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Futuristic Myriad's Fall ((Now open welcome one and all!!))

Anna Kyoyama

Loveless Angel of darkness
"It's so easy for humans to get attached to technology too much."


The year 2106, the peak of mankind's reliance on technology. Nowadays, the cyber network has become so expansive that it had pretty much evolved into a world of it's own. People access it differently as well; through a separate entity called SEED, an independent consciousness that lives within the cyber environment. SEEDs are an extension of the mind and soul--a new form of existence for mankind. Within the cyberspace, it is possible to bestow certain abilities unto them which are not possible in real life--at least up to the extent that the laws allow it. SEEDs cannot kill each other though it is possible to engage each other within this space. To this extent, even law enforcers were given SEEDs of their own.

SEEDs and the extended network--thanks to this new system, it seemed as if most of the world's problems are starting to disappear. That was until "Myriad's Fall"; a situation no one saw coming. That was when the collapse began.

The year 2186, almost 80 years have passed since "Myriad's Fall", a powerful bug that corrupted the whole of the known world. When it struck, security was compromised, supplies were used up, resources weren't able to regenerate and all information channels were shut down, leaving everyone in the dark. This led to a total downfall of the ruling government, after a long period of strife and relentless uprisings in different sectors of the city. It was a long time until the system was restored to its former status.

This gave way to the formation of the current World Sphere Government, with representatives and leaders elected from among the members of the masses, in order to avoid distrust between the government and the citizenry. To avoid a repetition of the chaos that ensued during "Myriad's Fall", the government decided to establish F.A.I.T.H, a new security group that patrols the virtual space, in order to prevent a repetition of Myriad's Fall.

However, the world seems to not want to let go. Rumors soon spread like wildfire all across the cyber world. A new virus was emerging, this time, it wants to take the form of a SEED. Once it gains consciousness and self-awareness, it can proceed to inflict havoc on not only the virtual space but the real world as well. And so the hunt begins but as with any endeavor, there are certain obstacles preventing this from becoming a walk in the park.


F.A.I.T.H - Freedom and Anonymity from Internal Threats and Heresy. A group established to patrol the virtual network and find traces of the virus' trail. They are chosen based on their ability to control a SEED as well as general information gathering and combat abilities. As such, there aren't too many restrictions on who can enter this group, aside from their loyalty to the cause.

(( F.A.I.T.H Leader opening))

F.A.I.T.H Leader

Character Skeleton:







History (Include reason for joining F.A.I.T.H):

Equipment/Weapons (Real world/Cyber-world):

Abilities (Real World/Cyber World):


Members List:

  • Honoo Iris (Investigator) -
  • Saika Kurayami
  • Connor McKinley
  • Alexander Ross


Stardust - An independent group that was formed by a band of radicals who believes that this current ruling government seems to have their own agenda behind this whole situation. They are very active and come into conflict with F.A.I.T.H almost on a daily basis. Due to a lack of an organized structure, almost anyone can enter as well.

((Stardust Leader open))

Startdust Leader

Character Skeleton:







History (Include reason for joining Stardust and reasons for not trusting the Sphere.):

Equipment/Weapons (Real world/Cyber-world):

Abilities (Real World/Cyber World):


Members List:

  • Tom Percival
  • Leda Hirono
  • Romia Lux


General Guidelines:

- No God-Modding

- Follow usual rules and conduct

- If there are any questions or clarifications, ask in the OOC or PM me

- If you have a problem with another user, sort it via PM. Or, you can PM me and we’ll try to create a compromise

- No disrespecting others; settle things peacefully.

-If you try to make an invincible character through means of the story, you will be warned. Ignoring this will result in being kicked

-If romance is included, please keep it un-explicit. Also, we will not wait for your romance, so be careful.

- Be considerate

- Literacy. No text lingo please

Actions and Storyline:

- SEEDs cannot be killed within the cyberworld. When defeated, they only disconnect forcefully so--no killing off another person's character without their permission.

- Who the virus is will be determined by how the interactions go.

- Only F.A.I.T.H members can carry obviously large weapons and equipment (i.e, long swords, rifles etc.) in broad daylight. Stardust can wield these things but, they have to be concealed and hidden in accordance with the world's law.

- Stardust members do not have to comply with regulations as long as they aren't caught.

- Members of each faction do not necessarily have to be fighters or enforcers. For instance, F.A.I.T.H members can be politicians, scientists, detectives, etc. On the other hand, Stardust members can be leaders, rally members, common folk etc.

Misc. Rules:

- Anime pics are preferred for face claims.

- SEEDs do not necessarily have to appear human--just don't go too far.

- Imagination!

- Only two days will be given for those who’ll be reserving a character. If character sheet isn’t accomplished within two days, slot is forfeited.

- Have fun!
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sure come in

(( as long you have a Character you can hop in anytime))

"Last night, at 8:30 PM, some net users have complained of sighting some rogue programs at the Antioch Cafe and Video sharing center. They weren't extremely malignant but they slowed down the information transmission processes. F.A.I.T.H dispatched some operatives to take care of it but, the some of our netizens aren't too satisfied with the result. Here, we'll interview Alex Robins who witnessed the cleanup operation. So Alex, would you give us our thoughts regarding the--"


ris shuts off the T.V as she passed by the living room of her condominium unit near the heart of the city. She had just finished taking a shower when she heard the news coming from her television set.

"You just can't trust the media to be impartial nowadays..." Iris sighed as she dries her hair off. A sudden vibration caught her attention and realized it was her phone ringing. She checked it and saw a new message.

"Iris, come to the main building ASAP. We'll need to discuss something."

"Oh, great!" Iris complains as she rushes off to her room to get dressed. When she was finished, she locked up her house and rushed downstairs, hoping to catch a cab as soon as possible.

It was a cold night. Mists of vapor formed under his nose with each breath. Lazily, Tom took out his phone and saw a text icon. His face illuminated by the phone's light. Tom slides his finger on the icon and a short text pops on the screen. Simple yet demanding, ''The Capital. 9:30. Neutralize The F.A.I.T.H Operatives.''. Tom was already on the move when he place back his phone. Somehow, he didn't feel cold anymore as he exits the park.

The Capital, the city that never sleeps. With its bustling roads, deafening sounds of honks and angry shouts, blinding LEDs and neons that rivals even the brightest galaxy and seas of people, Tom knows very well this is going to get chaotic as he casually stroll among the pedestrians as he waits for the next order. Occasionally looking up to admire the buildings around him. Both of his hands were in his pocket. One holding his phone, the other holding his mask.
"To F.A.I.T.H Main building please. And please hurry." Iris relayed the instructions to the driver who merely grunted and sped off. As they drove around the city, Iris glanced at the passing view in her window.

"Year 2186, 80 years have passed since "Myriad's Fall". Up until that time, no one had imagined that we would grow this reliant on technology and the cyber network. Now, most transactions are done in the virtual world, opening all sorts of gateways and slowly unifying the world under one banner. I guess that's why a system collapse is very difficult. We not only lose connection with others. We lose a whole world along with it." Such thoughts rushed through Iris' mind as they crossed the bridge, leading to the large building in the center where the World Sphere Government's headquarters was.
Snow falls lazily around the city. Tom stops walking and observes the tall and large building. The World Sphere Government Headquarters. The building stood proud an imposes it authority by its sharp but solid design. Few helicopters circles around the building. Tom grimaced as his dark memory flew through him for a sharp second. Making old wound damp and moist. Tom's phone vibrates. A look of mild surprised washed over Tom's face. ''Lights out in 20 seconds. Steal the WSP's Data.'' An interface pops out on the screen as details pours in. Tom observes the details for a short second before heading towards a dark alley. He pressed something on his phone and slowly, a being materializes cube by cube, radiating a blue aura in front of Tom. Fashioning a long dark trench coat, Tom's SEED stood expressionless before a mask covers its face. Instantly, the SEED begins to scale the walls of the dark alley and heads straight on towards the bridge. Suddenly, shouts and screams and gasps and cries pierce the night as the city goes to sleep.
"Year 2186, 80 years have passed since "Myriad's Fall". Up until that time, no one had imagined that we would grow this reliant on technology and the cyber network. Now, most transactions are done in the virtual world, opening all sorts of gateways and slowly unifying the world under one banner. I guess that's why a system collapse is very difficult. We not only lose connection with others. We lose a whole world along with it." Such thoughts rushed through Iris' mind as they crossed the bridge, leading to the large building in the center where the World Sphere Government's headquarters was.

"Oh, turn right around this aisle." Iris reminded the driver. When she reached a separate building that is a considerable distance away from the government office, Iris alighted, heading inside F.A.I.T.H's main building.
Connor was already their in the meeting room. The steadfast giant, sitting patiently in a chair just to small for him. Ge had gotten the same call as Iris. Maybe they were going on a mission together and she needed some extra muscle to keep safe. But he was probably going to be sent as a one man army to break up some hacker ring that wasn't as afraid to use force as most others were. Such was the life of a tough, street ir government agent. They were told to go some where, and punch whatever was in the way or at the end, occasionally both.
"Nakajima, what is this about?" Iris immediately questions Nakajima Honda, the researcher who called her over."Ah, there you are! Listen, remember when we transferred some data from the Middle Eastern branch? It was scheduled to arrive two days ago at the Antioch Harbor but, as you can see, shipment still not around." "That's a bit troubling. What does that data load contain?"

"Well, some new equipment for the SEEDs and, the Middle East's findings on this rumored virus."

"And it just disappeared at the virtual harbor. Think it could be Stardust?" "I don't know. That branch should have bodyguards of their own and yet they were compromised. I need you to head there and try to see if you'll still be able to find something."

At the command, Iris headed into their building's computer room, located on the fourteenth floor. She sat in front of a terminal where a headpiece sat, anticipating some action.
Yep, looked like he may be needed. But now, at least it looked like that. So, to occupy himself, he took out his knife, which was hidden discretely sheathed at his shoulder, and began to inspect it for any signs of dulling. A few knicks were found, but there was nothing to be done about that right then, not having a whet stone or grindstone on hand. So, with a peeved grunt, he shoved it back into it's sheath. Then he went onto his gun. He occupied himself thourghly by taking apart and putting back together the pistol, the clicking, clacking, and the cocking of the gun repeatedly.
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Saika groaned softly rising from the floor in her laboratory. She had stayed up all night again building another prototype but again no success she groaned and placed her glasses on and decided that she would get coffee from the break room. She hated when things she made did t work. She did notice something strange people seemed distressed what there something she didn't get?. She frowned and walked to the meeting room slowly dragging her feet or that at least someone would tell her what was going on.
Connor gave a grunt in welcoming when Saika came in. He had worked with her before, a lot. She was a clutz, no way around it, and often forgot what she had done minutes before. So, many times, he worked with her as a guard on one of her excursions, and treated like an assistant in return. He didn't mind, it paid the bills after all.
Alexander entered the meeting room staring intently at a piece of wiring while carrying many different books and a few pieces of circuitry. Honestly he hated meetings they distracted him from the wonderful work of science, though this was apparently going to be a SEED mission and it looked like that Saika girl was here. He reminded himself to see if he could get permission to run experiments on her and see if there was a reason for utter clumsiness. He paused. He gave a wave to the assorted personnel in the room as he dropped the clutter on to an empty desk, quickly pulling out some tweezers as he began to fidget with the circuits.
Connor gave another grunt in greeting. Alexander was one of his more favorate co-workers. More often then not, that man had made gadgets that had no doubt helped save his life. And curiosity won out over his determined silence. "What you working on, techie?" he asked.
Saika hummed and watched the two men in the meeting room with her. She watched them in a silence lost in thought for a while. She often did that when she was trying to figure out something else. She smiled "Ah! i forgot to say hi didn't i?" she bursted out of no where and laughed "How you both been?" she asked as she smiled at them as she scratched the back of her neck and fixed herself a bit more since her hair was a bit tangled at the ends.
Alexander's eyebrow twitched slightly at the 'techie' comment, though deigned to ignore it due to the fact simple fact he had worked with Connor for a rather long time. "Well Connor, though I do doubt you will understand this, currently I am attempting to isolate the Network Interface so that I can-" The Saika girl's sudden high pitched hello startled him slightly causing his hand to jolt thereby making the circuits smoke and spark sporadically. A very dry look was sent her way at the second question as the monkey groomed herself.

"Just fine Saika. Say you wouldn't happen to know where we keep the francium would you?" He had ever intention of blowing the distracting girl up next time she deigned to bathe. He pushed his glasses up at the thought, a happy smile taking his face.(Francium+Water=BOOOM)

Having lost his radioactive privileges on account of a little...accident, all the volatile materials had been moved to a secure place out of his reach. For now anyway, give it a few weeks and management would revoke the ban and let him make explos-Er, advance society using the volatile materials, to his mad little mind's content.
Looking between the smoking and slarking thing that Alex had been working on and Saika, he grunts (he has a grunt for just about anything.) again and says "Fine." Well, that was rough luck, for Alex anyway. That might have been something useful. "Been called here, saw Iris, and that was it. Need some coffee if I'm to do my job right." he continued talking ti Saika.
Saika smirked "Why no anyways aren't you NOT supposed to touch the chemicals?" she asked and crossed her arms. She turned to Conner "Coffee does sound nice..." she stated and stretched her arms. "Worked late on a prototype but like always.. nothing" she stated and sat back down "Its like i'm missing something always!" she exclaimed and blinked "Wait.. what were we here for again?" she said and tilted her head forgetting the reason she even came out of her lab for.
He was getting practice with his grunts in. Grunting in exasperation, he looks at Saika and says "Possible missions, for all of us. Don't know what you two will get. But I'm no doubt going to have to protect one of, if not both, you." After that rather lengthy speach, by his standards, he leaned back into his chair and took out his pistol again. He didn't need to do anything with it, but he needed to keep busy.
The sound of heels on marble reverberated down the corridor as a beautiful blonde heiress walked down the hallway. "Yes sir, I understand.... Yes......." she gave a long sigh as the man on the phone continued to blabber on. Finally she couldn't stand it,"Just make sure you send the reports to me by the weekend. I know that I have 2 years before taking up the business, but I do know when finances go missing and who to blame. Remember that." she abruptly ended the call and let out another long sigh. As soon as she reached the next security door another call was waiting for her, looking at the ID she noticed it was from her aunt Augustine. Rolling her eyes she was about to ignore the call when it suddenly came through. "Romia? Romia? Can you hear me?" the high pitched shrill of Romia's aunt Augustine blared in her ears. With a sullen sigh she responded, "yes aunti I'm her-"

"Oh good! I was worried about you ever since that whole B&E and kidnapping."

That was 4 months ago....

" You never told us how you made it back. We were all so worried."

Of course you all were The kidnapping was nothing short of a staged performance, she was no fool to her family's plots. Romia sighed as she continued through the next few security doors. "Aunti you know I don't li-"

"Yes,yes you won't even tell your dear old aunt. Oh, it's so saddening to think you were all alone! " There was a long pause as if aunt Augustine was waiting for her to answer a question.

"Aunti I have sone business to take care of so unles-"

"Oh well alright, I just wanted to tell you about a handsome wealthy young man who works for F.A.I.T----beep" Romia slowly moved her finger off the end call button. The last thing she needed was a conversation over someone in F.A.I.T.H. She had her own plans for that organization and they didn't involve partnership. As Romia passed through the last security door she enter into the cyber room. She stood there for a moment letting the quiet whir of the supercomputer set her nerves at ease. Romia sat on the cushion, calmly placed the earpiece over her ear, and entered into another wold.

At the top of the roof a dark figure was preparing for her next mission. Okay, you can do this. This could be a turning point. This was an off the book operation, but if successful it could be a huge leap in her and Stardust's goals. I stronger and faster in here, I am unstoppable. With this success we can finally know what F.A.I.T.H is working on and more. Her silver eyes glowed as the adrenaline flowed through her, she looked off towards the cyber world. Hopping off the building she gracefully landed on the ground and vanished into the crowds heading towards the F.A.I.T.H main building.

(wow this is a lot to write for a intro... Sorry y'all, for the misspelling I'm using a really old phone.)

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