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Answered My Message treated as Spam-Like Content

Would it be possible to get a list so people know what to avoid?
No, we do not share the list publicly precisely so that people don't use it to avoid the filter.

The filter is not there to annoy users but to catch spammers and people who come here to advertise things that are not allowed.

All it takes for legitimate user to stop getting the error is talk a little on the forums. Participate in discussion, join a rp, make interest check... nothing too big to ask of someone who would like to stay on the site, you'd get there naturally.

People who come here with other intentions are not likely to bother with that.
Honestly I've stopped doing the chonky in depth introduction to interesting RPers that sound like a perfect match to me for the time being. I've just started typing in, "Hi I'm being spam blocked, ironically, by the spam filter on this website for being new. I swear I'm a decent RPer and you really do deserve a better approach than this and I can do better than this, but I need a few moments to be released from the confines of spam". LMAO, people seem to be understanding when you mention the spam filter so just make sure to add that in and you should be fine. Best of luck finding RP buds! o/
This was happening to me too! Literally just posting here so I can get some of my posts in lol
Rather than necro a two-year-old thread just to get posts in, why not check out the discussion sections? Engaging with the community there is a great way to not only make posts, but make friends, too. (And maybe even find RP partners!)
Yeah, I get this whenever I try to edit messages in PMs. Just gotta acclimate to the new community by joining discussion threads!
Please do not use this thread a s a way to bump your post count.
Consider participating in Discussion sections instead.
So... ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ I was planning on sending a user a BBCoded direct message but instead of it being sent when I click the "Post reply" button. I get a notification:

"Oops! We ran into some problems.
Your content can not be submitted. This is likely because your content is spam-like or contains inappropriate elements. Please change your content or try again later. If you still have problems, please contact an administrator."

I tested the message on My Private Workshop a few days back and it worked, but now that I am sending it in a dm to someone. This notification shows up at the top of my browser o(〒﹏〒)o .
yeah I'm having this problem too

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