My secret revealed


New Member
okay, I have this insane idea for a roleplay. Scenario: Matthew Hatters is a cross dresser. But a closet one. He'll often wear dresses to go around town in but nobody knows. One day, someone sees him and thinks he looks familiar. What will happen next?

Rules: I don't mind swearing or suggested themes. Yaoi and Yuri are allowed. Nothing else except don't hate.

Form of Magic:








None, just pretty

Matthew Hatters



View attachment 11955<- That's Yohio, I just felt like making my chari like that...

Really shy, doesn't like talking to people. He was bullied or being rally feminine when he was in middle school so now he avoids eye contact.

yay thanks!

form of magic:um can control plants and can speak to animals

name:Nichole Lowe



appearance: she has short black reddish hair to her neck, African American with light skin,hazel eyes,glasses, 5'41/2

personality:shy, super shy she is herself with animals and plants. she loves helping them

other:she's a fairy though she keeps that side hidden unless theres trouble
Nichole practiced her magic with plants. she then said''MAGIC WINX BELIEVIX!" changing to her fairy form. she flew through her obstacle course.
Matthew smiled in the mirror. Today was one of the special days where he wore womens' clothing. He looked at his appearance and smiled approvingly. He looked good in the pink dress he was wearing. He left his appartment and wandered around the neighbourhood.
Matthew continued walking down the street. He loved being in the clothes he was most comfortablein, but part of him was worried beyond belief. What if some one saw him and recognized him. Then his secret would be out.
Matthew looked up from the sidewalk where he landed. He saw a girl who was younger than him. He got up. "No, it's all right." He avoided eye contact.
Nichole tilted her head something was off.well we all have our secrets... she said''i like your outfit.''smiling widely and kindly. she helped him up. suddenly she got hit by a dark ball of magic. She cried out and looked up. she gasped afraid. she looked around frantically. i have no choice. she stood up. ''MAGIC WINX BELIEVIX!" the theme song played as she transformed. she posed and said''NICHOLE FAIRY OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS!" her outfit was a fushia skirt kinda frilly and a top that was a little sparkly. she had heeled boots and fingerless gloves. she spread her wings and glared at the Twix.
Matthew's eyes widened in disbelief. Maye he had hit his head when he fell. He just gaped at the scene unfolding before him.

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