• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy My Wish ; ☆


♥ black pink in your area ♥


Every girl has a wish...

Characters will be chosen based on quality. This is not first come first served.

I don't particularly care whether you use bbcode or not, but it's a nice touch.

You can add whatever info you want to your cs.

I will not allow anyone to have more than 2 characters.

Character Sheet




Year: 1-3





Relationship Status:

Color: Each magical girl has a specific color. It does not affect your powers, personality, etc.

APPEARANCE (Anime face claims only)



Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:

General Appearance: Describe clothing style, hairstyle, etc. No length requirement.



Wish: Please make your wish meaningful. Your wish cannot be for something like a new phone.


Backstory: 1 paragraph or more

Partner(s): This is mostly for the start of the roleplay, as all the girls were eventually work together. Talk relationships out in OOC or pm. You are allowed to leave this blank.



Weapon or Power: If your character does not use a weapon, just list what your power does. F/E, throwing fireballs. Be as detailed as possible.

Character Slots

[?]=Not Officially Accepted


8/9 Magical Girls

1. Kou Fujioka(@Chibii)


1. Kimiu(

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Am I strong enough...?"



NAME: Kou Fujioka

AGE: 15

D.O.B: July 15


GENDER: Female


STATUS: Single


COLOR: Light Blue



HEIGHT: 5'1" Transformation: 5'10"

WEIGHT: 96 lbs. Transformation: 142 lbs.


EYE COLOR: Light Blue


GENERAL APPEARANCE: Kou is a very small girl, almost resembling a child. Her baby face doesn't help much. She has tried going for an older appearance, but it didn't work out well. She styles her hair into short twintails. Her style of clothing is tomboyish, and she usually sports t-shirts with sneakers.

When she transforms, she gains a whole 9 inches in height and her hair is much longer, though still in her signature twintails.]
Digging Deeper



If you want to talk to Kou, you have to approach her first. She has a hard time making friends because of how shy she is. She's afraid of making a fool of herself and ruining everything. These traits make her believe she's not cut out to be a magical girl. Kou's feelings are fragile, and she cries often. She tries to hide it during school. Despite all of this, she's one of the nicest people you will ever meet. She's truly a selfless girl who puts others before herself.

WISH: Kou has a condition that makes her body very frail. She often overworks herself, which lands her in the hospital. Her wish is for her body to be regular. While her wish was granted, she can only go for short periods of time before her body returns to it's natural state. It only stays strong during battles with monsters.














Kou was much more passionate as a child. She was often running around and playing with the kids in her neighborhood. She learned of her condition when she passed out on the spot during a P.E. class. The doctor advised her to not overwork herself, and to do minimal activities during P.E. This broke Kou's heart. She was no longer able to play with her friends as often or run around with her classmates. She ended up secluding herself, and stuck her nose into books.

Kou's timid side began to form around the start of middle school. She was always afraid she would embarrass herself, and so, she didn't talk to anyone. She always clammed up when others attempted to talk to her. She did end up making a couple friends, but their relationship mostly involved her observing while they talked to each other. Kou usually read and read some more when she wasn't with them.

Kou had always liked animals. So when she saw a small, cat-like white animal walking around by itself she just couldn't leave it alone. It was a lot easier talking to animals than people. They couldn't make fun of her. They couldn't tease her for being weak. They would always be there. She later learned it was Kimiu.

At the beginning of high school, Kou was walking home when she heard a voice. Don't you want to be strong too? She looked around for the source of the voice, but found nothing. Scared, she quickened her pace. Don't run...I can make you a strong person, just like you've always wanted. The voice again. Kou's hope began to outweigh her fear as a figure appeared in front of her. This is your wish, isn't it? It asked.

At first she was silent, unsure of what was going on. She finally replied, "Y-yes...I want to be stronger."



WEAPON: Kou uses a large cannon to attack her enemies. The cannon has the ability to transform into a blade. It can fires as much as 20 bullets per second. She often attaches it to her arm during battles. It slows her down a bit due to it's weight, but overall the cannon is a very effective weapon.

  • MOTHER: Rika Fujioka ; 42

    FATHER: Nobu Fujioka ; 40

    SISTER: Kaede Fujioka ; 8

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? ?

Height: 5'3

Weight: 52kg

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Slightly tanned

General Appearance: A fierce looking face. Sharp, bold, piercing eyes, and a small frame. She has long legs and a proportionate body. Kuga's hair is usually flat, depending on what occasion or setting she's in.

? ? ?

Quirky ; Brave ; Arrogant ; Mischevious ; Caring

Kuga is highly intelligent, and like any well brought up girl she is sophisticated and a great thinker. She is extremely brave, not being afraid to venture far out into new places or the unknown and she will become determined to investigate anything curious that makes her wonder.

Kuga does not have any friends, nor is she an outcast or loner. Much of her time is spent with family, such as her older sister who takes her out shopping. Outwardly, Kuga is proper, well behaved, well groomed and poised. She has a charming elegance and grace beyond her years. She is very well spoken, being able to memorize things very quickly. Kuga knows all of the rules of etiquette because she was brought up by a rather wealthy family. Despite her charismatic charm, Kuga can be very immature at times and innocently mischievous. She may enjoy acting in a fancy fashion or much more older than she truly is to impress, but she is undeniably a very curious little thing. This trait normally gets the better of her and leads her into many chaotic situations. She's slightly lazy at times, often seen daydreaming or sleeping in the day, instead of doing anything productive, as she dislikes books with no pictures and loathes her history lessons. Kuga does everything according to her own morals and beliefs, desiring a world of her own.

Surprisingly, Kuga is very good at giving herself advice but seldom does she follow it. Because of this she is lead by her own subconscious into one silly or outrageous scenario after another. When put in a pressuring situation, she finds it harder and harder to maintain her composure and keep her patience. Kuga also can be unintentionally hypocritical, for when anyone words something incorrectly in a sentence, Yet at times Kuga herself does not speak correctly but never catches herself slipping or making these mistakes she criticizes others of being guilty of. This causes Kuga to come off as arrogant and narcissistic at times even though she means well.

Wish: Kuga wishes for herself to become less stuck-up and realise others feelings. She wants to take care of others at a better ability, and figures by helping the citizens of Nara she will be able to do this by fighting off the Virus that has infected the town.

Quirks: Chewing on her pen in class ~ Tapping her foot on the ground when anxious

Backstory: Kuga grew up in a wealthy, high-class family. Her father is the CEO of a famous broadcasting company, so all of her life she hasn't really known or cared about other's problems- even very important ones like world hunger- she just chose to ignore them and get on with her life, teling herself that it's not her business anyways. But one day, when she needed help with something and someone didn't help her with it, Kuga realised that she should make a change in the world by helping out the citizens of Nara and fight off the virus for them.

Partner(s): She usually works on her own, but when she is working with someone it will be...

Relationships: Pm me or tag me in the ooc tab! c:




Sends a large electric shock through the opponent's body. A 70/100 chance that it does anything.



Thrusts large amount of magic at the opponent, pushing them away.



When carried out, slashes the opponent in the face with electric shock.

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Ha, only I could do something that stupid.






Nagao, Asana (last, first)









|D.O. B|

27th of February


Japanese (Asian)

|Relationship Status|








107 lbs

|Hair Color|


|Eye Color|


|Skin Color|

Pale, but not pasty.

|General Appearance|

Asana, standing at an around average height of 5'2", with a moderately slim build. She has black colored eyes, which can be seen as quite piercing, or often scanning around. These eyes are almost always looking through her oval shaped glasses. Her face, which is for the most part straight, is framed by thin hair at either side, which are tied together with small ribbons, the tiny bow always front-facing. The rest of her hair is cut short, with all of it being black.

She mainly wears simple, non-flattering outfits, commonly consisting of coats and scarves when she can. Her style can also be considered as quite proper by some, depending on their outlook.



Observant, Self-Critical, Calm and Cool, Idealistic, Clever, Resourceful, Benevolent

Asana, seen by most as a calm, cool and simple girl, which is partially true, she is calm and cool, but really, she has a lot to hide about herself. Far from simple. This, gives her the ability to observe others to such a level that she might be able to figure out that something is bothering them, that they're acting, or simply be observant as to her surroundings and learn about people. Usually she chooses to not study people too intently, as she often finds them seemingly better than herself.

This is due to the fact that she is idealistic, aiming for the unachievable, thus being self-critical of all her own actions and how she isn't good enough. Sometimes, that makes people think she is distant, when she is chastising herself in her head, starring off into nothing, or make them think she is spacing out, but in reality she still has full grasp of the conversation or situation.

Despite this, Asana is quite benevolent, only meaning to do the best or kindest thing she can for others. If someone betrays her, she will still try to be their friend, or help them, and try to find the good that may not be there within them. She just wants to be kind, and she is, often beyond most people's belief. In addition, Asana is quite clever, and whilst not the
most intelligent, she is better than majority of the smartest in fast-paced situations, where you need to think and move on the go. Such an example would be a battle, as she can think out a plan quickly and try to outsmart a monster faster than almost anyone else. On top of this, she is quite resourceful, and can use the things around her to her advantage, which only adds to her intuitive nature in battle, or dangerous situations.


"I wish my past wasn't the way it is... Maybe mine would seem better if I could know someone else's was worse. Ha... I wish."

Asana wishes that her past was different. Or at least that hers could seem better if she knew someone had a worse history or backstory than she did. Her wish was half granted, in the fact she can learn about other's past. Sometimes, when she touches something that belongs to someone in particular or looks at them, she gets of a vision memory they've had in jagged parts. This memory could be completely random, such as eating dinner, or something of use to her. She cannot control when she has these visions, or what they are of, as the more battles they win, the more use Asana has in her visions, whether it is for personal sake or magical girl sake. The more she looses, the more useless, or even harmful to her self-esteem they become. If on a major losing or winning streak, the more common the visions become, as well as clear.


She tends to bite her lip when nervous, or chastising herself.

Writes with her left hand, but does everything else with her right.

Asana always has change in her pockets to give to beggars or homeless.

She also gets agitated and uptight around cars, but doesn't have a fear of them.


Asana grew up in the city, in a tiny apartment with her mother. She was forever around technology and the developing world, but could never actually use it herself, thus having to be quite creative and have methods to entertain herself. This ended up in her being a very annoying and distracting child.

But nonetheless, she could easily be calm when need be. Asana, often saw that her mother was tired, and almost began to seem hopeless, but still put on a smile for her daughter. This ended up in her being inspired by her mother's endless kindness, and hard work, despite being in a job with excessive work hours, and limited pay, in addition to an ever-demanding rent. She would aim for impossible perfection, to show her mother that her hard work would pay off, and always be kind to those around her, no matter what.

One day, Asana's mother got enough money to get her girl a bit of a sugary treat. Since she had never had much sugar before, this sent her into a massive rush of energy, and on the walk home, Asana wasn't aware of her surroundings, running out onto the road, as a car was heading her way. Quickly, her mother jumped in front of her child. Her mother died. She was put in an orphanage, within the town of Nara.

From that day on, Asana was always aware and observant, and never really reverted to her annoying and bubbly ways. She was always calm. Forever inspired by her mother, she had only kind intentions in her heart. Although, Asana blames herself for her mother's death, and this has lead to her blaming herself for majority of other things, and criticizing herself. Recently, she has been allowed to live in a small apartment area with the older orphans, so they can prepare to move out and know how to take care of themselves.


Koware Yasui Yuki



- Mother - Hiriko Nagao: Deceased

- Father - Unknown

-Siblings - N/A


- Koware Yasui Yuki;

no slide


Why me? Why was I chosen?


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Hikari Espirito X.











Aug 7

Relationship Status:






Weight: 105

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: dark blue

Skin Color: pale

General Appearance:

Hikari really looks like a girl but its too far away from her real action on livings sport and acting like a male in front of all the people she meet he likes to wear males clothes all the time and she never even bother what people thinks about her all she do is what she want and that is what she will do.



happy,joyous,easy go lucky and love to eat and hide her true emotion to herself everyone know that she is a true dare devil.


she wish that someday she will find someone to Love


eat many food when she have a big problem

laugh at her failure's


when hikari was born her mother and father died from an accident. since then hikari was place in an adoption center were she was always being bullied by some children. but one day a family have adopted her and most of were everyone knew it was a happy ending but no her unhistorical father always get drunk and hitting up her unhistorical mother so Hikari leave along his mother and life became a lil simple for the both of them as Hikari start going to school and working in the process and doing stuff that can support her family needs.

one day some magic appear and ask her what wish she want she then smirk and laugh "i want to love someone" she said as she close her eyes

Partner(s): (none yet)


none yet


Weapon or Power:

she hold up her axe and her power is Speed and Teleportation


(did i do the write thing? if not ill change it thank you)
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Finished! Many thanks to Nano for helping me with bbcode. (I feel like an old lady having trouble with technology who's been helped by a nice youth.)

Tomomi Inubouzaki

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/grazia.png.725a1a16854b95224cbe063a5ef093ec.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/grazia.png.725a1a16854b95224cbe063a5ef093ec.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"A virus is hurting everyone? Well, that certainly involves me."

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no slide

Height: 5'11''

Weight: 145 lbs

Hair Color: Light violet

Eye Color: Violet

Skin Color: Light honey

General Appearance: Tomomi makes little effort to hide her height, and in terms of clothing, favors extravagant pumps; skater skirts; and drapey tops, all in black and pastels (mostly lavender). That is, unless she's having a busy day studying, in which case she puts on an oversize t-shirt and sneakers in the same color palette. (She hates to sacrifice her aesthetic for anything.) She wears her long, wavy, lavender hair in twin tails. On days when she has time to look nice, she likes wearing glitter on her face and hands, plus eyeliner.



An overstressed girl who loves attention. She has a laid-back, sarcastic, quietly dramatic attitude, but that's only because people don't like when she's loud. She has little faith in others, believing that she has to do things herself if she wants them done correctly. Her greatest strength is that she believes in herself. The fact that she's had to put her friends on the back burner for school troubles her greatly, but she believes self-reliance is her only hope for getting through her last year of school.

Secretly, she wonders if anyone will ever be good enough for her, if the attention will ever be enough. Her need for attention makes her more outgoing, but also sometimes leads to irrational behavior - she relishes the attention from an insult, can't go out without looking at least tousledly perfect, and gets annoyed or even breaks down when it's been a while without her actively talking to someone.

Despite how much of the spotlight she gets when she reveals her deepest secrets (her fear of being alone, her fear that nothing will be enough for her), she gets the feeling there's something very wrong with her and finds it very hard to trust people. Most of what she does - "Hey, check this out! Isn't this cool?" - is a performance she puts a lot of energy into. For all of her blustering pride, she can't help but feel like she's full of hot air sometimes, and it makes her feel terrible.

Wish: Tomomi wished for a never-ending source of love and validation - the perfect friend or lover, if you will. However, her wish wouldn't be granted in the form of a human. It would come in the form of a magical fairy that resembles a puppy with immaculate black fur who couldn't talk to her or show her the type of attention she wants in a human.

Quirks: Tends to respond to high-stress situations with sarcasm. Otherwise, her emotions can be very exaggerated - when she's not laid-back, she's jumping for joy or raising her fists. She never cries, except when she's sure she's alone. She also tends to spend money impulsively.

Backstory: Tomomi was born to a family who lived paycheck to paycheck and had little time to pay attention to her. She grew up with a lot of people who wanted to be her friend due to her excellent comedic timing, sense of style, and captivating way of speaking. However, she found it difficult to get close to anyone, largely because she was only in it for them giving to her and not the other way around.

Now that she's in her last year of high school, she's matured a bit, and knows at least on a superficial level that relationships are give and take. However, she's largely put relationships on the back burner since she faces pressure from her family to be the first person to go to college. She is interested in a career in horticulture, but regrets how lonely she's become.

One day, during a breakdown when one of her friends decided to leave her, a mysterious white cat comforted her and asked what she'd give to have a real friend who gave her everything she needed. Too frazzled to question her sanity, she said, "Anything."

Relationships: Hanako (39) and Saburo Inubouzaki (44), her parents. Gale Yamazaki (15), her magical partner. Sumire Houujou (18) and Kana Wakamatsu (17), her "regular" friends.


Weapon or Power: As a magical girl, Tomomi is able to summon a minigun fit for raining destruction upon monsters (2,000-6,000 rounds per minute). She is completely unafraid to resort to using it as a bludgeon. The gun is black with lavender barrels and a small custom painting of violet blossoms.

Due to her wish for a constant source of affection, she is also capable of summoning puppy-shaped "shadow" constructs that run around near her and can be controlled with verbal commands. They often act as distractions and absorb damage. They can also do limited damage by jumping and attacking similarly to a real dog, but the damage is pretty low compared to her minigun, so they're usually only used for damage when she's disarmed or otherwise can't use her minigun.



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Mirai Kuriyama



  • Name: Miria Kuriyama

    Age: 16

    Year: 1

    Gender: Female

    Orientation: Pansexual

    D.O.B: July 10

    Ethnicity: Japanese

    Relationship Status: Single

    Color: Blood Red, A very small number of shades away from


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Shizu Taniguchi

Character Information

  • Name: Shizu Taniguchi

    Age: 17

    Year: 3

    Gender: Female

    Orientation: Heterosexual

    D.O.B: May 14th

    Ethnicity: Japanese

    Relationship Status: Single

    Color: White

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  • Name: Kimiu/ Jeremiah Suitloose / Jeremiah Kreppler

    Age: 24

    Year: None (Teacher)

    Gender: male

    Orientation: straight

    D.O.B: May 16

    Ethnicity: none (Caucasian in human form)

    Relationship Status: single?

    Color: Transparent, as he is the mascot, not a magical girl



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Yamazaki Gale










April 15th



Relationship Status:



Stormy Grey




62 lbs

Hair Color:

Blonde / Grey

Eye Color:

Emerald Green

Skin Color:




Digging Deeper


Gale is probably about the happiest girl you will ever meet. Nothing ever seems to get her down. You can call her names and she'll just shrug it off with a sweet smile on her face. You can play a mean prank on her and she'll just laugh with you. She has even been bullied for her short stature and the bully finally got frustrated and left because "she wouldn't stop smiling". The only time she that she has ever gotten mad was three years ago. Nobody knows exactly what happened, but the rumor is that she put an older boy in the hospital.

She really is a nice person though. If you need a friend, she's the person to go to! If you need help learning something, she is ready to tutor you! If you just need someone to talk to, she's all ears! If you need some work done, then you have a problem...

Trying to get Gale to stay in one place for more than 30 minutes is hard enough as is. Trying to get her to do any kind of work is like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. She just does what she wants and working is not one of those things.

Gale has always been very sensitive to the emotions of those around her, a trait she inherited from her mother. Animal or a human, it's virtually impossible for anyone, including her sister Sora, to hide what they are feeling from her. She often attempts to cheer up anyone that she notices is unhappy.


"I wish for the power to protect my friend"

Gale's wish was made when she saw her friend Tomomi losing a fight with monsters. Though she now has the power she asked for, she also feels all the pain and negative emotions Tonomi feels.


When Gale gets bored she twitches. She bounces her leg, shifts on her feet, twiddles her thumbs, drums on her leg, etc.


Most of Gale's story is uninteresting. She was born in America and lived there until she was 10 when her family moved to Japan. Her father became a cop and her mother got an importent position in the hospital, while the two girls went to school just like any other girl. Until she became a magical girl the only interesting thing to happen in Gale's story would be the incident from three years ago...

Gale would have been been about 12 at the time and Sora would have been about 16. Timothy Gregson was 17 and lived with his older brother on the other side of town. Despite the distance, Timothy would show up on their doorstep every day after school to help Sora with her school work. He was a hard worker and was always very polite. Their parents liked him and it was fairly common for him to stay for dinner.

Timothy seemed to have developed a liking for Sora and would dote upon her with gifts and flattery, not noticing the uncharacteristically shy advances of the youngest Yamazaki girl. Sora was no more receptive to his advances then she had been with any boy. Gale was to young to realize what it was, but even back then, when her parents watched each other, Gale could see something in their eyes. But when Timothy watched Sora, she could see that something was missing and every time her sister shot him down, his eyes scared Gale.

The day in question had been the weekend but Timothy was still coming over later to have dinner with them and it was Gale's turn to go shopping for groceries. While she was out, she spotted him and a group of older boys turning into an alley. Being a foolish little girl with a crush, she decided to follow, where she overheard him, his brother, and their friends planning to rape Sora. She sat there in shock as all the boys left, none of them noticing her as they passed. She was hurt by the fact that she could never have a chance with him, angered by what he planned on doing, afraid for her sister. She had never felt all of these emotions at once and simply couldn't handle them. Timothy had gotten home before her and was sitting down talking with their father when Gale saw him and snapped, grabbing a pair of scissors and attacking him. Her parents managed to pull her off of him, but not before she had stabbed him in the arm twice and slashed him several times across the face. When Gale finally calmed down enough to tell them what happened, her mother called both 119 and 110 (hospital and police respectively). Timothy was arrested and Gale was banned from touching scissors, but her father began teaching her and Sora self defense.


Inobouzaki Tomomi


Father - Officer Yamazaki Rojin, 41

Mother - Dr. Yamazaki Aura, 38

Sister - Yamazaki Sora, 19



Weather Control

As a Magical Girl, Gale can control the wind, summon lightning, drop chunks of ice from the sky, and other weather related stuff. (On a reasonable scale of course. No covering the whole city in a thunderstorm) Things she can do with this power include, but are not limited to...

  • Flight
    Gale uses the wind to pick herself up off the ground and fly

  • Razor Wind
    Gale throws razor sharp blades of wind at her enemies

  • Wind Armor
    Gale covers herself or an ally in swirling winds, creating an armor to deflect basic attacks

  • Hail Storm
    Gale rains down shards of ice on her foes

  • Lightning Strike
    This is exactly what it sounds like


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Name: Kyou Suruga

Age: 17

Year: 3

Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual

D.O.B: March 11th

Ethnicity: Japanese

Relationship Status: Single

Color: Bright Red


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 112lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Violet

Skin Color: Fair

General Appearance: Put plainly, Kyou has an extremely boyish manner of fashion. She often wears collared shirts, hats, jackets, the kind of pants that one most definitely needs a belt to keep up, loose fitting clothing in general, and more often than not can be found wearing a hat of some sort, being particularly fond of the black one shown in the picture to the right. The only really girlish thing about her appearance, is the obscene length of her hair, which she shows a refusal to cut, if for no other reason than her being stubborn.


Personality: "Haha, yeah! Magical girls? Let's do this!"

Kyou is a simple creature. If you've ever seen an episode of Power Rangers, Super Sentai, or even Gatchaman, you'll probably be able to puzzle out just what she's like. Loud, proud, and eccentric. She's almost completely based her life, and self, off of Sunday-morning hero shows since she's been a child, always having admired what she calls 'The Hero way of Life'. Helping people with a smile, saving people with a smile, fighting off evil, and then going on to show it the light, all without so much as asking for payment, before speeding of into... Well, wherever it is the heroes ran off to after each of their missions. From those lessons, she forged her own life philosophy, which is practically the exact same thing. To help out, however she can, where ever she can, however she can. Whether it be helping a little old lady across the street, or jumping into the middle of a case of bullying that it would really have been in her best interest to ignore, Kyou a point out of lending a helping hand, no matter the consequences.

Not stopping there, Kyou even seems to have forged her personality based on what she once witnessed, and admittedly still witnesses, every Sunday morning. In other words, just as the actors on Sunday morning television tend to be rather... Forward, with their acting, Kyou tends to be a little... Well, forward with her emotions. In other words, she's a bit of an obnoxious loudmouth. She doesn't know how to shut up, usually forgets to control her volume, and is especially prone to go off into rants about whatever happens to be on her mind, often without even realizing it. Of course, the moments someone tells her to shut up, she'll do so almost instantly, but to most, the fact that they have to ask her again and again is more than frustrating enough. Which, is a good example of another of her faults. A lack of self-control. Kyou is the sort of person who'll say something the moment she thinks of it, do something without thinking it through, and buy something the moment she wants it, unless she's broke, that is. Which she usually is.

Furthermore, to little surprise, Kyou is a huge tomboy. She hasn't worn the female version of her school uniform even once, and hasn't even worn a skirt or dress (of her own free will) since her second year of middle school. Since her youth, Kyou has had next-to-no interest in anything that could even be considered remotely feminine. Whether it's because of the television she so adores, or just the male-centric line of friends Kyou's made throughout her life though, is unknown, her parents having been able to figure it out, despite their multiple attempts.

Wish: "A wish? Well then! I wish to become a hero!"

Kyou's wish isn't one that requires a lot of explaining. She wished to become a hero. That's it. The twist, on the other hand, is a little more complex. Essentially, whenever Kyou behaves unheroically, the wish will invert, having the opposite effect. The effects of this are varied, but the one the illustrates the effect the best, is the conversion of her will to help and protect others, into simple battle and bloodlust. Now given how Kyou actually behaves, this hasn't been much of an issue for her, to the point where she doesn't even know of it's effects yet. But one thing, unfortunately, practically guarantees her eventual clash with it, the fact that what is 'heroic' and 'unheroic', is solely based on her definition of the concept. And in her mind, a hero never loses.

The original intent of her wish however, is not entirely lost. Her wish also performs in the opposite direction, with particularly heroic behavior returning Kyou to her normal state of mind. Though, once past the point where the negative effects of her wish are prevalent enough to be a worry, accomplishing this is more the and little difficult.

Quirks: Wearing men's clothing, TALKING VERY LOUDLY, An aversion to the color pink. And frills.

Backstory: Kyou is the kind of person who never really had much to worry about. Not that her parents were particularly rich, or particularly talented at raising a child, nor was she herself anything outstanding in well, any field. They didn't suddenly fall into good fortune, or have some magical McGuffin to fix whatever issues happened to arise. Or more simply put, they were practically the ideal image of 'normal'. Of course, there'd be a spat or two, and a grounding or... Twenty... But never anything significant enough to rattle the cages over. Truly, Kyou's childhood was one of perfect, peaceful mundanity.

In that story, there were no 'until's or 'but's, their absolutely regular life being as much of a truth as the sun or the moon. And that was precisely what pissed Kyou off. Ever since she'd been young, Kyou had been raised... A little differently than other girls. Not to say that she was trained to be a genius scientist, or martial arts master, nothing of that sort. Instead the change was a simple one. VCRs, Action Figures, Posters, Collectables, anything you can imagine, Kyou was raised surrounded by them. Her home being one generations old, it was covered in the leftovers and remnants of generations past, and the generation passed just before her had been... Well, a house full of boys. Because of that, the house would be practically littered with anything they'd left behind, and being young and curious, Kyou took to them almost immediately. The rest, is history. Before her parents knew it, she'd fully immersed herself in it, the few dolls and playhouses her parents had bought her had been tossed out the window, replaced by the superheros and icons of old.

And as Kyou grew older, things only became more intense. She started delving even further into 'boyish' things, diving into monster movies when other girls first looked into romance, signing up for a martial arts class when others spent their time dutifully studying away. Even those she looked up to seemed to be from another universe. Posters of superheros, both old and new, local and foreign lined her bedroom walls, action figures finding homes anywhere they could, making her bedroom look more like it belonged to a pre-school boy, rather than a middle-school girl. Half way through middle school, she even stopped wearing the female uniform, forcing her parents to buy her a boy's uniform the moment she grew out of her previous one. By that time, she'd already begun to develop in her martial arts classes, getting engaged in more scuffles than any middle-schooler should have been involving themselves in, regardless of if they were a boy or a girl, all in the name of... Justice, of all things.

All with the biggest smile on her face she could muster, Kyou had started to commit what she called 'Heroic Acts', by throwing herself at, well, whatever it is she could help someone in need with. Most of these thing, of course, were rather petty on their own. Helping set up a festival, cleaning up a classroom, helping people across the street, or even just performing random odd-jobs for someone she hardly knew. In fact, the only really heroic thing she did, was fighting off the odd bully or two, everything else seeming more like... Community service than any form of heroism. Though anyone who'd ever try to raise that point to her would usually just get a face full of cheesy monologue. And with age, she certainly didn't mellow out. In fact, Kyou would only get worse. As she moved up through belts within her dojo, she started to more and more heavily involve herself in the 'heroic rescue' side of her lifestyle, while still involving herself in pretty much anything anyone asked her to do.

And that's how she met Kimiu. Well, the second half is how she met Kimiu. She didn't save him, or one of his friends or anything, as much as she would have loved to. Instead, one day, she'd received a request to save someone's cat. Someone's snow-white cat... And, well...

"Well when you're trying to chase him down he looks like a cat!"

Hours of chase cut short, she eventually managed to catch him. Realize that he wasn't actually a cat and... Well, the rest... The rest is history.

Partner: Shizu Taniguchi


Weapon(s): "Nothing? Man. I should have been a Power Ranger."

Kyou has no weapons granted to her by her magical girl abilities. Instead, she fights through augmenting her already learned martial arts skills with her Power, boosting her strength and allowing her to pull off more dynamic and complex attacks. Currently, she has been a student of Aikido for six years, and has attained a 4th Dan.

Power: "So I can literally fight people with the power of love? Haha! Awesome!"

Emotion Dynamic - Kyou's ability allows her to convert her emotion and willpower into, well, actual physical strength and energy. Primarily, this is able to be utilized in two ways. The first of which, is using the converted energy to infuse her body, toughening her muscle, skin, and bones, allowing her to fight the monsters the haunt the night empty handed, taking full advantage of her regular physical training. The second function, and the much more distinct part of her ability, allows Kyou to release this energy in the form of a gas, which can be utilized in a number of ways. For example, by releasing a large amount and one time, Kyou is able increase the force behind a punch or kick drastically or shunt herself from place to place, in another case, she could opt to steadily release it from the palms of her feat, creating a small upwards thrust beneath her, and reducing the friction between her and the floor, essentially allowing her to slide around the battlefield as if it were covered in ice.

On a more trivial note, the gas released is colored based on the emotion it is made from. I.E, Yellow colored gas indicates Kyou is happy or excited (this is by far the most common form of gas), while blue would suggest she's saddened or worried.
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"The moon who watches above, shunned by the light yet embraced by the stars, what stories does it have to tell of the love it has watched blossom in the night breeze, carried by the sakura peacefully reflected by the pond so gracefully up into it's delicate radiance?…."

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"Koware yasui yuki"











25th February




Relationship Status:

-= Currently Single =-




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_o2ytqojB9U1s3ci0uo1_500.jpg.710f843bc7eeb6a86806f5053817bddf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121641" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_o2ytqojB9U1s3ci0uo1_500.jpg.710f843bc7eeb6a86806f5053817bddf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




45 kg

Hair Color:


Eye Color:

Crystal/Ocean Blue

Skin Color:

Pale/Slightly pink tinge

General Appearance:

A semi-Fancy/Loli ('Cute') style (Best described in the images above)



"Bow before the mighty power of the Ramen Queen!~"

Yuki is a playful and mischievous girl, with a rather childish nature, she doesn't have much attention towards rules and as such gets into trouble regularly, part of this is due to her chunnibyou on the outside she's loud, stubborn, egotistical, fun-loving and cheerful though embarrassed fairly easily despite her 'fearless' attitude and tends to take on more than she can handle however when it comes down to it she has an undeniable sense of justice and is far more likely to put herself at risk than watch others suffer.

Though there moments where you can see the small faults in this 'act', the delusion she's created to protect herself in a sense, they're hard to catch…. But they're there. And when it does happen you can see a more gentle, calm, shy and kind side of this overly boisterous girl.


'To see him again'

Yuki's is to see to see her childhood friend…. and the person she loved…. again, they had been involved in a tragic accident and Yuki was the one who came out of it fine he-…. didn't. However when received she sees him again, but only in the form of daydreaming, if she relaxes she suddenly finds herself falling asleep for bit, experiencing some memory. The more effective she is as a magical girl, the happier the memory. Start loosing battles, and she might actually start seeing his death over and over again. (If this is allowed?~ "^w^)

"I-If…. you had the ability to see someone again…. once…. for- a little bit…. for what could be barely considered a moment…. in exchange for something so very precise to you…. would you take it?…. knowing, it's wrong…. even if it hurt, even if- every time you saw it…. it made you cry…. would you still take it? for that small, glimmering light…. a chance…. one chance…. at the freedom brought from its sight?…."


-Chunniyou, otherwise known as 'Middle-School Syndrome'
Urban Dictionary: Chuunibyou (For more information)

-Spacing/Blanking Out (Tends to do so during moments when she's bored, tired, stressed or confused.)

-Eats hotdogs and with a fork.

-Has a fear of thunderstorms, the dark and grapefruit.


Yuki's childhood was mainly spent in the in the countryside in a small down where the closest train station was a half an hour walk, technology was an 'unneeded' expenses and so imagination was used strongly to pass the time, playing knights and dragons with her friends where she got to be the hero, she was pretty quiet kid and cried easily so a lot of the time the other kids would make her sit out some of the games so they didn't have to wait for her to catch up or stop crying after tripping.

She had plenty of friends but she was generally left alone to herself, she enjoyed watching the cherry blossoms fall softly to the ground and sketching in the peaceful spring breeze that blew softly through the hills, she loved the stories of Hero's and Villains, the ones where the good guys always one, and everything turned out happily, the ones where everyone got their happy ending so one day, when her hero appeared she promised that she'd do her best to become a hero…. like him.

After a tragic accident her and her sister moved into a city for a new start though Yuki had been effected so greatly to the point of creating a delusional world for herself where everything was fine, and she was the hero, destined to always save the day and nothing would ever hurt her again.



@ShadyAce )



Sister: Ayako, 24.

Mum: -

Dad: -

Relatives: -


Chitose (
@Nano )

Asana (
@ShadyAce )


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Weapon or Power:

Yuki uses a magic staff to cast spells of sorts. (Shown in image above)

Ice Blast- She can shoot up to five shards of popsicle sized ice that act somewhat like bullets, the more ice she uses at a time the longer it takes to 'recharge'.

Cold Melody- A healing spell that can heal minor damage but takes a certain amount of time to use depending on how severe the damage is and requires moderate levels of stamina to be used

Freeze- A multi-use spell, it can be used to create shield-like structures with moderate stability, the longer it's used the more stamina required.


It can also be used to create weapon-like armour for herself for use in physical combat, though this armour adds more power to her punches it does damage to her depending on the time it's used for as it starts to freeze the user, even causing temporary paralysis if used for long enough, so though it is the strongest spell, it is also somewhat of a exchange in terms of power and sacrifice.



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Kana Kojima



Kana Kojima










August Seventh



Relationship Status



Golden Green




Hair Color

Golden Blonde

Eye Color


Skin Color


General Appearance

Kana is a 'slightly' short girl with golden hair and eyes greener than a forest. Wearing green and black on a regular basis, the girl is very easy to fin in a crowd with how differently she looks than your average person in Japan. At one point, however, the girl had looked far differently. She had originally gone with an all-black theme, had hair dyed a dark purple, and showed very little of her face to anybody.

All About Kana

Kana's Wish
I would wish for nothing less than to be 'normal'; sadly, this is far from normal, thus I wish for the next best thing... I wish to die by my own actions, rather than be sent to what could be my death by the will of others...
Kana's Wish

Her very wish is the freedom to die; something that, ironically, has to be gained by defeating the very things she fights to die to. In order for her to die, she has to fail at her task of protecting against the many creatures, meaning that her wish of death of her own will cannot ever happen


Kana acts similarly to an Owl due to her fascination with nature as well as the fact she's often up at night and has sight similar to that of an owl. She also has a habit of dozing off in the oddest of places, which include rooftops, atop tree branches, sleeping while hanging from her legs from light poles; she will fall asleep anywhere so long as it is daytime.

Social Status

Kana is a calm and relaxed girl. She's not much of a speaker nor one to show much emotion, though she is friendly when interacting with somebody she likes. She has difficulty actually expressing emotion, thus is subject to the task of faking a showing of those emotions; the emotions she portrays though, are real for the most part. She has very little interest in most things, sticking very simply to animals and then people who are, like her, not very much for talking though are friendly and kind.

Drilled into Kana's head, however, is the rules she was forced under to become a killer. As a result, she often times is unable to distinguish between right and wrong, as well as often times is unable to do anything based off of emotion; rather instinctively going for the most logical actions for herself and her survival. She does manage to control herself and her natural instincts to kill anybody that appears threatening however, meaning that the only time somebody is at risk of her cold-hearted and ruthless instincts is if they clearly intend to harm her.


Open For Partners


None Yet

Kana's Past
Kana has always been alone in life. Her parents had left her in the hands of people who would not even spend a few minutes watching her, eventually causing her to be taken into care by others; many, many, MANY times. Eventually, she became somebody nobody even knew existed save for the cruel man who had been the last to take her in, a man who essentially treated her like a convenience that should do whatever he wished her do. This included being his 'doll' for experimentation on, such as performing surgery on the girl to attempt and fix her up with machinery and electronics within her body, as well as forcibly training her to become an emotionless killer.

Kana, since the age of eight, has had blood on her hands. Kana's first time killing a person was ironically on August seventh, her assigned 'birthday' by the man, and from there she was made to do even more killing. She became a tool of crime by the man, being used as the foundation for creating a crime syndicate. The girl was pit against others in bloody combat, forced into an illegally-made world of kill or be killed, having zero will of her own all the way to the age of thirteen. One day, this took her all the way to Japan, where she was originally born, to assassinate a man who had started learning far more than he should. Kana found an opportunity though, to break contact with her master and the crime syndicate, faking death then attempting become a normal girl.

Combat Capabilities



In Kana's arsenal resides a handful of knives, from ranged to military-style close-combat blades. Kana also possesses a sniper rifle, one with great accuracy and little sound, if any. These have all been abandoned by her, however, left locked away aside from three knives for self-defense, alongside an indefinitely large amount of thin wire hidden all around her body and clothing. These weapons are light and easily accessible, although take all her timing to properly use due to the difficulty it is to make use of wires as on the spot weapons.



She also possesses three spheres that act as sensors that she can deploy to survey an area, them sending a signal back to her mind if their detect any movement from people. This is something she has due to the man who performed experimentation on her. The spheres are difficult to even shoot due to their ability to move in response to movement or Kana's own mental control over them, something she can perform very well thanks to her heightened perception and focus.

Kana has extremely heightened senses and physical capabilities, being extremely precise, able to see as well as if not better than an owl should she activate her sight capabilities (indicated by her eyes turning red), capable of hearing far greater than a normal person, and her ability to react and the movements she can perform are far greater than the average person's. For instance, she is capable of performing such complex movements as to entangle a person with easy in wires she secretly places all over, her perception so great she can predict most people's movements with great enough focus. All of these abilities work hand-in-hand for combat and tracking, in addition to her training in the handling of weapons and in hand-to-hand combat.


Due to her heightened senses, she is constantly suffering after-use pain from the sounds she hears in extreme detail, headaches from how much light her eyes take in during the day when using her improved sight, often having nosebleeds due to her nose being far more active when used to smell precise things; she also has to deal with the fact her body itself sometimes runs out of energy too fast when utilizing her movement capabilities and reaction speeds, causing it to be unable to keep up with itself resulting in minor external and internal bleeding which can become a major issue if she forces herself. Her extreme perception takes up all her focus, meaning if she is using her perceptive abilities to fight somebody of great skill, she is very open to anything around her that she has not previously recognized as there or that does not result of her and her opponent's own actions.​
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mg1iamLvkX1qe0fcyo2_500.jpg.cad0ca68766e3abb55ab95f9d392ce1f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mg1iamLvkX1qe0fcyo2_500.jpg.cad0ca68766e3abb55ab95f9d392ce1f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Honoko Kawasumi










July 6th



Relationship Status:




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/147fdc074b8ff5752736c3326e7cadde.jpg.2bab2e17c03a6fa463bce015b5ff12c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121900" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/147fdc074b8ff5752736c3326e7cadde.jpg.2bab2e17c03a6fa463bce015b5ff12c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





Hair Color:


Eye Color:


Skin Color:


General Appearance:

She always wears her hair in two shrot pigtails and she usually likes to wear shorts with a cute top.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/fe181cbd4ea97b1f064a2582d5ba0f07.jpg.4ae24f83eeb7b05c922c7121c9d3d860.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121802" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/fe181cbd4ea97b1f064a2582d5ba0f07.jpg.4ae24f83eeb7b05c922c7121c9d3d860.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


A brave and lively girl with an unlimited energy. Like any other explorer or traveler she adores getting to recall her past experiences and showing people what she's gone through. She is extremely active and isn't one to keep quiet or enjoy sitting around waiting. However, because of this, she can be a bit too much for some people, and cause problems for them without realizing it until its too late. Honoko is smart and knows a lot about technology and fixing up things. But deep down she is a lonely girl and has since lost her passion for it. She admits that she only kept going because she liked to be admired, and she worried that if she didn't nobody would like the real her. She worries she doesn't fit in with others. Honoko specializes in electronics, computer programming and mechanism engineering. She also seems to be a natural when it comes to anything sporty.


She wanted her parents to accept her and wanted something exciting to inspire her again. Her inspiration was back and with full force and her parents are starting to give her more attention. But the problem is if she losing a fight her parents begin to forget who she is.


Due to her friendly and loud nature, she cannot keep a secret.


Honoko comes from a very rich family. Her father runs a huge talent agency company with it's home base being in Japan. Her mother is a famous fashion designer and her sister is model and is the face of both her father's and mother's companies. Because they run these businesses they have to travel a lot. So Honoko and her sister her older sister Yumi were home schooled all their life. Yumi was considered to be the perfect child she was beautiful, talented and smart. While Honoko was just the girl that was always looking at her computer screen. She probably could of been like her sister and develop a talent her parents would appreciate but she wasn't into all that stuff. Honko is into computers and blogging and she happens to be very good at it. She blogs about the places she has been to along with other things. Even though Honoko wa good with these kind of things it wasn't good enough to impress her parents. Yumi was the favorite child and it was very easy to tell. Her mother would always talk down to Honoko making her feel she wasn't good enough, her father hardly ever speaks to her and as for Yumi she basically likes to bully her. Right now Honoko is living with her grandmother. Her parents saw it has pointless to bring her with them. After this she sort of lost her passion for her love of computers and blogging. She still does her blogs but she hadn't found anything inspiring yet. That was until she heard a voice. "Would you like to make a wish?"





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/d51b1be1858f06628d5a2d660356636a.jpg.0d45c2acfe2f6a32920a565476cd7a38.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121805" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/d51b1be1858f06628d5a2d660356636a.jpg.0d45c2acfe2f6a32920a565476cd7a38.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon or Power:

Honoko can shift gravity in any speed or direction to float and fall accordingly. Other basic abilities include flying, lifting and throwing objects, and being able to walk on any vertical surface. She performs physical attacks which she uses in conjunction with her gravity.

Also now she has a cat named Dusty who she must have with her to do her powers. She can also have the cat shape shift into weapons. Problem is if the dusty is hurt or is sick it can limit Honoko's powers



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Name: Saizo Kojima

Age: 18

Year: 3

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

D.O.B: August 27

Ethnicity: Japanese-Irish

Relationship Status: Single.

Color: N/A: No powers.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images-40.jpg.4bf35bdcb01b16b05a30f4990e9b399f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images-40.jpg.4bf35bdcb01b16b05a30f4990e9b399f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'11

Weight: 173 lbs.

Hair Color: Jet-Black

Eye Color: Brown

Skin Color: Pale White

General Appearance: Long, messy black hair, close to bedhead, with tired but kind brown eyes, black rimmed glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose. Prefers to wear a basic tee with a pair of jeans; as of now it's a dark blue tee with pink strikes and light blue jeans along with some white sneakers. Not very muscular, but has a lithe build.


Personality: Kind, intuitive, and daydreamish. He is polite to everyone he meets and acts rather casual with them. He is genuine with the friends he makes, and cares for their well being. He is hardly ever serious, and it takes a lot to make him angry.

Wish: To grow up successful, meet a nice girl, have a big family, and become a world renown artist/writer.


Pushes his glasses up onto his nose when things get awkward.

When nervous, cracks his knuckles.

Backstory: Saizo grew up with only his father to take care of him; his mother had died during childbirth and he never knew her. His father was a kind, nurturing man, but his work kept him extremely busy; he had little time to spend with Saizo, since there was always another project to work on. His father worked as a developer for a video game company, and per their request, went around the world to help develop games, either leaving Saizo with a family friend or alone. Saizo didn't really mind; he loved to write and draw all kinds of things, and he never quite felt comfortable doing it when his father was around. He grew up as a quiet child, not having many friends, and was considered the loner type. It wasn't really his choice; no one really found a friend in him despite his efforts. He found solace in his writing and drawing; they were an outlet of sorts, and he became an excellent artist and author because of it. As of right now, his father has left for an extended trip to America, and Saizo has the house all to himself to do as he pleases.

Partner(s): None



Kaze Kojima-Father-45

Selena Kojima-Mother-Deceased


Weapon or Power: Has no powers, but he and his father took three years of fencing together. He still keeps up with it, but who the heck carries around a Saber wherever you go?

(Note: I wasn't quite sure if you allowed Male characters, but I created one just to see. He doesn't have powers, so he won't be doing much in terms of fighting.)



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Hisako Suzuka




Second Year


Cisgender Female; She/Her


Pansexual Demiromantic


24th August




Single Pringle



no slide​
no slide




| Intelligent | Apathetic | Experimental | Blunt | Tough | Sarcastic | Humorous | Lazy |

Hisako's personality is comparable to that of fire to a young child. Your parents told you not to go near it, but it's beautiful flame just attracts you, and you feel so compelled to find out what lies beyond it, and when you touch it, you get burnt. When people approach Hisako, their feelings are often hurt, and very badly at that. She doesn't care if you think she's rude, she'll say it as she sees it, and won't even bother sugar-coating just to stroke your poor, injured feelings. This makes Hisako a magnet for gossip and rumors, and even though she acts like she's indifferent to it, all her sarcasm and wittiness is merely a facade for her underlying anger and emotional pain. There are a few, who've had the perseverance to talk to her more, break through that hard shell of hers, and a few have succeeded, and when you unlock that secret side to Hisako, you'll feel blessed.

Around those she's comfortable with, Hisako is someone you'd love to have around. Contrary to her exterior persona, this Hisako is funny and sociable, able to make you laugh with all her stupid jokes and mischievous antics. But in both her personas, two traits stay. Her undeniable laziness and apathy. On the part of laziness, it really isn't the case of her not wanting to do anything. She just picks where she spends her energy very wisely, and won't waste it on things she deems unnecessary and trivial. And for her apathy... Well, there really is no good explanation for it. She is who she is, and that will stay, no matter how hard you try to change her, she'll wake up the next day as the same exact person, whether you like it or not.


Hisako has a wish to never feel sadness ever in her life. She longs for the time when she can just listen to those rumors that people make about her being a witch, acting cool and everything in between and just not care at all, instead of going home and screaming into her pillow. Whenever her wish is granted, Hisako really doesn't feel any sadness at all, adding to both her already present apathy but yet also making her a much more jovial person... Well, as jovial as Hisako Suzuka ever gets that is.


-Hisako has a weird liking for all mechanical weaponry, such as guns and explosives, it's not something she can accurately describe her fascination for though.

-Hisako has a secret love for desserts of all kinds, be it cake, pudding or ice-cream, she loves it all.

-Hisako likes to treat her friends to food, beverages and all sorts of other things, due to her wealthy background... But only for those she knows won't use her for her money.

Born and raised by two loving and wealthy parents, Hisako's always had it all. Looks, money and intelligence, but those three things made her an arrogant child, it made her cold and apathetic, always shying away from strangers with the mind set of 'I'm better than them.' She'd always topped the class as a child, and even sometimes nowadays, but even that wasn't enough to stop the barrage of insults and gossips that would fly around about Hisako on a day to day basis. There were some saying she was a robot, others saying she cheated on her test, and many, many more, Hisako would love to shove it in their faces that they were jealous, that they were wrong, but she kept her composure, and just let out her frustrations on a tattered and torn pillow in her room after school. There'd been close to no one who's been able to actually see the true, nicer, funnier and more sociable Hisako, and the ones that have are already slowly drifting away after high school happened.

So for now, Hisako is rather lonely, with only a few friends and acquaintances to speak of, and who knows how many enemies. But Hisako's learnt to deal with it, and with her wish being granted, it's been much easier.


Hisako carries around a sniper rifle, and two twin handguns, alternating between them for battle purposes. She typically does not use any hand-to-hand combat or melee attacks, and the most she can do up close is with a knife.


Explosion Manipulation - The ability to create, shape, nullify and generate explosions is something Hisako is grateful she has. She has create explosions out of the blue, be it to trap others or to send them backwards a few miles. Hisako uses this for better far and medium range combat, and paired with her guns, she becomes a very dangerous magical girl.

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Akagi Yuusei


"Give me a smile, alright? At least, for me."


Name: Akagi Yuusei

Age: 17

Year: 3

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

D.O.B: 15/02

Ethnicity: Japanese

Relationship Status: Single, uninterested. As she says, "Education first, love later."

Color: Teal


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 135 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Purple

Skin Color: Fair

General Appearance: She seems to be quite attached to the school's sailor uniform, though it may be because she's almost always in school, even on Sundays, due to her duties as the school council secretary. Her uniform is self-customized, in and of itself, bearing a red tie, and her thigh-highs being magenta ones that the school does not issue. She also wears a black, silk choker on her neck. None of the teachers have any thing much to comment on her attire, since she does her job pretty well and, besides her clothes, is one of the more well-behaved students in school. She pins the student council armband on her left sleeve. She switches out her short-sleeved serafuku to the long-sleeved version, and switches to leggings (also magenta) instead of thigh highs. It seems like the cold doesn't bother her (anyway). Her transformed state is basically just the same appearance, just with extra belts and braces to hold pouches.


Personality: If her attire wasn't indication enough, Akagi is an exceedingly simplistic lass, yet holds some surprising depth for someone who outright admits she's predictable to a fault. She says what she wants to say, and does what she wants to do, and claims, very truthfully, that hiding behind a facade only causes miscommunication, and 'that's not very good'. For the most part, she is a people-pleaser, and tries to keep morale of whatever group she is in, be it class, the council, or even amongst the other girls, up. She doesn't mind menial labour or helping people out, and shows that it is all out of sheer altruism by completely unaware of any lack of thanks sent her way. Rumors fly about that this is an act. It isn't.

For the most part, she isn't anything special. Other than somewhat skilled with a katana (and this was just through watching one too many samurai flicks and anime), she isn't the top scorer for her class (she's actually 3rd, and the 7th best for the whole cohort), and she isn't exactly the top athlete in her class (though if one were to compare, she's around the 5th fastest runner). She's just some girl in the student council who likes watching samurai flicks and swinging around a fake sword at home.

Wish: "You had to ask? Oh, right, it's just formality, huh? Alright then, let me make this formal too. Ahem. I, Akagi Yuusei, wish that I could make all the people I love happy. ...is that good enough? You really ought to let people practice for this. So what's the catch?"

A solid, simple wish borne out of nothing but outright altruism on her part. The 'catch', as she predicted, is that her body will move accordingly to what her loved ones want of her to make them happy. Saving that pudding for tomorrow, but her brother wants it? Even if she protests, she will find herself unable to move from her spot to stop him. Stacked on top with that, if her close comrades are on the verge of losing and experiencing extreme distress, she, herself, comes under fire from a bombardment of neural disruptions, severely reducing her capability in battle. Due to her being more of a team player than a lone wolf, this tends to bite her when it comes to a desperate battle. As such, she often tries to end every confrontation as swift as possible, and with overwhelming victory, just to avoid the worst possible outcome.


-Is ALWAYS (NO EXCEPTIONS) in her school uniform, tie and all, and ALWAYS has an excuse to back it up

-Is ALWAYS smiling, though the intensity varies. It makes her even more frightening when she's threatening someone. On very rare occasions, however, her smile drops, and the kid gloves are off.

-Tends to fold her arms over her chest and snap her fingers when deep in thought.

Backstory: Well, she was born, that's one thing, to a family of four, her older brother being 11 years ahead of her. As a girl, and the second child, she was pretty much the precious gem of the family. The one you put on display in your cupboard but promptly forget to care for it after a while until someone visits and says "Man, that's a really pretty gem." and you go "Why thank you, I polish it every day." and once they're gone, you secretly take it out and polish it and try to make a mental note you won't forget next time, but you do anyway. That was what Akagi was to the family: somewhat neglected, but still preciously cared for.

There really isn't much to describe about her personal life when she was growing up. She did well, but she didn't do perfect. That about sums it up. A well-behaved student, but unruly enough at times to not be considered a model student, organised enough to be considered neat, but not nearly enough to be fastidious. One thing that was clear, however, was how much she enjoyed putting smiles on people's faces. With that alone, she was almost always considered for anything that regarded the student body.

Her meeting with Kimiu wasn't even all that fascinating. She just happened to be walking home from school after helping the other council members clean up the council-room, and metaphorically bumped into the thing. She tried, to no avail, to feed it a can of sardines from her bag, and after having pestered it ("you don't see a talking cat-like creature all the time, y'know") for so long, just to get her off its tail, Kimiu asked her for her wish, hoping to distract her long enough to ditch. It was just too bad that she made up her mind pretty quickly. That's pretty much what happened.

Partner(s): N/A



Weapon: A strangely simple katana. Just like her, it is unimpressive in every way. Its home is an unadorned black scabbard bound by a red cord whose shade is similar to the wrapping around the sword's hilt. She also wears a teal-coloured gauntlet on her left hand, which she uses as a primary medium for her power. It also lets her punch people really hard, as well as let it act as a desperate replacement for a shield. A small knife is sheathed on her left leg, but it really is only just for emergency.

Power: The science boys call it ergokinesis. The layman boys call it "energy control". No matter which side you belong to, Akagi's power is to wield energy around her as she would a multi-formed weapon. It not only allows her to bend nondescript energy around her, it also lets her solidify them into tangible particles, allowing her to turn them into constructs and even physical weapons. Unlike most of her magical sisters, her power has more arcane roots, one of which is the requirement to draw geometric symbols to effectively 'cast' her 'spells'. Her projectiles, barriers, and such else take on a teal hue that her gauntlet has.

Energy Wall: The simplest of Akagi's arsenal. She holds her hand outwards in the direction that she wishes to block attacks from, and draws it across in a horizontal motion, creating a nigh-impenetrable wall of solidified energy. While exceedingly tough, the wall is still breakable, though, but only through sheer power. The wall's composition depends on its surroundings.


Energy Blast:

Should she draw a circle upon the wall, and proceed to strike it with her palm, the wall will explode and blast a variation of energy forwards in a cone, either severely wounding any fool that had the gumption to stand in front of a wall of energy, or disabling them for a period of time.

?Energy Rifle: Another simple application of Akagi's power. She draws a circle in the air, and pierces through it with her index and middle finger in a direction. A beam of hard energy will fire forwards with lethal penetration power. Unlike normal bullets, from a sniper rifle or otherwise, these projectiles do not drop from gravity, and travel at the speed of light- much faster than your regular bullet.

Energy Slash: A wide-area slash that travels forwards. Used as a medium to close-ranged attack. Akagi draws a circle with her two fingers, then slashes through with her sword. This sends forwards a slash of energy in the same motion that she had slashed the circle with, i.e. should she slash horizontally, the projectile will be in a horizontal formation.
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