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Fandom My Little Pony Friendship is Magic RP

The young bare flanked unicorn was just exiting the library with a few new books in her bag, she had wanted to study more about the moon and what they already knew about it and she waved goodbye to the librarian before trotting onto the cobblestone road.
Alex trotted through the town, he was studying the art styles of pony throughout Equestria for ideas and so far nothing. He sighed and sat down. He had been walking practically all day. Uggggghhhh
The mare was looking at Ponyville from the Everfree forest before sighing and lying down with her chin on her hooves. Her rainbow eyes filling with tears. "I wish I could go down there, but if I even go near anypony I kill them." She kicked a stone away from her as she continued, "If only I wasn't imbued with Death Magic then I could be like everypony else... And have friends..." She pushed her mane out of her face and around her horn. She then looked down at the clover on her leg, "You're the only thing that understands me in this world..." She pushed back the hood on her black cloak to reveal a black pony with a wavy dark teal and dark blue mane, and rainbow eyes. "I need to visit my aunt..." And with that she pulled her hood back up, blanketing her face in darkness, and trotting into the depths of the Everfree forest.
Thunder, the ebony coated war pony trotted through ponyville. He was massive, broad shouldered and heavily muscled and an absolute brute. He'd been honnorably discharged from celetia's troops after taking a blast from a unicorn that was mean to hit celestia, instead it hit Thunder and wounded him. He wore a bandage around his thick front left leg and walked with a bit of a limp. Thunder seemed quite intimidating at first, but he was actualy a gentle giant to those who were non-hostile. However his mark, was in battle, he wore a crest of war on his flank, a shining sword and a shield. He was a unicorn, but knew little magic, he mostly used the horn for combat.
She looked around and stopped near a mud puddle, snickering. She used her magic to pick up a ball of mud and smear it on her face. She burst into laughter. This unicorn's cutie mark, an amethyst, the gem she had been named after also got coated in mud.

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