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Realistic or Modern My summer on the farm [Ic]


The Reed farm.

On the the outkirts of a little town, flintwood Georgia is the 40 acre farm.This farm was started in 1865 by Rodger Reed and passed down to every generation since. The farm has grown and thrived. Now housing giant fields of corn/cotton (depending on the season), some slaughter steer, milking cows, other animals of the sort and or course horses to which they own and most of wich they house. William Reed is now the owner. His wife of 28 years up and decided one day that she had enough of the small town life. Leaving him and her 3 children behind. For 10 years William Reed has worked as hard as he can to raise his kids and keep his farm up and running. After falling on hard times a blessing in disguise fell into his lap. After fixing up 4 cabins on his land, William decided to open his home. This is the 3rd summer he has welcomed delinquents into his home as a chance to prove themself. 8 Teenagers (4boys 4girls) ages 17-19 ( are givin the option to serve their commuity service on the farm. Some even get to choose coming here over jail time. While they are living on the farm they are expected to work. They get a chance to have fun and explore, but work is always first priority. The summer always ends with everyone learning a little more bout them self. Eveyone leaves with a new look on life, new experiences, new friends, new loves with a great experience ehind them.

My summer on the farm [cs]
My summer on the farmMy [rules]
My summer on the farm
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Do not post untill I give the okay!

{William Reed}SamElliott2013Lead.jpg {/slide}
house}farmhouse-exterior.jpg equestrian-center.jpg {/slide}
{ cabins }o.jpg cbv_c2br4inter_2roombath4dbl.jpg

Cabin assignments
1. Danielle + naya + nari (someone will have to sleep on a cot)
2. Victoria + Naomi

3. Jason + Laurie

4. Quinn + (to be determined)

Dani and colt will be in tents outside the cabins.

When luna and tyson stay they can choose to sleep in the tents or inside.

1. Quinn MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx
2. Jason PenguinFox PenguinFox
4.(to be determined)

1. Victoria taliaangeni taliaangeni
2. Naomi hwayi hwayi
3. Naya SpicyCakuu SpicyCakuu
4. Nari ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
5. Danielle FireMaiden FireMaiden

Guy friend: tyson Boondox Boondox
Female friend: luna Luna_Marie Luna_Marie

Reed twins:
Colton (colt) lette lette
Danielle (dani) lette lette
lette lette
lette lette [/user]
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(7:00 A.M) As everyone arrives (via parent or guardian) after passing a few acres of corn fields, they are greeted with a long dirt driveway lined with fences. As you ride a long you start to see many animals, Cows, horses, steers and bulls. A small white house is waiting at the clearing in the end. Chickens can be heard in the distance along with many other sounds. In the distance you see the cabins (about a mile out) a red horse stable with riding arenas round pens and such around it. In front of the stairs is a sign it reads please take a seat on the porch, we will be right with you. You can smell freshly cooked bacon amongst the other unpleasant smells of the farm. All you can do now is sit and watch the others arrive and wait.

(Please let everyone post an intro, everyone is new take this time to observe. After everyone has posted once we can continue as normal :) i will probably post last to draw up anticipation of waiting to see the people you are staying with!)

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The ride there was complete silence aside form the occasional sound from her brother's game. She didn't want to talk to either one of her parents, so she kept listening to the same few songs on repeat the entire time. She just didn't understand why the hell she was here, just...shs couldn't take it anymore. As they grew nearer and nearer to the farm, she took out her ear buds.

"Why?" She asked. Her voice was cold, sharp, a bitter bite. "Why am I here?" Her mother glanced back at her.

"You know why. This is better than Juvie and you know it."

"Shoving horse shit isn't better than juvie! It a defiant downgrade."

"Language young lady," Her father warned, shooting her a glare from the rearview mirror. She scoffed, and crossed her arms plopping back in her seat.

"Look at it his way honey," Her mother said, looking out the window, "It's a therapy camp. You'll be able to take out some of your frustration and anger and put it into a contrustive outlet. It's the best of a bad situation," She said, looking back at her daughter. "We're only taking you here for your own good."

"Yeah right," Danielle muttered under her breath, "Juivie would have done the same thing." Their answers weren't what she wanted to hear, but knew they meant it. She sighed as the white house started coming into view, Danielle put her ear buds back in, blasting some Lana Del Ray. The black sedan came to a stop, her whole family getting out. Popping the trunk, Danielle swing her black backpack over her shoulder, while her father got her burgundy rolling bag out and pulled up the handle. She took hold, quickly taking notice of her family's attire.

They looked like they belonged there, jeans and t-shirts all around. She was dressed in cropped black tank top, black skinny jeans, and boots. She was wearing dark makeup, which she didn't actually being with her figuring it's a farm. Nobody cute was gonna see her. Her little brother hugged her, her mother have her a kiss on the forehead, and her father also hugged her before they left, needing to catch a flight back home within the next two hours.

Danielle looked around, before heading up to the porch, and taking a seat on the stairs, up against the edge with her bags on the other so nobody could sit right beside her as she closed her eyes, the song changing to one that felt more appropriate with its first line.

♩"Hello Hello I'm not where I'm supposed to be"♩
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5D3FDA4E-A459-4E13-9910-13A2E339C48D.jpeg The sound of hooves gently beat against the ground as Luna traveled down the worn out path. She had woken up early and done her morning chores so that she could get to the Reeds on time. Luna spent a decent amount of time going to the ranch down the road, she helped out mostly in the summers with chores and rehabilitating the new kids each year. Her and the Reed kids would basically just show the delinquents the ropes and keep them on track. It was a good way to spend her summer and occasionally make new friends. It was the quiet ride down the road which was her favorite though. It gave her the time of day to exercise her horse, and let her just be alone. Turning into the drive and leading up, Luna saw people already on the porch. She gave them a warm smile and waved, turning suddenly and guiding her horse into a nearby paddock and hoping off. She made sure the gate was locked before walking up to the porch.
“Mornin to ya.”
As soon as she had arrived though, the family was already leaving, all except one girl. She didn’t seem to want any human interaction so Luna shrugged.
The young woman plopped down into a nearby rocking chair at the end of the porch and waited silently. Everyone should be here soon, and they would need to give the grand tour eventually.
Nari was driven down the dirt path in the backseat of the locals sheriffs car, having no family willing to take her to the farm. Her head was bowed looking gloomily at the middle part of the front seat. She was not paying no attention to the farm around her whcih seemed brighter and more colourful due to the clear blue sky and shining sun. She was here as punishment but it was anything but, this was a place she would have enjoyed and it was a dream to rid her horrid home behind. However it was tainted, she was branded a criminal while her abusive father played the victim.She felt bad her mother wasnt with her free from her father, despite her mother betrayed her to the police. And what was she going to do once her sentence was done? Return home.

She sighed as she watched the farm come into view, with some of her new bunkmates already there as well as some of the locals. The police car stopped at a free spot and the sherriff stepped out of the car and opened the door for her. He was polite to her if a little cold since her arrival into town. He helped her out the car and led her to towards the main house. "Anyone going to sign for her?" He called out.
The trip to the farm was long and tedious. Thankfully Jason's lawyer Samson was such a nice guy he volunteered to take him, at the lawyers expense to. He must have seen that Jason wasn't a bad person and just needed some help. The two even bonded a little on their journey. Jason wouldn't really consider the 40 something man a friend but he was thankful for his work and attitude. Jason looked over at his current chaperone. His dark hair was slicked back and even though there was no reason to be he looked nervous. Jason let out a small chuckle. "What's so funny Marshall?" Jason rolled his eyes at being called by his last name but responded kindly "It's a good thing you're a lawyer, because you don't look like anything else. You my friend, are the poster boy for law school." Jason laughed at his own jokes, Samson merely smiled faintly.

Soon the dirt driveway and farmhouse at the end of it came into view. Jason had already started listening to music silently by then and as the turned onto the driveway the song Dreaming by Smallpools came in. /We've got no place to go, caught up in the rodeo, oh no please god tell me we're dreaming/ "Hmph, how fitting." he muttered under his breath realizing the irony in those lyrics playing now of all times. The car pulled up to where a few had already gathered and Jason saw some people milling about. "Fellow prisoners?" he asked giving Samson a nudge and pointing at the people. Samson shrugged. "Probably some of them." The two got out of the car, which was a little too expensive to fit in on a farm, and went to the trunk. Jason pulled out his large green rucksack which had everything he needed and Samson closed the trunk. "Alright Jason, this is where we part ways." he put a hand on the teen's shoulder. "You're a good kid Jason. You got a bright future ahead of you. Prove that to everyone." Jason half smiled and firmly shook the lawyer's hand. "Thanks for everything Samson." The man smiled and got in his car before rolling down his windows to say one last thing to Jason. "Remember your tricks. I'll be back to bring you home at the end of the summer." After one final wave the car pulled away.

A sigh escaped Jason's mouth as he looked down to the dirt road beneath his converse. He mentally prepped himself and his signature facade, almost as if putting on an actual mask. His hand moved to the back pocket of his jeans to make sure his harmonica was still there. Since it's acquisition he never went anywhere without it. He grinned cockily and made his way to the porch where the others were. "Locking us out on the first day? Great impression. Hope that food smell is for us." he almost called out, mostly to no one in particular. He wasn't expecting a response from anyone at all. He just wanted to show the people there that he could be loud. Maybe he'd be left alone then. Rather than take a seat somewhere he dropped his backpack heavily onto the porch with a loud thud and then leaned against the wall of the house near the door. He stooped down and pulled a yo-yo from one of the side pockets. He began absentmindedly yo-yoing while waiting for something to happen. {Sorry this is so obnoxiously long, I promise my posts won't all be like this, unless everyone wants me to.}
Tyson Thomas Black

The loud rumble of an old 87 dodge was heard in the distance, the large 35" mud tires screaming down the long country road. Tyson had just finished his rodeo season and was more then excited to be home, luckily just in time to give the Reeds a hand with their "Troubled kids" program. As the truck continued its journey down the road, pulling along a simple two horse trailer. Santos pawed at the floor viciously, growing tired of the long drive. Santos was usually a well mannered horse and trailered well, however on long drives he tends to grow annoyed ans frustrated, causing the outburst of attitude. The stallion pinned his creamy off white ears against his head as he let out a frustrated snort.

Upon descending down the large hill the truck had just climbed, The Reeds farm driveway and sign came into view. Mid as well stop in now instead of taking the truck home. Signaling to turn into the driveway he glanced back at Santos' trailer as they maneuvered through the dirt road. Santos was a large stallion, standing at 16.2hh the quarter horse cross. Lifting his head to peer out the window he perked his ears immediately as he recognized the road and the smells around him. Once pulling up to the house he noticed Luna's horse in the paddock not to far from the house.

Halting the truck by the barn, Tyson cut the engine short as it gurgled into silence. Placing the keys in his pocket he then stepped out of the truck. Black steel toed boots with light wash jeans, stained with dirt and had a few holes in the knees. A plain black t-shirt to cover his torso and a black cowboy hat atop his head. Slamming the old truck door shut he moved to his horse trailer, Santos neighing and kicking like a bronco, you would of thought he was going to tear Tyson apart once he was released. Standing at the back of the trailer he then unlocked the heavy doors and swung it open. Unlatching the barrier that kept santos in place he then gave the stallions rump a heavy pat "C'mon buddy, out ya get" The cremello stallion wasted no time, backing himself out of the trailer and stepping down off it onto the dirt he snorted an shook out his mane, wearing a black halter he turned to Tyson an began following at his heels, no rope needed. Tyson gave the horse a pat on the neck as he strolled toward the porch "Hey Reed family I'm home!" Tyson's thick, deep husky toned voice rang out over the property. Santos quickly dropping his head to eat the grass but staying close to Tysons side.

Lawrence or as most called him, Laurie, turned to look at his Sister, Stephanie, talk on her phone while their mother rode the car she had rented to the farm. He honestly had no idea why his sister had decided to come at all, it wasn't her who was being forced to go the program. It had pissed him off that he was caught, after so many times escaping but no, this time someone had to catch him before he could escape and hold him there until the authorities had arrived and here he was now, being driven to said place. "Can you please just shut up Steph, I'm not in the mood to hear you talk on your stupid phone." He growled out before turning to look out the window of the passenger seat, seeing many farms as they before the car turned to a left and parked in front of one of the farms. Sighing he got off the car and got his duffle bag from the trunk, before walking away toward the porch, ignoring the goodbyes being said by his mother and sister before the drove off. He ignored the others who had arrived, deciding to stand next to the porch while looking at the clouds passing by.
Dani had just got done brushing out Talladega the foal of her mare Bama. She walked him back to his stall where Bama was waiting patiently. Her whinny was filled with delight as he was put in and Dani kissed them both on the head. She heard the sounds of cars approacing and watched as everyone got out. They looked like the normal bunch they always had. She had been done with her morning work awhile ago. For the past hour she had been riding some of the boarding horses to get them exercised. She seen luna and Tyson show up and figured she should probably head to the house. She honestly wasn't ready to go introduce herslef yet "ill wait till dad comes out to go up" she wispered talking to herself. Her boots clacked on the small slab of concrete leading to the tackle room. She might as well straighten things up and get everything ready for the newbees. She updated the stall boards to where each horses went when they went out to pasture. She put names on all the stalls and re-did the feeding chart. When she was finally done she climbed up on the top of yhe fence and sat. She enjoyed the last bit of peace she would probably have for the next 2 months.

Colt put his gloves in his back pocket. He spent his morning repairing the fence on the very back of the farm. About a month ago a strong storm knocked a tree down over the fence ,rendering the entire field unusable for awhile. He pulled his can of skull wintergreen out the back of his fadded jeans placing a dime sized pinch his his lip. He pulled his phone out to check the time. "Shit" he put all his tools in his saddle bag before calling over Chevy. The young quarter horse trotted over at the whitle like a dog. Nuzzling his nose in colts shoulder before allowing him to saddle him. Left foot up he climbed up the horses 14 hands. With a swift click of his toung the horse headed out. He decided to take his time, even at a gallop it would take him 45 minutes to get to the house.

(Sorry it's not much. I will have mr reed speak soon)
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Mr Reed watched out the window as everyone pulled up. He heard all the comments and remarks he heard one kid yelling about locking them out on the first day. He knew mr Riley the sheriff would wait on him.He just laughed and continued finishing up breakfast. When Tyson and luna pulled up he figured it was time to go introduce himslef. He counted the number on teens on the porch. Some were still missing, they could join when they arrived. He set the breakfast out on the long dining room table. He had bacon, sausage, eggs,grits, milk and orange juice all laid out with a plate infront of each chair. He made his way to rhw front door taking a step out. His large black boots thuded against the wood. "Howdy" his large voice boomed with a thick southern draw as he tipped his hat. He looked at everyone taking them in. "I'm Mr Reed, im the owner of this farm. The twins Colt and Dani will be here shortly to show you to your cabins and give you the tour". He glanced over at luna and tyson "hello kids good to see y'all" he smiled. "While we all wait, i have breakfast made in the dining room if anyone would like some" "you can leav your things here in the pourch." He opened the screen door ushering everyone inside "ladies first".

(Open posting now, for those without intros you can come in late!)​
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“Oh they ain’t lockin us out, just be patient.”
Luna watched each teen file around and gave Tyson a grin. She stood from the chair and crossed the porch. The girl rested her hand on Tyson’s arm gently.
“Nice to see all y’all. G’mornin Ty. How you been love?”
When the door opened, she turned to look at Mr. Reed with a joyful smile.
“Heya there Mr. Reed.”
She looked back at the kids and noticed not everyone was there, and assumed they were just late.
“Well I ate this mornin with Daddy, so I’ll just come in and socialize.”
Luna stuck her tongue out at Tyson and slipped past Mr. Reed into the house. She leaned against the counter and breathed in the scent of the house mixed with fresh food.

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After getting off the airplane a driver was holding a sign with Victoria Wolfe scrawled in thick black marker. "I hope your flight was well, Miss Wolfe." She murmured that it was but kept quiet after. Out front there was a limousine waiting for Victoria. All her bags had been collected for her. Inside the huge space she relaxed against the black leather and let out a breath she'd been holding, sending the loose hair from her immaculate bun flying about her face.

Pursing her lips while looking out the window as the landscape flew past, she knew she was walking into hell and it made her shiver despite the hellish weather outside. After a time they pulled into a driveway. Victoria gripped the leather seat until a crackling sounded. They pulled up to a house as a group of people were going inside. She smoothed the champagne pink skirt that reached her knees out while waiting for the driver to walk around and open her door.

As Victoria stepped out she realised there was dirt everywhere. Her Versace leather pumps would have to be changed immediately. When the door opened it felt like an oven's door had opened as the heat hit her full on. That wasn't the only thing she noticed as she breathed deeply. "Oh no," she held the back of her hand to her nose as she exited the limo. "What fresh hell is this?" This smell was going to sink into her skin. When she went back home she'd smell like cow shit. Burning the clothes she'd brought and a deep body scrub would be the only recourse.

The driver, whose name she never learned, put her four leather Valentino suitcases in the dirt right at the steps that led to the door. Her chin went up a notch as she caught the man's ending words and followed the group inside.
Nari stood there waiting to be claimed like luggage on a conveyor belt, not the first time she was made to feel like an object. She lifted her head up, risking to look at the other people about. She was surprised for a lot of petty criminals they were a handsome bunch of men and women, even the locals were easy on the eyes. A few in particular caught her eyes but didn't think much about them, she doubted anyone would went anything to do with her. She wasn't much of a looker, just look at her clothing: torn up jeans barely still blue and and old while t-shirt, the band logo practically faded and at least two sizes to big. If nothing else though she was still more appropriately dressed than the new arrival, a seemingly spoiled brat looking miserable. Instantly Nari felt s want to see the girl fall into mud or cow leaving though part of it is envy. Her concentration was brought back ahead of her as the sheriff guided her up to the house. The smell of the breakfast wafting up her nose making her mouth water, she could not remember when if ever she had eaten a breakfast like that.
Tyson Thomas Black

Noticing the similar group of kids that they usually get, Tyson gave a small nod to them before he felt a gentle hand on his arm. Turning his gaze he met the familiar face of Luna. At her words he chuckled an pointed to his belt buckle "Well Santos and I are classified as reigning champions!" The rodeo season had treated Tyson well. As Mr. Reed came into view in the porch, Tyson tipped his hat to the farm owner before watching Luna bounce up thw steps toward the house, however she never failed to shoot him a look with her tongue sticking out.

Tyson tipped his hat again "I will be inside in a few moments, I am going to tie Santos to the trailer and groom him.. We have been on the road for awhile" with that Tyson looked over his shoulder to the stallion grazing on the grass just a few paces behind his boot. With a sly grin, Tyson spun on his heel quickly an clapped his hands, Santos threw his head and jumped into a smooth, large strided trot as Tyson took off jogging toward the trailer. Santos was quick to snort and kick up his hooves into a canter.

Reaching the truck, Tyson reached behind the seat of the truck, pulling out the thick black fabric braided lead rope an clipped it to Santos' halter before tieing him to the side of the trailer. Dropping the tailgate of his truck he pulled out Santos' grooming box and began brushing the cremello coated horse. Looking over his shoulder he noticed Dani sitting on the fence, raising his hand to wave with a soft brush locked in his fingers he then turned back to his horse.​
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Austin was sitting in the back of the family car. Sitting across from his mother. He was looking out the window with his head buds in. His mother was in the car. He wasn't going to talk to her. He was basically put on the blacklist from his family. The only reason he was being driven is because he is still a Swinddle. Other then that fact.

His mother looked over from her seat. "We should be there soon, Austin.... Austin.... AUSTIN!" She yelled as she yanked out the head buds. "God, I can't wait to drop you off..."

"Yeah I know... I can't wait either. It's not like your gonna miss me... Maybe you can look towards Tim and John. Maybe they can make up for the mistake I was... Besides I know you wanted Claudia before me...." He said before putting his ear buds in.

His mother sat there, mouth agape. She had nothing to say. She looked away as a tear went down her cheek.

They pulled up to the entrance of the farm when Austin called the driver to stop. "Stop!..." He demanded. He got out and grabbed his bag. "I'd say I miss you, and you'd miss me. But lets be honest your happy to get rid of me..." He said slamming the door. He watched as the car sat there for a second before turning around and driving back from the direction it cam.

Austin let out a big sigh as he walked down the dirt road leading to the farm.

After the short walk, Austin walked upon the actual farm. He dropped his bag at the porch. "Hello?..." He called out. He didn't see anyone. He saw the door was open a jar. He didn't care he walked in. "Hello? Anyone here?" He asked.
Jason turned his head as the door opened seeing the most cowboy like man he had ever seen. Now that's a cowboy he thought as he pushed himself up off the wall. He tossed his yo-yo back into his backpack before holding the door open for everyone to enter, giving each person an award winning smile. He had to admit if these were the people he would be working with it wouldn't be as bad as he thought. The rich girl would be annoying for sure but everyone else seemed normal enough. Some of them were pretty attractive too. He strolled into the dining room, eyes widening at the food. "Nice spread Mr. Reed. Kill the pigs for this meal earlier this morning?" he said with a half joking half serious smile stretched on his face. lette lette Luna_Marie Luna_Marie ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki taliaangeni taliaangeni Lazy Taco Lazy Taco FireMaiden FireMaiden
Danielle paid little attention to who arrived, giving who ever greeted her a small wave as she scrolled through her phone. Her best friend had been messaging her non-stop for the past two days, and while Danielle didn't mind; it was a little annoying. They weren't even friends, it was the person who rather her out about the mail boxes. Look up though tot he first girl, she couldn't help but smirk a bit; she was gorgeous. Danielle obviously didn't know her name was Luna, but still found her stunning. She may be demi, but it's always nice to find good looking people.

Others began arriving, one guy standing off to the side looking at...something, seemed like the kinda guy she hangs out with back home. Then there was the guy who was saying something about Santos. Danielle didn't know who that was, and hardly cared, but he was good looking too. In fact, as she looked around, they were all good looking; though some of them looked like they wouldn't get along with her. That's fine, she's not reply there to make friends. Turning her attention away from the group, she reached into the first pocket of her bookbag and pulled out what looked like a small water bottle full of a light carmel colored drink. In reality is was straight up bourbon, her choice of posion, that she took a good long drink from before quickly shoving it back in her bag as Mr.Reed came outside to greet them.

She removed her ear buds to listen, before she stood up and grabbed her stuff to get it off the steps before she headed inside after the gorgeous girl Luna. Looking around, she scoffed. "Aw, this is gonna suck," She muttered, "What did you get yourself into Danielle?" But, the smell of food made her stomach grumble, so the girl made her way over to the table to look at what all was there, before grabbing a few things she could eat with her hands.
Dani smiled as she seen Tyson wave. Hoping down from thr fence she half skipped half walked over to him. "Oh Santos i missed you" she walked over giving the stallion a few kisses on the nose. She peeked around him to Tyson and gave him a grin before continuing on "oh you sweet thing i bet you won all the categories". She looked more time at Tyson "oh hey Ty i didn't see you there" she said laughing before giving Santos one last kiss before walking over. "So how did it go?" She asked eagerly.
Boondox Boondox

Colt made it to the house just as everyone was walking in. "Wow" he said to himself "this summer is gonna suck". He snickered as he made his way off the horse. He removed his saddle and bridal and let him over to the nearby paddock where lunas horse was. He walked up and placed his saddle over the rail of the porch before walking inside "hey dad hey yall" he too tipped his hat at the greeting. "Im colt, I think i just seen dani talking to Tyson, they sould be in soon". He grabbed a plate and helped himself to a couple of goodies from the table before proping his self up in the corner "hey luna,where you been hidein?".

Mr Reed heard somone calling from the door "this way" he called back to the voice. He turned his attention too the soon crowded room "y'all help yourslef there is plenty" he took his hat off "let me bless it first" he bowed his head "thank you lord for this meal,we ask you bless it and bless us and this farm lord father we pray amen". He returned his hat "dig in" he smiled. Turning his attention to one boy asking about the food "nah these were in the freezer awhile he said in a jokingly tone". After breakfast we can introduce ourself and get settled in" "y'all all relax from your travilin right now"
Inside the house the smell of bacon was overpowering. Way better than the smell outside. Her stomach growled and she realized she was hungry. Victoria had skipped eating before getting on the plane. Flying made her nervous and even though she didn't show it she was nervous being here. Grabbing a plate, Victoria put two strips of bacon, and an egg on the plate and filled a glass with orange juice. Sitting, she placed the plate and glass on table and picked up the fork to examine it. Finding it clean she took a bite from the eggs. They were good.
Tyson Thomas Black

Catching movement in the corner of his eye, Tyson could only chuckle as he heard Dani's sweet voice cooing to his horse. Santos responded to Dani almost as well as he did to Tyson. The off-white stallion perked his ears an nickered softly to her as he then bumped his nose afew times on her hand before she went to give him a last kiss, as her lips pressed against the velvet softness of his nose he stretched his head out to her, holding his nose against her for an extra few seconds before she pulled away. Almost disappointed he took a deep breath an exhaled it loudly, much like a sigh.

Tyson shook his head an dropped the last brush in the box before picking up the hoof pick an looking to Dani "You keep this up and hes going to expect this kind of treatment every time we come home" Chuckling again he leaned down to pick out the first hoof, listening to Dani as she moved around Santos' large figure to address him. Tyson smirked as he finished the first one an stood up straight "We won almost all the categories, however we came out reigning champions" he stated pointing down at his belt buckle "How have things been here since I left?" Tyson couldn't help but soak in the time he had with Dani. She was a good looking young woman but she was also very bright an positive.
lette lette
754EBADF-722E-460E-A17E-F38CCA15C070.jpeg Her head perked up at Colts arrival and Luna couldn’t help but cross the room and throw an arm around his waist, careful not to knock over his plate. She was generally very affectionate and physical when it came to those she knew. She grinned up at Colt and released him from the half hug, leaning against the wall about a foot away.
“Oh you know how I am, when I ain’t workin I’m off runnin about. What about you? Haven’t seen you come into town the past week, cafes pretty lonely without my friends swinging by.”
Luna grinned and poked at his ribs, settling nicely in the atmosphere and trying to use conversation to rid the room of the uncomfortable silence from the kids.
Austin walked in when he heard someone call for him to come. The voice was a rather old man. It wasn't that hard to find his way. His house was decorated rather well. It had this southern country feel. It was very open and inviting. He walked to where the rest of the group. "Hmmm Looks like there's some interesting characters...." He thought to himself as he grabbed a plate and began putting food.

He looked around at some of the people that were there. It was obvious to tell who was here by court order, and who was here by their own. Austin's gaze was only stopped one time. It was when he looked at the curvy girl in the coveralls. Now Austin had a lot of problems, and another one was that one of his biggest weakness's was curvy girls.He only looked at her for a second before returning to scanning the room at who he could turn on everyone.

He walked over and sat down by the blonde girl. She looked like she came from money. Like a girl that got whatever she wanted, and did what ever she wanted and got away with it till she was caught, and couldn't get away with it. He quietly ate his food.

Luna_Marie Luna_Marie
Dani smiled "he will always get this treatment when you bring him to me!" "You know he loves me more then he does you" she teased. She looked at his nee buckle "well congratulations! I wish i could have went this time" she shrugged "you know how it is around here same shit different day" she kicked the dirt around making swirls with her boots "i spent the last 2 weeks getting everything ready". Suddenly remembring she looked up "your coming to the party Friday night right?" She started walking to the house nodding for him to follow. She wanted ti spend a little more time with him bit knew she had to go help with the others.
Boondox Boondox

Colt smiled from from her hug "i been busy getting everything ready for these people"he laughed "iv also been getti ng ready for the rodeo coming up" he scanned over the crowed notticing all the pretty girls sitring around him. He notticed the guy that just walked in staring at luna. "Looks like you have an admirer" he grined and ever s lightly tilted his head in the nee guys direction.
Luna_Marie Luna_Marie Dak Dak
Tyson Thomas Black

Tyson smirked as he continued picking the dirt from his horses feet, all the while listening to every word Dani said to him. As she congratulated him he chuckled "Well thanks, hey maybe you will get the chance to tag along next season but you know theres still the rodeo here thats always run before seasons over" with that he then finished the last hoof, releasing it from his hold, Santos pulled it from his hand an set it back down in the dirt with a heavy thud. Tossing the pick into the grooming box he then leaned on his horses rump as she explained the preparations for the kids and then proceeded to ask about the traditional Reeds party "Of course I am going to attend the party, I never miss it. Besides, it gives Santos another visit with you who spoils him like a king" As she started for the house he gave santos one last pat on the hip before jogging to catch up to Dani, tapping the brim on her hat, causing it to fall infront of her face playfully.
lette lette

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