your birth, you've always been seen as less of a human, and more of a trophy. something to put on a mantle, to admire and wish for. but you're more than just a pretty face, aren't you? you take advantage of the situations you find yourself in, convincing and conniving. and, even though you may not realize it yet, the choices you make could build nations- or burn down empires. [the soul of helen.]

the forge - you have a golden touch when it comes to crafting, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. golden hands and a silver tongue, you hold the ability to topple kingdoms either with your words or with your skill. well, maybe not to that extent, though... have you tried? every hero needs their weapon, and it's your time to prove you've decisively got yours.

the winged - you've always seen yourself as being on top of the world. your work is unparalleled, and you're ought to be someone great one day. your ambition is commendable- but be wary, for it may just be your downfall. try not to fly too close to the sun; you wouldn't want to get burnt. [the soul of icarus.]


001. just some housekeeping rules, you know the drill. this is a safe space for everyone, so no ooc racism, homophobia, antisemitism, transphobia, and anti-capybara propaganda. any negative biases irp should be portrayed in a negative light.

002. since this rp is going to be a bit more mature, i prefer that everyone will be 18+! this is just for the comfort of me and everyone else in the roleplay.

003. please try and post at least once a week so we can keep this thing schmooving! being active ooc is also a super big plus :)

004. discord will be required for this roleplay! i just prefer doing ooc on there ^^

005. and, most importantly: have fun!

ooc - here.
characters -you're here!
ic - xxx.
discord - xxx.
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  • jericho hayes

    # the tempest

    # alex schlab

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    coded by phnx.


    the living tombstone

    • basics


      jericho duri hayes


      j, mr. electric












      august 28th


      queens, ny







      EYE COLOR:

      stormy grey


      alex schlab

      jericho d. hayes, son of zeus, king of olympus, lord of the skies, and god of lightning, thunder, kings, and justice.

      distinguishing features. his legs- or rather, the lack of his usage of them. jericho can be singled out in a crowd by whatever accommodations he's using at the moment, whether it be his crutches in the mortal world or his celestial bronze braces/wheelchair when in the ancient greek world. aside from these, his eyes are also worth note, seeming to swirl and crackle with the colors of a brewing storm.

      scars. his oldest- and most notable- are the long, branching lightning scars running down his back and across his legs. of course, there are the scars from swords and monsters alike across his arms and legs, a hallmark of any demigod who's managed to survive so long, as well as some hyperpigmentation where his crutches rub against his arms.

      modifications. none, unless you count his braces when he's wearing them. oh, and a faded stick-and-poke lightning bolt on his wrist that he did on a dare back in his early camper days.


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evelyn burke.




  • 01.



    evelyn burke



    eve, evie, lyn, lynnie, evvie









    august 12th






    the seeker



    evelyn is a young woman, standing at around 5’9” tall, she is taller than most her age as she had hit her growth spurt very early. her build a slight bit muscular from the constant quests she takes part in, as well as running around the camp doing gods knows what to fulfill her boredom. she has broader shoulders and longer limbs, this is especially noticeable in her legs, which take up a majority of her body. her hair color is that of amber, the length up to her waist, usually styled down with a quick little brush through as she was never one to care about appearance anyways. evelyn has a more angular facial structure, and higher cheekbones, fair skin, and eyes that are a piercing pale blue that look almost unnatural. .


    barbara sprouse

♡coded by uxie♡

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the fleet

take me to church

NAME: annie margaret fresnel
D.O.B: april 19th
AGE: 17 years old
GENDER: cis-female - she/her
ROLE: the fleet

APPEARANCE: Annie is a young woman who appears to be in her late teens to early twenties. She has pale skin with a slightly rosy tint, short black lashes, brown eyes, and naturally brown eyes. When she was about fifteen, she dyed her hair red, but quickly grew out of the color.
FACECLAIM: madison davenport

PERSONALITY: annie has spent almost all of her life overshadowed and hidden by people, and while that has probably given her an inferiority complex, she doesn't entirely mind being considered the weak spot, because when her time comes, she believes, most of all, in her ability to persist despite the odds. She prides herself on her independence, as well as her determination. She loves going outside and the outdoors, despising being confined to any one role. Her adventures are considerably impulsive, however, and mostly about the journey than any one destination.


likes - the colors pink and magenta, volleyball, her brother, hozier, her treehouse

dislikes - having to deal with her parents, alcohol, people challenging her independence, losing her footing, the dark

hobbies - building things (like legos), adventuring, volleyball, exploring

fears - being controlled or held back, spiders, being bitten


father - her relationship with her father has slowly deteriorated over time, but there was a point in time where the two of them absolutely adored each other. The two of them quite literally built her treehouse together, and it seemed that was one of her happiest memories as she grew up. However, as she grew older, her mother started butting in and trying to turn her into a more feminine person to live through, and her father just... kept to one side. It soured their relationship quite a bit.

mother - she fucking does not like this woman. Sure, as a kid, she loved her, because they were both girls, but when she hit puberty and her mom started saying some of the things she did were unladylike, she started to wonder if she had ever known her mother at all. She barely speaks to the woman, preferring to keep to herself and adventure when her mom doesn't have eyes on her.

brother (bruce fresnel) - annie's younger brother by two years, she absolutely loves her little brother, and affectionately calls him "brucie" and "batman" (in relation to bruce wayne). the two of them consistently climb up to the treehouse and talk about their feelings whenever their parents aren't watching.

HISTORY: annie fresnel was born on april 19th, an aries, in haven, maine, where both of her parents had grown up. her father was a teacher at the high school in the next town over, as well as owning part of a diner in haven, and her mother was a teacher in the nearby elementary school. around two years later, her parents welcomed her younger brother bruce, who she loved from the absolute beginning.

growing up in what essentially amounted to a rural town had its perks. everyone knew everyone, so she knew to stay out of trouble from a very young age. her childhood mainly consisted of exploring the woods, trying to get into the old lighthouse (and failing), and hanging around the like, three to five establishments that haven happened to have.

the happiest memory of her life, of course, was when she came home one day to find her father with a bunch of logs and a small tool set for her to use. he figured if he gave her something to do, he wouldn't have to worry about her. this became one of her most formative memories, and she eventually grew a large love for building, and making things for herself, just like her father had.

this memory, like many others, faded as she grew older, especially when puberty and high school hit. her mother started trying to take a forefront in her life, trying to swap out things she deemed too masculine, like running and exploring, for things she just did not enjoy. she kept quiet, and started a job behind her parents' back, getting paid mainly in cash that she hid in the treehouse.

in terms of her school life, she had very little friendship, preferring to remain in the shadows than trying to gain whatever scraps of popularity there were in the school. she had a boyfriend in the short term, but they broke up after about a month, when she refused to make the entire thing public.


annie fresnel.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ







full name

Beryl Aisin









Female | She/Her






November 20


Godly Parent




The Forge

  • Meraki.

    When you do something with soul, creativity, or love; putting a piece of yourself into what you do.

♡coded by uxie♡
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♡ juniper

  • req.

    #over it

    * n.name(s)
    juniper ilsa delphine, nickname being june
    * d.o.b.
    october 31st - she is 18
    * gender & pronouns
    female, she/her
    * sexuality
    * role
    the winged





    * height
    five foot six (and a half) inches
    * weight
    146 pounds
    * build
    juniper has a pear shaped body, meaning that her hips are wider than her shoulders. she is rather bottom heavy but still has those delicate curves that women have. as she has gotten older and began training harder and working out more often she has toned most of her muscles. this really shows in her arms and her legs especially; while she is not bulky, there are definitely parts of her body that reflect the hard and repeated training that she puts herself through
    * hair
    juniper has long brown hair, the color being somewhere between hickory and syrup brown. it is dark and long, cascading all the way past her shoulders and down to the top of her ribcage. is isn't exactly straight or curly, which means that it is rather easy for her to make her hair one way or the other. in its natural state it is wavy in texture, but juniper is not a girl who cares to look pretty constantly so it is normally in some sort of updo, ranging from simple braids to a bun or a ponytail
    * eye color
    she has almond shaped brown eyes. her eyes look more pecan colored in the sunlight, but can look so dark they appear black in the dark





♡coded by uxie♡

faceclaim: bruna marquezine

♡ aiden

  • req.

    #killing it

    * n.name(s)
    aiden wilder huxley. he normally goes by his first name or some variation of his last name (hux, huxley, etc)
    * godly parent
    * d.o.b.
    july 29th - he is seventeen
    * gender & pronouns
    male, he/him
    * sexuality
    * role
    the page





    * height
    five foot eleven inches
    * weight
    176 pounds
    * build
    aiden has a body that closer resembles an athletic build - his arms are larger than his legs (which are quite skinny) and has broad shoulders. overall a good portion of his weight is his muscles, however he looks a lot larger than he actually is. this is helped by his height
    * hair
    aiden has dark brown hair that is shorter on the sides and taller on top. he has sported this style almost the entire time he has been at camp half-blood. he doesn't like to have hair touching his ears so this is why. for a long time he used to allow the top to do whatever it wanted, as a kid had no reason to fret and worry about his appearance when he was busy learning how to fight and survive. but now that he is older he will have enough sense to at least run a brush through it every so often and try to keep it in place if he needs to look nice
    * eye color
    aiden has chocolate brown eyes that resemble the color of a hershey's bar. they are monolid shaped, meaning they are a little slanted on one or both sides but otherwise averagely sized





♡coded by uxie♡

faceclaim: moritz hau
misc tab scrolls!
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simon - the compass

name: simon kit bower
nickname(s): kit (only used by close friends/family)
age: eighteen
dob: september 2nd
gender/pronouns: cis male, he/him
sexuality: heterosexual
height: five feet and nine inches
hair: bright red, big, and curly. simon doesn't do much to it besides giving it a run-through with his fingers ever once in a while. however, he is self concious about how poofy his hair gets after air drying.
eyes: blueish greenish and very pretty in direct sunlight.
body type: endomorph. even though simon's legs are lean, theyre muscular and strong from doing track for many years in school.
distinguishing features: very distinct face and hair, especially his eyes and freckles. long legs and very nice teeth.
scars: a small dent on his nose bridge from a childhood accident. simon also has a few acne scars on his face and chest, and many more on his back.
modifications: earlobe piercings, in which he usually wears small silver hoops.
face claim: milo pilkington massey
this will be finished tomorrow :-)
text here

"i want to go where everyone goes, i want to know what everyone knows"
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My eyes turn and I get angry, reflected in the mirror like a hungry mountain animal


Catch me, then!




the fleet


andrea zorina cuizon garcia


andie, ada




september 20th




demiromantic ace



dark brown




by all means, andrea falls into a very conventional sort of attractive. she's dabbled in sports from the moment she could walk, and her many years in track and field have given her a powerful body of lean muscle. admittedly, she's had a history of disregarding her appearance in a bid to rebel against her parents; recent years have seen her rebellion exerted alongside reasonable fashion choices — a moon tattooed quite prominently on her collarbone. while her wardrobe has evolved, her skill in doing her has not. she's seen only in simpler updos, most often a simple ponytail.

andrea has been told she gives off a somewhat intimidating vibe despite her doe eyes, although most admit the impression doesn't hold up after she cracks a smile.



andie once said...

but, really,
we all know why.
is it so difficult to admit that you've never given me a fair chance?

andrea has always been the
sort. a realist, because reality is a little too unforgiving for her to live in her ideals. she thinks big, but you could not call what she has dreams; they are
, aspiration, objectives. if the world won't give it to her, she'll pry it out of its hands. she has to be a bit
to get what she wants, but at her core is a
heart who can't help but be swayed by helplessness.

she's fiercely
, stemming from pride and an amount of distrust toward others. she's far from unfriendly,
, even, but when it comes down to it, she knows better than to rely on others too much. andrea has failed plenty times, but she's gotten up all on her own each time — she doesn't see why that has to change. resultingly, she tends to think too
, although her
has set her back on path each time.

although somewhat
, andrea's always been good at picking her battles. give-and-take, because you can't win at everything. that said, it saves her from none of the bitter resentment, and she has a tendency to
hold a grudge
. she keeps it hidden, like many of her other grievances, but the day she explodes might spell disaster for all around her.


sports, all sorts of athletic activities tbh, dogs (german shepherds esp.), night, backpacking, apples, the sea


thunderstorms, staying up late, social media, romcoms, lions, apples (??), lotsa birds, wearing skirts, chess


dying young, birds (esp. geese), being trapped, heights



i got mercy, i got grace

i'll let you go

andrea can sum up her childhood pretty easily — they had always wanted a son.

the first five years were fine. they hadn't gotten a son, so they'd pretended like she was one. andrea was fine with it, because there wasn't a point of comparison for her then. she only knew that she enjoyed love, praise, and the opportunity to dabble in everything she wanted. she was always a talented child, with a special inclination for athletics. always a daddy's girl, because it was him who had the sweetest things to say whenever she excelled; he was always so pleased to brag about her at those kiddy track meets that mattered little to anyone but crazy parents.

she was two months shy of six when angelo was born, crying and screaming like he was intent on announcing to the world, i'm here!. the joy of having a younger sibling was very quickly diluted with confusion, then agitation, at the realisation that her father no longer looked at her with the smug adoration he had before. her mother already had her hands full caring for the baby, with none of the capacity to entertain her growing daughter.

still, she loved him. she'd wake up early some days and stare at him in his crib, swollen face with eyes squeezed shut. when he'd gotten a big bigger, he'd slip into her room some nights just to enjoy her company, the thick mop of black hair just beginning to take shape. their hangouts never lasted long before their mother came to take him back to his room and tuck him in. andrea didn't remember the last time her parents had bid her good night, or the last time her father had patted her head. the last time he smiled at her was when she brought back a gold medal, and her mother was no kinder. where she lacked in harsh words she seemed to make up for with reluctant glances and a worldview that seemed to consist only of her husband and son. it was always for andrea to be more mature, to take care of herself because she was old enough to do that now; because they did not think she needed anything; because they did not think she deserved anything.

be a good older sister, andrea.

she had wanted to be a good sister. she really had.

so run away quickly

most of her teen years were spent chasing her parents' praise. her school life wasn't particularly interesting: well-liked enough by her peers, making a few one-sided enemies here and there, but most of all a well-behaved student who would never incur a strike on her record. a desperate effort for validation still, and the same went for the fervour in which she threw herself into track & field. it was her specialty, it would be her saving grace.

it was never enough, of course, because track meets would always stand second to picking up angelo from school, and him ruining her favourite pair of shoes would never be wrong, because she could always get a new pair — she should find a job, or something, so she can pay for those herself. all the while, angelo was turning out to be spoilt, reckless, and proudly mediocre in the very few things he cared enough to try.

your brother's made for bigger things.

she was sixteen when she finally resigned herself to it. she looks back, sometimes, and wonders if she would have been better off never having tasted their love. it would have been easier to let them go.

they'd had a lot to say when she told them she was looking into studying at a sports college. she had grown accustomed to their disappointment — what mattered was her. she knew she could do it. she was confident, and she had it all thought out. nevermind the family waiting to see her fall, nevermind the coach who kept threatening to bench her, and nevermind fate who seemed hell-bent on setting her up for failure.

andrea cuizon garcia would not go down without a fight.






running, soccer, stargazing, hiking, baking, doing crosswords

extra facts

☆ has done track & field since she was in grade school. her main sport is long-distance running, and she's particularly fond of steeplechase
☆ stress bakes. extremely stressful baking routine. but she makes a MEAN chocolate chip cookie
☆ used to help out at a dog shelter in her free time, but hasn't been able to make much time. still visits occasionally to see her favourite dog, a german shepherd named mel
☆ very susceptible to sugar crashes. knocks out after a cup of boba......

witch hunt




angelo cuizon garcia



andrea still has a soft spot for her little brother, even if their relationship is far from close. he might be the only member of the family she cares to hold a conversation with, although a lot of it is just her nagging him to buck up and him jumping between begrudging acknowledgement and frustrated backtalk. he's young, he could be bright — call it jealousy or sisterly concern, she just doesn't want him to spurn all that he's been given.



phoebe sinaga


longtime bestie

a fellow athlete and a childhood friend — andrea's known phoebe since they were in grade school, though the two got much closer after andrea tried out soccer in middle school. phoebe knows a little about andrea's relationship with her family and has a lot to say about her snarky, weird coach, but for an andrea who doesn't like sharing too much of her troubles, the talkative, enthusiastic phoebe is a perfect companion.


A young man carrying a rifle. You said you were going to catch me, tsk, tsk, tsk

♡coded by uxie♡

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beau de leon.




  • 01.



    Beauregard de Leon.









    November 25th ; Sagittarius.



    Cismale (he/him).






    The Crux.





    Warm brown.




    Out of a mix of rebellion and a sign that his notoriety floats above the hefty dress code of his fancy-schmancy private school, Beau keeps his black head of waves shaggy - short enough not to get into his eyes on the lacrosse pitch and long enough to earn vexed looks from his opponent's parents whenever he took off his helmet. "A punk sporting a nose piercing and a shit-eating grin" he often hears them seethe through gritted teeth and it only makes him grin wider as they couldn't be more wrong. The golden boy in the hearts of many, he carries himself with a boyish charm that is only complimented by the toned body created from his years dedicated to athleticism.


    Isaiah Baumgardner.

♡coded by uxie♡

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monty aikawa

the nexus

fc: naoki jansen

♡coded by uxie♡






  • scroll

    I was just a kid who grew up strong enough
    to pick this armor up and suddenly, it fit

    monty aikawa

    nineteen years old

    trans male - he/him


    january 5

    child of athena

    the nexus

    And in haste, 'cause I'm terrified of dying in vain

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


  • μία χελιδὼν ἔαρ οὐ ποιεῖ



    5'6" / 168cm

    hair c.

    naturally black, some are bleached brown-light brown. sometimes braided brown or blonde, sometimes with a little teal mixed in

    eye c.

    icy blue

    body type

    slim, toned

    distinguishing features

    her piercing blue eyes.


    citrus & salty sea air


    small ones here and there from falling down and whatnot all throughout growing up. big one on her upper back, a healed slashing wound.

    body modifications

    oddly no piercings nor tattoos (YET)


    Idania Hopkin

♡coded by uxie♡

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There's really no way of winning
If in their eyes you'll always be a dumb blonde


The Canvas


full name

Leora Finley






August 2nd


Female, She/Her



Blue Hair

TV Girl







hair c.


eye c.



Despite her outward appearance of confidence, there's a subtle hint of uncertainty that lingers in her demeanor, betraying the inner conflict she grapples with. Standing tall with an athletic build that speaks of dedication and strength, her body bears the scars of battles fought both internally and externally. These faint reminders of past struggles crisscross her skin, telling stories of resilience and perseverance. Her blonde hair frames a face shaped like a delicate heart, while expressive eyebrows furrow in contemplation, conveying the complexity of her emotions. Crystal blue eyes, bright and captivating, reflect both determination and vulnerability. Her smile, though radiant, often wavers, as if masking the doubts and insecurities that plague her from within. Despite her achievements and outward success, she wrestles with self-doubt, constantly questioning her worth and struggling to reconcile her perceived shortcomings with the expectations placed upon her. Yet, beneath the surface, there lies a resilient spirit, longing to break free from the shackles of doubt and emerge stronger and more confident than ever before.


Sabrina Carpenter



The daughter of Ares, known for her radiant blonde hair and striking appearance, embodies a fascinating paradox. Despite her lineage as the offspring of the god of war, her personality is a tapestry of contradictions, woven with threads of conflicting emotions and desires. While her physical prowess and combat skills hint at her divine heritage, her heart yearns for peace rather than conflict. With each passing day, she grapples with the tumultuous storm of uncontrolled rage that simmers beneath the surface, threatening to erupt like a volcano at any moment. Yet, she resists the siren call of violence, choosing instead to tread a path of restraint and inner strength. The weight of guilt and shame burdens her soul, a constant reminder of the havoc her anger has wreaked in the past. Despite her best efforts to contain the flames of fury, they flicker and dance, threatening to consume her from within. In moments of solitude, she finds herself haunted by the memories of her own outbursts, questioning her identity and her place in the world. She longs for understanding and acceptance, yet fears the repercussions of revealing the depths of her internal struggle to those around her. Nevertheless, her spirit remains unbroken, fueled by an unwavering determination to overcome her inner demons and forge a path of redemption. Through introspection and self-discovery, she seeks solace in creative pursuits and moments of quiet reflection, hoping to find the elusive peace that has eluded her for so long. Her journey is a testament to her resilience and strength, as she navigates the turbulent waters of her own emotions, striving to find balance and harmony amidst the chaos of her existence.


Physical Activity, nature, reading, music, eating, crafts, animals, altruism, traveling, history (with an inclination towards wars), violence, moments of serenity


Narcasism, unfair judgment, violence, injustice, green tea, most teas actually, weird textures, being overwhelmed


Losing control, rejection, failure, facing her inner conflict, letting others down, never finding peace



Leora's journey unfolded like pages torn from a tragic epic, each chapter etched with the pain of a soul caught in the crossfire of divine blood. Her childhood was a storm, and her emotions, the tempest that raged within her. Sobs echoed through the quiet nights as she clung to her mother, Cara, desperately questioning why she couldn't just feel things like everyone else.

Cara, a gentle mother and beacon of love in Leora's tumultuous life, bore the brunt of the emotional tempest. The frequency of school visits due to Leora's outbursts became a relentless tide that eroded job stability, pushing them into a more dangerous part of town where financial constraints dictated their living conditions. In her desperate attempt to find an outlet for Leora's intensity, Cara turned to sports, hoping that the physicality would be a lifeline amidst the chaos.
Leora embraced athletics with a fervor, excelling particularly in those that allowed her to unleash the full force of her strength. Track and softball provided an initial outlet, but soon, the yearning for more intense challenges led her to the boxing club at a local gym. The ring became her refuge, a space where, for the first time, her unremitting nature was celebrated. Rio, the gym owner, became a father figure, recognizing the untapped potential within the demigod.
Leora's descent into the dark underbelly of her gym's secret activities reached a sinister climax the night she stumbled upon the illegal fighting ring. After an emotional day, a storm of frustration and anger brewed within her, compelling her to seek an outlet. Sneaking into the gym after hours to blow off steam, Leora unexpectedly discovered the illicit activities that Rio, the gym owner, had concealed.
Confronted by the raw brutality of the underground fighting ring, Leora's tumultuous emotions took a darker turn. Instead of retreating, she stood her ground, fueled by a desperate need to find purpose and an escape from the relentless tempest within her. Rio, vehement in his insistence that she leave, found himself at the mercy of a determined 14-year-old girl.
Leora, with a chilling calmness in her eyes, blackmailed Rio. Threatening to call the cops and expose the illegal activities, she forced him to let her participate in the fights. The gravity of the situation was not lost on Rio – he couldn't fathom the idea of the authorities discovering the clandestine ring, especially orchestrated by a teenager. Reluctantly, he yielded to her demand, a decision that would alter the course of Leora's life.
Over the following months, Leora delved deeper into the dangerous world she had uncovered. Every other day, she stepped into the ring, battling opponents with a ferocity that both terrified and captivated those who witnessed it. Victorious, she won money to support her struggling mother, unaware of the mounting dangers that lurked in the shadows.
Rio, once a mentor and father figure, became a conflicted bystander. He warned Leora of the enemies she was making, cautioning her about the repercussions of her victories. But Leora, fueled by a potent mix of arrogance and desperation, brushed off his concerns with unwavering confidence. "I can beat any of them in a fight," she would declare, drowning out the warning whispers of those who saw the storm brewing within her.
The gym, once a haven, transformed into the battleground where Leora's demons clashed with her newfound prowess. The victories humiliated the men who underestimated her, fueling a dangerous cycle of revenge and hostility. Yet, in her blinded pursuit, Leora failed to recognize the ominous clouds gathering around her.
The storm intensified when Leora returned home one night to chaos. Her sanctuary had been violated, and her mother attacked. Two dark figures loomed over her, symbols of revenge. Fatigued and bruised from a night of fighting, Leora prepared herself for a battle. In her weakened state, Leora fought to protect her mother, her rage a torrential force. In the desperate struggle for her and her mother’s lives, Leora found herself ensnared by the ruthless grip of one of her attackers. The air squeezed from her lungs as his fingers tightened around her throat, eclipsing her vision in a haze of encroaching darkness. Panic surged through her veins, the world around her morphing into a distorted blur. Her limbs, once fueled by the ferocity of a demigod, now felt heavy and unresponsive.
As the grip around Leora's throat tightened, the world blurred into an ominous haze. Darkness encroached on the edges of her vision, threatening to consume her entirely. The man's hands, cold and relentless, sought to extinguish the last flickers of consciousness within her. In those harrowing moments, Leora teetered on the precipice of oblivion.
In the deafening silence, a sudden tumult erupted. A desperate, muffled cry echoed through the room as her mother, Cara, bravely intervened. Silhouetted against the dim light, she lunged towards the assailants, her sole purpose to free her child from the clutches of violence. The one not engaged in choking Leora callously seized Cara, tearing her away with a cruel force.
A primal roar echoed within the shadows as Leora's world plunged into chaos. The assailant, undeterred by the pleas and struggles of a mother defending her child, delivered a brutal blow to Cara's face. The sickening sound of impact resonated through the room, drowned by the anguished gasps of both mother and daughter.
From the depths of this darkness, an inferno ignited within Leora. It wasn't just the physical pain but the realization that her mother bore the brunt of the brutality meant for her. A surge of strength, primal and otherworldly, pulsed through her veins, as if channeled from some divine source. The fire in her eyes burned with an intensity that transcended mortal rage.
Driven by an overwhelming desire for retribution, Leora unleashed a torrent of violence upon the intruders. Her attacks were a symphony of brutality, a macabre dance fueled by a vengeful energy. In that moment, she was a force of nature, dealing with the assailants in ways that defied reason and sanity.
The room became a battleground, the air thick with the acrid scent of desperation and the metallic tang of blood. All three intruders, who had intended to prey upon the vulnerability of a mother and daughter, found themselves ensnared in the cyclone of Leora's blood rage. Their pleas for mercy were swallowed by the merciless storm that raged within her.
However, as quickly as the tempest had erupted, it began to wane. The crimson clouds that shrouded Leora's mind began to disperse, revealing the aftermath of her unleashed fury.
Leora, standing amidst the remnants of her blood-soaked battlefield, felt her rage and strength ebb away. The clarity that dawned upon her was cruel in its revelation. A chilling realization gripped her – there had only been two robbers. The dissonance between her memories and the grim reality before her sent shockwaves through her core.
Her mouth fell open in silent horror, eyes widened in panic. Amidst the grotesque tableau of violence and loss, her mother's lifeless hand stretched out, frozen in a final gesture of comfort. The agony etched upon Cara's pale face mirrored the storm of emotions that now raged within Leora's soul. The room, once filled with the cacophony of brutality, now echoed with the haunting silence of irreversible tragedy.
The nightmarish events that unfolded in Leora's home marked a tragic turning point, one that would shape the trajectory of her life within the sacred confines of Camp Half-Blood. After the gruesome scene, Leora, overcome by grief and anguish, managed to summon the strength to make a call to the authorities.
The authorities, unbeknownst to them, were not mere mortal law enforcement. Members from Camp Half-Blood, disguised as law enforcement and Child Protective Services, swiftly intervened. Satyrs, with their ancient wisdom and commitment to protecting demigods, whisked away the shattered and silent Leora to the sanctuary that would become her refuge.
In the early days at Camp Half-Blood, Leora was a shadow of her former self. Her days were consumed by relentless training, a ferocious determination burning in her eyes. There was no happiness in her, only the haunting echoes of pain masked by the facade of violent anger. Speaking seemed an insurmountable task for the girl who had witnessed the loss of her mother.
It was in this desolate state that Phila, a daughter of Hephaestus, entered Leora's life. Phila, a gentle soul with an affinity for crafting, stood in stark contrast to Leora's intimidating presence. Despite Leora's pushback and meanness, Phila saw past the barriers, recognizing a flicker of goodness in her fellow demigod.
Phila's persistence became a beacon of light in Leora's darkness. Slowly but surely, Phila's kindness and unwavering support began to break through Leora's guard. In a camp where camaraderie was often defined by shared interests and powers, the bond between the nerdy daughter of Hephaestus and the intimidating daughter of Ares was a rarity.
The two formed an inseparable connection, a once-in-a-lifetime bond that defied the expectations of their fellow campers. They navigated the camp's complexities together, an unpopular pair whose friendship transcended the superficial judgments of their peers. Leora, guarded and scarred, found solace in Phila's company.
Philosophical and introspective, Phila possessed a genuine desire to connect with her fellow demigods. However, her earnest attempts at friendship were met with lukewarm reception, and sometimes outright dismissal. In a camp where valor in battle was often revered, Phila's nerdy disposition and lack of proficiency in combat made her an oddity.
Desperate to help her newfound sister find acceptance amongst their peers, Leora, in an uncharacteristic display of vulnerability, pressured Phila to accompany her on a perilous quest. Their mission: to defeat a local monster that had been causing unrest. Phila, driven by a desire to please Leora, reluctantly agreed, unable to resist the excitement reflected in the usually stoic demigod's face.
However, the quest took a dark turn. Leora's headstrong and reckless nature, coupled with unforeseen circumstances, placed the two in grave danger. The monster they faced surpassed all predictions and was accompanied by a partner – a factor neither of the teen girls had considered.
In the brutal confrontation that ensued, Phila succumbed to the relentless onslaught. Leora, battered and bruised, barely managed to escape the clutches of the monstrous foes, clutching Phila's lifeless body as she dragged herself back to the safety of Camp Half-Blood.
The loss of Phila became a catalyst for change in Leora's tumultuous journey. The once-ferocious demigod, haunted by the weight of guilt and grief, turned towards a more pacifist route of life. The scars on her soul ran deep, and though the rage and anger still simmered within her, she tried valiantly to push back and conceal this vital part of herself.
Leora, now at war with her own nature, grappled with the fear of inflicting pain on those she loved. The memory of her mother's and Phila's tragic end cast a perpetual shadow over her, urging her to tread carefully in the delicate dance between her divine lineage and the fragile bonds she dared to forge. In the quiet moments, the crimson storm within her whispered its relentless reminder, a constant struggle that mirrored the eternal conflict of a demigod caught between the realms of mortal fragility and divine chaos.






Leora, a fierce demigod with a tumultuous past, discovered an unexpected emotional refuge in Phila, the gentle daughter of Hephaestus, at Camp Half Blood. Their friendship blossomed amidst shared vulnerabilities and mutual support, transcending the stark differences in their personalities. Phila's unwavering belief in Leora's goodness and Leora's protective strength forged a deep, emotional bond. The tragic loss of Phila in a battle left Leora shattered, the echoes of their connection serving as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of friendship. Their relationship, a testament to the resilience of human (and demigod) connections, carried an emotional weight that lingered in the hearts of those who witnessed their unlikely but profound bond.


Cara's role as Leora's mother was a poignant portrayal of unwavering love and sacrifice. Amidst the challenges posed by Leora's intense emotions, Cara stood as a gentle force of support. Despite financial hardships forcing them to live in a dangerous part of town, Cara poured her soul into creating a sense of stability for her daughter. As Leora struggled with regulating her extreme emotions, Cara became a soothing presence, offering solace during tearful moments and embracing her daughter even when faced with the storm within. Sacrificing job opportunities due to frequent visits to school over Leora's outbursts, Cara's love was unconditional, her every effort focused on nurturing and protecting her daughter. Leora only holds fond memories of her gentle mother, whose temperament so vastly differed from her own. Sometimes, Leora wondered how her mother and father found enough connection between them to have a child.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.



Passive Abilities

Enhanced Strength: Like their divine parent, Leora possesses superhuman strength, allowing her to overpower ordinary humans and many monsters.

Enhanced Durability: With an increased resilience to physical harm, Leora can endure injuries that would incapacitate or kill other creatures.

Combat Prowess: Demigods of Ares are typically skilled in various forms of combat, including hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, and strategy. Leora is no different, having reflexes bred specifically to survive and wage war.

Regeneration: Leora experiences bodily regeneration at a much faster rate than most individuals. An injury that would take a couple of weeks to heal normally would take Leora only a day or two. Due to this ability's connection to Leora's metabolism, her regeneration becomes significantly less efficient if she is not properly fed.


Battle Cry: An earth-shaking roar that empowers her allies and strikes fear into her enemies.

Berserker: Leora possesses the innate ability to channel the primal rage and ferocity of her divine lineage, tapping into an ancient warrior spirit that lies dormant within her blood. When provoked or in the heat of battle, this power surges forth, enveloping her in an aura of unstoppable fury and transforming her into a berserker-like warrior. During these periods of rage, there is no differentiating between targets. Friend or foe, the berserker only wants for carnage. In this state, the more injured she becomes, the stronger she gets.

Crimson Chains: The ability to summon ethereal crimson chains from her hands to bind and pull her opponents.

godly parent



Phila, with her skilled hands and a heart full of care, crafted a sword for Leora that echoed the essence of their friendship. The blade, named "Beacon," was a masterpiece of craftsmanship and emotion. The hilt was intricately adorned with symbols representing their shared experiences and the strength forged through their bond. The blade itself, forged with celestial bronze, gleamed with a silvery luminescence, hinting at the divine craftsmanship it bore. A delicate but resilient balance in design, Beacon embodied both grace and power, a reflection of the unique blend of Leora's strength and Phila's gentleness. Phila added a touch of personalization to the sword, engraving a small, subtle inscription near the hilt. It read, "In darkness, find your light," serving as a poignant reminder of their shared struggles and the strength Leora possessed within. The grip of the sword was wrapped in supple leather, molded to fit Leora's hands perfectly. Phila's attention to detail extended to the pommel, where a small compartment was crafted, housing a lock of Phila's fiery red hair as a symbol of their enduring connection. As Leora wielded Beacon, the sword became an extension of their friendship, a source of strength, and a reminder of the enduring bond they shared. Each swing of the blade carried with it the echoes of Phila's craftsmanship and the love and care she poured into creating a weapon that was not just a tool for battle but a testament to their unbreakable sisterhood. In the wake of Phila's death, Leora made the heart-wrenching decision to put the sword away. Now, the sword sits in its quiet corner, patiently awaiting the time when Leora, with a heart tempered by loss, will once again take it in hand.

-Guardian Embrace
Similarly to the sword, Beacon, Phila's second and final gift to Leora was a pair of bracers. Phila, with unwavering dedication, crafted a pair of bracers for Leora named "Guardian Embrace." These bracers were more than protective armor; they were an enchanting shield, a tangible manifestation of Phila's commitment to safeguarding Leora on every front. Forged from a resilient blend of celestial bronze, tempered with an ethereal touch, the Guardian Embrace bracers were adorned with intricately etched warding symbols. Phila's craftsmanship ensured they were not just a shield against physical harm but a guardian against the emotional storms that life could bring. The bracers, designed for maximum protection, featured adaptive enchantments that responded to Leora's movements, providing an additional layer of strength in times of need. Embedded within the metalwork were radiant gemstones, each emitting a soothing glow and carrying a whispered promise of enduring support. After the heartbreaking loss of Phila, Leora made the decision to stow away the "Guardian Embrace" bracers. These once-protective companions, now laden with the weight of memories and sorrow, found a resting place in a carefully adorned box, wrapped in a soft cloth.

-Wood carving tool kit:
In an effort to find solace and channel her emotions, Leora discovered a new form of expression: wood carving. The rhythmic motion of carving into the grain became a therapeutic outlet for the storm within her, providing a tangible way to process grief and loss. Leora's hands, once accustomed to the weight of a sword, now delicately guided carving tools over the surface of wood. She chose pieces with unique textures, each knot and grain telling a story of its own. The act of shaping the wood, bringing forth intricate designs and forms, allowed her to externalize the emotions that words failed to capture. Her carvings took on various shapes—a menagerie of animals, symbols of strength and resilience, and abstract representations of the intertwined nature of life and loss. The wood, a malleable canvas for her emotions, transformed into a gallery of silent expressions, each piece a reflection of a different facet of her journey.

♡coded by uxie♡
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the winged.




  • 01.



    James Barrie.









    8th of June.



    Cis Male.









    Soul of Icarus - the winged.



    Jamie has an athletic build, standing at around 6 foot although he’ll always add an inch or two when questioned. He was the type of child to stretch himself as much as he could whenever he found himself getting measured in the nurses office, quietly convinced that those extra millimetres made all the difference in whatever grand equation of life there was that he was unaware of. His limbs are long, more leg than torso and despite the grace he moves with when swimming or diving outside of the water he’s clumsy and uncoordinated. Often joking that evolution seems to have rewound for him, far more at home moving in the water than he ever is on land. He carries himself easily and has a perpetual lazy smile gracing his features, occasionally and quietly fretting that he’s going to get crowsfeet by the time hes thirty because of it. Jamie always makes sure he looks as presentable as he can, silver rings on his fingers and necklace around his neck, hair always done just so and outfits picked to strike just the right balance between casual and trying too hard.

    He gives off the appearance of a charming young man who you wouldn’t be surprised to hear was captain of the swimming team and would be comfortable watching help an old lady cross the street. The type to win smiles from grannies and eye rolls from those of his own age,


    Jay Lycurgo

♡coded by uxie♡

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There was no goodbye, just an absence; sudden, abrupt, and louder than any voice could be.

The Lyre

full name

Yumi Jeong






February 26th | Pisces


Female | She/Her






Violins playin' and the angels cryin'


4'11" | 150 cm


100 lbs | 45 kg


Wavy brunette locks that tumble to her waist. Most days Yumi will tie the top half of her hair up into a pony-tail or style it in a full pony-tail secured with a ribbon tied into a bow.


Almond in shape, Yumi’s eyes are shaded by thick eyelashes. In regular lighting, her eyes appear as a dark brown but in the sunlight they shine with an amber hue.


Lithe and slender, she has a dancers build with willowy limbs and a natural grace.


Fair, with a natural flush to her cheeks. Due to her fair complexion, she blushes rather easily.

Distinguishing Features

Her dark eyes are her most noticeable feature, set in a heart-shaped face with round cheeks, full lips and a delicate nose.


She has a twisting scar along her left shoulder, a permanent reminder of everything that she has lost; it tends to ache when the weather turns cold or if she uses her left arm too much. Both of her earlobes are pierced.


Zhou Ye


When the stars align, then I'll be there


  • Nurturing: Yumi has an instinctive need to take care of those around her.
  • Empathetic: Yumi is very in tune with her emotions and the emotions of those around her. She is always willing to lend a sympathetic ear or shoulder to cry on if anyone is in need of one.
  • Patient: All of the hobbies that she enjoys takes a certain amount of patience and as such, Yumi prefers to take her time whenever she is completing a task.
  • Gentle: Yumi is rather soft-spoken and rarely does she ever raise her voice.
  • Affectionate: Whether it’s making someone a gift or full-filling an act of service for someone she cares about, Yumi has boundless love to give to those around her.


  • Neglectful: With an intense focus on taking care of others, Yumi oftentimes forgets to take care of her own needs.
  • Indecisive: With how soft-spoken she is and with a constant worry of being a bother, Yumi has trouble making big decisions, especially those that would affect the people around her.
  • Perfectionist: Yumi is overly critical of her own skills and there are times when she will practice doing something over and over again until she feels it is good enough, even to the detriment of her own health.
  • Gullible: She can be a bit too trusting at times and there are moments when that trust is taken advantage of.
  • Desire to Please: Sometimes in her desire to keep the peace, Yumi can become too focused on trying to fix any issue that she comes across, even if it isn't so easy to fix.


  • Sweets: She has a big sweet tooth and can absolutely be bribed with dessert.
  • Coffee: Between working, school, and taking care of her father, she runs on more caffeine than sleep at this point.
  • Autumn: She loves seeing the leaves turn pretty colors in the fall; she has a scrapbook with pressed leaves that she has collected.


  • Bright lights: Sudden bright lights can bring back memories of the accident.
  • Large Crowds: The press of bodies all around her makes her feel claustrophobic.
  • The Cold: While her favorite season might be autumn, she doesn’t like the cold that accompanies it, it makes her shoulder stiff and feel achy.


Ever since the car accident that took her brother away from her, she gets extremely anxious whenever she is forced to ride in any type of vehicle.


  • Cooking/Baking: Her father isn’t the best in the kitchen and after he nearly started a fire, Yumi has since taken over all of the cooking and baking. She does worry about what her father will do whenever she eventually goes off to collage.
  • Crocheting: She saw one video about making a crocheted stuffed animal and she was hooked. She will typically crochet things for her friends such as hats, scarfs, gloves, and cute animals.
  • Singing: Music hasn't felt the same since her brothers death but she continues to sing to honor him.


'Cause all I want is to be loved

Yumi Jeong came quietly into the world, so quietly the doctors had been afraid something was wrong. Her twin brother came after her, screaming loud enough for the both of them. But with the birth of two lives, one was taken, leaving behind a father to raise two children by himself. As he stared down at the two little faces of his children, he vowed he would protect them with his life.

From the moment they were born, Yumi and Minseo were inseparable; their father would always find them holding hands in their crib and Minseo would cry loud enough to wake the dead if he slept in a separate bed than his sister. Despite being the youngest, Minseo was the one to forge ahead into unknown territory, to pave the way for his sister. His were the first steps taken but Yumi refused to be left behind for long and soon the two were toddling all around the small apartment they lived in.

Their father worked multiple jobs to give his children the best life that he could and the twins were watched by a neighbor until they were old enough to do it themselves. Minseo was the type to always find trouble and Yumi wouldn't be far behind to save him from said trouble. It became common-place to see them together at school, to the point where their peers would find it odd to find one twin without the other far behind.

The twins would often sit on the balcony of their apartment and dream of what their lives were going to be when they grew up. Minseo encouraged Yumi's love for singing, proclaiming she could be a famous singer one day if she put her mind to it. But this would be the last time Yumi looked up at the stars with hope shining in her eyes and dreams whispered under her breath.

They were fifteen when the accident happened. An older friend was driving them back from a late night football game when blinding lights filled her vision and the horrible sound of screeching metal was the last thing she heard. When she woke up in the hospital, it was to the news that a drunk driver had run a red light and that she was the only survivor. Her memory is hazy after that, Yumi simply going through the motions of life as her mind processed the loss of the other half of her soul.

Even though the pain of the accident has faded, the scars remain and at times Yumi feels like a shell of the person that she used to be. She would give anything to bring her brother back, no matter what it may cost her.


You're stuck on me like a tattoo


No, I don't care about the pain

Minseo - Twin Brother

Her other half; loosing him fills her with a never-ending ache that nothing can heal. At times she'll catch her mouth forming his name, wanting to tell him about something she's seen on social media and it hits her all over again that she will never be able to call his name again.

Ha-Joon - Father

They have been distant ever since the death of her brother; Yumi feels like she is living with a ghost.

Nari- Mother

She passed away during child-birth, leaving her husband to raise the twins she left behind.


I'll walk through fire and through rain




↬ Scrunches up her nose when she is confused about something
↬ Taps her fingers together when she is trying to lie
↬ Twirls her hair when she is nervous
↬ Tends to force a smile when she is upset or angry, she pretends that everything is fine
↬ She tends to hum softly to herself whenever she is concentrating on something
↬ Very clumsy, has taken to carrying Band-Aids around with her
↬ Flusters easy, blushes even easier
↬ Love language is physical touch
↬ Tends to walk around silently, like a cat. Probably needs a little ankle bracelet with a bell on it to avoid spooking people.
↬ Has to touch any soft or fluffy thing she comes in contact with
↬ Will try to pet every dog that she sees

♡coded by uxie♡
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nicholas arceri.




  • 01.



    Nicholas Arceri.









    August 3rd.



    Male; He/Him.






    The Compass.



    Brown; curly.






    Jeremy Sisto.

♡coded by uxie♡



NAME — enya lou barrett
ALIAS — just enya is fine, though she’ll answer to barrett as well.
AGE — eighteen
D. O. B. — april 9th
GENDER — cisfemale, she/her
SEXUALITY — bisexual
ROLE — the forge

VISAGE — there’s nothing visibly remarkable about enya in the physical sense. she’s of small stature, fair skin dotted with freckles from too much time in the sun, but she’s far stronger than she appears. slender fingers are rough with callouses—the mark of a hard worker—and her limbs are littered with bruises and scrapes—some that will scar—that she can’t even recall the causes of. her hair is cropped short, shaggy and uneven. at one point, long, dark waves had cascaded down her back, but an incident at the camp forges put an end to that habit. her chiseled features are nearly always accentuated by smudges of grease here and there, but it matches well with the thick, black liner rimming her pale eyes.
FACE CLAIM — sophie thatcher

PSYCHE — with a history such as enya’s, growing up tough was an inevitability—either that or be trampled, but she was born with a fighting spirit. she’s not exactly intimidating to most—small and antsy, fingers always fiddling with whatever loose screws and scrap metal she can scrounge up from her pockets—so her first line of defense is typically her sharp wit. mouthy and entirely too sarcastic for her own good, she’s just as likely to blabber her way into trouble as she is to coerce herself to safety. her general lack of interest in how her words effect others, paired with the skipped step of thinking before she speaks, means that what comes rolling off her silver tongue often cuts just as deeply as the swords she crafts, whether she means for it to or not. what’s usually her greatest weapon can just as easily be a weakness if she doesn’t harness it correctly.

besides that, dealing with people in general has never been a strong suit of enya’s. she views the world like a machine, gears and loose bolts here and there that need to be tightened. she can fix broken things, sure, but mending and forming relationships is a different matter entirely. driving others away with her blunt conversation or intentionally keeping them at bay to protect herself comes far more naturally than letting her guard down for fear of letting in the wrong person. she’s never quite mastered the art of reading people, picking out the good from the bad, and in her experience, most have been the latter.

truly, it can be a difficult task to get into enya’s good graces. she’s quick to judge others and holds grudges in a tight vice. she makes those around her earn her trust and loyalty, and even then, she anticipates the worst from them. very few have ever seen the softer side of the girl—under the rough exterior, draped like armor over her bones, she’s a caring individual, though she may not show it in conventional ways. she’s not the most affectionate person, but she’ll fight for those she loves, doing anything in her power to protect them, even if it means putting herself in harm’s way.

LIKES — adult cartoons, big dogs, energy drinks, fidget jewelry (silver only), horror movies, junk food, late nights in summer after the temperature’s dropped and everyone else has gone to sleep, 90s grunge music, 3D puzzles, vintage cars
DISLIKES — birds, country music, early mornings, flowery fragrances (she used men’s deodorant), large crowds, modern sitcoms, most vegetables, orange-flavored candy, people that get what they want by pushing others down, rigid schedules
HOBBIES — collecting shiny objects (or whatever looks like it could be useful later), playing video games, tinkering with anything and everything (will take things apart just to see how they work)
FEARS — abandonment, heights, losing control

HISTORY — tw: fire & bullying
enya has been trouble since the day she was born. it wasn’t always intentional, but she couldn’t help it that she was wired differently.

abigail barrett’s life was full of art. she saw beauty in everything—an ideal that translated into her statues, made from welded pieces of scrap metal to give them a second life, but her most cherished creation of them all was her daughter—however beauty didn’t pay the bills. abigail was gone for long hours, taking up double shifts at a local diner in their small, texas town to pay rent on a house too cramped to cost as much as it did. enya was left in the care of neighborhood babysitters most days of the week, teenagers looking to make an easy buck or old ladies helping out of the good of their hearts. none of them ever stayed for long, though, and by the time enya was five, word began to travel. “there’s something off about her,” they said. they didn’t feel safe with the little girl who started fires out of thin air.

enya was three when ms. tanner found her crying in the living room, surrounded by flames yet entirely unscathed. in her chubby hands, she clutched the frayed halves of a broken teddy bear, screams bouncing off the walls as the old woman stood frozen in shock, fingers reaching for the gold cross hanging from her neck. a blaze started from nothing at all had to have been the work of something sinister. something evil.

at four, it was a stray cat’s tail, and even enya’s blubbering apology couldn’t get her back on fifteen-year-old carmen’s amicable side.

they treated her like a monster, and maybe she was, but she didn’t mean to be.

as enya grew, so did her strange gift, and it was just as hard to maintain. it was fueled by emotion, she found—anger, fear, frustration, sadness. with any feeling too strong, she was a weapon of mass destruction, but all she’d ever wanted was to follow in her mother’s footsteps, to build and create.

abigail never believed that her daughter was anything to be afraid of. “everybody’s different,” she’d tell enya. “you’re just a little extra special.” abigail let the girl sit with her in the studio while she worked on her days off, helping when she could after the metal had cooled. it was nice when it was just the two of them, but nothing good could last forever.

enya didn’t know how it happened. she was pushed out of line for the water fountain by a boy twice her size, head smacking against the floor. by the time she got to her feet, fists clenched, all she saw was red as flames erupted around her.

she’d already been detained when the fire trucks showed up, sirens blasting over the sound of frantic screaming as students and teachers rushed out of the burning building.

“it’s her fault!” the boy had said, pointing an accusatory finger at enya. “why does she even go to school here? everyone knows she’s a freak!”

logically-speaking, there was no way to prove that enya had been behind the fire. she had no lighter and no matches, pockets empty save for pocket lint and the spring from a ball-point pin. still, she’d had enough behavioral problems for school administration to deem that time away at a center for “kids like her” would be best for everyone.

and abigail agreed because the opportunity for enya to have a fresh start away from those that ridiculed her was too perfect to be true.

and it was.

st. joseph’s school for troubled youth was just that. the students there were the worst sort: bullies, thieves, addicts—everything that enya was not. it seemed that no matter the situation, she fell short of fitting in with what was considered “normal.” the only up-side to her new circumstances was the fact that no one knew of her reputation; she could fly under the radar without worry of being found out, so long as she kept her abilities in check.

it worked for a few months. incidents grew less frequent and more manageable. enya didn’t necessarily have any friends, but she didn’t have anyone breathing down her neck, accusing her of being devil spawn, either.

then, she met dean in her woodworking class.

like enya, he wasn’t exactly thriving socially. people called him weird—he had a strange way of walking and a seemingly insatiable appetite—but who was enya to judge? their paths crossed often, and for the first time, enya had a friendly face in her corner that wasn’t her mom’s.

enya and dean bonded over being misfits and stood up for each other when no one else would. their routines began to intertwine until it all came crashing down one night.

“i can’t take it here anymore. are you coming with me?”

enya sat up, rubbing her eyes. “what are you talking about?” a quick glance out the window—it was still dark out, rain pattering against the window and thunder rolling in the distance. “what time is it?”

dean shook his head. “late. they won’t catch us if we leave now.”

what’d been disguised as a last-resort scheme of finding a better life beyond the tall, wrought iron gates of the fortress they called a temporary home, dean had bigger plans. it was time to get enya to the safest place of all for those genuinely like her.

camp half-blood awaited.

• abigail barrett - mother - enya hasn’t seen her mother since leaving for st. joseph’s at thirteen. she’s had chances but something’s holding her back. perhaps it’s that nagging paranoia that after all this time apart, abigail has let the rumors get to her, that she too sees enya as nothing more than a hazardous burden.​
• dean - protector - while dean was enya’s first friend, none of it was real in hindsight. he was just doing his job, playing nice for the sake of gaining enya’s trust enough to get her to camp, so she feels weird calling him a friend. plus, the whole “looks-like-a-teenager-but-is-actually-in-his-mid-20s” thing is a little weird. luckily, she hasn’t had to see him much since getting settled in with her new lifestyle; he’s been reassigned, which is fine by her. she doesn’t need him anymore.​
GODLY PARENT — hephaestus
WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT — after becoming acquainted with the forges at camp, enya took it upon herself to craft her own weapon from scratch. it’s not her best work, double-sided celestial bronze axe head sitting slightly askew on its long, wooden handle, but nikitís, meaning victor in greek, has proven itself reliable throughout the years.
ABILITIES — in addition to being an expert craftsman in the way that only offspring of hephaestus are, enya has the rare ability of pyrokinesis, but it’s unpredictable—hence, how rarely it is bestowed to demigods—and enya tries not to use it after all the trouble its caused in her life.

code by birth of venus.
blakely esperanza
the prize
savages — marina and the diamonds
blakely eden esperanza
commonly just called 'blake'.
december 1st.
zürich, switzerland.
the prize, the soul of helen.
5'3" (160cm).
blake sports natural waves that reach her mid chest in a dark brown color, with lighter, caramel toned highlights. often, she lazily wears it out or in a messy bun, but also enjoys styling it in pigtails and braids. she has dyed her hair a few times as well, though currently enjoys her natural hair tones.
dark, chestnut brown.
blake is slim, betraying how deceptively toned she is.
distinguishing features
nothing entirely notable, other than her generically appealing features.
one small scar on her lower back from slamming into the corner of a table, otherwise mostly free of scars.
simple ear piercings, has dyed her hair in the past.
maia reficco
it's not hard to tell blakely grew up privileged. she's impatient and can be temperamental, and tends to have a more refined taste. blake has never really had to try, everything being provided for on a moment's notice. nor does she consider the consequences of her actions, being impulsive, since the consequences never seemed to fall back onto her, anyway. in that sense, blakely's upbringing has resulted in a fairly tight worldview that has made her naive to how the world really works: struggle is not a word well understood in her vocabulary. though she's not oblivious to the fact, if anything, it's rather the opposite. blake yearns to break out of her gilded cage, contributing to her risk-taking tendencies and slyness in twisting her image.

one of blake's best tools is her silver tongue. outcomes seem to come down to whomever is the most convincing, and blakely's perceptive eye is awfully convenient in doing so, though she's never malicious with her sharp wit. if anything, she's actually prefers being honest and direct. an experience-seeker, certainly, surrounding herself with people and a passion for living — the kind of person who will dance in the rain, or run off to an underground concert on a whim — who finds generosity as second nature.

blake is willing to sacrifice anything for the people she cares about, and is reckless generally, but especially in her selflessness. she is sentimental and a romantic, truly an idealist. despite it all, though, she's learnt to be independent both because she's been scorned enough times for people wanting to 'know' her or use her position for their own gain, and for generally hating the box she's sentenced to reside within.

chocolate chip cookies, night time, thunderstorms and rain, board games, apple cinnamon dishes, the beach, partying, spontaneous outings, mindful coloring books.
snakes, mint chocolate icecream, horror movies, long haul flights, climate change deniers, lying, a store running out of her size, too many rules, her father.
cheerleading, dancing, sketching and painting (primarily in her sketchbook), completing sudokus.
insanity - blake is horrified at the idea of losing her mind and becoming unrecognisable.

elevators - quite irrational but she always has a bit of worry when getting in one, and will often opt for stairs instead. not so convenient in the skyscrapers she regularly visits due to her parents.

buried alive / suffocating - whilst small spaces or darkness on their own don't terrify her, the idea of being suffocating and particularly being buried alive is something she hates.
tw: mentions of sexual assault (brief/alluded to).

before blakely, there was diego esperanza. a small-time man with a larger-than-life dream that's likely more accurately called a plan. clear premeditated steps, plus a trust fund and some lucky timing. somehow that's all it took to establish an oil tycoon, and over the decades, expand into various other ventures. he then found himself a supermodel wife, and there was no real love there but it wasn't an unexpected union. and that was what blakely felt as she grew: the lens of cameras more than a loving eye, nor did she ever really see what love looked like.

she was the perfect child, blessed with her mother's looks and her father's sharp, ruthless mind. home-schooled and sheltered her entire life, especially as they jet-setted about often enough that tying her to a school seemed futile, though she was privy to the inner workings of business and social media and how to portray a certain way. she was a public face from childhood, no role in her own future or destiny. but truly, blakely thought that's simply how it was. every child was the prize of their parents, and something to be vied for.

but sometimes the interactions she had with older businessmen felt wrong, and yet blake felt ashamed for it, like she was the one who had done something wrong but not knowing or not using her words well enough. or the sons of them, who acted like they had some right to her when she'd come of age when they were 16 and she 10. "you look so mature for your age!" they'd say, or "the spitting image of your mother, just beautiful." the illusion of perfection melted away. blakely realised the only friends she'd had always asked something of her, or that their mother's only ever wanted to have playdates at her big and lovely estate where they were waited upon.

it was her thirteenth birthday when she blackmailed her father. blakely moved in with her aunt in a so called "humble" all-but-penthouse apartment (one he'd bought his own sister only after agreeing to blakely's move). and there she would start real schooling for the first time. going simply by 'blake', she got involved in everything she could get her hands on, finding a particular love for cheerleading, dancing, student councils, volunteering and advanced classes to get into college off her own accord. some people knew who she was, still, but she knew it was the sort of legacy she couldn't entirely eliminate. at least she could become blake.

then she found out diego esperanza was already discussing with her top college of choice about a "donation" to construct a new library. and also, to her chagrin, a letter arrived for her own betrothal party, with a message scrawled on the bottom: the man may change as they were still in discussions with three possible suitors.

a taste of freedom, even if her street knowledge wasn't perfect, made her insatiable. business is an empire she is set to inherit, and blakely isn't even sure she wants it. but she will always be found no matter how far she runs, she always saw diego's influence never too far behind, but she'd rather raise hell then go back to a prize to be won.
i'm not afraid of gods, i am afraid of man.
extra info

- mbti is estp
- has a small sketchbook she keeps with her, often sketching or painting or doing mixed media within it
- she has filled two previous sketchbooks.
- never broken a bone
- favorite movie is the truman show (she relates, to some level)
- hasn't had a real job in her life (minimum wage, who?)
- really wants to get a stick and poke tattoo
- has her scuba diving licence

coded by phnx.


alec benjamin

  • basics


    alsany weaver


    ally, alison


    the judas lamb












    greendale, ga.










    abigail cowen

    alsany millicent weaver, the unclaimed child, the canvas, the traitor, the liar, and the judas lamb.

    distinguishing features.
    alsany can be recognized by her bright red hair, which is an ever present feature no matter how many times she's tried to dye it or make it less noticably red. She's also distinguishable by her mild resting "do not talk to me" face.

    scars. alsany has several scars on her hands, be it from embroidering, or whittling, and most are on her hands. but the biggest scar is one that is underneath her clothes from the fight that made her swear to never fight again. It extends from the right of her collarbone, down her chest and all the way to the left hipbone.

    modifications. her only modifications were the piercings on her ears that her parents gave her when she was born so she could wear earrings.

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