My little pony, Rp is magic

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I'm going to create a profile and put it up here. You can decide if she should be in the role play

Username: MarySunshine

Name: Merrily

Gender: Female

Occupation: Nanny

Personality: Generally kind, but becomes quite mean when angry

History: Merrily has been living in Ponyville her whole life. She usually keeps to herself, mostly because she doesn't want to upset people. She got her cutie mark while foll-sitting in a garden, so she isn't really sure what her specialty is.

Sexuality: Straight

Cutie mark: Flowers on a stem


Other: She's looking for her one true love.
Username:Blazing Shock

Name: Vulcan Blaze


Occupation:wondering musician

Personality: Happy but easily ticked off

History: He was an orphan who never knew who his parents really were. He picked up his first instrument at the age of 7. Now he can play a multitude of instruments but mainly sticks to guitar. He wonders around Equestria playing music to being mainly smiles to everyone.

Sexuality: straight

Cutie mark: a golden heart with a pair of flaming wings

Appearance:tall and lean with a bright red coat and midnight black mane and tail.
Character sign up:

Username: DJ SeBass

Names: Sugar Heart and Ruby Prism

Genders: Sugar: Female Ruby: Male

Occupation: Couple

Personalities: Sugar: calm but happy cookie and sweets baker Ruby: Steel and Light Prism sculptor

History: They have known each other for 3 years and are happily in a relationship

Sexuality: both straight

Cutie marks: Sugar: heart shaped sugar cookie with colored sprinkles Ruby: a black rectangular prism

Appearances: Sugar: white body / pink and blue colored mane and tail / green eyes Ruby: Red body / blue and black mane and tail / black eyes / bandana around the neck that fades green to purple.

may i join?
Username: Shadow Dancer

Name: Indicus

Gender: Male

Occupation: Lunar special forces commander

Personality: possesses an aura of authority, talks to his squad more then anyone else


Born in the small town of West Clairson, apart of the country Thalemn. Indicus never knew his father or mother but instead was later adopted at the age of three by a Griffin and pony that lived there. He was given the name Indicus, a Griffin name by his adopted parents.

Through his childhood he was quiet and observed everything around him, thus making only a few friends. He even accidentally snuck up on his friends multiple times earning him the nickname Shadow Dancer. During that time he also learned how to use his magic. Later becoming the Apprentice of a old unicorn that took notice of Indicus and taught him how to control and use shadow magic.

He was eighteen, when he left his home to sign up for the Thalemn special forces more specifically the Marines. At Nineteen he completed all his training and was officially part of the Marines.

At the age of thirty, he retired from the Marines, and returned home, hoping to relax after twelve years of service during which he was a commander and lost some good friends. Now away from the conflicts and drawing his pension.

At thirty-two, Equestria got its Lunar princess back, and she was looking to recruit for her branch of the military. He received a letter saying that she received his dossier and was inviting him to be a squad leader. He refused for many years.

Age thirty-five, his parents were robbed and killed. They were given a funeral the next day. A month later he joined the Lunar Special forces to help him forget.

Sexuality: strait

Cutie mark: dagger through a dragons skull

Appearance: black coat, grey mane and tail, wears black leather hooded armor with hidden blades in the gauntlets, two sharp fangs, and stilted brown eyes.

Other: owns multiple weapons (Note: I may make insignificant OCs due to his title of commander) He is a unicorn variant of the batpony
Username: AkioTheHero

Name: Sky Dash

Gender: Male

Occupation: Helps R.D with Cloud Moving

Personality: Kind, hates to lose, always practicing, loyal

History: Born soon after Discord was defeated, and is Rainbow's little brother.

Sexuality: ((Bi, gay, lesbian or straight)): Straight

Cutie mark: Will be same as R.D's but blue lightning instead



(May I post more?)

I have an awesome love for ponies and I'm an aspiring writer. Prepare for a lot of detail and such





Rare Nightmare




Nothing is exactly set and stone. Due to her constant moving, Rare picks up whatever she can; this includes doing the "dirty" jobs that goody-two-shoed ponies can't do on their own.


This 23-year-old mare is rough and tough, but is classy and elegant about it. She values image, confidence, and one's ability to remain fashionably graceful about it. Rare cares for others, though jobwise, no one is a friend. She often makes jokes or remarks that are purposely hurtful, but once you get to know her, Rare is actually somewhat humorous. Though most of what she does requires a practically emotionless figure, she desperately wishes for a filly of her own. Unfortunately, she know all too well that her curse disables her from ever being able to care for something as important as another pony's life.


A unicorn who has been fascinated with dark magic since she was a filly. Rare was so allured by it, that she attempted to control spells much too advanced for her, ultimately ending in the spell backfiring and corrupting her once gentle soul. As time went on, Rare Nightmare found it extremely difficult to be sweet and caring as other ponies usually were, often resulting in outbreaks of anger and/or frustration with herself. This made her an outcast, and she swore to one day wreak havoc on those who disowned her. She fled Ponyville and has been moving from city to city ever since, constantly brushing up on her dark magic's. Ever since she ran from her hometown, she was long past trying to be her old self, and now accepted what she deemed her "new fate": becoming a self-absorbed, uncaring, and selfish mare, whose drive is to rid the world of those Rare deems unfit. In her eyes, she's doing the world a favor. As an inspiration, Rare Nightmare looks up to Luna and Nightmare Moon very fondly, hoping to one day be able to study, and maybe even control, the magic that created Nightmare Moon herself.



Cutie mark:

Three Blue Diamonds (Like Rarity) Surrounded By Small, White Stars


Rare Nightmare was inspired by Nightmare Rarity from the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic comic book series. Read more here.

Theme Song: [media]

(This isn't from an episode or comic issue or anything, I just picked this song out myself).


Nightmare Rarity Is Best Pony.
Username: Battleworn

Name: Lithium

Gender: Female (mare)

Occupation: Lithium is a Gypsy that travels around Equestria, telling fortune, performing magic, and giving guidance to ponies in need.

Personality: Lithium is quite a mysterious piny indeed. Though it is rare for her to open up to someponies, once you get to know her, she can be the kindest, funniest, most generous pony you can have as a friend.

History: Lithium came from a very wealthy, noble family and was raised in Canterlot. Of corse, her family had a long line of gypsies and magority of her family we unicorns so naturally, she took interest in it as well. After reaching the age of 13, she was allowed to travel the world with her Mother, Father, and Sister. Eventually, Lithium got older and more mature so she decided to start traveling on her own, maybe settle down somewhere, find a handsome stallion mater, and maybe even start a family. But that would be hard for a mare of her kind. Through her travels, she stopped in pony ville, planning on staying there for about a week.

Sexuality: Straight

Cutie mark: Two swords crossing and two sparkles, symbolizing her strong guarded heart and her love for magic.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/imgres-4.jpeg.b03f3f6e66651928ec701f94a6ce4192.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25337" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/imgres-4.jpeg.b03f3f6e66651928ec701f94a6ce4192.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Username: Battleworn

Name: Aspen FeatherWing

Gender: Male (stallion)

Occupation: None. But sometimes he helps with the weather around Ponyville sometimes.

Personality: Totally open. Aspen loves talking and making new friends. He is funny, excitable, always happy, and super encouraging. As long as he is around, no one shall have a frown upon their face!

History: Aspen FeatherWing is your average Pegasus pony. He has lots of friends, but he favors Pinkie Pie because they get along so well. He grew up in Ponyville but he takes vacations every now and then.

Sexuality: Bi

Cutie mark: Half of a green aspen tree leaf, and on the other side, half of a white feather.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/imgres-6.jpeg.e436a0f04d5e5cab1a8fb324d62c9831.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25351" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/imgres-6.jpeg.e436a0f04d5e5cab1a8fb324d62c9831.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Aspen has a slight crush on Doctor Whooves. But he denies his feelings a lot because he knows that The Doctor isn't gay and that he already likes Derpy Whooves.



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